Rock and a Hard Place (2017)

(crickets chirping)
(door opens)
(door closes)
So, you're probably thinking right now,
"What the fuck have I gotten myself into?"
I understand that.
When I was your age, I
was getting in trouble.
When I was your age, I
started getting arrested.
I know what it's like to fuck up.
I know what it's like
thinking nobody gives a shit.
Everybody in this room...
they care.
They're gonna dog you,
they're gonna smoke you,
they're gonna break you down.
But no one here
is gonna fucking break, you understand?
Cadets: Sir, yes, sir!
I know this boot camp
program. I believe in it.
And I want the world to see
the importance of this program.
I want the world to see how
powerful this program is.
Show you something.
(camera shutter clicks)
Look at this.
That's your new life.
That's what you look like.
You may not be able to see it right now.
You can't visualize it in your
head, but the day is gonna come,
and it's gonna come like
that... (snaps fingers)
where it's graduation.
- You understand?
- Cadets: Sir, yes, sir!
No quitting.
Stay strong...
and don't fuck this thing up.
I mean that.
(music playing)
His charges are very serious.
He's facing up to life in prison.
Man: You're going into
the boot camp program
as an alternative to
20 years in prison.
We don't have many second chances,
but you've been granted one.
Don't squander this opportunity
because there will be no other.
Man: When you get to boot camp,
it's gonna be the
shock of your life.
We are gonna beat that demon out of you
that had you on the
streets committing crimes.
(siren wailing)
(door opens)
(brakes squeaking)
- (all shouting)
- Let's go!
Welcome to Miami-Dade County Boot Camp!
(overlapping voices)
Let them off! Let's go!
- Get them off!
- Move, move, move!
Hurry up! Get off the bus!
- Hurry up!
- (shouting continues)
Do not freakin' eyeball me, you understand?
- I say something, you say something!
- Yes, sir! Aye, sir!
- That's a freaking, "Aye, sir!"
- Yes, sir!
Aye, sir! Aye, sir!
Officer: I say something, you
say something. Don't look at me!
(door buzzes)
Officer: Get them out.
Let's hurry up, hurry up.
Quickly, let's go! I said...
Go! Let's go, let's go!
Today! Let's go! Every... hey, let's go!
- Hurry up! Come on, let's go!
- Officer: Get them off!
(shouting continues)
This is not easy.
It is not personal.
We have one mission and one mission only.
That's to take you from boys to men.
Somebody your mama can be proud of,
somebody your daddy can be proud of.
You're gonna cry sometime tonight.
You're gonna sweat some tears, trust me.
Your body ain't gonna be able to
take what we're gonna dish out.
I already know it.
You tried it your way all this time.
Look how far it got you.
This is where your way got you.
If you want different results,
you gotta do different things.
If you want the same
results, do the same thing!
- On your feet!
- Cadets: Sir, yes, sir!
Officer: 10, nine,
eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, and one.
Cadets: Sir, yes, sir!
Fall in, fall in, fall in. Give
me two lines, give me two lines.
Break off and give me
another line in the front.
Let's go.
Officer: If you still
got the street mentality,
hey, you ain't gonna
freaking make it in here.
You're not gonna freaking
make it by yourself.
You need friggin' teamwork to make
it through this friggin' program.
If you ain't got no friggin' teamwork,
you better find some real quick.
- Do you understand that?
- Cadets: Sir, yes, sir!
(vocalizing commands)
Officer: Right face!
For those of you who haven't met me,
I am your primary drill instructor,
Officer Drill Instructor Fouquet.
- You understand that, trash?
- Cadets: Ma'am, yes, ma'am!
I'ma also go ahead and
introduce Corporal Hodge
and Drill Instructor Officer Lopez.
Platoon, attention!
Everybody get into push-up position.
Cadets: Aye, sir.
Lopez: Every time you
stinking freaking move
at the position of attention,
you're gonna go freaking pay for it.
- Down!
- Cadets: Discipline.
- Up!
- Two, sir.
- Down!
- Discipline.
- Louder!
- Three, sir.
- Get on up.
- Aye, sir.
Five, four, three, two, and freaking one.
Yes, sir.
Now, I highly recommend
you do not move
at the position of attention
or you're gonna do push-up after
darn push-up till you explode.
- You understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir!
Why are you moving?
Didn't I tell you at
the position of attention
that I would punish you?
You... you can have a...
you can smile if you want.
You can smile if you want.
If you want, I'll put the
cuffs on you right now.
Now, you want that, it's on stinkin' you.
So go ahead and stinking smile again.
Smile again!
- (Fouquet shouting)
- How many years are you facing?
- He wanna freaking die like that?
- Get him out of the squad room.
We don't need him. Get
him out of the squad room.
Does anybody else wanna
go back to freaking jail?
- Cadets: Sir, no, sir.
- Good. I hope you're inspired.
Hodge: Dukes, you don't
wanna be here no more?
Do we need to call the paddy wagon?
I'm talking to you.
Hello? I'm talking to you.
Sir, I wanna leave, but then...
and then I don't wanna leave.
Hodge: You can't have both.
Either you're gonna be here
or you're freaking rolling up out of here.
Guess what. You think all them
other cadets up there wanna be there?
I'm pretty sure they freaking don't.
Instead of doing four months of boot camp,
you'd rather go to prison?
Tell me, what's different in prison?
You're gonna eat when they
tell you to friggin' eat.
You're gonna go to freaking rec
or whatever the freak you gonna do
when they tell you to do it.
It's not gonna be at your freaking leisure.
Everything gonna be on
they freaking agenda.
Nothing on your freaking agenda.
You understand that, right?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- All right.
So, you need a moment
to get yourself together,
'cause I can tell you right now
you're not going nowhere, Dukes,
so you might as well put
your little game face on
and do what the freak you gotta do.
- It's real simple.
- (sniffles) Sir, yes, sir.
All right, get to the end of the hall.
- Aye, sir.
- Aye, sir.
Hodge: He just going
through that thing
that all the cadets go
through initially...
that shock of incarceration,
of all the yelling and the screaming,
and they're not used to
conforming to that environment.
Cadets: Sir, yes, sir!
I wanna welcome you to Miami-Dade
County Boot Camp program.
You had no discipline
in the streets.
You didn't have a job,
you didn't go to school,
disrespected your community.
So, now things are gonna change.
There's nothing easy about
the freaking boot camp program.
Why don't you take a seat?
Hodge: They never get
to talk during a meal.
They don't do nothing but
sit down and eat their food.
Once they're done eating, they're
back awaiting their next command.
Aye, sir!
Aye, sir!
A lot of you guys still
got trash on my deck
and y'all standing there
holding my freaking broom.
- Let's go!
- (door buzzes)
- Ready? 10 mule kicks right now!
- Cadets: Aye, sir.
One, sir, two, sir,
three, sir, four, sir...
The push-ups, the sit-ups,
the in-your-face screaming,
that's all a part of our philosophy.
If they can't survive in here,
they'll never make it on the street.
(all yelling)
Hodge: Run in there. Go now.
- Hodge: Let's go! Get in there, let's go!
- Lopez: Hurry up!
- Hurry up.
- Turn on the showers. Let's go!
Quick, quick.
Hurry up, let's go. Let's go.
You better not freakin' freak this up.
I don't know who told
you you can look at me!
Aye, sir!
- Aye, sir.
- Aye, sir!
I can't hear you! Aye, sir!
Aye, sir.
- Officer: Let's go, quickly.
- Cadet: Aye, sir.
Officer: Quickly, quickly.
(overlapping voices) Aye, sir.
- No, sir.
- Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Hey, hey, hey, don't pass by me
- and not say nothing.
- Sorry, sir.
Don't pass by me and
don't friggin' say nothing.
Sir, good evening, sir.
- I can't hear you.
- Sir, good evening, sir!
- Sir, good evening, sirs.
- Okay, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.
Get on the freaking line, let's go.
Five, four, three, two, and stinking one.
Yes, sir!
- Now, ears.
- Open, sir.
- Ears.
- Open, sir.
We're not freaking here to God
dadgum freaking cater to you.
At the end of the day, you're
in God dadgum freaking jail.
