Running Wild (2017)

Hey, let's go to Aspen.
- To ski?
- - No, to shop.
Oh, god, can it just
be the two of us?
Oh, please,
I am so tired of Melanie.
That dress...
It's like a hot dog
with a belt on it.
You are so mean.
Mrs. Stella?
Miss Stella?
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
There's been an accident.
You did great today.
You call me if
you need anything.
Mrs. Stella?
What do you want us
to do with all the food?
- How much is left?
- Half.
I thought more
people would come.
Um, take it for yourself,
give it to the staff.
Not the alcohol!
Um, throw the rest away.
Maybe I could give it
to the church instead?
Give it to the church,
that sounds good,
I don't know what
I was thinking.
You're mourning.
Mrs. Stella!
- Mrs. Stella!
- Leave me alone!
Mr. Ciocca is here,
from the bank.
Give me a minute.
What does he want?
I'm just the maid.
Stella, again, my deepest
condolences to you.
Thank you, Doug.
Was good of you
to come yesterday.
Oh, of course.
So, did you forget something?
No, no, um...
This is really hard to say.
Uh, and forgive me for
the timing of this,
but, in about 90 days, you're
gonna lose everything here.
You all have been in
trouble for a very long time
and JT did not have
the heart to tell you.
The horse market took
a downturn in '08,
JT refused to sellout,
so he leveraged the ranch
for you guys to survive.
This is my ranch, my family's
ranch, I didn't sign anything.
Come on, Stella,
you knew the deal,
you marry JT and he
takes care of you.
That's what your father
wanted and that's why
he signed the
estate over to him.
Plain and simple, you owe the
bank just north of, $6 million.
$6 million!
All money borrowed against
the ranch to keep it afloat.
But in 90 days, the probate process
is going to catch up with you
and the bank's gonna want
this house to cover the debt.
Six million...
What about monarch, what about
monarch and his stud fees?
Breeders are a very informed bunch,
they know what's going on here,
they're just gonna wait
until there's a fire sale
and try and get him for cheap.
Whistler painted a portrait
of my great-grandmother,
she built this place.
- I'm not an art dealer.
- No, but it's worth $2 million.
If I showed you the appraisal with a
promise to sell, would that help?
$2 million would definitely feed the
wolves, yes, for sure, it would.
No, no!
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!
No, no!
What did you do?!
What did you do?
What did you do?!
This is 10 karats, how much time
does that buy me?
Not enough, honey.
I'm sorry.
Can I help you with
anything, miss Stella?
No, I'm okay.
My grandma used to make me
brush horses every night.
That was my job
around the ranch.
Do you mind?
No, ma'am.
I'm sorry about Mr. JT.
Now, we're competing on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
All right, you know what,
Susan needs some extra
time on the court.
I'll pay for it,
just make it happen.
Thank you.
Oh, Stella, this is
Patrick, my new coach.
- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.
Oh, honey, I am
so glad you called.
Did you get the
casserole I sent over?
I did, yeah, thank you.
I haven't really been able
to, you know, eat much.
Well, that's
probably for the best.
You know, good idea
to stay thin now
more than ever, right?
This was really difficult
for me to come here today.
Aw, my door is always open.
JT messed up.
If I don't figure something out,
the bank is gonna take
the ranch in three months.
Honey, no, it can't be that bad.
I need to borrow $100,000.
Another hundred? For what?
Yeah, Robert gave JT $140,000.
I thought you knew.
No, nope.
JT didn't tell me that.
He didn't tell me
a lot of things.
- You know what? Let me call the girls.
- No!
We can put something aside
for you under the radar,
maybe open a little shop in town
or get a place in Tahoe.
You don't have any kids, you could just
start over where nobody knows you.
It's not too late.
I mean, you're beautiful.
The ranch, it's been in my
family for four generations.
Stella, ranching
is dirty business.
If JT couldn't save it,
how are you gonna do
it all by yourself?
Sometimes it's better to
just let go of something,
then get dragged down with it.
Sorry, ma'am,
I went to stop them,
but they had all their
paperwork in order.
They're gonna
want this one, too.
Ma'am, uh, give me a second.
Do you know what this is?
Looks like a bullet.
My great-grandfather
used a knife and hot water
to dig it out of
his wife's back.
She got shot when a gang
of civil war deserters
tried to take this ranch.
The two of them,
just the two of them,
came across this country,
they fought Indians, fires,
and the railroads
to build this place.
My great-grandmother
lost two children
by the time she was 23.
One to a fire and
the other to typhus.
But she didn't quit, she didn't,
she never gave up, she did
everything she had to do
to keep this land,
but I'm just gonna lose it all
to the bank without
even a fight!
Well, okay,
I hear ya, take it easy.
Take it easy?
That's all I've ever done,
it's what's gotten me here!
We are all gonna be in deep,
deep shit if I don't
figure something out.
Well, I know that.
Okay, you know the
day-to-day of this ranch
better than anybody else.
I need to know everything about my
husband's business, it's my business.
