Rokland (Stormland) (2011)

You're not going anywhere.
- No, I'm not.
Hello, B?var.
- Don't come any nearer.
A peculiar situation
is brewing here.
A former school teacher...
- Poet!
- Yes, I'm a poet.
A school teacher and poet
has taken a young woman
and a doctor hostage.
You have a blog, Stormland
on which you said
you were going
to start a bloody revolution.
This society...
It is locally anesthetized.
You are all so worried
about your money.
But not that you are
spiritually bankrupt.
You live in a land
the world envied
and you let a
few Banksters destroy it.
All you ask
your politicians
is not to take
your flat-screen TVs
from the mansions you couldn't
afford in the first place!
One year earlier.
Saudakrokur pop. 2741
The higher you climb
the smaller you are
in the eyes of those
who envy you.
The higher you fly
the smaller you look
in the eyes of
the flightless.
Yes, Nietzsche.
He was a great hero.
The only thing he feared
was Glaimur the ghost.
He made mistakes
like all of us.
He had a few regrets.
He was a hot-tempered guy.
Some would call him an anti-hero.
Finally he was betrayed
by a witch.
A woman.
That happens.
Who ordered a pizza?
Did anyone order a pizza?
I thought it would
arrive during recess.
Then I guess we'll wait
until recess.
Somebody needs to pay for it.
Piss off.
You wait if you want your money.
When Grettir wasn't slaying men
or ordering pizza...
You're a great teacher, but
this obsession needs to stop.
And I won't allow
this class trip to Drangey.
I just want to show
them Grettir's cave.
Show them how real heroes lived.
I'm sorry Boddi. The school
board thinks it's unsafe.
- Hi.
How's the book going?
When's it in stores?
My book?
Probably around Christmas.
Called "Grettir and Nietzsche,
At the edge of civilization:
Musings from a vagrant - Book one."
No, I'm fucking with you.
It's a romantic comedy.
Ok. Are you a romantic?
I'm an incurable romantic.
Yeah right.
But I'm on this new medication
that keeps me stable.
Are you alone?
Come and sit with
rni Valur and me.
I'm working.
I hope dad isn't
working you too hard.
You'll come tonight?
You know where we are.
The great men of the past were
not limited by other people.
They sought to uplift
the spirits of others.
The great men of our times
do the complete opposite
Instead of helping others fly
they keep them down.
Universal stupidity is
in their interest.
We at Iceland Bank want to help
protect the environment.
When you open a savings account
with us, we'll plant 4 trees...
Your brother Viddi is
always in the commercials.
Isn't Viddi divorced?
- He is? He never calls.
Get rich all day,
Barbecue all night.
This is Bddi,
the Stormlander.
His brother is...
You know, the TV actor.
Viking Group.
Oh, Vidar?
Get rich all day,
and Barbecue all night.
You know what happens when
you put a big engine
in a small boat?
You can't control it.
Yes, but it's no better
when the engine is too small.
The boat just hangs
around the pier
and never gets out
of the harbour.
What the fuck do you mean?
Then you're just lukewarm,
you know?
Like your mother used to be
except for that one time
when you were conceived.
- Mother?
What the fuck do you
know about her?
What the hell?
Stop it, Manni.
Let me go.
Keep playing.
The dance isn't over.
Keep on.
- Call an ambulance.
- Call an ambulance!
The total number of fools
in this town is 2741.
Multiply that with all the
other towns in the world
and you get millions of fools.
Not one of them matters
in history.
In this town they care more
about raising horses than people.
A generation of children
is hooked on junk culture
because schools deny them
the education they deserve.
Dear blogosphere, from now on I
ignore what they want me to do.
Starting today I teach
my own curriculum,
starting with a field trip to
Drangey where Grettir was exiled.
Here he was murdered by lowlifes,
who kicked him when he was down.
Grettir didn't call for a rescue
helicopter even when he was dying.
Even on his knees he killed
many men before they got to him.
When Grettir wasn't slaying men
he performed great acts of courage.
He swam to Drangey in the middle
of winter carrying a lit torch.
