Rocketman (2019)

How long is this gonna take?
That's really up to you.
Right, then.
I know how this bit goes.
My name is
Elton Hercules John...
and I'm an alcoholic.
And a cocaine addict.
And a sex addict.
And a bulimic.
I'm also a shopaholic,
who has problems with weed...
prescription drugs...
and anger management.
Why are you here now?
Well, my dealer was out of town.
I thought this seemed like
a good alternative.
I'm here because
I want to get better.
What were you like
as a child, Elton?
As a child?
I was justified
When I was five
Raising Cain
I'll spit in your eye
Times are changing
Now the poor get fat
But the fever's Gonna catch
you When the bitch gets back
Eat meat on a Friday
- That's all right
- That's all right
Even like steak
On a Saturday night
Saturday night
I can bitch the best
At your social dos
Social dos
I get high in the evening
Sniffing pots of glue
I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch
Oh, the bitch is back!
Stone-cold sober
As a matter of fact
I can bitch, I can bitch
'Cause I'm better than you
It's the way that I move
The things that I do
Bitch, bitch
The bitch is back
Bitch, bitch
The bitch is back
Bitch, bitch
The bitch is back
Bitch, bitch
The bitch is back
Reggie! You're late!
I've had to throw your dinner
in the bin! Get inside.
Is he back?
What am I? Thin air?
Wouldn't get your hopes up.
He's very unreliable
and very selfish.
But will you send him up
if I'm already in bed?
Reggie! Move!
Got to get this done
before I go out.
All right, all done.
Put it away before you go out.
Mum, I've got to go.
Where's my cardigan?
Did I do something wrong?
Bloody hell, Sheila.
Maybe we should
get him some lessons.
Love to. Get him out
from under my feet.
Go on, play it again.
I want to play it for Dad.
Managed to drag yourself
home then.
- Hello, Stanley.
- How are you, Ivy?
Like you care.
Come on.
You're letting in a draft.
How long you back?
I've got
a couple of weeks' leave.
Reggie's not long gone to bed.
Go on. Pop up, say hello.
I'll see him tomorrow.
Any dinner left?
Or have you fed it all
to that boy?
My dad was passionate about...
family and music.
He'd talk for hours about jazz.
He was always hugging me.
I was very lucky.
I was actually
a very happy child.
Dad, is it true
you play piano?
I'm saving to get lessons.
If you want to sit in here,
you'll have to be quiet.
I'm listening to my music.
I like this one, Dad.
Never, ever touch
my collection without asking.
When are you going to hug me?
Don't be soft.
What are you still doing up?
Turn off the light.
Go to sleep.
Crumbs! That was energetic!
Play another one.
The "Moonlight Sonata," Reggie.
Mum? My piano teacher
thinks I'm good enough
for a scholarship
at the Royal Academy of Music.
The Royal Academy of Music?
It has a nice ring to it.
- What do you think?
- The red one's good.
- It's only on Saturdays.
- I've things to do on weekends.
- Can't just drop everything.
- I'll take you.
- Where are you off to?
- Don't know.
Haven't decided yet.
But whatever it is,
you're not invited.
Reggie's piano teacher thinks he's
good enough for a scholarship.
You think he's got
that kind of talent?
Of course, he has.
But you'd know that
if you took the slightest bit of
interest in me or this family.
Stop looking at that.
You're not a girl.
- Can we go home?
- Home? No going home.
This is your life.
You have to get over
that silly shyness.
But Mum says I'll never...
Everybody's frightened
at the beginning.
You play at being confident.
Life gives you
very few chances, Reggie,
and this is one of yours.
You show 'em you can be
as good as they are.
Better. Number one.
You can do that, can't you?
- Yeah, I suppose.
- Good. Go on then. Here.
Here's for a bag of chips
and your bus fare home.
Reginald Dwight?
- Yes.
- Hi. How do you do?
Good, thank you.
Take your coat off.
Did you not bring
something to play?
Didn't know I had to.
I see. Well...
So, can you show me anything
so I can get a sense
of where you're up to?
Why have you stopped?
That's as far as you got.
You might have a good memory,
and a good ear,
but you've an awful lot
of work to do.
So, wrists and back straight.
Let's start
with the C-major scale,
both hands, two octaves.
Hands off the table, Reginald.
Stop making that noise.
What you looking at me for?
I want love
But it's impossible
A man like him
So irresponsible
A man like him
Is dead in places
Other men feel liberated
I can't love
Shot full of holes
Don't feel nothing
I just feel cold
Don't feel nothing
Just old scars
Toughening up
Around my heart
I want love
On my own terms
After everything
I have learned
Me, I carry too much baggage
Oh, God, I've seen
So much traffic
But I want love
Just a different kind
- I want love
- Won't break me down
Won't brick me
up Won't fence me in
I want a love
That'll mean something
That's the love I want
I want love
Oh, yeah.
Boy... There's a boy there.
Reggie. What you doing?
Hello, son. I'm Fred.
I'm a friend of your mum's.
You tied me down
with that kid years ago,
and now I've finally
got a reason to leave
and be rid of you
and this bloody house!
He didn't even give me
a hug goodbye.
He's no good
at showing affection.
Never has been.
- I wish I was someone else.
- Oh, don't be silly.
Well, how do you think I felt?
I was a kid.
People don't care though,
do they?
I'd discovered records.
And rock 'n' roll.
I know you like him.
He's quite a dish.
- I would.
- Oh, Mum!
Thanks, Mum. It's fantastic.
You serious about wanting
to be a rock 'n' roller?
Yeah. Of course.
Better get you
the proper haircut, eh?
- Can I get it cut like Elvis?
- Enjoy it while it lasts.
He's like my side
of the family.
He'll be bald as an egg
by the time he's 20.
Congratulations to Dave.
He's won four pork chops,
half a pound of prime mince
and a string of sausages.
Thank you all! Thank you!
Now, Sheila and Fred's boy
is gonna sing us
a couple of songs on the piano.
Reggie Dwight!
Come on, Reg!
