Rocking Horse Winner, The (1949)

- Are you looking for me?
- You're Basset, aren't you?
Suppose I am?
I know all about you. You're a handyman.
You're going to work for us.
You used to work for Uncle Oscar,
and you hurt your leg in the war.
- Can I come in?
- Come in.
I say, what's a batman?
Come in, come in.
I'm Paul. How do you do?
Please to meet you, Master Paul.
So you want to know all about me?
I'll tell you.
A batman is an Army officer's
personal servant.
During the war, I was your
Uncle Oscar's batman.
He was a fine man.
But you already know about me.
It's what I heard Mother telling Nanny.
She prayed to heaven you were alright.
It's great having someone new.
What's that?
- Is that you?
- It is.
- Did you win?
- I did.
The horse's name was Inky Boy.
He made me a champion.
I loved that horse.
- Did you win the Derby?
- Who me?
No. not me. I was just a stable boy.
I didn't ride in the races often.
But I had a fine time when I did.
I had trouble with my weight.
I grew too tall and ate too much.
I should have been your size, but
I couldn't resist plum duff.
- Do you like plum duff?
- I've never had it.
You've missed a great treat.
Well, with not being able to keep my
weight down
and the war starting, I had to give
up my racing plans.
And here I am now.
What did you call me?
Handyman and part-time gardener?
I'm thankful to have the job.
Are you interested in horses,
Master Paul?
I've been looking for you Paul.
Hello, Bassett, I hope he's not been
a nuisance.
Come, darling. You should already be
in bed.
I hope you will be comfortable here,
Are you sure you don't want to be in
the house? It's cold out here.
I'll get a fire going. I'll be warm.
If you're sure you prefer it...
- I wouldn't like it. Would you Paul?
- Yes!
- Goodnight, Bassett.
- Goodnight, ma'am and Master Paul.
So nice you could come before Christmas.
You've made it cozy. I hope you know
your way to the kitchen.
- Thank you, Mrs. Grahame.
- Goodnight, Bassett.
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas to you,children!
You look the most responsible.
Better have that.
- Oh. thank you sir.
- Good night all.
- I like Bassett, Mommy.
- Good.
Richard, shut the door. There's a
terrible draft.
How long have you been home?
Only about 5 minutes.
Where's Nanny?
I gave her the afternoon off.
She won't be back until late.
- Did you have any luck?
- About the job?
- Yes and no.
- Tell me. I want to know.
- Are we dressing?
- You can be infuriating. Of course we are.
If only we could afford the things that
usually go along with dressing up.
Wasn't my idea. They always
dress up.
Better hurry and put the children
to bed. We haven't much time.
will you tell me how things went at the
office today?
When you come down, yes.
Come along. Get in bed and say
your prayers.
I'll brush my teeth.
Come along, Susie. You too.
Gentle Jesus...
Tale off your dress.
Good night, darling.
Good night, Mommy.
Mother, please leave the door open so
I can see the fire in the nursery.
Do you still need a nightlight, Paul?
At your age?
I believe you really want to see
Father Christmas.
Well, that's done.
They're really no trouble.
Not with me, anyway.
I don't see what Nanny complains about.
She's gone.
- What are you looking for, Paul?
- To see if Bassett's light is still on.
- Who's Bassett?
- A friend of mine.
We're overdrawn at the bank again.
It's Christmas time.
The manager was unpleasant.
How unseasonable of him.
What are we going to do?
Nothing. Nothing we can do.
Unless you get a better job.
You haven't got one, have you?
Or are you still not talking about it?
Tell me, Hester -
what difference will another job make?
More money!
Isn't what I earn enough?
Not for both of us, no.
Not with the children, and
and this house.
I know it.
I try to make it go as far as possible.
I can't work miracles.
We've got to have more money.
We've got to have more money, and
that's all there is to it.
Richard, did you get the job?
I don't know yet. I think they
were favorably impressed.
That's wonderful! It will make
all the difference!
Think what we can do with
that extra money!
We'll redo the dining room first...
I want a lot of new clothes...
and you need a new coat. That black
thing looks terrible.
We should get Matilda's teeth fixed also.
We've only got a chance. Don't go mad.
I'm back, madam.
- Nanny, did you get your shopping done?
- Yes, madam.
- Are the children alright?
- Wonderful. No trouble at all.
They're asleep. Quiet as mice.
I'm glad they were no trouble.
Good night, madam. Thank you.
I don't know why you have such
trouble with them, Nanny.
What have you got?
Bills, bills, bills.
You monkeys! What's going on here?
In bed! Hurry, come on!
Have you said your prayers?
Have you really?
- Yes, Nanny.
- Have you?
- No.
- Do it at once. Off you go monkeys!
