Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma (2013)

The best employee award goes to Mr. Sharath
Please welcome him on stage
All the best!
What is this man? You are smiling
as if you are giving a love letter...
That is my resignation letter Sir..
Urgh!! you r resignation lette r..
Have you gone mad?
You got the Best Employee award
just yesterday
and today you come
with a resignation letter
Are you still in the hangover
of yesterday's party
I am not sure about you,
but I am out of it
Okay! what are you going to do
after resigning?
Sir, I want to make a film...
What? You want to make a film?
Do you think changing
a career is like
having different items
for breakfast each day
Sir, you always end up
talking about food!!
What did you say?
Nothing at all! It has been my passion
and since childhood I have dreamt
of making a film one day
So you are firm on your decision
'(es Sh...
Okay then! Come to the point...
Will you give me a role too?
As soon as I say I am making a film
there are two things everyone ask me
who is the hero or
will you give me a role too?
It is as simple as asking
for a little extra coriander
that's it..
Hey! What are you thinking about?
Are you wondering which
role I should be given
It's just super man...
Follow your passion
-Thank you Sir
All the best!!
- Okay Sir...
I need your blessing Sir
-Hey it's fine...
Thanks a lot Sir...
Hey, what are you
looking at like this
This guy says he will make films
quitting such a rewarding career
ls he a director?
Ifl knew that he was a director
Even I would have asked for a role
And you are one who
waits for such things!
Why? Do you want the film
to be a flop even before it starts?
Sir, did you resign?
- Oh!
If the building lam in is so tall...
there are other buildings
which are taller!
I got a bit philosophicall!
Just that my future
was looking far brighter
Hey, do you know something,
yesterday along with my parents
I had gone to watch a Darshan's movie...
- ls it?
The dance and fights were super!
I like Puneet very much!
Hey, Even I like Puneet...
Nobody refuses an
Appufilm in our house
since my mom is a big fan ofAppu...
My dad has had it if...
he does not take my
mom for an Appu movie
my dad's food is stopped!
I think this is what is 'generation gap'
in our childhood... watching a movie was...
only after pleading and begging
for an entire year
only after pleading and begging
for an entire year
Take this ten ru pees...
this is because you cleared your exam...
Go watch a movie and enjoy!!
I never thought you
would clear your exams
Oh! my God...Panduranga...
Sorry! Sorry! it's very old you see...
I had forgotten...
that is why I made a mistake
My dad never gave me money...
He would always give
it to my sister and
ask her to take me along...
Come child!
-Yes dad...
Take this... take him for a movie...
Okay dad...
Do you know why?
He was worried which kind of
movie his son would watch
He had such faith in me!
Brother! please give us two tickets
Do you not see the houseful board?
more than half the movie is over...
Hey! leave it... come let's go shopping
Keep quite... you can
go shopping any day
but I get to watch a movie
only once an year
Brother! please do something
and give us 2 tickets
Give them the tickets of those who left
the movie midway and went away
I will give, but in black...
fifty rupees for a ticket!
Hey... to see only half a movie...
will you buy in black?
-Whatever, give the money
Wait... why do you hurry?
- Make it quick
I never wished to watch 'those' kind of
movies like my dad thought
I only wanted to see an entire
movie... whenever I watch one
Thanks to my late Iateef sister...
my wish was never fulfilled!
What happened in the first half?
I will tell you...
Will you buy me popcorn?
Hey! he is a dumb guy
will you buy Pepsi too?
Sir...Sir...l missed the first half...
At least will you tell
me what happened?
What do I know... get lost!
What next dear...
Did I need to come here
to buy others popcorn...
I would have do it at home itself
The reason for my becoming
a director today
is my late Iateef sister
Tell me why?
I have become a director
today because of
the imagination bug that
always troubled me
wondering what happened
in the first half
Sir...l missed the
first half of the movie
what is the story sir?
Hey! Do you want me
to tell the story here!
I will chop it off!!!
She is my only wife... Gowri
Why? seeing her do you feel
ours is a child marriage?
As the proverb goes...
Much fame in a small stature!!
She isjust like that...
Na ma ska ra...
How long to wait?
It's already late
Ohl... it got just a little late...
I don't have much time, I have to go
elsewhere too to show houses
Come in...
I am coming...just a minute...
Sharath... where are you?
You told you would come soon after
resigning.. you are yet to come!
I have seen a place
for our new office
Come quickly...
I have messaged the address
This is the living room...
This is the place...
See for you rself... it's big...
Come, when will you sign the agreement
and give the advance?
Let's see the place first and
then I will do everything
Come, let's see upstairs...
We opened an office...
called SurabhiTalkies...
