Salt (2010)

Please, let me go home. Please,
I'm not who you think I am.
I am really not who you think I am.
- Please, please, I'm not a spy.
- You are a spy.
Please let me go home.
Try again.
I am not a spy, I am a businesswoman.
I work in the sale
of petroleum and gas.
You are here to sabotage
our nuclear ambition.
I'm not a spy. I'm not a spy.
I'm not a spy.
I am not a spy. I am not a spy.
Keep your head down and don't
say anything until we make the the swap.
In case Kim Jong here changes his mind.
I don't understand.
You don't understand what?
All the rules say to leave me, that one
life is not worth blowing operational cover.
You got that right.
If we have to lose someone
for the greater good.
We will.
So why did you do it?
I didn't do it.
He did.
Once he found out where you were,
there was no stopping him.
He petitioned the Senate...
State department...
We didn't need the publicity, so I
figured we better do something or
he's gonna invade this
God damn Republic himself.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- Good Morning.
- Happy Anniversary.
You want me to make you breakfast?
How about pancakes?
You're cooking?
You're joking, you like my cooking.
Germans don't joke.
Bert likes my cooking.
Get your bugs off the table.
- They're spiders.
- They're bugs.
- Spiders.
- They're bugs.
Are you doing this on company time?
It's my anniversary and
I want it to be perfect.
that is not sexy.
No, but it is utilitarian and
utilitarian is the new sexy.
Ran the trace, first name
Usem, last name Utsa.
- Any verifiable hits?
- Only one.
Francis, do me a favor...
stick it in the safe till tomorrow.
- Matahari here's got a big night tonight.
- Yes sir, Right away Sir.
Do I look like a, "Sir" to you?
From head to toe.
I'm surprised he didn't
call you "Your Majesty".
I like the ring of that.
I think I prefer "Your Majesty".
Was I ever that young?
Walk me out.
How did the Oval Office briefing go?
You know, the usual.
The President wants to know what's
happening in Russia the day before it happens.
What about you?
I heard that interview went well.
Hm... Fingers crossed
Are you sure about this?
Once you start pushing papers,
there's no turning back.
I had the strangest feeling
when I was out last time.
I was homesick.
Sir... Sir...
We got a walk-in...
A defector, 10 minutes ago.
- Here?
- Guess he's not buying our cover.
- You get his bona-fides?
- He's Russian.
He says he's FSB, but
won't give us any more.
- He's a strange guy.
- How's his English?
Passable, not great.
- But if we got down to the subtleties of English...
- Ted, Mike's gonna be waiting for me at home.
Yeah, and I got a plane to catch.
Come on Salt, no one can sort
out a nut job from the real thing faster than you.
- I got 25 minutes.
- I got 26. Let's go.
Yeah, okay. We'll
decide when we know more.
- Who called Counter-Intelligence?
- Not me.
Hey, Ted. We're crashing the party.
- Peabody.
- Salt.
Please remove the hood.
Microphones are on.
Checking levels.
Baseline recording.
Neuro-scan is up. Ready to go.
Commencing audio and visual recording.
Testing ear piece.
Interview has commenced at 14:42.
You're married.
A husband must be a distraction
for a female intelligence officer.
Well, we're here to talk about you.
So what is your name?
My name is Alec Vassilly Orlov.
I have cancer.
I'm moved.
A defector with cancer. Are you selling secrets for
chemo or are you afraid of dying?
If I have gained anything by damming myself,
it is that I no longer have anything to fear.
- Russia is also dying.
- Alec Vassilly Orlov.
Shows up in 1993 in
Novosibirsk blast, Siberia.
He's on Victor Rasovsky's staff there.
He checks out as FSB.
The scan says he's
truthful on the cancer.
Prior to '93...
He doesn't exist.
I have somewhere I
need to be, Mr. Orlov
So if you wouldn't
mind getting to the point.
In English please.
Others are listening.
In a gymnasium, a Soviet Olympic
wrestler named Sacha Jordorovich,
meets for the first time,
the only female
Chess Grandmaster of her era.
Within a month they were married.
And within a year, a child.
One month more,
the child was back
in the same hospital,
sick with fever.
