Rogue River (2012)

When you come back?
- I went back for Christmas.
Hey, I promise.
- Is it good.
Hey ... I have to go.
- Okay. Bye.
I would not do if I were you.
Mind your own business!
Hey it's not my intention
to make you angry to hear.
Between ourselves, is prohibited
here what to discard.
You need a license
thing to do.
Hey ... let it go to trial.
Sometimes crying is the best medicine.
I know the best.
I came here
cry more.
Well ... If you married during my ...
Do you have your answer.
I come here often with my daughter
when he was young.
Your daughter?
Well ...
Thank you for a pleasant conversation.
Do not stay here too long.
It is so dark
I will guide you to the car?
You see a little bit.
- Okay ... Okay.
You do not ask who urn Sat
This is my father.
He often took me along from camp
when I was little.
Well ... Your dad has good taste
for outdoors.
My car is gone!
I think you have a reception here.
I can not ask you.
- You do not.
Now look what you did.
Wait a minute!
I uh ... Accept the offer.
- Well, but in steps.
Is it still far?
No, about 65 km
So there we are.
- Nice cottage
Thank you.
Eh ... You'll come and meet women?
Just say hello then fine,
because I want time in the city.
Oh ... we will not make you
heard that I promise.
John ... Oh man!
You do not say we visited.
Well it's not the plan,
but it is missing.
Now let us imagine for a moment.
Well uh ... I got your name
not acceptable.
Mara, Mara is Lea.
O that Mara is a beautiful name.
What are you doing here in the woods?
He's down by the river, and uh ...
Sheriff to take his car.
O. .. he is a stickler for precision.
Well you get the car for tomorrow.
Can you show me the salt - Yes
So what's the plan, John?
Well I took him to a hotel, so
tomorrow they can handle his business.
Oh no you can not get so dirty
motel stay, stay here with us.
He's not kidding.
- Are you hungry, I make something sweet.
I pulled.
Okay, follow me.
So there we are.
Eh ... The bathroom is the first
doors in the hallway.
That was beautiful.
O shatje he has more than enough
do after politely eaten.
see it.
Well I think so.
That you are as attractive as men
Well ... The only reason he did it, it is
that they are very insecure about her cooking.
Oh, I'm just kidding
great cook.
I think that's good too.
Do not say that, if we do not eat it
potatoes rest of the week!
Are they ... Really mourning?
No, they uh ...
You're right they taste awful!
Lea O Jesus what it is disgusting.
Are there people who still want to call you baby?
No one may be concerned.
Just me then.
Well if you are my daughter and her
Somewhere, I would like to know if everything is okay.
That would be just me then.
Can you just show your sign?
Yes of course.
Oh, sorry it was an accident!
- Let, let it go.
I even said so stay away from it
I even said so leave it alone!
He pulled itself open, they pulled themselves up.
- Okay, okay good.
Go and get something to connect
It lies in the medicine cabinet.
Are you okay?
- Oh yes it is real.
Okay so hold it down.
Can you now please come here?
- I've been I'll deal with only a needle and thread.
I'm looking for a needle and thread.
Just look at the wound had
- What the fuck is that
- Let me see that wound!
- You're bleeding like a pig!
- Take me to the doctor.
Take me to the doctor!
- Loves her so tight!
Consider Sit!
- Stop bringing me to the doctor!
It's almost done fine.
Do not see it, did not see it.
Okay well you have your account!
Someone tries to enter!
Mora, I think you have a nightmare.
- No one tried to enter.
To get in?
Yes, what happened?
- Someone tried to enter.
We must get help.
Since the small
John gave all for me.
I'm going to sleep.
okay. -Come on.
He controls it.
Sounds like he should catch it.
I believe it is better
I'll go.
You better not only
go out.
This is dangerous.
You better stay with us.
You're safe here with us.
Go and rest.
What are you doing here?
I see you sleep.
Your father and I talk about you.
He loves you so much.
He wanted to be close to you.
Glad that you
here with us to have.
It's like we
his family again.
Sleep problems?
Can I get something?
How about a glass of milk.
I see you staring there.
You do not have to look at.
I do not know ... where you are talking about.
