RocketMan (1997)

Gemini, this is Houston.
Can you hear us?
Roger, Houston.
This is Captain Fred Randall.
Houston, the earth looks beautiful.
As a big blueberry.
Got it, Houston.
Oh my God! Why can not he
play football, like other kids?
Houston, requesting permission to land.
- Pilgrim One permission for landing.
- Copy that.
Pilgrim One, cleared to land.
Roger, Houston.
Aero-Shell enabled.
Acceleration velocity normal.
The heart rate is steady.
The man is ice cold.
- Bill?
- I see it.
Calls for 20% X gimbal correction.
Say no.
Stay the course steady.
- What is happening?
- This is not right.
The computer says we will enter
too steep. 20.000 meters.
Pilgrim falls rapidly to the surface of Mars.
Glide path deteriorates.
- APU clear.
- Gary?
Increase of 20%.
Do it now, or burn up.
Switch to manual.
Why corrects his course?
- Can someone answer me?
- I do not know.
Turns on the landing rockets.
Houston, we are off course.
We're losing her.
We lose the lander!
We're losing her!
Congratulations, you're all dead!
Third time lucky now, Hackman!
Nice job with course correction!
Paul, it was not his fault.
Your computer is telling me that the right course.
It caused problems.
Is this the problem? Excuse me!
If Gary says that the computer mess up,
the mess up. Fix it!
Give me the name of the guy
who wrote the software!
The safest way to activate the burglar alarm.
Good morning, everyone!
Hello, Claude!
Hi, Kimmy Lee Wong!
Five minutes into the
real work day begins.
It is five minutes
to save the world.
Die! Go back to your own planet!
Your large, orb-eyed fat thing!
Your supervisor showed us.
He said you were the man who created
our operational systems.
Holy baby carrots!
You are the team in March!
Mr. Randall ...
Paul Wick, air traffic controller!
Sir, I am a big fan of you!
It is ...
William Overbeck.
Wild Bill Overbeck!
Get in my office!
I feel like a paleontologist who
eventually have to meet a dinosaur!
- Thanks.
- Eight-shuttle mission! Eight!
Nine actually, but who's counting?
Apparently you my friend.
Oh, thank you for taking him here!
Bill, look at this.
Gary Hackman? PC Specialist!
How does my baby you?
That is why we are here. Some of us
think it could be a glitch.
A glitch?
Oh, no it is not possible.
I did the programming myself.
It's perfect.
Not exactly. The counting error in
our entered track.
Here is the data.
Okay, when we set time.
Here it comes.
- Does it, where it is.
- What? What is what?
This popcorn shell has been fixed
between my teeth for two weeks!
That's your problem.
Gary runs his Hohnan equations
which includes the effect of encumbrances
as an inverse cube of the distance.
I am a decorated astronaut.
I do not do that kind of mistake.
Ok, wait. I'll show you.
I insert the same calculations,
using what we call''the way''
then we open the country's file and
initiates March landing sequence.
"I've seen enough.
-Check this, guys.
This is ridiculous! Move, Move!
There is nothing wrong with my
figures. They are perfect.
Wait just your geek.
See? I told you,
it is the computer.
I can explain everything.
Fractured skull! Injured in
he tried if he was wrong!
- I can explain it.
- He heard you.
So ... what do we do now?
We shoot at it.
We can not Ben! You have seen
monitoring the satellite's report!
There are periodic dust storms
that can last for months,
which prevents the landing!
If we wait now and one of
These storms begin!
If we can not lift it again in two years!
Then we wait two years!
Ben, Ben, Ben ...
If we terminate the start, will
all lose confidence in us.
On you. On me.
For the entire NASA team.
But ... we can sneak in a back-up.
In fact we have two choices.
The first choice, of course,
Gordon Peacock.
But ... he did not
test run for spaceflight.
Try him again.
Who is your second choice?
- Mr. Wick, can I call you Paul?
- No.
- Are we there now?
- No.
- How far away is it?
- Quiet.
- Can I drive?
- No!
Hey, where is the short guy John Glenn?
Fred, I have less than a month
glad to see that you can become an astronaut.
I have to give you an ID badge.
Stop here.
Id badge.
Write in down here.
Hey, are you sure
we are on the way to Earth?
For it looks just like the sun.
Of course I'm sure your a fool!
How dare you question my authority?
Good morning.
Sorry. Sorry. It was not me!
It was not me.
The waitress came to me, Mr. ...
- Bud Nesbitt?
- Who the hell are you?
Apollo 13!
