San Francisco (1936)

Happy New Year!
Hey, there's wine in Lotta's Fountain!
Free wine!
Hey, Mr. Duane. Mr. Duane!
You want any more?
- Sure, all of it. Empty the warehouse.
- You bet.
- I'll take a dozen pints at the same price.
- Hello, Blackie. Happy New Year.
- Hello, Duane. Happy New Year to you.
- Yeah.
- Some sight, huh?
- Yeah. Some advertising.
Hello, there, Blackie!
- Happy New Year and many of them.
- Happy New Year, Della!
Happy New Year, girls!
- You know everybody, don't you?
- Everybody that's worth knowing.
Hello? Fire!
Where's the fire?
- Where's the fire?
- On the Barbary Coast.
Maybe it's my joint.
Stand back. Keep clear.
Give them a chance to work, boy.
Clear out for the hose!
- It ain't your joint, Mr. Norton.
- No. It isn't hot enough for my joint.
Oh, God, the kids!
Help! Save us! Please, save us!
Up pressure, up pressure.
Hurry! Hurry!
- Is everybody out of there?
- Okay. They're all out, Mr. Norton.
- Well, happy New Year.
- Same to you.
- Hello, Blackie. Happy New Year.
- Thank you. Thank you.
Hello, Romeo!
- Hello. Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year to you, Blackie.
Happy New Year, Blackie.
- Hiya, Blackie, happy New Year.
- Hi, Blackie, happy New Year.
- Where's the fire, boss?
- Dupont Street. The old Bristol house.
- Happy New Year, Blackie.
- Happy New Year, honey.
Gee, I want it to be happy.
- That fire was at the Bristol.
- Oh, that trap.
- Hey, Blackie, your shoes are all muddy.
- Yeah, I know.
- Here, put them up here.
- You know, that makes...
the third fire we've had in one week.
- Hello, Blackie.
- Hello, Jim.
Yeah, if it keeps up, we'll have to
get ourselves some asbestos suits.
Yeah. I'll say so.
I thought I told you not to wear that thing.
Gee, honey, I think it's nice.
Well, I think it makes you look cheap.
Now, don't wear it anymore.
Blackie doesn't like it.
Say, Blackie...
Mrs. Forrestal's here
with a party of swells.
She's been asking especially for you.
- That so?
- Yeah.
- Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year, Blackie.
- Oh, I want you to meet my husband.
- How do you do? Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year to you.
- Thanks.
- Mark this on the house.
- Okay.
- Happy New Year.
- Thanks.
- Throw him out!
- Come on, pal. Let's go.
- I don't like his singing.
- But you mustn't hurt the artist's feelings.
His feelings? Who is he against so many?
Say, where are you from?
- Los Angeles.
- I thought so.
I beg your pardon.
Are you the manager here?
Well, I kind of run the joint.
What do you want, sister?
- I'm looking for work.
- Oh, just get to town?
Oh, no. No. The place I've been living at
was just burned down.
- Oh, yeah. That trap on Dupont Street.
- Yes.
Well, that's tough.
Yes. I've been looking for work uptown,
but there doesn't seem to be anything...
so I thought I'd try the Barbary Coast.
- I've been to several places, but there...
- How about a little drink?
Thank you, but if you don't mind,
I'd like to see the proprietor.
- Oh, you would?
- Yes.
All right.
This is The Paradise?
I'll say it is.
The hottest spot on the Barbary Coast.
- Hello, chica!
- Watch yourself, brother.
Wait here a minute, honey.
Say, Blackie, there's a little lady out here
looking for a job.
She was burned out in that fire
at the Bristol.
- Yeah?
- She's not bad.
All right, bring her in.
- This is Mr. Norton. He owns the joint.
- How do you do?
- Well, sister, what's your racket?
- I'm a singer.
Let's see your legs.
I said I'm a singer.
Well, all right. Let's see your legs.
Come on, come on, come on.
Let's see them.
A little thin for down here.
You know that number?
- Yes.
- All right. Let's hear you sing it.
I care not
For the stars that shine
I dare not hope to e'er be thine
I only know
I love you
Love me
And the world
Is mine
Well, you got a pretty fair set of pipes, kid.
What do you say to $75 a week?
I guess she fainted.
Yeah. Give me $75 a week,
and I'll drop dead.
Hello, kiddo. Did you get some rest?
- Yes. Thank you.
- Good.
- Joe, get rid of this, will you?
- Yes, sir.
I want to thank you, Mr. Norton,
for your kindness in...
Now never mind the etiquette.
Well, it was so stupid of me,
fainting like that...
but I haven't eaten much today and I...
But, it's true, isn't it?
You did offer me a job?
What's the matter? You want it in writing?
Well, no, but...
You're all right, honey.
- What's your name?
- Mary Blake.
Mary Blake, eh? Well, that's catchy.
Make yourself at home.
I'll be right with you.
- Where did you hail from?
- Benson, Colorado. That's near Denver.
- I see. Been here long?
- No, just a few weeks.
- Where have you been working?
- The Benson Public Library.
No, I sang in the church on Sundays.
- Oh, so you sang in the church choir?
- Yes.
You see,
it was my father's old church, and...
And your father is a preacher?
Well, yes. He was.
Was? Oh, he got onto himself, huh?
He died four years ago.
I get it.
The orphaned child
of a country parson, eh?
Well, after all, Mr. Norton,
there are such men as country parsons.
Sometimes they do have daughters.
Well, now that sort of puts me
in my place, don't it?
- Well, who brought you to San Francisco?
- No one. My mother helped me get here.
Oh, I see.
- You don't believe me, do you?
- Why, sure, sure, I believe you.
You're all right, Mary.
Tomorrow we're going to get rid
of those Benson glad rags...
and dig you up some swell, new scenery.
You got all the makings, kid.
Why, you're going to do great.
What's the matter?
- Where are you going?
- I don't know.
Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
You don't have to stall me, honey.
Well, you know,
I wrote that old spiel you just pulled...
parson father, sacrificing mother,
the whole thing, years ago.
I guess you got some John on the string.
Is that it?
Please let me go.
I see.
How much is the railroad fare here
from Benson?
I paid $16.80.
Tomorrow morning I'll have Babe
give you an advance in salary, $20.
And you can send for that mug
you're stuck on.
You know, if there's anything I admire,
it's a woman you can trust out of town.
Getting late.
You could bunk here, if you want to.
Try the sofa.
Good night, sucker.
Hey, Blackie, that professor's waiting
for that new girl to show up for rehearsal.
- She hasn't showed up.
- That so?
- I guess we can forget her, huh?
- Yeah, forget her.
- Oh, am I relieved.
- No good, huh?
I'll say she's good.
Her father was a preacher.
What, are you falling
for an old preacher gag?
Maybe her father was a preacher.
Oh, so you still believe
in Santa Claus, huh?
Trouble with you
is you don't believe in anything.
No, that's where I'm smart.
- Did you say smart?
- That's what I said.
I'm a sucker if I'll ever learn anything.
For 20 years, that big mug
has been mauling me around...
making a chump out of me,
and I always come back for more.
Well, he got to bed
earlier than you did last night.
Come on, get up.
I'm not going to move from this spot
till you're out of the building.
All right, kid. So long, mug.
- Goodbye.
- That guy packs an awful wallop, don't he?
Is he gone?
- Look at the parade.
- Hello, Blackie.
- Hello, Mat.
- Hello, boys.
Blackie, would you like to...
Yeah, thanks.
Someone just showed me to a seat.
- Mat, get me my robe, will you?
- Okay.
Blackie, we've looked you up
to complain about that fire...
last night on Dupont Street.
Complain? Why, I thought it was perfect.
What do you boys want
in the way of a fire?
Listen, you talk better at the meeting,
sitting down.
Hey, listen, Blackie.
Jim Sullivan's kids got trapped
in that fire last night.
- They had to jump for it.
