Sanbiki no samurai (Three Outlaw Samurai) (1964)

Stay back!
Or she'll die!
What's going on?
She appears to be of high rank
Kill me!
You've violated her?
Nothing like that
The magistrate's daughter may consider us-
An beneath her notice-
Magistrate's daughter?
A hostage
so that we can negotiate
Appeal by force?
Succession of bad crops
Farmers are dying
The magistrate won't even attempt to hear our pleas
I understand
But even if you succeed
You'll be punished
For abducting his daughter
We're prepared
Even to die?
The formers of 8 villages are desperate
Please! Don't interfere
No need to sleep in the open
Let me stay here tonight
Get out!
A pretty girl to add interest
Well I'm here - I'll enjoy the show
Damn you!
Why do you attack me?
If you're not careful-
You'll lose your life for nothing
Sir... Magistrate!
Your daughter has been located
In a mill near the bridge
She's being held by 3 farmers
- Jinbei, Gosaku, Yohachi
Jinbei, Gosaku?
Is Aya safe?
They've abducted her as
a means of making an appeal
For them, she's a valuable hostage
They wouldn't dare harm her in any way
Stupid farmers!
Everyone to the mill at once
To the mill, hurry!
You're wanted. Let's start out!
Why should I?
It's an emergency. We need your help!
To fight farmers?
That's more your job
You won't need me
Will they punish Jinbei?
They would most likely behead him
If Aya is released-
No difference
Stupid farmers
It won't help
in bringing about a reform
Jinbei has been kind to me since I was a child
Is there a way to save him?
I don't think so
Relax. Don't be so nervous
Shut up! Trying to catch us off our guard Aya
Suspicious fellows
So careful
And yet you leave the door undefended
Not very smart
Again not very smart
All of you leaving the girl unguarded
Gosaku, stay with the girl
Yohachi, at the door
Now that's a better tactic
Next thing is to eat
Have you any food here?
Talking of food at such a time
Can't fight if hungry
There's some millet in the bucket
Make some porridge
They've come
What'll we do?
It's all up to you
I'll watch here
Don't worry
Stay near the girl
Don't come any closer
If you want to live, release Aya
We refuse
We won't return the girl
Until our appeal is heeded
Think you're strong enough to see this through?
We're prepared to die
But your daughter will die first
Maybe this will help to open the eyes of the clan officials
I understand
Let's settle this now
Your appeal will be given a fair hearing
So free Aya
Do it promptly and you'll be pardoned
Do you hear me?
Our demands - will they all be granted?
I don't want the whole clan to hear about this
Return Aya.
I won't punish you
Does he - really mean it?
What's so funny?
What happened to your determination?
Afraid of punishment?
I suppose that's human nature
You laugh
Do you for once think you'll go unpunished?
Fear of death has weakened your resolve
You doubt my father's word?
Believe him if you want
But can the rest of the farmers do the same?
He's right, you know
Without the hostage, we have nothing
Well just be killed like dogs
They've always deceived us with trickery
It won't happen this time
Want Aya back?
Bring a written promise!
To reduce taxes. Signed by the Lord himself!
Don't kill them! Capture them
Don't' allow the hostage leave so easily
The situation is as it was before
Who are you?
A roving Samurai named Shiba
Why did you help the farmers?
Perhaps because I spent a night under the same roof
Kill him!
This may endanger Aya's life
Let's leave temporarily
We'll leave
You're Shiba? I won't forget you
How very kind
But take care of your own neck
That's my suggestion
Let's retreat
The farmers of 8 villages are carefully watching the outcome
This may lead to a rebellion
Let's ask the clan for reinforcements
And make my disgrace known to everyone?
No, this must be settled locally
In 10 days the lord of our clan
Will be passing through here
Shut up!
That's why it must be settled quickly
Call Kikyo
Are these 3 men the burglars?
They killed 2 menservants
Then they're sentenced to death?
We aren't afraid
Merely for slaying a couple of farmers
The sentence could be revoked
Think you can kill a Samurai?
He wants our reassurance
Has there been anyone we together couldn't overcome?