So, whatever you get is
what the freak you get.
All I can tell you is you shouldn't
have brought your freaking tail to jail.
So, oh, freaking well.
- You understand that?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Get in the rack. Do it now!
- Aye, sir.
20, 19, 18, 17, 16,
15, 14.
Get in the rack. You're on top of the rack.
Get your tail in the rack! Lay back!
You better play like
you're freaking dead.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
You ain't at the God dadgum beach.
You ain't at your mama house.
Hodge: They've been going
nonstop for 15, 16 plus hours.
They'll sleep real good tonight.
So, tomorrow is a new day,
so they'll wake up fresh, ready to go
for day two of 120 days to go.
To be honest, it's not a bad group at all.
It ain't really that bad of a group.
We still have everyone,
so that's pretty good.
- Officer: That's unheard of.
- It's going fine.
Normally, by now, we'd at least
be at a loss of one, at least.
Came in with 38 cadets,
we have the opportunity
to leave with 38 cadets.
- That will never happen.
- Hodge: Never.
- Officer: Never ever.
- I'll make sure of that.
- (all laughing)
- Somebody... somebody got to go.
- The rest of us will do it.
- Somebody got to go.
Somebody gotta quit.
(crickets chirping)
Hodge: All right, get everyone out!
- (officers shouting)
- Let's go!
(loud banging, shouting)
Officer: Wake up! Get on up!
- Get on up. Do it now.
- Aye, sir.
Now get on up. Do it now.
Get up! Let's go! Let's
go, let's go, let's go!
Hodge: Five, four... get down.
- Three, two...
- Officer: Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
Hodge: ...and one.
- Go, sir, go.
- Hodge: I can't hear you.
- And one!
- Go, sir, go.
- Push-up, move.
- Aye, sir.
Officer: Get down, get down,
get down, get down. Let's go.
Down, up. Down, all the way up.
Down, up, down, up, down,
up, down, up, down, up.
Officer: ...three, two, and one.
- Cadets: Go, sir, go.
- And one.
Go, sir, go.
One, two, three, four, hey.
Cadets: One, two, three, four, hey.
One, two, three, four, hey.
One, two, three, four, hey.
Your left, your right, your left,
your right, your left, right, left.
Your left, your right, your left,
your right, your left, right, left.
Cadets: Hey, hey!
Prepare for formal headcount.
Prepare for formal headcount, aye, ma'am!
Now, for a formal headcount,
that's when you let me
know that you're here.
- You understand, trash?
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
I'm gonna say your last name.
You're gonna say your first
name and your jail number.
Everything starts with ma'am,
everything ends with ma'am.
- Do you understand that, trash?
- Cadets: Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
Cadet Cordero, what's my jail number?
How about 1-5...?
- Uh, 1...
- Calm down.
- 1-5...
- 1-5...
- ...6-5...
- ...6-5...
- ...3-6.
- ...3-6.
1-5... what's the rest of it?
- Uh, no, ma'am.
- Oh, you don't know.
You don't know your freaking jail number?!
You don't know what is
your freaking jail number?!
How long you been in freaking jail
and, no, you don't know
your freaking jail number?!
Gilliard: He no speak
no Ingls, Drew.
Go over there,
push, and repeat your damn jail
number till you remember it.
Hurry up, hurry up! Get there, get there!
- Gilliard: Ray Gonzalez.
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
Ma'am, Gonzalez. No speak English.
Y'all don't say numbers in Spanish?
Drew: Do you understand that, trash?
- You speak Spanish?
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
Okay, ask him what's his jail number.
(both speaking Spanish)
He doesn't know it, ma'am.
Oh, okay, not that he
don't speak no damn English,
he just don't goddamn know it.
You're gonna start reading
all my freaking trash.
I don't know if you really understand
or no, but you're gonna get it.
You're gonna pay every freaking day!
You're gonna push every day
until I get tired, and I never get tired.
- You understand that, trash?
- Aye, sir.
Get in the freaking line!
- Gilliard: Y'all like me now?
- Cadets: Aye, ma'am.
- Five, four, three, two, and one.
- Go, ma'am, go.
- And one.
- Go, ma'am, go.
I'm very scared, man.
I just wanna go home. (mock crying)
Chew, keep looking forward.
Cadets: Look forward, head and eyes, sir.
You got a problem with eyeballing
or is it that you blind,
you can't hear, you deaf?
What is it? You gotta look at
the friggin' doggone drill instructor?
- No, ma'am.
- Because head and eyes straight forward.
Get your head up!
Why the freak we keep coming to you?
You don't need to nod your head, dummy.
Just open your freaking doggone sucker.
I say something, "Aye, ma'am."
- Aye, aye, ma'am.
- And you spit it out.
Aye, ma'am, aye, ma'am, aye, ma'am.
You've been running
in and out of jail
probably half of your
friggin' doggone life.
You know what? Matter of fact, just go
right to that little corner over there.
Face this little hole right here.
Face this little hole right there.
Face the little
friggin' doggone hole.
That's where the freak you belong.
Now, anything else fucking funny?
Cadets: Ma'am, no, ma'am!
You know what? Speak freely.
- Sir, I...
- Relax. Shh.
- Speak freely.
- Olsen came up to me and bumped me.
And I turned around and
seen that he bumped me,
and he like, "Hurry up. Get out of here."
- What's going on?
- Stop, stop, stop. Listen to me.
- Listen to me.
- I'm trying to do right, sir.
- I'm doing everything...
- I'm talking now. I'm talking now.
- Sir, yes, sir.
- You're gonna stop what you're doing right now.
- Sir, yes, sir.
- You're gonna go back in there,
you're gonna continue on with this
because you have everything to lose.
- Do you understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir.
Okay, so right now, you just gotta take it.
Grow some thick skin.
- That's the way it is around here.
- Sir, I'm not...
No, that's it. I have nothing more to say.
I'm telling you what you have to do.
- I'm giving you the tools.
- Officer: Come here, you!
- Do you understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Good. Get over there.
- Officer: Come here, you!
Sir, yes, sir. Aye, yes, sir.
Drop your freaking
canteen and freaking push.
Aye, sir. Crazy, man.
Give 'em to me and freakin' push, maggot!
- Get down there!
- Crazy, man.
- Shut up and just freaking push.
- Lopez: You better hurry up.
You better sound off at the top of your
lungs like I told you. You understand?
- ...two, sir, three, sir...
- They think... they think that this is a joke.
They think when they come over
here, it's gonna be a joke.
- (grunts)
- Get up, get up, get up, get up.
...five, four, three,
two, and freaking one.
- Go, sir!
- And one.
No matter what the drill instructor does,
you have to freaking follow protocol
and do what you're supposed to do.
If I'm doing right and y'all gonna
keep putting me back in the system...
- and keep trying me...
- (overlapping voices)
You know what? Guess what, guess what.
You're gonna be freaking pushing,
then I'm gonna be pushing.
Oh, I'm pushing, man?
Shut up! Shut up!
Let me know when you're ready
to join the rest of the platoon.
Cadets: ...four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, 10.
He started popping off 'cause
somebody got in his face.
You know? It's gonna be a continuous thing.
- He can't have it, so.
- What you mean by popping off?
Disrespectful, you know?
- Cursing...
- Officer: He used profanity?
Yeah, throwing his hands up.
Okay, so we'll use the chain of command.
Let's have someone speak with him
and come on up the chain of command
and make a determination of
what we're gonna do with him.
Our job ain't to get rid of
you. Our job is to fix you.
Okay? But you gotta
wanna help yourself first.
Grow up. It's not cute.
It's not funny.
You have a decision to make.
You're not gonna be in timeout forever.
You're not, Chew.
Chew, you're turning
your head, you're moving.
You're doing all what you wanna
do. That's why you over here.
Every day, somebody
gotta be talking to you.
- Every hour on the hour.
- Officer: Let's go.
Hodge: This mother
pissed me the hell off!
Chew, you back. What happened?
Why you back? Why you gotta keep
coming back to this holding cell?
- Yeah, I'm trying, man.
- Chew, do it for you
and do it for your mom
and do it for your family.