I need to know what he did
right, what he did wrong
and what around here
is worth saving!
- Now?
- Right now.
We lease this back pasture
to a dairy farm for grazing,
it brings in a little.
Most of the workers
have found jobs elsewhere,
a handful have
stayed loyal to you.
They do general upkeep, mending
fences, painting, et cetera.
Looks like they're
not doing their jobs.
You got five doing
the work of 20,
you're lucky they
haven't walked, too.
A handful of people
pay to stable their horses.
It's good for some floating
cash, but that's about it.
Then there's this fella.
Mr. JT used to get
25,000 to breed him
on account of
the stakes winning.
He comes from a long
line of breeders
and derby cup winners.
It's a damn shame.
Why isn't anyone
breeding to him now?
Ma'am, they're waiting
for you to go under,
so they can buy
monarch outright.
The ranchers, they had their eyes
on this place for a while now.
Mr. JT might have
made some bad decisions,
but this sure
wasn't one of them.
Saddle him up.
I wanna take a ride
around the property.
That's not a good idea, ma'am.
Don't want to take a
chance of injuring him.
- Then saddle up Robbie.
- Yes, ma'am.
Hello, miss Stella.
Bratt, there's a
break in the fence,
I think there's some wild
horses on the property.
- All right, where are you?
- Near the old ranch.
Okay, don't go near the horses
and don't fix the fence.
With any luck, they'll
go out the way they came.
I'll be right there.
We need to get
them off property.
We have to... what?
No, look at them,
they need food, water.
That's not allowed.
What do you mean,
it's not allowed?
It's a federal crime to
feed a wad of feral horses.
We've got enough problems.
You take the flank, we'll herd
them back out the way they came.
But, no, I can't do that,
they're gonna die!
Well, then, you're gonna have to
call the office of land management
and wait for them
to come take them.
That could take weeks,
they got so many wild horses.
I mean we can't just,
please, feed them?
Water them?
Not without breaking the law
and I want no part of that.
- They're suffering.
- I know and it's awful,
but that's the way things are,
the law won't allow it.
I have done what other people have
told me to do my entire life.
Can you give me a hand?
I told you, ma'am, I've no
interest in breaking any laws.
You know what, that's
enough with the ma'am stuff,
my name is Stella, okay?
And I, Stella,
would love your help.
Please, okay?
I won't turn you in, okay?
Thanks for nothing, cowboy.
Now what?
Well, now we call the
office of land management.
And where do they
take the horses?
Holding pens all over the west.
They got thousands
of horses, head to tail.
- Is that our only option?
- Well, I never said that.
Well, what aren't
you telling me?
Can't let them drink
too much at first.
Well, look, I'm covered in hay
and dirt and horse shit,
just tell me!
What are you afraid of?
There is a program that
could help us with the horses,
but it involves doing something
I'm not comfortable with,
going back to prison.
So, that's the
situation, Mr. Bussey.
Look, if you can get the
department of corrections
to approve you for the prep
program, you got my blessing.
I am already through
half my feed budget
and it ain't even may.
Asking for more
money from congress
is like trying to squeeze
apple juice from an orange.
Okay, it's only 14 horses, but every little
bit counts, but I need documentation.
Progress reports, veterinary
records created on each animal.
- Will do.
- This has got to be done right, okay?
Just in case some nut
comes out of the woodwork
and they're there,
let me tell you.
So does this mean that we
can feed and water the horses?
It means
I'll look the other way,
because I'm pretty
sure that toothpaste
is already out of the tube.
Good luck, miss.
Let's just hope this is
the last time we talk.
Done, now what?
Now we get in touch
with the prison.
Well, how much
are they gonna provide?
Not much, but enough to keep
the lights on and the water on.
If we pull this off,
we might convince the breeders
that we know what we're doing.
Let's just take it
one step at a time.
Okay. Aren't we gonna
just call the prison?
That is a conversation better
I go have myself in person.
Oh. Good.
Yeah, you need two security cameras
over the door, at least six down here.
You gotta cover every
inch of the place.
Twenty-four hour recorded feed.
- Got it.
- Twenty-four hours?
The prison rehabilitation
equine program works
mostly with inmates incarcerated
for non-violent reasons.
Drugs, theft, fraud.
They're more likely
to hack into your computer,
than hack you to pieces.
Still, we gotta cover ourselves for
liability to protect you and us both.
Also, box up any
and all personal items.
If it's not nailed down,
it could walk.
Eliminate the temptation.
How long will
the approval process take?
Four to six weeks.
Well, I don't have six weeks.
Look, animal assisted
programs lower recidivism rates,
they teach the inmates nurturing
and compassion and give them
some valuable work skills.
That's our objective,
miss Davis, not saving your ass.
All right, well,
the good news, miss Davis,
is you've got a prep graduate
right here running the show
and he cared enough to call
in a big favor for ya, so...
You implement all
these security measures
and I will see what
I can do about freeing up
the state funds for you
as fast as I can, okay?
- Good seeing you, Holt.
- You too, buddy.