Darling, it's quite wonderful!
Oh, they're lovely!
Can we move the rocking horse upstairs?
I mean now, right away.
Darling, stop jumping up and down.
No you can't. Bassett can
bring it up later.
Mommy, why not now?
Bassett's in the kitchen finishing his
pudding. I saw him.
Please let me ask him. He will do
it for me.
Please, Mommy. Please!
Ask him nicely!
There was talk about you at the club
yesterday evening, Richard.
It was said that you had been most
thoroughly converted...
to that modest faith that
disconcertingly insists,
"It is more blessed to give than
to receive."
- How much did you lose?
- Not a great deal.
I'm delighted to hear it.
- Richard, you didn't!
- Gambling's a deplorable vice.
Personally. I adore it.
- Come on, Basset!
- Darling, must you do that now?
- Happy Christmas, Bassett!
- Thank you, thank you!
Good afternoon, sir.
Get him out - that's right.
- Can you manage?
- Yes, Ma'am.
Bring some more logs in when you're done.
I wish I had the energy to enjoy
- Or the complacency for that matter.
- What are you talking about?
Tell her, Richard.
It might have waited.
Richard, what have you done?
What's this all about?
Nothing original. I lost a lot of
money playing cards.
I gave a check. It has to be honored
the day after tomorrow.
I told you about the bank manager.
Remember, he was "unseasonable".
You fool! How could you!
Hester, this is not the time for
amateur dramatics.
You too, Richard.
The check will be honored. I've seen
to that.
No one needs to know except ourselves
and the bank manger.
- Have you ridden him yet?
- Not properly.
- Get up on him now.
- Now?
Why not? Here - grab hold of these.
No, Master Paul. That won't do at all.
You'll have to go a great deal
faster than that!
This isn't an ordinary horse.
No - this is a champion.
You could ride halfway to the moon and
back on this horse if you knew how.
Here, let me show you.
You're riding too long.
We will take these leathers up. Now,
put your feet right in the irons.
When you get the confidence of this
he will gallop with you around
every race course in England.
That's it. Through there.
And if you speak nicely to him...
and whisper in his ear...
there's not a race he wouldn't
win for you and him only half trying.
Now -
gather the reins up short.
That's right. Now, get him collected.
Let him feel the pressure of your knees.
Now my dear fellow,
believe me - I don't want your things.
I assure you the gesture was purely
I'm fond of my club.
Sometimes, I even like the members.
It would be terrible to give it up
on your account.
That's right, Master Paul! Lean down!
Get him going! Take him to the front!
I'm coming alongside now!
Cracking the whip!
Let's take him to the nursery.
Here we go - to the stable with you.
Of course, Oscar.
Richard, don't make any mistake -
I'm not a philanthropist. I expect
to be repaid.
How Richard, how?
What made you do such a thing?
You. You did.
I? What do you mean by that?
Since we were married, we've lived
above our income. Like millionaires.
Anything you wanted, we've had!
A holiday abroad, a new dress...
Taking this house, and furnishing it.
Even during the war...
I won't be made the scapegoat in front
of my brother for your bad behavior.
There are money difficulties, I know.
That's no excuse for your behavior.
However extravagant, I may be
that doesn't make me responsible for
your card debts.
Or for the beastly way you try to settle
them. I can tell you this, Richard
I will not give up everything I love or
believe in or the things I can't do without.
But can we afford it!
- Can we?
- Somehow, yes.
- There must be more money somewhere.
- But where?
There's the children's' education
to worry about.
- Richard has a new job.
- Not yet.
- Oscar will put in a good word for you.
- That's beside the point.
All this hysteria, my dear Hester,
is a waste of energy and exhausting.
Especially, since you're excited about
- Trivialities?
- Richard's problem is solved.
I will also help him get this new job,
but I warn both of you of the
seriousness of your position.
If you continue gambling Richard,
it's only a question of time before
you're ruined.
I've been unlucky.
It's not luck - you're a bad card player.
As for you Hester,
you are shamelessly extravagant.
I'm speaking not as your brother, but
as your trustee.
If you cannot live within your means,
at least live within calling distance of it.
The idea of giving up everything you
love may become a reality.
Nonsense. You exaggerate.
- I seldom do.
- I refuse to be frightened by you.
We must have more money!
You've had every penny from the trust.
We can't go on like this! We must have
more money!
- Not from me, Hester.
- It doesn't matter where it comes from.
We have to have it, and we must
get it.
We must have more money! That's all
there is to it!
There must be more money!
"There must be more money!"
"There must be more money!"
"There must be more money!"
"There must be more money!"
"There must be more money!"
"There must! There must!"
"There must be more money!"
"More money, more money,
more money!"
Would you like to sit down?