- Yeah, I know. I saw them.
They pulled it off like circus performers.
Mr. Norton, you ain't got no kids.
I got plenty kids.
Luigi, Pedro, Maria and little Tony...
and maybe one or two more
when I get home.
Well, don't go home.
Well, look, boys, put me down for $100
for Jim and the kids, and tell them...
That isn't what we came for, Blackie.
We want you to let us run you
for Supervisor.
- What?
- That's right, Blackie.
The only way to get some decent
fire regulations on the Coast...
is to force them
through the Board of Supervisors.
And you're the only man on the Coast
with the...
- Authority.
- To do it.
Sure, and there's nobody else
crazy enough to fight...
lxnay, shut up.
- Yeah, and maybe I'm not, either.
- I think it's a great idea.
- Hello, Father, good morning.
- Hello.
Why, certainly. It's dynamite.
Supervisor Norton.
Why, it'll get the joint
a million dollars' worth of publicity.
- Well, what do you say?
- Where you gonna get the dough from?
We'll back you, Blackie.
- That's right.
- Up to the limit.
- Father Mullin, you speak to him.
- You like a fight, Blackie. Go on.
- Have you all gone crazy?
- I can't do anything with him.
I've been trying for 20 years.
Maybe you fellas can.
- So long. Good luck.
- Bye, Tim.
Well, Blackie, what about it?
- Come over to the bar. Let's have a drink.
- All right.
Can you imagine what that chesty
Nob Hill guy is going to say...
...since there won't be any competition.
- Mr. Norton, I tell you what.
The next boy my Maria give to me,
I name him Blackie after you.
Oh, name the next half-dozen after him.
You think it won't be a battle?
Say, he'll have all of Nob Hill
floating around him like bees.
No, I think you fellas have all gone crazy.
- Oh, Mr. Norton.
- Yes? What is it?
May I have that job?
- Well, didn't I say so?
- Yes.
Well, how many times
do you want me to say it?
Come on around here. Come on.
- What will you have, boys?
- Make mine a little whiskey.
- Whiskey.
- Whiskey. That's good.
Open your Golden Gate
You let no stranger wait
Outside your door
- Hiya, gentlemen.
- What'll you have to drink, Mat?
San Francisco
Some chloroform.
- Water for me.
- Water?
Here's looking at you, Blackie.
Gentlemen, thank you.
Other places only make me
Love you best
- Ain't she singing kind of slow, Blackie?
- Yeah.
Hope you ain't gone and signed her up.
Why? So you can grab her off
for your joint?
Wait a minute. What do you think
I'm running here, a funeral parlor?
But, Blackie, with a voice like hers,
it ain't so easy to...
Go on, go on. Get out.
Give it this.
Put something into it. Heat it up.
- That's what it's about, San Francisco.
- Oh, but I can't sing like that, Mr. Norton.
Well, that's the way you're going to sing...
or you're not going to sing it for Blackie.
Hey, Mat.
- Go tell Babe to dig up a contract.
- A contract?
Yeah. I'd better sign that girl up
before I change my mind.
Change your mind? Well, you've lost it.
I'd like to see Burley's face
when he hears about it.
Open your Golden Gate
You let no stranger wait
Outside your door
Well, here's to Supervisor Norton.
Here is your wandering one
Saying, "I'll wander no more"
Other places only make me love you best
Tell me you're the heart
Of all the golden West
San Francisco
Welcome me home again
I'm coming home to go
San Francisco
Open your Golden Gate
You let no stranger wait
Outside your door
San Francisco
Here is your wandering one
Saying, "I'll wander no more"
- Good evening, Mr. Burley.
- Good evening.
Show Mr. Burley
and Signor Baldini to a box.
Yeah, sure. I was just going to.
All right, just a minute.
Blackie Norton around?
- Yeah.
- Tell him I'd like to see him.
Come with me. I'll take you right to him.
- Boss, couple of gentlemen to see you.
- All right.
- Hello, Blackie.
- Oh, hello, Burley.
Mr. Norton, Signor Baldini.
- How do you do?
- Very pleased to meet you.
- Gentlemen, what'll you have to drink?
- Maestro, my name is Hansen.
I played under your direction one night
in Dresden.
- Really?
- Yes.
- I haven't been in Dresden in 20 years.
- Yes, that was the night.
- I'm happy, very happy, to see you again.
- Thank you.
Me, I'm nothing, but, Maestro,
we have down here a voice...
a voice that would delight your soul,
Maestro. A voice that would...
Professor, how about
going on with the show?
Yes. Yes. Excuse me, Mr. Norton.
Maestro, this voice,
if you could only hear it...
is something good.
If you could hear it as I have heard it...
We're trying to give a show tonight.
Yes. Yes. Excuse me, Mr. Norton.
Maestro, this voice,
I would like to have you hear it.
- Well, how about it?
- Yes. Yes. I'm going. I'm going.
- I guess you know why I'm down here.
- No.
I heard this afternoon
you're going to run for supervisor.
Yeah, that's right.
- I wouldn't do it if I were you, Norton.
- Why not?
I don't think you'll like it.
I'll love it.
Well, now,
have you ever stopped to consider...
Just a minute, Burley.
- Waiter.
- Yes, sir?
Tell Babe to go backstage
and see what's the matter.
Yes, sir.
Something seems to have gone wrong
with the...
Jack. Jack, that girl got a voice.
- Yes.
- She had some training, too.
Say, boss, you gonna let that crazy dame
boss the show around?
Pipe down.
- Listen, Blackie...
- Beat it! Beat it!
Then let music ring
While three voices sing
Pleasure is mine
Echoes repeating, measures retreating
Song of a heart light and free
Not a thought, not a care
With a heart debonair
I am free as the sea
Like the lark who at dawn
Bid the darkness be gone
So I sing merrily
With a laugh and a dance
My design to entrance
For I know not what will be
And the things that I bring
And the words that I sing
Is the song of a heart
That's free
- Bravo. Bravo.
- Brava. Brava.
- How long has that girl been down here?
- Just started.
- What's her name?
- Mary Blake.
What did I tell you, Maestro?
Was I wrong?
- Or was I...
- Will you get back to that piano?
Yes. I'm going.
And I don't care if you fire me.
At least I've had the opportunity
to help a great...
Well, who said I was firing you?
- Now, come on. Get going.
- Yes. Thank you, Mr. Norton. Thank you.
I'd like to meet that girl.
- Waiter.
- Yes, Mr. Burley?
See if Miss Blake will meet
a respectful admirer.
Yes, sir.
I haven't had her
working the boxes yet, Burley.
I'm glad of that.
One never knows
where one's going to find talent.
No. No, one never does, does one?
Yes, and I quote from Plautus.
Yeah. You took the words
right out of my mouth.
Mr. Burley?
It's very gracious of you
to allow us this privilege, Miss Blake.
- Thank you.
- May I present Signor Baldini?
- How do you do, signor?
- Good evening, my dear.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thank you.
Waiter, a bottle of Cordon Rouge '94.
You bet, sir. And the usual for you?
Yes. A little water.
Hearing a voice like yours
in the variety theater...
has been for me a great experience.
Thank you, signor.
But you might have heard me
under more favorable circumstances.
I sat in the outer office of the Tivoli
for six days once.
- So you want to sing in opera?
- That's why I came to San Francisco.
- You have the training, too, huh?
- Yes, with the best teacher in Denver.
I led the Bach Choral Society,
I won first prize at the Schubert Festival...
and I've done, Violetta, Marguerite...
Puccini's Mimi, and Tosca. I love Puccini.
Did you ever hear of Puccini, Norton?
Yeah. Didn't he run a joint
down on Dupont Street?
There's no law against an opera singer
being slender and young and beautiful.
What do you think
about giving Miss Blake an audition?
Yes, by all means.
