Robot Jox (1989)

It is 50 years since the nuclear holocaust
almost destroyed mankind.
War is now outlawed.
And all territorial disputes
between the two great alliances...
are settled by single combat.
Here at the Confederation
playing field in Siberia...
a battle rages between
two gigantic fighting machines...
piloted by their nation's champions
the Robot "Jox."
Alexander, you win.
Alexander! I can't move!
I think my back's broken.
I would likejudgment.
If you please.
Thejudgment is victory
for the Confederation.
Alexander, hold your position.
I yield!
I yield!
You're next, Achilles!
He didn't have to kill him.
You surprised?
Should have sent my boy in.
He wouldn't let that bum knee stop him.
It wasn't primarily the knee.
They knew how to
counter the tar spray.
Clearly a matter of espionage.
It's not parallel development?
No. The spy again.
Spy or no spy,
knee or no knee...
you let that bastard kill
nine of our guys in a row...
when my boy could have
nailed him at any time!
- Nobody let anybody do anything!
- Achilles is the best!
You say he's not the best?
That's why we're saving him!
To fight for Alaska!
Alaska? Big deal!
It is big! Oil, timber and minerals.
The goddamn Eskimos!
The point is, if my boy
had been in there today...
nobody would have had to
fight Alexander for Alaska.
He'd be dead!
We cannot allow the Confederation...
to occupy one square inch
of American soil.
Soil is just dirt.
All the rest of the team is dead.
Charles Virgil Peck.
Fighting name, Hercules.
Born in Tucson, Arizona.
- Twenty-seven yesterday.
- It was him and me.
- Now it's just me.
- He had seven fights, three kills.
Go get him!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Go! Get him!
You okay?
You okay?
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
Good work.
You did great.
- What the hell was that?
- Just checking your reflexes.
Come on, that's enough!
It's over! It's over!
Okay. Get him, Sargon.
Come on!
Get to moving, Sargon!
Goddamn "tubie"! Workout's over!
It isn't over until
one of us is defeated.
In training?
It's a wonder any of them
live to make it this far.
- Don't let him get to you.
- Yeah.
- She's one of'em?
- Heard they had a woman.
Not too shabby.
They do all right against each other.
Never gonna be jox, though.
Well, some of them aren't
too hard to look at though.
Cold fish. Damn "tubies."
- Pity, ain't it?
- Achilles, Commander Conway...
I would like you to
meet Professor Laplace.
Oh, yeah. You're the one that came up
with these test-tube babies.
I wish you wouldn't use that term.
They're as human as either of you.
- No mothers, no fathers.
- Human beings.
Genetically engineered to be
the best fighters in history.
The Market would appreciate
complete cooperation from you...
during their final training.
If you mean feed and diaper 'em,
I'm afraid we don't have time.
Big fight comin' up,
in case you didn't hear.
You have an obligation to see that
they have the best training possible.
You'll find they're very quick to learn.
Manufactured people.
The Confederation is
developing "GenJox" too.
We cannot afford to fall behind.
Here. I'd appreciate it if you
could provide us with raw material.
Raw material?
For the gene pool.
You are the Market's most famous jox.
Your DNA will be used to breed
a superior stock of warrior.
You ain't using my DNA
to make no "tubies."
Could we just skip the middleman
and make a direct deposit?
Ooh, boy!
This is where we run the show.
Watch the battle on those screens...
and check hardware status
on those readouts.
Doc Matsumoto, here,
does the technical stuff.
I handle the tactics.
I thought the jock ran
the show from the cockpit.
The robot, yeah, he controls the robot.
But it's a team effort.
He could, though.
He could do it alone.
He'd lose.
Any other questions?
Yes, Commander Conway?
- Name's Tex, little lady.
- My name is Athena.
What's your question?
In your last battle, the Vassilyev fight,
you were clearly overmatched.
Then one perfectly placed laser blast
turned the tide in your favor.
I know, I was there.
That's ancient history.
