Rockstar (2011)

You know.
Miles away from here.
Beyond good and evil.
There's a ground.
I will meet you there.
Often I've wondered
You, me, we are all mirrors
We catch our reflection in everyone
It's not me, yet I am
I'm yours
To find me
Is to find yourself
All that I
Wish to say
Is ruined by
My words
My words
Often I feel that
This whole world is magic
Which Is
And yet Is not
Seasons, clouds, wind, blossoms
They send signals to me
How do I narrate their tales
All that I
Wish to say
Is ruined by
My words
My words
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
You want to be a Hero, huh?
This looks like a theater to you?
What's the matter, sir? Sir?
- Let go of it!
Be careful... the strings...
I told you to let go of it!
Take care of the strings.
Come... I'll make you
perform at the police station.
Sir... the strings...
Jim Morrison.
He was a great singer.
The chicks would tear their
clothes at the mere sight of him.
He stood before the crowd...
on the stage...
and raised his middle finger.
Just like this!
And the crowd went wild...
they cheered and whistled... as
if he had done something incredible.
While here I was,
respectfully singing...
so that the people waiting for
the bus would have a good time.
And these
no-good-cops began hitting me.
Very sad.
I mean, as if I were nothing.
Are you getting the samosas?
Right, continue to rip him off!
There are a thousand
criminals in Delhi...
the cops should go after them.
Why this poor guy?
Jim Morrison...
Janardan Jakhar.
Guys, he's a dead item!
And is this the
latest low class fashion?
To Be With You...
lead break.
Keep some style, dude!
Man, you're on stage!
You should have some
stage presence, right?
Like this...
like this!
As if you are going
to blow everyone away!
What happened?
My days aren't going well...
Right now it's just
a few bad days, son.
If you don't stop your
strumming and singing...
then just see how your
whole life goes bad.
This guy is very negative!
You loser!
As if he will strike it rich
with his father's business.
I will neverjoin
the transport business.
Well then, get your degree and...
...become an advocate
at the district court.
Trust me, that's the best you can do.
So he shouldn't even try?
That rules out any
chance he might have.
He doesn't stand a chance anyway.
You don't become big, just by
striking a pose with a guitar.
But he has been playing
the guitar since he was a kid!
Then why hasn't he
tasted success yet?
Tell me.
You mean...
- Because he doesn't have it in him.
He doesn't have that quality.
And what kind of friends are you?
Just to eat the samosas he pays for?
- Why don't you explain it to him?
The sooner he understands,
the better it is.
All that I
Wish to say
Is ruined by
Take down my number...
call me if I am selected.
- Number?
Take it down...
I have your visiting card...
Hindu College canteen...
I'll call you.
What if I work really hard?
Even a donkey works hard.
Well then...
what do I lack? Tell me!
an artiste has a
particular type of heart...
a particular personality.
And I don't?
You can't have it.
Your life hasn't been like that.
It's a different type of life...
that makes a person an artiste.
What type?
Take a look at anyone's life.
All these musicians, singers...
artists, painters, writers.
Take a look.
They all have one thing in common.
Which they all definitely
have in some form or the other.
What is it, Khatana bhai?
Sorrow, misery, tears...
Oh... is that right?
Until a person doesn't suffer...
he can never make it big.
And change your friend circle!
If you hang around with these losers,
you're going nowhere.
They've all gone
through a lot of pain, Bittu.
They got hurt...
suffered, winced in pain.
and me?
I haven't gone through anything.
I don't have even a single problem.
Never starved for food...
never struggled for anything...
even my parents are still alive.
Wasn't beaten as a child...
nor molested.
I'm not even adopted, I'm my
parent's biological child.
Never met with any big accident...
nor had a life-threatening disease.
Oh no!
Music can only come
from a broken heart.
When you're heart's broken...
shattered into tiny pieces...
that's when the music flows.
What have you ever been through?
Has your heart ever been broken?
Have you even been in love?
If you have to think about it,
then obviously not, you idiot!
True love.
So then?
Where will the music come from?
You tell me.
Where will it come from?
Hey JJ!
You could've come along with us.
I'm heading to the Law FAC.
I can't sit through
a dance performance.
Who's going for the dance?
We're going there for the girl!
Go ahead,
- Come on!
What's to see?
As long as she is in Stephen's,
she will always be number one.
Come on!
- Let's sit right in the front!
Sit here.
- Sit!
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Welcome to 'Shut Up and Dance'.
Presenting the first
performance led by...
Heer Kaul.
It's true, what they
say about Kashmir.
Heer from Kashmir?
If there's any heaven on earth...
it is right here...
it is right here...
within her clothes!
Over there, look!
I mean... what material
did God use to make that.
Dude, the material is the same...
but the engineering is mind blowing!
The car or the girl?
Watch carefully...
it's her last performance.
Why is she in such
a hurry to get married?
You have a problem?
Take it easy, buddy.
That's Heer.
Watch her from a distance
and be satisfied.
No way...
I should try my luck.
A lot of guys have tried...
and every one of them has failed.
She is a heart-breaker.
Is it?
Okay JJ...
Jai Bajrang Bali!
JJ for short.
We need to talk.
About what?
Actually... you...
I think you are pretty cool.
I had to tell you this.
And you are quite hot too.
Amazing combination, isn't it?
Hot and cool at the same time.
Anything else?
I love you.
Be my girlfriend.
Can you see everyone
is laughing at you?
All I can see is you.
You can see me, right?
Then listen
carefully to what I'm saying.
Bugger off!
You and I will rock it,
I'm telling you.
Think about it.
Hey... are you stupid?
No, only crazy for you baby.
Okay, enough.
Just get lost now!
Am I sure?
One second, let me think...
Yes, I'm sure, you idiot!
Get lost!
You are breaking my heart, Heer.
- JJ...
I don't want to see your
face again, do you hear me?
Are you sure?
Bugger off!
- Okay.
What's he on, man?
- Who is he?
Is he from Hindu?
Do you want me to eat two
samosas in this much chutney?
Get me more.
You think this is a joke?
Khatana bhai...
I love her really.