Thank you.
How am I supposed to pay for
all this stuff and the staff?
No, just wait.
Not this one.
- Hey, there.
- Hey.
Well, after all the cat six
cable and the cameras,
you got about $200 left.
You should buy everybody
a nice dinner.
Yes, ma'am.
Think your friend's
here to help?
Doesn't look like it, does it?
Matter of fact,
the Hutchins had their eyes
on this property
for some time now.
I hear they want
to build condos.
I'm not sure.
But I'll try.
- She's just...
- Weak.
- You don't see that every day.
- No, you sure don't.
Let's go, everybody out!
Miss Davis.
- Bratt.
- Holt.
So, what you got for me?
Well, let me walk
you through these guys.
Jon Kilpatrick,
five years for grand larceny.
Six-time loser at
the end of his sentence.
He does well here,
he'll get a parole hearing,
but, Scottish sob,
real hot head.
He's gonna be the
Alpha here, so...
Keep an eye on him.
Carlos Gonzales, failure to
pay child support, tax evasion,
possession of illegal firearms.
Dave Sullivan, six years for
vehicular homicide. Drunk driving.
You get three words out of him in the
next three months, that'll be an earful.
Matt barker. This kid, online fraud,
banks, computers, cell phones.
Smartest one of the bunch, but he had
to kick a serious meth addiction.
He was killing it in prison it,
but he put in for horse duty.
And Debrickshaw Smithson,
this kid got out of JUVIE
and then two weeks later was busted
for arson on his 18th birthday.
He's had nothing but
bad breaks his whole life.
He just needs something good
to put him on the right track.
If this program was built
for anyone, it's him.
That's your team. They behave,
they do what you want,
they will accelerate
their parole hearings!
They step out of line and there are plenty
of volunteers happy to take their place.
Miss Davis, I need you to
sign here to release your funds.
Bus will be back at 5pm sharp,
take them back
to home sweet home.
Welcome to the prep
program, miss Davis.
Bratt, they're all yours.
- Thanks for doing this, Holt.
- Good luck.
Gentlemen, get ready to be
kicked, bitten and bucked off.
The most important lesson you
can learn here is Patience.
These are wild animals,
they've never interacted
with humans before,
so you're going to have to
earn their trust and respect.
You're gonna be handling
them, training them.
You are not listening
to me, Irish!
It's Irish if I say it's Irish
and if you can't listen to me,
you can't hear what
these horses have to say
and that makes you
no damn good to me.
- Got it?
- Got it.
But first you're gonna do
chores to get them used to you.
Today you will be
shoveling their shit.
All right, gentlemen,
follow me to your pile.
Good, kick it up there.
All right, boys, about 40
more of these and you're done.
One day down, 89 to go.
You really took charge
of those men.
Makes me wonder if you
were a prisoner or a guard.
You'd like to know what I did to
get in there, wouldn't you?
Yeah, sure,
do you want to tell me?
Goodnight, Stella,
see you in the morning.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
Guys, roll camera.
Okay, your sister is
already here. You look great.
tell us why we're here.
The object of our mission
is to save these animals
and our moral and ethical
integrity is on the line here.
- All right.
- We got that.
Hey, honey.
- Thank god you're here.
- What's happening?
Honey, it's as bad
as what daddy did.
They're hurting the animals.
All right, we got 90 days
to get this horse tame enough
that someone will buy it.
Start slow. If you get impatient
or rough with this mustang,
mustang's gonna come out on top.
Just like you and chopper
in the shower, cupcake.
Hey, man, get me out of here.
Why I gotta go first, man?
Take a breath and focus on the horse,
he's more scared then you are.
He's never seen a human before.
Go on over there and try
and touch him gentle
on the muzzle
with the back of your hand.
Just like chopper.
Debrickshaw, focus!
If you can't get your
hands on that horse,
how are you gonna saddle him?
How am I supposed
to get my hand on him,
- if he keeps running around like that?
- Talk to him, calm him.
Talk to him?
Shit, and say what?
Just like chopper.
Not another word
out of you, Irish!
What you want me to say to him?
Think of the first nice
thing someone said to you
when you went to prison.
Say that.
Go on.
Hey, bro, hey...
Just calm down,
everything's gonna be okay.
That's it.
Hey, look, man, I
know you don't wanna be in here.
- Keep talking to him.
- You cool?
It's working, it's working.
All right, that's it.
Back off, slow.
Hey, hey, hey, look
here, man, look here.
You don't wanna be here,
all right,
and you didn't do nothing wrong,
you just got unlucky.
You just help me out here, man,
you get your shit straight,
maybe we can get
your ass out of here.
Maybe we both could.
Yeah, you hear me, don't you?
Mm-hm, you do.
We're gonna get out of
here together, ain't we?
You just be cool and
everything's gonna be all aces.
Just be...
Just be cool, just be cool.
That a boy, we cool.
How does it feel
to touch a wild animal?
Aw, it's so sweet.
All right, that is
enough out of you, Irish!
It's Scottish, you arse.
