Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away....
- Mama.
- We know.
Jyn, gather your things, it's time.
Saw, it's Lyra.
It's happened.
He's come for us.
You know what to do.
Jyn, come here.
Remember, whatever I do,
I do it to protect you.
Say you understand.
I understand.
- I love you, Stardust.
- I love you too, Papa.
You know where to go, don't you?
Trust the force.
You're a hard man to find, Galen.
But farming?
Really, a man of your talents?
It's a peaceful life.
It's lonely, I imagine.
Since Lyra died, yes.
My condolences.
Search the house!
What is it you want?
The work has stalled,
I need you to come back.
I won't do it, Krennic.
We're on the verge of greatness.
We were this close
to providing peace,
security for the galaxy.
You're confusing peace with terror.
Do I, huh?
You have to start somewhere.
I'll be of no help, Krennic.
My mind just isn't
what it was.
I have trouble remembering,
even simple things.
you're an inspired scientist
but you're a terrible liar.
Now I admire the effort,
I really do.
Oh look, here's Lyra back from the dead.
It's a miracle.
Oh, Lyra.
Troublesome as ever.
You're not taking him.
No, of course I'm not.
I'm taking you all.
You'll all come.
You, your child,
- You'll all live in comfort.
- As hostages.
As 'heroes of the Empire.'
Put it down.
Think very carefully.
- You will never win.
- Do it.
They have a child.
Find it!
My child.
We have a long ride
ahead of us.
Check in, security.
Cell block 4227
- I was about to leave.
- I came as fast as I could.
I have to get back on board.
- Walk with me.
- Back to Jedha?
They'll leave without me!
Easy. You have news from Jedha?
Come on.
An Imperial pilot, one of the cargo drivers.
He defected yesterday.
He's telling people
they're making a weapon.
The kyber crystals,
that's what they're for.
What kind of weapon?
- Look, I have to go.
- What kind of weapon?
A planet killer.
That's what he called it.
A planet killer?
Someone named Erso sent him.
- Some old friend of Saw's.
- Galen Erso?
- Was it?
- I don't know! They were looking for Saw when we left.
- Who else knows this?
- I have no idea!
It's all falling apart.
Saw's right, there're spies everywhere
What's all this?
Come on, let's see some scandocs.
Yeah, of course.
My gloves?
What've you done?
Troopers down, section 9.
Are you crazy?
I'll never climb out of here.
My arm...
Get out of the way.
Move! Move!
Calm down.
Calm down.
We'll be all right.
Is that him?
He looks kind of different
than I imagined.
so you're-you're Saw Gerrera?
Saw Gerrera.
Okay, we're just wasting
time that we don't have.
I need to speak to Saw Gerrera!
I keep telling them before, before it's too late.
We're out here in the middle of nowhere.
We need to get to Jedha City.
What part of urgent message
do you guys not understand?
we're all on the same side, if you just
see past the uniform for a minute
I've got to speak to ah...
I've got to speak to Saw Gerrera.
What now?
I don't know.
Must be another pick up.
I thought we had everybody.
-All clear, sir.
- Hallik!
- Liana Hallik!
- Her.
You want to get out of here?
What about me?
You are being rescued
Please do not resist.
LU-28, report to maintenance level 4.
You're currently calling yourself Liana Hallik.
Is that correct?
Possession of unsanctioned weapons,
forgery of Imperial documents,
aggravated assault,
escape from custody, resisting arrest
Imagine if the Imperial authorities had
found out who you really were. Jyn Erso?
That's your given name, is it not?
Jyn Erso?
Daughter of Galen Erso.
A known Imperial collaborator
in weapons development.
What is this?
It's a chance for you
to make a fresh start.
We think you might be
able to help us.
This is Captain Cassian Andor,
Rebel Intelligence.
When was the last time you were
in contact with your father?
15 years ago.
Any idea where he's been
all that time?
I like to think he's dead,
makes things easier.
Easier than what? That he's being a tool
of the Imperial war machine?
- I've never had the luxury of political opinions.
- Really?
When was your last contact
with Saw Gerrera?
It's been a long time.
He'd remember you, though,
wouldn't he?
He might agree to meet you,
if you came as a friend.
We're up against the clock here, girl,
So if there's nothing to talk about,
we'll just put you back
where we found you.
I was a child, Saw Gerrera saved my life.
He raised me. But I've no idea where he is.
I haven't seen him in years.
We know how to find him,
that's not our problem.
What we need is someone who gets us
through the door without being killed.
You're all rebels, aren't you?
Yes, but Saw Gerrera's an extremist.
He's been fighting on his own
since he broke with the Rebellion.
His militancy has caused the Alliance
a great many problems.
We have no choice now but to try
to mend that broken trust.
What does this have
to do with my father?
There's an Imperial defector in Jedha.
A pilot.
He's being held by Saw Gerrera.
He's claiming the Emperor is creating a weapon
with the power to destroy entire planets.
The pilot says he was
sent by your father.
We need to stop this
weapon before it is finished.
Captain Andor's mission is to authenticate
the pilot's story and then, if possible, find your father.
It appears he is critical to the
development of this superweapon.
Given the gravity of the situation
and your history with Saw,
we're hoping that he will help us locate your father
and return him to the Senate for testimony.