Say, that's darn sweet of you, Burley...
to take an interest in the little lady,
and you, too, signor...
but, unfortunately,
she's under a two-year contract.
- To whom?
- To me.
- Two years?
- Yes.
But I'll have her notify you
the minute it runs out.
But surely you wouldn't let that
stand in her way to sing in the Tivoli.
Why? She's doing all right here.
- I'm sorry, Miss Blake.
- Mr. Norton's quite right.
After all, Paradise is just as important
to him...
as the Tivoli is to you.
What would happen to the Tivoli...
if its artists were allowed to walk out
anytime they pleased?
You are a very loyal girl, Miss Blake.
No, I'm very grateful to Mr. Norton.
Well, I'll be going.
We don't have much time
between numbers.
Thank you, signor.
This has been the happiest night
of my life.
Goodnight. Thank you.
- Bye.
- I haven't given up yet about the Tivoli.
- You don't know Mr. Norton.
- You don't know me.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Just a minute. I want to see you.
Who told you to sing
that highbrow number?
No one.
Well, now that you've made
your impression, don't do it again.
Blackie doesn't like it.
Wait a minute.
Friend of mine runs a joint
around on Kearney Street.
I want you to hurry around there,
tear off a little number for him.
All right. Where is it?
St. Anne's Mission, just around the corner.
- St. Anne's?
- Yes. Ask for Father Mullin.
I guess you'd know all the hokey-pokey
they sing in those traps.
Well, come on, get going. You've got
a number to do back here at 10:30.
- We won't need that now.
- Thank you.
Burley, you don't want me
to run for supervisor, eh?
You know as well as I
it's not practical to rebuild the Coast.
No? Why not?
The Coast is picturesque.
People come down here slumming.
They don't want to feel
like they're in a spotless town.
- Yes, but that isn't your real reason.
- That's one of them.
But the main one is
you don't want to spend your dough...
to make your property down here safe.
If I did what you wanted me to,
to my property...
it would be a calamity for the Coast.
- How do you figure that?
- In the first place...
the Burley Estate has got to make
certain interest on its investment.
I'd have to raise rents.
Why, you boys couldn't live.
You'd have to charge 10 cents
for a glass of beer.
You know, I don't get him, Mr. Baldini.
He tosses a fortune every year
into the Tivoli Opera House.
But that's not business.
That's for San Francisco.
- Yeah, the Coast is San Francisco, too.
- That's why I wouldn't change it.
Well, Burley, these little mugs down here
are my people.
And I'm gonna see
that they get a square deal.
So I'm not pulling out of this fight.
I don't want to fight you, Norton,
but you're asking for it.
I'm not ducking anything.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, sir.
- You're wanted on the phone, boss.
- Okay.
Oh, hello, Tim.
I've finished the service,
so why don't you come on over?
What for?
For the organ recital
and to hear the young lady sing.
She'll be coming back here
to sing the things I like.
All right, have it your own way.
I was just sort of hoping
you'd make my evening complete.
If I had you here now, I'd hug you
and then I'd knock your block off.
I guess I don't have to tell you again
how I feel about the organ.
- Forget it.
- All right, Blackie. Goodbye.
- Oh, Father, that was simply marvelous.
- And that little boy, wasn't he sweet?
It's pretty late now.
Can you get home all right?
- Yes, thank you.
- Thank you, Father.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Hey, Mike.
- Yes, Father?
- Got any money?
- Sure, Father. Me wife's got a job.
- Good night, Father.
- Good night.
- Good night, Father.
- Good night.
- Good night, Father Mullin.
- It was very nice of you...
to leave your work
and come to our rescue.
It made me feel good being here.
You're not the girl
whose father was a preacher, are you?
Well, yes. How do you know?
Blackie told me.
Come in here, won't you?
I'd like to talk to you.
- Oh, but I'm afraid I'll be late.
- That's all right. I'll fix it with Blackie.
- Will you join me in a cup of coffee?
- Yes. I'd like to. Thank you.
I make good coffee.
How are you making out at The Paradise?
- Well, I've only just started.
- I see. Sit down there, won't you?
- Thank you.
- How do you like Blackie?
I'm afraid of him.
And he's someone to be afraid of.
He's as unscrupulous with women
as he is ruthless with men.
But why did he send me down here?
I don't understand him.
- You don't, huh?
- No.
What's the matter?
You probably understand Blackie...
a whole lot better
than he understands you.
You see, I don't think Blackie ever knew
your type of woman before.
But there's nothing to be afraid of,
unless you're afraid of yourself.
Are you?
No, I guess I'm a little dazed.
You see, I've been in San Francisco
for over six weeks...
and nothing ever happened.
And then, within the last 24 hours,
the whole world's gone topsy-turvy.
Makes me feel like running home.
Well, if you are afraid,
you'd better run home.
How about it?
- I'm going to stay.
- That's right.
You're in probably the wickedest,
most corrupt...
most godless city in America.
Sometimes it frightens me.
I wonder what the end is going to be.
But nothing can harm you
if you don't allow it to...
because nothing in the world,
no one in the world, is all bad.
Do you know who gave the chapel
that organ we've been dedicating tonight?
The most godless, scoffing
and unbelieving soul in all San Francisco.
Blackie Norton.
Yes, Blackie heard one night
that I was saving for an organ.
The very next morning men arrived
to plan the installation.
Cost him $4,000.
You know, if that monkey would save
his money for a couple weeks...
he'd be a rich man.
He's a tremendous force, Blackie is.
If he were only a force for good
instead of evil.
I've tried to do something with him
for years...
but I haven't had any luck.
Maybe I'm not the right one.
You've known each other a long time,
haven't you?
Oh, sure, sure.
Blackie and I were kids together.
Born and brought up on the Coast.
We used to sell newspapers
in the joints along Pacific Street.
Blackie was the leader
of all the kids in the neighborhood...
and I was his pal.
Our families used to try to get us
to go to mass on Sunday...
but we generally ducked.
That reminds me,
that Rooney kid ducked mass.
And then I got so I wanted to go.
Blackie thought I was crazy.
And when I made up my mind
I was going to study for the priesthood...
I wanted to talk to Blackie.
I wanted to see
if I couldn't get him to understand...
to feel a little bit as I felt...
but he just said, "Well, good luck, sucker,"
and that was all.
We never were able to have that talk.
I came back from college...
and found Blackie deeper than ever
in the life of the Coast. He's gone right on.
But he has a code. He's always had,
ever since he's been a kid.
He never lied, he never cheated...
and I'm sure he never took
an underhanded advantage of anyone.
There's a picture of us together
when we were kids.
Don't let him know
I told you about the organ.
- Boy, he'd never forgive me.
- Oh, no. Oh, no, I won't.
He's that way, Blackie is.
Ashamed of his good deeds
as other people are ashamed of their sins.
But nobody in the world
will ever make me believe...
there isn't a whole lot more good
than there is bad in Blackie Norton.
Holy smoke! The coffee.
Ladies and gentlemen...
introducing the President...
of the Ladies' Blackie Norton Club...
Miss Della Bailey!
Girls and boys, I just want to tell you
that the ladies of the Coast...
wish to go on record
as endorsing Blackie Norton...
right up to the limit!
Ladies and gentlemen...
I will now introduce that great guy...
our candidate.
Born on the Coast, raised on the Coast...
lives on the Coast, a-vying for the Coast...
our champion, Blackie Norton!
Thanks. Thanks.
I'm no politician.
I didn't ask for this,
but now that I'm in it...
I won't stop
until I get some decent fire laws...
for our people down on the Coast.
Wait a minute, Norton.
What I want to know is,
what construction company...
is paying you
for trying to rebuild the Coast?
Yeah. That's right. How about it, Blackie?
Why are you going into politics?
Go on, Norton, tell us.
Here's the answer
you can take to your boss, Jack Burley.
We've tried long enough
to get a square deal...
from those potbellied landowners
up on Nob Hill.