And within days after that,
the child, suddenly was dead.
a child was dead...
and yes,
a child was buried.
But the Chenkov baby was still alive.
And became the property of another man.
A master spy who had devised the greatest
plan a Russian patriot could ever invent...
A plan to destroy America.
It had all started with an
American named Lee Harvey Oswald.
In 1959,
he emigrated to Russia.
Three years later,
he returned home. But, the man who
came back to America, was in fact a Russian spy...
named Alec.
On November 22, 1963,
Alec became the first
success of the new program
and a hero of the Soviet Union.
The spy master was now given
the go ahead, to create many more like Alec.
Scores of agents.
Males and females
to be substituted for Americans.
At an abandoned monastery,
Chenkov and other boys
and girls learned English long
before they learned Russian.
Drilled in idiom, idiosyncrasy.
And ideology.
And by methods of rigorous
physical and psychological programming.
The spy master made warriors of iron.
Unquestioned and unbreakable.
You're killing me, man.
When does the good fairy come in?
It's a story without hope.
Chenkov was matched with a child
of a visiting American family.
There was an accident, the family died.
Chenkov was sent to America,
to live a complete lie...
and to patiently await the
day to attack from within, day X.
The long awaited mission is here.
Chenkov will travel to your
city to kill the President of Russia,
at the funeral of the
American Vice President. Chenkov is KA12.
It's an urban legend.
Highly trained Russian sleeper agents,
inserted into American society to sabotage and assassinate.
supposedly, theyd wait years to strike.
Decades even.
Hmm... Supposedly.
What's the matter, Ted?
You don't believe in moles?
I believe in moles, alright.
Just not the boogey man.
Specially if the plan is to
kill their own president.
This guy's selling smoke.
Wrap it up, Eve.
So a Russian agent is gonna kill
the Russian president. Is that it?
- Hmm...
- Okay.
Thank you very much
and what would you like in
return for that information?
I simply wish to help you
do what you need to do.
You're good.
KA-program is brilliant bull-shit,
but I'm officially off-duty,
so you can tell the rest of your
little story to one of my colleagues.
- Salt.
- Yes.
The name of the
Russian agent is, Salt. Evelyn Salt.
My name is Evelyn Salt.
Then you are a Russian spy.
So far, the FMRI has registered
truthful on everything he said.
Call Protective Services and
make sure they find my husband.
- Where are you going?
- I need to get to the phone.
No, no. Not after the neuro-scan.
'Cause he didn't flutter?
I can beat that thing five
times out of six. I am
trained to and so is he.
I need my phone, I need to call my husband.
- Let me call my husband.
- Let me see it.
There is a reason he
mentioned my wedding ring Ted.
When they blow up a spy,
they don't just blow
up their cover, they blow up their
whole covered life, you know that.
- Yeah.
- Do you remember what happened to Henry's wife?
- Yes, I do.
- Speak.
"Please leave a message
after the tone. Thanks, Bye".
Honey, it's me.
Please call me as soon as you get this.
Okay sweetheart? As soon as you get this.
Godspeed, comrade Chenkov.
Someone interrogate
that piece of shit.
Someone who enjoys getting answers.
Look Eve, try to stay calm...
I'm not a goddamn Russia spy.
I didn't say you were.
Let's go up to my office
so we can sort this out.
No, no. We gotta go to a secure location.
- Now.
- Alright.
Doesn't get anymore secure than this.
Five minutes.
Call Protective Services and
tell them to find Mike.
This is bullshit.
Give us a sec.
I know that we're heading into your jurisdiction here,
but I'm asking you for just 5 minutes.
If I have to yes, you can't have
five minutes alone with her. I have to talk with her
- She's scared?
- I don't care.
There's a mole in
Russia house Ted.
There's a mole in
Russia house and I am sure...
Please step in the elevator.
What the hell is that?
Jesus Chirst.
- There he is again.
- No sign of him so far on the street.
Two minutes to go before we lock down.
We just got a match, Sir.
- In 1981, there's Bresnov and there...
- Orlov.
- That's him.
- Used to be a heavyweight once upon a time.
Get that photo out now. Every ticket counter
airport, train station and taxi
station, the whole nine yards.
- Get me director Medford on a secure line, now.
