Rojo Sangre (2004)

As soon as I saw you I
thought: That's Pablo Thevenet.
Actually, you shouldn't be here.
It's never too late for another
humiliation, don't you think?
Want one? -No, Thanks.
I don't smoke cigarettes,
it's against my principles.
I don't know how many times I've
tried to quit smoking, but I can't,
Tobacco is a horrible vice,
I'm into absinthe and older women.
That's how I get high,
but just a little, okay?
A little? Just a little?
I understand. I understand everything.
When I get depressed, which
is frequent in the profession,
I turn to an infallible
vice, a real delight.
- I shove mice up my ass.
- How horrible!
The little animals suffer a bit,
but someone always suffers
for others' delight.
- And... how do you do that?
- Well,
I put the mice in a condom,
and then shove them in.
The little animals stir
around until they suffocate.
That movement,
that death rattling inside
gives me tremendous pleasure.
You try it. It's like
a religious experience.
Some guy used to sing
that. -Yes, that guy...
Mr. Thevenet, you can go in now.
If it weren't for the money,
I'd fuck them all up the ass.
They would need mice to get relief.
Take it easy, you're a star.
Well, you were, but
that's the way things are.
The boss is always the boss.
We must survive, and
this is a hell of a world.
You can say that again. Well, see you.
Mr. Thevenet. Please!
I'm coming, miss.
Are you always so slow?
I'm sorry, the smaller parts are
always the last ones selected.
You pay very little.
That's all there is for this
part. Production is in charge.
Listen, honey, look at
me. Aren't I familiar?
- You don't recognize me?
- Sincerely, no.
This is the first time I've seen you.
Listen, beautiful,
while you were sucking your Mom's
tit, I was doing great plays,
Shakespeare, Pirandello,
Benavente, Jardiel Poncela.
And I starred in many
films, one after the other.
Madrid al desnudo, "El
caminante", "Inquisition",
El huerto del frances,
"Mi amigo el vagabundo"
and above all "Amores", 1978.
It was a indescribable
success, I was devastating.
I'm sorry, sir. In '78, when
you were starring in films,
I wasn't born yet.
Of course, that's true. You're right.
Mr. Thevenet.
Hello. -Sit down.
Well, Mr. Thevenet,
remember, you're a bank director,
tough, of course, but
with great humanity.
Pepa, action! Read that text.
Mr. Longoria, please, I need that loan!
Yanes, this isn't a charity
foundation, it's a bank!
You're not Marlon Brando, so
don't try to imitate someone
above your possibilities.
Try to be yourself.
Pepa, action! Read that text.
Mr. Longoria, please, I need that loan!
- Yanes, this isn't a charity...
- Cut...!
Kid, I am being myself.
I don't need to imitate.
I'm Pablo Thevenet.
I've done it all in theatre and cinema.
You may have done it all in
cinema, but I'm directing this spot.
- Chema... We do it again?
- No, I've seen enough.
My test.
Was it okay?
- Next please.
Will I do the spot?
Who the fuck answers?
I can't answer yet, there's
a lot of people to see.
Having done it all in cinema,
you should know how this works.
And don't fuckin' yell!
Mr. Thevenet, we'll
call you, don't worry.
We'll call you. I've
heard that many times.
But the phone never rings. Never!
The screen test is over.
Just get out without raising a ruckus.
Listen, I played Don Juan Tenorio
at the Teatro Clasico, and more.
That should tells you
something. I'm a good actor.
Okay, Mr. Brando, I
am going to answer you.
You are not going to do the spot, no,
because you seem to me a
pathetic and deplorable actor.
Send Coppola a picture, he may
cast you for "The Godfather IV".
Or drop by the Teatro
Clasico on November 2nd,
I hear they don't have a Don Juan.
This is a load of shit!
The glory, the fame, the money.
If it was necessary you'd even sell
your parents. Only success is important!
But there are many deep throats
to swallow whatever they can.
Look, I came apart on the way a
long time ago, and you know why?
Because I'm an honest guy.
Mr. Thevenet, I am very
busy and would appreciate
your getting the fuck out of
here and stopping your whining.
Now could I drink hot blood
and do such bitter business
as the day would quake to look on.
Well, that's nice,
you've read Shakespeare.
Mr. Thevenet, your coat.
Thank you,
you're very pretty.
You have the qualities to
get ahead in this profession.
A pretty face and a model's figure.
- I want to be an actress.
- Julia, what's going on?
Shit, get the next one,
Chema's having a fit.