Now we're going to go after it on our own!
Wait a minute. Tommy, come here.
This is Jim Sullivan's kid.
Last New Year's Eve...
he and his sister had to jump three floors
out of a burning building.
Are we going to go on
letting these Nob Hill stiffs...
make fire dancers
out of our women and kids?
Not if I can help it!
And now, free beer on me!
Kiddo, you were swell.
I'm so proud of you, I...
Yeah, yeah, now thanks.
You run along and get yourself some beer.
But, Blackie,
aren't we going to be together?
Well, I told you I'd be busy
when I brought you out here.
- I'll wait for you.
- Over there by that first beer truck.
You get yourself a drink. That's a girl.
Professor, will you do a favor for me?
Sure. What is it?
Go over there and get Trixie
and take her back to town.
- To town?
- Yeah.
She's hanging around those beer trucks
getting stiff.
Then what about Miss Blake?
- Oh, how do you do?
- How do you do?
You know, I brought Miss Blake out here.
That's all right.
I'll see that she gets home all right.
That's awful pretty. Know the name of it?
Would You?
Would I what?
- Glad you came?
- Yes.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
Do you mind going a little faster, please?
I promised Father Mullin I'd stop by
if I had time.
Yeah, sure.
Go on. Giddap, Dan.
You and Tim seem to be hitting it off
pretty well.
Oh, yes.
- What do you talk about?
- Lots of things. His work, mostly.
Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right.
You believe in that hocus-pocus,
don't you?
Even if I hadn't believed, the faith of a man
like Father Mullin would make me.
Yeah, that's the trouble.
It gets hold of people that are all right
and makes monkeys out of them.
It lost me Tim Mullin.
Why, he'd have made the greatest gambler
the Coast has ever had.
The only mug I ever wanted to hang on to.
He loves you more than anyone else
in the world.
Yeah? Well, he blew me
for a lot of plaster saints.
You know, I don't go
for that sucker competition, Mary.
Blackie's got to be number one boy.
But it isn't competition.
I think people who believe in something
can love each other more.
Yeah. Honey, if that's what you believe,
it's all right with me.
I don't hold it against you.
- Say, who's that mug you're stuck on?
- No one.
- Well, didn't there used to be?
- No.
- Never?
- Never, no.
- Are you kidding?
- No.
Well, I'm a sucker
if I ever knew a girl like you before.
Come on. Get along there, Dan.
You must have had to do
some fast footwork...
to side-step those dudes
out there in Benson, Colorado, huh?
It wasn't so difficult, Mr. Norton.
That's better.
He holds her in his arms
Would you? Would you?
He tells her of her charms
Would you? Would you?
They met as you and I
And they were only friends
But before the story ends
He'll kiss her with a sigh
Would you? Would you?
If the girl were I
Would you? Would you?
And would you dare to say
Let's do the same as they
I would
Would you?
Well, that lets me out.
- That all your dough you got left?
- Every dime.
Here's $100, Edgar.
Go get yourself a cup of coffee.
Gee, thanks, Blackie.
I guess I'm gonna get some sleep.
- Hey, Chick. Put this stuff away, will you?
- Okay.
- Hello, Mr. Burley.
- Good morning.
Well, good morning, Burley.
Anything I can do for you?
Yes, I want to buy that contract
that you have with Miss Blake.
What makes you think it's for sale?
I don't see why you're so stubborn
about it, Norton.
- You might be needing money.
- I'm doing all right.
You may be in for a few difficulties
down here.
What do you mean difficulties?
Did you ever hear
of the Johnson-Addi gambling ordinance?
You know
you're operating against the law.
Well, so's every other joint
in San Francisco.
Well, I'm just telling you, that's all.
You've taken quite an interest
in the little lady, haven't you?
I'm only interested in making her
a useful member...
of the Tivoli opera company.
Yeah. Now isn't that sweet of you?
I'll tell you what I'll do, Burley.
If the little lady wants to leave me,
you can have her contract for nothing.
- Mary.
- Yes?
Come here a minute, will you?
You're taking a long chance, Blackie.
Yeah. Maybe I got an ace or two
in the hole, too.
- Oh, Mr. Burley.
- Good morning, Miss Blake.
- I'd like to thank you for the lovely roses.
- I'm so glad you liked them.
Sit down, kid.
Mr. Burley wants to buy your contract
from me.
I told you I wasn't giving up.
You really think I'm ready for the Tivoli?
Yes, but what's more important,
Baldini thinks so.
What do you say, kid?
Would you like to sell my contract,
Mr. Norton?
I'm very sorry. I can't accept.
Too bad, Burley.
I hope I can do you a favor some time.
Thanks, Norton.
Would you thank Signor Baldini for me?
You've both been more than kind.
It's been a pleasure.
And I hope to show you another side
of San Francisco, if I may.
Thank you.
- Goodbye, Norton.
- So long.
You wouldn't take $5,000
to tear up that contract, would you?
- Nope.
- $10,000?
What are you trying to do?
Make an impression?
I told him he could have your contract
for nothing...
if you wanted to leave me.
I'm afraid the Tivoli
will have to struggle along, Burley.
Did you do that, Blackie?
Sure. You made your own choice, kid.
And I hope you'll never be sorry,
Miss Blake. Goodbye.
That was awfully generous of you.
About the contract, I mean.
Oh, forget it. Say, look, kid.
You've heard a lot
about the Tivoli opera house...
from a bunch of mugs
that never get anywhere.
Now I'm going to tip you off
to a few facts about The Paradise.
Come on.
- Never been in here, have you?
- No.
Well, I don't do much office work,
but here's where I keep my records.
Take a hinge at those cups.
Every year, the wine agents in town...
Freddie Duane and all the rest of them
pull off an event called the Chicken's Ball.
- Did you ever hear of it?
- No.
I thought not.
You know what happens at that ball?
They have a competition
and give a prize of $10,000 in gold...
to the proprietor of the joint
who puts on the most artistic show.
And you know the joint
that's won it three times running?
The Paradise.
- Well, that's fine.
- Yep, for artistic achievement.
That's what they said in the speech
when they slipped me the trophy.
Artistic achievement.
- That's wonderful.
- Well, isn't that telling you?
I'm gonna win it the next time, too.
And the dough
goes to the campaign fund...
for those little mugs
down here on the Coast.
You know,
I like to look into those big lamps of yours.
You know, if you ever decide to cut
any of this, I'll put some in my watch.
I'm crazy about you, kid.
You know it, don't you?
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
- You look kind of scared.
- I guess maybe I am.
- Of what?
- You.
Are you sure it's me you're afraid of?
Well, kid. What do you think
we ought to do about it?
- Nothing.
- Nothing?
Because you don't want to, maybe.
If that's it, don't be afraid to spill it,
and we'll call it a day.
- Oh, but it isn't right.
- What isn't right?
For a man and a woman
to be stuck on each other?
Have you anything better than that
out in Colorado?
If you have, I'd like to take a whirl at it.
It must be immense.
How does it feel to feel like a woman
and be afraid of it?
Oh, Blackie, listen.
If you're going to preach, Mary,
please sing.
That's what I believe in.
Your voice. The way you move.
The way you stand
on those pretty little feet of yours.
That's what I believe in.
Don't you believe in anything
more than that?
- What more is there?
- God.
Hey, isn't he supposed to be taking care
of the suckers...
that come out of the missions...
Iooking for something to eat
and a place to sleep?
I've seen them down on their knees
asking for things...
they should stand up and fight for.
I don't see God coming down
and giving the suckers a shortcut.
That's not what I want.
I want to push over the mugs
that stand in my way...
before they push me over.
What I believe in is not up in the air.
It's in here, and in here.
But maybe that's not right.
Maybe it's not right to feel alive,
like you and I feel this minute.
But I think it's right.
You know, Mary, I want to get a kick
out of things I can see.
Like lights on the harbor, or a good fight,
or a woman worth looking at.