Yes. I'll sit there. Thanks.
Say, is that an important envelope?
This one?
Oh, very. Yes.
I expect Mother will be pleased to get it.
That's difficult to say.
She may, of course,
and then again, she may not.
- She burns most of her letters.
- It won't do any good to burn this.
- Is it special?
- I'll say it is.
Very extra super special.
Mrs. Richard Grahame?
- Yes.
- I'm from Parton Duffit.
Here's a writ.
Good day, madam.
I suppose we won't be going for a walk
Why not?
Don't be lazy. Of course we're going
for a walk.
It will do use good. Come on, we'll
go out this way.
- Good afternoon, Mrs. Grahame.
- Good afternoon.
Why don't we have a car? Why do we have
to use Uncle's or a taxi?
Because we are the poor members
of the family.
Why are we?
Because your father has no luck.
Is luck money, Mother?
Not quite. It's what causes you to
have money.
If you're lucky, you have money.
That's why it's better to be born lucky
than to be born rich.
If you're rich, you can lose your money.
If you're lucky, you will always
get more money.
Isn't Father lucky?
He's unlucky.
I don't know, Paul.
No one knows why a person's lucky
or not.
Don't they? Are you lucky, Mommy?
I thought I was before I was married.
Now I think I'm very unlucky.
Never mind, perhaps I'm not really.
Anyhow, I'm lucky.
- Are you?
- I can prove it.
Can you, darling?
If you're lucky, you keep on getting
more money, don't you?
- I suppose so.
- That's what you said.
And I have money in my money box.
Lots of it.
And I keep on getting it. So I must be
lucky, mustn't I?
I'll give it to you if you like, Mommy.
All of it. You can have it all!
You need it, don't you Mother?
Tell me, how much do you have in
your money box?
- Lots of it.
- Yes, but how much?
Over a pound. 22 and 7 pence last
I counted.
You would give all that to me?
Yes! Yes, of course!
Listen, darling...
that's very, very sweet of you.
I don't need any money so badly that
I would take it from you.
I'd never do that, however badly
I needed it.
So forget all about it.
Keep putting your pennies in your money
box until you have hundreds of pounds.
Would I be a millionaire then?
Not quite.
I can't imagine hundreds of pounds.
Perhaps that's just as well.
- Good afternoon, Bassett.
- Afternoon, sir.
- Anyone home?
- No sir, they've gone for a walk.
They should be back any moment.
If it's of any interest to you
Brown Jug won the 2:30.
And the Fiver? Nowhere.
- Would you believe it? Just my luck.
- And mine.
And yet, Bassett, there must be someway
to beat book.
An infallible system, sir?
Something like that.
I never head of a horse that was a
certainty that didn't finish
so far down the course that he would've
won the race coming up behind him.
Mugs - that's what we are, Bassett. Mugs!
- I've no patience with this.
- You know something, sir?
- Hello, darling. You're back early.
- Yes, I wasn't feeling good.
- Enjoy your walk, Paul?
- Yes, Father.
Look, there's Uncle Oscar!
Hello, Uncle Oscar! Have you come to tea?
Hello, Paul. I've brought you a present.
- Here you are.
- Thanks!
What a whip! It's exactly what I wanted.
Be careful - you'll destroy
all the flowers.
Oscar, how sweet of you.
He's been asking for a whip.
- How are you?
- I've been waiting for you, Hester.
- Hello, Richard. No work today?
- No, no work today.
Nor tomorrow either.
You must have a lot of worries,
Master Paul.
What's the trouble?
Oh, nothing.
What are you reading?
I'm trying to make my fortune.
And if I can find the winner of the
4 o'clock race this afternoon,
I'll be well on my way.
You know, I've got a fancy for Overseer.
But Safety Pin may be a bit of a danger.
What do you think?
I don't know anything about it.
Have a guess. You might be lucky!
I am lucky. I know I am!
I think you are! Good old boy!
What's it to be? Overseer or Safety Pin?
Don't say anything.
I'm imagining it.
Safety Pin.
Safety Pin it is then.
Now, we'll just hop down the road and
place my bet.
- I won't be gone long.
- Bassett -
- Yes, Master Paul?
- Lend me 5 shillings.
What do you want 5 shillings for?
I'll give it back next time I open
my money box.
- Will you?
- Well, I might...
- if you don't mind telling me...
- Put it on Safety Pin for me.
Will you, Bassett?
Look here, Master Paul...
I want to bet like you do.
I know I'm lucky! I want to prove it!
Please, please!
Alright then.
Only this once now.
Can't be any harm just this once.
But don't tell a soul, understand?
"See this wet, See this dry,
Cross my heart if I tell a lie"
"See this wet,
See this dry,
Cross my heart if I tell a lie"
Five it is then - on Safety Pin.