(mock crying)
Aye, sir!
- Aye, sir.
- You sound so beautiful.
You wanna smile in front
of a drill instructor?
That's what you wanna do?
- (arguing)
- Shut the freak up, man!
Let's go. You gotta go. Let's go.
Get him out of here.
(lock clicks)
Everyone else spoke to him
and told him it's not a joke.
Either you conform to the program
or we're gonna remove you from the program.
- Green: How many times you been arrested, son?
- Couple... a couple times.
- And how old are you?
- 21.
So, a couple is a lot
for a 21-year-old, son.
So, how much time
we need to give you?
Another 10 days, another five days?
- How much time do you need?
- No, ma'am.
I don't need no more days, ma'am.
I'm debating his life.
You know, you try to help these young men,
and sometimes they can't
get out of their own way.
That's what I'm thinking.
So, part of me says he's trying,
but the other part of me is
saying that he's just playing games
- and going through the motions.
- (door buzzes)
This is an intense program.
They chose boot camp,
we did not choose them.
They signed to be here,
they agreed to be here,
so if you gonna be here,
you not gonna waste my time,
you gonna not... you not gonna waste
my freaking fellow drill instructors' time,
you not gonna waste the other cadets' time
that's trying to change
they freaking life.
So, if you feel like you
gonna slow the program,
we gotta get you out of
the freaking program.
You're damn right.
(lock clicks)
All right, Chew, you know you're
being removed from the program.
Now, you're being charged with
using abusive or aggressive language
or gestures,
aggravated refusal to follow written
or verbal orders from the staff.
- You understand that?
- Sir, yes, sir.
Boot camp ain't for nobody, man.
That's something I knew, man.
(alarm beeps)
- Cadet: How are you, ma'am?
- Ma'am, good afternoon, ma'am.
Cadets: Ma'am, good
afternoon, ma'am!
(both speaking Spanish)
He said that she's... she looks sexy.
He said that.
- Look, Cordero.
- Nah.
- Good afternoon, everybody.
- Cadets: Good afternoon, ma'am.
My name is Mrs. Jackson. I'm
your counselor for boot camp.
Mr. Johnson is also
a counselor here.
If you have any questions,
I'll answer them once I call you up.
Cadet: Aye, ma'am.
Jackson: Cadet Jules.
What were your primary charges?
Two armed robberies, two strong-arm,
one grand theft.
Got a high school diploma?
Ma'am, no, ma'am.
Johnson: Manuel Cordero.
- Sir, good afternoon, sir.
- Okay, have a seat.
Good afternoon. Counselor Johnson.
How do you pronounce your last name?
Oh, I don't speak English.
- No comprende in English?
- No.
What are your charges?
Two armed robberies, ma'am.
- Johnson: Do you have any kids?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- How many?
- One, sir.
- Girl or boy?
- Boy, sir.
The first time you got
arrested, how old were you?
Cadet: Aye, sir!
Jackson: How many times you been arrested?
- In total?
- Over five?
- 15, 20.
- 15 to 20 times.
They like running you guys through the
system without actually helping y'all.
I don't understand it.
All right.
A recycle is an individual that's
been sentenced to boot camp,
and, for whatever reason,
we have a one-time opportunity
to kick them out and bring them back.
This is Timothy Williams.
He's a special case.
He's been kicked out
not once, but twice.
This is his last opportunity
here in this program,
so hopefully he's learned his lesson.
Gilliard: Williams, let's go.
- This is my third time here.
- (chuckles)
- Everybody don't get lucky like that.
- Mm-mm.
So, therefore, why I gotta come here...
Because why am I wasting
my time on you, Williams?
Like you said, you've
been here three times.
Everybody get three times?
Everybody don't get no... some
people don't get two times.
My point exactly.
Everybody don't have the
same judge that you have.
'Cause you could've been up the
road serving your six years.
The prison life.
So, you wanna be here?
I wanna be here so I can go home.
- To do what?
- Change.
Oh, okay, 'cause that's the
biggest issue right now...
change, not just to go home.
- I respect that.
- All right.
- Let's go.
- Aye, ma'am.
How's everybody?
- Cadets: Good.
- Good?
I'm from the central center.
I'm an anger management facilitator.
The object of this class
is to make you very much aware
of what happens to you
prior to you becoming angry.
I want to know what you experience
when you get agitated.
I'm gonna start over here.
- I clench my teeth.
- Good. Very good.
My head gonna hurt 'cause I be
thinking too much of what I wanna do.
- You get a headache?
- Yeah.
- It feels like my heart drops, like...
- Mm.
...I just pop.
Once you start feeling the heat,
once you start clenching your teeth,
that's your warning sign.
Do not ignore your yellow light.
- This is your ticket to not coming back here.
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
A lot of us ain't built mentally
to... built like this place.
Like, the stuff that goes down in here,
like, in this program.
When you do get out,
this stuff, you ain't gonna be able to...
like, I think... I think most
people, when they get out,
they ain't gonna be
able to cooperate right.
This is a form
of rehabilitation/ punishment.
- Okay?
- I understand that,
but how long can you keep
saying, "Cope with that"?
Till... you cope with it
until you get out of here.
- That's true.
- Cope with it.
Cadets: Knees bent and a 30-inch
step with your left foot, sir.
You're stepping off 30
inches with the left foot.
You're leaning back.
You're not just saying things to say them.
You're saying it so you can remind
yourself what it is I expect you to do.
- Do you understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir.
You guys are not following
what we're saying,
you're not paying attention.
- Are you ready?
- Lopez: Go!
That's what I'm talking about, God damn it.
Boot camp.
Lopez: It's like marching
a bunch of zombies!
You've got 15, 14... line up on
the other side. Quickly, quickly!
Four, three, two, and...
If you put nothing into it... (bangs table)
you get nothing out of it.
- Start freaking pushing!
- You better say something! You better say, "Aye, sir!"
- Oh!
- Did I hurt your feelings?
- Get on up! Do it now!
- Sir, yes, sir!
- Officer: Let's go.
- Hurry up!
(panting, grunting)
Cadet: Dukes!
- (grunts)
- Hey, Dukes!
Hodge: I'm sure
they're very fatigued,
ready for us to lay off,
but that's not in our nature,
so we're fitting to come
tough or come harder.
They have to learn how to
maintain control and discipline
regardless of what
happens at boot camp.
There's a method to the madness.
(Fouquet shouting)
Fouquet: Left, right!
(Fouquet vocalizing commands)
Pick it up and fix that.
(officer vocalizing commands)
What are you doing?!
I never told you to throw the locker!
Did I tell you to throw a locker?
Did I tell you to throw a locker?
Did I tell you to throw a damn locker?
- Officer: Get him out of here.
- Get outside.
- He's ready to go.
- Fouquet: What seems to be the problem, Wimbley?
You letting them friggin'
doggone creeps rub off on you
so you wanna go home?
Is that what the freak
you wanna do, Wimbley?
- Wimbley: Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
- Oh, you wanna go home?
You wanna leave? You
wanna go do prison?
You getting in your
feelings, Wimbley?
You better fight whatever devil
that's in your friggin' doggone
grape. Do you understand that?
One thing you'll never do,
you'll never lose your military bearing
with no drill instructor.
Go ahead, you. I got him. Take off.
Sit down.
Sit down, sit down.
What you upset about?
Talk to me.
Speak freely.
This is your time to speak freely.
There ain't no more drill
instructors in the back.
Speak freely.
- What's on your mind, son?
- I'ma be on that, cleaning and shit.
I'm gonna do what I gotta do.
I don't want nobody in my face
with all that asking, answering.
If I'm doing what I'm supposed to do,
man, would you let me be? I'm invisible.
Hodge: Hey, come on. Come on.
Not talking to Corporal?
Not right now.
We started with 38, we lost two,
and we've lost one more cadet.
I don't know if y'all
remember Cadet Wimbley.
See, that's the face.
He's not gonna be coming
back with the platoon.
Down to 35. Let's focus on
the 35 and let's move forward.
- Okay?
- Not a problem.
- Sounds good.
- All right.
What is this guy's name that he's
not speaking English that well?