- Yes, Sir.
- Top-right screen, is that live?
- Yes sir.
- Where is she going?
- Track her.
Rink Petroleum Security.
You have a woman to your left behind you.
Evelyn Salt.
- We lost visual of her.
- Damn.
Where'd she go?
Hey, Edward. Is Mike there?
No, I'm sorry. He left after lunch.
Stairwell, second floor.
What's on that floor?
It's empty. Security buffer.
Isolate and seal it.
Get her records to my hand-held.
Kill the power to the elevator doors.
We got her.
Get a tactical team to meet
me on the south stairwell.
Yes, Sir.
- Director Medford, Sir.
- Get me a side-arm.
I'll call her back.
- Shit.
- I lost visual.
Where is she Albert. Talk to me.
Come on.
North hallway.
There, interrogation room. Bring it up.
- Have you found him?
- What the hell are you doing Eve?
This don't look good.
There's a tac team coming
at you in 30 seconds. Get your goddamn
panties off the camera. Get where we
can see you. So you don't get hurt.
Have you found my husband?
These boys don't fool around, Eve.
- Please, I can't help you unless you talk to me.
- Call me when you find Mike.
Okay, open the doors, about two feet.
We're gonna gas her.
Is that absolutely necessary?
Want, do you want me to shoot her?
Get a medical team in place now.
Okay, on my count.
Jesus Christ.
Where is she?
Come on, guys. Find her, now.
There. Bring that up.
Stay with her. She's crossing the street.
Pan the god-damned camera.
Back that up and zoom in.
What the hell are you doing, Eve?
Michael Krauss left his office an hour ago.
Salt's apartment is 20 minutes from here.
We can cover it, but she won't go there.
She will if she's serious about Mike.
This stays in the house, okay?
Hugh's street. I'll tell you where to stop.
"Hi, this is Mike. Please
leave a message after the tone".
He's one of the world's
top arachnologists, Eve.
And as such, enjoys pretty much unrestricted
access to the borders of North Korea.
brush up on your
bugs and get to know him.
He's the perfect cover to get us inside.
Hey baby. Come here.
It's alright.
It's okay. Where's daddy?
Where's daddy?
Go! Go!
Bathroom, clear.
Kitchen, clear.
Office, clear.
Living room, clear.
Everybody out in 60 seconds.
What are you doing?
She's not here and no sign
of the husband either.
Did it ever occur to you that
maybe that Russian was lying?
I don't know, cause you
were gonna lock her up.
Why'd she run?
See it from her perspective.
Maybe her husband is in some real danger.
Maybe, God forbid,
Salt is who she says she is.
"Maybe", is your department.
Mine is catching her, so we can find out.
We bring her in, or we bring her down.
Do you have any idea who this woman is?
What she's done for this country.
Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Should it?
- Is your mom home?
- No.
- Can you do me a favor?
- Yeah.
- Can you baby-sit Bert for me?
- Yeah.
Here's some money for the food.
Did you do your homework?
Yeah, Math.
I hate math.
It's nice to see you again.
- Are you talking to me?
- Yeah, I've seen you here before.
Yeah, I do. I come here a lot.
And you?
No, I'm working here at the museum.
I'm an arachnologist.
A what?
I hunt spiders.
I got her.
She's heading north
toward the metro-station.
She's east-bound in the mall.
There she is.
All teams south-bound toward the bridge.
Box her in.
Take it back. Hold your fire.
Don't shoot. Don't shoot, I'm innocent.
On the ground, now.
Just don't shoot.
Salt, on the ground.
- I have to find my husband
- why'd you run?
- To find my husband
- For what reason?
Don't shoot.
- Stay back.
- Last chance.
I'm innocent,
somebody is setting me up.
- Don't make me put you down, Salt.
- Put the god-damn gun down.
- Give yourself up, now!
- No.
On the ground.
We'll sort this out, I promise.
We gotta bring you in Salt.
Someone is gonna try to kill
the Russian president, you know that.
Do something about that.
- Give yourself up.
- That's what you should be worried about.
There's nowhere to run.
I didn't do anything.
She's on a blue semi,
route one, heading north.
Get a roadblock in place now.
There she is. On the tanker.
Stop! Stop!