Good luck, beautiful.
And remember, with good silicone,
there's no need for talent.
Good-bye, beautiful.
Pablo, I do what I can
but some put me off
and others just say no.
Young directors don't know you,
and the veterans have forgot you.
I had trouble getting
you today's casting.
I don't want to lie or
give you false hopes.
I think you'd better spend
your time on something else.
Something else! But what else?
I'm forsaken, doors have closed.
That's life. You're not producing or
directing anymore. Why lie to yourself?
Your next stop is oblivion.
Martin, I beg you. I need to work.
I'm disappointed in you, Pablo.
The production director
call this morning.
The director won't see you.
That director's an arrogant
kid. I just put him in his place.
What about Alejo?
He says they've cast all the parts.
The cast is complete.
Things are rather fucked up, Pablo.
Fuck Matin, what are you telling me?
Pablo, there's work for whoever
is in the limelight, you know that.
You know what sells.
Love affairs, divorces, beatings,
sex, appearing nude in magazines.
In short, hoax after hoax.
Weird people work,
and so do ugly people.
Martin, it's not always like that. A
lot of serious people get loads of work.
Why can't I be one of them?
Listen, I have an idea.
The light bulb has gone on.
A friend from a stag club
called. It's a luxury club.
They need an actor.
I don't joke nor dance nude.
No, they want someone
who knows make-up.
What's it about?
It's something like
a doorman-entertainer.
You'd have to make yourself up
to do a little act at the door.
That's ending up in the garbage
can like a piece of shit!
Don't exaggerate.
This is their business card and that's
the name of the public relations person.
Go see her soon, there'll
be loads of candidates.
Dora Grizzel, what a weird name.
You go see her. Try it.
I'll go, but find me
something more dignified.
Listen Pablo, don't take this badly,
but maybe it's convenient
for you to find another agent.
We're both wasting our time, Pablo.
Son of a bitch, you drop
me when I need you most.
Wow, what melons! See the photos?
It was about time she
sold the exclusive.
Yes uncle, after the bit with
the house she disappeared.
She had an affair with a director
who wouldn't let her sell it.
But she ran off with a producer.
- Enrique Arjona.
Yeah, she ran off and
showed off her tits.
She's starring in Buenaventura
Castrillo's next film.
She is rehearsing "The Ripper".
I heard over the radio...
Cool, a famous woman doing a classic!
Producers are starting
to have good taste.
I see you've accepted our invitation.
- Good evening.
Can I sit down?
- Yes, please.
I only accepted because I want to
do something different, spontaneous.
Films gave me glory and money,
but I lost contact with the public.
You're a great artist.
It moves me that you want to update,
and open up to new
dramatic possibilities.
You hate everyone, don't you?
Because they've forsaken you?
I thought my fame
would last much longer,
and that my friends from the good
times would help out during the bad.
But I was wrong, and here I am.
Recognition isn't frequent
in these ungrateful times.
It's worse than
ingratitude, it's oblivion.
Remember, vengeance is
a dish best served cold.
Your luck can change
any minute. Work for us.
At 12 we have a meeting with
my boss, Mr. Igor Terr Reficul.
Good evening.
Once again the cinema is...
Tell me Mr. Thevenet, you've
never won a Murillo, have you?
That shocking trifle that
acknowledges cinema glory,
it is so ephemeral.
I was never nominated.
Providence was generous
bringing you here.
We can offer you a second chance.
Does that mean that I'll work for you?
Of course you will.
Dora, please, the cane.
Martin told me a bit, but
being a doorman-entertainer,
I don't know. What's it about?
You'll love it. You'll be a
different character every night.
You'll be Rasputin, Ivan
the Terrible, Gilles de Rais.
Jack the Ripper. Since
we never saw his face,
we'll use yours, if you don't mind.
History is full of swine,
there are plenty of characters.
Gilles de Rais, Ivan the Terrible,
Rasputin, Jack the Ripper.
We need a first-class actor. What do
think about 10.000 euros a session?
- That's just to start with.
-10.000 just to start?
That sound good, very good. I accept.
Here's to a long and fruitful
relationship. Very long.
I'd like to give you this
to celebrate the occasion.
Pull on the handle.
I'm guessing you like blades.
I don't know what to say,
it never occurred to me.
I wouldn't be so sarcastic.
Cutlery is an art with
centuries of tradition.
I'll give you the address of
a shop with surprising quality.
Pure craftsmanship.
If you ever need a knife,
razor, dagger... You never know.