You are the one who was responsible for ...
When I say responsible, I
mean I was responsible for this.
Apollo 13 was an accident.
Sure! Just as the captain of
Exxon Valdez did not see Alaska.
Can I have your autograph?
What, one annan''olycka'', Bud?
No, no, it was my fault.
We just went here, and the waitress
just ran out ...
and pushed me straight on
Bud Nesbitt, Apollo 13 desolator.
Bud has been a little tense
recently ...
... Ten or fifteen years.
- Who are you?
- I'm Fred Rand ... Fred Rand ...
- Is it Fred Randall.
- Fred Randall.
Fred, meet your new roommate.
Julie Ford, mission specialist, geologist.
It's a real honor to be with you.
In separate beds.
Fred, she is not your roommate.
He is.
I get it!
Lura beginner good burn!
Legendary Living with
monkey joke!
Ulysses is a chimpanzee, not monkeys.
He is ...
The key to finding life
on Mars.
I train him to find a
special stone from underground fissures.
Of course. There are
still damp under the surface.
Where there's water,
can there be life.
Good boy.
Or dead.
Death to all who dare
disrupt the dangerous Martian,
underground devils with their
toxic feet and wet lips!
Paul? Paul, can I talk
with you for a second?
Looks like it's you and
I have my little Ewok.
My first roommate!
So what do you think?
What do I think?
What is your idea here?
Little Dr. Zaius.
We go to Mars, so we
need a guy from Mars?
He is a computer genius.
He is said to be odd.
A little?
Let me go!
I will not let a number of
personal oddities ruin my career!
Excuse me for my convenience
gets in the way of your career!
This assignment means equal
much to you as me, Ford!
And if Gordon can not handle it,
when is this guy our last hope.
Ok, that's impressive.
They are friends already.
Mom, please, stop comparing
this by running away!
It's only temporary.
Travel to Mars is not temporary,
The last time you ran away
from home, only to the garage.
Oh, I know, you're just
defiant right?
Mom, I do not know if the
go to Mars for sure.
I just wish I was.
I have made peanut butter and jam
sandwiches. There is a long journey.
Mom, I'm not hungry.
Look, there's the moon, a star,
and a small rocket.
I'm thirty!
I'm almost a grown man!
I take this rocket.
Is this not a gift!
Finally, my own place.
No one tells me what to do.
It was not me!
Do not eat the puzzle in the house!
And certainly not jumping on the bed!
Okay, I'm going out.
If you put fire on the premises;
so is number 112. Thanks.
Randall, come on,
I'll treat you to a drink.
Wait a second.
I do not drink alcohol.
Gil, a round of Blast-Off
for my friend Randall here.
Blast Off? What is it?
A special drink.
Just for us astronauts.
- Oh, like a Tang?
- Exactly.
Houston, we have ignition!
- Excellent!
- Start the countdown.
Three ... two ... one ... start!
Hi, Ford. Began work early?
- Is this necessary?
- Absolutely, enjoy the show.
To have someone so full of
this is wrong.
Is he you want in a romper
beside you for 35 million mil home?
Julie Ford!
Julie Ford! Come on, let's dance!
We dance!
It was not me ...
Guys have fun now, huh?
Everyone laughs at us!
This is not a school party!
This is NASA!
Some of us have served
right to be here.
If we can not replace Gary,
mission is stopped.
So grow up but do not waste my time.
Hi, Julie.
I just tried,
you know ... fit.
Oh, it's you.
Do not worry little buddy.
It's just thunder.
Frightens me.
Can not sleep, huh?
Ok. I sing a
little lullaby, but only one.
Hairy little monkey, sleep
at night,
Close your eyes so your monkey
monkey ... monkey eyes closed.
And then would you know little
monkeys are not afraid.
When you hear thunder boom.
So late into the night.
- Paul, this Randall is a joke!
- Give him a chance.
He will not show, you know.
Guy is a joke for NASA!
I understand people like him.
He will be totally professional.
Morning! Morning!
Oh, well, Fred!
We start your tests with
insulation chamber.
In 24 hours we can see if you
can cope with the insulation of the space flight.
Completely missed by all external
stimulus completely alone.
Not entirely. Your competitors
will be in the House next.
- Gordo!
- Sir.
Hello, Gordon A. Peacock,
computer specialist!
Okay, okay, is not it
here a real treat!
What kind of laptop you have?
- Randall, come on.
- Close off.
Gordo, you are right;
Randall, in the left.
Initializes the 24-hour clock.
- What the hell?
- Is it you?