You can't imagine how
it felt when she said...
'Burger off! '
I don't even know what that means.
You are such a shallow person.
If your heart were really broken
you wouldn't be gorging on samosas!
Or fighting for chutney!
You can't eat a
morsel for weeks on end.
There should be intensity in love...
There should be pain...
This isn't love, or heart break...
This is a cheap act, drama.
What should I do then?
What's the trick?
How do I...
Couldn't you wait at the station?
There was a lot to do?
He probably forgot...
Really? I don't forget anything.
Where are you lost?
Look at him...
he doesn't give a damn
about what you're saying!
I have a lot of stress, okay?
Don't scold me now.
So tell me when!
Give me an appointment.
Tuesday at eleven?
Or Wednesday at half past six?
Let me know when I can scold you,
I'll adjust my life accordingly.
- Yes?
If it's not critically important,
I suggest you wait till after the...
I want to propose to Heer.
Critically important.
Okay, I think you should leave.
This is true love, Madam.
She has no right to dump me
and marry some other guy...
just because he is rich!
What the hell?
What's your bloody problem?
Give me one chance, Heer.
I'll work really hard and...
I'll also become rich one day.
Listen, you jerk...
if I ever see you again...
you just see what I'll do to you.
What... what will you do?
I'll get your legs broken.
I'll have you banned
from entering campus...
I'll ruin you!
Is her anger for real?
I don't think you've
ever been in love.
It's different.
Driver, throw him out!
- Yes, madam.
But you will realise
it sooner or later...
I know.
- Throw him out!
We just need to spend
some quality time together.
Enough! Now see how I set you right.
You can take any action.
File a police compliant.
He's after her.
You know true love...
the intense kind... doesn't fear the world.
Not even the police!
The poet Ghalib has
explained it very well.
Now I don't remember it,
but I will ask and tell you.
How will you ever know,
if you don't give me a chance?
Talking is important,
try to understand.
Okay, let's talk right now. Come on.
Yes... tell me.
What happened?
You wanted to talk, right?
I'm listening.
Go on.
Well... I...
We should give it a chance...
Okay, let's give it a chance.
Come on...
give it a chance, come on!
What are you thinking?
Give it a chance.
What happened?
The thing is...
- Yes, what is the thing?
Tell me... I really want
to know what is the thing.
You see...
- You...
come on!
- Sorry...
I'm really...
I didn't think...
I'm sorry.
He'll get hurt.
What happened?
I'll be right back.
- What's wrong?
Yes, old man...
what can I do for you?
I'll join you.
Excuse me?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
I'll be back...
Come here.
You don't have to be so nervous,
every time you see me.
Okay? It's fine.
I'm not angry with you anymore.
So relax.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much.
And I'm really sorry.
- Okay, bye.
And I don't love you or anything...
not even a little.
- Everyone on campus says that...
Heer is gorgeous, she is hot.
Even my friends say that but...
personally I don't
think you are all that hot.
Or even cool.
Like I said?
I mean...
I don't mean you're ugly or anything.
You are beautiful...
it's not that...
but I... I am...
Then why were you chasing me?
Well... I...
I can't tell you, it's really crazy.
Well, everybody does crazy things.
For you, bunking
classes might be crazy...
or having pani puri.
I guess you do that and think...
'Oh my God, today was one crazy day! '
It's a little different for me.
Okay, bye!
What do you think I am?
Oh no, I didn't mean
it in any wrong way.
Then what did you mean?
I mean you are...
I mean...
- What?!
You are...
- What?!
Neat and clean!
from an elegant family.
Neat and clean?
And Hi-Fi!
There's this cinema theatre...
Amar Talkies in Old Delhi.
There's a film playing there...
Junglee Jawani [Wild Youth]
I'm going to see it.
Do you even know what
kind of a film it is?
I've seen the posters.
You still want to watch it?
I've figured out the way...
I've also made the excuses.
You can't go there, by the way.
Of course, I am.
With whom?
- On my own!
You are wicked!
By God!
Junglee Jawani [Wild Youth]
Sir, this CD has it all,
take it sir.
Hey Brother, come on!
Run run run...
We should've stayed longer.
You would've been raped
if the lights had come on.
Wild Youth, Part Two.
Let's do another thing today.
By God, I'm scared to hear it.
Where can we get some cheap liquor?
You're Heer, right?
Let me look at you. - I want
to drink, where can we get it?
Are you the Heer Kaul
from Stephen's college?
That's enough! I want to drink!
Is it good?
- It's very bad!
Why aren't you drinking?
I am.
Let me see... drink!
It's so bitter!
How do people drink it?
Don't you drink?
I sprinkle some on my face and...
a little around my collar.
I throw the rest away
and act as if I'm sloshed.
You're the first one
who has caught me.
Then you can't pretend with me.
With me, you have to drink.
Go for it, cheers!
One more...
- You are so...
- Jai Bajrang Bali!
I'm getting married.
The entire University knows.
You are drunk!
Just two months to go.
I've heard you've hit it big!
And once I'm married...
no 'Wild Youth' and...
no cheap liquor.
Then, I'll be a lady.
Lady... neat and clean.
so that's why you want to do all
these cheap things before marriage.
You are not as stupid as you look!
Even you don't look
as wicked as you are.
You want to go back home or
get some more cheap thrills?
I want to do a lot of cheap things.
I have to perform huge feats!
But where's the time, my friend?
Where is the time?
So what if we don't have time today...
we have time tomorrow!
You are a genius!
How did you fail in B.A. Pass?
And day after!
And the day after that...
And time demands that...
You make your list!
Make a list of all the
little worms inside you...
I swear, before you get married,
we'll kill each one of them.
- I swear!
Anyway, my image is
ruined before you.
Right, you're completely
exposed now!
In that case I'll get
the list ready.
You better!
- Okay.
Hello Sir...
Everything okay?
How are you?
See you.
I spin a yarn
Of you, I spin a yarn
Of you
All night I spin a yarn
Spin a yarn
All night I spin a yarn
Spin a yarn
All night I spin a yarn
All day I pass in thinking
It's for you that I live and die
Ting ling ling ling
This friend of yours is
quite unique.