Go on, boy.
Bloody hell.
Have you got a fag?
Reg, Reg,
play the one I like.
Excuse me.
- You can't put that there.
- Why not?
It'll get knocked off.
It's getting late
Have you seen my mates?
Ma, tell me
When the boys get here
It's seven o'clock
And I wanna rock
Wanna get a belly
Full of beer
My old man's drunker
Than a barrel full of monkeys
And my old lady
She don't care
My sister looks cute
In her braces and boots
A handful of grease
In her hair
Don't give us none
Of your aggravation
We've had it
With your discipline
'Cause Saturday night's
Alright for fighting
Get a little action in
Get about as oiled
As a diesel train
Gonna set this dance alight
'Cause Saturday night's
The night I like
Saturday night's alright
Alright, alright!
Well, they're packed
Pretty tight in here tonight
I'm looking for a dolly
Who'll see me right
I may use a little muscle
To get what I need
I may sink a little drink And
shout out "She's with me!"
A couple of the sounds
That I really like
Are the sounds of A
switchblade And a motorbike
I'm a juvenile product
Of the working class
Whose best friend floats
At the bottom of a glass
Saturday night's alright
Saturday night's alright
Don't give us none
Of your aggravation
We've had it
With your discipline
'Cause Saturday night's
Alright for fighting
Get a little action in
Get about as oiled
As a diesel train
Gonna set this dance alight
'Cause Saturday night's
The night I like
Saturday night's alright
Alright, alright!
Saturday night's alright
Here you go, Dave.
They won't bite.
Have a word.
Good show tonight, boys.
You look like you know
how to enjoy yourselves.
How'd you like to make
two quid a week?
Go on.
I'm a soul promoter.
And I've got two new American
acts doing a tour of England,
and they all need backup.
I'll need to know
by tomorrow, lunchtime.
Like a madman
I'm walking the morning
Headin' for the walls
Of heartache
- Working every day
- Bringing home the pay
Of heartbreak
You are gone
And the walls get higher
They are built
On the tears I'm crying
Oh, I've got
To bring it back
I'm workin' Till the
day I'm dyin' Oh, yeah
- Breaking down the walls Of heartbreak
- Take it down, take it down
Breaking down
The walls of heartache
Rip at 'em
Rip and tear them down
So how does a fat boy
from Pinner...
with glasses,
called Reggie Dwight...
get to be a soul man, then, eh?
Write some songs.
And your face
Is there before me
Writing words of no tomorrow
Your letter of goodbye Is
written on the walls Of sorrow
I'm a skinny black kid...
from Detroit...
whose real name
is Rodney Jones.
And I played roadside joints
for ten years...
before I realized
what I had to do.
What, change your name?
It's not just your name.
You gotta kill the person
you were born to be
in order to become
the person you wanna be.
I got to tear down
All the loneliness and tears
And build you up
A house of love
Breaking down The walls of heartache
Watch me, baby
Breaking down
The walls of heartache
Breaking down the walls Of heartache
Brick by brick
I tear it down
Have a good show.
Breaking down the walls
Of heartache
It's on me hands.
Watch that, mate.
- Elton?
- Yeah?
I'm thinking
of changing my name.
Yeah, great.
I'm thinking of changing it
to Elton Dean.
But that's my name.
Yeah, I know.
What do you think?
I think, fuck off!
And thank you
For all of your loving
Thank you
For all of your tears
Thank you for all
Of your kindness
Piano players I've got.
Ten a penny, mate.
I sing, too.
What sort of stuff?
Well, anything.
Rock, soul,
country and western.
Bloody hell, I'm gonna shoot
the next piano player
who sings "Streets of Laredo."
Uh, well,
I write stuff, too.
That was good.
I mean, it could do with some words.
Yeah. That's the part
I struggle with.
What's it called?
Oh, no,
I just made that up.
Just now?
What did you say
your name was again?
- Elton?
- Mmm.
Elton what?
Elton John.
What are you doing
in my office?
Just taking a meeting.
I'll make you a cup of tea then,
shall I...
All right,
Elton John the piano player.
Thank you so much
for coming in.
- Leave your details on your way...
- Please, Mr. Williams.
Give me a chance.
Um... all right.
See if there's anything interesting
in this one and set it to music.
Well, I'll see you soon.
Thank you for coming in.
Will I hear from you, or...
We'll be in touch.
We'll be in touch. Thank you.
Okay. Thanks so much
for your time.
No worries. Come on.
One frothy coffee, no froth.
- Thanks.
- We close in an hour.
- Bernie Taupin?
- Yeah. You must be Elton?
- Yeah.
- Hi.
Well, that's my stage name.
You can tell me your real name when
we get to know each other better.
- Uh...
- Um...
- I was thinking... Sorry.
- Have you ever... Sorry.
No, no, please.
After you.
- I like your lyrics.
- Thank you.
Yeah, I got the tape
you sent. It's great.
- Really good.
- Thanks.
Hang on. Don't bother with that one.
That wasn't supposed to be in there.
- That's sent by mistake.
- No, no, that's really good.
I wrote a tune to it.
- Yeah, I...
- "Border Song"?
Yeah. I read it and I could
hear the whole tune in my head.
It was all there, I could see all the
notes, and I just had to get it out.
It was like my fingers couldn't work
fast enough to keep up with my brain.
Do you ever get anything
like that?
Uh... not really, no.
But I can write more
for you, though, Elton.
- I'll just send them down to you.
- Great. That'll be good.
My real name's Reg Dwight.
Cool. Yeah, that sounds
like a cowboy name.
Yeah, all I ever...
All I ever wanted to be
was a cowboy, you see.
Do you like
country and western music?
- Yeah.
- It's good, isn't it?
Have you heard "Streets of
Laredo" by Marty Robbins?
That's good.
As I walked out
In the streets of Laredo
As I walked out
In Laredo one day
I spied a poor cowboy...
Wrapped in white linen
Wrapped in white linen
As cold as the clay
- It's a good song.
- It is good.