Go there. And you will see.
Thank you.
Hi, Tick-Tock. How are you?
I am calling you to inform you that:
Operation Thevenet is under way.
We needyou here right away.
You'll get details tomorrow
at the club.
I hope things work out
like a Swiss watch.
Cordially yours.
Good evening.
Can I help you?
- I want a set of knives.
I'll show you the best I've got.
Pure Japanese craftsmanship.
The samurai made their
katanas with this very steel.
Tell me, don't they look like gems?
Well, yes... maybe...
You don't realize how
exceptional these pieces are.
Please pick that cork up by one end.
Show it to me.
Higher, please.
I told you, it's extraordinary material,
of an almost magical precision.
I see you know Mr. Reficul.
I supplied him that rapier.
I'm one of his most important suppliers.
You must be of high esteem
to him if he gave you
a piece like that one.
He wants me to work
at his club. Tell me.
- How much are the knives?
- I'll settle with Mr. Reficul.
His dealings are worldwide.
He pays generously.
But he is demanding, very demanding.
Thank you and good night.
New and surprising news...
Our pals at "Pink Winter"
surprised the couple Jaime Ferrero
and Vanesa Bernal going to a hotel.
As far as we know, she
is two months pregnant.
Is that right, my dear Carlos?
- that's right, my dear Menchu.
We have surprising news,
still not confirmed.
- Do we know if it's his child?
- Why don't you ask him?
Yes, the lines are open for any query.
Good evening, Mr. Thevenet.
- Good evening.
May I sit down?
- Yes, please.
My name is Rebecca Voisin.
I work with Miss
Grizell and Mr. Reficul.
They called, they'll be a bit late.
- But they want you to wait.
- It's a pleasure, Miss Rebecca.
Delighted, Mr. Thevenet.
By the way, my friends
call me Tick-Tock.
Well, delighted, Miss Tick-Tock.
You are a genetic wonder, a masterpiece.
Did you go to the cutlery shop?
Buy anything? -A set
of Japanese knives.
Good choice. You are a
man who values quality.
What did you think of Miss Tick-Tock?
A very pleasant girl.
- Pleasant?
Come on, Mr. Thevenet, as
beautiful as Boticelli's Venus,
Nefertiti reincarnated. Pleasant?
Yes, and very exotic.
- Well, she was a whore.
A streetwalker in Paris.
Miss Grizzel discovered her
and sensed her natural talent.
She works for us and is efficient.
She will be your link with the company.
Why Tick-Tock?
As a prostitute, she timed
her clients with a stopwatch.
- That's why her nickname.
- Tick-Tock, I understand.
Mr. Thevenet, here are the contracts,
an exact transcription of
the agreements we reached.
They are written in several
languages, even Cyrillic.
Others in French, in German.
We are multinational.
All right, I'll sign.
Welcome on board, Mr.
Thevenet. Do you smoke?
Well, I smoke only at home.
But thank you.
Thank you. May I have
another? -of course.
Here is the schedule
and your instructions.
You will receive the costumes
at home so you may rehearse
and make any necessary changes.
Mr. Reficul, right now I'm going
through an economic situation...
Here, 10.000 euros in advance.
When do I start?
I'm in the garbage can,
deep in filth up to my neck.
I've accepted playing the fool.
Don't complain, you've been lucky.
an asshole once a week,
I mean 10.000 less my
Ivan the Terrible,
Gilles de Rais, Rasputin,
no script, no colleagues.
Please, Martin,
get me something more decent.
- We no longer work together.
I'm not the agent you need.
Find yourself another who's
more traditional. -Martin.
Please, Martin, Martin.
What a night.
- It's pouring!
Look at that guy! -Who is he?
Have you looked in the mirror?
He looks like Rasputin.
- Give him something.
So Pablo, are the beans
good? They're red beans,
the best around, first-rate.
So have you found a job?
- Yes.
In theatre or cinema?
- Neither.
But it's a job. Paco,
let me eat in peace.
Okay, okay, what do you
want for your second course?
A breaded steak and some fried potatoes.
Coming up!
Hi, Pablo, enjoy your meal.
- Hi, Rovira.
Pablo, you know I don't like
Rovira. I prefer Brutus. Brutus.
Sit down, I'll treat you,
but to the daily special.
Careful, you'll hurt yourself.
Paco, a special for my friend.
Well, those beans are not gluttony,
they are sheer lust.
...her new movie in our next
segment with reporter Juan Ferming.