Yes I am.
Prove it!
I asked you first!
I asked you first.
I asked you first.
John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt
His name is my name too.
Whenever we go out screaming
People always like ...
''John Jacob
Jingle Heimer Schmidt''
He stopped.
People always yell out
John Jacob Jingle Heimer ...
Paul, he is not human.
Freddy, it was just wonderful that you
invited us from London this weekend.
Yes, it's wonderful
to be here, Freddy.
It is my pleasure,
Mr. and Mrs. Plumpton.
OK, Bill, let's get them out.
Someone has stolen my pants.
Yes, you did it.
I did not do it, and
I swear that I never want to!
Can you give me 5 minutes?
I've just started the third act.
Close the door!
It's damn cold!
- Yes, close the door, your fat ...
- Not in front of the children!
Turn off the power.
Turns off the power.
- Gordo, good job!
- Well done, Gordo!
Looks like he overcame
motion sickness.
Good ride, guys!
I would not have had it with liver sausage
and cheese sandwich just before.
Randall, you know what that
iso chamber was child's play.
This baby is a different matter.
- How fast is spinning this thing?
- Almost ... 250km per hour.
There are 6 G.
Bill which holds the world record.
Have fun, kid.
Ha is my Chinese neighbor
middle name!
Take a quiet, Randall.
Ok, let's try the 4G.
No, five.
Lite ...
faster ...
5.7 ... 5.8!
Thanks ... so much!
Six G!
He is equal to your record,
Should I stop?
- Give a little more gas!
- Take it to seven.
Faster! Faster!
Suffice ... Slow down ...
I want my Mommy!
And what is NASA's priority is children?
Father care who is in heaven ...
Come on, Gary. What brave, what?
Why try not to go?
Out of the way!
Sorry I'm late.
I ... ae ...
I ran into Gary, and ...
Sit in the chair, Fred.
The second chair.
capacitor 15 goes into 12 ...
Red to green ... over 19 ...
17 into two, the red into the green ...
And that was it!
Good Randall. Really good.
The fastest time I've seen.
I designed the most
of these circuits.
How's it going?
He can do it well!
Let us try emergency situations.
You have one minute to do it
or you die your crew.
You know what to do!
Do you doubt, you want to fail!
Tak! Wall! Floor! You guys!
It goes too fast!
It is 100 times worse
in reality, come on!
Randall ...
Look at him! Randall!
Randall, you're hopeless!
How did it for me?
A minute and 30 seconds.
Remember, keep your pingpong
ball in the air as long as possible.
This test lung capacity,
to see how long you can survive
at life residence system error.
The record is three minutes;
held by the Commander Overbeck.
Ford, do me a favor.
If for some miracle this guy
can do it ... look after him, would you?
Hi, Ben.
Can you excuse us?
The closer to Bill's record.
Bill, what do you think?
I think Gordo is an astronaut
and Randall is not.
I do not know.
He broke the record!
It was not me!
It was not me!
So we will use a new
system generates artificial gravity.
Ford, expect you to
find life on Mars?
Absolutely. Together with my
crew, including Ulysses.
I think we probably can find
microscopic multicellular organisms,
resembled those found in
Bernard Barrow, BBC.
Commander, we have all read
about dangerous wind storms.
How will it affect the mission?
Ok, as a former test pilot,
I have experienced my share
of wind problems.
But I had insurance to start now
these storms will not cause problems.
Bernard Barrow, BBC.
Mr. Wick, NASA has appointed a
replacement crew member yet?
I'm glad you asked it.
Ben, would you answer that?
Yes. I have taken a decision
at our place ...,
is satisfied, and I am satisfied,
to announce the appointment of
astronaut and the third member
of this historic mission
to March,
Astronaut Fred Randall!
I'm not ready, Bud.
Peace, 1968 when President Johnson
appointed me to head,
He gave me three commemorative coins.
One for glory, as he
gave to Armstrong.
A to freedom, I gave
on to Lovell.
And ... for heroism.
It has not given me a lot.
Maybe it means something to you.
I feel like the Cowardly Lion.
If I ...
Be King ...
Out of the woods.
I would be rough, and rough,
and more rough.
How to just say, Thanks for the tough
coin, would mean a lot to me?
Yes, thanks for the hard coin.
What was the other?
Vlbekommen, Fred.
Good luck, Astronaut Randall!
OK, team, let's kick the tires
and ignite the rocket.
Do not worry, Ulysses.
Everything will be fine.
Nothing to be afraid of.
I'm not afraid, so
why would you be?