I can see by your outfit
That you are a cowboy
These words he did say
As I boldly walked by
Come sit down beside me
And hear my sad story
Got shot in the breast
And I know I must die
- Good.
- Yeah.
- Good song.
- Yeah, good song.
Well, anyway,
all of these are great.
Holy Moses
I have been removed
I have seen the spectre
He has been here too
Distant cousin
From down the line
Brand of people
Who ain't my kind
Holy Moses
I have been removed
Holy Moses
Let us live in peace
Let us strive to find a way
To make all hatred cease
There's a man over there
What's his color?
I don't care
He's my brother
Let us live in peace
He's my brother
Let us live in peace, oh
He's my brother
Let us live
Let us live in peace
- Am I supposed to be impressed?
- It's catchy, Dick.
These guys are special.
I've got an instinct for these things.
All right, don't break your
neck sucking your own cock.
Maybe we could put these two
into a little beat combo.
He's the good-looking one.
We'll make him the singer.
Oh, no, hold on. I'm tone-deaf.
Elton is... He sings the songs.
Yeah, I could just take those
songs and leave, if you like.
Whoa, all right, no offense.
Don't get your knickers in a twist.
They are writing
a lot of great tunes, Dick.
There is one
that's perfect for Lulu.
Easy, tiger.
You... You flatmates?
No, we live with our mums.
So I do the writing,
I send it down to him,
and then he adds the music.
Who ever heard of songwriters
not living together?
Yes, Lennon and McCartney
are inseparable.
- How many songs you got?
- Um, hundreds.
Play another one.
All right.
Daniel is traveling tonight
On a plane
Depressing. Another one.
And I guess that's why
They call it the blues
What the fuck's that about?
Down on my...
Guess there are
Times like these
When we all need
To share a little...
What, are you taking the piss?
Sounds like 99% of 'em are shit!
It's the one percent
I'm interested in.
Ray says you're an investment.
But Ray knows fuck all.
You're a couple of pricks
as far as I can tell.
So quit that
backing-band nonsense,
find a place to work together,
and write me tunes
that gray-haired old tramps'll
whistle in the street.
You never know.
One day, you might have
enough for an album.
Do that, and I'll put you
on ten quid a week.
If anyone should see me
Makin' it down the highway
Breakin' all the laws
Of the land
Don't you try to stop me
My wonderful new lodgers!
- They're struggling rock stars.
- Hello. I'm Bernie.
Who ever heard of a rock star
with the name Bernie?
So what are your plans
now... Elton?
Not too sure.
Written a lot of songs,
haven't we? Enough for an album.
And Elton's got
himself a girlfriend now.
our new landlady. Yep.
So what about rock 'n' roll?
What about hot chicks
and cocaine orgies?
What about fame and fortune?
What about the fact
that you're a fag?
A what?
Your little friend
is a homosexual.
No, I've got a girlfriend.
When's that ever stopped anybody?
Are you?
Don't know.
Would it matter
if I was, Bernie?
No, not to me.
Might matter to Arabella,
- Yeah, mate, I'd agree on that.
- Have you met her?
That's my rock-and-roll
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Bernie...
- Okay. Sorry.
Shh! You, shh!
- You, shh!
- Bins everywhere.
- No, no, Bernie.
- What?
What is it now?
What am I gonna do?
You're going to tell her.
It'll break her heart.
Not sure she has one.
Would you please keep the noise down?
You'll wake up the whole bloody street!
- Come on.
- Yeah.
There's so much that we gotta do.
There's worlds to conquer.
I mean, America.
Wide open spaces.
Tower Records.
Listen, the songs are great.
And people keep asking. They're, like,
"Who's that singing on the demos?" And I...
You are a shit-hot piano player,
you have an amazing voice,
and I'm telling you,
there is something
special that happens...
when you sing our songs.
You heard what Dick said.
He said my hands are like midget boxers.
Who cares what Dick thinks.
I just don't know if I'm...
what they're looking for.
It's time for you
to be out front.
I love you, man.
I do, but...
not in that way.
Elton, time for bed.
We became inseparable
after that.
The brother I never had.
Do you know, in 20 years,
we have never had
a single argument. Not once.
Anyway, I took his advice,
told Arabella.
She took it very well,
You bastard!
She's killed my piano.
You treacherous beast!
Your music's as shitty
as you are!
Hi, Mum.
I knew you'd be back.
You'll have to pay rent.
I'm not made of money.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
- Get dressed, Reggie!
- Elton.
I'm not having you
moping around here all day.
We're songwriting.
Oh, yeah?
Looks like it's going well.
Right. I will not
have a mess in this house.
It's nice and tidy,
and that's how I want it to stay.
I'll not have
a doss house around here.
I can't do everything.
I can't cook and clean and wash.
Rely upon me to do everything.
It's not fair.
There's egg on this.
I'd better go
take a shave, I think.
Thanks for breakfast.
Feeling... In G
It's a little bit funny
This feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can
Easily hide
I don't have much money, but
Boy, if I did
I'd buy a big house where
We both could live
If I was a sculptor
But then again, no
Or a man
Who makes potions in a
Traveling show
I know it's not much
But it's the best I can do
My gift is my song, and
This one's for you
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see, I've forgotten
If they're green
Or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is
What I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes
I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It may be quite simple, but
Now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is
While you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is
While you're in the world
How was that?
I love it. Best thing I've
heard since "Let It Be."
Always knew
you boys could do it.
First thing I'm gonna do is
put you on a three-album deal.
- Three?
- A year.
And I got you a couple of
nights at the Troubadour.
- Doug Weston's an old friend.
- Hang on. The Troubadour?
- It's this really cool folk club in LA.
- Yeah, we know what it is, Ray.
Hang on. Now, let's not be
hasty, because the thing is,
I haven't even got
a backing band yet.
No, I've sorted the backup
band, don't worry.
Dick, I don't wanna
appear ungrateful,
but you can't just spring
the Troubadour on me.
Look, it's time to do
something bold, Elton.
Granted, America's
a bit of a gamble,
and you fuck up
and I'll kill ya.