Stop watching it!
Damn it!
Damn it!
You want to steal from me!
Lea, hood to stop!
It's Okay
I know.
No problem,
and now the Go!
He was emotional.
Oh, you want us to go!
Let me help you wegezen bitch come on now!
Hell out!
Yes I think I heard something.
Rise and shine, rise and shine
Here we go.
Who is there to rape you.
What do you want from me.
Do you want money?
I had the money
I have a lot of money.
-Yes ... You've got a lot of money yes.
You think we do it for money?
Alright Jack!
Where the hell were you thinking to go!
You say it's easy
no problem!
I did not come here.
Keeps me from bitch!
-You sound like my dad with your big mouth!
But I went there right away what to do!
-What do you give to me.
Oh those pills?
One of these benefits will slowly in America.
-Do not hurt me anymore.
It will pierce.
Little did very little.
Now I but once you hear them speak.
How is he?
Quiet good-
I shut the door open.
Good afternoon Mrs. sorry to bother you.
-Oh, it does not bother though.
What can I do for you?
Oh, I uh ... Going from door to door,
because of a missing girl from California.
Oh, it seems a lot of work
for a man alone?
Oh yes so I can take a little
fill so I know what to do.
That's still better than what I do.
His family has since yesterday
not hear from him.
So they make themselves so worried to death.
This is it.
His name is Mara.
Beautiful young woman.
Eh .. Are you a woman living alone?
Mother ... Are you home alone.
Eh .... No.
Oh there you are,
What are you doing out of bed shatje you?
Sheriff says there is a girl
missing from california.
He was looking for it.
-Let me see.
No I do not see it.
And you can quickly come back to bed.
Yes he is ... Very sick.
-Would it be okay?
Now he's on chemotherapy.
-I understand.
Well I leave you with him.
You watch him.
If you and your friends want in
want to come for coffee ...
I could use some company.
No conversations are useful so far.
I'm with my closest friends.
Maybe another time.
Well I will walk together to your car.
Aha I see a gun.
I think you've got a clock.
No I do not ...
I am still of the older generation
I believe I get every week.
Damn California.
What are you there?
-Fuck that ass California girl.
Hey Sheriff Oh yes ...
Well you're a Dumbo.
Yes Sheriff who did not buy it,
I have to do something.
Yes, you can dress
lying on it.
Damn John.
He did not even die!
You do not even know was murdered!
Well I'll arrange it.
Are you dead?
No no .. I need it!
I need it now!
Can I come?
Oops ...
That is too tight.
I would ...
I would ... make it a little more loose.
This is it.
I would just look at your wound.
I will treat you like a baby.
they hurt you?
Or you do not really care whether you lie?
Mara ...
Mara do you mind if I put my wig.
I'm not me
if I have him.
You will be hungry.
John John John!
Come on baby it's okay
well everything is fine now.
And I've got a nice surprise for you.
You do not need to do.
Are you now not in the back.
There are only annoyance here.
Change than women.
Make sure they understand.
I would never marry such a woman ill,
Lea did not hear my brother.
Do not cry now.
Do it yourself
is not that what you want?
That will not happen.
Why not?
Well ...
Not all of my back to the war.
You ...
yes, that is so
as I recall.
Yes there is a signal.
How do we ensure
that you have a turn.
Look over there.
Your father is there for you to give.
He's ready for you.
The young lovers are clean and pure.
What's his name?
We do not know.
But he has this.
What you say.
My sister.
I thought you said you do not have one,
who worry little whore.
I'll kill him.
no, no, no.
Do we only fired once.
How would you like pink bow
-You are one disturbed.
Sticks and stones will break my bones,
words but not really.
he would find us anyway.
We need to share.
No Andrew, we have to stick together.
-Not listening to me.
It will be fine.
We went to the river and everything will be fine.
Yes, but trust me ga.
Ga ga ga!
We must stick together.
No, no, no, please stay with me.
Please commit suicide,
You dirty fucking coward!
You think I trust you.
You have killed my fucking brother!
He's all I have.
I saw your brother still.
Nice shot.
For you two really inseparable.
But I think it is time for us now.
You dirty little slut!
Dirty bitch!