Did you ever taste a fog in your mouth
like it was salt...
or take hold of someone
and feel your blood rushing up like a river?
What more does a man need,
or a woman, either?
You know, I never tried to kid you, Mary.
You take me as I am, or you don't take me.
Tim doesn't try to change me,
because he knows he can't...
and you can't, either.
Nothing can.
You know what I've been waiting for?
I've been waiting to hear you say
that I'm all right with you the way I am.
Maybe you're ready to say it now.
Are you?
I don't know.
Well, it's about time.
It's going to be swell, baby.
I'll make you queen of the Coast.
You'll ride through town
in your own carriage...
and everybody will know who you are.
I'll plaster your name and face
clear to the Golden Gate.
You and I together, Mary...
are gonna find out
that we don't need anything else but us.
How about going upstairs
and having some chop suey, huh?
Come on.
Will you watch me,
and keep your mind on my feet?
Watch this wing.
See? That's it.
Then you do a sort of a...
What's the matter with you?
Come on, let's...
Yeah, that's right, Trixie.
You can knock off.
Everybody's gonna have champagne
on me!
Dig up some of that Pommery Sec
for the boys and girls.
All we've got is Semillon.
That champagne
is starting to make me fizzy.
Fast or a guy gets killed.
Can I order you some breakfast, Blackie?
No, thanks. Mary and I are gonna have
some chop suey upstairs.
Mary, I have another new number
I'd like to have you try out.
Oh, no, no. Not this morning.
Hey, Mat! Tell Charlie to...
No, never mind. I'll tell him myself.
Stay right here, honey.
I won't be a minute.
Gee, I haven't had any champagne since...
Nice going, sister. You done all right.
Knock off there, Maggie.
You're going to have champagne.
- Me, too?
- Well, I'd like to know why not.
Mr. Blackie, I haven't had any of that
for a long time.
Well, you're gonna have some right now.
Here's to Blackie!
All right, drink.
- Where's Mary?
- I guess she went upstairs to set the table.
And here's to you, darling.
And I wish I had me youth.
I wish I'd never had mine.
- Nix, nix, Trix.
- Why, Trixie. That's not nice, baby.
Tell Mary here's to her!
- Babe.
- Yeah.
- When that runs out, open up some more.
- You bet I will.
Tell Mary here's to her, Blackie.
Sure. "Everyone to his own taste,"
the old lady said as she kissed the cow.
Ain't that a...
What's the matter, no sense of humor?
Oh, Blackie!
Hello, Tim.
I just came over to talk to you
about the campaign, kid.
Oh, well, look, Tim,
do you mind coming back a little later?
Sure. Sure.
By the way, Blackie, I just saw Mary.
Yeah. I put her in a cab.
She said to tell you goodbye...
and that she was taking you up on
your offer to let her out of that contract.
What? What's that?
Well, you said she could go, didn't you?
- Well, yes, but...
- She's gone to the Tivoli.
And I'm glad you did it, Blackie.
This was no place for her.
- Oh, you think not, eh?
- Of course not.
Neither did you, did you?
I guess you think she's better off
at the Tivoli...
under the management
of Jack Burley, huh?
She'll be safe with Burley, Blackie.
You see, she doesn't love him.
Hey, look, Tim.
You like chop suey, don't you?
- Chop... Sure.
- Come upstairs. We're gonna have some.
- Good evening, ladies.
- Oh, hello.
Good evening, and get out.
The child has a performance to give.
Oh, no, please.
We've got to thank him for all this.
Do let him stay.
- Alone, I suppose.
- That's right.
Come on, Louise.
In my day, the opera came first.
- My mother's out there tonight, Mary.
- Is she?
Yes, she came all the way back
from New York.
I guess she got tired of reading about you
in my letters.
Well, in a few hours, you'll be famous.
Before the whole town is at your feet,
I want to put in my bid.
I love you, Mary,
and I want you to marry me.
I've always wanted you,
from the moment I first set eyes on you...
but I didn't realize then how I wanted you.
- Well, I...
- Please don't try to answer me now.
I just wanted you to know how I felt.
Good luck, darling.
- How you do, Mr. Burley?
- Good evening.
- How do you do, Mr. Burley?
- Fine, thank you.
- How are you, Mr. Burley?
- Fine, thanks.
Thank you.
I'll be right with you, darling.
Want to take a look out front.
Hello, there, Mr. Burley.
- Hello, there.
- Jonathan.
- What a thrilling first night.
- I hope so.
Good evening, Mr. Burley.
- We can't wait to hear the new star.
- Good evening.
- Hello, Jack.
- Hello.
- Have you seen Signor Baldini?
- Not yet, sir.
- Hello, Jack. Big night, eh?
- I hope so, Senator.
- Hi.
- Good evening.
Hello, Norton.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- I didn't know you were a first-nighter.
- I am tonight. I came to close you up.
- You came to what?
- Close you up.
You got a girl appearing here
that's under contract to me.
No, you're wrong.
You abrogated that contract.
You gave her permission to leave.
Sure, sure, I gave her a choice,
and she said she'd stay with me.
So the contract stands.
Look. See that man over there?
The one with the big black mustache?
Well, that big, stupid-Iooking man
represents the law...
and he's got a piece of paper
in his pocket...
that's going to stop your prima donna...
right in the middle of her first cantata.
- Now, isn't that just awful?
- You wouldn't do that.
Well, I'm sorry, Burley,
but I thoughtlessly got the man started...
and I can't do a thing with him.
- Well, I guess I'll get my star.
- Wait a minute.
She doesn't go on till the second act.
What? Now that's not
very good showmanship.
We'll wait. I don't want to listen
to those others mugs.
Well, while you're waiting,
would you have a cigar?
Yeah, thanks.
Pardon me. I'll get them.
Excuse me. I want to speak to Mr. Baldini.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
What is it?
Hello? Hello, Central. Fillmore, 2871.
Norton's outside with the Sheriff
to stop Mary Blake.
- Stop her?
- Yes. During the performance.
He can't do that.
Hello, is Mr. Davis there? Maybe he can.
Hello, Davis? This is Jack Burley.
I want you to hurry over
to the Tivoli Opera House...
with a restraining order
to hold up a process.
What's that? I don't care
if the office closed 10 hours ago. Find him.
But I've got to have it.
- But what is it?
- You go backstage. I'll see what I can do.
- Well, here you are, Norton.
- Oh, thanks.
Thank you.
- Have a peanut?
- No, thanks.
- Cameo here, huh?
- Yes.
I didn't think you knew that brand
down at The Paradise.
Yeah, that's right.
You know, you needn't have bothered
to call up Davis, Burley.
I could have told you that deputy of his
was away on a deep-sea fishing trip.
He's just crazy about fishing,
so I chartered him a boat.
How about you and I make a deal?
I'll give you $15,000 for that contract.
Well, I'd like to oblige you, Burley,
but, you see, the thing is out of my hands.
That process server is the meanest man
west of the Rocky Mountains.
He'd push his mother off a ferry boat
for half a dollar.
Yeah, he'd turn the air off
in a baby's incubator...
just to watch the little sucker squirm.
Well, Jim, what do you say?
The quicker I stop her,
the quicker we get home.
Remind me not to order any of these
for The Paradise.
That's kind of pretty, ain't it?
Sit down.
Hey, what's the idea?
I didn't come to this opera
to hear the opera.
Sit down.
Blackie, I think she's great.
Yeah, not bad.
Seems a kind of shame
to choke her off, huh?
He's gone around back.
It's all right.
There's nothing to worry about. Just him.
Thank you.
Thank you so much. Darling!
- Blackie.
- Hello, kid.
- Madame Albani...
- Oh, I understand.
It looks like Burley's
getting a little careless...
putting things down on paper.
Yes. He's asked me to marry him.
No. On the level?
You know, you were all right tonight, kid.