- What is your status?
- Go.
- Roger, 842nd Booster?
- Go.
- Looks good.
Houston, we are approaching.
Initiates final checklist.
- Fuel cells.
- Check.
- Hydraulic.
- Check.
- CDP, panel sixth
- MMU one.
- IPO.
- AT & T?
- TPC, Drive 4.
- KFC.
- EDP.
- GNC and five.
- BMW?
- CNS.
- CNN.
- CNS.
- Randall, computer navigation system.
- I gotta pee!
CNS, check.
- Check.
- APU: P.
- APU's are OK. Emergency stop by.
Initiates last boot sequence.
Ok, people, looking good.
T minus ten, let's start her up.
No, not yet!
Ten ... nine ...
-Fifteen! Twenty-nine!
- Seven ...
There is a fly in my helmet!
It flew into my nose!
Three ... two ... one ...
We start 0232 GMT!
Oh, dear God ...
I hope I packed
enough underwear.
Do not worry. He unpacks his
own underwear now.
Golly ...
Do you see this?
My helmet!
Did you see this?
My face was drawn back like this,
and then flew this thing
out of my mouth and ...
Can we do it again?
I like this!
I float in the air!
As a small bird, a crow!
Hey, look, where a large
corn fields down there!
Turns on artificial gravity
three ... two ... one.
Randall, take a look through the box.
It certainly looks as
a giant blueberry.
Hi, Mom.
Hi, Dad.
- Captain, may I call you Bill?
- No.
- Are we there now?
- No.
- Can I drive?
- No!
I'm hungry.
Ulysses, it is time YUM-YUM!
Oh, the skin, it burns!
Need ointment for burns.
Are you hungry, Ulysses? Here, eat
fruit cake. Now go and sit at the table.
Sit at the table.
Randall, where's dinner?
It comes out of the oven, Bill.
Let's eat. About 20 minutes we have a consignment
to the president and the entire free world.
If it does not matter;
I do not want to be with.
So what's for dinner?
Ribs with broccoli and
mashed potatoes.
Look, Julie makes her
Old Yeller imitation!
Please, Dad, ...
I do not want Yeller to die!
Fred, it's toothpaste!
- It's not potatoes.
- I'm sorry, what?
This is not ...
Bloody hell! it is hemorrhoids ointment!
Hemorrhoids ointment!
Hello, swallow your food there, buddy!
Dear Mr. ... ... President ...
Dear World, and Mr. President ...
It came from nowhere.
Watch out Sally!
Careful so you do not become
extracted down you flush.
- What?
- Happens all the time.
Oh no, Buds coins!
Come to daddy ...
Good evening, America,
and people all over the world.
We have the privilege to talk to
our brave astronauts in March.
Good evening, Commander.
Good evening, Mr. President.
Welcome aboard Aries.
I would say that this
mission is to
honor all people on Earth,
space is about the maximum desire
- Are we in the picture?
- ... Of humanity.
Excuse me for interrupting you,
but I see Fred Randall,
and I think the world would
know why he looks like a smurf.
Officer Randall has other
information to be taken care of.
We are on the air!
- As I said ...
- Say hello to the world.
I? Yes, Mr. President ...
- I do not think I ...
- Tell them what it's like up here.
Yes, go ahead.
Mr. President, sir, up
from here I can ...
Ok, I can see the whole world
from the window, and ...
I know down there where it is
a lot of wars and stuff,
but up from here, I feel that
I can take the whole world in my hand
just like a ripe blueberries.
I feel that I can ...
Almost like I have ...
I have the whole world in my hands.
I have the whole world in my hands.
I have the whole world in my hands.
I have the whole world in my hands.
Ok, now French!
Now the Germans!
Come on, only the Western Hemisphere!
- He has the whole world in his hands.
- Come on, Commander!
He has the whole wide world
in their hands.
He has the whole damn
world in their hands.
He has the whole world in his hands.
Everybody, now!
He has the whole world in his hands.
Now the Chinese!
Come on, all you Chinese!
- Hey, where's my star.
- What?
My star. When I was a boy,
I chose one in heaven.
Called the Peace's star.
It was my special place that I
could go to and nobody could find me.
- It's so strange! I did that too.
- Did you?
- Yes!
- What's yours?
Ok, actually it is it, exactly
to the right of Polaris.
Like flashing over there?
- It's funny.
- Why?
On the right beside me ....
It ... It's amazing,
is not it, Julie?
You know what, for
research I have done,
Do I still
what's out here.
I mean, I think it
is something ...