I know enough to do
personal hygiene with him.
- Uh, which one?
- Gonzalez, Francisney.
Okay, and the other one is...
Here's the other one... Cordero.
They just picking up a
little slower than others.
They gonna either get
better at what they're doing
or we're gonna keep pushing them.
That's all we can do, is keep pushing them.
- (chatter)
- (door closes)
- (speaking Spanish)
- Cordero and Gonzalez: Aye, sir.
(speaking Spanish)
Lean back and take a 30-inch
step with the left foot, sir.
(speaking Spanish)
- Aye, sir.
- Aye, sir.
(speaking Spanish)
(shouts in Spanish)
(both speaking Spanish)
(Fouquet shouting)
- All the way to the squad bay.
- Both: Aye, ma'am.
(imitating) "Aye, ma'am. Aye, ma'am."
I need it friggin' doggone quiet.
Left, right.
Forward, march.
- What's your name there, you?
- Sir, Cadet Terrell, sir.
- You sure, right?
- Sir, yes, sir!
- You've been doing real good, ain't you?
- Aye, sir!
- People talking good about you.
- Aye, sir!
- Good job. Get away.
- Aye, sir!
Sir, good afternoon, sir!
What's your name there, you?
- Yo-ho!
- Sir, Cadet Williams, sir.
- Williams?
- Yes, sir.
That you, Williams?
- That you, Williams?
- Aye, sir.
Oh, snap! Look at that.
- You're doing real good there, Williams.
- Aye, sir.
- You supposed to have been gone a long time ago.
- Sir, yes, sir.
- You're still here.
- Aye, sir.
- Good job there, you.
- Aye, sir.
- Carry on.
- Aye, sir.
What about you? What's your name?
Sir, Cadet Youngblood requesting
permission to speak, sir.
- Youngblood.
- Aye, sir.
I don't know you, Youngblood.
- I know you, Youngblood?
- Sir, no, sir.
- I smoked you before, Youngblood?
- Sir, no, sir.
So that means you must be
doing good if I don't know you.
Aye, sir.
I know that nasty Williams over there,
- but I don't know you.
- Aye, sir.
- How old are you, boy?
- Cadet Youngblood requesting permission to speak, sir.
- Speak.
- Aye, sir. 19, sir.
- 19?
- Sir, yes, sir.
So, you 19 years old, you ain't
get in no trouble. That's good.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Yeah, that's real good.
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Good job there, you.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Now, what kind of aspirations and goals you got?
Aye, aye, sir. So, this cadet wants
to graduate from this program, sir,
and enroll in a trade school
and learn culinary, sir.
- Culinary?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- You're trying to be a chef for real, huh?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- That sounds like a chef. That don't sound like a cook.
- Aye, sir.
- Where would you like to work?
- Aye, sir.
So, this cadet wants to work at...
- IHOP or Denny's, sir.
- That boy like to eat.
- Officer: You selling yourself.
Why are you selling yourself?
IHOP and Denny's. Nothing wrong with them.
I go there, I eat breakfast, lunch, or
dinner at different times of the day.
- Depends on when I'm hungry.
- Aye, ma'am.
- But aspire your goals for a top restaurant.
- Aye, ma'am.
They have Houston's,
we have... they have P.F. Chang's,
they have, you know, Benihana.
- You look like you got some things you wanna do.
- Aye, aye, sir.
All right, good job. Fall in.
- Everybody turn to the left now.
- Cadets: Aye, sir.
You've been selected
for the technical course.
That means that you have an opportunity
to further educate yourself.
Sir, will we still have a chance to get
our GED while we're in this course, sir?
Our priority is GED.
- Do you understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir!
Make sure you keep your cord behind you.
All of you will need to pass a GED test.
35 inches plus 24 inches.
The first answer is 59
inches, man. Easy, man.
- The rain in Spain...
- Falls mainly on the plain.
I am here to teach you
reading, writing, and science.
How many people do not have
their high school diploma?
Boot camp actually gives you
opportunities to better yourself
and to further your education.
I'm here to get my GED
and pay attention in class.
Cadet: I don't see
boot camp in a bad way
'cause probably if it wasn't for boot camp,
I would've been in prison
right now, you know?
That's not my life.
That way there, you.
Good job on that pivot.
I see that car can drive.
- Officer: Take seats.
- Sir, yes, sir!
Hi, guys. My name is Alex.
You could call me whatever
you want... Miss Alex, Alex.
This is a substance abuse class.
How many of you guys think
that some type of drug
was responsible for you being here today?
- Cadets: Yeah, ma'am.
- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Anyone wanna share a personal story?
Go for it. Share. Okay.
I took somebody's car and I dragged 'em.
Alex: What happened? You did what?
I took somebody's car... not knowing
what I was doing 'cause I blacked out...
and they were hanging onto the
window, and I dragged them 25 feet.
- Officer: Cadet Guzman!
- Guzman: Sir, cadet reporting, sir!
- Report!
- Get in here, you.
- Aye, sir!
- 10, nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, and one.
Guzman: Place, step. Step, turn.
- Step!
- Ooh, I change step.
- March.
- Step, place, step.
To the rear.
- March.
- Guzman: Step, turn.
- Mark time.
- Step!
Outstanding. What's your 12 general order?
Aye, sir. Sir, this cadet
requesting permission to speak, sir.
This cadet? Who is this cadet?
Sir, Cadet Guzman requesting
permission to speak, sir.
- Yeah, speak.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Sir, this cadet's 12 general orders
are to maintain the
highest level of discipline
and remain steady through
my most trying times.
- How about you open up my hands with that?
- Aye, sir!
10, nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, and one.
- Yes, sir.
- Get over on the other side over there.
- Aye, sir!
- 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13...
That's one of my sharpest
cadets out of the whole platoon.
He did exactly what he was supposed to do,
so that's a pass for me.
Hard work pays off.
Officer: Prepare for mail call.
Cadets: Prepare for
mail call. Aye, sir!
- Listen out for your name.
- Cadets: Aye, sir!
- Guzman.
- Sir, Cadet Guzman reporting as ordered, sir.
Aye, sir. Sir, afternoon, sir.
- Bridgewater.
- Sir, yes, sir.
Sir, Cadet Bridgewater
reporting as ordered, sir.
- Aye, sir. Sir, good afternoon, sir.
- Youngblood.
Youngblood: Sir, yes, sir.
Let's see.
"Keno, don't hold on to the past.
Plan to succeed.
You will do fine. We know you can do it.
Love, Dad."
Even though I'm in jail,
people still love me.
Even though I've been locked up.
Some of the people that used to
write me don't write me no more,
but he still do.
Youngblood: So, my
birthday had just passed,
so my mom decided to send me a gift card.
They can't wait till I get home,
and, you know, I can't wait
to unite with my family.
I've been locked down for almost a year,
and I ain't trying to waste no more time.
I'm trying to get home
and do the right thing.
There's a letter from my sister
saying that my mom's been
going through a lot...
a lot, that they tried
to... they robbed her.
And she was scared because they
had my cousin and his friend
with two guns in their heads.
"The robbers looked nervous and shaky."
Yeah, four... four guys robbed my mom.
What you think would happen if you
was out and they try to do that?
I'll kill and die for my mom.
(stammering) I'll die
and kill for my family.
Like, that's family right there.
This stuff happen like this,
and the nigga hand shake.
They don't think, they don't think.
They just trying to get what
they get and get up out of there.
- Gotta be smarter than that.
- Tsk, it's messed up.
I wish I was out there.
- No shit.
- Eight.
Back straight.
- Back straight.
- Oh, my God.
- Hey, Plemons?
- Sir, yes, sir!
- Get over here.
- Aye, sir.
Sir, Cadet Plemons
reporting as ordered, sir.
- Are you ready?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Are you sure?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- You better focus.
- Aye, sir.
(high-pitched) Who is it?
Sir, Cadet Plemons
reporting as ordered, sir.
- Open the hatch and get in here!
- Aye, sir.
May I enter as ordered, sir? Aye!
- Roosevelt: Freaking get in here!
- Fouquet: Find a canteen!
- Get in here!
- Plemons: Aye, ma'am, sir.