Oh! are you wondering why a guy who...
wanted to make films open an office..
I opened this office-cum-cinema studio so
that all facilities and requirements
to make a film are under one roof
He is my friend Sorojit...
though he got ajob as a software engineer
through campus placement...
the company had not asked him tojoin
due to recession
he helped me a lot in setting up my company
We started hiring new people
to SurabhiTalkies
First among them was Gunashekhara...
He had already worked with other
directors as an assistant
He is Manjunath...
Graphic expert...
We recruited him because he would be
helpful in post production works and
our other projects too
The first work we started in this
office was the graphics job
Wow. Supex... super...
Thank you... thank you...
Apart from doing graphic works for
other Kannada movies
we started to prepare for our own movie too
by the by, we named
the movie 'Mareyalaare'
While naming the movie so...
I never thought that Mareyyalaare
would give me memories
that would last fora lifetime...
I had learnt about film direction
like Ekalavya...
But Gowri had done
a course infilm making
and had worked with
good directors too
Thus it helped us a lot that she
was the associate director of our cinema
as soon as scripting was finished
Everyone began thinking about
who would be the hero...
The story is just superb Sir...
I do not think this story is
made into a movie
in any South Indian language,
let alone in Kannada...
Sir, who do you think
could be the hero Sir
Didn't I tell you, everyone would ask
Who is the hero or
will you give me a role too...
Even if the story is a hero in itself
I feel that the movie will come out well
if there is a good, attractive face and
an equally good acting...
We can show how manage
to get a good face
but how about acting?
Whatever it may be,
I feel that it would be best to
have a known and familiar face
Hmm... I too feel the same...
it's better to have a known face
We are anyway there to teach acting!
Let's go and have a look at our heroes...
Why do you think he is nodding his
head for everything we say...
He is from Assam and
he does not know Kannada dear...
What happened?
We can't rewind everything
for you wait a little boss!!
We have a humble request,
in case there is someone
who seems similar to your favourite hero
in what we are going to show now...
please do not feel bad thinking who is this
guy portraying our hero in such
a manner instead kindly go
out of the theatre mu nch
on some popcorn and return
Can I have your order please..
Ahh... we are waiting for someone
we will order in some time...
Excuse me Sir, are you
still waiting for you r guest?
We are about to close our buffet lunch
Hmm... we are still waiting
I think it will take a little while
Hmm... Okay...
Our first meeting, sorry, sorry...
a meeting which was a
trial of our patience
was with Jayanth...
this rhyme came across our minds
while waiting for him...
After waiting till eternity...
are you... Jayanth?
Coming to the point
Having kept us waiting for
4 hours for Iu nch
he was all smiles while coming in...
You got it wrong!
It was not for us...
it was for the waitress in the hotel
Here comes the second
line of my rhyme...
Are you giving her a broad smile...
It's us waiting for you here...
Sharath and Gowri, right?
Hi! Please sit down...
How are you?
- Fine..
We thought you would
make it for Iu nch
but now I think it's late for buffet...
Hey! I am done with lunch...
In that case, shall we havejuice?
Can I have your order please..
2 Watermelon... and for you Jayanth?
Can I please have your order..
Bear... I mean clear Soda..
Hmm... there is a cinema...
We like your movies a lot
The reason we wanted
to meet you was...
basically we are from a corporate field
would you be interested...
if we call you for a store opening
or a product launch?
It depends.
Who invites and for what?
You will be invited only where
the payment is right...
Then, it's okay
Do you have anything else to ask?
Because... I wanted to...
...go out with my friends for a party
Nothing else Jayanth... that's it...
Thanks for your time.
Thank yo u..
Sharath, you were talking about
things other than our cinema
When we had come
to see a hero... why?
Hero...and him?
If we cast him as a
hero in our project,
a cinema that will get
done in four months
will take four years... that's it!
And all that is when...
we have waitresses in every scene!
Okay then... shall we leave?
Order cancel...
He is our Platinum Star Preetham...
He does not ask about
the story and waste time
He has a short and sweet formula...
Look, if the movie is a love story
shot in Chikmagalur or Jog
and has a few rain scenes then...
it is sure to run for a 100 days
And adding to this ifa rabbit or bird
is killed in the end, then it's
surely a super hit!
Oh! are you making a new film?
Look! Only I will select his costumes
and it will only be me who
will select his heroine
And finally only you
will be the audience!
He is our actor-cum
remake director Partha..
After acting in a couple of Hindi movies
and getting a photo clicked
with Amitabh Bachan
the one and only hero who thinks
that he is the Amitabh Bachan
of Kannada is him
He does not know that here...