I wish ... I wish ... I ....
Do not you?
Wish, use your star. It is
like that benjamin cricket song.
It is benjamin cricket.
Bengt Feldreich''Donald Duck''July
I'm not so sure
This hyper-sleep thing.
It is safe, you can not stay
awake for eight months, you're crazy.
8 months? Only eyes gravel
can be dangerous! Hey, Captain!
It burns skin!
Anyway, Ford, wake
me that we have come to Mars.
All right.
Goodnight, Ladies.
See you in 8 months.
I wish I had $ 928 for
every time a girl told me.
Good night, Fred.
Good night, Julie Ford.
Okay, it's an old story;
Boy meets girl;
boy falls for girl;
girl falls into hypersm.
No, you can not be in there
Therefore you are here reviewed.
This is mine.
Ok, I go in here.
You can stay there,
I'll take your, your hairy
small bed thief!
Good night.
Will only close the door ...
Just close this ...
Must close this door ...
8 months old DRAKE.
Good morning and hallelujah,
How long have I been asleep?
Thirteen minutes?!
Crazy sheets!
No man can sleep with you!
Fall asleep. Fall asleep.
Fall asleep. Fall asleep.
My darling, what
wonderful evening.
You look so beautiful tonight
... so full of life.
Your hair looks like silk,
soft, milky white skin and
your red lips ...
And your ...
Hello! it's me again!
Wake up, wake up,
wake up, wake up!
Come out, Fred.
You can not hide forever, Peace.
- They will take me, Fred.
- Bwana! It's me, Fred.
They have taken over the ship.
Fifty, sixty of them!
I had to hide in the jungle.
Note this.
I need 4pcs kegs of gunpowder,
a machete, a goat
a guide who speaks Hutu ...
Fred, came out of it.
Fred, came out of it.
It was not me!
Hello? Hello?
May I ask who is speaking?
- Over.
It's Bud.
Go over to the private medical channel.
- Bud, where have you been?
- Why are you awake?
A series of very bad mistakes
happened all at once,
but everything is fine now and
my mood is good.
The ship is just fine and Hutu
the uprising is over. Over.
Ignore "Over Score".
How can I keep this from Wick?
You do not I programmed on
hyper sleep monitors.
Ration your food.
I'll do whatever I can.
Bud, I saw over the last weather
overview photographs from Mars.
What do you mean?
I can not be sure, but I think
we may encounter some nasty storms.
It is impossible.
Nobody has seen anything like that.
I almost missed it myself.
If you look at the segment 5 and 6
Valles Marineris on ...
Way too low.
This can be bad.
What should we do?
Nothing, of Wick learns that you
is awake, he will explode
With this new weather, will
him to reassess the mission.
Re-evaluating the mission?
Ok, we continued eating.
Look at these new prints.
The danger is real!
I do not need to look
on anything.
All my experts tell
me that everything is okay;
and you tell me to reevaluate a
$ 40 billions and mission in a sense?
That is correct.
Bud, your emotions go down as one
floss at a Willie Nelson concert.
I'll keep an eye on this.
If the data does not change ...
So leave it to me for
to make a decision, as always.
February, March, April, May, June,
July, August ...
Time to wake up.
Hyper Sleep over.
Come on Ford, I'm starving!
Randall, why are you dressed like that?
What have you done?
Just made coffee.
I am a morning person.
Good morning, Julie.
What happened here?
Ok, I will be the first to say it.
It looks like we've got space rats.
Space rats?
You have been awake!
No! It was not me!
It was the hairy one!
He! The naughty one!
It is obvious that he was sorry
about it and do not want to talk about it.
Oh, my God ...
It has been shown that Ulysses is a
of these geniuses ... ... painting monkeys.
It is food.
You've been awake all the time and
used up all our food!
What should we do now, go fishing?
Look! Look! It's gone!
We are lost!
I have spare supplies ...
And what have we here?
Anchovy paste. I love it!
- Liver cream! It is good.
- It's good for your gums.
Fish balls!
I do not eat fish cakes!
- Bill.
- What?
We're here.
Okay, kids, here we go.
Randall, stop eating and
Pay attention.
We have separation.
Request clearance for landing.
Clear, Pilgrim. Verify separation.
Over and out.
The separation confirmed.
You have clear evidence for the landing.
Understood. Start of ignition.
Pilgrim is through the high door
acceleration speed to normal.
Now enter the Martian atmosphere.
We have a problem!
Glide path and growing!
I see it, Ford.
We lose stability!