- Did you really think so, Blackie?
- Yes.
Say, who am I to hold out
against these 3,000 mugs...
that went goofy over you?
See, I never caught
this opera racket up to now.
- How long has that been going on?
- Only about 150 years.
No fooling?
Well, it's all right.
You know, I was proud of you tonight.
- Is that all?
- AII?
- Don't you love me?
- Sure, sure.
Well, you haven't said so.
Well, I love you, kid.
Do you know, I never sprang that line
but once, 25 years ago.
Who was she?
Just a girl I knew. I haven't seen her lately.
She's up in San Quentin.
So I'm the second?
No, you're the first.
Will you marry me, Blackie?
Marry you?
Well, I'm a sucker.
If you ain't the most domestic woman...
Well, I suppose if that's the only thing
in the world would make you happy.
You know,
the gang always said I'd be a sucker.
Oh, Blackie.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Come in.
- Hello, Blackie. How are you, boy?
- Feeling pretty fit.
- Mary, you were great.
- Thank you.
I had to battle my way through
half of San Francisco to get here.
Father Tim, Blackie and I,
we're going to be married.
Yup. That's right.
The little girl harpooned me.
Well, I guess you know how I feel about it,
don't you, Mary?
So she harpooned you, huh?
A girl that any man in San Francisco
would give his right arm for...
but she had to harpoon you.
Blackie, I'm not going to wish you
the best of everything...
because you've got it already.
Thanks, Tim.
Now I know you folks
would like me to stay...
but I really have to go.
Really. I'm sorry.
- Of course if you insist, I could stay.
- Will you get out?
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry, Father.
Mary, you haven't changed yet.
Well, Norton.
I just thought I'd come back
and congratulate my fiance.
I'm sorry, Jack.
Gee, you better get out of that rig, baby.
The gang are waiting
to celebrate your homecoming.
- Where?
- Down home in The Paradise.
They're waiting
to hear you sing San Francisco.
- At The Paradise?
- Yeah.
Wait a minute.
You don't mean to say that you're going
to send her back there now?
Well, sure.
What kind of a chump do you think I am?
I'm going to marry her, ain't I?
Well, what do you want, kid?
Me or this?
- Evening, Father.
- Good evening.
- Great business tonight.
- Tell Mr. Norton I'd like to see him.
Thank you.
- Blackie back here?
- Yeah.
- Where is he?
- Where do you think? In there.
Come in.
Gee, she looks pretty sharp, huh?
She's all right.
Say, Blackie, Father Tim's out there.
He wants to see you.
Well, all right. Bring him back.
- You know, you're a funny kid.
- Why?
Why, the way you act, anyone would think
that it wasn't becoming.
- Are you happy?
- Yes. Yes, yes, I'm happy.
That's good.
Blackie, Blackie,
let's set the date for our wedding now...
so we can tell Father Tim
when he comes in.
Yeah, sure. Any time.
Oh, but, look, it's got to be after election.
Sure, sure, the mob down here know
how I've always kidded that sort of thing.
I can't back down now...
and make a fool of myself
just before election.
It would lose me too many votes.
It means a lot to me
to win this fight, honey.
Not just for putting it over on Burley,
but for the Coast.
You understand?
Yes. Yes, I do. I do understand.
But the first chance I get...
we'll sneak off to Sacramento...
and I'll let you slip the halter on me.
Say, I never thought
I'd be so goofy about anyone.
Come in.
- Hello, Tim.
- Good evening, Father.
What's wrong?
Are you out of your mind?
Showing Mary like this
to that mob out there.
Like this? What's wrong with her?
What's wrong with her?
Yeah, sure.
What's wrong with my being proud
to show her off?
Blackie, don't you understand
what I'm trying to tell you?
Wait a minute, Tim.
I'm making her queen of the Coast.
You see those posters there?
Five thousand of them will be plastered...
all over San Francisco
by tomorrow morning.
And 10,000 other ones for ashcans
and the front of trolley cars.
I'm not going to let you do this, Blackie.
I don't get you, Tim.
You never butted in on me before.
Well, I am now.
You're not going to exploit this girl.
Come here, Mary.
Will you tell his holiness...
that you made up your own mind
to come back?
I love him, Father.
That isn't love, Mary.
Is that so? Well, it happens to suit me.
It isn't love to let him
drag you down to his level.
Say, wait a minute, Tim.
I'm going to marry her.
Not if I can stop you,
you're not going to marry her.
You can't take a woman in marriage
and then sell her immortal soul.
Immortal soul?
Now, look, I don't go for
that kind of talk, Tim.
Don't believe in that nonsense
and never have.
You better get back to the half-wits
that do.
Blake's on next.
Come on, Mary. Come with me.
Just one minute. I'm running this joint.
You take care of your suckers.
I'll take care of mine.
She's not going out there.
I've listened to this psalm-singing blather
of yours for years and never squawked.
You can't bring it in here. This is my joint!
Miss Blake. Miss Mary Blake.
She's not going out there.
The place is crazy without you.
Get out there, kid.
Wait a minute.
You leave now,
and you're never coming back.
Hey, Blackie. Hey, Blackie, it's Burley.
He's giving the joint the works.
- I told you, you can't buck a guy like...
- Shut up.
Blackie, come on. Take a gander at this
thing, will you? Look at it. Come on.
Hey, Blackie, break it up!
Look what they're doing to our joint.
You see what they're doing, Blackie?
- Good afternoon, Mr. Burley.
- Good afternoon, Allen.
- Mrs. Burley in?
- Yes, sir. She's in the small salon.
- What do you think of our little shack?
- But it's magnificent.
We really only have one real treasure.
She's waiting to meet you.
You needn't sneak up on me.
I know you're there.
This is my mother.
- How do you do, my dear?
- How do you do, Mrs. Burley?
Well, Maisie,
have you been in the house all day?
Oh, sure, I just got back from the races.
Why, you're even prettier close to
than you were from me box at the Tivoli.
- So are you, Mrs. Burley.
- Go on with you. Get out.
- Get out? Me?
- Certainly you.
If I have to sell this amazing,
beautiful creature...
the idea of joining the Burley family...
sure I got to tell her lies about us that,
heaven help me...
no son should hear his mother speak.
Will you call me
as soon as you've made the sale?
Get out! Get out!
- Sit down, my dear. Take off your coat.
- Thank you.
Now tell me,
why won't you marry my boy?
Mrs. Burley, you belong to the aristocracy
of San Francisco.
I'm just the daughter of a country parson.
I haven't had the advantage
Jack deserves in a wife.
Wait a minute, darling.
I didn't mean what I said just now
about telling lies.
You and I are gonna speak the truth
to each other.
I think I know what it's all about.
It's that rapscallion, Blackie Norton,
you were working for...
down on Pacific Street.
Now listen, Mary.
I'm an old lady,
and I've been through a lot in my life.
I came to San Francisco
in the winter of '51...
in a sailing vessel around the Horn.
When I got here,
there were 150 males to one female.
And if I do say it, I shouldn't,
I wasn't so hard to look at.
I started business in a shack
near Portsmouth Square doing washing.
Do you know
how long me business lasted?
About 45 minutes.
They busted me tub to smithereens,
and there was a free-for-all fight...
between five of the big swells of the town
to see which one would take me to lunch.
So, you see, I got to know men.
I knew all kinds in them early days...
and among them was a man
like Blackie Norton.
He was a selfish and sinful...
and adorable scoundrel.
So, you see,
I've had my Blackie Norton, too.
And you gave him up?
Yes, yes, I gave him up.
Because he was killing me soul.
Killing your soul?
And I pulled myself together,
and one day I married Burley.
Burley was a good, solid man.
He never got used to wearing his coat
till the day he died.
But he built me this mansion...
and every cuspidor of the place
was 18-carat gold.
And there came a time
when I was glad I married him...
because he loved me.