I don't have time
for your bullshit!
If you're not gonna
be a help, you're gone!
It takes one phone call!
I'm sorry, miss Stella,
I was just joking.
It won't happen again,
I promise.
Nice job in there.
Don't pay attention to what
anybody out here is saying,
you keep it in the ring,
you'll be fine.
If I'm not mistaken,
your horse needs a name.
I'm gonna call you aces.
What's up, buddy.
Fourteen new horses, huh?
Think you got another
monarch in the bunch?
- Oh, no, he's one of a kind.
- Sure is.
Hay is delivered
Tuesday mornings, miss Stella.
Hey, thank you, Walt.
Sounds like you could
use some glucosamine.
Those mustangs can be
predisposed to arthritis
and joint pain and glucosamine
can reverse all that.
Yeah, I have a
sanctuary for them,
kind of the love of my life.
Have we met?
Meredith parish.
I got a ranch down in Texas.
Wow. Stella Davis.
Yeah, I think you
might know my sister.
Hey, Walt, do you
have any glucosamine?
Yep, but supplements
can get pricey.
Yeah, the program
I'm working with
is on a very
restricted budget, so.
Well, that's all right,
I'll get it.
No, no, that's okay, I couldn't
possibly let you do that.
Sure you can.
It's for the horses.
In fact,
here's a few of my babies.
- Oh.
- Pretty proud of them.
Glucosamine is
pretty powerful stuff.
My horses don't look
anything like this.
Nobody takes care
of them like I do.
They don't lie, they don't
betray and when you love them,
they love you right back.
Gotta protect that.
That's what I'm trying to do.
Hey, why don't we grab lunch?
That's my cell phone.
Yeah, sometime
later in the week.
- Markent's, Noonish?
- Sure, yeah.
Thanks, hook her up, Walt.
The wild mustang is an American icon
and should be left wild and untamed.
As the widow of a billionaire,
Meredith parish
is much more used to
traveling in private
jets or limousines,
but she's not afraid
to get her hands dirty.
Aren't they gorgeous?
Meredith owns
a giant ranch across Texas
and new Mexico and has turned
it into a horse sanctuary.
She just bought
500 wild mustangs
that wondered onto a Hopi
reservation in Nevada.
These horses
can run free on my sanctuary,
they will never be
subjected to ranch owners
using them or abusing them.
Now they can live out the
rest of their lives in peace.
It's my goal to keep
these magnificent animals
from ever becoming property.
So, are we doing
the right thing?
Come with me.
Hey, doc, thanks for coming out.
- What you got there, Bratt?
- Glucosamine.
Miss Davis wants to know if she
should give it to the horses.
Tits on a bull.
Not gonna help them,
not gonna hurt them either.
Think if you return it,
you'll get your money back?
Oh, Mrs. Meredith parish
bought these.
Meredith, of course.
Who is she?
What does she want?
She thinks all horses should be
left to run free in the wild
and she'll take on anybody she
thinks is interfering with that.
If she thinks
you're hurting them.
Look here,
that's a pocket of puss.
This fella's got strangles,
a glandular bacterial infection.
It's contagious and rampant.
No, George b...
Imagine, hundreds of horses
drinking out of one
small infected waterhole.
- Is it fatal?
- It can be.
If left untreated it'll
travel the horse's innards.
You're doing the
right thing here.
What's going on out
there is not fancy math.
All online, you look it up,
make up your own mind.
I'm not late, am I?
Have a seat.
I ordered your lunch.
- Beets are in season.
- Looks delicious. Thank you.
Any trouble giving
the horses glucosamine?
Um, I saw a vet and...
And he said they
don't really need it,
so you decided to
give it back to me.
Listen, I don't want to get
in the middle of anything,
I'm just trying
to save my ranch.
Yeah, by exploiting
wild animals.
You should have seen them
when they broke through
the fence to get onto my
property, they were starving.
I guess they were so
lucky that they found you.
So you could brand them
and geld them
and saddle them
and take away their freedom.
Well, it was either that
or turn them over to the OLM.
Those horses are done.
I'm sure, they'll work as
slaves for a couple of years
and you'll Fawn over
them as your pets.
Then they'll get old and then someone
will shoot them in the head.
I've seen what happens when
they're broken by human hands.
Why don't you just
leave them alone?
In a drought where
there's no food or water?
Where they overpopulate
and starve to death?
Exaggerations propagated
by the ranchers.
The New York times, science
news, why would they lie?
Because they sell
ad space to the ranchers
who don't want to share
the grazing land that they have,
because it'll lower
profit margins.
Exploiting defenseless animals
is irrefutably wicked.
I am here to protect
them at any cost.
So, if you don't stop
what you're doing,
I will make an
example out of you.
Don't get timid with
this horse, Irish,
you do, he's gonna
eat your lunch.
If you get bucked off,
and everybody does,
roll with the throw
and you keep on rolling
until you're out of the way.
All right, boss,
let me go to work.
Good luck.
Shh, shh. Shh, shh.