-No, wait, wait ...
- I need numbers!
10% no, 12%!
Projectile path wound!
- Is it 10 or 12?
- I agree on 12.
Initializing 12% gimbal correction.
Communications disruption
for three minutes.
I knew it was 12.
Lord dammit.
Look at it.
Starts landing rocket engines.
It's OK, little buddy.
It will go well.
Pilgrim, this is Houston.
Pilgrim, can you hear us?
Pilgrim, this is Houston.
Come in.
Houston, this is Planitia base.
Pilgrim has landed.
Commander Overbeck
leaving the capsule,
and within a few seconds will
to stand on the surface of Mars
and into the history books.
This is a great day for us, leg.
Very High.
Mr. President, the world's peoples, from
a poor farm boy from Iowa
it is a really great honor to
be the first one ...
- Fred, take a quiet ...
- ... to set foot on Mars.
It was not me!
Randall, I'll kick you in the ass!
- Golly!
- It's incredible!
We are the first
ever been on Mars!
Now you're the biggest idiot
the two planets.
We are the first to speak in March!
Hi, Julie, I'm the first to
walk backwards on Mars!
The first to give a kiss on Mars!
Hello, you're the first
blush on Mars.
How would you like to be the
first to die on Mars?
Excuse me, He who was first to
display unwarranted anger on Mars!
I do not listen.
I turn off my radio.
You are the first that was not
listen to me in March.
Please talk to me.
I want to know more about you
the first time in March.
- Are we there now?
- Can I drive?
- No!
You let me never to run!
Shut up.
Hey, there's no airbag.
I can fly out through the windshield?
There is no windshield.
Okay, but if I could fly
through the visor on my helmet?
I die happy.
Here it is.
Valles Marineris.
Stay here, Ford.
This will be perfect.
- This is where we place the flag.
- Copy that.
I put up the weather station,
come back in an hour.
I unload this equipment.
We met up here at 1400th
1400, clearly.
Be careful out there, Ford.
Okay, this is the place.
It is the perfect place here.
Randall, where's the flag?
It will, Commander.
It was not me! But I got it!
You idiot!
Who are you talking to?
Do you understand what you've just done?
I've waited my whole life to
place a flag on another planet!
Now I'm on another planet,
which was the hard part;
and I do not have a flag,
'Because you lost it'!
Do not worry, I have another option.
A high-flying flag of a proud flag!
A wonderful option!
What are you doing?
We are making history, Commander.
It is the president.
Why do I throw myself not
just out of this rock?
- Why do not I throw you out?
- Do not worry, they are clean.
We have had a red mark on
The oxygen tank is leaking.
We must preserve his SOP.
Emergency tube.
Pair him with another costume.
Do it, doc.
Bill, this is Houston.
You have a leak in your primary tank.
I understand.
What do we do?
Connect to your emergency hose
by Randall
additional valve and divide until
you come back to Pilgrim.
Houston, this is hygienic?
Hello, Captain?
Do you believe in UFOs at all?
Sure, I think I on UFOs
Do you?
Yes. There is one who follows me.
Oh, I get it!
Really fun, Commander!
- Hello, Captain?
- Yes?
When I was a little boy, at night thought
I think it was a baker in my bed.
Did you ever think that there were
anything under your bed?
You never bent down and looked?
How did you know that there was a
bakers in your bed?
Randall, shut up.
Hello, Captain?
I seem to have any significant
intestinal cramps.
Randall, I'm trying to
save oxygen here.
But it hurts so much!
Keep it to yourself.
I think it takes 20 minutes
until we see Pilgrim.
I have not done anything.
Oh, my God ...
Do not do it ... No, no ...
Oh, damn!
- It was not me.
- What do you mean?
We are 35 million mil from
the nearest person!
The heart rate up, your adrenaline up,
abdominal muscle spasms!
- Overbeck is in distress.
- Look at these levels of methane gas.
Oh, it's in my mouth!
Hello, He who said it did!
I have problems breathing.
Do you have trouble breathing?
My eyes burn!
Honestly, it was not me!
Maybe it was Julie.
- You bastard!
- Hey, miracles can happen.
Blame this on Julie!
OK, I admit it was me.
Thank you very much!
Now it was Julie!
It seems that Fred is right.
The winds come earlier.
Maybe two or three days.
Look at the data.
We should still be OK tomorrow.
Wait a second, no, it would not be OK!
By my calculations, these
two low pressure systems ...
come together much faster than
we could have counted on tomorrow.
And then we are no more a pond rat
in a dust bag.