The battle files contain
no special intelligence...
on any vulnerable points
in Vassilyev's shielding.
What tactics did you use
to find the weak spot in his defenses?
Luck. It was a lucky shot, little lady.
Chance is always a factor.
Experience essential,
but luck is also important.
Let's check in on the boy.
Now left, make a fist.
We have a differential of 1.35.
- Right's always stronger.
- What was it last time?
- 1.28.
- 1.28.
We need the "waldo" interface
checks, jock buddy.
- Left one first?
- Either one.
Don't make me do 'em both at once.
I have already killed you...
right here.
And that's what Alexander had to say to
Achilles in an interview earlier today.
Ajax, do you think Achilles
has a chance?
You're damn right he's got a chance.
He's gonna kill that Confed!
Hey, I don't know.
Alexander looks pretty tough.
This is Achilles's last fight.
Hey, whose side are you on here?
... a new secret weapon they've
been saving just for this fight.
- A new weapon?
- Yeah! Our side, man, our side.
Achilles, 4-1 odds.
Fifty market shares.
- What'd you go for?
- Fifty more!
Hey, I want half of that!
I want half of that!
Hey! There he is!
And there he is, Achilles,
hero of the Market.
Winner of nine straight fights.
Trying to become the only man
besides the legendary Tex Conway...
to win all 10 compulsory fights.
He's fighting today
for the territory of Alaska...
rich in mineral wealth, oil, lumber
and other precious natural resources.
- Break him in half, Commander.
- Little pieces, Wayne.
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
Go get 'em, Commander.
Right, there might a little lag
in this right laser.
- They fix the ankle joint okay?
- Oh, yeah. You could dance with it.
I'm gonna stomp with it.
- Crash and burn.
- Crash and burn.
Prepare to close canopy.
Canopy engaged. Closing.
Canopy closed.
Roger. Prepare for primary union.
We have union.
Check. Last one, boy.
You gonna make history today.
What I'm gonna make
is trouble for Alexander.
That's it. Keep your mind
on the here and now.
Just don't get cautious on me,
is what I mean.
That's how you get in trouble.
Don't let it get to you.
Nothing's gonna get to me.
Personal message for Achilles.
- Just called to wish you luck.
- Good luck!
- Good luck!
- Hey, thanks a lot.
What? Was that your brother?
Yeah. Calling to wish me luck.
Wish you'd tell him to stop doin'that.
Bad luck to say "good luck."
Well, hasn't killed me yet.
I guess not.
Ready to walk?
Open her up.
Clear the silo deck.
All personnel, clear the silo deck.
All personnel.
- Here he comes.
- Crash and burn, Achilles.
And there he is. Achilles's robot,
the new Matsumoto 14.
Facing off with the Confederation's
Vovalevsky 42.
Listen to that crowd.
Prepare to clear the gantry.
Clear the gantry.
Ready for "waldo" check.
Fire away.
All right. New weapons check.
The wrist saw has been replaced
by a fusionarc torch.
Green lasers installed
in the shoulder turrets.
- Fire with the pickle on the right palm.
- Check.
Can I go out now, Dad?
Let's move it.
Come on, let's go.
Just cannon, boy.
Best answer him.
Minimum burn damage
to right forearm plating.
I have a little local heating, I guess
right at the contact point. No big deal.
- Try that new green laser pair.
- Okay.
Jesus! Did you see that?
I thought the green laser
was a secret weapon.
Hard to keep secrets in this business.
Too many damn spies!
Adjust the shield peak frequency.
We lost the advantage, boy.
It's clobberin' time.
Fine with me.
Here comes the referee floater.
The referees have shut down
the long-range weapons systems.
No more missiles, cannons or lasers.
Now it's man-to-man.
There's the face off.
Who's going to make the first move?
Watch for that kick.
He's tricky.
- Achilles isn't moving.
- Oh, no! Get up! Get up!
This may be it.
He could be down for the count.
Massive trauma indicated.
Head injury.