Take these three with you
If they try to escape, cut them them
So that's it
A case of using poise to quell poison
Let them out
Hurry up!
Wait, who's that?
A vagabond Samurai whom we caught loitering
His name?
I believe he said it was Sakura
Good swordsman?
Didn't put up any resistance, can't tell
Test him
Get up!
What, what're you doing?
Sudden execution without trial
Trial's ended
Leave the cell
What? Letting me go already?
Let me stay longer
A roof over my head. No worry about food
imbecile! This isn't a hotel!
We could provide better accommodation
I must say that's generous of you
You seem to hold a lot of rice in your storehouse
I feel hungry
This won't last very long
Tell them we'll send more
We drew lots
Don't say anything
Be careful
The mill is surrounded, isn't it?
I'll slip in somehow
Don't worry
Are you awake?
Many thanks
What's wrong?
Where's yours?
It's all right
There's only a handful of millet left
I'm sorry but that's all
You must be hungry too
We're used to being hungry
You helped us.
I'm sorry we cant' offer more
Why don't you eat?
Not appetizing?
You're accustomed to a life of luxury
Never had millet porridge before?
Nevertheless - farmers don't' even
have enough to feed themselves!
Yet, they've offered -
This porridge to you
Better have some, eat it
Then maybe you'll realize why all this has happened
The guest seems to have had enough
Give you the rest
Ever seen the starving scene?
I picked this up
For better or for worse, it brought me here
Give it back to you
Seem to be heading for the mill
What made him do that? Reckless fellow!
Food robber, maybe
Come on, hurry up
Yohachi, hand me my sword
Going outside?
A group of tough looking Samurai
It won't be like the last time
If it looks hopeless, forget about us
Never mind, I can take care of myself
When I leave, lock the door behind me
Watch the back, guard the girl, understand?
That's the fellow, 5 Ryo reward
Wait, let me go first
Not bad
Are you also a burglar?
Don't be foolish, that's one thing I've never tried
Seeking a reward, right?
Partly that
But you see - I like to fight
Especially when I meet someone strong
Do you know why the magistrate wants me killed?
His daughter's been abducted
Because he wont' heed the farmers' appeal
It's a case of 3 farmers fighting for justice
Is what he says true?
Something like that
What? You knew, yet come?
Had to come
I'm sponging on the magistrate, you know
I quit! I'm originally from a farm myself
From this moment, I'm on the side of farmers
Traitor! Do you want to return to jail?
Be quiet
You won't see this Samurai back there
Instead of that jail, I'm moving into this mill
How about it? Will you let me stay?
Sure. You're welcome
But we're facing a food shortage
Food? I happened to pick up some food on the way
That's great
How about you? Care to enjoy some porridge for a change?
No thanks
I prefer good food, wine, plenty of it
We've got a strong ally
He's brought food
Is that the girl?
Here's food. Don't eat it all at once
Say, isn't this Mosuke's wrapping cloth?
One of us
A farmer?
Where did you find this cloth?
Yes, where?
I - picked it up
Damn, killed by the magistrate's hirelings
Someone spying?
The magistrate's begun gathering roughnecks
We must be careful
That makes 12 in all
Rather thin, are they strong?
We may be thin, but we're strong enough
Good, you should be able to kill farmers
Be clever, make it look like the work of prowlers
Sounds interesting
The p-pay is 2 Ryo?
When the job's done
Be on your way
As for you, go fetch a certain woman
A woman?
We'll use a hostage too
To teach the farmers a lesson
You found her so quickly, I'm amazed!
I get around
It cost a lot of money to buy her back
Tell the magistrate
Get the palanquin
This is Gosaku's daughter. Sold to a brothel 3 years ago
You're from a farm too
Selling farm girls is my business
Those who sell and those who are sold
Are worlds apart
Dog! Dirty snake!
Stop! She's a hostage
Just look at what she's done to me
The palanquin
Leave at once
It's Father's writing
What does it say?
This Samurai is named Sakura
Together with Shiba, he's on our side
Do whatever he tells us
I didn't come to give orders
I offered to maintain contact between the mill and you
You're most grateful for your help
Thank you
How's Ine? Has she recovered from her illness?
