Rock Haven (2007)

The very first day I arrived at
Rock Haven,
I could sense right away that
it was an ideal spot...
to be one with God.
Mmm, listen to this:
Rock Haven owes its birth
to the 1906 earthquake.
Thousands of San Franciscans
sought refuge right here on
these beaches.
When school starts, Brady, I hope you'll
be as diligent
with your Bible studies as you are
with the trivia.
You didn't say grace, Mom.
Come, Lord Jesus,
be our guest.
and let these gifts
to us be blessed.
You working late again?
With all these regulations, you'd think
I was starting my own country.
It's hard to meet people around here.
I know, I know.
That's Angie.
Who's that?
Our neighbor, she
needs some boxes.
You've got to meet my son.
Brady, this is Angie's boy.
Let me get the boxes.
I've seen you around.
You must have me
confused with someone else.
There you go; there are plenty
more where these came from.
Thanks, I'll give 'em to my mom.
See you later.
What's wrong with you?
He's weird!
You dropped your towel.
Just for a minute.
How old are you?
You barely shave...
Gimme a break!
I'm nineteen.
It's not much difference.
Maybe not.
So, I hear it's pretty wild at
UC Berkeley.
Don't you like 'wild', Brady?
College has a way of changing that.
I don't think so.
Where are you going this fall?
Uhm, Summit.
The Bible college?
I'm glad you find it
so amusing.
What are you majoring in?
You think you're really smart,
don't you?
I was joking.
No, you weren't.
I still have some unpacking
I need to do.
Guess that's my cue.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
Reverend Brown...
non-Christians can be a
pain sometimes.
I hear you.
You know, Brady, there's a
whole world out there,
and we can't be insular.
I look older than thirteen, right?
How's it goin'?
Pretty good.
School'll be here before
we know it.
I can wait.
I know, you can hear
the waves.
But you see, that's a myth.
It's really just environmental noise.
It sounds different
because it's being reflected
off the interior of the shell.
I bet you I could teach you a few
things about astronomy too...
Brady, Brady, Brady...
Do you realize you're a
nerd sometimes?
Just checking!
I may need to get my stomach pumped.
Consider yourself officially initiated!
That second bowl of popcorn
was definitely a mistake!
But I'd do it again.
My mother's got a junk food gene...
I inherited it.
The only junk food in my house
is Granola.
It's a nice place.
there's something I need
to get out of the way,
but you have to promise not
to hold it against me.
What is it?
Oh Clifford!
Brace yourself!
Brady, this is my mom,
she's certifiable.
Hi Brady!
Be sure to thank you mother
for those boxes.
Hi, Mrs. ...
Just call me Angie.
You have such an interesting
field of energy.
Come on.
So, do you like your new home?
Yes maam, Angie.
What do you think of this?
I got it at an antique store
in Mo valley.
You know, Dad hates it when you
clutter up the house.
Sometimes my son's too
clever for his own good.
See you later.
Call your father tonight!
She's driving me crazy.
Where's your dad that you need
to call him?
He's never around.
My dad died.
Liver cancer.
I'm sorry.
I've a picture of him.
I can see the resemblance.
Thank you.
Wanna go for a walk?
Yeah, sure.
Back in Oberlin Park,
Brady had the biggest crush on
the next-door neighbor girl...
For the eightieth time, I did not
have a crush on Kelly Houston!
Gimme the dirt!
All the dirt!
One day he cut her braids so badly
I had to pay her mother
for a whole new haircut.
Sounds scandalous!
I was eight!
I tell you, his mind seems elsewhere since we've
left Kansas.
No offence, but I disagree.
Your son is more grounded
than any boy I've ever met.
What a nice thing to say!
It's just a fact.
Put that in your trivia book!
Brady says you're opening up a school.
It's a Christian school.
Are you a Christian, Clifford?
Uh, I come from a non-traditional background.
Maybe you'd like to join us for Church
one of these days.
There's chocolate pudding for desert.
Let me take your plates.
I really like how he defended
you at dinner.
He has his moments!
This halogen is the most abundant in nature.
But I was struck by how you
changed the subject
when we started talking about Church.
You seem almost ashamed.
I'm not ashamed,
it's just that...
I'm afraid he won't wanna be my
friend any more.
You can't think that way, Brady.
I know.
I brought you something.
Just keep an open mind.
What am I gonna do with you?
Think of something!
It's best to start with the
New Testament.
I take it Clifford has
a girlfriend.
He's kind of picky.
Brady too!
Marty, can I tell you a
secret about Clifford?
Maybe it's true of Brady as well.
My boy... he's a closet...
Brady too.
We'd like to invite Clifford to come to Church
with us one of these Sundays.
If he's okay, I'm okay.
I think Brady and Clifford
are good for each other.
You're such a pretty girl, Peggy.