Shh, shh. Shh, shh.
Whoa, whoa!
- Stay on there, Jon!
- Come on!
Easy, easy, easy.
Easy, easy there.
Debrickshaw, take that.
- Jon, Jon?
- How'd I do?
That was awesome.
Come on, let's get you up.
You all right?
I'm good.
Maybe you wanna take a
minute between rounds, huh?
Nah, nah, nah.
All right,
let's get on up out of here.
- I'm gonna call you buster.
- 'Cause he busted your ass?
Buster Douglas was the first
guy to knockout Mike Tyson.
Right, buster?
All right, toughness,
let's see what you got.
Shh. Shh.
Shh, buster.
Good boy.
That's my boy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's a good boy.
Hi, sir. Please help us spread
the word about Stella Davis.
Hello, Lincoln county.
This is Darryl Meads and I'm at
rich east high school's
big event.
I'm standing with
philanthropist Meredith parish.
Tell us, why are
we all here today?
Well, Darryl, we wanted
to get the word out.
One of your neighbors
has been capturing
free wild horses
with the intention
of holding them in
captivity, breaking them,
exploiting them for
her own personal gain.
Now, principal Brooks,
what is your take on all this?
Darryl, I'm an animal lover.
And the thought of
someone in our community
breaking the backs of
majestic American mustangs,
it's too much.
And I'm so grateful to Meredith
for shedding some
light on this here.
People just wanna be of service.
So come on down to rich east,
to our free car wash
which is open 'til 5pm.
And learn something about these
free wild horses held in captivity.
Let's get the word out.
Thank you, Meredith.
Now back to you in the studio.
That was so good!
High school kids.
Aw, so passionate.
So eager to jump in.
Excuse me.
Can we just talk for a second?
They're here! They're here!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery's got to go!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Take it easy!
Come with me.
Step aside!
- Talk to me, ma'am.
- Take your hands off me!
Stella, what the hell
is going on over there?
I'm trying to get breeders
to take a look at monarch
and I see your name in the paper.
The headline reads,
"luxury ranch brings convicts
to Lincoln county."
There's a picture of
monarch with the prisoners.
They're not taking
care of them, are they?
- No.
- Well, it sure looks like it.
Equine slavery's got to go!
I can't believe her.
I'll take care of it.
You better.
Because I'll tell you something,
no breeder's gonna come
within a hundred miles of you
with this kind of press.
Meredith planted
a story in the newspaper.
She's trying to make me look like
I'm some kind of animal abuser.
Well, the way I see it,
you got two choices here:
You can sit there feeling
sorry for yourself
or show some grit
and prove her wrong.
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery's got to go!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery's got to go!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery's got to go!
As you see,
this ain't real easy.
So I want you to
think before you act.
What you think this horse needs?
Some sacking out with rope.
Getting used to
me walking around.
- Good instincts, kid.
- Still works.
Alright, get after it.
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery's got to go!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery's got to go!
That's it, nice and gentle.
In those spooky areas first.
- There, across the flanks.
- Go on, Matty.
In the spooky area, yeah.
Ooh, yup.
- Keep moving, keep moving.
- Ooh! Yeah, you got her now, Matt.
- Keep going, buddy.
- Pay attention to the horse.
That's right,
let her sneak up on ya.
Go! Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Doing good.
Pay attention to the horse.
- That's it.
- Hey, hey!
- Easy, easy.
- Wait! Wait!
- Hey!
- Hey, Debrickshaw, stop!
- Shut up!
- I got him, boss.
We're tryin' to do somethin'
and then y'all getting us hurt!
You try getting your ass
in there with them horses!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Equine slavery...
Okay, okay, okay! Hey! Calm!
Just calm down, kid, okay?
Just ignore these...
The hell do they know
about what we doing in there?
- That ain't right!
- I know. Trust me, I know.
- Let it go.
- Sir, they ain't got the right.
All good, boss. All good.
That's it!
We're all good here.
Why don't you go clean out a
Go on, let's go.
That was good of you to do, Jon.
- What happened to Irish?
- Thought you were Scottish.
- You alright, kid?
- I'm good.
We're about done here.
I think you guys
should head out back.
We've had enough
fireworks for the day.
Hell of a day.
How many more days
of this do we have?
For you, 21.
For me, 20 years times 360.
20 years? You're gonna be
working 'til you're 70?
I look 50 to you?
Fire! There's a fire!
Hey, boss!
Do you smell smoke?
Oh, my god!
Go get the horses,
monarch first!
Turn this bus around, boss!
We can't change
the plans unless we're told.
Boss, there's a fire!
- Gotta turn this bus around!
- Sit down!
You gotta do the
right thing here.
Let us out so we can help!
Stop the bus.
Quick, get him outside!
Roll it, roll on that.
Roll! Go!
If I gotta go back there...
You guys ain't never coming
back to this program!
Mrs. Stella!
Mrs. Stella!
Octavia, here.
Put these together,
please, hurry.
Mrs. Stella!
You're gonna let them burn.