- To win?
- To win.
Good old boy!
Writs, Hester, writs!
How do you suppose to pay them?
A lost job Richard,
how will you get another?
I lied to get you that one.
Now comes this appalling news
from old Webb.
I've checked on it.
Let me tell you this:
you two have made such a mess,
it will be a miracle if the estate isn't
declared bankrupt.
You have children, and something must
be done at once if only for them.
There it is - the facts.
Now, we only need to know one thing:
what are you going to do about it?
What exactly are you going to do?
Thank you, Oscar.
There's so much to thank you for.
Richard's done his best, but what can
I do?
How does one thank an elder brother
for being brotherly?
Or thank a trustee for being
a trustee?
After all, you've loaned us nothing
more than we must have.
Should we thank you for making
conditions, Oscar?
We do what you say because we must.
We will cut down and scrimp and save,
and do all the boring things you say,
but I don't think we can thank
you for it.
But I'll tell one thing we can thank
you for:
your unbearable superiority.
That made the necessity of begging
from you much easier.
You see Oscar, there's so much to
thank you for.
She doesn't mean that, Oscar.
Of course, she means it.
I'm delighted she does.
I would.
Go away, Oscar.
Good night, Hester.
This is the last time I'll lend you
money. Make the most of it.
Never, never again.
I'm not your private bank.
After this, there are no more funds.
Better go to work, my dear.
You may do better than Richard.
What can I do?
Heaven knows!
You have a talent for spending money
and that's about all.
- There must be something you can do.
- Goodbye, Oscar. Thanks again.
Safety Pin...what do you expect?
That's a stupid name for a horse anyhow.
Let this be a lesson to you:
keep away from the horses
and you can grow up to be a
happy man.
I lost the 5 shillings?
That's right.
- Uncle Oscar, can you lend me some money?
- Lend you some...
What do you want with money?
- I'd rather not say.
- Suppose I'd rather not lend?
It's a secret. You're lucky Uncle Oscar.
Something tells me your mother told
you that.
It isn't true, Paul.
However, here you are.
Don't spend it all at once.
Thanks, I do think you're lucky.
Goodnight, Paul.
- Goodnight, Bassett.
- Goodnight, sir.
This for me?
What do you want me to do?
Bet another loser for you?
We might get a winner this time!
No you don't.
Remember, I said just the one time.
But Uncle Oscar's lucky!
I know he is!
You will bet it for me. I want you to.
I will, will I?
If it's not asking too much,
what will I bet it on?
I don't know yet.
Goodnight, Bassett.
- Do you want me, Nanny?
- If I could have a word with you.
What is it, Nanny.
- Good evening, sir.
-Good evening, Nanny.
It's Master Paul. I don't know what
to make of him.
What do you mean?
He's frightening his sisters to death.
How, Nanny?
It's the rocking horse. He's always
on it.
- That's not frightening.
- No, madam.
It's the way he rides it.
In a sort of frenzy.
It's very unnatural. Sort of unhealthy.
I don't like it, madam. He's
getting beyond me.
- I don't know what to do with him.
- Alright, I'll come up.
- Coming, Oscar.
- Yes.
Sounds fascinating.
It's no laughing matter.
Just you wait and see.
Now! Now take me where there's luck!
Well, I got there.
Where I wanted to go.
You're right, Paul. Never stop
until you get there.
You are up too late.
- What's his name?
- He hasn't got a name.
That's alright I suppose.
He has different names. Last week
he was called Sanderino.
Sanderino won at Ascot.
- How did you know?
- He talks about racing with Bassett.
Bassett should have told me.
- Come along. darling.
- What a shame.
That promised to be the most adult
conversation I've had in a long time.
- Good night.
- Good night, darling.
You shouldn't ride that silly horse
so much.
It worries Nanny and frightens
your sisters.
Good night, Uncle.
Good night, Mommy.
Don't encourage him. Nannie's right;
he's getting difficult.
He's alright. Fancy him knowing
about Sanderino.
He's such a strange boy.
I can't seem to get close to him.
Did you see him on that horse?
I'm not surprised that Nannie's upset.
- There's never getting cross with him.
- Isn't it time he was out of the nursery?
Give him a room of his own.
It may help.
- Are you encouraging me to spend money?
- You don't need encouragement.
It doesn't have to cost a penny
if you go about it the right way.
A room of his own?
He could have the old box room.
Its' attractive up there.
Since I'm staying the night,
how would you like for me to take him
to the country tomorrow?
He needs a change.
That's a wonderful idea. I must be
away from home tomorrow.
Well, you see, sir...
he comes and asks me, and
I feel I should tell him.
Has he asked you to put money
on a horse?