And if I do it?
We'll make sure you go free.
Captain Andor!
I'm Kay-Tuesso (K-2SO)
I'm a reprogrammed Imperial droid.
I remember you.
I see the Council is sending you
with us to Jedha.
Apparently so.
That is a bad idea.
I think so, and so does Cassian.
What do I know?
My specialty is just strategic analysis.
Galen Erso is vital to the
Empire's weapon program.
Forget what you heard in there,
there will be no extraction.
You find him,
you kill him.
Then and there.
You met Kay-Tu?
He tends to say whatever
comes into his circuits.
It's a by-product of the reprogram.
Why does she get a blaster,
and I don't?
- What.
- I know how to use it.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Give it to me.
We're going to Jedha.
That's a war zone.
That's not the point.
- Where did you get it?
- I found it.
I find that answer
vague and unconvincing.
Trust goes both ways.
You're letting her keep it?
Would you like to know the probability
of her using it against you?
- It's high.
- Let's get going.
It's very high.
Let's see it.
Bodhi Rook.
Cargo pilot.
- Local boy, huh?
- Uh-huh.
Okay, I can hear you.
He didn't capture me,
I came here myself.
I defected, I defected.
Every day, more lies.
Would I risk everything for a lie?
No, we don't have time for this!
I have to speak to Saw Gerrera
before it's too late.
So, you...
That's-That's for you.
And I gave it to them,
they did not find it!
I gave it to them.
Galen Erso.
He told me to find you.
Bor Gullet.
Bor Gullet?
Galen Erso sent me!
He told me to find you!
Most unfortunate about the security breach
on Jedha, Director Krennic.
After so many setbacks and delays,
and now this.
We've heard word of rumors
circulating through the city.
Apparently you've lost
a rather talkative cargo pilot.
If the Senate gets wind of our project,
countless systems will flock to the Rebellion.
When the battle station is finished, Governor Tarkin,
the Senate will be of little concern.
When has become now, Director Krennic.
The Emperor will tolerate no further delay,
you have made time
an ally of the Rebellion.
I suggest, we solve both problems simultaneously
with an immediate test of the weapon.
Failure will find you explaining why
to a far less patient audience.
I will not fail.
What's the matter, Jyn?
You looked frightened.
I'll always protect you.
Don't ever change.
We're coming into orbit.
You have controls.
That's Jedha.
Or what's left of it.
We find Saw,
we find your father.
What's with the Destroyer?
It's because of your old friend, Saw Gerrera.
He's been attacking the cargo shipments.
What are they bringing in?
It's 'what are they taking out?'
Kyber crystal.
All they can get.
We wondered why they were
stripping the temple, now we know.
It's the fuel for the weapon.
The weapon your father's building.
Maybe we should leave
target practice behind.
Are you talking about me?
She's right.
We need to blend in.
Stay with the ship.
I can blend in.
I'm an Imperial droid.
This city is under Imperial occupation
Half the people here want to reprogram you.
The other half want to put a hole in your head.
I'm surprised you're so concerned
with my safety.
I'm not. I'm just worried
they might miss you and hit me.
Doesn't sound so bad to me.
Bor Gullet can feel your thoughts,
No lie is safe.
What have you really
brought me, cargo pilot?
Bor Gullet will know the truth.
The unfortunate side effect,
- is that one tends to lose one's mind.
- No.
Hey, you just watch yourself.
No, no.
Tourist, we don't want any trouble, sorry.
Come on.
Come on.
Citizens of Jedha,
you must come forward with information
of the location of this missing cargo pilot.
A reward of 600 credits for the
information shall be awarded.
I had a contact,
one of Saw's rebels,
but he's just gone missing.
His sister will be looking for him.
The temple's been destroyed
but she'll be there waiting.
We'll give her your name and hope
that gets us a meeting with Saw.
Rebellions are built on hope.
Hands where I can see them.
Get over there.
Show me some identification.
Check inside.
Is this all because of your pilot?
May the Force of others be with you.
- May the Force of others be with you.
- Wait for me.
May the Force of others be with you.
May the Force of others be with you.
Would you trade that necklace
for a glimpse into your future?
Yes, I'm speaking to you.
I am Chirrut mwe.
How did you know
I was wearing a necklace?
For that answer you must pay.
What do you know of kyber crystals?
My father, he said they powered
the Jedi lightsabers.
Come on, let's go.
The strongest stars have hearts of kyber.
Let's go.
We're not here to make friends.
Who are they?
The Guardians of the Whills.
Protectors of the Kyber Temple.
But there's nothing left to protect, so
now they're just causing trouble for everybody.
You seem awfully tense all of a sudden.
We have to hurry.
This townit's ready to blow.
Citizens of the Empire,
Imperial forces...
Tell me you have a backup plan.
Put your guns down.
Behind us.
Looks like we found Saw's rebels.
Jyn, no!
Thank you.
Hit the tower.
Get out of there!
Quickly, the kyber, get it.
Here, take the kyber.
Take the kyber.
Come on!
This way!
Did you know that wasn't me?
Of course!
I thought I told
you to stay on the ship
You did, but I thought it was boring,
and you were in trouble.