At least you shouldn't complain.
Should I change it?
Switch it on.
Two minutes!
I'll go on my bike
and get the Disprin.
Poor guy!
Why 'poor guy'? He enjoys it too!
Why are you cheating?
Why are you using the shortcuts?
Now you're dead, Mandy!
No way! It's you who will die!
You should invite him
for the wedding.
He comes shopping for the wedding...
of course he'll come
for the wedding.
Wear this for your husband.
His tongue will touch the floor!
Let me see...
move your hand.
A little lower, show a little more.
Lower it some more,
what's the matter?
- Firecracker!
His body will catch fire.
His 'Wild Youth' will arise.
Listen... I can't make it right now.
But Khatana bhai has kept the
Platinum Music guys waiting...
in his canteen.
Tell Khatana bhai that
you couldn't find me.
- And listen...
don't come looking for
me for the next few days.
I'm going away for a while
and I've made excuses at home.
Where are you going?
- Kashmir?
Thank God!
I was getting so bored here.
There's nothing to do
at your own wedding.
Come on.
Let it be, he'll take it.
Everything is set.
Come on.
Not right now, I'm the bride!
Think you can make it?
Who has the guts to dare stop me?
Nobody here knows the real you.
Only you know it!
Don't tell anyone.
- Okay.
Keep dancing around,
keep skipping around
I keep roaming around
I cross limits
gust of breeze, I plunder myself
I plunder myself
gust of breeze, I plunder myself
Hold this.
Come on JJ.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Guys, remember him?
He's also here?
He's Jordan.
- Jordan?
Great combination, isn't it?
Short and cool at the same time?
Hi Jordan...
Hi, I'm Mahi.
This face like the bright moon
This golden hew of hair
These eyes like the blue lake
There is a deep mystery in them
What praise should I give to
He who has created you?
What praise should I give to
He who has created you?
Put this up.
That side too.
can you hug me?
Are you in a hurry?
Give me a proper hug...
Is this okay?
I should leave.
They're probably looking for me.
Very nice.
Why are you getting so sentimental?
I'm getting married.
If it's bothering you so much,
don't get married.
And then?
The back door is open...
run away.
Tell me something...
- Don't ask me anything...
or else I'll tell the truth.
So say it, what's stopping you?
Yes, what?
How do I look?
The college guys were right.
You look hot.
The bride matches the
standard of the wedding, right?
Do you know...
the guests at the wedding...
fantasize about the bride at night.
Will you also fantasize about me?
you haven't fallen in love
with me or anything, right?
When are you coming to visit me?
I've never even been to Nepal.
But you'll have to come to Prague.
Okay, done.
I'll go first. Then, you come later.
Together we'll do a lot of
cheap things in Prague, okay?
Is this plan okay?
Or should we run away now?
I've taken flight again
I've let go of the world below
And I submit myself to you, O wind
Now people are far away
Miles away are these valleys
Slowly each cloud
comes to touch my body
But no cloud is able to drench me
Never stopped at any place
Never even met myself
I may complain but upset I'm not
Cities and villages appear the same
People and their
names all seem the same
I've taken flight again
Dreams, like dust,
reappear in my eyes
No matter how much
I brush them away
So many dreams
I have broken and left behind
Yet why do they return and
take me away on their wings
Over branches and leaves
By my side they travel door to door
Sometimes desert, sometimes rain
Like a demon,
I die a thousand times
Over branches and leaves
Sometimes day is night,
sometimes day is day
What is real, what is illusion
- Almighty
Here and there and scattered,
who knows
Maybe the breeze will
take me in your direction
Your thoughts pull me
Towards you
I keep flying about in
these colourful illusions
Keep flying...
I keep flying about in
these colourful illusions
Keep flying...
Tell me...
has the media stooped so low that
just about anything makes the news?
You pick any loser
and make him a star?
Who is this Jordan?
What's his claim to fame?
Sir, he is an artiste
with your Platinum Music.
He is not an artiste
of Platinum Music.
He sang some songs
in the 'Sheher' album.
And you guys are
trying to make him a star.
Trust me...
I'm not his fan.
It's just my job...
But it's not my job to
sing his false praises.
Take it off!
The packaging for
the episode is ready.
So get your hands on anything you
can about him and put it together.
He doesn't live here anymore.
It's been two years...
But can I at least
talk to his family?
He has no family here.
Please don't call again.
I can't do it, Mohit.
Sheena get real.
We need four such interviews
every month for the Rising Star.
Let go of your ego.
Be shameless and get
the material ready.
No, actually he is not
in touch with any of us.
After college what happened
to him... no one really knows.
Any other lead? Any one
special from those days?
Please think...
Jordan always had a
keen interest in music.
And I often tried to
encourage the musician in him.
He was a fountain of talent.
Apart from being very talented,
he was also a good human being.
The kids want to know when
this interview will go on air.
It won't come on TV.
Why not?
Because I don't have any
material on this Jordan.
But I just said so much.
But all lies?
My questions are simple.
You knew Jordan well, right?
So, why don't you
just tell me the truth?
You are getting very angry.
No, I really want to know.
Now the camera isn't rolling,
so tell me.
Who is this Jordan, after all?
You know...
there are these people...
who are always lost.
You understand, right?
I don't understand at all.
For example, Platinum Music, okay?
There was a time when
he would've given his life...
...even to talk to the clerks there.
That was his craze.
Then one day I told him...
Prince of music!
Where have you been?
I was...
The Platinum Music
guys were looking for you.
Dilip Menon, remember him?
I'll call you, Khatana bhai.
I'll see you tomorrow.
What's got into you?
Don't you want to be Jim Morrison?
I'll be him, Khatana bhai.
I'll be him tomorrow.
Two weeks later the Platinum Music
agents came here looking for him.
I offered them four
samosas and made them wait.
I even sent someone to his place...
Tell Khatana bhai that you couldn't
find me. - What? - And listen...
don't come here looking for me.
I'm going away for a while
and I've made excuses at home.
Where are you going?
Why Kashmir?
I don't know.
But when he returned he was caught.