- You, my friend, have got a mole in your group.
- We don't know that yet.
Actually, she's a
trained god damned liar.
Everything she's done up
until now, is to protect her cover.
Why don't you tell me
how you really feel about it.
Get off on the shoulder!
Get off on the shoulder!
Okay, take it down.
Ted, I know you're her friend,
but we gotta drop a net on New York.
We gotta do it now.
I'll notify the
Secret Service on the details.
Tell 'em Salt might be coming their way.
Here she is.
Orlov may not be far behind either.
You see this?
Salt spent time in Russia
when she was a kid.
She was in the car accident with
her parents in '88, they both died.
They were teachers at the U.S Embassy
for the American children of the staff there.
That's why we put her on
Russia in the first place.
We need to get on a plan
to New York. Tonight.
Look at me.
If there was a way, I would kill them.
- You shouldn't have come here
- What do you mean? I don't understand.
Now they know who you are.
I would accept anything about you,
but I need to know.
Look at me. Look at me.
Just tell me, okay?
Just tell me.
I work...
I work for the CIA.
You see, this...?
There is no future for us.
You're not safe with me.
I don't want to be safe.
I know you...
and I want to be with you.
I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.
Welcome to New York
Ms. Hernandez. One night?
- A deluxe room.
- Yeah.
- Ms. Hernandez, do you need any help with your luggage?
- No, I got it. Thanks.
A full day here in New York City.
The funeral of Vice-President Maxwell Oates.
A former five term
U.S Senator and Cold War warrior.
He's based legacy may be as architect of
the new era of Russian, American relations.
Russian President Boris Matveyev has
joined from Moscow to be an
honorary forbearer of the man who's
called, "his greatest friend in the West".
What's the security perimeter?
We're too deep inside and we
own this entire block.
And those are secret service agents.
Not CIA. So, relax.
That's real funny.
Didn't know you guys told jokes.
Step back! Step back!
Everybody, move away.
Mr. President.
Please be seated.
After the President finishes
the chorus and the eulogy...
If she's gonna try anything here,
it'll have to be pretty amazing.
I knew he would bring more to
the job than just his years of experience.
As Vice-President...
he showed the world best, of what
it is to be an American.
And today, the world says,
"Goodbye" to a great man
- I'll take the back.
- Lower floor, clear.
We got two, M.I.A's.
I'm heading down to the crypt, some
kind of trouble down there.
What's going on, guys?
Talk to me.
All teams converge in the crypt.
I repeat, converge in the crypt.
He made all the difference and for that,
he will always have my respect and admiration.
Get god-damn Matveyev!
Drop it.
Drop it.
Shooters at twelve o'clock.
Don't move.
Take her down! Take her down!
Check for other weapons
We need a medical crew
in the crypt immediately.
I can't feel a pulse.
Do you have any idea how
much blood is on your hands?
You're gonna rot in a hole, Salt.
I'm gonna see to it personally. A god-damn hole.
Back off! Back off!
Let's go!
Matveyev was declared
dead en route to the hospital.
Jesus Christ.
You were right about her.
She had the drop on me, Ted.
Why didn't she shoot?
Cops down, cops down.
Get out of the car with
your hands on your head.
Hands in the air.
- What is your name?
- My name is Evelyn Salt.
- What college will you attend?
- Princeton University.
- Where will you work?
- The Central Intelligence Agency.
Who will you trust?
No one.
Be very patient.
Remember your training.
Remember, you're not the only one.
There are many others...
- all of you waiting to strike.
- Yes.
- And we will strike... together.
- Yes.
One day I will come for all of you.
Hello Evelyn...
I'm Martin Crenshaw, from the U.S. Embassy.
We're very sorry about
your family's accident.
Rioters outside the U.S embassy,
sheared their new leaders word in taking...
strong action against what they are calling,
"A state sponsored act of terrorism."
on this part of the U.S.
These rioters are starting similar outbreaks of
anti-American protests across Russia.
"We will strike back", say's
the new Russian president.
Angrily condemning todays assassination,
by American intelligence officer Evelyn Salt.
Even as the body of slain
President Matveyev is on it's way back to Moscow,
anti-American riots have
erupted across Russia.