- Roosevelt: Where's your canteen?
- (shouting)
You gotta do my trial
correctly. You understand that?
- Plemons: Ma'am, sir!
- I said push. Do it now!
Aye, ma'am.
- Up.
- One, ma'am.
- Down.
- Discipline.
- Up.
- Two, ma'am.
- Down.
- Discipline.
- Up.
- Three, ma'am.
- On your feet.
- Aye, ma'am.
Five, four, three,
two, and freakin' one.
- Done and done.
- Eh!
- Try to keep up...
- Aye, ma'am.
- Four, three, two, and one.
- Quick, quick, quick, quick.
- Done and done.
- And one.
- Done and done.
- Hey, what's your eighth general order, you?
Aye, ma'am. Ma'am, can I please
have permission to speak, ma'am?
- Oh, you speak it.
- Aye, ma'am.
This cadet's eighth
general order is I will...
I will respect the rights and
property of all others, done and done.
- On your feet.
- Aye, ma'am.
- Five, four, three...
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- Lopez: Get ready.
- Roosevelt: Hurry up!
- Fouquet: And run it out.
- Hey, you wanna hang out with me?
You wanna hang out? Get the
hell out of here! Run, run!
- He's not exactly physically...
- (Roosevelt chuckles)
He definitely not physically fit.
No, but we're working on that.
Nonetheless, he done made
some... some type of improvement.
And that's all we look for...
on a day-to-day basis, some type
of improvement as each day go by.
- Close the hatch.
- Aye, sir.
- Aye, sir.
- (line ringing)
- Woman: Hello?
- Plemons: Hey, Mom.
- Hey, baby. How are you?
- I'm good.
Man: Yeah, we're all here...
Grandma, Grandpa, and the dogs, too,
but they're on...
they're on lockdown.
- Girl: Hi, Avery.
- Hey, sis.
A little birdy told me you
was doing bad in school.
Girl: Yeah, I'm doing
horrible in school.
That trash needs to tighten up.
- You have one minute left.
- Aye, sir.
We got about one minute left, Ma.
- Man: Love you.
- Woman: What? Love you!
- Love you, too, Ma. Bye.
- Okay.
- Man #2: Love you!
- Blaine says, "Love you!"
All right, love you, too, dawg.
- All right, bye-bye.
- Bye, Mom.
- Lopez: Hey, come here.
- Yes, sir.
- You got a nice family.
- Sir, yes, sir.
You don't feel the slightest bit bad
about what the freak
you did to get here?
Sir, yes, sir.
Does that picture of your
mom ever hit you in the...
Sir, yes, sir.
How much do you love her?
More than life itself, sir.
- Say again.
- More than life itself, sir.
So, this should inspire you not
to do anything wrong anymore.
Sir, yes, sir.
Your grandpa...
your sister.
Picture 'em in your head
right now. Close your eyes.
Think about how much you wanna be there
and do stuff for them and...
and make things right again.
Now open up your eyes.
Where are you right now?
Sir, Dade County Boot Camp, sir.
Okay. Where do you need to go?
To go home, sir.
So, between...
between here and there
is a journey you have to
take to redeem yourself...
- and to carry on with your life.
- Sir, yes, sir.
I'ma do it.
I'ma complete this program.
I'ma get home to my mom and my sister,
my dad and my brother and my grandparents.
I'm gonna get home...
no matter what it takes.
No matter how many push-ups,
bend and thrusts, mule kicks.
Whatever it takes.
Sir, Cadet Cordero reporting
as you ordered, sir.
You're reporting as ordered? Is
that what you're trying to say?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Okay, sorry, sorry.
- Reporting as ordered!
- "Reportings" as ordered, sir.
- Reporting as ordered!
- Reportings as ordered, sir.
Jeez, this guy's a numbskull.
All right. Hey, enter.
Aye, sir.
To the rear march!
Turn, step. Turn, step.
Just march yourself into the wall.
- No one told you to stop!
- Keep marching into the wall.
- Aye, sir.
- I don't see you freaking marching.
You ain't freaking marching.
You're just following along with everybody,
but you're not learning anything.
You're following what they say.
You're... you're freaking... you're
trying to blend in with the crowd.
- Aye, sir.
- But it's not working.
- Aye, sir.
- Get the hell out of here.
Aye, sir.
Yeah, he fails.
Get out! Get your trash!
- Aye, sir.
- Hurry the freak up.
Get your trash. Get out of my classroom.
Get out! Get out!
- Get out!
- Get out of here, failure.
Get out of here, failure. He's just
a failure in life, that's what he is.
- Aye, sir.
- You're just a failure in life.
Lopez: Have a nice day.
He was unable to understand a lot of the...
The language of what we were saying.
You know, he has most of
the protocol down right.
He gots the protocol down.
It's just that that language
barrier is his big issue
on trying to pass our... our test.
So, the language barrier
is the biggest problem.
He's gotta learn English and
he's gotta learn to follow the law
and the rules and the regulations.
(speaking Spanish)
Lopez: If I was in his situation,
I would like for
somebody to help me.
I look at him and I don't see malice.
I just see confusion.
You know, these kids just made a couple
of stupid mistakes here and there,
and I don't want him to lose hope.
Left, right.
Cadets: Hup, ten, hup!
- Hey, Williams, get over here!
- Aye, ma'am.
- Some time today.
- Aye, ma'am.
- Ma'am, good morning, ma'am.
- Green over there yet?
- Aye, ma'am.
- Five, four, three, two, and freakin' one.
- Have a seat.
- Aye, ma'am.
- Williams, this your third time here, right?
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
- Still planning to get kicked out again?
- Ma'am, no, ma'am.
- You sure?
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
Boot camp has blessed me to
come back multiple times...
on different occasions,
and still, you've given me a
chance, still trying to help me out
with my... with my life and myself.
They're still trying to work with me
'cause I guess they see something in me
that I don't see in myself
that I'm finally trying to figure out.
All right, Timothy Williams.
- We shall meet again.
- Aye, aye, ma'am.
(birds chirping)
I keep trying to tell you
this here over and over again.
Stop taking everybody
for granted, son.
They are there to help you.
- You have three minutes left.
- Aye, sir.
- How much time you have left?
- Three.
Three minutes? Okay.
Hey, Ma.
Here your grandma. You can say hi to her.
- Here you go.
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hey, baby.
- How you doing?
- All right. And yourself?
- I'm doing... you know I'm blessed, baby.
I'm just waiting on you.
I know, I know. I made
a mistake. I messed up.
But, you know, I'm trying
to correct it right now, so.
Do that, now, 'cause you know I'm waiting.
- Five, four, three...
- See you later.
- All right. I'ma write you.
- ...two...
- Okay, bye.
- ...and hang up right now.
It's gonna be all right, Lord.
I'm gonna make it for myself.
I'm gonna make it for myself.
(stammering) By the
blessings and grace of God.
He's gonna bless me to walk out these gates
to my family that misses me and loves me.
I'm gonna make it for myself and my family,
by the grace of God.
I don't have that many chances
and I don't have that much time.
(officer vocalizing commands)
(vocalizing continues)
Lopez: We have cameras here everywhere.
You can see everything,
yet they still break the rules.
And for that, there
are consequences.
(sirens wailing)
I didn't freaking say stop.
I didn't say bend over and die.
You better give me my...
you better give me my trash.
You stole it.
- Now you gotta pay for it!
- Aye, aye, sir.
- You understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Good! Mule.
- Aye, sir.
One, sir, two, sir, three, sir,
four, sir, five, sir, six, sir,
seven, sir, eight, sir,
nine, sir, zero, sir.
One, sir, two, sir, three, sir,
- four, sir, five, sir...
- Hey, what'd you do, dummy?
Aye, sir. So, this cadet stole a...
a cold tray out of the... (panting)
the chow cart, sir.
- Really?
- Sir, yes, sir.
I hid it under my bunk so I could
eat it later on at night, sir.
This cadet was hungry, sir.
- Well, now you're gonna pay for it.
- Aye, sir.
Lopez: You have two seconds
to get in that sandpit,
and I better see some
sand on your grape.