His brothers yelled at him...
mother cried her eyes out,
you know, full social drama.
I told you a million times...
We sweat it out like dogs...
while he plays the guitar!
Just a minute... Gurmeet!
Who is Heer?
What's your scene with her?
- Nothing.
You're lying. Another lie.
Get his guitar...
where's the bloody guitar?
If there's nothing, why
did you attend her wedding?
Get his guitar...
Why did you go there?
- Where's the guitar?
What's up, Khatana bhai?
How are things?
Where the hell have you been?
You've stopped coming to college.
You know, it's not
that bad after all.
There's an AC and
I don't have a lot of work.
I have installed
video games on the TV.
Khatana bhai...
there's a whole world
inside these video games.
Didn't he say he would never
get into the family business?
What about music?
He gave it up.
And then?
And one day it was the
same thing all over again.
Same brothers, same mother...
the same social drama.
Tell me... now!
- Let go of my collar!
Confess you stole the
money and I'll let go.
Five hundred thousand rupees?
Just vanished into thin air?
Why would he steal his own money?
You won't confess?
I've been telling
you I didn't steal it!
All you want to do is beat me up!
Probably someone else stole it.
Shut up! But he is in
charge of that place.
The key is always in the drawer.
Everybody knows that...
ask your staff.
And Bhabhi, you don't have
to touch me to console me.
I've told you a thousand times that
I can hear you even from a distance.
There's no need to stick
like chewing-gum all the time.
This has happened even before me.
I've always heard that
the warehouse was...
Can I stay here for a few days?
So he stayed at your place?
He still lives at my place.
Relax... have some tea-coffee...
So the night he was thrown out,
he came to your house?
Not that night... two months later.
Two months later?
More or less.
So then where were
you for two months?
Bloody idiot, where were you?
At a shrine...
The shrine of Hazrat Nizamuddin.
Two months?
I tried to go home...
three times.
But they refused to take me back.
So what did you do at the shrine?
What do you mean 'nothing'?
You must've done
something for two months!
Nizamuddin Aulia -Nizamuddin Master
Lift your foot
Cross over
Move into emptiness
Your beloved's home
Is empty without you
Move into emptiness
Is empty without you
Move into emptiness
"Be" And There Was
"Be" And There Was
When even nothingness was not
He alone existed
When even nothingness was not
He alone existed
Who dwells in me, who dwells in you
He is the Lord, He is the illusion
Who dwells in me, who dwells in you
He is the Lord, He is the illusion
"Be" And There Was
Was Painter Paint my body, my mind
Take as payment My body, my mind
Painter Paint my body, my mind
Take as payment My body, my mind
Bright morning rains on my body
In the dark night Your lamp burns
Bright morning rains on my body
In the dark night Your lamp burns
The drop that I got from
your doorstep, O Lord Lord
"Be" And There Was
When even nothingness was not
He alone existed
"Be" And There Was
Do this favour to me, O Lord
I request you, set me
Free from myself
Let me see myself
Set me
Free from myself
Free from myself
These doubts of my mind
These weak actions of mine
Are taking me where
I don't even know
You dwell in me
Where have you've brought me
I dwell in you
I have followed you
I'm just your shadow
You created me
The world pushed me away
You embraced me
You are the truth, O Lord
You are the truth
"Be" And There Was
Work faster.
Here. Distribute these as well.
"Glory to Mother Goddess."
"Glory to thee."
"Glory to Mother Goddess."
"Glory to thee."
"I come seeking refuge."
"I don't know what to ask for."
"You get rid of everyone's sorrows."
"So I know."
"Everyone say."
"Glory to Mother Goddess."
"Glory to thee."
"Glory to Mother Goddess."
"Glory to Mother Goddess."
"Glory to thee."
Okay, cut!
You're missing a beat.
Can you hear the pilot track?
- Yes.
Increase the volume in the cans.
Okay, take.
Cut it Cut it Cut it!
Hear it once again.
Cut... once again...
Cut Cut Cut...
take a break.
Sir, would you like some tea?
Let's record his voice first.
I'm in your city
Please come and meet me
I'm in your city
Please come and meet me
Don't give me anything but
Come and take my heart Darling
What is it?
Are you playing the song or
are you playing with the song?
It's very simple.
Posted a letter telling
you I am coming to your home
I even sent you an E-mail on your ID
- Cut it.
You're not listening.
I can't do this, okay?
I don't know why you
were looking for me.
I can't sing...
I don't have it in me.
You are right.
Were you singing out
of tune purposely?
Why would I do that?
Even I could figure out the tune...
and you couldn't?
And then somehow...
a miracle happened.
Ustad ji...
Is that him?
Come in.
Sit here.
I've seen you before.
Do you know where?
At the shrine of Hazrat Nizamuddin.
That was nothing...
I've also seen you before.
On TV.
You play that... that thing...
This is Ustad Jameel Khan.
Padma Bhushan.
[Lndian Civilian Award]
Do you know
what Padma Bhushan means?
I know you are a well known...
But classical music...
you see, I don't
understand it too much.
I get bored.
Why do they play the
same tune over and over...
Everybody's heard it...
move on, play something else.
He is a big animal...
he won't fit into your small cage.
He will create his own music.
Ustadji, you can't be serious...
this guy...
He is something else.
God has blessed him.
He has His grace.
Trust me...
take a chance on him.
You will make a fortune.
Khatana bhai said you
want to interview me.
Tell me something.
Why does Mr. Dhingra
have a problem with you?
Come on, I know there's something.
Come in...
Press harder.
Happy birthday.
Today you've been born again.
Starting today you are a
Platinum Music artiste.
I heard... your songs
in the 'Sheher' album...
I liked them...
Now you will have your own album...
full solo.
Full solo.
Now you need to learn to...
be a star.
The music doesn't really matter.
Lot's of people play music.
But everything is image.
Image is everything.
Image is everything.
Everything is image.
Bloody idiot! I'll beat you.
Leave my hand.
Do you want to kill me.
These days nobody buys music.
People buy an image...
a brand.
Just remember that...
from today you're not a musician.
What are you?
What are you?