With bombings of U.S diplomats in Moscow.
The Russian armed forces
have been put on high alert.
Responding to a rapid escalating crisis.
President Lewis has called for
an emergency White House meeting.
Greetings, comrade Orlov.
When I saw you in Washington
I almost was in tears.
You were not supposed to get married.
Not unless it cut a
great tactical advantage.
I did it to seem normal.
When you escaped today, I felt
not even I could have hoped for so much.
You are my greatest creation.
You trained me well.
My husband? You have him?
I had to be certain.
But now you trust me.
So, tell me what's next.
Next, part 2.
We seize control of this
country's atomic weapons.
You won't hear from me again.
My daughter.
You remember me?
Did you miss me?
How long have you been here?
I left Russia one year
after you, to Prague.
I have been a NATO-liaison to the
White House for three years. Colonel Edward Tomasz.
And you...
are my attache. Your ID.
Don't worry, we have plenty of time.
More importantly, our mission.
The bunker, eight stories
below the White House
That's where the President needs to be.
How do we do it?
Don't worry, he will be there.
That's my job,
to make sure he's there.
And what's my job?
Do you remember Chenkov, when we were young?
and you had to finish first in everything.
You had to be the best at everything.
Even though you knew you would be beaten
with a cane you had to finish first.
I remember...
Tonight you will finish ahead of me again.
Tonight you will kill America's President.
ID's please.
Pop the hood and open the trunk.
Confirm this, A
Colonel Tomasz and a Major Egypt.
Colonel, Major... All clear.
You know the drill Colonel.
A shrapnel. A Serbian land-mine. They spend
more time looking at it than the doctor did.
Step though please, Sir.
Turn around.
Thank you.
Patience is key, I've been coming here
for two years. Others have been here longer.
- What others?
- I don't know.
But you were the best of us.
And I was the least.
There must be others here
to finish what we begin.
Tomasz, nice to see you again. Pleasure.
You have exactly two minutes before the main meal.
Ted, your Russian CIA agent, Salt...
what can you tell us about her?
We think she may be a Soviet plant.
Inserted years ago in preparation
for something the KGB
called "Day X".
A day that would mark the start of a
large-scale strike against the U.S and her allies.
That should be the President now.
You have a big job Chenkov, but you can do it.
- You still haven't told me what your job is.
- Home.
I'm going home.
- Are you okay, sir?
- Yes.
- It's a god-damn attack.
- Geronimo, it's SOP. Downward mobile.
I think I saw her.
Saw who?
I think I saw her in the corridor.
The other new officer.
She's here.
- Check.
- Clear. Move.
We may have a visual on the
second assailant. Evelyn Salt.
Evelyn Salt on the premises.
Maybe dressed as a NATO officer.
This is not a drill.
We are under attack.
This is not a drill.
I need this hallway
cleared to the left, now!
This is Jenkins. I need the
P.R bunker up and running.
If this was authorized by the
Russian Government, it is an act of war
and we will respond.
Let's go, Sir.
Move, move.
Close it!
Close it!
Geronimo approaching. Close
the door in five seconds.
- Any chance she could follow?
- My own men couldn't get through that door once it's closed.
Yeah, well.
Unfortunately, she isn't one of your's.
Okay, go.
Stay close. Shut the seal.
Geronimo is secured.
- Get me Director Medford.
- Yes, Sir.
Sir, I think we need to
seriously consider the possibility,
that today, right now, could
be the start of "Day X".
Mr. President, director Medford is up.
Mary-Anne, what is the situation?
It should be coming up
on one of your screens.
What you see there, represents temperature
drops in mobile missile units in Siberia.
It means that the Russians are deploying
their missiles to the field.
And that's been confirmed
on the ground, Mr President.
Mr President, I strongly recommend
we go from DEFCON 4 to DEFCON 2.
At least on a forward basis.
Do it.
And since the Russians are deploying,
we need to look at our own nuclear attack options.
It's not on a table,
it's not a deterrent.
The outer door is jammed
and non-responsive.
We just lost the feed from
most of our security camera's.
We are blind down here and
no one can enter this facility.
Command, our eyes are down both ways and
we have a POC security door malfunction.
Get out there, now.
Seal this room.