After a while, Jack was born,
and I had me peace.
Look, Mary, you say
we're the aristocracy of San Francisco.
We are.
Come here, Mary.
Listen to that.
That's the McDonough mansion.
And that party's been going on
for two days and nights straight running.
There isn't a rougher joint
on the whole Barbary Coast...
than that home right here on Nob Hill.
They call this
the wickedest city in the world...
and it's a bitter shame, it is.
For deep down underneath
all our evil and sin...
we've got right here in San Francisco
the finest set of human beings...
that was ever rounded up on one spot.
Sure, they had to have
wild adventure in their hearts...
and dynamite in their blood
to set out for here in the first place.
That's why they're so full
of untamed deviltry now.
But we can't go on like this.
Sinful and blasphemous,
with no fear for God in our hearts.
That's the reason why I want my boy
to have a good woman near him...
and raise fine, beautiful kids
for the glory of our heritage.
You can make a fine man of him.
And maybe one day...
you'll be proud
that you met up with the family...
of old Maisie Burley, the washerwoman.
- I'm glad I know you now, Mrs. Burley.
- Maisie to you, darling.
Jiggers! Jiggers! The joint's pinched!
- Wait a minute. Where you going?
- It's closing here.
It's gonna be closed, so where you going?
- Hey, what's the big idea?
- Go on, you kids. Get back to the stage.
- Get out!
- Come on!
- No rough stuff now. Nobody get hurt.
- Good evening, Charlie.
- Good evening, lad. Sorry I have to do this.
- What's the charge?
- Serving liquor without a license.
- We've got a license!
- It's been revoked.
- What'll the rap be, Charlie?
Probably $5,000 fine and a year in jail.
- You know Judge Cardigan.
- Yeah, I know him.
But Burley knows him better.
I'd like to help you, but you know
I have me wife and me kids to care for.
Yes, yes. I understand, Charlie.
Look, I've been counting on winning
that prize money from the Chicken's Ball.
Will you give me a couple hours to rustle
up bail and get my entertainers out?
How about being at the station
before 6:00 in the morning?
Okay, I'll be there. Thanks.
It's an outrage.
Burley's timed this so that
you can't cop that prize money tonight.
- Come on, Babe, let's take a ride.
- Will you bring me back?
- That's up to him.
- I'll have you all out in plenty of time.
Well, Blackie, had enough?
- Hello. What's eating you?
- We can't fight Burley, Blackie.
So he's got you buffaloed, eh?
It's tough, but if we trail along with you
we'll get just what you're getting.
And none of us can afford to be raided.
I'm not here on my own.
The boys sent me.
The district's full of little mugs who
are counting on me to go through for 'em.
- And I'm going through.
- Now wait a minute.
You haven't done any business
since they started raiding you.
Where are you going to get the money
to carry on your campaign?
Whoever wins that $10,000 tonight
could carry us clear through the campaign.
- Not if I win it.
- Why not? It's a good investment.
We'll build a new Coast that'll top
anything San Francisco's ever known.
The old Coast has been
pretty good to me, Blackie, yes...
and it's been pretty good to you, too.
Up to now.
Well, I'm not going to quit.
Are you fighting for the Coast, or are
you fighting Burley for a personal reason?
We think that it's personal. And we've had
a bellyful of this boudoir battle.
So long.
Get away! Don't you dare take my purse!
- Want anything from inside, Blackie?
- What?
Well, I guess I might as well
turn out the lights.
By golly, that's right.
There's no use of running up your light bill.
You can't do that!
You know, that's the first time
the joint's ever been locked.
I threw the key away the night it opened.
See you before 6:00, Blackie.
Come on, let's get going here, now.
Come on.
- Come on. Break it up.
- Paper!
Get your early morning paper!
- Hiya, Blackie.
- Oh, hello, Bill.
- Have a paper.
- Yeah, thanks.
That's all right. It's on me tonight.
Get your paper! Early morning edition!
- Hey, hey, wait a minute.
- Oh, you're jealous.
That's the matter with you.
- Mary, I love you.
- I'm glad.
Mr. Burley, the caterers are here
from the Poodledog Restaurant.
Fine. Have them put the tables
on the stage.
Yes, sir.
- You'd better look after things, dear.
- Right, as usual.
Oh, wait. You forgot to ask
the stagehands for the banquet.
- Did I?
- I asked them.
- All right, boys. Let's start the music.
- Father Mullin.
- Mary.
- Were you out front tonight?
Your last night?
I'm glad someone of the old crowd
remember me.
I got my invitation to your wedding, Mary.
- Are you coming?
- Of course.
Mary, are you happy?
Yes. Yes, I'm happy.
Then everything's all right.
- Good night, my dear.
- Won't you stay and join our party?
No, I'm sorry. I must run along.
Well, good night.
God bless you.
Is madame tired?
No, no. I'm quite all right, thank you.
Come in.
- They're calling for you, dear.
- But I've got to change.
Don't bother now.
Change before we go to the ball.
- The ball?
- Why, sure.
We're going to wind up
at the Chicken's Ball.
- Oh, no, Jack.
- Why not?
- Well, I...
- That's all right, dear.
I happen to know
that Blackie Norton won't be there.
"Eat, drink and be merry,
for tomorrow you die."
- Dead men don't have any fun.
- That's right.
Alice, look what I found
in one of the dressing rooms.
Well, I can recommend him, honey.
He's my cousin.
Good evening. Just this way, please.
Good evening, folks.
Do you mind if I sit down?
- Hello, Della. I'm glad to see you again.
- You won't be for long.
I just dropped over to tell you
what I think of you.
You know, I haven't seen this woman...
since she walked out
on the best man in San Francisco...
to marry the town's number one rodent.
- I think you better go, Della.
- Oh, no.
I've got a few things
I want to tell you, too.
Now, in case you folks don't follow me,
I'll tell you that this mouse here...
has just had a padlock
put on The Paradise...
and thrown all of
Blackie Norton's performers in jail.
That's what Blackie got for picking
this phony up out of the gutter...
- and giving her a chance.
- Come on, folks.
Hold still.
Don't think I want to breathe
the air near you...
any longer than I have to.
You ought to make that mouse
awfully happy.
Here's a five spot, brother.
I'm buying back me introduction to you.
Ladies and gentlemen, now...
that distinguished proprietor,
that illustrious showman...
"Alaska" Joe Kelso presents...
the Golden Gate Trio.
There's a big sensation
Going around the town
Called the Philippine dance
Philippine dance
Beat it, will you?
All right, Della.
How about it, kid? Did you get them out?
Well, what's the matter?
Aren't there any hockshops open?
No. It wasn't any use.
My troupe's being held without bail.
Without bail?
- There they are now, celebrating.
- Who?
Burley and your ex-nightingale.
Are they?
He won't be satisfied
until you're under a wet rock.
Why don't you go over
and curl that dude's mustache...
- and I'll kiss the lady with a bottle?
- Forget it, doll.
Thanks just the same.
You're a sweetheart if there ever was one.
- You know, didn't I give you this one?
- Yeah. You were just a kid.
Yeah, that's right.
Go get him, Swanee
- Where you going, Blackie?
- Over to my place.
Well, I got to pack up a few things.
I may be taking a little trip.
- I'll go help you.
- No, no, no.
You stay here and see the show.
You come over later and tell me who won.
- Blackie, they say you'll go up for a year!
- No, no. I can handle it.
But I'm worried about the others.
Gee, Blackie.
You're kind to all that you love.
Ladies and gentlemen...
the last entry of the evening
was supposed to have been...
from Mr. Blackie Norton's Paradise.
But, as it is now 4:30,
and the performers have failed to arrive...
why, we'll close the show without them.
Mr. Duane.
I'm representing The Paradise
for Mr. Norton.
Mary, I forbid you to go up there.
- Dave.
- Yeah?
- Know where Blackie Norton lives?
- Sure.