- What?
B?var, Albert needs
to speak to you.
Helga Sjfn, I'm teaching.
He wants to speak
to you now.
What, was Bono aboard?
It's not like it took them
the whole day.
It was two minutes.
Bono costs more than $25,000.
The Coast Guard helicopter
costs $4000 an hour.
Can't I just pay it?
Or her dad?
Tony Group, I mean, her dad
has fleeced the nation.
That's the thing.
We're not getting the bill.
The nation pays.
It was a school trip.
No. It wasn't a school trip.
I'm sorry, but...
I have to fire you.
Are you exiling me?
- You can write your book full time.
It's finished.
This is the only
bloody place I can work.
I'm sorry.
Oh, Nietzsche.
They're all spineless wonders.
It's always the same.
Always fighting the whorish
tendencies of the herd.
Nothing like being
your own man.
You'll see.
When the book is published
it will all change.
Yes, good morning,
Sigurjn Saemundsson.
B?var Steingrmsson.
I've left three
messages for him.
B?var Halldr Steingrmsson.
Regarding the book about
Grettir and Nietzsche.
Well, he has to call
me soon.
The nation needs this book.
Yes, just tell him that.
Yes. Thank you.
Your choices are limited
by the society you're stuck in.
Principal Albert on the other hand
was merely stuck in his own fat.
He was so obese that he
couldn't exit his own office.
He had a fat wife. They lived in a
fat house in the town of Meathook.
The trees in their garden were
Mrs Albert wanted fat trees too so
she watered them with Coke all day.
- Hi.
Biba, I'll have a beer.
Is that the band?
- Yes.
How do you like it?
Are they playing here
every night?
They're the greatest.
You don't understand.
It's their humor.
They've got great humor.
- That's a good point.
Nothing wrong with some
humor on the dancefloor.
I'm thinking of having
a gay ball when it gets darker.
I don't want anyone seeing
them doing each other.
Are you fucking with me?
You're thinking of doing
Lra Maria?
No. Sex is Hitler.
Starts with an invasion and
ends in a dark bunker.
Yes, bunker.
Her mom is quite fine.
I've always wanted to do her.
But there's no way.
Lra Maria watches her
like a Doberman
and gives her Prozac with cream.
I can get you a job
in the youth program.
I've got a job.
I'm a poet.
Yes, but that doesn't
pay the bills.
Not now anyway.
I'll fix it, no worries.
Bddi, get out of there!
That's my private bathroom.
Relax Keli.
Bddi! Get your ass downstairs!
I don't want to go with you.
Quit your whining.
Here's our ride.
- Cool.
Have you got a light?
Come on.
Are you kidding?
Have you got everything?
Down with your trousers.
- What?
Get undressed.
- What?
Down with your trousers.
- No.
Are you a coward?
Come on, cowboy.
That's a helicopter.
- What?
Behind us.
- A helicopter?
Isn't it Tony Group
or something?
It's all right.
I've fucked him.
Bend over like you're
looking for something.
Looking for something?
- Yes.
Fuck you.
That was great.
Why are you so pissed off?
Well, now you're pregnant.
That would be great.
I've always dreamt
of being a single mother.
You're kidding.
- No.
Give you a ride home?
- No, I'll just walk.
Thanks for the fuck.
See you.
Thanks for the show.
Welcome to the
Dagga Friendship Society.
You'll be invited to
our yearly feast.
It will be held in
the Riding Hall.
At least I don't have
to pay for a fuck.
You broke my
girl's leg, you bastard.
I thought you had
all gone bankrupt.
No, we're not all losers.
We don't all live
with our mothers.
The country is being
sold for peanuts.
Know what I'm thinking of doing?
- What?
Opening a Disneyland
in Thingvellir.
And you know what?
- What?
I can.
Have you gone crazy?
What's wrong with you?
What do you mean?
- What do I mean?
My mom "watered the
trees with Coke"?
Have you gone nuts?
Take it down right away.
You can't blog like
this about my family.
Having just slept with me.
It's disgusting.
I wrote this before
we fucked.