Stop it!
Sorry, sir.
Stop it!
The massage is over.
So that's why you are
not going to Prague!
Your name didn't feature
in the Eurojam list...
I was really surprised.
Don't you know about Eurojam?
It's a tie-up between Platinum Music
and the Czech Republic government.
Dhingra is taking five
Indian musicians to Europe.
Ready, ready...
Just a second,
I need to make a call.
Switch off the microphone.
Go see where he is gone.
What are you looking at,
let's pack up.
Mr. Dhingra...
take me to Europe.
How did you get inside?
I'll sign your contract...
I'll do anything you ask me to.
Take me to Europe.
Don't feel like laughing today?
No, sir.
Not even a little bit?
Come here...
I want to go, sir.
Why do you want to go?
What's the real reason?
I'm willing to sign anything today.
Just take me to Europe!
You will sign a special contract.
As you wish.
The clauses will be severe,
everyone here is a witness.
They are also witness
to what I've said, sir.
Anything you say.
Like anything?
Heer! All done?
Are you buying something?
Why don't you ever buy
something for yourself?
I should like something.
So why don't you ever like anything?
Come here... the
scarves here are lovely.
I have an appointment.
You enjoy going to
the doctor, don't you?
Why are you going now?
All your tests are negative.
You know...
I can be your psychiatrist.
You need something to keep you busy.
Like a job.
The doctor says the same thing.
You were a superhot
bombshell in Delhi...
super busy.
Here you've got nothing to do,
that's why you feel down.
I'm sorry...
I don't know why...
You don't have to be sorry.
God, Heer!
I've troubled everyone...
I know...
You know what?
You should go see a psychiatrist.
Here you are.
- Bye. - Bye.
Hey 'Wild Youth'!
Here I am...
in Prague.
Let's get some cheap thrills.
Come on!
I have an appointment...
with the psychiatrist.
So you've finally gone mad?
I can't come right now.
I need to go.
I'm not keeping too well.
But we'll meet soon. Tomorrow, okay?
I'll take you for lunch.
At some fancy restaurant.
Where are you staying...
When did you arrive and
what are you doing here?
Come let's go.
Please take the car home.
I can't believe you are here!
Welcome to Prague!
I shouldn't be drinking...
Says the drunkard!
- Cheers! - Cheers!
That burns!
When did you start drinking?
Just now!
Let's have another one!
- Yes! - Okay. - Cheers!
Let's make a list.
Strip show!
Female or male?
Red light district.
Those cheap pubs.
Those cheap discotheques
with the tacky lights...
and shady people.
You'll dance for them?
Naughty girl!
Feet are decked with wheels
Have spun the skies round and round
This tale I've heard
That the queen roams around
On her pretty fair feet
One blink of an eye
And the queen was gone
Then would return
With 12 pairs of
shoes worn out in a day
The king's temper flew
A spy he called
What is this mystery?
Find out
Where does she go?
The spy followed the queen
And saw her at night
Going into hell
ho... Flames blaze
ho... Queen mesmerized
ho... Wild dancing
ho... Everyone poisonous
ho... Spy shocked
ho... Sneaked out
ho... He told the king
The queen vanished into thin air
She vanished into thin air
Danced like a dervish
Left beloved and guard
Swirled and twirled
Pretty feet never stopped
Had no shame
She vanished, her
pretty feet never stopped
The king fumed
This is how everyday
The queen wears out
That's how the tale goes
Yet again she vanished
There is no stopping her feet
They will walk, they will dance
Here and there merrily
Enraged the king said queen
Why do you insult me?
My pride's gone up in smoke
I'm the laughing stock of
every joke
From today, I forbid
you from stepping out!
Smiling at his words,
the queen said king
These walls of gold
Give me no joy
Give me freedom
Take the wealth and set me free
Then in gusto
Everyday in abandon
What she had never done
She did with the lowlife
A flower child
Bright and wild
Roamed, skipped, danced
Those pretty fair feet
Those feet
Yet again she vanished
There is no stopping her feet
They will walk, they will dance
Here There
Here, there, God knows where
I think we should kiss now.
- Really? - Yes.
Why do you think so?
It's always the next step.
It happens in every movie.
- Logic! - Then?
It's good that we
are talking about it.
These matters should be discussed...
you can'tjust get
swayed by emotions and...
you've kissed!
A little precaution goes a long way.
So let's discuss this in detail...
and arrive at a suitable conclusion.
See It's important to
weigh each option thoroughly...
There are a 1000 issues!
My marriage and all...
We should plan this right...
how do we kiss?
And which type of kiss?
And what if we can't stop at a kiss?
If we keep going at it,
at which point do we stop?
And in that frenzy, how will
we know we've arrived... that point... to stop?
We are items, both of us!
Lmagine if someone heard us...
Okay... we should stop.
What the hell?
What do you think
you're doing?! Get away!
But why?
- Why?
You don't know why?
Because this is wrong!
Then why doesn't it feel wrong?
What do you think, huh?
What even gave you the idea
you could try this with me?
That was a lot of fun though.
It's not a joke.
It's serious.
I've kissed before.
Even had sex.
But what was this?
from this point on...
we could ruin everything...
but we shouldn't, right?
So we won't.
Now you drop me home and...
we won't meet again after this.
It's too late, Heer.
It's going to be difficult.
But that's what will happen.
Come on...
start the motorbike.
Come on!
Start the bike.
Let's go... come.
So you are the friend!
I'm the sister-in-law.
So dinner tomorrow, right?
You haven't told him?
He is really busy.
But I'm sure he has dinner.
Or you don't eat?
No, no, you have to make it tomorrow.
We're all very excited to meet you.
- Alright.
And we will take good
care of you, don't worry.
- Bye.
I hope you're not in a hurry,
are you?
No, its nothing like that.
There she is.
Hi... Welcome.
I've heard a lot about you.
Like what?
Good things... from Heer.
You know something, Jordan.
Some of my friends are in the
organising committee of your program.
And they asked me to
volunteer as well...
And I really wanted to...
It would have been a lot of fun...
But I was busy the whole month...
So I had to give it up.