He's unconscious.
It could be a concussion.
- Alpha waves breaking up.
- Copy.
- Get up, boy.
- Get up!
- Get on your feet.
- Get up!
Damn it! Get on your feet!
He's comin' for you!
He's fired his fist at Achilles!
It's out of control!
It's heading for the bleachers!
- Oh, my God!
- My God!
This was the scene
only six hours ago...
in the too aptly named
Death Valley.
There are no words...
to describe the magnitude of this tragedy,
ladies and gentlemen.
The total dead number over 300...
in this, the worst disaster
in the history of the games.
And now we return
to the hearing in progress...
as both sides
present their summations.
The Confederation's new weapon, as used,
was clearly in violation of rule seven.
Nothing classified
as a long-range weapon...
may be employed during the final
hand-to-hand combat period.
That certainly characterizes the weapon
Alexander launched as he was falling...
which Achilles heroically intercepted...
risking his life
to protect the spectators.
The Confederation
must forfeit the match...
and abandon their claim
on the sovereign state of Alaska.
For the benefit of the media
and the public...
let me first make two things clear.
One although it is tragic that people
lost their lives in this incident...
that tragedy is irrelevant.
Two the motivation of Achilles
in choosing to block the weapon...
is also irrelevant.
We hereby declare the match
inconclusive. A draw.
The stewardship of Alaska will remain
undetermined for one week.
One week from today,
you will meet again in Death Valley...
for a rematch.
Yeah! One week you're mine.
I kill you dead.
- No. I'm not fighting.
- What? What?
What do you mean?
Wait! Wait! Wait!
I did my contract.
Ten fights. That's it.
You've lost your nerve!
Achilles is quitting!
All right! All right!
Clear the room!
No more pictures.
Get these reporters out of here!
Get out!
Well, you've all seen it
for yourselves.
CommissionerJameson has just ejected
the press from the tribunal room.
- What the hell?
...following Achilles's decision...
not to fight Alexander
in a rematch next Saturday.
We can only surmise that
Achilles's decision was based on...
the death of 300-plus
spectators earlier today.
Well, there you have it, fans.
Achilles, one of the greatest robojox
ever to fight in the Tribunal...
has chosen to retire.
- Our day has come early.
- All right.
One week before the first
of you is tested in battle.
Interesting he should
turn out to be a coward.
- Coward?
- He refuses to fight.
This was his last one.
Wouldn't you fight again
if you had the chance?
He's not a coward!
Whatever you say, Athena.
All right, start talking.
- Not much to talk about.
- We have a great deal to talk about.
Let's start with violation of contract,
shall we? You haven't finished 10 fights.
- Started 10, that's enough.
- Uh-uh.
Don't bother to show me out.
I know the way.
It isn't over until someone wins.
You sound like one
of your damn "tubies."
You can't even read your goddamn
contract. How do you know
I can't read, but I'm not dumb!
Don't pull that shit on me!
Wait! Just hold it!
Let's negotiate.
- Save it.
- I can offer you any reasonable amount.
- Save it, Commiss
- No, I'm serious.
How much do you want?
I don't want money.
What I want is out.
- Here he is!
- No comment. That's it. It's over.
Crash and burn, baby.
Hey, how about another drink?
Oh, you're so much better.
What's that one, H?
No, it's an I. Imperial.
- What is it, G the next one?
- No, no.J. Maybe a julep.
- Hey, don't you think you've had about
- Give me a julep.
Achilles, the law says that
I cannot serve anyone who is drunk.
And you gotta admit
you are one drunk guy.
Well, when I'm so drunk
you think you can stop me...
you try to stop me.
Your funeral.
Achilles, we're curious.
You know when you went back
- Oh, you're that all right.
- No, I was wondering
Hey, Hugo, look. New model.
- Ooh, they're quick. I'm telling you.
- You had the advantage.
And then apparently you risked defeat
in order to save some spectators.
- I was
- Yet they knew they were taking a risk.