But Ray'll go, too.
He'll keep an eye on you.
Buy yourself some new clothes.
Get something flashy.
Let 'em know who you are.
Put on a great fucking show,
and just don't
kill yourself with drugs.
Yeah, all right.
I'm gonna have a massage.
Lately I've been thinkin'
I know.
Tower Records, Tower Records,
Tower Records.
Amoreena's in the cornfield
Brightenin' the daybreak
Livin' like a lusty flower
Runnin' through
The grass for hours
Rollin' through the hay, oh
And when it rains
The rain falls down
Washin' out the cattle town
Friends of Dick!
Good to see you, Doug.
How are you?
So good to see you, man.
What'd you bring me?
Hey, Doug. Bernie.
Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Bernie.
- Good morning.
- Hi. I'm Elton.
- Oh.
Sweet. How are you?
Monday night at the Troubadour, man.
It's gonna blow your mind.
Be totally packed.
You're gonna love it.
It's a bit different
from what I expected.
Yeah, it's just a bit smaller.
Well, size is
everything, my friend.
Neil Young
played here last week
and there were people lined
around the block.
Man, it was just...
It was the best night ever.
- That's a cool hat.
- Yeah?
- You like it?
- I do like it, yeah.
- I won that hat, in a bet.
- Oh.
- With Bob Dylan.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- That's cool.
Elton. This is the band.
I'm just gonna check
they know what they're doing.
So, you want something to drink?
Get these guys whatever they want.
They just flew in from England
and, boy, their arms are tired.
Whoa, dude,
what the hell are you wearing?
My stage gear.
Where's Reggie? Where's Reggie?
Reggie, Reggie, Reggie.
Neil Diamond is at the bar.
He's talking to Leon Russell
and half the fucking
Beach Boys. Huh?
Jesus, shit, Bernie!
- Elton. I think you're overreacting.
- No.
Bernie, you are under-reacting.
They are the geniuses
of American music.
I can't go out there
in front of that lot!
Okay, okay. Then we'll tell Doug
to refund everyone's ticket,
- and we'll send everybody home.
- Where is he?
- Hey, Ray.
- You've signed a contract!
Dick's paid
your fucking airfare!
Now get out there and play,
you little twat.
Well, come on then.
And now,
ladies and gentlemen,
a rising star in rock and roll.
Please welcome, all the way
from London, England,
Elton John.
I remember
When rock was young
Me and Suzie had
So much fun
Holding hands
And skimming stones
Had an old gold Chevy
And a place of my own
But the biggest kick
I ever got
Was doing a thing
Called the Crocodile Rock
While the other kids
Were rocking round the clock
We were hopping and bopping
To the Crocodile Rock
Well, Crocodile Rocking
Is something shocking
When your feet
Just can't keep still
I never knew me a better time
And I guess I never will
Oh, Lawdy Mama, Those Friday nights
When Suzie wore
Her dresses tight
And the Crocodile Rocking
Was out of sight
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
One, two, three, four!
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
- It was so good! You were brilliant.
- Thanks.
- This is... This is Heather.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- You were amazing!
Thank you.
All right.
Enough of this bullshit.
Who wants to go
to a party at Mama Cass's?
I'm so drunk, and Doug's
just lent me his car.
- How cool is this, man?
- Yeah, great.
Apparently Dylan's
here somewhere.
I'm gonna go to the teepee
with Heather.
- Really? All right.
- Yeah.
- You'll be all right, won't you?
- Yeah, of course.
Yeah, yeah.
So we still gonna go to
Tower Records tomorrow, then?
Uh, well, she's talking about going to
some place called Paradise Cove tomorrow.
But we'll go
another time, though.
- Yeah, of course.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on.
America, man.
Wide open spaces.
Beautiful girls.
It's a dream come true.
Let's stay here forever.
Blue jean baby
LA lady
Seamstress for the band
Pretty eyed
A pirate smile
You'll marry a music man
You must have seen her
Dancing in the sand
And now she's in me
Always with me
Tiny dancer in my hand
But, oh
How it feels so real
Lying here with no one near
And only you
And you can hear me
When I say softly
Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights
On the highway
Lay me down
In sheets of linen
You've had a busy day today
Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights
On the highway
Lay me down
In sheets of linen
You've had a busy day today
Dom Perignon. '63.
It's a good vintage.
Oh, no, thanks.
It's always important to rely
on the kindness of strangers.
John Reid.
I know it all seems
a bit overwhelming at first,
but something makes me think
you'll get used to it.
In fact, I predict you could be the
best-selling artist in America if you desire.
So you like the song then?
Not quite as much
as the singer.
You don't realize what happened
at the Troubadour tonight, do you?
Look, I'm in music management,
and let me tell you,
there are moments in a rock
star's life that define who he is
and how people perceive him
as he ascends into the heavens.
You lit the blue touch paper.
Now we can all see you
shooting light and color and...
magic into the night sky.
Where there was darkness,
there is now you.
Elton John.
You can do anything you want.
You can be anyone you want.
And it's gonna be a wild ride.
If you feel that it's real
I'm on trial
And I'm here in your prison
Like a coin in your mint
I am dented And I'm
spent With high treason
Through a glass eye
Your throne
Is the one danger zone
Take me to the pilot
For control
Take me to the pilot
Of your soul
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Take me to the pilot
Lead me through the chamber
Take me to the pilot
I am but a stranger
Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na, na-na na-na-na
Our review from the LA Times
has been syndicated.
- Okay.
- Things are going crazy. I've extended our stay.
We're in San Francisco
tomorrow for three nights.
- Ray, slow down.
- After that we fly to NYC,
then we're back here for
two more shows, and then...
Dick wants us back in London
to start the new album.
- Doug.
- "Rejoice.
Rock music has a new star.
He's Englishman Elton John,
a 23-year-old,
whose debut at the Troubadour
was, in every way, magnificent."
It's happening, guys.
Just remember,
when you get back...
four shows you owe me.
- You said...
- Four.
Did... You said four shows?
- Yes.