I'm going through hell, Pablo.
Old actors, well, you
know... Fuckin' profession!
At first, we all fool ourselves
with vocation, perseverance,
and all that rubbish. Fuck all that.
Look, Brutus, I'll tell you something.
In this profession success
depends upon one's tongue.
- One's tongue?
- Yes.
You have to lick many asses.
People like their asses licked.
Producers, directors,
critics, politicians,
casting directors. Well, you know.
Just look at me.
After nearly 100 films
and over 300 plays.
And a Don Juan Tenorio that
was a bombshell, a smash.
As you see, now
I'm a human statue at
the door of a stag club.
Yes, playing the
scarecrow. How about that?
Do they pay you well?
- Yes, they pay me very well.
I was a mime on the
Ramblas for some time.
I was the Fountain of Love.
Do you think there could be
anything for me at that stag club?
I'll do what I can, but
you know it's not easy.
Keep the change for some more hot meals.
Good luck, really.
- Thanks a lot, Pablo.
See you.
- Bye.
I'm going to pair
Malena off with Joselito,
the young actress with
the popular bullfighter.
And Dani's selling well.
Involving him with
Aurora was a blank check,
and breaking-off...
- Congratulations, Martin.
you sell garbage well.
- I sell what people want.
What the audience wants... And
the audience is always right.
If they want shit, they get
it. I can't decide for them.
I'm shit to you. You didn't
even ask about my casting.
Yes, you're right,
I'm sorry. How'd it go?
There's no part for me, Martin.
Borja said he had a short
but weighty part for you.
If you rejected it, you did wrong.
He's got forsight. His last
short film won a Murillo.
Good evening.
She's Yola Pena. I guess
you've seen her on TV.
Delighted. Of course I know her.
She was to be a steady
guest on Cronicas Murcianas
but I'm going to give
her a great opportunity.
She's going to be one of
the stars in "Dark Gospel".
Excuse me. The lead star.
Congratulations, Yola.
By the way, Borja, you have
something for me, don't you?
Yes, I said I did. It's
a short but weighty part.
Very weighty.
If it's short, I can read
the script right here.
- What's the character's name?
- Actually, it has none.
It has none?
No, but it's a character
with... body to it.
I see. Well, give me an idea, guide me.
Let's see. Get up, beautiful.
Imagine the scene, Pablo. Okay?
A Visconti style
ballroom, a Venetian dance.
It's carnival time, everyone
in those marvelous masks.
The lovebirds dance a marvelous waltz,
but the two villains who
play Frolo and Wandesa
watch through their masks, with hate,
the evolution of the innocent lovers.
Wandesa has forced a nephew
to learn the black gospel
to perform Satanic rituals.
Yes, that's great. But, when
does my character appear?
Yes, your character. Well,
in the middle of this lavish ball
you run in naked.
- Yes, naked.
you know, stark naked.
- and that is all?
It's vital to the plot, Pablo.
The part was an insult,
embarrassing. I rejected it.
You've stabbed yourself. We
won't get another contract.
Listen Martin, that kid
with so much promise,
has lost it. He has nothing.
- what do you mean?
I killed him.
Besides, I'm sure many of the
spectators will recognize you.
- What, for my face or my ass?
- Listen, Pablito,
we all know no one hires you, okay?
I'm doing you a favour.
You could at least appreciate
it and not get cocky.
Why are you getting upset?
I told you it's a... meaty character.
Yes... But we could improve it a bit.
I guess, let's hear your
suggestion, wise guy.
I don't know.
What if I rip your heart
out and shove it up your ass?
Pablo! Have you gone
mad? What is this, a joke?
It may be a joke, but it'll
cost you both your lives.
Him and a broad that was
with him, the so-called Yola.
It was spectacular.
I think I should get a
Murillo for that clean-up job.
And you know why?
Because I'm fed up, because
you are the last straw.
I'm going to wage a war
to the death on that shit.
You're lying. That's not
true. I don't believe you.
Don't give me your bullshit!
Pablo, take it easy.
Well, actually, I should get an Oscar.
And I will, once I finish
off my daughter's murderers.
That will be soon. I'll
get them, I assure you.
Pablo, you're not well.
You've lost it since her
murder and your separation.
Forgive me, but you
should see a psychiatrist.
I know a very good one.
Pick the one you like the most.
Stop joking around!
A good catharsis,
and until they catch me...
"Dear Mr. Thevenet,
we acknowledge yourexperience
and wantyou to work with us.