There are a lot of explosions
for two people blending in.
Freeze right there...
You're right,
I should just wait on the ship.
Stop right there!
Where are you taking these prisoners?
- These are prisoners.
- Yes. Where are you taking them?
I am taking them... to imprison them.
In prison.
- He's taking us to...
- Quiet!
And there's a fresh one
if you mouth off again!
- We'll take them from here.
- That's okay.
If you could just point me in the right direction,
I can take them, I'm sure.
- I've taken them this far
- Hey, wait a second.
- Take them away.
- Wait!
- Hey, droid.
You can't take them away!
You stay here.
We need to check your diagnostics.
I'm capable of running my own diagnostics,
thank you very much.
Let them pass in peace!
Let them pass in peace.
The Force is with me,
and I am with the Force.
And I fear nothing,
for all is as the Force wills it.
Stop right there!
He's blind.
Is he deaf?
I said: Stop right there!
Is your foot all right?
You almost shot me.
You're welcome.
Clear of hostiles!
- One hostile!
- He's with us!
They're all right.
Cassian, I'm sorry about the slap.
Go back to the ship.
Wait for my call.
Is he a Jedi?
There are no Jedi here anymore.
Only dreamers like this fool.
The Force did protect me.
I protected you.
Can you get us to Saw Gerrera?
Can't you see
we are no friends of the Empire?
Anyone who kills me or my friends
will answer to Saw Gerrera,
Because I am the daughter of Galen Erso.
Are you kidding me?
I'm blind!
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
You pray?
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
He's praying for the door to open.
It bothers him,
because he knows it is possible.
Baze Malbus was once
the most devoted Guardian of us all.
I'm beginning to think the Force
and I have different priorities.
Relax, Captain.
We've been in worse cages than this one.
This is a first for me.
There is more than
one sort of prison, Captain,
I sense that you carry yours
wherever you go.
Is it really you?
I can't believe it.
Must be quite a surprise.
Are we not still friends?
The last time I saw you, you gave me
a knife and loaded blaster
and told me to wait
in a bunker until daylight.
I knew you were safe.
You left me behind.
You were already
the best soldier in my cadre.
- I was sixteen.
- I was protecting you!
You dumped me!
You were the daughter
of an Imperial science officer!
People were starting to figure that out.
People who wanted to-
to use you as a hostage.
Not a day goes by
that I don't think of you
But today, of all days?
It's a trap, isn't it?
The pilot!
The message.
All of it.
Did they...
send you?
Did you come here to kill me?
There's not much of me left.
The Alliance wants my father.
They think he's sent you
a message about a weapon.
I guess they think by sending me
you might actually help them out.
So what is it that you want, Jyn?
They wanted an introduction,
they've got it.
I'm out now.
The rest of you can do what you want.
You care not about the cause?
The cause?
The Alliance?
The rebels? Whatever it is
you're calling yourself these days?
All it's ever brought me is pain.
You can stand to see the Imperial flag
reign across the galaxy?
It's not a problem
if you don't look up.
I have something to show you,
The Emperor is awaiting my report.
One had hoped that he and Lord Vader
might have been here for such an occasion.
And I thought it prudent to save
you from any potential embarrassment.
Your concern is hardly warranted.
If saying it would only make it so.
All Imperial forces, have been evacuated,
and I stand ready to destroy the entire moon.
That won't be necessary.
We need a statement, not a manifesto.
The Holy City will be
enough for the day.
Target Jedha City,
prepare single reactor ignition.
- Sir, we're in position, ready to...
- Fire!
Commence primary ignition.
Who's the one in the next cell?
An Imperial pilot.
- Pilot?
- I'm going to kill Kim!
- No, no, No, wait!
- Come here!
Back off.
Back off.
Are you the pilot?
Hey, heyare you the pilot?
The shuttle pilot?
What's wrong with him?
Galen Erso.
You know that name?
I brought the message, I'm the pilot.
I'm the pilot.
I'm the pilot.
Okay, good.
Now where is Galen Erso?
This is the message I was sent.
Saw, if you're watching this,
then perhaps there is a chance
to save the Alliance.
Perhaps there's a chance to explain myself and,
though I don't dare hope for too much,
a chance for Jyn,
if she's alive,
if you can possibly find her
to let her know that
my love for her has never faded
and how desperately I've missed her.
Jyn, my Stardust,
I can't imagine
what you think of me.
When I was taken,
I faced some bitter truths.
I was told that, soon enough,
Krennic would have you as well.
As time went by,
I knew that you were either dead
or so well hidden that
he would never find you.
I knew if I refused to work,
if I took my own life,
it would only be a matter of time
before Krennic realized he no longer
needed me to complete the project.
So I did the one thing
that nobody expected: I lied.
I learned to lie.
I played the part of a beaten man
resigned to the sanctuary of his work.
I made myself indispensable,
and all the while
I laid the groundwork of my revenge.
We call it the Death Star.
There is no better name.
And the day is coming soon
when it will be unleashed.
I've placed a weakness deep within the system.
A flaw so small and powerful,
they'll never find it.
But, Jyn.
Jyn, if you're listening
My beloved, so much of my life
has been wasted.