After your dad fired me.
What's the problem?
What's the problem?
Find another way to get revenge.
Come on.
It was just a joke.
No, a joke is funny.
This is just mean
and nothing else.
Nobody reads it.
Why do you blog if you
think no one reads it?
This could end up
in the papers.
It's just a metaphor.
- Metaphor my ass.
What's that?
A metaphor?
- Yes.
A simile.
When things get a different
meaning from before.
For example,
a table leg.
Table leg? And what does
the word "fat" then mean here?
You can interpret it
as you like.
You can't do this to us.
I can't change it.
I'm not for sale.
Not for money or tears.
Maybe I'll metaphor
a description
of what it's like to
sleep with you.
And describe in detail
how you do it.
You're trying to
censor my blog.
Am I not a free man?
In a free land on a free Internet?
I'll look at it.
- You'd better.
Do we have to
work in this rain?
Of course not.
Are you mental, Aron Freyr?
Grandpa always said
it was no use raking wet hay.
Your granddad was
a nutter
and never in the youth program.
He was just a lazy farmer.
Do you think Grettir
thought about the rain
when he swam to Drangey?
- Grettir who?
You're from here, Brimar Sr
and you don't know Grettir?
Get out.
Green with yellow bulbs
and multitudes of wild roses
the land bows down
to a still water.
And swimming swans
drunk with kisses
dip their heads in
holy water.
Oh, B?var.
Did you come to visit me?
Or Lra?
Just to work in the garden,
I need a garden hose.
Isn't it raining?
- Not anymore.
What are you doing here?
Watering the garden.
- Why are you in here then?
Why aren't you out in
the garden?
I was just...
I was going to connect
the hose in the laundry.
It's good I bumped
into you.
I want to dedicate a
poem I wrote to you.
Get the fuck out.
- Get the fuck out.
- Fuck off.
You're crazy.
You going to the concert?
- What?
In Tallinn.
The fucking good times
are tempting.
But after the mega party
you end up spewing
in an abortion
wishing you'd never
been born.
Stuck in this fucking
hellhole. Forever.
He's crazy.
Am I only a semen provider?
Is that a problem?
Do you want anything more?
Yes, why not?
You're not father material.
Not the type.
Spend all your days
grumbling on the net.
I'm writing.
I'm a poet.
Writing, grumbling.
It doesn't matter when
you have to change diapers
or pay the bills.
So you don't want my help.
The role of father wouldn't
be your strongest suit.
You're a great guy.
But not quite in
touch with reality.
And I don't need assistance.
Well Dagga, congratulations
on your child.
It was the year 1022.
Grettir smundarson swam
from Drangey to Reykjanes
after the sun set.
He came to a farm
and lay in its hot spring
as he was quite cold.
He baked there
the whole night
and then went in.
It's beautiful, kids.
To understand Grettir's Saga
you must be bitten by the cold.
Then jump in the hot pool after.
You boys first.
"What doesn't kill you
makes you stronger"
Nietzsche said.
Get in.
- Come on.
Fuck, it's cold!
I once went much deeper.
- Really?
I can't now.
I've got glasses.
If you want to
impress the girls
you have to show them
you're a real man.
Show them why your name
is Brimar Saer.
What are you doing?
Are you crazy?
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
Are you nuts?
Are you crazy?
What's wrong with you?
I'll tell dad.
You'll be exiled
from the family.
I don't care if you
fucked Dagga.
A youth was in danger
near Grettir's pool
at four this afternoon.
Witnesses say the
youth program leader
B?var Steingrmsson was
showing the boy
how Grettir the Strong swam
from Drangey to the mainland.
These pictures show the
severity of B?var 's methods.
B?var lost his teaching job
after his student
broke a leg
on a field trip to Drangey
last spring.
We couldn't get hold of
B?var today.
The boy has pneumonia.
You almost drowned him.
He won't be able to
go to the Funfest.
Maybe he will
slim down then.
Hey, mate.
Open the door,
you bastard.
Open the door.
Has he read
the book yet?
Is he dyslexic or what?
You don't have to change
one letter in this book.