And Jordan, let me tell you...
ever since you've come to Prague
and Heer has been meeting you...
her health has improved considerably.
In fact, Dr. Cermac was
very happy and surprised.
You really seem to
have the magic touch...
You know Heer...
you should join this program.
- Oh no!
Why not? You should.
Think about it, you
will really enjoy it.
I want to hug you.
Shut up!
Heer, I want to hug you.
I'll wait behind the house.
Have you lost your mind?
Just shut up and leave.
I'll wait even if you don't come...
What do you want?
Stop, stop...
Magic touch!
But how?
- I don't know...
I don't know how...
It's a statement of my helplessness
Can't control this moment
It's a statement of my helplessness
Can't control this moment
Squeeze out all desire
Break you in my arms
What I want, I don't know
Snatch you, let you go
What do I do at this moment
What do I do at this moment
What do I do to become calm,
At peace
Let there be more
This noise of breathing
Passion burn brighter
Let there be more
This noise of breathing
Fever rise higher
Let there be more
Let us meet more
And burn more
I meet you for the first time
Each time
It's a statement of my helplessness
Should I snatch you or let you go
Should I ask for you
or turn you away
What do I do at this moment
What do I do to become calm,
At peace
Let there be more
This noise of breathing
Passion burn brighter
Let there be more
This noise of breathing
Fever rise higher
Let there be more
Let us meet more
And burn more
I'm knotted up in desire
Untie me
I'm a knock
You're the closed door
Open up
Restlessness deep in my mind
Come let us live this dream
Let there be more
This noise of breathing
Passion burn brighter
Let there be more
Let us meet more
And burn more
ltjust doesn't stop
Does not tire
This storm
Of breath
Don't even come to know
What burns where
With fear
With body and mind
All trembling
With the scorch of desire
Blazes more
Fire burns and smoke rises
There is smoke everywhere
It's a statement of my helplessness
It's a statement of my helplessness
Ustad Jameel Khan was right.
You are a star.
Son, I'll pay you three
times more than your contract!
Look at that, a miser like
me is willing to give more!
He is a craze in India too.
Every day there's
something new about him.
He's busy. I'll say bye
on the phone.
You've kept my
reputation among these people.
Now do the same in
Barcelona and Paris.
Artiste... creative...
Always in their own world...
that's why he is an artiste.
Just a minute... excuse me.
Let me just check if Jordan is free.
I'll just be back.
Bye Jordan. Say bye and let me go.
They are waiting for me.
It will be a problem.
Let it be a problem.
It won't be for you.
You're going away.
After that don't you want
me to be happy in my home?
I don't want you to
be happy in your home.
Don't you have any feelings at all?
Really, what do you feel about me?
I feel that you
should be here with me.
Right now.
That's all I feel.
Then get lost!
You only care about yourself.
It's always about what you want.
Come here.
You are uncouth and rude!
We wouldn't have lasted six months!
Thank God you're going away.
Are you deliberately
fighting with me?
I can't stand you any longer.
You are deliberately
fighting with me!
Then what did you think?
That we would part on a happy note?
So that when we meet again,
you could have fun with me again?
Are you mad?
- I was then!
But not anymore!
Come here... I want
to say bye properly.
Get lost!
Heer, you come here right now!
Go to hell!
Heer, I'm telling you...
Go to hell!
Never again!
So Jordan...
Go to hell!
All of you... stay away from me!
What happened?
I'll get your
boarding pass, come quick.
But make it quick, tiger! Else
I'll have a nervous breakdown.
What the hell? What are you doing?
What have you done?
Have you gone mad?
- Heer...
Stay there... don't move!
Jay... he won't do anything.
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot, don't shoot.
Don't do anything.
Don't touch him! It's okay!
It's fine!
What's going on?
There! Your plan's worked.
Now I can never be happy in my home.
I only wanted to say goodbye.
Don't show me your
face as long as I live!
I don't want to see you again!
Get out!
Get out!
Today the media isn't
here to cover an artiste.
It's here to cover a criminal.
There are cases of assault and
intrusion against Jordan in Prague.
Platinum Music has also sued him.
In this world
Of yours
At every step
Man is wrong
Whatever I think is right and do
You say that it's wrong
If I am wrong, then who is right?
All I have to say about
this is 'No comments'.
How can you call the
press and say 'no comments'?
Sir, isn't it a fact that you
are releasing Jordan's next album?
An album of the songs he
recorded for you in Europe?
No comments.
The album hits the stores
and the artiste is in prison.
That is my vision.
The little boy who grew up in
this courtyard is now behind bars.
Negative, negative...
The media loves everything negative.
This is the very house that Jordan
was kicked out of two years ago.
To live by my wishes
should I submit a petition to you?
That means you have more right on me
Than I do on myself
My right
Keep it here
My right
Keep it here
My right
Keep it here
In these queues
And these debts
Why do you strangle
my habit of living?
I am uncouth
I'm from those parts
Where there is no modesty, no shame
Heart says that rituals
are the fine of living
World is enemy
Everything is anti
Set them on fire
My heart tells me
Live by your heart or die
My right
Keep it here
You know...
Many years ago there
was a jungle over here.
A dense and fearsome jungle.
Then one day, a city
came up in its place.
Neat and tidy houses, wide roads.
Everything became planned
and proper.
But the day the
jungle was torn down...
a flock of birds...
flew away forever.
It never came back.
I'm looking for those birds.
Has anyone seen them?
Anyone seen them?
Protector of nature
I too am nature
With tradition, with society
You cut me up into pieces?
Why do you scatter me like this?
Why teach lessons of truth
When you can't handle the truth
When someone speaks the truth
You inflict rules
and regulations on him
Your fear
Your love
Your praise
Keep to yourself
My right
Keep it here
It seems like Jordan can't
handle his new found success.
This crowd here in Lucknow
can't believe that...
...he didn't show up for his concert.
When its quite clear that...
he was seen coming out of the
Lucknow airport this morning.
Has he lost it?
You want me to lock him up again?
Dhingra sir...
- Khatana...
you better get him back
to his senses.