Everyone is an amateur in front of
ourAnnavaru (Dr. Rajkumar)
In yesterday's function...
Just because another
hero came you forgot me?
Shall we go? He is shouting like mad
Who is he when com pared to me?
You call me and run behind him?
Sir, is he also not a star like you?
That's exactly why...
I walked out of the function
without telling you
Sorry Sir, but we had to take care
of him too Sir...
Okay... you may leave now
Shall we go?
- Yes... let's go
This does not seem to work out
-Yes... come let's go
You are no good
-These stars are a headache
The number you have dialled
is out of coverage area!
Hey Ranga! call those who were
waiting outside
Sir... they saw your
anger and went away
without informing just like you
Did they go away?
Let it go
Hi Lincon, I am Sharath...
- Hi
She is Gowri
- Hi...
Oh! Sorry it got late
There was lot of traffic.
Lot of vehicles you see
Was he saying sorry...
or go to hell...
we didn't understand anything
But the one thing
we understood was
anything that the hero says is
always rig ht in this industry
What is this?
ls everyone like this here?
Keep quite Sharath! It will be bad
if he hears this
ifyou comment like this will
you make a movie without a hero
That's also true... come let's go
He is from America...
He's come from America...
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
He listened to the story
and drove me mad by asking
the same question n-number of times
Ah! Do you want to know what it was?
Listen to it from him...
lam a true Kannadiga
I can't tell it in his American style
ls this story...
really written by you?
Yes, it's he who has written it...
Have you written this story?
Yes, I have written this story
After answering to this question
started our board examination...
It means the extent
to which we know
the technicalities of making a movie
We didn't feel bad because it
was a board examination
We felt bad because the one
who was taking our exam was
a dumb head in himselfl
We plan to make this cinema
using digital technology
We are using digital camera for the
first time in Kannada film industry
Post production becomes very
easy with this approach
Since we have our own production
and post production studio
the task is going to be very easy
But editing machines will be
different in this case
I mean, we will need
to use Mac machines
and the software that will be
used will be FCP
but it's fine -Ugh...
Yeah.. okay.. fine..
lam sure you know it all well
and that you will manage it
all very well too
But still... did you write this story?
Ha, yes.. it's me, thank you
Because it is really
awesome you know..
He's come, he's come from America...
he is throwing many tantrums...
go back my dear child...
let the Kannada film world
remain good...
Sharath Khadri
Sindhu Lokanath
Gowri Sharath
Sharath Khadri
Sir, if we go by what you say
Can't we cast anyone
ofthem as our hero
or does it not set fine?
If we have to tell this
in Uppi dada's style
one does not have any time sense
and the other does not want a story
we can't bear the other's anger
we are left withjust one...
and none of us can understand
his American accent at all...
Justa minute
Hello, tell me...
No, we are still discussing...
Ha, we have not decided as yet
lwill let you know
Certainly, thank you
Who is it Sharath?
The lad of the land, not of
this land but America's
Oh! is it Lincon?
What does he say?
Nothing much, he wanted to know
what is up with our plans
Sir, among all these people...
he is the only one who called back
to ask what happened...
Why don't we make him our hero Sir?
Two of his earlier film have flopped
He has got behind us for he
has got a very good story
And also because his life and
career can get settled
Whatever it is, he is good looking...
and I am confident of getting him to act
But his accent is a problem...
We can get someone else
dub for him
Okay.. let's see
Sir, I know ofa good modeling agency...
While working with a director earlier
he would regularly take me there
In that case, do one thing
Go to the modeling agency and
explain our character in the film
if they give any profiles, get them
We will keep auditions later...
- Okay sir...
Uh? what happened?
What happened?
Are you a normal human?
If it were anyone else in your place
they would have already learnt
Kannada, show me your feet...
- Hi
lam Shelly
and you...
Ohl... no.. no...
So... what do you want from me?
We are searching for
a heroine for our movie
Our director wants
only a fresh face...
So I told about your
modeling agency...
So, what kind ofa girl do you want?
I surely knew that you
would ask like this
So I have come prepared
to tell you in detail
What kind ofa role
is that of the heroine
and which kind ofa girl do we
want for our cinema...
All that is fine...
But what kind of
a girl do you want?
OurGunashekhara was
all out and super excited
to explain the character of our
cinema heroine
to Miss. Shelly
He kept talking for long...
But she was asking
just one question...
Okay, all of it is fine...
but what kind ofa girl do you want?
What kind ofa girl do you want?
Do you want a girl with commitment
or without commitment?
Madam, what kind
of a question is this?
Ours is a new team...
We are attempting to make
a new kind ofa story
We surely want a girl
who is fully committed
Shooting will be for 40 days,
she should be with us...