I try to think of you
only in the moments when I'm strong,
because the pain of not
having you with me
Your mother.
Our family.
The pain of that loss is so overwhelming
I risk failing even now.
It's just so hard
not to think of you.
Think of where you are.
My Stardust.
Saw, the reactor module,
that's the key.
That's the place I've laid my trap.
It's well hidden and unstable,
one blast to any part of it
will destroy the entire station.
You'll need the plans,
the structural plans for the Death Star
to find the reactor.
I know there's a complete
engineering archive in the data vault
at the Citadel Tower on Scarif.
Any pressurized explosion
to the reactor module will set off
a chain reaction that will
destroy the entire station...
K-2, where are you?
There you are.
I'm standing by as you requested.
Although there's a problem on the horizon.
There is no horizon.
Locate our position.
Bring that ship in here now!
Where are you going?
I've got to find Jyn.
- Get the pilot. We need him.
- All right.
I'll get the pilot.
No, no, no.
Let's go.
We've got to go.
I know where your father is.
Go with him, Jyn.
You must go.
- Come with us.
- I will run no longer.
- Come on.
- But you must save yourself.
- Come on.
- Go!
There's no time!
Save the Rebellion!
Save the dream!
It's beautiful.
Chirrut, let's go!
Come on!
Let's get out of here!
Get us out of here!
Punch it!
- I'm not very optimistic about our role.
- Let's not, K
Come on!
- Punch it.
- I haven't completed my calculation.
I'll make them for you.
I believe I owe you
an apology, Director Krennic.
Your work exceeds all expectations.
And you'll tell the Emperor as much?
I will tell him his patience with your
misadventures has been rewarded
with a weapon that will bring
a swift end to the Rebellion.
That was only an inkling
of it's destructive potential
I will tell him, that I will be
taking control over the weapon
I first spoke of years ago
effective immediately.
We stand here amid
my achievementnot yours!
I'm afraid these recent security breaches have
laid bare your inadequacies as a military director.
The breaches have been filled,
Jedha has been silenced.
You think this pilot acted alone?
He was dispatched from
the installation on Eadu.
Galen Erso's facility.
We'll see about this.
A coded message from Captain Andor, sir.
Weapon confirmed.
Jedha destroyed.
Mission target located on Eadu.
Please advise.
Tell him my orders still stand.
Tell him to proceed with haste
and keep to the plan.
We have no idea what he is
building for the Empire.
We have to kill Galen Erso
while we have the chance.
Baze, tell me.
All of it?
The whole city?
- Tell me.
- All of it.
Set a course for Eadu.
Setting course for Eadu.
Is that where my father is?
I think so.
So you're Galen's daughter.
You know him?
I'm Bodhi, the pilot.
You brought the message.
Yes, your father...
He said I could get right by myself.
He said I could make it right,
if I was brave enough
and listened to what
was in my heart.
Do something about it.
Guess it was too late.
It wasn't too late.
Seems pretty late to me.
We can beat the people
who did this.
My father's message, I've seen it.
They call it the Death Star.
But they have no idea
there's a way to defeat it.
You're wrong about my father.
- He did build it.
- Because he knew they'd do it without him.
My father made a choice.
He sacrificed himself for the Rebellion.
He's rigged a trap inside it
That's why he sent you.
To bring that message.
Where is it?
Where's the message?
It was a hologram.
You have that message, right?
Everything happened so fast.
Did you see it?
You don't believe me.
I'm not the one
you've got to convince.
I believe her.
That's good to know.
What kind of trap?
You said your father made a trap.
The reactor
He's placed a weakness there.
He's been hiding it for years.
He said if you can blow the reactor-
the module- the whole system goes down.
You need to send word
to the Alliance.
I've done that.
They have to know
there's a way to destroy this thing.
- They have to go to Scarif to get the plans.
- I can't risk sending that.
We're in the heart of Imperial territory.
Then we'll find him.
And bring him back,
and he can tell them himself.
Course set for Eadu, sir.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
20 egress to the right.
10 degrees up.
No, no, no, lower.
Are you sure this is the way?
They have landing trackers.
They have patrol squadrons.
You've got to stay in the canyon,
keep it low.
Watch your right!
There's a 26% chance of failure.
How much farther?
I don't know.
I'm not sure, I never really come this way,
but we're close, we're close.
I know that.
- Well, now there's a 35% chance of failure.
- I don't want to know, thank you.
I understand.
- Now! Put it down now!
- The wind...
If you keep going, you'll be
right over the shuttle depot.
- Watch out!
- Hey!
Hold on tight!
We're coming down hard!
- Try them again.
- I am, sir. We...
The signal's gone dead.
Squadron up, target Eadu.
How about now, check stabilizers?
- Bodhi, where's the lab?
- The research facility?
Where is it?
It's just over the ridge.
And that's a shuttle depot straight ahead of us?
You are sure of that?
We'll have to hope there's still
an Imperial ship left to steal.
Here's what we're doing.
Hopefully, the storm keeps up
and keeps us hidden down here.
Bodhi, you're coming with me.
We'll go up the ridge
and check it out.
I'm coming with you.
No, your father's message,
we can't risk it.
You're the messenger.
That's ridiculous. We all got the message.