You're just gonna sit
there and let them burn.
Let's call it in.
HQ, this is bus 1260,
we got a big...
Okay! Octavia, water!
Aren't you in here for arson?
Shouldn't we help?
We are helping them.
- You set it on fire?
- Screw you, old man.
I asked you a question.
I just told you,
I didn't set that fire.
Hey, get off of him!
Get off! Get off!
Matt, back down!
- Right now!
- Okay!
- Buster!
- - Sit down!
Sit down right now!
Listen to me!
Listen to me! Sit down!
I'd never do that, man!
Okay, man, sorry.
Get the hose.
I told you, I'd never hurt aces!
So are we going?
So are we going?
- The horses!
- They're fine. They're fine.
Mrs. Stella, are you okay?
I'm fine.
Showed some real
grit in there, Stella.
We need to call Colton
right away, this isn't over yet.
Why do we need Colton?
You guys got the fire.
Debrickshaw was the
last person in there.
Oh, shit.
Thank you.
Nice, Sullivan.
Look alive, look alive.
Here it is, here it is,
it's coming, oh god!
Get back so they can get in.
Yeah! There they are!
Get up on the fence,
get back so they can get in.
That's what we're here for,
That's what we're here...
Bussey's here!
Give me a moment!
I've got some ideas!
Well, ideas aren't gonna cut it.
If I don't have proof this
wasn't arson, we're done.
Hello, Mr. Bussey.
You don't seem
surprised to see me.
Darling, you have
someone very powerful
working against you.
I am so underfunded
and understaffed.
- And yet here you are.
- Yeah.
I was told that some of the
horses were burned alive,
and one of the inmates
is a convicted arsonist.
The horses are fine.
They're right over
there in that corral.
I believe you, Ms. Davis,
but unfortunately some
folks above my pay grade
feel that these
horses are unsafe.
You can tell them they're wrong.
You know that government
doesn't work that way, right?
I've got orders to take them
to the closest holding facility.
So you're gonna
take these horses away
so they can spend the
rest of their lives
stacked on top of each other?
Because of bullshit allegations
whispered into a politician's ear.
I have orders.
These men may spend
the night in jail.
There may be guards
all over the place.
But when they're with these
horses, they are free.
And you're gonna take
that away from them.
I promise you, I promise you,
these men would never
hurt the horses.
I need more than your word.
Good enough for me.
But if you're still
wafflin', buddy,
take a look at this.
Looks like your
new security system
overloaded the junction
boxes, Ms. Stella.
Thank you, Colton,
I'll fix those immediately.
Don't you people have jobs?
- There's no horses!
- Where are the horses?
What, you were supposed to
save the horses.
You are in over your head.
I suggest that you find
a less expensive hobby
and stop wasting my damn time!
You have not failed.
It's just time to recommit!
Pull up your socks!
Go! Alrighty.
Save those horses!
Come on, George b.
That's it.
Oh, you.
I want so much
for you to feel better.
Hey, Ms. Stella.
Could I talk to
you for a minute?
Yeah, yeah, George B's in here.
We just have to
keep him quarantined.
- I'll come to you.
- Okay.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Who do you have there?
Ah, he's pinto.
He is a little
salty today, aren't ya?
Like the bean?
No, pinto actually was the
first horse to cross America.
Every state from
capital to capital.
- Over 20,000 miles.
- You don't say.
True fact, ma'am.
I looked him up online,
back at the prison.
This bit's too tight, though.
See, it's irritating him.
- Got ya.
- Always have to mind their comfort.
Sometimes it's the little
things that matter the most.
Well, then, lesson learned.
Me and the boys have...
No, we really appreciate it.
The way you stood up
for us the other day there.
And since this is
coming to an end,
we wanted to give you something
just to say thank you.
Thank you.
It was actually
Debrickshaw's idea.
But the guards let us
into the workshop last night,
and, well, we came up
with the lettering.
Thank you.
It's the best present
anyone's ever gotten me.
- What are you doing here?
- To see Stella.
I don't think she's
gonna want to talk to you.
Hey! Get off my ranch!
I come in peace.
No cameras, no press,
it's just me.
I have nothing to say to you.
Well, you only
have to say one word.
Yes or no.
Just hear me out, okay?
I would like to adopt
your horses, all of them,
and set them free
on my property.
It would complete
your prison program.
I can re-frame all of this.
"Stella the grieving widow
sets her horses free."
Cameras flash, I forgive you,
everybody loves you,
they already love me.
- We both win.
- No.
You win, I lose my ranch.
I have 30 mares.
We breed them with that magnificent
bucking stallion you've got in there.
Full market value, then we set
the colts free on my property.
You win.
What's your price?
You say this prep
program was a mistake,
that it's hideous and wrong and
that all horses should be free.
All horses deserve a second
chance just like those men,
- they deserve...
- Those men are criminals,
who are in jail because
they hurt people
and you brought them out here and
they could hurt those horses.
It's not what I've seen here.
Stella, these guys
are in and out of jail
all their lives
and they probably will be.