Isn't she... Brady?
Thank you.
When you gonna tell that
boy the truth?
He already knows about me...
and himself.
Oooh, brother!
I know what I'm doing.
Sure you do!
So... !
Your mom tells me you're going
to Cinema State next year.
They have a good drama program.
That's great, Peggy.
We can always use more Christian actors,
right Brady?
Well don't leave Peggy in there
by herself!
Why did you have to say
all those things at dinner?
Well, somebody had to say something!
I don't think she likes me.
Oh, don't be silly.
You just have to get over your
shyness around girls, that's all.
Ask her if she wants some ice-cream.
Maybe we should check on desert.
You know, Brady...
out of all the guys my mom's set
me up with,
you're the only one I can stand.
Does she have big tits?
I don't know!
You don't know?
Poor Peeegggy!
Do you mind... ?
Rub my feet!
Are you serious?
C'mon, they're killin' me.
Even harder!
Maybe we should find you a girlfriend, too.
You don't know the first thing about girls!
I don't see you going on
any dates right now.
At least I know what to do.
I know what to do!
Show her you seashell collection?
Listen up...
Pretend I'm you, and
you're the girl.
We're all by ourselves; we've just got
past first base.
First base?
Hopeless, truly hopeless!
You kissed her...
you got her shirt off...
Peggy would never allow that!
Don't let these Jesus freaks
fool you!
Here comes the important part.
You've got to approach from
the bottom of the cups...
otherwise you might hurt the
poor girl's boobs!
You do know what boobs are, right?
No, what are those?
Close your eyes.
What now?
It tickles.
Keep touching her like so...
she'll like that.
You get her comfortable,
at ease, and then go for the goal.
What are you doing?
Just showing you what boys
do with girls.
That's not Christian behavior!
You're hard down there.
Jesus! Now look what you made
me say!
I won't tell anyone.
There's nothing to tell, I was
thinking about girls.
I mean I won't tell anyone you took
God's name in vain.
Very funny!
I can't get the stupid thing off!
Let me unhook you.
There's something seriously wrong
with you.
Touch with this, Lord...
there's something seriously wrong
with me.
What'd you do?
I just wanted the house to
look nice for you.
Is this about Peggy?
Sort of...
I don't know.
I think it's obvious from last night, that you
have some serious, serious, issues.
You know what's wrong.
Just come out and say it!
Leviticus Chapter 18, Verse 22:
says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind
as with womankind; it is an abomination."
Surely you can come up with
something better than
a cherry-picked Bible verse.
I'm trying to help you.
Maybe you should concentrate on
helping yourself.
What do you mean helping myself?
You're the trivia king.
Figure it out!
I'm not like you, Clifford.
I'm not some toy for you
to play around with.
Where are you going?
Don't let the door hit you on
the arse on the way out!
I thought you wanted
me to.
Is it 'boy trouble'?
Okay. That's it!
I'm so sick and tired of people making
judgments about me. You don't know me!
What do you want?
We can't do this.
Why not?
Reverend Brown, I don't want to
condone his life style.
You sound pretty sure
about this friend.
I am sure...
very sure.
And it really confuses me.
How so?
I don't understand why God
would make him this way...
if it's wrong.
Be there for him!
Get up! We're going to be
late for Church.
What's wrong?
I'm not feeling really well.
You go on without me!
Oh, I'm sorry sweetie.
Get some rest!
I shouldn't be missing Church.
Make an exception,
just this once?
If I hurry, I can catch
the last half of services.
I'm sorry. You know,
this is still new to me.
Don't be sorry,
it's part of the deal.
Why do you put up
with me?
You're cute!
No I'm not.
And you don't have a
mean bone in your body.
Everybody's got a mean streak.
You don't.
At boarding school, a lot of the boys made it
their lives' work to make my life a living hell.
I haven't had a lot of
nice people in my life.
You're different.
Hey boys!
What are you doing here?
Last time I checked,
I lived here!
My mom's expecting me
any time now.
Oh, don't be silly!
Clifford, can you run to the
store and get some milk?
Why did I have to get the weirdest
mom on the planet?
It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
That doesn't happen much in summer,
does it?
So, have you two boys
gone all the way?
Oh, my God!
Sex is serious business.
What are you talking about?
Oh, save it, dear.
What did Clifford tell you?
Oh, he never tells me any
of the good stuff!
You're shaking like
a leaf!
Nothing happened!
Please don't tell my mom.
You have my word. Feel this
aura of conflict about you!
It's probably me just having
a heart attack.
No, wait,
I sense something else
... that you'll find your way.
So I ran into Angie at
the grocery this afternoon.
Could you pass the mashed potatoes?
She just happened to mention how you
two boys had such a nice time today.
You have never missed services,
not once.
It's not the end of the world, Mom.
Was this Clifford's idea?