Presentyourselfat 4 p. m.
at mausoleum 237
in Monttjuic Cemetery. We deeply
desire yourservices.
HerrFuchs. "
I know about your distressing
situation. With your talent
you shouldn't be in
such a deplorable state.
Herr Fuchs, the world is
full of talented assholes.
And I have a job now.
I know everything
about you, Mr. Thevenet.
I know you are a living
statue at the Club...
Pandora. -Pandora.
Yes, But I make Good money.
- Small change, my friend.
If you work for me,
you'll be a star again
and forget all those scraps.
- I'm offering you cinema.
- Real cinema, Mr. Thevenet.
To act, direct.
Your proposal is interesting,
but I've signed a contract.
Don't worry, no problem.
Stay there. If we reach
an agreement, I'll fix it.
I'm on good terms with Mr. Reficul.
He is precisely who got
us into contact with you.
And why me?
I have a trivial job,
I've been forgotten
and now I play the asshole
at the door of a whorehouse.
Expensive whores though.
Herr Fuchs, I'm dead.
I also know your work, Mr. Thevenet.
I've seen your films, and I like them.
You have an Anglo-Saxon style.
I want that look for my productions.
Evidently, there are other
reasons, powerful reasons.
Very powerful.
- But we'll talk at our next meeting.
Berenice will call you, and if
you'll excuse us, we're in a hurry.
Mr. Thevenet, don't worry about a thing.
Delighted, Herr Fuchs.
I will await your news.
- See you soon.
The outcome isn't bad.
A series, two films,
and the front cover of
magazines every week.
Shit, that's fucking great!
And I'm going to
Prague. I love traveling.
And next week I sign a
contract with Bodegas Barroso
- to represent their wines.
- That's fucking great!
Jaume, did you hear that?
Fuck, that sounded like spurs. Let's go.
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there?
Friend, I'm getting fed
up. Come the fuck out!
Who are you?
I'm Gilles de Rais, Bluebeard.
The greatest murderer in history.
Relax, I'll take care of this guy.
He's flying high.
Be careful, that guy's dangerous.
Holy shit!
But you are Pablo Thevenet.
Where the fuck have you
been all these years?
In hell, you pig!
Pushed by you and the
others into chaos and misery.
Because you didn't want to be
part of my "The Devil's Cross"?
I didn't want to? You're so cynical!
You tricked and kicked me out.
- Take it easy, Thevenet.
I know I did you wrong,
but that was many years ago.
Besides, if we talk, maybe
I can give you a hand.
You and that hypocrite Puertolas
stole my project.
The beginning of my disaster.
I know you had trouble, but
you know how this circle is.
I'm sorry about your daughter's death.
A true misfortune! Poor girl.
Ferrero, you're not
going back to Hollywood.
someone else will
write your next column.
The Gilles de Rais suit is stained.
I went over them and
they were impeccable.
In a carpark in the early hours
film-makerJaime Ferrero
and companion Vanesa Bernal
were murdered.
You like those shows, Mr. Thevenet?
No. They've turned this
country into a sewer.
Could you offer me a drink? -Please.
There's something I want you to know.
Before working between the
sheets, I had other professions.
I knew you were full of surprises.
In Mexico I organized exhibits
for the Semefo artist group.
- You know what I mean?
- That is macabre, isn't it?
It's a different way to conceive art.
We exposed bloodstained sheets
and barrels of human fat.
By the way,
your Gilles suit could be exhibited.
It is stained. Blood
red stains, Mr. Thevenet.
Now, information on the actress
Nuria del Pino...
You know, Brutus,
it would be great if someone
got rid of that riffraff.
Someone already is.
Didn't you read about the crimes
being committed against the famous?
Yes, a bit, but don't call them crimes.
Call it reconstructive surgery.
Shit, Pablo,
you sound as if you enjoy their deaths.
Don't you?
Look at yourself, you look a wretch.
In misery. You're like a ghost in
poverty, starving. And you know why?
They are to blame!
I'm telling you.
What are you insinuating?
You know I love only you.
What do you mean, my love?
You left us once. I
won't be able to help it!
Why don't you stay here forever?
I swear there's no other woman.
Cut. Go on to the scene
of Jack the Ripper.
Good, a Havana cigar?
- Yeah.
Not everyone smokes these.
Listen, I think that take was excellent.
Don't you?
- Yeah, excellent.
It's the first time she was
able to say all her lines.
Well, Buenaventura, it's her first film.
They're happy with her in the series.