Everyone here knows it.
One blast to the reactor module
and the whole system goes down.
That's how you said it.
The whole system goes down.
Get to work fixing our comms!
All I want to do right now is get a
handle on what we're up against.
So, we're going to go very small and very carefully
up the rise and see what's what.
Let's get out of here.
Does he look like a killer?
He has the face of a friend.
Who are you talking about?
Captain Andor.
Why do you ask that? What do you mean,
does he look like a killer?
The Force moves darkly near
a creature that's about to kill.
His weapon was in the
sniper configuration.
No, no, no...
We got to go up.
You can't see much from down there.
This way.
I'll be right behind you.
Come on.
Where are you going?
I'm going to follow Jyn.
Her path is clear.
Good luck!
I don't need luck,
I have you!
What are they doing?
If Cassian comes back,
we're leaving without them.
You see Erso out there?
We've come too far.
Patience, my friend.
That's him.
That's him, Galen, in the dark suit.
Get back down there,
and find us a ride out of here.
What are you doing?
- You heard me.
- You said we came up here just to have a look
I'm here, I'm looking.
Excellent news, Galen.
The battle station is complete.
You must be very proud.
Proud as I can be, Krennic.
Gather your engineers,
I have an announcement.
Is that all of them?
- Yes.
One of you betrayed the Empire.
One of you has conspired with a pilot
to send messages to the Rebellion.
And I urge that traitor step forward.
Very well, I'll consider it a group effort, then.
- No.
- No, please.
- and...
- No, no.
- fire!
- Stop! Stop! Krennic, stop. It was me.
It was me.
They have nothing to do with it.
Spare them.
How do I know
the weapon is complete?
Let me share with you some details..
Cassian, can you hear me?
I'm here.
You got it working.
Affirmative yes, although we have a problem!
There's an Alliance squadron approaching.
- Clear the area!
- No. No, no, no!
Tell them to hold up!
Jyn's on that platform!
Saw Gerrera.
His band of fanatics.
Their Holy City.
The last reminder of the Jedi. Gone.
You'll never win.
Now where have I heard that before?
Relay from Captain Andor.
- General.
- Captain Andor requesting a delay on squadron support.
Alliance forces onsite.
Please confirm.
Get the squadron leader on,
Get him on now!
They're already engaged, sir.
Return fire!
To your stations.
Get our fighters in the air now!
- Go, go, go, go.
- Fall back! Fall back!
Director, we need to evacuate.
Papa, it's me.
It's Jyn.
I've seen
your message.
The hologram, I've seen it.
It must be destroyed
I know.
I know.
We will.
Look at you.
I've so much to tell you.
No. No
Papa! Come on.
Over there, take them down.
Come on.
- Jyn, we've got to go. Come on.
- I can't leave him,
Listen to me.
He's gone.
There's nothing you can do.
Come on.
- I can't leave him.
- Come on!
- Help me.
- Move!
Come on.
Come on.
Well done.
You're a Rebel now.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on, let's move!
Come on, let's get out of here.
Move, move, move.
Okay, K-2, let's go.
Copy that.
- Ion thrusters low until we cleared the storm.
- Understood.
You lied to me.
You're in shock.
You went up there to kill my father.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Deny it
You're in shock,
and looking for someplace to put it.
- I've seen it before.
- I bet you have.
They know.
You lied about why we came here and
you lied about why you went up alone.
I had every chance to pull the trigger.
But did I?
Did I?
You might as well have.
My father was living proof and you put him at risk.
Those were Alliance bombs
that killed him!
I had orders!
Orders that I disobeyed!
- But you wouldn't understand that.
- Orders?
When you know they're wrong?
You might as well be a stormtrooper.
What do you know?
We don't all have the luxury of deciding when
and where we want to care about something.
Suddenly the Rebellion is
real for you?
Some of us live it.
I've been in this fight
since I was 6 years old.
You're not the only one
who lost everything.
Some of us just decided
to do something about it.
You can't talk your way around this.
I don't have to.
Yavin Four!
Make sure they know we're
coming in with a stolen ship.
Anybody else?
My lord, Director Krennic has arrived.
Director Krennic.
Lord Vader.
You seem unsettled.
Just pressed for time.
There're a great many things to attend
My apologies.
You do have a great
many things to explain.
I've delivered the weapon
the Emperor requested
I deserve an audience to make certain
he understands its remarkable potential.
Its power to create problems
has certainly been confirmed.
A city destroyed.
An Imperial facility openly attacked.
It was Governor Tarkin
that suggested the test.
You were not summoned here to grovel,
Director Krennic.
- No, I...
- There is no Death Star.
The Senate has been informed that
Jedha was destroyed in a mining disaster.
Yes, my lord.
I expect you to not rest until
you can assure the Emperor
that Galen Erso has not compromised
this weapon in any way.
So I'm still in command?
You'll speak to the Emperor about
Be careful not to choke
on your aspirations, Director.
We must scatter the fleet.
We have no recourse but to surrender.
Are we really talking about disbanding
something that we've worked so hard to create?
- We can't just give in.
- We joined an Alliance, not a suicide pact!
- We've only now managed to gather our forces.
- Gather our forces?