It's not a bloody
crime novel, you know.
It's a self-help book
for life itself.
You have to profit
no matter what?
It is quite clear.
It has to be published
before Christmas.
Yes, do that.
What? Oh, hi.
You deliver mail today?
What? No.
I have to go.
Hello there.
Did we get mail?
- It's December 26th.
I met the postman,
Lra Maria.
Yes, exactly.
The mail came.
Hey, I've had a crazy idea.
- I was thinking.
We should do a
film about this place.
This town.
A movie?
- Feature film.
You'll write the script.
You're great at that stuff.
And I'll do the rest.
We'll do something that matters.
And make some money.
Maybe once
the book's published.
Wasn't it supposed to come out
before Christmas?
My fucking publisher
only understands low culture.
He lives on crime novels
the bastard.
He knows what he's doing.
The money has to
come from somewhere.
If you can't profit
from low culture
how will you finance
the high culture?
Put on some pants.
What, does this make
you uncomfortable?
I'm hungry.
- Do I threaten you?
Always hungry.
Silla at the fish factory
is going to be a grandmother.
Dagga, she's expecting a child.
They're not celebrating the
That's a load of crap.
I'm the father.
- Yes. That's what she said.
This can happen.
Is she going to let
us see it?
I would think so.
And are you happy about it?
I think so.
- That's nice.
Men are not that
into children.
I thought you had
Hello, mate.
- Hello.
How are you?
- Fine.
No weight gain
over Christmas?
No? Cool.
When's the book
being published?
- Yes, dear.
Thank you.
See you tomorrow.
Goodbye, mate.
Is dad here?
He opened his eyes
as soon as you came.
Isn't he cool?
Yes, he's cool.
Just great.
- Yes, he is.
Taking difficult
circumstances into account.
Don't you think he
looks like dad?
No, he's much cuter.
Viddi, how many kids
do you have?
Five creatures, man.
With four women.
I had a family portrait
taken the other day.
It was spectacular.
With all the kids?
- Yes.
And all the women?
- Yes.
- Yes.
It was brilliant.
Took a bit of time
but we did it in the end.
You have to get
something for the payments.
I'm always paying something.
Why do you think I'm
doing those commercials?
You have to start
behaving like a man.
I'm trying, man.
It's the bloody women.
They won't leave me alone.
There is something else.
If we're going to
work together
I have to tell you something.
Completely confidential.
I'm a sex addict.
No really, it's a disease.
I went to a meeting.
It was really hard.
Loads of hot chicks there.
Babes all over.
It's like they say, man.
One day at a time.
I can't do this, Viddi.
I have to have a beer.
Of course.
A new dad.
I always go straight
to the bar from the maternity ward.
Christmas is over.
The last day of Christmas.
No mercy, boys.
Have some.
It's quality champagne.
Are you still sober, Keli?
- Yes, I can't touch it.
It ends with mental disease
or death.
But congratulations.
- Cheers.
Dagga is great fun.
A great girl.
I once had a guy from
the Faroe Islands here.
I think his name was,
he had Dagga on the brain.
He fucked her mercilessly
in every room.
I charged him for
at least three.
I collected
screwing tax from him.
Why are you speaking English?
- She speaks English.
She was raised in the capital,
you asshole.
Company, I see.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Hey, it's time.
Happy birthday to you.
No, stop it.
Happy birthday to you.
January 7th.
Too bad she didn't give
birth after midnight.
Congratulations, dear brother.
So it's his birthday too.
Let's have a big party.
It's no special achievement
to make it through
one more year.
I've gone to rehab once a
year since I came here.
Apart from one year.
Then I went two years in a row.
No mercy.
To women and horses,
and the men who ride them!
Dear mom.
Dear mom.
Dear mom.
Biba is very agile.
Have you done her?
It's like a trip
to India.
She does this trick
with her tongue
and it's just... bombs away.
What's up?
She's just died
in the chair.
Fucking TV.
Dear mom.
Bombs away.
- Yes.
You get the award for
best acting.
- It was very good.
I mean, you didn't
even know her.