- That's not gonna work!
will I see you
when I get back?
Now, don't worry about me.
Go and enjoy your moment.
- That's what's important.
- Come to London with me.
I can't, but, uh...
But next time I'm there,
I'll look you up. Promise.
Hey, I've opened
the fucking house.
Don't be a bummer.
I'm gonna watch out front.
Ah! I love 'em.
These are extremely stylish
boots of my own design.
Can you even play
the piano in those?
- It's never gonna last.
- Well...
Let's just enjoy it
while we can.
That old tough-man routine
Up her sleeves
Livin' and a-lovin'
Kissin' and a-huggin'
Livin' and a-lovin'
With a cat named Hercules
A cat named Hercules
Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight
Off of me
But, honey,
When you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
Ooh, nobody knows it
- Nobody knows
- Afternoon.
- When I was down
- I was your clown
we're gonna stop there.
- You all right, darling?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Kiki, would you mind
giving me five minutes?
- I'm gonna go in.
- He's actually quite busy.
- Nice job.
- Nice suit.
- What are you doing here?
- Business.
And I promised if I was ever in
town, I'd look you up.
How long you staying?
Well, I'm not sure.
That depends.
Don't make me beg.
I've been hearing
your songs everywhere.
Makes it very hard
to stop thinking about you.
Elton, what's going on?
Are we going again
or shall we go for a pint?
Yeah, no, yeah,
you should go for a pint.
What do you want, Elton?
Dinner with you.
You're so humble,
it's embarrassing.
A millionaire rock star who
lives at home with his mum.
Things are serious now.
Be brave. Think big.
What do you really want?
When I look back
Boy, I must have been green
Bopping in the country
Fishing in a stream
Looking for an answer
Trying to find a sign
Until I saw your city lights
Honey, I was blind
They said get back
Honky cat!
Better get back to the woods
Well, I quit those days
And my redneck ways, and I
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, the change
Is gonna do me good!
You better get back
Honky cat!
Living in the city
Ain't where it's at
It's like trying
To find gold in a...
A silver mine
It's like trying
To drink whiskey
Oh, from a bottle of wine!
Well, I read some books
And I read some magazines
About those
High-class ladies
Down in New Orleans
And all the fools
Back home, well
They said I was a fool
Oh, believe in the Lord
Is the golden rule
They said
Get back, honky cat!
Better get back to the woods
Well, I quit those days
And my redneck ways, and I
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
Oh, the change Is gonna do me good!
No one's
getting phased out, Dick.
Elton feels things will run more
smoothly if he has personal management.
- There's never been a problem before.
- And there isn't one now.
Look, there's loads of work and
commitments, tours, etcetera.
That's what I'll be doing,
personal management.
- Taking care of things.
- Is that right?
You realize I've got
a contract with Elton.
I've had that looked into,
and my client
is quite entitled
to take on
outside representation.
That's what you think.
You fucking poofter.
And you. You're happy
with this arrangement, are ya?
After all these years?
It's nothing personal, Dick.
Come on, Ray.
Best of luck to you, Elton.
Your very expensive painting
is upside down.
- After you, Mr. James.
- Thank you, Raymond.
that was absolutely horrible.
Don't worry, it's business.
Dick's a big boy, he'll be fine.
Mr. Reid, Lord Grade's office have called
about the Royal Variety Performance.
the Queen Mother is a big fan.
Couldn't we have kept on Ray?
He's such a lovely guy.
"Lovely guy" is not a job.
This is a crucial time,
You and I are gonna
have to be more careful,
'cause the papers
have been sniffing around.
We can't give them
anything to speculate on.
I'm thinking of getting
someone in as your girlfriend.
- Doesn't that seem a bit excessive?
- No, no, no, no, no.
This is your career
and our business at stake.
If our sleeping
arrangements get out...
- all of this is gone.
- Right.
And you're gonna have
to talk to your parents.
Make sure they know
what to say.
Those are the first doors
reporters knock on.
- Hello, Reg.
- Hello, Dad.
Well, come on in.
Well, those are
very fancy shoes.
Oh. Yeah.
I brought you something.
Why are you here, Reg?
The boys.
Dad, there's
a Rolls-Royce outside.
Stephen, Geoff...
this is your brother, Reggie.
Half brother.
Not actually called
Reggie anymore.
I thought maybe
once I'm back from touring,
you and I could
get together, if you like.
I could get you some tickets
to my next concert.
Not really my thing.
Is it true
you're worth 25 million pound?
Do you know,
I don't actually know.
They're really
proud of you. Mmm.
Yeah, we've even got
some of your records.
Why don't you go and get the album?
Grab us a pen.
You probably get asked this all the
time, but would you...
Would you mind signing this?
Yeah, of course.
Oh, no. Would you
make it out to Arthur?
He's one of the blokes
from work.
Yeah, he's a big fan.
- Is he?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, looks like things worked out
really well second time around, Dad.
- I suppose they have.
- Mmm.
'Cause, you know,
not everybody gets a second chance.
The boys loved
meeting a real-life pop star.
Sure. Thanks, Dad.
- When I grow up, Dad...
- Get inside.
What are you doing
without your shoes on?
You're gonna be a draftsman.
Back inside.
What have you got to do to get
a fucking drink around here, eh?
Will you stop sulking?
It has to be done
whether you like it or not.
Are you gonna be scared of her
your whole life?
Right, stop the car.
- Elton...
- I said, stop the car!
You're onstage in 15 minutes.
You're the big-shot manager.
You make my excuses.
Tell them I'm indisposed,
breaking my mother's heart!
Elton. Elton!
Drive 'round, Denis.
Pinner nine, seven,
- Mum, it's me.
- I know who you are.
Well, I've got something
to tell you.
Reggie, we're gonna miss
the bit of the show with you on.
Look, shut up, Mum!
I'm not on telly yet, am I?
I'm talking to you.
Me and John, we...
Well, the thing is...
I'm... a homosexual.
A poofter.
A fairy.
A queen.
Well, say something.
Oh, for God's sake,
I know that.