General Draven's already blown up
an Imperial base!
A decision needed to be made.
If it's war you want,
you'll fight alone!
If that's the way it's going,
why have an Alliance at all?
If she's telling the truth,
we need to act now!
Councilors, please!
It is simple, the Empire has the means of
mass destruction. The Rebellion does not.
A Death Star, this is nonsense.
What reason would my father have to lie?
What benefit would it bring him?
To lure our forces into a final battle.
To destroy us once and for all.
To risk everything, based on what?
The testimony of a criminal?
The dying words of her father,
an Imperial scientist?
Don't forget the Imperial pilot.
My father gave his life so that
we may have a chance to defeat this.
So you've told us.
If the Empire has this kind of power,
what chance do we have?
What chance do we have?
The question is 'What choice?'
Run? Hide? Plead for mercy?
Scatter your forces?
You give way to an enemy
this evil with this much power
and you condemn the galaxy
to an eternity of submission.
- The time to fight is now!
- Yes.
Every moment you waste is another
step closer to the ashes of Jedha.
- What is she proposing?
- Just let the girl speak!
Send your best troops to Scarif.
Send the whole rebel fleet if you have to.
We need to capture the Death Star plans
if there is any hope of destroying it.
You're asking us to invade an Imperial
installation based on nothing but hope?
Rebellions are built on hope.
There is no hope.
I say we fight.
I say the Rebellion is finished.
I'm sorry, Jyn.
Without the full support
of the council,
the odds are too great.
General Bendola,
please report to the briefing room.
You don't look happy.
- They prefer to surrender.
- And you?
- She wants to fight.
- So do I. We all do.
The Force is strong.
I'm not sure four of us is quite enough.
- How many do we need?
- What are you talking about?
They were never going to believe you.
I appreciate the support.
But I do.
I believe you.
We'd like to volunteer
Some of us...
... most of us,
we've done terrible things
on behalf of the Rebellion.
We're spies.
Saboteurs. Assassins.
Everything I did,
I did for the Rebellion.
And every time I walked away from
something I wanted to forget
I told myself it was for a cause
that I believed in.
A cause that was worth it.
Without that, we're lost.
Everything we've done would
have been for nothing.
I couldn't face myself
if I gave up now.
None of us could.
It won't be comfortable.
It'll be a bit cramped,
but we'll all fit.
We could go.
Gear up.
Grab anything that's not nailed down.
Go, go, go!
I'll be there for you.
Cassian said I had to.
I'm not used to people sticking around
when things go bad
Welcome home.
Bravo team to the Intelligence office
for extraction mission report.
May the Force be with us.
Cargo shuttle, read back, please.
What's going on out there?
That ship's off limits. No one is suppose
to be on board until farther instructions.
Yes, yes we are.
That's an impounded Imperial ship.
What's your call sign, pilot?
- Um.
- We have to go.
It-It's um...
Say something.
Come on.
Rogue One.
Rogue One?
There is no Rogue One.
Well, there is now.
- Rogue One, pulling away.
- Pulling away.
Despite what the others say,
war is inevitable
Yes, I agree.
I must return to Alderaan
to inform my people
that there will be no peace.
We will need every advantage.
Your friend, the Jedi.
He served me well
during the Clone Wars
and has lived in hiding
since the Emperor's purge.
Yes, I will send for him.
You'll need someone you can trust.
I would trust her with my life.
- Captain Antilles, I have a mission for you.
- Senator.
Okay, we're coming in.
There's a planetwide defensive shield
with a single main entry gate.
This shuttle should be equipped with
an access code that allows us through.
Assuming, the Empire hasn't
logged it as overdue.
And if they have?
Then,they shut the gate and we're all
annihilated in the cold, dark vacuum of space.
Not me,
I can survive in space.
Here it goes
Cargo shuttle SW-0608
requesting a landing pad.
Cargo shuttle SW-0608,
you're not listed on the arrival schedule.
Acknowledged, Gate Control.
We were rerouted from Eadu Flight Station.
- Transmitting clearance code now.
- Transmitting.
Cargo shuttle SW-0608?
-You are cleared for entry.
- Yes!
I'll tell the others.
SW-0608 clear for landing pad 9.
Acknowledge, please.
SW-0608 proceeding to LP9 as instructed.
The main building down there,
what is it?
That's the Citadel Tower.
They keep all the Imperial structure archives in there.
If the plans are anywhere,
they'll be there.
The dish at the top?
What's it for?
I guess it takes a lot of signals
to send those data files out.
Landing track engaged
Landing track locked.
We're landing.
We're coming in!
Saw Gerrera used to say,
One fighter with a sharp stick
and nothing left to lose
can take the day.
They have no idea we're coming.
They have no reason to expect us.
If we can make it to the ground,
we'll take the next chance.
And the next.
On and on until we win...
or the chances are spent.
The Death Star plans are down there.
Cassian, Kay-Tu, and I will find them.
We'll find a way to find them.
Melshi, Pao, Baze, Chirrut,
you'll take main squad,
move east and get wide of the ship.
Find a position between here and the
Once you get to the best spot,
light the place up.
- Make ten men feel like a hundred.
- All right.
And get those troopers away from us.
What should I do?
Keep the engine running.