Really well done.
For the first time
in your life.
Is everything a
fucking joke to you?
Are you completely
Can't you take
anything seriously?
Fucking get out.
Fucking idiot.
I want to be alone
with mom.
Fuck off.
I was going to give
it to mom
before I headed
south again.
Now it's too late.
Nobody knows what he has
until it's too late.
Win some, lose some.
TV killed mom.
Since we got a color
TV in August 1981
every night
and all weekend
she saw everything that
ever aired on TV.
For 28 years she watched
all the news, series,
soaps, live events,
commercials and the lotto.
She once had four numbers
in the lotto, won $2500
and bought her dream object,
the great flat-screen TV.
Mom's cause of death was
Hollywood pictures
with their loose storylines
which gradually tightened
around her neck,
choking her to death.
Have a nice trip.
Dear mom.
Is something wrong?
We have to talk.
The thing is that Tony,
Tta's Tony,
he wants to buy the house.
Tony Group?
- Yes.
We have to sell.
Everything else is
completely illogical.
And Tony wants a
beautiful summer house.
Which is total respect.
And he wants to pay
Get it?
For that you can get a
great apartment in the capital
or go to Germany and
live like a king for years.
Do you have enough
to pay me my share?
Aren't we going to
christen the child?
I'm thinking of
Albert Sturla.
Albert like my father, he has
been so good to us.
And Sturla is a promise
to an old friend.
My love.
I was thinking
about Grettir.
No, come on.
I've been thinking...
thinking about whether
we shouldn't, you know...
Be together.
- Be together.
You know, be a family.
- Family?
Yes, that's best for him.
- Best for him?
We could live together
in Stormland.
It's such a big house.
Those who have a kid together
should be together.
Don't misunderstand me.
I'm not in love with you
or anything. -Really?
No, don't think that.
I mean, we don't even
have to sleep together.
Just a living arrangement.
Two bedrooms.
We can sleep
together as well.
What do you want?
Blowjobs in the bathroom?
No, I'm just saying I've
had enough of bullshit.
I want my son to be a
part of a family.
I want him to
have a dad.
I thought you were in love.
Doesn't Lra Maria want
to move from her mom's?
She's just some
video bitch.
Video bitch?
You know I only want
to be with you.
You're nice, funny and...
- Funny?
You can't just use me
to get you pregnant
and then just be...
We have to stay together.
That's how it is.
- Yes.
No, I don't want to.
I'll move in here then.
I'm here.
What's for dinner?
Is that it?
You're hungry?
You're looking for
a new mother?
No, I'm just thinking
about the kid.
Do you even know what
size diaper he uses?
Society is a party
you can't leave.
You're always there.
Stuck in a fucking party.
Alone in a corner
looking at books
while everyone else
dances in the living room.
I can't dance because the
only one I want to dance with
is watching her mother.
I walk the streets alone
as a loveless citizen
in the state of love.
Yes, yes.
Dear friend.
Yes, we stand together.
Strong together.
Bddi and Grettir.
The outlaws.
Did you see what grandma
did for you?
Yes, yes.
Why don't you answer
down there?
Are you avoiding me?
Has he slept for long?
- No, he woke twice.
I just fed him and
he was all right.
Fed him?
What did you feed him?
Skim milk.
- Are you nuts?
What, is that not OK?
- No.
You give him formula
if he can't get breastmilk.
Milk with nicotine,
you mean.
Yes, are you watching
your grumpy father?
He's so cute.
Looks a bit like you.
Is Tony going to move in?
- No.
It's some kind of
confirmation gift.
First he fucks you,
then he fucks me.
Come on.
I paid 400 grand for this.
I don't know why.
You know.
Because I called you.
- No.
You know why, B?var.
Because you can.
- That's right.
I didn't have to.
It's not like I need it.
It's a fine playhouse
for the kids.
And it's a favor.
I'm saving you.
Want me to put the money
in something safe?
You're not touching it.
I'd rather give it to you.
Bddi, we'll
- You're not saving me.
No problem.
I'm having a party soon.
- Oh?
I'll put you on
the list. -Great.
Do you know what's
on the menu? -What?
Animals in danger
of extinction.
- Eighteen species.
Fuck, man.
- See you, Bddi.
Nice to see you.
You're a good listener and
always here to support me.
Are you chatting
to Grettir?
Yes, a bit.
Well, dear boy.
Welcome home.
And Merry Christmas.
You'll get room 23.
Merry Christmas?
It's summer.
I'm always celebrating Christmas.
Or New Years Eve.
Is Sigurjn there?
Do you have many?
The publisher.
B?var Steingrmsson.
He's still in a meeting.
Who is he meeting?
Police detectives?
Isn't he always solving
some fucking crime puzzle?
Isn't that what you do?
Why don't you want
to marry me?
Oh, come on.
Why are we fucking then?
It's nice to be fucked
every now and then.
Then I don't feel like
I'm a complete cow, you know?
I was thinking.
I have to go for some
tests in the hospital.
It could take a few days.
Could you take Albert?
What tests?
- The plumbing.
The plumbing?
Yes, of course.
No problem.
- Great.
Well, we have to
go to sleep, my boy.
I want a woman tonight.
I want to fuck tonight.
Just do the cook.
Yes, put lipstick on him
and put him in a dress.
Let's get dressed
and go out.
I know.
Yes, it's very boring
getting dressed.
You've done really well.
- You think?
I've had some time
to think here.
Remember what we talked
about the other day,
about living together?
Yes, we can talk about it
when you're done here.
Of course.
Can you call dad for me?
They really want to see
little Albert. -Of course.
No problem.
- Thanks.
You know about the operation
Dagga is having tomorrow.
- Yes.
- No?
Nice to see you.
And you.
Father and son.
Bddi, nobody fucks
himself into our family.
Just so you know.
Hold this please.
Social Security Number?
Why are you testing
my blood?
It's a paternity thing.
- Paternity?
Yes, Albert Sturla.
Born January 6th.
Aren't you the...
- Yes, he is my son.
The mother has probably
requested it.
It often happens
in such cases.
Such cases?
Yes, isn't it a
one night stand?
One night what?
It isn't your
fucking concern.
Well I'm just trying
to explain.
You might be a bastard
but my Grettir is not one.
I'm his dad,
this is destiny.
I don't know what
you are talking about.
This is ridiculous.
I'm the dad.
Albert Sturla is my kid.
Isn't he? -Yes. Of course.
Believe me, I didn't
make you take a blood test.
We were going for a
walk, us boys.
The little one is sick.
He's not going out today.
Yes, he was feverish
this morning. -I see.
Can I take a look at him?
- No. No way.
What? This family
is completely nuts.
I said no way.
No, this is from the Sheriff.
You have to sign.
"By request of Sigurlaug
You are not the father
of the child.
On behalf of the Sheriff
of Skagafjordur. Hannes Pll."
Bddi, I know it is terrible.
I never thought
you weren't the father.
I never thought...
I was completely sure
you were the dad.
And that was the way
it should be.
You were supposed to
be the dad.
It's not quite enough
to want it. -I know.
I just hoped.
- Why?
I've always respected
you a lot.
You are so intelligent.
But we can still be
together, can't we?
"You were supposed
to be the dad."
Fucking cow.
Over all the peaks
there is stillness.
After the wind,
the night is still
like a pool
in the moss.
A bird is silent
and soon you see
your own stillness.
So much trash here.
- Hello?
Bddi? Bring me the
goddamn bank manager.
I'll shoot his dick off
so his cunt falls out.
No mercy.
Everything's gone to shit.
My hotel's bankrupt.
I've lost everything.
The small guy.
The small devil.
You're lucky having a son.
I lost my girl.
It's terrible to
lose your kid.
You have to remember
what's important.
The kids are important.
I have to go into rehab.
Like every year.
Keli, won't you come upstairs?
I've got an eye disease.
Karma glaucoma.
All I see is a lie.
Take the gun.
I don't need it.
I'll just shoot my
own shadow.
Fuck you, Dagga.
Fuck you for good,
you fucking whore.
You knew it all along.
This isn't blood.
This isn't the true
fountain of the heart.
This is not the
flow of love.
This is not the brook.
Not the stream.
Not the river.
Not the ocean which
colors our life red.
This peat-red waste
which runs slowly
through our veins,
that's not human blood.
Not the creative lifeblood
of the generations,
but tobacco and coffee
and alcohol.
Do we need a crack of the whip
in the face?
Do we need our land burnt?
Our women raped?
Our children thrown
on bayonets?
So that our blood becomes
red and hot?
So that our blood
becomes alive
So our blood will be
real human blood?
Will our blood first
become red and hot and living
when we lie wounded
in the vale of death
and it runs down into the
ruins of our lost motherland?
I'm from the Newspaper.
Do you mind?
Where are you going?
- To Reykjavik.
Someone has to fight
this disease
which is killing us all.
Is this some charity event?
It's a charity event for life
as it could be lived.
Weren't you supposed
to let me know?
Goes off on some
mission impossible...
There is no one to film here.
What do you mean?
This is great.
It's in the papers.
You're famous.
Revolution is coming
to town.
This is the fucking thing.
We have to start it
from day one.
From the beginning.
The revolution doesn't
wait for anyone.
No, OK.
Fair enough. Can I
just start filming now?
You know I have a camera.
Can I just start shooting?
If you like.
You can shoot an epic with us.
Isn't that right, Nietzsche?
This is a goal.
In off the post.
You're like Dirty Harry
on that horse.
Dirty Harry didn't
ride a horse.
Let him do something too.
Let him rear up or...
I'll just go down here.
When you do the turn,
trot or run...
do whatever is fastest.
This is a goal.
In off the post.
Can't you roll a cigarette
while you're on the horse?
Like Lucky Luke?
This is crazy cool.
- What?
Nietzsche is a
non-smoking horse.
He is smokefree.
We need to get a
cowboy element into it.
Put the hat on.
- No.
This is real.
Not a fucking joke.
Every cowboy has a hat.
Ronald Reagan and Jesse Jackson.
That "I have a dream" guy.
You have to work with me.
I can't do this alone.
Show some spirit.
Pretend like you don't
see him. Sorry.
This is the thing.
People have had enough
of greed.
This is going to make
us fucking rich.
We'll have to do it again.
I need to film you
from the front.
A Spielberg-moment.
Hi there.
Are you in town?
- We're on our way.
But have you taken
enough good shots?
- Something we can use?
Yes, I've got quite a lot
of good stuff. -Good.
Very good takes.
So we... -I was thinking...
Aren't we going to do
this live tomorrow?
Let's just go live
with the stuff
when you come to town.
- Live?
Live is life, my man.
That sounds good.
Got a cigarette?
Didn't you stop?
All revolutionaries smoke.
Che and Castro and Lenin and...
Here you are.
- Thank you.
When I heard you were gone
I thought:
"That makes complete sense."
It must be a great shock.
- Dagga.
Dagga what?
That she's dead.
It must have been a shock.
You didn't know?
Oh shit.
You didn't know.
Dagga died the other night.
What are you saying?
Is Dagga dead?
She got some infection.
I don't know...
I thought all this
was because of that,
the revolution and...
I'm really sorry.
Relax. Jesus Christ.
There is no need
to be sorry.
Sorry, man.
I mean, she wasn't
I wasn't even the
fucking dad.
You weren't the dad?
The fucking whore cow, she...
Now she's dead.
When did you learn this?
- Just... a short while ago.
What will happen
to the kid?
It's just nice to
get rid of this.
Who needs kids?
They can be a problem.
Complicate things...
But still, I mean...
I'm just so pissed
off at her.
Women, man...
Fucking crazy.
We just don't talk
the same language.
Us and them.
They're just like
abstract art.
I just don't understand it.
I don't understand them.
Completely nuts.
Especially in our town.
I don't know if you
believe me
but I think I understand
you better than the rest.
It's like...
Let's take Lra Maria...
- Lra Maria?