Do you go out there,
you do not return.
What are you, Randall?
Is not it enough that you have violated
all records I have set,
you humiliated me
on television for the whole world,
and you ruined my highlight of my
life by stepping down on Mars first?
It is not enough for you!
You must do this!
No, this is my.
We came to Mars to collect fossil samples.
We do not for me
have done it!
Bill, I do not want to stop the mission
more one you want, but ...
I know that he is right.
If we do not leave before the storm
will, we can not leave.
Okay, what do you suggest?
Tomorrow we check the reading.
If they are bad ...
we finish.
All right.
Let's get some sleep.
- What did Overbeck?
- Wait until tomorrow.
Maybe I was wrong about the winds.
Maybe I should have kept quiet.
Let me tell you, Fred.
If the Apollo 13 mission.
The day before the start I saw a bug
in the tank whipping circuit.
It did not tell you sincerely, but
I told Wick that we would postpone.
He said it was not possible to
move the start date,
and that I overreacted,
imagined a problem.
As Apollo 13 was Wicks wrong?
No. I had the responsibility to stop
launch, but I did not.
If not the ones the astronauts had
accomplished a miracle,
they had died, and the
would have been my fault.
I will not let this happen this time.
I'll be sure to get you out of this.
Hey, Bud ...
I would be proud to be like you.
I understood it.
Bud end.
Mushroom people are coming!
Get them off!
Peace! Wake up! Peace!
Bill is gone. He took Ulysses and
reserve your backpack, and he is gone.
Holy fat mother!
Okay, buddy, here we are.
Come on ... Come on ...
How are things going for them up there?
Morning, sir. We would just wake them.
Do you want this?
Oh, Great!
It's over, Paul.
Sir, I lay down, we now adjourn.
Bud, do not do that I must
summoning the guards.
I will not allow another accident happens!
He ignored all warnings!
- Running, would you come in here?
- Our mission is in jeopardy.
- Do not harder.
- Do not do this, sir.
Bud, we are all under great stress.
You just need to rest.
Ben, those people will die.
Bud, you have totally lost it.
We have not received any negative reports.
Get him out of here.
Paul, we have a contact at a
distress frequency.
Pilgrim, this is Houston.
Houston, the storm is here!
Wind strength is 90 mph and rising!
- Siktbarheten drops.
- Houston, what should we do?
What shall we do!
Randall, no, it's impossible.
Our weather analysis ...
Mr. Wick, I have not seen
something like this.
It reminds me of
a French Canadian ...
Tennis racket stuck to a ...
Crashing out of my sister's ...
Mild powers!
I can not be any clearer!
Wick, get them away from where the planet!
Do as he says, Paul.
Ben, we could not have known.
I followed this procedure, Ben.
I followed the procedure
Paul, unplug and go home.
Unplug and go home?
Nesbitt, you have commanded.
- Houston, do you understand? Come in!
- We understand. Wait.
Do not stare at me!
We have a crew out there!
Let's bring them home.
Houston, wind speed
continues to increase.
It's bad, Paul.
Ford, it's Bud. Listen.
If the wind continues to increase, if
20 minutes will start to be impossible.
Push up now.
No! Commander Overbeck and
Ulysses is still out there!
They are lost now.
You are not there.
- I go after them.
- What?
Fred? Peace, answer me! Peace!
Can not hear you!
Your signal is breaking up!
If I'm not back in 20 minutes,
you must start without me!
You'll be back.
20 minutes, and then we start!
20 minutes, right?
Not 15 or something?
All right.
21 is OK, too.
Ford, what happens?
I lose you! Julie!
Commander Overbeck!
Where are you? Answer me!
There you are!
I told you, do not go out in
a Martian sandstorm!
We need to find the commander.
Where are they?
Commander Overbeck!
Captain, are you?
It is you!
OK, stand back, little buddy.
Nothing to see here.
What are you doing here? Getting back
to the ship and save yourself!
Sorry, I can not do it.
That's an order!
I have to help you out.
I can not lift it.
They say when a mother's child
give her the adrenaline
strength of 12 but.
- Captain, call me mom!
- What?
Call me mom now!
I'd rather die in the Martian soil!
- Who am I?
- Just lift the damn thing!
- Who am I?
- Mom.
Say that you love me.
Mom ... Please, Mommy, save me.
- Mom will, little Billy!
- Save me!
Live, baby! Live!
You are in life, Little Billy!
Call me not little Billy!
There is no way to
talk to your mom.
- Houston, this is Ford.
- Julie, where's Fred?