You're our only way out of here.
Cargo shuttle SW-0608,
be prepared to receive inspection team.
Hey, you're probably looking for a manifest
That would be helpful.
It's just down here.
Director Krennic, we are entering
the Scarif shield gate.
General Ramda has been informed
of your arrival.
Good luck, little sister.
Go now, you're clear!
All right, let's go.
Come on. Move, move, move.
I have a bad feeling about
- Kay!
- Quiet.
We need a map.
Well, I'm sure there's one
just lying about.
You know what you have to do.
One per pad. Pick your spot.
We want to draw them out.
I'll call the timing.
Hey, did you hear the rumors?
Yeah, the T-15s have been
marked obsolete.
Oh boy, it's about time for that.
- Hey.
- Watch out.
What the...?
Director, what brings you to Scarif?
Galen Erso, I want every dispatch, every transmission
he has ever sent called up for inspection.
All of them?
Yes. All of them.
Get started.
Our optimal route to the data vault
places only 89 stormtroopers in our path.
We will make it no more than 33%
of the way before we are killed.
talk to me.
Ready, ready.
Standing by.
Light it up.
Are we blind?
Deploy the garrison! Move!
Troopers on the left!
Sir? Scarif base,
they're reporting a rebel incursion.
I want to speak to Director Krennic.
He's there, sir.
On Scarif.
The original plans for this station
are kept there, are they not?
They are.
Prepare for the jump to hyperspace
and inform Lord Vader.
Can I help you?
That won't be necessary.
Stop right there, Private.
Let him speak.
Intercepted Imperial transmission, ma'am.
Rebels on Scarif.
I need to speak to Admiral Raddus
He's returned to his ship
He's gone to fight.
Attention all flight personnel,
please report to your commanders immediately.
Attention all flight personnel,
please report to your commanders immediately.
We have been redirected to Scarif.
Pilots, you'll be briefed by
you squadron leaders on route.
May the Force be with you.
They're going to Scarif?
- Why does nobody ever tell me anything, Artoo?
- Yeah, nobody tells us anything.
Fall back!
Fall back!
Keep drawing them out!
- Go. Go.
- Move. Move.
Come on, move up!
Pad 12 report to ground.
Coming at our flank, we're outnumbered.
Pad 12 team, what's going on down there.
Status, please.
All Pads report in immediately.
Unknown, we have rebels everywhere.
We're taking fire, Pad 12, Pad 14
request assistance.
This is Pad 2, Pad 2.
I spot 40 rebels heading west on Pad 2.
Get on there, tell him
pinned down by rebels on Pad 5.
This is Pad 5, we're being overrun.
Help us!
Pad 12, Pad 10, Pad 8, please confirm.
Confirm and report.
Get reinforcements down to
Pad 5 immediately!
This is not working, Kay.
Right hand.
- Baze!
- What?
This is Admiral Raddus of the Rebel Alliance.
All Squadron leaders report in.
Admiral, this is Blue Leader standing by.
This is Gold Leader, standing by.
This is Red Leader, standing by.
Sir, those are rebel ships.
Get Admiral Gorin, immediately.
Director, the rebel fleet,
it's amassing outside the shield.
Lock down the base.
Lock down.
- And close the shield?
- Do it!
Red and Gold squadron, attack formations.
Defend the fleet.
Blue squadron, get to the surface
before they closed that gate.
Copy, your Admiral.
Blue squadron, on me.
- Copy, Blue Leader.
- Copy, Blue Leader.
We won't have long.
Close the field.
Close it!
Come on, come on, come on!
Pull up!
- Rebel fleet has arrived.
- What?
There's fighting on the beach,
they've locked down the base,
- they've closed the shield gate.
- What does that mean?
We're trapped?
We could transmit the plans
to the rebel fleet.
We'd have to get a signal out
to tell them it's coming.
It's the size of the data files.
That's the problem.
They'll never get through.
Someone has to take
that shield gate down.
Bodhi, can you hear me?
Bodhi, tell me you're out there.
Hello, I'm here.
We're standing by.
They've started fighting,
the base is on lockdown!
I know, listen to me!
The rebel fleet is up there.
You've got to tell them to
blow a hole in the shield gate
so we can transmit the plans
Wait, I can't. I'm not hooked into
the comm tower. We're not tied in.
It's the only way
we're getting them out of here.
Find a way!
Cover our backs.
You'll need this.
You wanted one, right?
Your behavior, Jyn Erso, is continually unexpected.
Come on.
Fire on my command.
Get ready.
We're going to have to go out there.
What're you doing?
They closed the shield gate,
we're stuck here.
But, the rebel fleet is pulling in.
We just have to get a signal
strong enough to get through to them
and let them know
we're trapped down here.
For that, we have to connect to
the communications tower.
Now, I can patch us in over here,
the landing pad
but you have to get on the radio,
get one of the guys out there to find
a master switch.
Get them to activate the connection between
us and that comm tower. Okay.
Then go!
What's going on down there, Lieutenant?
Unknown, sir.
We can't raise them.
All rebel frequencies are blocked.
Keep trying. Engage those Star Destroyers
and let's start probing that shield.
Yes, sir.
We're going in.
Stay with me.