- Well, go get him.
- You bet.
Ladies and gentlemen,
representing The Paradise Cafe...
Miss Mary Blake.
Play San Francisco.
It only takes a tiny corner of
This great big world
To make the place we love
My home upon the hill
I find I love you still
I've been away, but now I'm back
To tell you
San Francisco
Open your Golden Gate
You let no stranger wait
Who's a-knockin', who's a-knockin'
Outside of your door
San Francisco
Here comes your wandering one
And I'm saying, and I'm saying
That I'm gonna wander no more
Other places, other places
Only make me love you best
Tell me, tell me
You're the heart of the golden West
The golden West
San Francisco
Welcome me home again
I'm coming home to go a-roamin'
No more
Come on, everybody!
Join in the chorus with me!
San Francisco
Welcome me home again
Come on! Everybody sing!
Sing, everybody!
Other places only make me love you best
Tell me, tell me
You're the heart of the West
San Francisco
Welcome me home again
I'm coming home to go roamin'no more
San Francisco, open your Golden Gate
You let no stranger wait outside your door
San Francisco, here is your wandering one
Saying I'll wander no more
Other places only make me love you best
Tell me you're the heart
Of all the golden West
San Francisco
Welcome me home again
I'm coming home to go roamin'
No more
No, kid. Wait here.
Ladies and gentlemen...
you are the jury
who shall judge these criminals...
and by your applause shall ye know them,
beginning at this end!
Ladies and gentlemen, the appearance
of Miss Blake for The Paradise...
was as much of a surprise to me
as it is to you...
but, however,
I congratulate you upon your choice...
and present the award to Miss Blake...
for Mr. Blackie Norton
with my congratulations.
Wait a minute.
There's been a mistake here, Mr. Duane.
I never told this woman
she could appear for me.
You got me all wrong, sister.
I don't need this kind of dough.
- Shall I take you home, dear?
- Thank you.
Everybody stew! All right, Professor,
give a little music there.
What was that?
Blackie! Blackie!
Blackie! Blackie!
You can't go in there! You're crazy!
- Ethel, come back!
- You let me alone!
Jim! Jim!
Hey, you better get out of here
before this place falls...
Jim! Jim! Where are you, Jim?
Jim! Jim!
Jim, where are you? Jim!
Jim, where are you? Jim!
Mr. Norton.
Mr. Norton.
There. Thanks a lot. Gee.
- That was a whopper, huh?
- Yeah. You think you can walk all right?
- Yeah, I can make it.
- You know if Mary Blake got out all right?
I didn't see her.
Well, we certainly don't do things
halfway in San Francisco, do we?
Yeah, that's right.
- Eddie! Eddie!
- Mildred! Mildred!
- You're hurt!
- No, I'm all right. Where are the kids?
- They're safe. You're hurt.
- Where are the kids?
They're safe in a vacant lot.
The roof fell in. The baby laughed.
He laughed? Ain't that just like him?
Oh, gee. My kid.
Mr. Norton. Mr. Norton!
Please. We're pinned under.
Connie's still alive.
I can hear her breathing.
Hey, hey, give me a hand here, will you?
Come on. They're caught in here.
Here it comes again!
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
- You'll get killed. Come on!
Get out of here!
- Kelly. Kelly, have you seen Mary Blake?
- I'm innocent, O Lord...
Stop that drivel!
Have you seen Mary Blake?
Leave me alone!
Have you seen Mary Blake?
Or Jack Burley?
I saw Mr. Burley.
He's over there.
I thought I'd lost you!
There, there, honey. It's all right.
You're not hurt, are you?
There, there. Don't cry, dear.
- Irene!
- Give me a hand here, will you?
- Irene!
- Give me a hand, will you?
Irene! Irene.
No. No.
Oh, no.
Hey, Chick.
Chick, have you seen Mary Blake?
- I've lost my old lady, Blackie.
- Maybe she went home.
No, I can't find her.
My house is in the street.
Look out for live wires!
Can you tell me
where they've taken the injured?
Couldn't tell you, partner.
- My house is on fire!
- Where is it?
Four blocks down on Fulton Street!
- No use, boss.
- Sorry, brother. The water main's broken.
There's no water to fight the fire.
- Anybody here?
- Who is it?
Is Mary Blake here?
She lived here,
but hasn't been back since the quake.
We're getting everyone out of here.
The flames are picking up.
Mommy. Mommy.
Jimmy, I love you.
Let's get out of here.
You'll all get something to eat
at Sacramento and Octavia Street.
You people will all get something to eat
down at Sacramento and Octavia Street.
Push on, push on. Get it out, get it out.
- I'm sorry, friend. Good luck to you.
- Thanks.
Why can't you do something
about saving what's left of my building...
- instead of destroying it?
- I can't help it, mister.
That's the way it's going.
That's my building
you're going to dynamite.
- I've worked half my life for it.
- It can't be helped, sir.
We're doing it to save other buildings.
We haven't any water. It's the only way
we have of stopping the fire.
We're dynamiting all the way
from here to Nob Hill.
- All right, let her go.
- Fire!
Mrs. Burley?
- Mrs. Burley, have you seen Mary Blake?
- She was with my son.
He's dead, isn't he?
Well, it's God's will.
You have to move on, Mrs. Burley.
We're dynamiting.
- Can't you wait a minute?
- Oh, it doesn't matter.
- Are the wires all set?
- All set.
Everybody clear!
All ready.
My son was born there.
Never mind, Blackie Norton.
It's God's help we both need now.
Hey. You can't go through there.
Hurry up.
Mary. Mary, my darling!
Thank God!
My prayers have been answered.
I've found you at last.
Want a lift, brother?
- No thanks. Where are you going?
- Daly City to get some milk for the kiddies.
If you see a red-headed girl
in a white dress...
tell her Blackie's looking for her, will you?
Glad to,
and God help you to find her, brother.
Better stand back
from that wreckage, neighbor.
I'm looking for the priest
that used to be here.
I think he's doing rescue work
at the stable down next to the car barns.
Thanks. Have you seen anything of a girl...
Sorry. I've just come down
from the Presidio.
All right.
Hiya, Blackie.
Hello, Mat.
The cops couldn't hold on to me.
I got away from them.
Did you? That's great.
Yeah. It took an earthquake to get me.
How are you making it?
I'll pull through. I'll be all right.
Sure. Sure you will.
Hey, Blackie...
I hear that Mary went on for you
at the Chicken's Ball.
I was wrong about her. She's a great kid.
She's all right.
Don't leave him.
There you are.
Now you're going to try to get some sleep,
aren't you?
- Yes.
- With your eyes open?
That's right.
Hello, Blackie.
Thanks, Tim.
That map of yours needs some attention.
Come on.
No, no, no. I'm all right.
You haven't found Mary yet, have you?
Well, you can't want her for The Paradise,
Blackie. That's gone.
I wasn't thinking of The Paradise, Tim.
Wait a minute.
Come on, mug.
I'm going to take you to Mary.
You... Is she all right?
Yeah, she's all right.
You folks will have to be vaccinated.
It's for your own good.
Joe, will you take these people
over to the hospital tent?
Stiller my
song would be
my God
to Thee
my God
to Thee
to Thee
I want to thank God.
What do I say?
Just say what's in your heart, Blackie.
Thanks, God. Thanks.
I really mean it.
Fire's out! The fire's out!
The fire's out!
- The fire's out!
- The fire's out!
Come on, come on!
- The fire's out. The fire's out.
- Come on, come on! The fire's out.
We'll build a new San Francisco!
Of the coming of the Lord
He has trampled out the vintage
Where the Grapes of Wrath are stored
He has loosed the fateful lightning
Of his terrible, swift sword
His truth is marching on
He has sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the souls of men
Before his judgment-seat
O, be swift, my soul, to answer
And be jubilant, my feet
Our God is marching on
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
His truth is marching on
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory