Roller Coaster Rabbit (1990)

Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up
and see Egyptial
She walks, talks, and crawls
on her belly like a snake!
The most death-defying ride
in the world.
Jeepers, I sure do love fairs,
especially going on all the rides.
No, no, no. Baby Herman is much
too little to go on the rides and I...
Oh, look, a psychic.
Roger, I'm going to have my palm read,
so you stay here
and watch Baby Herman.
Huh? No, no, not that. Anything but that.
Please, don't let...
Roger, you'll stay here with Baby,
or it's rabbit stew for dinner.
Okay, okay,
anything you say, Mama, dearest.
Why, you know me,
I just love watching Baby.
Why, I'm a regular super-sitter.
Boy, that was close.
Let Uncle Roger tie your balloon up
and that way you'll never lose it.
Don't cry, Baby Herman! Uncle Roger's
gonna get you a new balloon.
Now, you stay here and be a good boy
and don't get into any trouble.
- Promise?
Red balloon.
Ta-da! Hey!
Where'd he go? Is he down here?
Baby Herman, where are you?
Speak to me.
- Don't poke yourself, Baby Herman.
- Wheel.
Oh! Hey, what's happening to my head?
I've got
a headache, but it's just a little one.
Jeepers, hold your fire, hold your fire!
Okay, fellows, fire away.
Baby Herman, you're too little
to go on the rides!
Baby, got you.
Hey, it's dark in here
and it smells bad, too.
Baby Herman, is that you?
Come on, let's get out of here
before we get into trouble.
No more corn dogs for you today.
Hey, you're not Baby Herman.
Hey, what are you doing down there?
Baby, no!
I hate bullfights! I never eat beef!
I'm a vegetarian!
I don't even wear shoes.
That was bracing.
Don't move, Baby Herman!
Jeepers, that was close
and I caught you just in
- Whoo!
- Jeepers.
Oh, no!
Save me, save me.
- What?
- Save mel
Curses. Foiled again.
Fire on the set! Fire on the set!
Get me down!
Gangway, gangway!
Get the firemen over here!
Excuse me,
I don't see a scene with fire.
My first film, my masterpiece is ruined.
You clumsy idiot.
But you don't understand.
- You call yourself an actor.
- It's not my fault!
Now, you go back
and do this entire scene again.
Not this hare, cue ball.
It's always the same old
thing. You never pay me enough money.
You wanna pay peanuts,
you get monkeys.
I can't take much more of this.
I get the same junk from that rabbit
every time we do something.
- He's making me crazy.
- Mr. Herman, Mr. Herman?
You forgot something.
What's the matter, toots,
afraid of a little bang?