Everyone of them signed a release
before they went to the bleachers.
It's the goddamn bleacher bums, yeah.
You would have just let 'em die?
Of course I would have let them die.
- You too?
- Of course.
Boy, you're a couple of hard cases.
- It's Alexander.
- What does he want?
Ah, my friend.
Drinking to forget?
Not your friend.
What an impressive end to your career,
over 300 casualties. Congratulations.
There's gonna be one more
you don't keep that mouth shut.
Ah, yes.
Did you hear a squeak?
- I challenge you!
- I do not fight "tubies."
You will... next week.
It'll be me.
Better hope not.
I will make your death... interesting.
You touched me!
Come on! Come on.
Let's finish it, Alexander.
Here and now.
I would not fight you
even if you were sober.
I don't fight for fun.
What do you fight for?
Did you fight for?
Saturday, Achilles, or not at all.
Whoo! All right, everyone.
Back to the bar.
What are you doing here?
I've been here all night.
Look, I don't want to be a jerk, but...
I mean, is there something
I ought to remember?
I carried you home.
- Undressed me?
- Yes. You don't mind?
Oh, no.
Sounds real romantic.
I studied your body.
Do tell.
Two legs, two arms...
Ow. Hangover.
Oh. Orange juice.
Orange juice.
Oh, no orange juice!
Of course not.
- You guys don't drink coffee.
- Never. It affects
Oh, don't tell me.
It stunts your growth.
No, it affects one's heart.
Thank God something does.
So, you were studying me?
What, they don't teach anatomy
in "tubie" school?
I just wanted to see
if you were different.
And you found out
boys and girls are different.
I mean, for being a champion.
But there's nothing special
about your body.
So, what makes you different?
That's circular. Anyone who survives
Oh, I don't know.
They say you make your own luck.
That just means the person with
the most confidence is more likely to win.
Maybe, maybe not.
You know those pictures
on the wall at the bar?
Now those were some confident
sons of bitches.
Maybe what they needed
was a little dose of fear.
- Fear?
- Yeah. You heard of it?
Yes, but I don't see how that could help.
Caution, yes, but not fear.
That's what I used to tell myself
before my first one.
I'm not afraid
of a goddamn thing. Huh.
Enjoy it while you can.
- I won't be afraid.
- Keep telling yourself that, kid.
I was bred not to have fear.
Okay, so you're not human.
I am human,
but I was bred for a purpose.
You. You just happened.
Yeah, that's what Daddy used to say.
That's why you quit.
You ran out of courage.
You don't know anything about it.
Rather than face Alexander again,
you took refuge in a technicality.
Ten fights is 10 fights.
Nine fights and one draw.
What do you know about it?
Huh? What do you know about it?
It isn't over until somebody wins!
This is over.
I wanted to learn the secret
of the great Achilles...
but you just talk
about luck and fear.
There's nothing you can teach me,
except how to lose.
You know, she thinks she's got
a shot at fighting Alexander.
Sure. All the rest of the team gets
hit by a truck, she'd be number one.
You think?
Good on paper, but she's a woman.
No chance.
Yeah. Guess not.
Why'd you do that?
Well, they're the future,
whether we like it or not.
If they're the future,
I'm glad I'm history.
All right, hit the showers!
Hey, that wasn't so bad.
Hey, a light workout.
They do make the locker room
What's this?
Oh, my team,
we all used to wear 'em.
Thought maybe you could use it.
I know you don't believe in luck...
but it got me through 10 fights.
I'm sorry. I don't have anything
to give to you in return.
It's a present.
Just say thanks.
Guess, this is good-bye,
jock buddy.
You take care of yourself,
you hear?
You too.
Crash and burn.
That's just for jox.
- Kate.
- Jim, good to see you!
Don't let the air in.
- It's gotten worse than before?
- Oh, they say it's better.
- My turn.
- Just not used to it.
My turn!
Hey, Tommy!
But it's just UncleJim again.
I'm not fighting anymore.