Because I really feel like
chopping him into tiny pieces.
Don't sir me!
I'm losing my money, bloody idiot!
I instructed all of you
to watch his every move.
Sir, he left of his own will.
All that I
Wish to say
Is ruined by
My words
My words
"What did we take from the world?"
"What did the world give us?"
"Why should we care for the world?"
"Did the world care for us?"
Even this day has come!
When I have to drag
you out of a brothel.
You will be finished
even before you start!
Mark my words.
Your reputation is
going from bad to worse.
And you won't even realise
when people start hating you.
What's happened to you, JJ?
What are you becoming?
What's your problem?
Look at yourself!
Do you want people
to run away from you?
You're listening to me, right?
What I'm saying is very important.
No, you can't! Get lost!
You can't talk like that!
Who do you think you are?
Anyone who meets you...
gets put off by you!
Your popularity is going down...
do you know that?
All I want to know is that...
you should...
Yes, Khatana bhai?
Khatana bhai.
I understand what
you're trying to tell me.
I don't know why I act like this.
I can't seem to control myself.
I don't like it.
I don't even like myself.
Shouldn't I be happy right now?
This is what I wanted.
But happiness is nowhere in sight.
It doesn't exist.
It's like...
as if bugs are biting me from inside.
All the time.
And all the time I'm... like this...
even I...
Stop calling out my name!
How long does it take?
Now do you believe me? This is JJ...
Come, come, let's take a picture.
Of course, we need some proof!
Sweety, come on.
Now it's my turn...
Talk to me, at least.
Smile please.
Anybody else wants a photo?
No more pictures?
You guys done?
Should I leave?
a five-album contract?
And he can't perform anywhere else.
Sir, isn't that too much?
Fine, don't sign. It's okay.
Sir, sir...
I've decided...
you can stay at home.
Sir, just take a look...
Sir, I agree with
everything you say except...
Om "May auspices chase
away the darkness" swaha
"My life is in your hands" swaha
Om "Agreement can go to hell" swaha
"Dhingra, you've been thrammed" swaha
Such an insult of Mr. Dhingra!
That too of Mr. Dhingra!
"Everything is image,
image is everything" swaha
"You've been humiliated" swaha
"Do what the hell you can" swaha
So, you're finished with Dhingra...
what's next?
Nimbus Records, London.
They want to sign you.
And they will take over the lawsuits.
Why are they asking you?
They are afraid of you.
It's this image you have.
They thought I'm close to you and...
Are you?
You can't forget her, can you?
Jordan, the Casanova.
The bad boy of music.
Secretly burning in someone's love.
How cute!
It will never happen, Jordan.
I am not Heer.
It's a story.
Front page.
We need to talk.
Not in this condition, Heer.
I have Bone Marrow Aplasia, Jay.
I'm not getting better.
My condition will only worsen.
So, what do you want to do?
You tell me.
I've been unfaithful to you, Jay.
I've crossed the line.
I knew all along I was
doing something wrong.
I knew it every second.
I was trying hard to
stop myself but...
I don't know why...
I don't know what came over me.
So what do you feel about him now?
This feeling will go away.
With time this will all go away.
We'll talk after some time then.
Mandy... Heer's sister?
I need to talk to you.
Where can I meet you?
'Wild Youth'!
Come on wake up, I'm bored.
You've slept enough.
This shouldn't have happened...
Can you step outside for a second?
Shut the door.
After what happened in Prague...
how dare you come in to my house?
Aren't you ashamed at all?
You will hear from dad.
You'll never come back here again.
I can't do that.
I know myself.
I will definitely stay with Heer.
Heer is not in any condition to
face any more drama, understand?
She can't take even a little tension.
She will collapse.
You know...
nothing will happen to Heer.
Don't worry.
You don't believe me, right?
You think I'm not making any sense?
But you will see.
she is dying anyway...
Shut up!
Your family wants to throw
me out but don't you worry...
I will come back.
And before they can come in...
let's have a quick kiss.
Quick... they'll come in...
- Stop it... stay right there.
But we don't have time.
Shut up! Move away!
Listen Heer, I will kiss you,
no matter what you do.
Jordan, don't... I will kill you.
Okay, on your cheek...
Have you lost it?
Come on...
by now we would've done it!
Jordan, I swear... I will...
What happened?
How are you standing?
She's just the same.
But she was on her feet!
She didn't get out of
bed for three weeks.
That's a good thing, right?
But how?
You want to talk to him?
What are you doing, Mandy?
So, that's a no?
Why doesn't he get it?
She doesn't want to talk to you.
- Give me the phone.
- When will you die?
Hello Heer?
- Yes, what?
The doctor said you are dying, right?
So when are you dying?
Even this is a joke?
Not at all, it's serious.
Your factory doesn't
produce blood anymore...
What do you want?
I want to ask you...
if there is a security
alarm system in your house?
What are you going to do?
Just asking...
The security system in
Prague was very loud.
Even the lights came on immediately.
The whole situation changed.
I had no idea such
security systems existed.
Some really hi-tech stuff.
You shouldn't have stepped out.
I will have to come to you.
don't do this.
I won't be able to bear it.
I'm doing this?
You said you didn't
want to see me again...
did I try to meet you?
Did I even call you
in the last two years?
I tried not to even think about you.
But what happened?
Here you are...
standing in front of me.
Don't you get it, Heer?
This is something else.
That's bringing you and me together.
We couldn't stay apart, right?
We couldn't.
I'm such a big celebrity, Heer.
I'm a star!
I'm rich and famous...
but I'm only burning inside...
there's a restlessness...
I'm only good with you,
it's that simple.
And it's the same with you.
When I'm not around, you get afflicted
with a life threatening illness...
your body stops producing blood.
I'm dying, Jordan!
Perhaps a few months or...
a year.
After that I'll be dead.
And what if you don't die?
What if nothing happens to you?
Then will you be mine?
can you hug me?
What is it?
He's coming...
He's coming...
Are you in a hurry?
Hold me closer... tighter!
You are like a guitar.
And these are your
high notes... here...
Her blood count has improved.
And you think this
is because of Jordan?