In the series where she
chokes on a cookie and dies?
Come on, Enrique!
I take all this because
you're the producer,
and I owe you favors.
But Nuria cannot be a leading
lady. She's fucking terrible!
Be patient and work on her,
her talent is deep inside.
- Get it out of her!
- You should get her out.
The stuntman Is ready. -Okay.
Places, everyone. We're going to shoot!
You're not an actress,
you're an impostor.
Next time I'll slash your gut
and eat your kidneys, bitch!
What dramatic register. What
an actress. It's incredible.
She's fainted! The actress has fainted.
A glass of water, please!
Darling, my love,
don't get so into it,
it's just a screen test.
He's right, you were great,
but you must hold back.
Save that anger, that
dedication for the shoot.
It looks like she's
seen the real ripper.
Someone attacked the stuntman!
Fuchs and Berenice are on the set.
- On the set?
We Can go through the mausoleum.
- Mausoleum?
How funny. A mixture of
Universal and Edgar Alan Poe.
The land belongs to Herr Fuchs.
He could have speculated,
torn the cemetery down and
constructed private homes,
but he's very respectful of the dead,
and I assure you that
to construct the set
not a single bone has been moved.
I could write a great
script with your life.
An idea. Do you know
who Aleister Crowley was?
Of course, he was a petty Satanist,
coprophiliac, drug addict.
He ate shit and
swallowed menstrual blood.
- He was on amphetamines.
- I believe I'm not going to like your story.
How about this one?
Your daughter is raped,
killed, your wife leaves you,
your father dies, your friends
fail you and doors close.
You beg for work but find only contempt
and the darkest oblivion.
you like that?
- I was stepped on.
I was blacklisted,
left out on the street,
on the verge of suicide.
Tie by Hermes, shirt
and suit by Valentino.
Custom made Italian shoes,
and today's cologne is...
Yaipur. -Yaipur.
Does that say anything to you?
It says clothes do make the
man, at least in my case.
I dress as per my status,
but you're a poor devil.
But we'll change that, because
you're going to work with me.
Yes, I am going to produce
snuff films, but with quality.
And for that I need a talented
director, behind the camera.
A great delicacy is required.
Berenice will show you the candidates
we've selected in Third World countries.
In my productions, their disappearance
will give happiness to
a heap of degenerates.
Look at it this way.
They have disposable, miserable lives
that aren't worth living.
Besides, I can't lie to you.
It's a very lucrative industry.
Don't say anything. It's a case of
We can start casting.
I have many scripts
for you to choose from.
You see, I think it's very harsh
- to kill innocent people.
- You're a professional.
Yes, that is true.
I am a professional.
The Lizard? -Yes. Want a drink?
This place stinks and I
haven't much time. To the point.
I have a Star MM 763. Nine shots.
A Beretta, 9 mm., and a
very easy to use Browning.
- The revolver is a Rubi 38.
- Advise me, I'm not James Bond.
The Beretta is reliable. I recommend it.
I'll take it. How much?
- Give me your case.
Rufino has told me you quit films.
I saw some of yours on TV.
They were fuckin' great.
- Hello?
- Pablo, where the fuck are you?
- I've got something going on.
- What's it about?
I'll tell you sometime soon.
Rememberyou've got a
contract with Mr. Reficul.
Don't worry. I'll comply,
even if it is shit.
- Next Saturday, Rasputin.
- I'll keep it in mind.
- Tick-Tock, I'd like to
see you. -See you soon.
Mr. Kurinov, good evening and welcome.
Good evening, Dora,
and forgive my delay.
I had something important
to do in Samarcanda.
I'm the last to arrive, aren't I?
That doesn't matter. We
wouldn't start without you.
Come with me.
Dora, my beautiful friend. Ivan?
Is that him?
He's perfect. I'm very impressed.
He is better than last year's. He is...
sublime. -Please.
You're magnificent, a
brilliant characterization.
This Ivan is terrible.
can I see you later?
I'd like to, but I can't.
When you've finished,
Reficul is waiting for you.
I'm sorry, Pablo.
Bye, Tick-Tock.
Yes, Warhol is always a good investment.
I made a deal with Bischofberger
and sent the paintings to Geneva.
Remind Williams I'm just interested in
Maillol, only "Harmonie" and "La riviere".
Thanks, keep me
up-to-date. Bye.
Excuse me.
Yes, Tomehed, that's
an interesting price.
Close the deal and tell
Mohamed he'll get it in a month.