Known for years.
- You don't mind?
- Frankly, I don't care.
But I'd rather you keep
that sort of thing to yourself.
I just hope you realize
you're choosing a life
of being alone forever.
You'll never be loved properly.
Right. Got to go.
She said I'll never be loved.
Don't ever put me
in this position again.
You're onstage in 10 minutes,
so get over yourself
and do the show.
We're running a business here,
you fucking idiot.
Don't ever put your hands on me.
Real love's hard to come by.
So you find a way
to cope without it.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Got the number-one album
in America. Again.
I'm about to embark on the
highest-grossing tour in rock history.
I'm personally responsible
for five percent
of all record sales
on the entire planet,
and I have the biggest
headdress known to man.
So, yeah,
I think I'm okay, Bernie.
It used to just be
the two of us.
Now there's busloads of people
just to do the music.
Hang on, hang on,
don't you wanna just
go out there and sing without
this ridiculous paraphernalia?
You know,
just be yourself, Reg?
Why the fuck
would I want that, Bernie?
You wouldn't say this shit to me
if you were a real friend.
People don't pay
to see Reginald Dwight.
They pay to see Elton John!
Don't ever tell me
how to do my fucking job!
Break a leg.
You don't have
to put up with this, Reg.
Write the fucking lyrics,
Let me deal with the rest.
- I'm sorry.
- I know.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Please welcome Elton John!
Ever since I was a young boy
I played the silver ball
From Soho down to Brighton
I must've played them all
But I ain't seen Nothing like
him In any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb And blind
kid Sure plays a mean pinball
He stands like a statue
Becomes part of the machine
Feeling all the bumpers
Always playing clean
He plays by intuition
The digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb And blind
kid Sure plays a mean pinball
He's a pinball wizard
He scores a trillion more
A pinball wizard
The world's new pinball lord
He's scoring more
- Where am I?
- At your house in LA, Mr. John.
I'll put some coffee on.
Darling, I've been thinking,
maybe we should quit the booze
for a couple of days,
take some quality time together...
Mr. Reid.
- What are you doing, John?
- Just a bit of rock 'n' roll.
Rock 'n' roll is not shagging your
secretary in front of the pool boys!
Rock 'n' roll is getting you
out of your bed in the morning.
Arranging 250 gigs
in 26 different countries.
Rock 'n' roll's actually
112 employment contracts,
insurance, copyright indemnity,
renegotiating your
previously insane contracts
and wiping your arse.
You know, all you do, Elton,
is play the piano.
But for me, rock 'n' roll is an 87
million-dollar-a-year industry.
Maybe I just play the piano,
but you know what else I do?
Hmm? I pay, John.
For everything.
Including this house,
which I'd like you to leave now.
You may still be my manager,
but you and me are finished.
- You're so predictable.
- No, not predictable.
I want to be by myself,
not with some asshole
who doesn't give a shit about me
and takes the piss
day after day!
- Get out!
- Yoo-hoo!
What are they doing here?
You told me to hire a jet
and fly them over
for the gig.
- No, no, next week, John.
- It is next week.
I'm gonna go
and fetch them a drink.
Darling, why don't you
clean yourself up,
because you fucking stink.
Sheila! It's been too long.
- Beautiful woman.
- Hello, look at this, you lovely lot.
- Here we are.
- Hi, Nan.
- I can't believe I'm actually in America.
- I know.
- Hi, Dad.
- How you doing? Good to see you.
- Elton.
- Hello, Mum.
Elton, darling,
you remember the Andersons
- from next door, don't you?
- Yes, the Andersons.
How could we forget
the Andersons?
- Hello.
- Hello.
And what a shy little boy
you were.
Look at you now.
Elton, you must
give them a tour.
- Yes, right now, go on.
- Yeah, okay.
Elton is giving a tour.
- Mum, you're on my gown.
- Don't be rude.
Here we go.
Come here, come here. Excited?
- Car.
- Yeah.
- Bernie, how's it going, man?
- Hey, man. How's it going?
No idea who he is.
Of course.
Here he is!
Ladies, Elton.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you
doing on your own up here?
Miserable bastard.
You're missing
all the fun downstairs.
Well, as long as all the fun
isn't missing me,
then who gives a shit, Bernie?
We should get a drink.
- No, we should. Let's go get a drink.
- Come on, it's fine.
No, we absolutely should.
No, I'm telling you...
Yeah, go and get
a little drink.
You look amazing.
Fucking prick.
For my next trick,
I'm gonna fucking
kill myself.
She packed my bags
Last night pre-flight
Zero hour, 9:00 a.m.
And you're gonna be high
As a kite by then
I'll miss the earth so much
I'll miss my life
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
You self-indulgent prick.
And all this science
I don't understand
It's just my job
Five days a week
A rocket man
A rocket man
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
Till touchdown brings
Me 'round again to find
I'm not the man
They think I am at home
Oh, no, no, no
I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out
His fuse up here alone
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
Till touchdown brings
Me 'round again to find
I'm not the man
They think I am at home
Oh, no, no, no
I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out
His fuse up here alone
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
And I think it's gonna be
A long, long time
- Elton.
- Yes, sorry. You were saying?
I was saying
that I think I need a break.
You need to take a break?
I think that I just need
to go and sort myself out a bit.
I'm going home... for a while.
Well, that's nice for you.
Why can't we just, you know,
both of us just disappear together?
My ranch.
We'll go to my ranch,
we'll hide away.
We can write like we did.
Like we used to.
We should go home, Elton.
No, you should go.
There are other writers
I'd like to work with anyway.
Do me good.
Collaborate with other people.
I think
it's a really good idea.
My loyal subjects.
Hello, hello, Australia. G'day.
Shit, or New York?
Or wherever the hell we are.
Well, if you don't like it, go home.
It's what everyone else
seems to be doing at the moment.
Anyway, here's one
for all the sober people.
Hey, kids
Shake it loose together
The spotlight's
Hitting something
That's been known
To change the weather
We'll kill
The fatted calf tonight
So stick around
You're gonna hear
Electric music
Solid walls of sound
Say, Candy and Ronnie
Have you seen them yet?