I wouldn't like to give him away.
He's a good sport and gets a
lot of fun out of it.
I wish you'd ask him yourself.
All ready, Uncle Oscar!
That's right. Throw it in the back.
Jump in.
It's a lovely day. We mustn't miss
a minute of it.
Paul, tell me something:
Do you ever bet?
I leave that to Bassett.
- I just get the winner.
- Do you?
Do you have the winner for this
At Goodwood.
- Really?
- Really.
Well then,
Not much known about it.
you won't tell anyone, will you?
I promised Bassett.
- What's Bassett to do with it?
- We're pardners.
I promised it was only between
me and him.
- You won't tell anyone?
- I'll keep it to myself.
How much is Bassett betting?
All except 20 pounds.
We keep that in reserve.
20 pounds in reserve?
How much is he betting?
It's just between you and me, isn't it?
It's between you and me,
don't you worry.
Just where is this 300?
Bassett keeps it. We're pardners.
Pounds or pennies?
Pounds, I think.
Paul, I've got an idea.
Goodwood is only 40 minutes away.
How'd you like to go racing and see
the real thing?
I've never been racing before.
Come on then. Let's see what you
think of it.
What exactly does this mean?
- What do you want?
- 40 pounds, lady.
You've had a judgment entered
against you for this.
- Pretty, isn't it?
- Don't be impertinent.
- Leave this house at once!
- I'm in possession.
I don't understand.
How dare you!
Don't get tough. It only makes it more
Leave or I'll get the police.
Don't be silly. It's a waste of time.
We all know I'm a bailiff.
Here's the order for possession.
How about the 40 pounds?
You know, the funny man in the plays.
But we aren't so funny.
Will you go away?
No, I won't.
Not without 40 pounds.
- I'll write you a check.
- No good. Cash only.
You don't expect me to keep 40 pounds
in the house?
I don't expect anything. I just stay
until I get the money.
- You stay here?
- That's right.
- All the time?
- Day and night.
Night and day.
Reminds you of Cole Porter,
doesn't it?
It's absurd! I can't get to the bank
before it closes.
- Can't your husband bring the money?
- No, he can't.
People are coming to dinner here this
evening! Important people!
Alright, I'll keep out of the way.
I won't disgrace you.
If you don't mind my asking -
you can't get this money, can you?
Not right away, I mean.
I only asked.
I wanted to know how long I might
be staying.
How long?
Couple of days? A week?
Ten days?
- You'll be out by this evening.
- Not without the money.
You'll have every filthy penny!
Bassett, get me a taxi. Tell cook I
have to borrow her housekeeping money.
Look at the taxi! Let's have a ride!
- Wait please.
- Don't be too long, ma'am.
Mr. Tsaldouris...
Let's see what you've got here.
- I was given your name...
- Never mind that.
How much do you want?
- I'd hope you would...
- Make an offer?
An offer?
20 pounds for all.
20 pounds?
But Mr. Tsaldouris,
do you realize this dress alone cost
100 pounds?
I do.
20 pounds.
These shoes cost 20.
These things are worth more than that.
They me.
I'm going to put 20 on that one myself,
and I'll put something on for you on
whatever you like.
- Daffodil, Uncle.
- Not Daffodil!
But that's the winner!
Alright, Daffodil it shall be!
For both of us.
Come along.
You asked for an offer. I have.
What do you think?
I thought 50 pounds.
You're joking.
Thirty pounds. That's the best I can do.
They're worth far more than that.
You're trying to cheat me.
How much you got to have?
I know you need the money quick.
And you want cash, don't you?
No check.
Cash - today.
How much?
40 pounds.
Throw in the case and I'll give you 40.
No! The case is worth far more than that!
Besides, it was given to me.
- I'm fond of it.
- Good day, lady.
Alright, Mr. Tsaldouris.
40 pounds for the lot.
Okay, I'll get the money.
"Daffodil staying up there on the
far side..."
"It's anybody's race."
"Looks like Mercer, then Daffodil..."
"No, it's Daffodil!"
Here you are. 40 pounds.
Won't you count it?
No, Mr. Tsaldouris.
I trust you.
Thank you.
Get out of here!
Where to now?
I've changed my mind, driver.
I'm going to walk.
You're going to what?
I'm going to walk.
Thank you.
Ain't you forgotten something?
You're too generous. I couldn't
take all this money from you.
What should I do with these?
Basset and I collect them for Mother.
You're not really serious about betting
all this money are you?
Yes, I am. It's between you and me,
isn't it?
- I mean, on the bright.
- It's on the bright.
I must speak with Bassett.
What's all this nonsense about you
and Paul betting on the horses?
I'm not clear about what Master Paul
has been telling you.