Do you know what
kind of a person he is?
two weeks ago...
Heer didn't even have
the strength to talk.
Despite all our
efforts she was sinking.
Her condition was
getting worse by the day.
Now she goes for a walk...
comes down for breakfast...
and this blood report!
Whatever it is and...
however it might be happening...
you think I'm going to intervene?
Or stop it?
Listen Neena, she may look cheerful
from the outside...
...but internally she is very weak.
Even a little blood loss,
could prove fatal.
You've already said this.
We are taking all the
necessary precautions, right?
Neena please.
Be logical.
There have been greater
miracles in this world, Animesh.
We think we know life...
but life always
manages to surprise us.
Wow, Jordan!
Oh no!
That's what I wondered,
such a big star...
doesn't he have to work?
But every time I ask,
he says "I'm free".
Twelve recordings, six shows and...
a product launch have
been cancelled.
Khatana bhai...
- We've been served two legal notices.
I'm avoiding everyone.
What do I say?
Even I don't know where he is?
For the past month...
his phone has been switched off.
And here he's using another phone!
Where is he...
is he alive or dead...
By God! So much drama!
You think this is a joke?
These international companies...
they have an army of lawyers...
whose job is to make life
miserable for people like us.
That's his style...
first he scares you
and then saves you.
But this time you aren't safe.
Trust me...
this time you're going to prison.
He just doesn't listen.
I don't understand
what to do with him.
We'll figure that later.
What do you want him
to do right now?
The concert at Kangra.
And there are more concerts all over.
Kangra in Himachal Pradesh?
The tickets for the concert
have been sold.
Khatana bhai,
understand this clearly.
I'm not going to
Kangra or any other place.
But I'm going there.
I want to go.
I want to go to the hills.
I want to see the Himalayas again.
Bike ride...
burn a bonfire at night...
getting wet in the rain...
walking through a forest...
dense forest.
And smoking a hookah!
- Okay.
And you know Jordan...
that Rockstar...
who takes chartered
flights for his concerts.
Oh, that guy?
Yes, I want to see him perform live.
So little time and so much to do!
Welcome to Himachal Pradesh.
How do you like it here?
Jordan, we've seen her picture
on You Tube. What is her name?
Please introduce her.
Hold on!
Don't report anything about her,
Why not? Is she your girlfriend?
How long have you been together?
- When did you first meet her?
Stop it!
Don't click any pictures.
It's said that she is married,
is this true?
Really? Who is her husband?
Sir, please tell us something.
I'll break the cameras
if you click her pictures.
This story will definitely come out.
- No it won't!
Get lost!
Jordan! Come on now...
Stay right there.
They are all gone.
It's said that she is married,
is this true?
Really? Who is her husband?
Jordan! Come on now...
Stay right there.
Say bye and let me go.
Won't you listen to me?
I am listening to you.
Am I not finishing the tour?
Thank you.
You aren't listening to me.
At this time I should leave.
Fine... go!
I won't get a bye?
- Bye.
Finish the concerts
and come back to me fast.
All night I spin your yarn
All night I spin your yarn
Mandy, call Jordan.
Tell him to come
right now... right now!
Drive towards the back gate...
into the emergency.
She can't be pregnant, right?
Neena, please!
Tell me that she's not pregnant.
- Heer isn't pregnant, is she?
Tell me!
Even I know a thing
or two about business.
What happened?
JJ, what happened?
What's the matter?
Yes... okay...
It's important to go, right?
Heer is still undergoing transfusion.
Sir, I leave everything up to you.
No, sir. Please try putting
in a word.
I'll call you back.
Jordan ji...
I can't come right now...
the operation is on...
someone is inside...
Sir, we also have our orders.
Not right now.
I don't want any of this.
I don't want to be big.
My heart should not break,
Khatana bhai...
My heart should not break.
- Yes, my dear...
Please Khatana bhai,
please do something...
I have nothing else...
This shouldn't happen...
Are you happy now?
You are responsible for this.
Mandy... - You put her
into a coma, you b!
'Wild Youth'
Come on...
wake up... let's go.
You've killed her, Jordan...
remember that.
And I pray that you
pay for it all your life!
That you suffer every second.
Because you are her illness, Jordan.
You've killed her!
Innocent bird
Come home
innocent bird
Come home
innocent bird
Come home
Come home
Come home
Why do you wander strange lands
Ravaged and tired
Why do you wander strange lands
Like a vagabond day and night
innocent bird
Come home
Come home
Innocent bird Come home
A hundred bruises cover your body
Clothes of all deeds are dirty
No matter how much you
cut the air with your wings
You'll never be able
to escape yourself
Break the skies
Burn the world
You won't be able to hide yourself
Take any path
You reside in you
You'll come back to your own home
innocent bird
Come home
Come home
Innocent bird Come home
Innocent bird Come home
Innocent bird Come home
Innocent bird Come home
scavenging bird
It's my small plea to you
Gorge on all of my flesh
scavenging bird
It's my small plea to you
Gorge on all of my flesh
Don't eat my eyes
I hope to see my beloved
Don't eat my eyes
I hope to see my beloved
You I have finally got
In a way that
Like I am
Your feelings
Close to you I am
They are all gone.
This is our world...
only ours...
there's no one else here.
No journalists...
No photographer...
No photographer...
No rules...
No Bone Marrow Aplasia...
No hospital...
No doctors...
No contract...
No court case...
Not your marriage...
No stopping...
No limits...
In this world...
we can let go of everything.
Do you like our world, Jordan?
I won't be able to live outside.
You don't need to live outside.
You have to stay here.
You are
In this world
Hold me to your embrace
I have given myself to you
No barriers remain
Left between us
For you
I have finally got
Finally got
In a way that
Like I am
Your feelings
Close to you I am
From wherever
To wherever
Let's wander without reason
Without asking
Anyone, we meet
No barriers remain
Left between us
You Are
You are
Near me, with me
In a way that
The more I feel you
The more I get you
In what way
Will this world
Snatch you from me
You too
Are me
What's there to fear now
You are meant for me
Meant for me
In a way that
I've lost myself to you
And you I have won