Ooh, but they're
So spaced out
She's got electric boots
A mohair suit
You know, I read it
In a magazine
Oh, oh
B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets
Bennie, Bennie
- Bennie
- Bennie
- Bennie, Bennie
- Bennie, Bennie
Bennie, Bennie
Bennie, Bennie
Bennie and the Jets
I just hope you
realize you're choosing a life
of being alone forever.
You'll never be loved properly.
When are you going to hug me?
Don't be soft.
Life gives you
very few chances, Reggie,
- and this is one of yours
- Who are you?
You can do
anything you want.
You can be anyone you want.
What do you really want?
And what
a shy little boy you were.
Look at you now.
What do you really want?
I'm going home... for a while.
What do you want? I'm busy.
Why don't you get back in
the studio you're paying for?
Why don't you sell my fucking records?
What's this? Hmm?
Number 11 in Italy.
The song doesn't work,
that's the problem.
The record's
coked-out MOR shit.
No, the problem...
is you have
never understood me...
and what I have to go through.
And you know what?
I should've sacked you when you left me.
I am glad I left you.
It means I can maintain some objectivity
in your self-indulgent,
myopic little world.
Get in the studio
and make some music or don't.
I don't care.
Well, you will
when your money runs out.
Do your worst.
In fact, take me to court.
You signed contracts
with me years ago.
So I'll still be collecting my 20%
long after you've killed yourself.
Get out of my fucking house!
Fuck off!
Did you take me for a ride?
A victim of love
A victim of love
- Then I hope You're satisfied
- It's fantastic.
Victim of love...
- Would you like to hear it again?
- Not really, no.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Not got anything stronger?
You should be very proud.
I've watched you play many times,
and your music is always so...
personal and honest...
and open.
It must be lonely sometimes.
I can't light
No more of your darkness
All my pictures
Seem to fade
To black and white
I'm growing tired
And time stands still
Before me
Frozen here
On the ladder of my life
Too late
To save yourself
From falling
Take a chance
Change your way of life
- But you misread
- But you misread
- My meaning when I met you
- My meaning when I met you
- Closed the door
- Closed the door
- And left me
- And left me
- Blinded by the light
- Blinded by the light
Don't let
the sun Go down on me
Although I search myself
It's always someone else
I see
I'd just allow a fragment
Of your life
To wander free
But losing everything
Is like the sun
Going down on me
- Morning.
- Morning.
I'm sorry.
I know.
Renate didn't deserve that.
She's a good person.
I dragged her
into all my madness.
Did being married
make you happy?
Not really. I'm gay.
- I think...
- Hello, Mum.
- Sir, would you like me to...
- Maybe a bit later, thank you.
- Hi, Dad.
- Hello, son.
- You all right?
- Yeah. Good.
Just talking about poor Renate.
Such a lovely woman.
Divorce can be so painful.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, celebration is in order.
We found a lovely villa
by the sea.
It'd be good if you would
talk to John today,
get the money arranged.
Can't risk losing this one.
Yeah, in Minorca.
It is a lovely place.
You should see it.
- Minorca, eh?
- Mmm.
What do you want
to go there for?
- Because you're driving me away.
- Mmm.
Every time
we open a paper,
there's something about you and
the booze or the drugs, and...
you're breaking
your poor mum's heart.
Tell you what,
I'll write you a check. Hmm?
So she can go buy a new one.
Typical that you'd say
something like that about me,
when I've given up
so much for you.
What have you given up for me?
Your father... for a start.
You really are
a heartless monster.
You know, I don't live my life
in black and white.
And I do not want your fucked-up,
frigid ideas about anything.
You know, I am so sick
of running away from who I am.
There's nothing wrong
with success. Or pleasure.
In fact,
why am I apologizing for it?
Mum, I have fucked
everything that moves.
And I've taken
every drug known to man.
All of them.
Do you know what?
I enjoyed
every last minute of it.
Ever since you first dangled
your fat little legs
in front of a piano,
you've been lucky.
You've never worked hard
for a bloody thing in your life.
It all just comes to you.
You don't do anything.
And I'm the one who suffers.
I should never
have had children.
Do you know how disappointing
it is to be your mother?
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting
More and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't they talk it over?
Oh, it seems to me
Sorry seems to be
The hardest word
Some dessert, sir?
Um, two chocolate puddings,
an apple pie,
and a raspberry fool, please.
- Any ice cream?
- I...
- Yeah, all of them.
- Excellent choice.
Where's Reid these days?
Does it matter?
Hates my fucking guts.
Nobody hates you, Elton.
Campaign to kill yourself
is going well.
What are you doing here,
You left when it suited you.
Now you come back
to lecture me?
'Cause the thing is,
the first time we actually got anywhere,
you left, didn't you?
Some girl was more important
to you than me
and all those legends
who were welcoming us in.
You left me at the most
important time, Bernie.
When did you give up?
If you don't care about yourself,
how do you expect anyone else to?
Whenever I needed you most...
- you weren't there.
- It's not weak to ask for help.
I have worked my balls off
to get us out of the shit.
Day in, day out, for years.
And now it's me that can't
walk down the streets.
It's me
who doesn't have a life.
'Cause I don't get to sit
around with my feet on a desk,
chewing on the end
of a fucking pencil.
"Write the lyrics, Bernie.
I'll take care of everything else."
That was a test!
You should've known.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy.
When are you gonna
Come down?
When are you going to land?
I should have stayed
On the farm
I should have listened
To my old man
Maybe you'll get
A replacement
I'm getting the bill, am I?
There's plenty like me
To be found
Who ain't got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you
On the ground
Yeah, yeah, later. Bernie.
Come on, Bernie!
So goodbye yellow brick road
Don't be so dramatic.
Same as always!
Leaving me when things get too real!
I'm going back to my plough
Back to the howling old owl
In the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
I've finally decided
My future lies
Beyond the yellow brick...
You fucking idiot!