If I don't, I'm gonna go in
and I'm gonna put
my foot up your ass.
- Go.
- Aye, sir.
You got 15,
14, 13...
Mr. Dukes swiped two
breads and a cookie
so, uh, I'm giving him
some special attention.
- (panting)
- Put your grape in that sandpit.
Sir, this cadet got sand in his eye, sir.
Oh, well. You shouldn't
have stolen my cookie.
Put your... put your damn
head in the freaking sandpit.
You stole it. Now you gotta pay for it!
- (mumbling) I hate this.
- Nine.
Will you stop crying?!
I'm not crying, sir.
Well, I don't know what
the hell you're doing,
but you're not freaking moving.
- This cadet got sand in his eyes.
- Oh, well.
Hey, stand up.
Stand up, sweetheart.
Stand up. Stand up.
- You hurt?
- Sir, no, sir.
- Really? Really?
- No, sir.
- Well, you shouldn't have done what you did, freak.
- Aye, sir.
Lean forward. There you go.
Now clear that crap off your grape.
You all right now? Good. Come on, let's go.
- Mule kick.
- Aye, sir.
- You gotta be out of your mind.
- Aye, sir.
Lopez: Hey, where's your cookies at?
Cadets: Aye, sir.
- Hey, want a cookie?
- Sir, no, sir.
- You sure?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- There you go.
- I don't want that trash, sir.
- Hold that, hold that.
- Sir, no, sir.
- Hold it.
- Sir, no, sir.
- You sure?
- Sir, yes, sir.
I think he's all right now.
- Hey, come here, numb nuts.
- Aye, sir.
- Get in that freaking head and clean that crap off.
- Aye, sir!
(pants, sighs)
(birds chirping)
Johnson: I'm on my way to
James Dukes' family home.
His brother is the one that
I'll be seeing... Gilbert.
We've talked over the phone, and
he said his mom would be here also.
His brother brought
it to my attention
that a house here on my left
is the house that James broke into,
which caused him to be arrested.
- How you doing, Mr. Gilbert?
- Nice to meet you, finally.
- Hey, same here, yes.
- Yes.
- What type of dog is this?
- Uh, it's a mixed dog.
Oh, my son had one just like that.
Yeah? I love my dog.
Don't come out the gate, Lucky.
- Hello?
- Mom.
- Woman: Yeah?
- Here goes Mr. Johnson, James's counselor.
This is the picture when he got arrested.
He looks terrible.
As you can see, the new and improved James.
- (all laughing)
- Yeah, that's good.
Oh, man, he's standing up
straight like he's in the service.
Johnson: Oh, well, he's... yes.
- He looks a little rough.
- Over here, he look rough and raggedy
with James over here.
In the camera, he have his hair cut low,
shirt in his pants.
Has he ever had a job?
- He ever work for a...
- No.
- ...where he got paid a salary?
- No.
- Never had a job.
- Never worked, yeah.
- Did he finish high school?
- No.
- What grade?
- He need to do his high school.
- What grade did he...?
- Uh...
Gilbert: I believe eighth grade.
He never finishes 'cause
he always get into trouble.
He's always saying he gonna
change, and he doesn't.
And it really hurt when... to see
that he's always getting into trouble
because I didn't raise him like that.
And I hope he do good and make me proud.
(bugle playing)
Get under the damn covers and
face the freaking bulkhead.
Cadets: Aye, sir!
Best time of the night...
when you get to dream.
This shit crazy, man.
You can't smile, you can't... nothing,
you can't touch yourself,
you can't move at all.
(sighs) Crazy.
- (officer vocalizing commands)
- (toilet flushes)
(cadets shouting in distance)
Lopez: Hey, Cadet
Dukes, get over here.
Aye, sir.
Yay, Cadet. Yay, Cadet.
Sir, Cadet Dukes reporting for orders, sir.
- Hey, come in here, weirdo.
- Aye, sir.
(dial tone, dialing)
(line ringing)
- (phone ringing)
- Mrs. Dukes: Oh, here it go.
It must be this.
- Heller?
- Hello?
- Mom?
- Hey, bugs! What's up?
- Nothing.
- (both laughing)
- What's up, boy?
- What's going on, bro?
Are you talking to your mother?
Hold on.
Sir, Cadet Dukes requesting
permission to speak, sir.
- Yeah, speak.
- Aye, sir. Sir, my brother's next to my mother, sir.
They're on speaker phone, sir.
Well, you know, you better
stop with that "bro" crap
and all that garbage, you understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Good.
Aye, sir.
- Hello?
- Mrs. Dukes: Yeah.
- I'm doing good.
- I know they're trying to break you.
Don't let them break you.
Show them you can do it.
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
- What?
Oh, no, I was saying, "Yes, ma'am."
Oh, you... oh! Oh,
shoot, you're scaring me.
I didn't even know what you were saying.
I'm not used to that shit.
I know. I can't... I
can't get it out my system.
Everywhere I go, that's what I
say, "Ma'am, yes, ma'am. No, ma'am."
Well, hey, that's good.
- So, what's good, bro?
- See, they're teaching you something over there.
And I'm glad you're
in the boot camp.
In a way, I'm glad I'm here, too,
'cause I'm, like... I'm really
learning, like, at the same time.
All the bad stuff is coming up out of me
and I'm starting to, like, change
my life and change my ways and...
- 45 seconds.
- Aye.
Gilbert: Man, what's up,
man? I'm proud of you, man.
You hold your head up,
man. So, what's up, man?
What you going through
in there, though, man?
- Like, what's going on? What you gotta do...
- I can't even...
I can't even talk, bro, 'cause
I got 45 seconds, Eugene.
- Dang, are you serious?
- Lopez: 30 seconds.
- 30 seconds.
- When am I gonna talk to you again?
I don't even know, Eugene.
I gotta go, though. Um...
Tell Mom I said I
love her, all right?
Yeah, I love you, too. I'm here.
- Lopez: 10, nine...
- All right, I love you, Mom.
- Love you.
- Love you, too, bro.
- All right, bye.
- ...six, five...
- Mrs. Dukes: All right, take care.
- ...four.
I think he was about to cry this day, Ma.
No, he was not gonna cry.
Yeah, he was. It sounded like
it. I know my little brother.
I've seen this a million times.
And there ain't nothing wrong with it.
You let her down,
but now you're not gonna do that anymore.
You're gonna... gonna do your best.
You're gonna be a good son.
You're gonna make her proud.
Aye, sir.
- Do you understand?
- Sir, yes, sir. (sniffles)
- I'm gonna let you make a head call real quick.
- Aye, sir.
- Get your thoughts together.
- Aye, sir.
- Now get out of my face.
- Aye, sir.
Goodbye to you, sir.
- Hey, get out of here.
- Aye, sir.
May I now say good afternoon, sir?
Cadets: One, two, three, four,
five, six, turn.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, file.
Everybody half step,
column in a line.
(officer vocalizing commands)
(commands continue)
Officer #2: Those guys,
especially Dukes...
he's been giving it
all since day one.
And look at him now.
He's doing good. No complaints.
He's a good kid.
You know, I'm glad that
he came through the program
and he had this second chance.
Tomorrow, hopefully, if
everything goes well,
we select work crew, details that will work
on day shifts, 7:00 to 3:00.
They go out to work
for the community.
Today, we're going out on work crew.
We're gonna go out there
and beautify our community...
pick up litter, debris.
As to who's coming out,
when I call your name, step forward.
- Cadet Stokes.
- Sir, yes, sir!
- Cadet Plemons.
- Sir, yes, sir!
- Davell!
- Sir, yes, sir!
- Cadet Dukes.
- Sir, yes, sir!
- Cadet Guzman.
- Sir, yes, sir!
To my truck. Let's go!
(guard over PA) Don't
get too close to the curb.
My main goal right there is to go home.
Every time I come out
here, it's motivation.
Even though there's temptation, but
it's motivation to get up outta here.
It feel good to see the cars and the houses
and to be free and get out
of boot camp for a little bit.
(indistinct chatter over PA)
Officer: You can see these
guys, they're not in chains.
It's really a test of their discipline.
And we've really never
had anybody that stupid
to walk away from the program.