She's determined to avenge her husband's death
You shouldn't be here
I intend to follow after my husband and die too
What are you saying?
But I won't die
Until the man who slew my husband is
You see, Ine-
I mean to say- In other words, it's just that I -
If I can be of any help, please let me know
Who are you?
What have you against the farmers?
We're here to crush worthless worms
Calling the farmers worms?
What do you think you are?
Vermin with two sticks that you call swords
No need to waste words on vermin like you
Ill just destroy you
Ine- are you all right?
You will continue to help us, won't you?
Of course, I'm ready to risk my life for your cause
Ouch! It hurts!
It's me, let me in
I've something to report
The magistrate has hired more killers
To make it look like prowlers attacking the farmers
The lord returns in 4 days
The magistrate is worried
How many fighters?
As long as we 3 continue to hold out
They'll never be able to overcome the farmers
This is our petition to the lord
We've something for Gosaku
Show your face
I'm Gosaku. What do you want?
What are you doing with Yasu?
What do you want?
We're going to show you how we treat dogs
Watch our skill
Stop it!
I'll kill them!
I'll see that everyone of them die
You can stop them
Just return Aya
Don't torture Yasu anymore!
Well, then, send Aya outside
No, father!
You need her to save the farmers
Let them- let them kill me
She's bitten off her tongue
What are you doing? Aya
Keep away from me
Why did you do that?
I'll treat her as they did Yasu
Stand back
Leave Gosaku alone
But this will ruin- all your efforts
Never mind. It's too much. We can't endure this anymore
Take one stop closer, and she'll die
You're like animals now
Can't leave her here
What will you do with her?
Only one thing to do, let her go
The farmers must not be punished
Otherwise, the girl stays
You promise?
I can't simply forget this
An example must be set
Someone must be punished
With 100 lashes
I'll take them
Shiba, don't be deceived by him
This is a promise made between Samurai
I understand
Everyone here is a witness
Be sure to send him back safely
I promise that too
A Samurai's pledge
Why should you do such a thing so willingly?
The farmers acted bravely
A Samurai can do no less
Father, stop it, he's had enough
It's too cruel
I did as you asked, and didn't kill him
He's the one who saved me
Aya, don't weaken
Mother would have - made you stop too
This is justice
Consider your rank
The tank
Throw him in
Take him away
What a fool!
Magistrate, you lied to me
Wasn't it a promise between Samurais?
Slay the 3 farmers
Did you not promise to let the farmers go free?
I will never do that
Shiba's in a torture as well, he'll die soon
What's a promise with a dead man?
But between Samurais -
He's no Samurai
But that's -
It's for the best
Those scheming farmers must die
I can't use my own men
The job's yours
I'll reward you
Well, are you willing?
We could use the money
Get the petition
Meant for the lord
I understand
Too bad - but we have to do this
Can't find it?
Never mind, it won't make the slightest difference
Many thanks. Where's the petition?
We have it. Rest assured
Let me have it
It can't be handed over easily, we have it safely stored away
It's not here
We could attach the petition to Junbei's body
and display it when the Lord passes the way
Still, we don't intend to be unreasonable
How much do you want?
A nice round sum. 100 Ryo
All right, then
I'll pay it here tonight
We'd prefer a less conspicuous place
I see, it'll be taken to the forest
By whom?
They've been murdered
Eventually we'll all be killed
We may talk big but we still have no power
We are farmers only!
Are you giving up the fight so easily?
But -
We must bow to fate
Listen to me, all of you
Jinbei's been killed
Shiba has been cruelly deceived
He's suffering
Are you not angry?
I'm going to the magistrate's place
You're not going alone?
One's enough
I can't let Shiba die
I must rescue him
Wait, don't go alone
It's like going there to be killed
Nevertheless, I must go
If you should die, I - I -
It's like this -
Ine, I'm the one who killed your husband
Please forgive me
Are you the magistrate's messengers?
We were sent by him
And his message?
What? Who are you?
Gods of Death
With such a consequence
You're in a sorry state
You're satisfied to be a good Samaritan?
Those 3 farmers were killed
Jinbei and his friends have been killed
What did you say?