Down that corridor, secure it.
This is President Howard Lewis,
proceed with authentication.
Yes, Mr President.
Ready to commence authentication, sir.
Zulu, Tango, Echo.
Seven, nine, Juliet.
X-ray, Sierra, seven,
Alpha, Mike, Charlie.
Whiskey, Five, Six, Tango.
Authentication is confirmed.
It's all yours now, Mr President.
God be with you.
Attack options and targeting are
under your control, Mr President.
- Is the camera outside this door working?
- Yes.
Put it up.
Officer, what is your status?
Officer, come in.
Who the hell is that?
That's her.
That's Evelyn Salt.
Give me your side-arm,
I'm qualified on it.
No, sir. Only Secret Service possess
fire-arms in the Presidents facility.
Screw Protocol James.
we got an enemy agent out there.
Protocol is protocol, Sir.
And dead, is dead.
I'm the National Security Advisor.
Not anymore.
Sit down.
Who are you?
My name, Mr President,
is Nicolai Tchaikovsky.
Unless you do exactly as I say,
I will be the last person you will ever see.
Let's have a look
at some attack options.
Go to hell.
Why didn't you tell me?
But you weren't with us in Russia,
I would've remembered.
Selected attack targets acquired.
Tehran. Mecca.
Mecca... Tehran...
Missiles arming.
Nuclear command.
You know, when we first came to Langley...
I didn't think
I'll be able to do it,
to resist the
temptation to say something.
And you met Mike and well...
things changed.
"The Russian president is alive"
What you are seeing are live pictures
of Russian President Matveyev,
arriving at the airport outside of Moscow.
This is astonishing.
According to his doctors...
President Matveyev's mistaken
death was attributed
to a temporary paralysis from
a toxin derived from spider venom.
At least I was right.
I had a feeling we'd lost you
back there in North Korea.
I could see how moved you were with
Mike's little white knight routine.
You were supposed to recruit
the man, not fall in love with him.
That's why I told Orlov to pick him up.
By the way how is Mike?
Orlov is dead.
Oh, that's good news.
Saves me the trouble.
I detect if you twist his arm, you get
to blow your cover to the CIA.
You see? He wanted you
to come out of this thing alive.
You needed somebody
to take the blame.
I'm the bad guy.
And I'm the hero.
Congratulations, Ev'.
You're about to become famous.
Identity confirmation requested.
Identity confirmation requested.
Identity confirmed.
Authorization, 99%.
Permission to launch.
Permission to launch.
Get on the floor now.
I said now!
Show me your hands! Show me your hands!
What is your name sir?
I'm Theodore Winter, CIA.
Help the President
Mr President, Mr President,
can you hear me?
I want her alone in a room. If there are
other KA's out there, I want her to talk.
She's trained not to talk,
no matter what we do to her.
If we're gonna find these people
must find them ourselves.
Somebody already did.
At least some of them, in the
East River. 12 dead, including Orlov.
Who did that?
I don't know. Forensics are on it.
Step back sir, please.
Please step back.
She attacked Winter sir.
You'd better get up here.
Sit down.
She's yours for 15 minutes
during the flight.
Then she's the FBI's.
Why'd you kill him?
Because somebody had to.
By this I take it, you think
everybodys who they say they are.
You knew something was wrong
the moment Orlov walked in.
So did I.
We just didn't know what it was.
Winter did.
You expect me to believe that Winter
was gonna launch the missiles and you saved the world?
I would like you to believe that, yeah.
It's a big accusation.
He's dead now so he
can't defend himself.
I guess you'll just have
to decide for yourself.
How many more like you are there?
Like me?
Like him?
More than you or I can handle alone.
Do you really think, a trained
Soviet agent couldnt kill
the Russian President at point
blank range if she wanted to?
Or you, for that matter.
I could've killed you at
the funeral and I didn't.
You surrendered to me because
I gave you no choice.
You know better.
I had a choice.
You know better.
If I did believe you and I'm not
saying for a second that I do,
but if I did...
nobody else would.
Well, maybe you can think
of a way around that.
They took everything from me.
I'll kill them.
We're approaching. Heading due south.
Go get 'em.
Circle back!
Circle back!
Edited by Scooby