No, tell Florescu no
scrapping for the moment.
Thanks. Bye.
Tell me Mr. Thevenet, who is this
producer who will give you work?
He's of German origin,
he name is Ambrose Fuchs.
- I think you've already met.
- Ambrose Fuchs.
He has funeral parlours the world over,
publishing houses,
hospitals, laboratories.
Filmmaking must be an
unimportant hobby to him.
We're in talks right now but
no conclusion has been reached.
I have a contract with you
and I want to complete it.
Remember that phrase from the Bible...
Behold, I send you out
as sheep among wolves.
Watch what you sign.
I'll keep that in mind.
The stuntman had a real knife.
I thought he'd slit my
throat. It was horrible!
It's okay, there was a mix-up.
Someone gave him the real
knife instead of the fake.
But that helped you
to display your talent.
His breath smelt of blood.
Let's fuck. Tonight I feel like a tiger.
I want to be a great actress,
and do a film with Brad Pitt.
He's better than Tom Cruise.
I'm not a mime, nor
a clown, nor an actor.
I'm just your faithful
servant Jack the Ripper.
Well, Mr. Thevenet,
the great day has come.
We start shooting our first film.
Everything's under control.
We followed your instructions.
And I hope to resolve
things without any problem.
It's important that you
shoot a great film at ease.
The more depraved it is,
the more income we get.
I'm working on the next
script, making your changes.
- I'll bring it tomorrow.
- What wit.
The technical crew is important,
photography is the key.
We have a magnificent
director of photography
and a superb assistant.
Besides, 11 years ago both
of them worked with you.
Yes, Jose Torquemada and
Tomas Aquino, remember?
Of course, they shot "The Night
of the Executioner" with me.
They were bastards.
Very professional, very
professional bastards.
Whore! Bitch!
Open, open, open!
Sayyes, sayyes.
Now go to the girl.
More, more, more!
More, more, more!
Look at me, look at me!
Leave my daughter...
Leave my daughter!
Pablo, it's time to put both
your and my cards on the table.
Your crimes lead you to
the last circle of hell.
I've been in hell for years.
Why haven't the police caught you yet?
Normally, you'd be rotting in jail.
I don't care, I just
want to go on and on.
You're old and suddenly, you're
like a 30-year old super athlete.
They, the unnameable
control you like a puppet.
And you, don't you
also move like a puppet?
You know I do. You
know almost everything.
But your hate doesn't let you see.
I'm a Voisin, I belong
to a diabolic heritage.
I've been cursed since birth.
This is Mr. Reficul's password.
Access his computer and
you'll know what you're in for.
What, warming up my chair?
Mr. Reficul, I was looking for...
I know exactly what you were consulting,
smoking my cigars as
if you were at home.
As you expected, today I
should have been in Amsterdam
but, at the last moment, Miss Grizzel,
I mean Beelzebub, went in my place.
Then you're Lucifer,
the fuckin' king of hell.
I was afraid of that.
I was so hungry I didn't
notice that name, Reficul.
Yes, yes, yes,
I'm in that group of angels
who rebelled against their boss.
He threw us in hell. His
first but not last mistake.
From then on we declared
an eternal war on him.
An endless battle.
An endless struggle.
You, Thevenet, were born
predestined, weren't you?
You came at 6 a. m., on a September 6th.
Six... six.
You were the 6th son. Six, six, six.
Yes, the blood of a virgin.
- My daughter's blood, right?
- Exactly!
We needed your own flesh
and blood for the ritual.
Our black priest said mass on the altar
that was the naked body
of your beloved Laura.
I'm sorry.
- Swine!
- Save your praises.
You're living a moment
of glory, too. I'll go on.
Your incredible vanity,
arrogance, insatiable hate
and revenge did the rest.
You became a murderer.
With a bit of a show,
but you're an actor.
And all your victims died in mortal sin.
Someone said: The flesh is weak.
And, well, Mr. Lucifer, what now?
We protect you, and
you can go on killing.
The police can do
nothing in this dimension.
Actually, no one can!
After, you'll comply with
our contract. Remember?
How could I forget?
You sold us your soul.
In time, we'll kick your ass
into the last circle of hell.
You didn't read the fine print.
Bad mistake.
I'm a fuckin' loser. I
don't care about my life.
I fear not God nor the Devil.
I love atheists. They always
ask the Big Eye for help.
Your diabolic stories don't
impress me. I know what to do.
I am eternal.
I've always existed and
I am infinitely powerful.