No, it was mine.
Well, what kind of Christian example
is that to set for him?
Not a very good one.
I know you're going through a lot.
All I'm saying is...
don't lose sight of your
walk with Christ.
I won't.
I'm not.
You really like him, don't you?
You have to get over this
guilt trip.
I did!
I fell in love.
When're you guys getting married?
He scares me; it's never
mattered this much before.
You guys ready?
What're you talkin' about?
How'd you know about me so fast?
I have a test.
If a guy doesn't look down my blouse...,
then... it's 100% accurate.
Sorry I asked.
Peggy's gonna be here tomorrow
all day.
All day?
Don't get me wrong...
I think Peggy's a wonderful girl,
but temptation is the
workshop of the devil.
For heaven's sake!
Okay, for the title of 'Trivia Champion'.
The state capital of Vermont?
No helping!
Trivia stud!
I don't believe this.
I have a confession to make.
Peggy told me you memorized
the trivia cards.
Something else...
I've been doing a little
bedside reading.
Your favorite book.
I wouldn't send me up for any
revivals just yet.
The point is your heart's open.
I guess.
I mean...
I always wondered if there was someone
or something up there,
even as a little kid.
But until now, it just didn't seem
rational , you know?
What changed your mind?
You didn't come into my
life by accident.
Did I say something wrong?
I just felt so alone.
Did something happen?
No, not really.
He's just...
I can't put my finger on it.
There are these walls going
up between us.
That scares me...
It really scares me.
July seems like an odd time to
have a hayride.
Summers are cold here.
There'll be chaperons at the
sleepover afterwards, right?
Yeah. The whole Church group
will be there.
It's eerie how much you look
like your father.
You need to get out more!
My hands are full with
the Lord's work.
That's Peggy...
Be careful.
I will. See you
How're you feeling?
How was the hayride?
It was fine,
just like Kansas.
Peggy had a car accident
last night.
Oh, my God!
Just a few bumps and bruises.
What happened?
If you had been with her,
you'd know!
We broke up.
Don't lie to me!
Is it drugs?
Are you in trouble with
the law?
Then just tell me
what is going on!
I was with Clifford.
Well, why do you have to
make up a lie to be with him?
I can't say.
I've had these feelings for
a long time.
Oh, sweet Jesus!
I prayed for it to stop.
We don't get to pick and choose the
parts of the Bible we want to believe in.
I wish I didn't believe.
Please, tell me.
You don't believe that?
I need your help, Mom.
You knew about them.
You have to have faith, Marty.
What would you know about faith?
God didn't give you a monopoly on
all these matters!
You encouraged them,
didn't you?
What kind of a mother would
do that?
You're not being very
Okay, I've had it!
You can't keep barging in here
all the time.
Why are you avoiding me?
You've gotta go.
Not until you tell me
what's going on.
I'm getting some help.
With what?
You know.
Holy shit! You can't go
through with this.
I owe it to myself to try.
To yourself?
Or to your mom?
What I did wasn't right!
Do I even matter here?
Good luck at 'Brain-washing Camp'...
you're gonna need it!
Have some coconut erbal tea, dear;
it'll calm your nerves.
Mom not now.
You really do think I'm a kook.
I'm the kook.
Hear me out for a second.
Promise me you won't get jaded...
that you'll keep searching for
those truths,
those truths that give you peace.
Hi Dad.
It's Clifford.
How's Barcelona?
Hey guy.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
What're you guys doing here?
It's from Clifford.
God bless!
I'll be able to visit on weekends.
I think I'm gonna go to the church.
I need some time to pray.
Don't be long!
I won't.
You can't move to Barcelona.
Brady, look me in the eyes and tell me
we don't belong together.
We can't.
I want you to have this.
I can't accept that.
Promise you'll wear it?
I have a plane to catch.
Please don't be mad at me.
I'm not mad.
I'm just...
I thought your faith was stronger
than this.
Bye, Brady.
I love the Lord so much...
but I'm not sure I'm strong enough
to do what he wants me to.
You're making this into
a choice, Brady.
God never mentioned anything
about a choice.
Acts 2-21:
"Whoever calls on the name of
the Lord shall be saved."
John 3-17:
"For God did not send his Son out into
the world to condemn the world,
but to save the world through him."
Why are you so understanding?
The Lord above opened my eyes.
Run up and get your suitcase...
We need to hit the road.
I'm not going.
You're making the mistake
of your life.
I already made the mistake
of my life.
Maybe you should just leave.
I don't wanna talk about this, Brady...
I need you!
I wish I could believe that.
What do you expect me
to do with this?
I just want you to love me.
Even if I can't change.
You're my son.
You will always be my son.
But there's something you have
to understand...
I can't change either.
I forgive you.
I won't say the pain was
over that day...
but ever since then,
I've gotten only closer to God.