They're dead
Is that true?
That's why I say you're a fool
Quiet, be quiet, won't you?
Don't cry out
Don't be afraid, just look at my face
It should tell you whose side I am on
Do you know that those 3 farmers have been killed?
Jinbei's dead?
That's right
The deceitful magistrate murdered them, that's how he is
I've come to save the Samurai in the torture
I hope you'll understand
Magistrate, I'm here to avenge the farmers!
Where are you? Show yourself!
You're Shiba? Sakura's outside
Come here
A little more
Just a few inches more
You can't escape far in that condition
That mill is your best bet!
Have no fear. You'll be safe in this room
Thank you
Leave by the back gate later
Why? Defying your father?
Helping the farmers?
Shiba, hurry
I'm grateful
Why are you helping me?
I don't know
I see things differently now
Many things differently
I wish I could go away with you
Aya, goodbye
A strange destiny
This is like our home now
We won't be in the way here
Does it hurt?
Wet towels should sooth it
I'll go get some water
Jinbei's petition
It must have floated down from somewhere
Jinbei's spirit must have sent it here
You did a good job
Accept the reward
Saved me from paying out 10 Ryo for nothing
What about the petition?
The farmers may have it
Then again, it may be in Shiba's possession
The Lord is coming
Dispose of the remaining 3 by then
What are you thinking about?
I had hoped - with you -
So you've come
So you are here
I'm joining you
Thought you liked luxury good
Changed your mind?
The magistrate does not trust me anymore
He set his mad dogs on me
You've become a vagabond like me?
The clan's best swordsman Ouchi
He'll be coming to this district tomorrow
He'll help the magistrate
They'll try to get us
Any future plans?
You're too calculating
You don't calculate enough
Try some of our potato porridge
It's me
I thought you might be at this mill
My group's been wiped out
You escaped?
That's right
The sole survivor?
The sole survivor
Let me stay with you from now on
All right
Porridge's ready
I hear the magistrate is searching for a petition
I have it, but why?
Are you meeting the magistrate?
Who, me?
I thought you'd come
You came to see Ine, didn't you?
Where is she?
Will you come with me?
Where's Ine?
Whether she lives or dies depends on me
Take me to her
What do you want?
Where's the petition?
I don't know
What do you think you're doing?
She doesn't -
She -
We'll make her talk
Ine doesn't know
Do you mean you do?
Tell us and you both will be freed
And you'll be given 5 Ryo reward
Go somewhere and start a new life
You love each other
Tell us
Nothing must happen to disturb the procession of the Lord
If anyone tries not to obey
He'll be slain
Don't try to explain
Can't even handle a few Samurai and farmers?
You're incompetent
You needn't appear to greet the Lord
I'll take care of the Samurai in the mill myself
Look, they're coming
Halt, make ready
The fools
Withdraw. Lure them out, set it on fire!
Let's go on, Sakura!
I feel ashamed
It just couldn't be helped
Nevertheless, I think-
No, you mustn't. Let's go
You said you would make me happy
I meant that but I've got to-
Please! Let's go on together!
Don't leave me alone!
No! I was about to desert a friend!
I won't be able to live without you!
Try to be happy
I love you!
I like you
Don't be a fool
Do it
Then go
I've done you wrong
Shiba, I deserve to die
Kill me
Too busy
Then leave this to me
Who wants to die first?
I'll take him on
Better let me do it
I'm the least tired
No, this began with me
I'll finish it
What is it? What's wrong?
Sakura, take care of Kikyo
What will you do? Shiba?
Meet you later
Where are you going?
Look! This is Jinbei's petition
Take it to the Lord
There's time
What's the matter? This is your chance
Remember Jinbei!
If you seek a better life, this is your opportunity
Don't let it go by
Afraid to risk your life?
What would Jinbei say?
How about you?
Will you go?
Go with this
Suffer like your victims did
Wait, don't kill me!
Let me go!
I can't allow him to live
Not possible
Kill me then
No matter what he has done, I'm still his daughter
Let the farmers - see your disgrace
Well, where will you go?
How about yourself?
Let this decide