- Ah, can I still call you Achilles?
- Yeah, you can.
Go get your daddy, Tommy.
Dad, Achilles is here.
Look at you.
Oh, we're just doing our part.
And besides, with six kids,
you get three bedrooms.
- Jimbo!
- Philly!
We thought you bought it last time.
Yeah. Well, crash and burn
suddenly takes on a new meaning.
Yeah. Well, you're safe now.
Listen, honey, why don't you giveJim
a beer. I'll be with you in a minute.
Yes. Come on, come on.
Hey, hey, hey, hey?
Now what did I tell you kids?
I want quiet in here.
I want everyone indoors playing.
So, how's the reading business?
Ah, well, it's a little slow.
You tell that chickenshit Achilles
that he can take his goddamn robot...
- and shove it up his ass!
- Up yours too.
We've been getting some calls like that.
About me?
They don't know anything about it.
Putting your life on the line.
Yeah, fans.
We're having real meat tonight.
To celebrate.
Part of the test is that I don't give
too many instructions.
This is the rattle room.
It shakes.
You gotta try and get to the top
without breaking your neck.
The first one to make it
through the red doorway... wins.
That's it?
That's it.
As soon as you hear the buzzer,
you try and make it to the top...
and stay alive.
- So, after a grueling barrage of tests
- Achilles? UncleJim. Wake up.
You told me to wake you if they said
who was gonna fight. It's coming on.
... and face the Confed
killing machine, Alexander.
A truly historical event.
The first female robojox, Athena.
She has only a fighting name,
fight fans...
having been genetically engineered
just to fight in the games.
And so, tomorrow will be
her big day.
Joining me now in the studio
is Professor Laplace...
creator of the GenJox program
which drew genetically
How about that, UncleJim.
You said she'd never make it.
Professor, is Athena
more than human?
- You will fight him?
- That's right.
And in return?
All I want is there won't be
any bleacher bums. Clear the area.
Well, that won't be too difficult.
In fact, we already thought about getting
rid of the spectators anyway after
Why did you decide to come back?
Do we have a deal?
Indeed we do.
- Achilles.
- Hey, Doc.
Good to have you back.
Just got the countdown sheet.
No new weapons briefing?
I was wondering about that myself.
No new weapons.
The briefing's on tape.
You screen it before the fight tomorrow,
in the cockpit.
Hold it! My boy doesn't get a computer
simulation, just goes at it cold?
- That don't make sense.
- Security measure.
The ultimate security measure.
No one, not even the engineers
that installed the individual units...
know the exact nature
of these weapons.
No one but me.
Sounds like too good a secret.
What if I don't know how to use 'em?
It's really quite simple.
Yeah, well, a knife is simple,
usin' it ain't.
You both will just have to trust me.
We've lost more matches
to security leaks...
than through any superior skills
on the part of our opponent.
This time, there'll be no leaks.
Also, this does conform
to the original, sir.
I don't know about you, I trust thatJap
about as far as I can throw him.
- Yeah?
- That green laser, for instance?
Only him and me knew all the specs.
I sure as hell didn't tell nobody.
Hey, the doc's weird,
but he ain't no spy.
I don't know.
Hey, hey, hey, buddy?
Athena. Hey
Come on, 10 more minutes.
That's it.
Work hard! Work hard!
Hey, the boy's back.
Drinks on the house!
You wanna start out with A
or you just wanna pick it up with T?
Just a beer.
I'm in training.
- Yeah?
- We know why you came back.
Do tell.
You planned to fight all along.
You pretended to retire
so they'd offer you more money!
- Well, you think what you want.
- So, why did you come back?
Needed the exercise.
I never thought that I would say this.
But I'm glad to see you,
very glad.
Wish I could say the same.
You're making my beer curdle.
And you.
You make my drink taste like blood.
Set the windshield and the battle screen
to maximum opacity.
Now, turn the yellow knob
all the way to the right.
Howdy, Doc.
Good evening, Tex.