And I'm sorry,
but that's the truth.
You want your old life back?
It's one little word.
Say yes.
Hey, congratulations
are in order.
- Word travels fast.
- Mm-hm, it's a good offer.
You're a real hero.
Is there a burr
in your saddle, cowboy?
Oh, no, ma'am.
You get to keep the ranch and
save your ass, I'm happy for you.
- I haven't said yes yet.
- Why the hell not?
I told you I needed 24 hours,
I wanted to talk to you first.
- What for?
- Because we're a team.
Listen, her offer's only good if I
discredit the program, the guys and you.
She wants to kill prep.
But it doesn't just
save the ranch,
it saves everyone their jobs.
My ex-wife hooked up with a
real son of a bitch after me.
He'd knock her around,
I'd hear things,
but she told me stay out of it.
Then he hit my kid.
I went to confront him,
things went sideways,
and I beat the hell out of him,
put him in the hospital.
My ex pressed charges,
and I went away.
So there it is.
You have a son.
Yeah. He'll be 14 now.
I haven't seen him
since he was five.
When I went away,
I thought everything that
mattered in my life left me.
But about halfway
through my sentence
I got into the prep program.
Best thing that
ever happened to me.
It made me see that beating
I put on that asshole
been living with me my whole
long before he got there.
And now it's gone. Turns out
I'm pretty good with orders.
Pretty good.
I know everyone thinks these
guys are circling the drain,
but they are worth fighting for.
I know.
It's your decision,
and I won't stand in your way.
- I know what you're doing.
- You do?
Oh yeah, yeah.
Pressure, pressure and release.
You think
I'm trying to break you?
Or rehabilitate me.
I gotta go turn the horses out.
Good night, Stella.
The giving gal award
goes to a woman who
last year, generously
donated over $1 million
to the president
lieutenant's project.
Mrs. Meredith parish.
Thank you.
Thank you, Charlotte.
And it is my pleasure to serve.
I just hope that
I can inspire you all
to give of yourselves.
This is our biggest
fundraiser of the year.
You know what that means.
The biggest donor
gets this gift.
Yeah, that's right, girls.
So let's hear it,
let's see it happening!
Every dollar will help to go
to promoting historic
And patriotism.
Now, I sense some
nervousness in this room.
'Cause we've had a little
bit of a public dispute,
but, Stella, come on up here.
We have managed to find
some common ground.
Thank you, Meredith.
But I'm not taking your offer.
'Cause I know that the work
we've done on my ranch is good.
And the prep program, it's a
link between man and animal.
It rehabilitates the convicts
and gets the horses healthy
and ready for adoption.
So they all get a second chance.
What I have seen in the last 90
days on my ranch has been magical,
and I'm more proud of that than anything
I have ever done in my entire life.
So our horses will be auctioned off
this weekend at the Usa QHA regionals.
If any of you are
interested in adopting,
but let me warn you,
they are gorgeous.
Well, that's just about
enough of that, isn't it?
So let's get back to it,
shall we?
And, ladies, let's bring
on the food and the booze!
And let let's kick up the band,
'cause we all know why we're
here, it's giving season!
- Whoo!
You sure about this?
Meredith says
we need to recommit.
Are you gonna chicken out?
Stella, we've got
a major problem.
That crazy bitch.
Well, we better get a move on it
if we're gonna get
these horses rounded up
before auction tomorrow.
Listen, I know that they're not
allowed to leave the property,
but I need their help
in bringing back these horses.
Sorry, ma'am, we can't.
We have to follow protocol.
You have other people here.
Why don't you get them to do it?
We don't have enough folks
to round up all these horses.
Plus, they're the trainers, these
horses will only come to them.
Hey, folks!
Welcome to Usa QHA regionals.
If you're participating
in tomorrow's auction,
please register over
at tent number four.
Looking forward
to seeing you there.
Hey! I got something!
Hey, you all! Hey,
Matt got something, come on!
Hey! There they are!
Go for Bratt.
Yeah, boss.
Yeah, we've got eight so far.
Almost got pinto.
he's out looking for aces.
Good work, keep it up.
Come over here!
This way, come here!
You done now,
you little shitter?
Come on. Come on.
Settle here.
Only three left,
including buster.
I ain't worried.
He'll stick close to home.
What are you doing here?
They're tracks,
they definitely came this way.
- Yeah.
- Mrs. Stella, that woman was here.
She wanted to talk to you.
So I feel like
she didn't know anything.
Oh, I gave her a piece of mind.
Okay, thank you.
- What was that about?
- Meredith stopped by.
I mean, what could she
possibly be up to now?
Hey, there.
You must be one of those
guys they're looking for.
What are you doing?
What are you doing out here?
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Yeah, somebody trained
you really well.
Now, don't you move or
I'll be ass over teakettle,
and we don't want that, do we?
Come on now, aces.
Look, I know
you're scared, buddy.
I promise,
I ain't gonna hurt you.
No, that's the last
thing I wanna do, bro.
Whoa! Whoa!