You feel like you're so
close to the outside life,
you're basically just free right here.
So close to just home.
- Lopez: Down, up.
- Cadets: Aye, sir!
- Lopez: Down, up.
- Yes, sir!
- Get on line.
- Aye, sir!
Five, four, three, two, and one.
- Yes, sir!
- Damn, outstanding!
- Aye, sir!
- You got anything for 'em?
- Carry on.
- Aye, sir.
Sirs, good afternoon, sirs!
(quiet chatter)
Reporter: Now to a developing
story in southwest Miami-Dade,
the search is on right
now for two inmates
that escaped around lunchtime today.
Reporter #2: Dozens of
Miami-Dade police officers
searched on the ground, in the air,
looking for the two inmates...
James Dukes, arrested for
burglary and grand theft,
and Manuel Guzman, arrested
for robbery and carjacking.
Reporter #3: Officers say he and
Dukes were out doing work detail,
which is trash pickup
or landscaping labor.
According to police,
they simply walked away.
- (Lopez sighs)
- Reporter #4: And new tonight, Miami-Dade police
have now captured both
escaped prisoners.
Reporter #5: About
4:15 this afternoon,
police took inmate James
Dukes into custody,
finding him inside an apartment
in southwest Miami-Dade.
Reporter #6: 20-year-old Manuel
Guzman is back in police custody,
those hours on the
run coming to an end.
A couple of your cadets, the ones that
we've been giving the most chances to,
decided to freakin' take off.
Just, "Let me just take
off. The hell with it.
Everything that I've worked
for to this point, it's gone."
Right? I guess I'm
talking to my butt, right?
Cadets: Aye, sir!
If they close this program...
you're screwed.
'Cause there's no other form of
rehabilitation around for you.
Any opportunity you had to
freakin' change your life
and to do something better
and to go to school is gone.
And then what are you gonna do?
You're gonna go to prison.
Then you're gonna have to deal
with a whole bunch of other stuff
'cause you're gonna be in general
population, 'cause you're all adults.
You're gonna have to deal with
things that are very unpleasant.
So, is that what you want?
You want them to stop
the program at this time,
and that's it, we're
done? (clapping hands)
Cadets: Sir, no, sir.
Youngblood: Sir, can a young cadet
have permission to speak, sir?
- Yeah.
- Aye, sir.
So, this cadet feel like...
this cadet lost two brothers,
sir, out of this platoon.
But at the same time, sir,
those cadets, they knew better, sir.
They got a mind of their own.
- Okay.
- They decided, you know...
made that mistake, sir, they
gotta pay for that mistake, sir.
- Get in my rack.
- Aye, sir.
Sir, good evening, sir.
(speaking Spanish)
Damn, he's gonna do... Jules,
you think he's gonna do time?
What you think? 10... 10 the lowest, right?
10 the lowest. That's what
they gonna throw at them.
Violation of probation,
manda... mandatory escape charge,
plus his original charges,
which they're probably
gonna give him the max, dawg.
Okay, shh, shh, shh. All
right, that's it, that's it.
I'm through being nice to you guys.
- Be quiet, all right?
- Aye, sir.
- Good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night, lady.
- Good night, sir.
I'm just gonna go over a couple of things.
Just, you know, right now,
it doesn't look good
for the department,
it doesn't look good for us.
Um, if the cadets have questions,
try to answer them as best you can
without divulging information
and just stay positive,
'cause we will rebound
and we will continue to move forward.
Okay? Anybody have questions?
Fouquet? Private Cork?
It's unfortunate, but
everything is about choices.
And those individuals, they old enough,
they got common sense,
they know right from wrong.
It just came down to
making a decision,
and it turned out to be a bad decision.
Roosevelt: As far as Guzman go,
- it was a shock.
- Green: He was a squad leader?
- That's a squad leader.
- Yeah, he was a squad leader.
So he is... and obviously, Dukes
had made some kind of progress.
He was showing progress.
I... I honestly...
I am shocked and I'm surprised.
It's our job to continue
to move ahead and move on,
and to continue to keep the other 33,
you know, going in a positive direction.
- (helicopter whirring)
- (horn honks)
(door buzzes)
(door closes)
(door opens)
So, first of all,
I wanna know what the hell's
going on in your heads.
What do you think was gonna happen?
You think we were gonna
give you a slap on the wrist?
- Not at all.
- They had helicopters in the air.
They had freakin' units all
over the place looking for you.
They had SWAT teams out there.
Think about that.
And in the news, they had you looking
like you were a serial killer or something.
So, what do you think the
future holds for you now?
Wait and see.
How bout you Dukes?
What do you think the
future holds for you now?
A whole lot of dismay and destruction.
- Say again.
- Dismay and destruction.
Do you have anything to
tell me before I split?
I wanna say I'm sorry.
I know you disappointed
in me, me and Guzman,
and we could have been somewhere better
than where we is now,
sitting in red jumpers.
We could have been
getting ready to graduate.
I wanna say I'm sorry to my mom, my dad...
my family.
I wish there was more I
could do for you, but I can't.
All right?
(door opens)
(door closes)
Manuel Guzman,
you escaped from the
boot camp program.
You're now facing six
years in state prison.
Mr. Dukes, please stand.
The State of Florida has
charged you with escape,
a second-degree felony.
You will be adjudicated guilty,
sentenced to seven years
in the state prison,
followed by three years
of reporting probation.
- (gavel bangs)
- Okay, we'll be in recess.
(Fouquet shouting)
27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19.
Everybody, get
- Do it now!
- Cadets: Aye, ma'am!
Ten-hut! 10, nine,
eight, seven, six,
five, four, three,
two, and friggin' one.
- Done and done.
- I said and one.
Done and done.
Green: The incident with
Dukes and Guzman was bad.
I tell you all the time, if
you look bad, I look bad,
so right now, we're looking bad.
So, it behooves me to get out of my house
and cancel my plans for my
Saturday morning to get in here.
I don't want this to
deter everybody else here.
I still want Platoon 15-1
to continue to move forward.
- Everybody understand that?
- Ma'am, yes, ma'am.
What's y'all motto? Somebody
give it to me real slow.
Red, green, blue, gold, the
strong survive, the weak will fold.
Blood, sweat, tears, and all,
success is a must, we refuse to fall.
Boot camp.
Anybody can remember...
memorize a song, a rap or whatever,
but when you put it in here,
and when you put it in here,
that's when you get something out of it.
This program is about making you
stronger mentally and physically
before you enter the society.
I see great things from a lot
of y'all. I see improvement.
I wanna see you 10
years from now as a man,
not the little boy that you are now.
Are you dedicated?!
Dedicated, drill instructor, dedicated!
This is your life,
and it'll be your time to face it.
We have no choice but to
stay and do it, you know?
...five, six, seven, eight, nine...
- Drink that water. Hydrate yourself.
- (all yelling)
Everything we do is for a reason,
but we got to remember
the big picture.
For once in our life, we
get to do something positive.
Lopez: When you get out of here,
you're gonna go out there,
you're gonna start something new,
you're gonna start something
that's good for your future.
Officer: March! Hold!
Williams: These are my brothers.
I live with them, shit with them,
sleep with them, eat with them.
I'm my brothers' keepers right now.
It feels as if
this is your first time doing
the best thing in your life.
Cadets: Boot camp! Boot camp!
Boot "cam."
Hey, hey, lock and load!
Hey, hey, lock and load!
Sound of the ground
is so hard and cold.
Sound of the ground is so hard and cold.
We were always ready to go!
We were always ready to go!
So early, so early, so
early in the morning.
So early, so early, so
early in the morning.
Platoon, halt.
Lopez gets that crazy look on his face.
I mean, I guess some
people just get scared,
but I just... I get amped with it.
I get... like, I wanna be crazy, too.
- Cadet: Sir, yes, sir!
- Cadet #2: Sir, yes, sir!
Carry on.
Lopez: I never seen
glasses like that.
Aye, sir.
I thought we taped 'em up. What happened?
I was at work. Call me trash, sir.
Oh, okay.
- Real cute. Take 'em off.
- Sir?
- Take 'em off.