Something I can do for you?
Well, hell. I just don't know why you
left me out of that weapons briefing.
If you think there's something out of line
or you think I'm some kind of a security
Look at this, Tex.
These are the archive's tapes
of your last fight.
Ah, Vassilyev.
Fighting in a Kobalevsky 7.
All of today's robots
evolved from its design.
It was far superior to
the Marketeer you were in.
There was no way you could've won.
But I did. Caught him with a laser.
That was a lucky shot too.
That kind of luck does not exist.
You took deliberate aim at the only
vulnerable spot in that whole shield.
Here, let's look at this
a little more closely.
I ran a structural analysis.
You knew when
and exactly where to fire.
No. Like I say. Lucky shot.
You're a Confederation agent.
Like hell.
I won Kampuchea from 'em!
A small price to pay.
What better spy to have
in place than a hero?
The most honored
of your enemy's fighters.
Well, I'll be damned.
You got me.
- It's true then?
- That's right, Doc.
You know the truth.
And the truth is gonna set you free.
- Wait.
- I got all the time in the world.
You weren't always a spy.
There was a time when you were
like Achilles...
a proud soldier.
We always remain
all the people we've been.
The oldest man
has a child inside him.
Somewhere inside you
is the real Tex Conway.
You haven't lost him yet.
That's right, Matsumoto.
Doc, meet the real Tex Conway.
- It's late.
- I found your spy.
- What?
- The spy.
- It was Matsumoto.
- Matsumoto?
I told him today
I suspected him and he...
came back here
and he shot himself.
I'll be right over.
Don't touch anything.
- Yeah?
- It's me, Athena. Did I wake you?
No. I never could sleep
before a fight. Come on in.
I was foolish at the bar last night.
I shouldn't have yelled at you.
No harm done.
I came to wish you luck.
Oh. Not is so many words.
That's bad luck.
I was thinking about
the gift you gave me.
I have a present for you too.
Please, turn around.
- You shot me
- With a sedative.
You'll be all right in a few hours.
For now, you'll sleep.
One of us leaves this room
and fights Alexander.
You crazy bitch.
Don't make me really hurt you,
old man.
Why the hell you think I came back?
Final ready check completed.
Final ready check complete.
Hey? We're up.
Huh? He's an hour early.
Hey, Achilles, a little early, huh?
Gettin' antsy?
Give him hell, Commander.
Acting kind of funny.
Ought to be, last fight and all.
Hell of a lot on his mind.
I don't want any snags today.
So, let's run that sequence again.
Get her right.
Did Achilles say anything to you
about suiting up early?
- Not to me.
- Ask him what he's doing?
Hey, jock buddy,
you in some kinda hurry, huh?
Probably didn't plug in
to the lift box.
We'll get him in the cockpit.
- All right, increase the pressure.
- Roger.
Hey, that's Achilles.
Go get him, Commander.
Hey, this ain't Achilles.
Good God.
- Get me Achilles's quarters.
- Let's get him out ofhere.
All personnel, clear the area immediately!
Condition red!
All personnel, clear the area immediately!
Condition red!
Manual override
has been deactivated.
Somebody stop that bitch!
Who's on the override?
Please! Please!
This does nobody any good.
Please respond.
- Talk some sense into her.
- I don't understand.
She's been trained since childhood to
follow orders. Something's gone wrong.
Athena, listen to me.
I know you think you're doing
the right thing, but this is wrong.
No. Even under the best of conditions...
I would've been a better match
for Alexander.
And Achilles is indisposed.
What did you do to my boy?
I put him to sleep.
Please, evacuate the robot.
You're invalidating all of my work.
Elevator at level 10.
Level 9.
Level 8.
Well, at least we can keep her inside.
This is the commissioner. Someone's
trying to hijack the robot. Take it back.
Take him prisoner?
No. Don't endanger your men.
Shoot to kill.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
That's not gonna work.
- Get back!
- Jesus!
Holy shit!
And I'm telling you she can't be stopped!