He says your pardners. That's you've
made a lot of money. Is it true?
Is it true?
It's like this...
Master Paul would get me talking
about racing.
He always wanted to know if I'd
won of lost.
It's been about 18 months ago that
I place the first bet for him and he lost.
Then the luck changed. With that
10 shillings he got from you.
We put that on Sengalese.
Since then, it's been pretty steady.
- How steady?
- Pretty steady.
It's alright when we're sure.
It's when we're not sure we lose.
Yes, that's all very fine.
But when are you sure?
Ask Master Paul.
It's as if he had it from Heaven.
Like Daffodil today at Goodwood.
That was as sure as eggs.
Did you bet on Daffodil?
- Yes, sir.
- How much?
- I did alright.
- Paul too?
I did alright for him too.
Yes. How much, Bassett?
1200 pounds, sir.
1200 pounds?
That's right. 1200 pounds.
Come here a minute.
Alright, Bassett - where's the money?
It's safe. I keep it locked up.
Master Paul can have it anytime
he wants it.
I don't believe it!
If it's alright with Master Paul,
you can see it.
I'll show it to you.
I still don't understand. When
exactly are you sure?
Sometimes I'm absolutely sure.
Like about Daffodil.
When you are absolutely sure,
what makes you so sure?
I don't exactly know.
I'm just sure!
- Just like he had it from Heaven, sir.
- I should think so.
- Do you still want me for a pardner?
- Oh yes, don't we Bassett?
You will bring us lots more luck.
I seem to be getting the best of
the bargain.
Shouldn't that money be in a bank?
I suggested that to Master Paul, but
we're a bit superstitious.
We'd rather not break the luck.
You know best, but still...
Good night. I must go. I'm late.
We will talk later in the week.
Good night and thanks for a great day!
Please don't tell anyone about
our partnership.
It's our secret.
We're pardners, aren't we?
We must shake hands on it.
I won't tell a soul.
The next time you're "sure" don't
forget to tell me.
- Good night, Bassett.
- Good night, sir.
Oscar darling, I thought I'd
missed you.
Did you have a lovely day?
A curious thing has happened to me.
Have you ever been told something
fantastic, impossible
something that just couldn't happen?
And yet, you've seen the evidence
of it and held it in your hand...
Like if Nannie told the children
a fairytale,
and suddenly produced a leprechaun
and put it in front of them.
What are you talking about?
Oh, nothing.
Nothing of importance.
- Must you go?
- Yes, I'm late.
Did Paul enjoy himself?
Yes, we had a splendid day together.
- Here's your money.
- Thanks, lady.
I've been asleep. Hope you don't mind.
40 pounds collected.
Hurry and go.
You want your discharge don't you?
There's just one other matter...
nothing to worry about.
There's an extra 7 and 6.
7 and sixpence? What for?
My services. I don't do this for nothing.
Do you mean...
- Do you have the nerve to tell me...
- Yes, I do.
7 and 6 a day we get.
No 7 and 6, no discharge paper.
I haven't any more money.
That's a pity.
I only want to tell her about Goodwood.
- Nannie, have you any money?
- Who's that you're talking to?
- I've got some money!
- Quiet, Paul. I'm tired.
I have some money in my purse.
Honest, Mommy. I have!
Paul, be quiet! I don't have time
to play games.
Here we are, Madam.
Thank you, Nannie.
You're an angel.
She didn't mean it, Paul. She was busy.
I told you she was too busy to play.
But I wasn't playing. I wasn't playing.
Thank you. Good day, lady.
No offense meant.
Good luck.
I'm a poor, misguided ass.
Lively Spark has as much chance of
winning the Ledger as a carthorse.
Not as much chance.
This is probably one of the most costly
whimsical wagers ever known.
Lively Spark!
- No one's heard of it.
- But I'm sure it will win.
I don't care how sure you are.
Do you realize at this moment a lot
of money is going West?
I must be out of my mind!
1,000 pounds, Paul!
1,000 pounds!
You don't even know the meaning of...
Fortunately, we can't see the disaster.
Don't worry, Lively Spark will win.
I'm sure of it.
"Here's one coming on the outside.
It's Lively Spark!"
"100 yards to go."
"Lively Spark's catching them!"
"50 yards and they're neck and neck."
"That was a most exciting race."
"The numbers have gone up and
Lively Spark has definitely won."
We've done it!
Lively Spark it was at 10:1!
You see, I was absolutely sure of him.
Paul, I don't think you realize,
you've won 10,000 pounds.
Is that a lot?
It's enough.
I wish I knew how you did it.
It's a secret.
What are you going to do with all
that money?
I started it for Mother.
She said she had no luck because
Father was unlucky.
I thought if I were lucky, it would
stop whispering.
What would stop whispering?