Bernie betrayed me.
The way everyone does.
I heard
that it was a heart attack.
It's a chest infection, Mike.
He'll be fine.
- How are ticket sales?
- What the hell's that got to do with it?
Every night is sold out.
Well, add five more nights then.
Are you insane?
He could've died.
Just let me
take care of things, Mike.
I always get him
back on his feet, don't I?
Yeah, but are you
gonna be able to...
Brilliant, man.
He is gonna be there.
All right,
you're good to go.
So what do you think
You'll do then?
I bet that'll shoot down
Your plane
It'll take you
A couple of vodka and tonics
To set you
On your feet again
You know they can't
Hold you forever
I didn't sign up for you
I'm not a present
For your friends to open
This boy's too young
To be singing...
The blues
Hey! Where are you going?
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs
Of society howl
You can't plant me
In your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough
Back to the howling old owl
In the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
I've finally decided
My future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
For as long as I can
remember, I've hated myself.
Believed I'd never be loved.
Shows progress to take
responsibility for your actions.
Yeah, but I started
acting like a cunt in 1975.
I just forgot to stop.
I do feel ashamed.
Spent so long feeling resentful
for things that just don't matter.
Maybe I should've tried
to be more ordinary.
Hello, Nan.
You was never ordinary.
Look at you.
In here, talking
about your feelings.
What a waste of time.
Mum, I know it was never easy.
And I hope you can forgive me.
Because I've realized
that's what we need to do now.
Forgive each other.
- No, your problem is you're selfish.
- No.
My problem was I believed
you loved me.
And you're incapable of it.
I gave everything
to keep something
that I never even had
in the first place.
I always thought you was
an introverted extrovert.
- A what?
- He's shy. He's always been shy.
It's all his father's fault.
Don't blame me.
He'd have been strange, regardless.
Actually, I think
I'm okay with "strange."
God. Not him.
Both of you. Stop.
I'm not going to allow you to
talk to me like this anymore.
It's about time you said that.
I never told you
how much I need you.
No, no, no, I love you, man.
Always have, always will.
You write songs
that millions of people love.
And that's what's important.
You just need to remember
who you are...
and be okay with it.
He doesn't know who he is.
Yes, I do.
I'm Elton Hercules John.
I thought
you were Reggie Dwight.
I haven't been
Reggie Dwight for years.
When are you going
to hug me?
Impressed you know
how to use one of those.
How you doing?
Good to see you.
Some days are tougher than
others, but I feel good.
They got a piano here?
- You been playing?
- Hmm...
- No.
- No?
Not in the right place
for that just now.
I'm scared, Bernie.
What if I'm not as good...
without the drink
and the drugs?
You know that's not true.
You're not scared
you're not good without it,
you're scared to feel again.
You might be able to lie to
yourself, but you can't lie to me.
I should be going.
Don't go.
Not yet.
This is the part
you gotta do on your own.
These... need music.
Thank you, Bernie.
You're my brother.
You could never know
What it's like
Your blood like winter
Freezes just like ice
And there's a cold
And lonely light
That shines from you
You will wind up
Like the wreck you hide
Behind that mask you use
And did you think this fool
Could never win?
Well, look at me
I'm coming back again
I got a taste of love
In a simple way
And if you need to know
While I'm still standing
You just fade away
And don't you know
I'm still standing
Better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor
Feeling like a little kid
And I'm still standing
After all this time
Picking up the pieces
Of my life
Without you on my mind
Once I never coulda
Hoped to win
You starting down the road
Leaving me again
The threats you made
Were meant to cut me down
And if our love
Was just a circus
You'd be a clown by now
You know I'm still standing
Better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor
Feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing
After all this time
Picking up the pieces Of my
life Without you on my mind
I'm still standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Don't you know I'm still
standing Better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor
Feeling like a little kid
And I'm still standing
After all this time
Picking up the pieces Of my
life Without you on my mind
I'm still standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm still standing
Oh, the joke
Was never hard to tell
Threw my spare change
In the wishing well
The dream alone
Is always in your hands
If that don't fill the boy
And build the man
A heart has many secrets
So I'm told
Through the years a theory
Can grow cold
I'm up to be the king
It's gotten clear
The voice inside my head
Is the one I hear
I'm gonna love me again
Check in
On my very best friend
Find the wind
That can fill my sails
Rise above the broken rails
Unbound by any ties
That break or bend
I'm free
And don't you know?
No clown to claim
He used to know me then
I'm free
And don't you know?
And oh-oh-oh
I'm gonna love me again
The golden age
Was somehow bittersweet
But now the past lies
Sleeping in the deep
The peaceful days
That followed hollow nights
A kiss or touch
Could feel like Kryptonite
Praise the saints
That hung up on my wall
For trust is left
In lovers after all
A whispered word
Emerging from a tale
My wake-up call
To claim the cursed spell
- Well, I'm gonna Love me again
- Love me again
Check in
On my very best friend
Find the wind
To fill my sails
Rise above the broken rails
Unbound by any ties
That break or bend
I'm free
And don't you know?
No clown to claim
He used to know me then
I'm free
Don't you know?
I'm gonna love me again
I'm gonna love me again
Check in
On my very best friend
Find the wind
To fill my sails
Rise above the broken rails
Unbound by any ties
That break or bend
I'm free
And don't you know?
No clown to claim
He used to know me then
I'm free, don't you know?
And oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
I'm gonna love me again
I'm gonna love me again
Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Oh, honey, if I get restless
Baby, you're not that kind
Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight
Off of me
Oh, honey
When you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
Ooh, nobody knows it
- When I was down
- I was your clown
Ooh, nobody knows it
Nobody knows it
- Right from the start
- I gave you my heart
Oh, I gave you my heart
So don't go
Breaking my heart
I won't go
Breaking your heart
Don't go breaking my heart
Ooh, nobody knows it
- When I was down
- I was your clown
- Right from the start
- I gave you my heart
Oh, I gave you my heart
So don't go
Breaking my heart
I won't go
Breaking your heart