She's on full internal!
- Athena! The override.
- She busted it.
She's out!
Switch to external monitors.
My God,
she's actually gonna do it.
- Not if I can help it.
- Get me in there.
Stop the match.
We have a problem.
She said she put you to sleep.
Your robot has taken the field.
That constitutes a legal challenge.
Achilles is not in command of the robot.
Our fighter is not in there.
Identity of the fighters
is not our responsibility.
We protest! Achilles must be allowed
to take command of the robot!
Identity of the fighters is not
our responsibility. End of transmission.
Well, if she's gonna fight him,
we better make sure she wins.
- Where's Matsumoto?
- He's dead.
- What?
- Killed himself. He was the spy.
Oh, God!
What about the secret weapons?
Don't guess they're secret anymore.
Still, she can use 'em.
Athena, you better listen up.
You got some new weapons.
Punch up the onboard tape file
and you might get descriptions of them.
New weapons briefing.
Looks like he recorded from the lab
straight into the onboard tape file.
The sole new feature
for this fight is a blinder.
An array of magnesium flares
many times brighter than the sun.
It will blind your opponent
for up to 90 seconds.
The trigger is under the sun image
on the left control palm.
Set the windshield and the battle screen
to maximum opacity.
Turn the yellow knob
all the way to the right.
I got all the time in the world.
You weren't always a spy.
There was a time
when you were like Achilles...
- a proud soldier.
- Yeah.
We always remain
all the people we've been.
The oldest man has a child inside him.
- Guards! Put this man under arrest.
- Tex Conway?
That slyJap son of a bitch.
He had the camera on.
Tex? You didn't
Sure as hell did! Watch!
You're right, Matsumoto.
Oh, God!
He shot Matsumoto.
I'll see you hang for this.
Uh-uh. I'll see you in hell.
Get him!
Get back to your goddamned posts!
Hey, get back to your post, man!
Anybody caught deserting
their posts will be shot!
Pull yourselves together.
We have a job to do.
He's airborne.
Yeah. He likes to grandstand.
Let him waste the fuel.
Great shooting!
Hit him with a blinder. Now!
But ifTex is the spy,
Alexander will know about the blinder.
He didn't have time to tell him!
Use the bolo saw!
Yeah! Yeah, yeah!
Great work! Great work!
Severe damage to arm.
Oh, he's killing her!
He's killing her!
Stop the match!
Stop it! Oh, please!
- He's killing her!
- Uh-oh! Achilles! It's too late!
Alexander, your opponent
is unconscious.
The battle is concluded, with tentative
judgment for the Confederation.
Hold your position.
The woman?
Why don't I just crush you... both?
Alexander, final judgment
is for the Confederation.
You must leave the field
or be held in contempt of process.
I could, you know...
squash you both like bugs.
No! You're a lot of things,
Alexander, but you're not a coward!
I'm gonna get in this thing,
and I'm gonna kick your ass!
I'm sorry.
You're sorry, all right.
Come on, hurry up.
Over here. Let's go.
Okay, come on.
Alexander, if you don't
leave the field this moment...
judgment will be given
to the Market by default.
Don't spoil everything,
Alexy, stop! Don't be a fool!
We won!
What's he doing?
The Confederation lost when Alexander
defied the referees. The battle's over.
- Not for me.
- No
Yeah. Yeah. Go on, Achilles.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, come to me.
Come here.
Your right foot
has sustained major damage.
Shrapnel has disabled your right engine.
- Right engine is functioning
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right engine is functioning
at 10% efficiency.
- Right engine is not functioning.
- Come on!
Right engine is not functioning.
Reentry shield disintegrating.
Cockpit temperature310 degrees.
Cockpit temperature
Cockpit temperature
You've lost, Achilles!
Come on. Come on.
You're a dead man, Achilles!
What have we here?
Come on, it's over!
and now.
You can live.
Yes, if I kill you.
We can both live!
We are dead.
We are robot jox.
We can live.