Our house. I hate our house
for whispering.
What does it whisper?
It is always short of money.
Then it whispers like people laughing
behind your back.
That's awful.
- I thought if I were lucky...
- You might stop it.
Well, what are you going to do about it?
I shouldn't let Mother know
I was lucky.
- Why not?
- She would stop me.
I don't think so.
- I don't want her to know.
- Alright, Paul.
You can help her without her knowing.
It should be easy.
I tell you what -
I'll get 5,000 pounds from Basset and
give it to Earl Webb.
- Who's he?
- Your mother's lawyer.
I'll get him to write and tell her that
a distant relative has left her
5,000 pounds.
To be paid annually on her birthday.
1,000 at a time.
That's a good idea.
She probably won't believe it.
But she won't ask too many questions
as long as she gets the money.
On November 12.
Quite a birthday present.
I hope it doesn't make it harder for
her later.
I hope it makes her happy.
Lately, the house has been whispering
worse than ever.
"There must be more money."
"Money, money, money."
"Money, money, money."
"Never enough money."
Where is he?
He'll be here. Any moment.
Hope he pulls it off this time.
The Derby's only a week away.
You may not have noticed, but
we need a winner!
A winner? We need a flock of them.
It's very serious, Bassett.
We've been losing steadily since last
November. It can't go on.
I wonder what makes him sure.
I must know for the Derby.
I must know the winner.
I must be sure.
I wish I was sure.
How about it, Paul?
Listen to me, you better give it
a rest.
Even though we've been losing, there's
still some money left.
I suggest we stop for a month or two
until Paul is sure again.
Don't let it worry you. There's
nothing to worry about.
Is there, Bassett?
No, nothing at all.
You don't understand. I've got to know!
I've got to be sure!
Something terrible will happen
if I'm not.
What do you mean, something terrible?
It's the house. It's not getting any
Like we thought it would. It's getting
Whispering again?
Yes, I must stop it whispering.
I want to make Mother happy, and I
can't if it keeps whispering.
Don't worry. Everything will be alright.
I'm bound to know in time for the Derby.
I am really. It will be alright.
I know it will. You'll see!
Let him go, Bassett.
- Is it that bad?
- It's not for me to say.
Don't be a fool! Is it?
Lately, I've been very worried about
the whole affair.
The boy's not himself.
It's like something was driving him
to find a winner.
He don't enjoy it no more.
Don't get no fun out of it like
when we started.
No, the little fellow's not happy.
I don't like the sound of it.
I don't like the sound of it at all.
No sir.
Nor I.
I think that's an unhappy kind of
house for him to be in.
There you are, madam. I've been phoning
all over London for you.
What's the matter?
- It's Paul.
- What's he done now?
He's ill. He's in bed.
What's the matter with him?
Nothing really to worry about.
I've had the doctor here.
What does he say?
He doesn't know.
He said he needed rest and quiet.
He doesn't have a fever or
anything yet...
I'll phone him.
Don't disturb him. He's asleep now.
The doctor gave him medicine
just before he left.
Perhaps you're right.
- What exactly did the doctor say?
- He couldn't say for sure.
He mentioned his nerves,
but said there was nothing to worry
about. Just don't overexcite him.
He insisted on that.
Don't get him upset, he said.
Hello? Dr. Nichol?
This is Mrs. Grahame.
It's about Paul.
You don't think there's anything
immediate to worry about.
Yes, I see.
His brain?
But I don't understand!
I see.
Of course, we won't upset him!
I understand.
He seemed much better these last 2 days.
He's much calmer. He's still pale.
- You ready?
- Yes.
I say, you look magnificent is the word.
And a nice word too.
I'm going to say good night to Paul.
Only be a minute.
Don't be long! We don't want to be
late tonight.
Naughty boy. You should be asleep.
But you promised, Mother.
You promised you'd show yourself
all dressed up.
Did I?
Well, what do you think?
You look wonderful!
That's more than could be said for you.
Feeling alright?
Yes, Mommy.
Dr. Nichol says I'm getting better
every day.
Yes, I know.
How would you like to go away for
a holiday?
But I can't!
Wouldn't you like to go to the
I can't possibly go before the Derby!
Why not?
We can go down tomorrow morning,
and still go to the Derby tomorrow
afternoon from the seaside.
Besides, all this horse racing isn't
good for you.
You get too excited!
You're all nerves.
Better to go to the seaside, and
forget all about it.
Good night.
Please, I'll do anything, as long as you
don't send me away until after the Derby!
Send you away?
- From this house, do you mean?
- Yes!
You are curious.
Why do you care about this house?
Please don't make me go away until
after the Derby! Please!
Darling, alright.
Don't get so excited. We don't have to
go until after the Derby.