Still out there.
I initiated the start.
They still have time!
Give them a chance!
I know what I do.
Which way Commander?
Can not get any readings.
Take cover behind that rock.
Come on, Ulysses.
I go out there and
take a closer look.
The Pilgrim!
It's too late! She starts now!
She leads us to the engines!
Come on!
I'll take Ulysses.
The tank is empty!
We share the air.
We do not have an extra tube!
Then I give him mine.
It does not leave anyone behind.
And what, you should hold your breath?
You'll never make it!
Do not forget, I'm the new NASA
record holder of lung capacity.
It was three minutes!
This is, what, four, maybe five?
You've ignored me the entire trip, and now
when I have no air left would you talk?
Randall ...
Oh, no, not now!
20 minutes have passed.
Wait ... I see one!
Ford, what's going on?
I have it!
Ford, who is it?
Julie, can you hear us?
Fred, are you there? Fred
Listen, anyone!
Bill! Where's Fred?
He should be here.
Do not start.
There he is!
Peace ...
He goes the wrong way! Peace!
Hello! Peace!
- Get me out of this!
- What are you doing?
It's empty anyway
- He keeps the spirit out here.
- Oh, My God!
If I'm not back in 5 minutes ...
Faster! Faster!, Bill!
Bill, is he OK?
Is he OK?
He's not breathing!
Take off his helmet!
Did not think of it, Randall!
Houston, this is the Pilgrim ...
Carol Ann?
Go toward the light.
Oh it's you! Ulysses!
No! Julie!
No. ... Ulysses need air!
Houston! Come in!
We are on board.
- We must make clear to start.
- Get it from there!
Roger, preparing take-off.
Not the hairy! Take me!
- Loading the main engine.
- Rocket engine intact.
Fred? Peace!
He's OK! He was just resting.
Rocket engines are started at three, two ...
- Hold on.
- ... One.
We have lift.
50 meters.
- Increases the speed.
- 200 meters.
The course is good.
Good flier, Uncle walnut.
One thousand ... two thousand ...
Increases the speed.
Five thousand ... Six thousand ...
- You are almost free from the storm.
Ten thousand.
- All systems green.
- I think we did it.
What the hell what?
- Houston, we had a collision!
- It was not me!
- The controls are compromised!
- Go over to backup power.
- We lose speed.
- Status!
EC-LSS down, OMS, down, down communication.
Everything is totally dead.
Randall connects the entire circuit
for two minutes.
Bud, what are we doing here?
We do nothing.
Pilgrim is in free fall.
Navigation controls excluded.
I need engine computers now!
This time it was definitely not me!
Switches to manual.
Look down there.
Randall, what's it like down there?
So here!
Fix it!
Stop the ship spinning
and give me a week!
You have two minutes!
To summarize, the Pilgrim was
caught in a violent sandstorm
and are now falling now down to March.
We are waiting for NASA's latest
news of this terrible accident.
4500 feet, descending rapidly.
90 seconds to strike.
Say it bluntly, can he do it?
Only a computer genius or a
total idiot can do this.
Luckily for us he is both.
Someone force yet, Bill?
Nothing. We are in a flat spin.
This would be a good time to fix it!
Anytime would be good!
- 60 seconds to strike. The systems are red.
- We have audio link.
Fred, can you hear me?
Bud ... I'm down in the hull.
Everything is spinning.
I do not know what to do!
Focus. It's like training.
The rotating chair with wires.
- It was really a winner!
- You can do it.
Trust your instincts.
Fred, come on, you can do it.
30 seconds! Give not up, Fred!
Come on!
Must hook up the circuit.
- Come on, Fred.
- 15 seconds to strike.
need something ...
You are the man!
Come on.
Ten seconds!
- Buds coins!
- Come on!
We have power!
You did it, Fred!
Light the lamp on the front porch, Mom!
We get home!
Oh, Magoo.
You've done it again, sir!
That little space rock will
make you really famous, Julie Ford.
So what should you do now, raketman?
Actually, I thought the case
if you want to dance.
Thanks, but I think we have
done it before.
Wait, I've had little time for me
myself lately, I've trained.
That and I've been a little creative
with space sheets.
When you wish ...
More than a star
Your dreams ...
Will ...
true ...
Pleasant dreams, darlings.
So, we have seen in eight months.
Good night, Fred.
It's a story old as time,
Boy meets girl ...
boy falls for girl;
boy and girl returns
to their home planet,
get a nice house with a fence
and live happily ...
No, not again! Ulysses! No!