A divine puff created the world,
a fart of mine can destroy it.
You pathetic little man!
I killed Reficul. I shot
him 6 times and he's stiff.
He's a failed devil, he died too.
No horns, tail, sulphur or trident.
No one can kill a spirit. -I can.
You've rebelled and
things will speed up.
Tick-Tock, let's get
out of here right away.
This will be a mess.
It does not matter where
we go, they know it all.
But it's okay, I'll go with
you. It doesn't matter anymore.
Let's go.
Hi, Tick-Tock.
- Good morning, Pablo.
- How are you?
- I'll survive.
I need to recover those documents.
Damn my signing them!
Those documents link you
to the dark side forever.
I want to rip them up!
You're a son of Satan,
one of the bad guys, Pablo.
Hand me the towel. I'll help you.
Mr. Thevenet, put the gun away.
I knew you'd come, but not so soon.
- You want the contract.
- That's right.
Because of Mr. Reficul's
unfortunate accident
I have gained the
management of the trust,
and I'm going to reorganize
all the companies and branches
to make them more efficient.
Now you're a qualified serial killer.
You've made a work of art out of crime.
That's why you'll have
a place in our flowchart,
with more income and responsibilities.
What about my contract? -No problem.
I think contracts are obsolete.
Mr. Reficul was very
conservative, very old school.
Signing papers to buy a
soul is rather old-fashioned.
I believe what's important for you is
to have a revenge of
the highest quality.
You struck down the false,
and you should continue,
but you should raise your sights.
For example.
The hunt for successful directors,
important producers, vain actors
and wicked critics must begin.
Give them hell, Mr. Thevenet.
- I killed Reficul.
- That wasn't a good idea.
But I am not going to
lie, it worked out for me.
As for Herr Fuchs, he was a bastard.
I beg you, give me the contract.
I'll do whatever you want.
Give it to me.
All right, I'll give it to you.
It's in a safe in a bank.
You can pick it up tomorrow,
after twelve o'clock.
I'll be here.
The 20th century was ours,
and this one's not bad.
These images comfort my heart.
We have an advantage
over the guy upstairs.
I'm busting my ass laughing!
We fallen angels make a good team.
And, without much investment,
we'll sign up the superstars.
- Yes, Dora?
- The bird's in the cage.
He'llpick the contract up
tomorrow. Call the police.
That's done.
The end and beginning of
Operation Thevenet.
Everything went like a
Swiss watch. See you.
Let's go, Reficul is waiting for us.
Who'd think a guy like this
would have his own cemetery?
Serial killers are usually
like that, ordinary guys.
Like your neighbour
who walks the dog and has
a drink at the corner bar.
He doesn't look like it.
He seems to be waiting for someone.
And it's the seventh one today.
If it's not him either,
let's go have lunch.
Yes, Galindo, don't worry, we're ready.
He's ours.
The son of a bitch won't get away.
- Where's he going? Leave
him, it's a dead end.
Falcon, this is the right
time. Let's go get him.
excuse me. Is this Babylonia St.?
Was there ever a Pandora Club here?
I've been here 50 years and
that building's never changed.
I must be mistaken. Thanks. Good-bye.
Stop! Police!
Put your hands up and don't move!
a few years later...
And once again Roja Maria Salvaje.
Here I am again.
Orson Welles said some films
should be made free of charge,
and some people shouldn't be paid.
I hope no producer heard that because,
to them, the word "free"
sounds like heavenly music.
A wonderful evening, a magical moment
when we'll find out the name
of this year's winner of the Murillo for
best actor.
The nominees are:
Alberto Martinez for "Zero",
Javier Nuevo for "Dusk",
Antonio Arenas for "Before and After",
Leonardo Capistrano for
"You'll Burn Without Me"
and Sergio Armisen
for "Suicide Journey".
And the winner of the Murillo is
Leonardo Capistrano for
"You'll Burn Without Me".
I bet you'll come live with me.
Thank you.
Good evening
Good evening, and thanks, everyone.
Dear colleagues, Dear colleagues,
I recall the words of
a verypowerful man
who, a short time ago,
said to me:
"Mr. Capistrano,
- "Mr. Capistrano,
have you won a Murillo,
that shocking trifle
that acknowledges cinema glory?"
And I replied
And I replied: "I was never nominated. "
Life is full ofsuprises
- Life is full of suprises
and now you've given me this award.
Thank you all very much.
Thank you all very much.
And ladies and gentlemen,
be very careful what you sign.