Schematics bank, Data tower two.
- How do I find that?
- Searching.
I can locate the tape, but you'll need
the handles for extraction.
What are we supposed to do with these?
- Well, finally.
- Wait, stop.
The rebels!
They wentover there.
What's going on out there?
There's one.
Oh well.
Come on!
Red Leader, this is Gold Leader,
we're starting our attack run
on the shield gate.
Keep it tight and watch out
for those towers.
More fighters.
Form up, at 65.
Sir, enemy fighters coming in.
Melshi, come in, are you there?
Bodhi will send a signal from here.
He's patching us in.
But you guys have to
open up a line for the tower.
Please advise.
There's a master switch to the base
of the Comm tower.
Master switch, describe,
what are we looking for?
What does it look like, the master switch?
Where is it?
Two wings, reinforce those troops
on the beach.
All fighters, on me.
We have to shield them from air attack.
Troop reinforcements.
Here we go.
- For Jedha!
- Jedha!
We have no effect on that shield.
How much more can that thing take?
Stick close, Red 5,
where are you going?
I'm trying to lose them.
This is Red 5, I need help!
Hyperspace Tracking,
Navigational Systems.
Two screens down.
Structural Engineering, open that one!
I got one on my tail.
I'm on it.
Project code names:
Stellarsphere. Mark Omega. Pax Aurora
War-Mantle. Cluster-Prism.
That's it.
How do you know that?
I know because it's me.
Hey, you.
Identify yourself.
I can explain.
Incoming fire, take cover!
Kay, we need the file for Stardust!
That's it.
You can still send the plans to the fleet.
If they open the shield gate,
you can broadcast from the tower!
- Locking the bolt door now.
- Kay.
- Good bye.
- Kay!
Sir, unauthorized access at the data vault.
- What.
- It's just come in, sir.
Send my guard squadron into battle!
Two men with me now!
Get that beach under control!
Are you there?
Have you got the switch?
I can't get to the shuttle,
I can't plug in!
You have to!
They have to hit that gate.
If the shield's open,
we can send the plans!
General, behind you!
Take them out.
Step back.
We're going down!
Come on!
Look out.
Melshi, come in please.
I'm tied in at my end,
I just need an open line.
Hang on.
The master switch,
it's over at that console.
I'm going!
I've got it.
You okay?
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force
and the Force is with me.
Chirrut, come back!
Keep going.
Keep going!
Chirrut, come!
Come with me!
Chirrut, don't go.
Don't go.
I'm here.
I'm here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
- Look for the Force,
- Chirrut.
and you will always find me.
The Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force.
The Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force.
The Force is with me.
and I'm one with the Force.
Deflector shield's down to 50%,
we're sustaining heavy damage.
There's no turning back now,
we have to press the attack.
Hit that opening.
We see it, Gold Leader.
Ion torpedoes away.
- What's happening?
- We've lost engine power, sir.
That Star Destroyer is disabled.
This is Rogue One, calling any
Alliance ships that can hear me!
Is there anybody up there? This is Rogue One!
Come in, over.
This is Admiral Raddus, Rogue One,
we hear you!
We have the plans!
They found the Death Star plans. They have
to transmit them from the communications tower!
You have to take down the shield gate.
It's the only way to going to get them through!
Call up a Hammerhead corvette.
I have an idea.
- Standby, Rogue One, we're on it.
- This is for you, Galen,
The Force is with me.
I'm one with the Force.
Corvette 5, locked on target.
Prepare for impact.
Sublight thrusters, full power!
Reset antenna alignment.
Reset antenna alignment.
Reset antenna alignment.
Reset antenna alignment.
Reverse engines, full power!
Antenna alignment.
Ready to transmit.
Who are you?
You know who I am.
I'm Jyn Erso.
Daughter of Galen and Lyra.
You've lost.
Oh, I have, have I?
My father's revenge.
He built a flaw in the Death Star.
He put a fuse in the
middle of your machine
and I've just told the
entire galaxy how to light it.
The shield is up, your signal
will never reach the rebel base.
All you ships in here
will be destroyed.
I lose nothing but time.
YOU on the other hand
die with the Rebellion.
Admiral, receiving transmission from Scarif.
Hey, leave it.
Leave it.
That's it.
That's it.
Let's go.
Transmission received.
Admiral, we have the plans!
She did it.
Do you think,
anybody is listening?
I do.
Someone's out there.
Sir, we're detecting a massive object
emerging from hyperspace.
Sir, shall I begin targeting their fleet?
Lord Vader will handle the fleet.
Target the base at Scarif.
Single reactor ignition
Yes, sir.
You may fire when ready.
Commence primary ignition.
Rogue One, may the Force be with you.
All ships, prepare for jump to hyperspace!
You father would have been
proud of you, Jyn.
The rebel flag ship is disabled, my lord,
but has received transmission
from the surface.
Prepare a boarding party.
Yes, my lord.
Let go!
We got to go now.
Hurry, let's go.
It's stuck.
Hey, help!
Open fire!
Help us!
It's jammed.
Here. Here.
Take it! Take it.
Make sure you secure the airlock.
And prepare the escape pods.
Your Highness.
The transmission we received.
What is it they've sent us?