Where are you going?
I got this, boss.
I was just taking him home.
Yeah, to put
firecrackers up his ass?
- I wouldn't do that.
- Yeah?
You're something else.
Sitting there acting like you don't
know what I'm talking about.
Come on!
I don't know what you're
talking about.
- Get off!
- Oh!
Hey, don't be afraid.
I would never hurt you
more than it hurt him.
I got you.
I got you.
The drought's killed
a lot of critters out here.
It's getting too dark
to follow the trail.
- I'm not quitting.
- No one's quitting.
The auction's not
'til 2pm tomorrow.
We'll get up at crack
of dawn and start again.
You're not gonna sleep?
Oh, no, I'm okay.
I just wanna thank you
for everything, Bratt.
Breaks my heart to think
about how far we've come
just to see it all fall apart.
We're gonna find those horses
and get back in time.
I hope so.
I was actually starting to
believe I could save the ranch.
Mr. JT told me a story once.
About how your great-grandmother
named the double diamond,
not 'cause diamonds are pretty
but 'cause they're unbreakable.
I was the one who
told him that story.
And I get it, toughen up, but I'm not
in the mood for a lesson right now.
I wasn't trying to
give you a lesson,
just tell you that
whatever happens tomorrow,
great-grandmother would be
proud to call you her blood.
You're a hell
of a woman, Stella.
There they are!
Damn it. You get this one,
I'll go after the other.
Don't come up here, Stella.
You don't want to see this.
Howdy, folks! All of you here for
the horse auction, come on in.
Sale's about to begin.
All in? All done?
Sold the horse 45,000 by 193.
Just sold for 45,000.
Let's give him a hand.
Up next we have a herd of
13 horses from historical
double diamond horse ranch.
Ninety days ago these
horses were wild mustangs.
But since they have been trained
under the care
of Ms. Davis from the prep
program to be well broke horses.
This is a perfect fit for any
and all of your equine needs.
Alright, we got a nice
fine gelding right here.
Can anybody use this
horse right here for $500?
And 500.
Get 'em right here for 500.
400 then.
May I?
Thank you.
Hello, I'm Stella Davis,
I'm the owner of the
double diamond ranch.
I just felt I needed
to come up here
and remind you that
these noble creatures
helped build our country.
They carried cowboys
up the Chisholm trail,
mounted men through the Tetons
and settlers from the
east coast to the west.
And today, these mustangs
are helping troubled men
make a new beginning
with an old craft.
Horse training.
And in turn, these men
are giving these horses
a beautiful new start.
This is what our horses
looked like 90 days ago.
This is what they look like now.
The truth is, this majestic
animal needs our help.
drought and other factors
are leaving thousands of them
left to die out in the plains.
Some of you may have heard that
headline on a blog or something.
But I've seen the real thing.
And that....
That's as close as
25 miles from right here.
Don't come up here, Stella.
You don't want to see this.
Are they all gonna
end up like this?
Yep, most likely.
I'm gonna go take some shots,
this is what people
really need to see.
Nothing we can do here.
We need to get back.
I'll, uh, talk to Bussey.
Let him know they're out here.
Hopefully he can do something.
Come on.
In this room, I see a
lot of different people
from very different backgrounds.
But we're all here today because
we agree on one simple thing.
We love horses.
Help us help these horses.
Thank you.
I got 400! Four, 500!
Anyone got 500?
And 500.
600, I have.
700. 700?
How about an 800?
- What are you doing?
- Buying a horse.
1,110? 1,100.
All in? All done?
Sold the horse $1,400 by 178!
Good luck
with your continued work.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
You've got a great horse
here in old buster.
He'll do it for you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
that was the last
of the double diamond horses!
They love us!
No, man, they love our horses.
Uh, yeah, right.
Us and our horses.
I think we're off to a start.
Turns out I'm pretty good
with horses.
Yeah, pretty good.
Really good.
Really good, uh-huh.
Pretty good.
You deserved better, George b.
- Hey, Stella.
- Hey.
Thought I could check to see if you
need anything before I get on the road.
Oh, I'll be okay until Monday.
You know, maybe I'll just
check and see if the hens...
Oh, everything's fine, no,
go see your son.
You're a good man, Bratt.
Your son's gonna love you.
Trust me.
I hope so.
- See you Monday.
- Okay.
Hey, boss.
I told you to call me Bratt.
Good luck with your boy.
- Thank you, Scottish.
- It was Irish.
Thank you.
Don't let this place
burn down without me.
No chance, brother.
Hey, Jon.
They're ready for
you now, Ms. Stella.
Thank you.
He's been DNA'd,
lineage confirmed,
also high motility,
it's a worthy investment.
And he is beautiful.
Ma'am, I would like to
stand your horse at stud.
That's terrific.
But I would like to
personally choose its mares.
Of course.
- Thanks for everything.
- You're welcome.
Now, let's get the measurements
of the horse.
Excuse me, folks,
I forgot something.
Go. Go see your boy.
I'll be here when you get back.
Yes, ma'am.