- Aye, sir.
- Put 'em on. Shut up!
- (mumbling)
I tell you to speak?
- Oh, you're laughing?
- Sir, no, sir.
- You having a good time?
- Sir, no, sir.
- Okay, put 'em on.
- Yes, sir.
That how they do it back
there where you live?
This cadet does the best he can, sir.
- Okay, I like to hear that.
- Aye, sir.
- Outstanding, good job.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Who did you pay to do this?
Sir, can this cadet have
permission to speak, sir?
- Yeah.
- This cadet done tried it by himself, sir.
- You did it?
- Sir, yes, sir.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Good job.
Aye, aye, sir.
- I wanna see 'em both when you're done.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Get ready.
How bad you want it? Come on.
Officer: Five, four,
three, two, one.
Jules. How many did Jules do?
- Got 105, sir.
- There you go.
- Plemons!
- Aye, ma'am!
Cadet: 6-1, ma'am.
- 6-1?
- Yes, ma'am.
Plemons, what you did the
first time around, Plemons?
- 2-9.
- 2-9.
- You done doubled that trash.
- Aye, ma'am.
Whoo! Good job, Plemons!
Look at that boy!
Well, he came... he came a long way!
He done came a long way!
- That's pretty darn good for me.
- Good job, white boy.
- Officer: Running.
- Cadet: Running.
- Every day.
- Every day.
- We can run.
- We can run.
- To the sun.
- To the sun.
- We can train.
- We can train.
- In the rain.
- In the rain.
- We can go.
- We can go.
- Through the storm.
- Through the storm.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey-o.
- Hey-o.
- Hey, hey.
- Hey, hey.
- Hey-o.
- Hey-o.
The camp ready to go home, sir.
Boot camp! 15-1!
- Come on!
- Cadets: We love it, we love it.
We finally found a home.
- A what?
- A home.
- A what?
- A home.
- A what?
- A home away from home, hey!
- (chatter)
- Officer: Scott Jules. Jules, Scott.
- How you doing?
- How you doing?
- (wand beeping)
- Officer: Keys in here.
And your ID.
This is my grandson.
This is my son that's here
in boot camp, Gerald...
this is his son.
How old is your son?
- My son? He's 21.
- 21?
- He's 21. He turned 21 on Christmas.
- Woman: How old is he?
He's three.
He turned 19 on December
the, uh... on the first.
And then 12 days later, he went to jail.
And I haven't seen him...
I've seen him, but I haven't
been able to touch him since then.
Officer: Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
I would like to welcome you
to the graduation ceremony
of Platoon 15-1.
(applause, cheering)
(officer vocalizing commands)
Whoo hoo hoo!
Yes, that's what I'm talking about!
That's what I'm talking about, yes!
Cadet: We all started
out as criminals,
but boot camp gave us a second chance.
You all gave us a second chance,
and we won't let you down.
- Platoon 15-1!
- Cadets: Ma'am, yes, ma'am!
On my command to fall out,
fall out and fall in
in front of your family.
- Aye, ma'am.
- Fall out.
Aye, ma'am. Ma'am, good afternoon,
ma'am. Sir, good afternoon, sir.
(crowd cheering)
- You good?
- I'm good, yeah.
- Mm-wah!
- Mm-wah!
- This my Pooh Bear.
- I missed you, Mama.
I told him they couldn't speak
English when they got here,
but before you go home, you're
gonna be able to speak English.
'Cause you gonna communicate with
me, and I communicate with you.
When I started in this
program, a little English.
- Now, good English.
- He understands very well
- and he speaks very well back.
- Yeah.
I'ma be all right. It's gonna be all right.
All you got to do is just
keep doing what you doing.
You keep doing what you doing
and I'm hanging in here, okay?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Okay?
You keep doing what you doing,
and God gonna see to it that I'ma be here.
(woman laughing)
- Es Lopez!
- (speaking Spanish)
- Five, four...
- All right, okay.
- Officer: Let's go!
- ...three...
- Lock it up!
- ...two,
- and one.
- Done and done!
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for participating
in this great event with us.
- (cheering)
- Right!
(chanting) Boot camp! 10-4!
Boot camp! 10-4!
Lopez: Left face!
- Take a knee.
- Aye, sir.
Now, this is the time to reflect,
to remember.
Remember, you got a long
road ahead of you, okay?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- I want you guys to do well.
I want you guys to freaking
remember all your lessons.
I want you guys to freaking never forget
to be a good person, to do the right thing,
not to expect things from others,
be a selfless person, not a selfish person.
- Do you understand me?
- Sir, yes, sir!
- On your feet!
- Aye, sir! Hoo-ah!
Plemons, this is your property.
We're gonna check. Got your shoes.
What? What, it feel good?
I bet you ain't wear this
trash in a long time, huh?
This feels like a new me.
I never dress like this,
not even for church nor nothing.
Do you want a tie? I'll give you one.
Which one you want, extra
long or the narrow one?
Which one do you want?
I'll wear my brown belt
for the day, you know?
If I wanna wear my black belt,
only thing I gotta do is, unh, flip this.
Now I got my black belt on for the day.
Where you fitting to go at, man?
Where you fitting to go, Plemons, man?
Hey, I'm fitting to go home, man.
- You going where?
- We going home, man!
- We going where?!
- We going home, man!
We going to the crib, you hear me?!
- La familia aqu? Out... out there?
- Yeah.
Your mother, abuela?
My mother, brother, and stepfather.
(officer vocalizing commands)
- (camera shutter clicks)
- (baby babbles)
Third squad, forward.
- Seat.
- Sir, yes, sir!
I would like to thank you for
attending Platoon 15-1's graduation.
We all know them as Castillo,
we know them as Tough,
Guillaume, Plemons,
but they're more than that.
To you guys, they're your sons,
they're your brothers,
they're your uncles,
and we definitely want to get them
back to you as soon as possible
and as whole as possible.
Thank you.
How's it feel, cadets?
- Cadets: Good, sir.
- Feels good, right?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Yeah.
It's a good day. Congratulations.
We're all very, very proud of you.
I just need to point something out.
Plemons, let me see your glasses.
Look at Plemons' glasses.
These glasses broke, and they've
got 93 pounds of tape on them.
(all laughing)
And he's like, "I know, sir.
When I get out, I'm gonna buy
a new pair, throw them away."
I said, "No, actually,
you need to keep these
'cause these are the example...
these are the example
of when things go wrong,
you don't throw them away,
you don't make excuses.
You tape 'em up and you move on."
- You hold on to these.
- (applause)
- Giraldez, this is your family, right?
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Sir, yes, sir.
- Okay.
- That's your mom?
- Sir, yes, sir.
Mrs. Giraldez, how do you
feel about being here?
(speaking Spanish)
There's one more family
I want to point out.
Williams and his grandma.
Could you tell us how you feel
and how it feels to be here?
I know when he came in, you
had a big smile on your face.
You were just saying, "Thank
you, thank you, thank you."
Thank you all so very much,
because he was beyond help.
They wanted to give him 30 years,
and I couldn't... I almost lost my mind.
I am so proud of him.
He has come a long ways.
Now, I would like, actually, to thank,
just, um, Commanding
Officer Lieutenant Green,
all the judges, especially my judge,
'cause they gave me
more than one opportunity
to become who I am trying to be today.
- Who is your judge?
- Judge Rodney Smith.
- He's not here right now.
- Hello!
Oh, snap.
Grandmother: Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Judge.
Congratulations. I'm very proud of y'all.
And get out there and do good.
(music playing)
- Free men!
- (woman shouts in Spanish)
Hi! (laughing)
Thank you. (laughing, crying)
Yeah, dude. I'm going home, man.
I ain't never coming
back to this boot camp!
(all laughing)
(crying) Now I got my baby back.
You're my baby.
It'll be a steady full-time job
if you make it that.
I'm gonna hire you.
The only thing I ask you to do
is please don't go out
there and let me down.
- That's all I ask.
- I won't, sir.
- Thank you, son.
- Thank you.
- (bell dings)
- What you doing?
Man: On that table, I think.
(dishes clinking)
(distant hammering)
(horn honks)
(music continues)