It was a stupid mistake
but I don't care.
I just had to convince her.
She got pregnant,
just by accident
but didn't want an abortion.
So I said to her:
"This is a mutual decision.
What am I going to do
with another kid?
I don't have the money
and I don't have the time."
Just, a lot to do.
Except she didn't get it.
She didn't understand until
I went over it again and again.
Lra Maria?
You and her?
The postman.
The whole package.
Are you fucking crazy?
What are you doing?
Are you all right
in the head?
Put the gun down.
Come on.
I'm your fucking brother.
He's not here.
Nietzsche, go home.
You can't let people see
you with a murderer.
Want a ride?
- No.
Yes, I want a ride.
Dagga is dead.
- What?
Dagga is dead.
- What?
Want to talk about it or...
The lie killed her.
We have to go.
- Why?
I have to go to a doctor.
- Doctor?
To remove a birthmark.
- A birthmark? Why?
Just because.
It's growing.
Shall I drive you somewhere?
I'll just go where you are going.
I'm his brother.
I'm just going into
the hospital.
You can just come here.
I can't be bothered with this.
My girlfriend was coming
in for an operation.
I'm a bit late.
Her name is Lra Maria Nachtweih.
Yes, here she is. 5-F.
She's on the fifth floor.
Where do I find 5-F?
It's down the hallway
and up the stairs.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing?
I'm going to save the
life of this mole.
I don't want you to.
No one else is left.
- What are you talking about?
Everybody is dead.
Are you crazy?
Just relax a bit.
- Yes.
That's what wrong with
this society.
Everybody is so relaxed.
We are numb with apathy.
We have to wake up.
- Yes.
Put your panties on.
We're going.
Guns don't solve anything.
Are you there somewhere?
We are coming out.
I'm coming out.
I've got three hostages.
And a gun.
Viddi is dead.
Come on, Lra.
Come on.
Come on.
Just take it easy.
Obey him.
Don't hurt her.
You two as well.
Get out.
Not in front.
- Easy.
You can go.
Come on.
To the right.
You're not going anywhere.
- No, I'm not going anywhere.
Hello, B?var.
- Don't come any nearer.
A peculiar situation
is brewing here.
A former school teacher.
- Poet!
- Yes, I'm a poet.
A school teacher and poet
has taken a young woman
and a doctor hostage.
You have a blog, Stormland
on which you said
you said you were going
to start a bloody revolution.
Is this the revolution?
And what about your brother?
Viddi had to go.
He was a symbol of everything
terrible in this world,
this endless consumerism.
And what, will these two
be your next victims?
No. I'm saving a life.
- Saving a life?
I took a life,
now I'm saving one.
This society...
It is locally anesthetized.
You are all so worried
about your money.
But not that you are
spiritually bankrupt.
You live in a land
the world envied
and you have let a
few banksters destroy it.
You are weasels.
Bloody spineless wonders.
Spineless and toothless.
What are you thinking?
You aren't thinking at all.
Everything is instant.
I can't wait.
So the revolution is against
I've got a gun.
You would never shoot me.
No, but I'm talking to you.
- You are not talking to me.
You are spewing your
shit on TV.
Who are you to tell us
that we are disgusting?
A former youth program teacher.
Don't twist this.
You knew I was in love with you.
Still you fucked Viddi. -Yes, I did.
How could you let him
touch you?
Because I thought
he was cool. -Cool?
Yes, cool and fun.
I don't want his kid though.
This kid is the only significant
thing Viddi has given the world
and you are just going to
throw it in the trash
like everything else.
- What was I supposed to do?
This child is the only thing
left of my family.
You have to let it live.
Viddi has five kids
with four women.
He has five mutant cockroaches.
They are not kids,
they are monsters.
But Viddi has this kid
with you.
I have this kid with you.
I love you.
But what about the woman's
right to control her body?
What are you talking about,
you bastard?
We're not talking to you.
Lra, I love you.
What do you want to
accomplish with this?
Come on.
You're in danger of extinction.
The higher you fly
the smaller you look
in the eyes of
the flightless.