Promise me that you won't get so
And don't think so much about horse
- No I won't. You needn't worry.
- Good night, darling.
Now, out the light.
Mommy, I wouldn't worry if I were you.
If you were me and I were you,
- I wonder what we would do.
- You shouldn't worry.
- You ought to know that.
- Ought I?
I'll see about it. Now, go to sleep.
Hester! We'll be late!
Don't make some much noise.
He's just getting to sleep.
He's such a strange boy.
So easily upset.
He ought to be at school.
Don't fuss, darling.
- Do you think everything will be alright?
- He'll be alright in a week or so.
No, I mean tonight.
I'm sure it will be a great success.
Good evening, Bassett.
Like old times.
Any tips for tomorrow?
No, worse luck.
Had a tip given to me by my governor,
I can't seeing him beating the favorite.
The favorite don't stand a chance.
Old Gordon will win this.
If he don't I've got my eye on an
outsider, Malabar.
Malabar! Syosset will run rings
around him!
I don't believe an outsider will
win this race.
There's half a dozen of them, and not
one of them any good.
Breedon, Penny Plain, Crackerjack,
Syosset and Malabar.
No, the favorite will win this one.
Nothing to beat it.
Hester, I want you.
"There must be more money!"
"There must be more money!"
"There must be more money!"
"There off!"
"There must be more money!"
I've got to know!
I've got to know for the Derby!
I've got to know for the Derby!
Come on, they're going to make an
What's the matter?
- Hello?
- Nannie, is that you?
Are the children alright?
And Paul?
Is he alright?
As far as I know. Shall I check?
Don't bother.
Go back to bed. Sorry to have
disturbed you.
We'll be home soon.
Good night.
Good night, madam.
Darling, what is the matter?
Paul! What on Earth are you doing?
It's Malabar!
It's Malabar!
Any change?
Has the doctor been here yet?
Not yet.
He didn't leave until after 4a.m.
I'm expecting him now.
What does he mean by "Malabar"?
It's a horse running in the Derby.
He kept repeating it all night,
and calling for Bassett.
His eyes were like blue stones.
He tried to get up once.
I think he had some idea...
Here's the doctor now.
Bassett, come here a minute.
- How is he?
- He's still unconscious.
It's Malabar.
He's been repeating it all night.
He was calling for you too.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to do what he told me.
He would want me to do that.
I know it.
This is Mr. Cresswell speaking.
I want 250 pounds to win on Malabar.
That's right.
Malabar to win.
May I see Master Paul?
It's very urgent.
It's Bassett. He wants to know if
he can come in for a moment.
Alright, but not for long.
Master Paul...
Master Paul,
he came in first alright.
Malabar came in first!
A clean win!
I did as you told me.
We made over 70,000 pounds.
Now we got over 80,000 altogether.
Malabar came in alright, Master Paul.
He was a good old boy.
Do you think I'm lucky, Mommy?
I knew.
Didn't I know I knew?
Malabar came in alright.
I never told you, Mommy.
If I can ride my horse and get there,
then I'm absolutely sure.
Oh, absolutely.
Mommy, did I ever tell you...
I am lucky.
What's that noise?
It's Bassett.
I told him to get rid of that
Rocking Horse.
I told him to get it out of the house.
My God, Hester.
You're 80,000 pounds to the good,
and a poor devil of a son to the bad.
But poor devil, poor devil.
He's best gone out of a life if he has
to ride a rocking horse to find a winner.
I was just gonna bring it in to you, ma'am.
Bring what in, Bassett?
The money, ma'am.
It's in this box.
No, don't give it to me!
I won't have anything to do with it!
But it's yours, ma'am.
He wanted you to have it.
It would make you happy, he said.
Bassett, please!
Then what am I going to do with it,
Mrs. Grahame?
Burn it!
Burn it with the rocking horse!
Go on, do as I say!
Master Paul wouldn't want me to do this.
He wouldn't like it at all.
There's something ought to be done
with it.
Mrs. Grahame,
I'm a poor man.
Brought up among poor people.
I can't bring myself to burn
good money.
How can you call it that -
good money?
It's blood money -
dreadful, evil money!
How could anybody touch
money like that?
Go on, Basset. Burn it!
I'm thinking I'll take it to your lawyer.
Mr. Webb.
Mr. Russell Webb, isn't it?
He'll know what to do.
There must be some use for it.
Might be able to save a
few lives with it.
It cost one to get it.
Mrs. Grahame,
you came out here to say something
to me, didn't you?
I wanted to see the end of it.
Just wanted to be sure it had gone.
Gone for good.
You'll never see the end of it, ma'am.
Nor will I.
As long as we live, we'll remember.
And we'll know
just what it is that was done.