What? For40 days is it?
Yes... yes...
Okay, I needed just that...
One second..
Show these photos to your director...
if you like any of them, do tell me...
I will arrange for a meeting with them...
Okay madam...
- Okay...
My dear Gu nashekhara...
what is this Baywatch here?
Sir, I explained everything and
told her in detail...
I also told her that it is for
the role ofa village girl...
Look here! I think you told her that
our village girl will be in swim suit...
Oh my God! no Sir...
If you wish I will take you to her...
Madam, It looks like...
our assistant director did not tell
you what kind ofa girl we want...
No, he told everything clearly...
What did he say?
He said he wants
a heroine with commitment
We have sent photos
of girls who are ready for it...
Wait a minute! what does with
commitment mean?
It's just that... a girl who
is ready for anything...
Thisjob is not yet done...
You people do not
have any commitment
Audition # 1 Sweety...
Audition # 2 Charu
Audition #3 Manasa
Audition # 4 Sindhu
Dude.. are you done with it?
Will you show us faces in
the audition or... is itjust this?
Sorry Sir...
Hey Gunashehkara...
What kind ofa cameraman is he...
and what kind ofa model?
Wait! I will take you to task after
the audition
Madam? Had I not told you...
that the role is ofa village girl
I had asked you to wear
Indian costume, is it not?
Oh! this is Indian saree, look at it
Q w aw.!
Has the Indian costume
become like this?
Do you need help?
- No.. no. I will manage
Try it out...
I love you more than my life...
don't leave me...
It's very difficult for me
Perform it in your style itself
it's not a problem
Shall I do it in my style
- Yes, do it...
I love you more than my life...
Don't leave me... that's it...
Please don't leave me...
I love you more than my life...
Hove you...
Beautiful! deliver the line
'how is it possible' in anger...
How is this possible?
Keep practicing this...
It's coming out beautifully...
Do well, all the best
-Thank you so much...
Was an age limit not set for
the heroine audition?
Sir, she is the heroine's mother...
In the last film her ice cream bill
itself ran up to 50,000
How long will it take?
shall I start?
Who is the director I say, who is
taking so long for an audition...
Such a waste of time...
ls he jobless?
Please keep aside your fan...
No... it's not possible...
There's not even an AC here...
How is this possible?
Hey, how is this possible?
Sir... what is this?
She is like the heroine
ofa horror film...
Should I shoot her too?
Should her audition be done?
She is an influence candidate
please do it
Oh! it's all my fate...
How did it come out?
is it awesome?
I will give you a tight slap,
how is it possible... uhh?
Ahh... what's this boss?
How is it possible,
How is it possible...
How is it possible...
Don't leave me and go, I love you
You are the love of my life dear...
Don't leave me and go, I love you
She is our Lincon's girlfriend
She has come because
of his influence...
He had requested
me to a large extent
That I take her as our heroine...
Since I truly value art a lot...
lam surely not going to be bogged
down by such influence...
That's why I conducted
a proper audition
But as that cameraman said...
She is actually a horror film heroine
and so she got rejected
You are the love of my life dear...
Don't leave me and go...
I love you
In case you leave me
I will punch you
You are the love of my life dean...
Don't leave me...
Hove you...
In this manner, our heroine
audition reached a stage...
Next day, we saw the audition videos
once again and...
Shortlisted Sanju Gowda
and Sindhu Loknath
As decided earlier...
We rejected Lincon's girlfriend, Charu
Look... as we talk about her
How did Charu's audition go on?
I hope you liked her...
Lincon, to tell you the truth
She does not suit our story...
Come on come on Shaxah.
The chemistry between is very good
We love each other.. okay..
And it looks very
nice on screen, Sharath
Lincon, what I say is...
Let's not get personal matters
into the cinema
Very soon we will be selecting
a new heroine
Will let you know when we finalise
Oh hello.. Sharath
Excuse me.. hello.. hello..
Sharth... look, what is this?
What's it?
- Looks like tattoo marks on Sindhu's hand
- Sharath... it's me Sindhu
I had come for you r audition yesterday
Are you busy? can we speak?
I have called to ask...
What happened of the audition results?
Nevertheless, you re shortlisted...
But... I was looking at
your photos on the internet
What are those marks on your hand?
Oh!.. that... actually...
They are tattoo marks I had got
done while in college
Those that are called 'Hachche'
Are they permanent tattoos?
In that case it will be difficu It...
It will not suit the
role of our heroine
Moreover, if we try to
cover it up with makeup
There are a few rain scenes too...
I don't want to take any risks
Oh! actually I am ready to get
plastic surgery done
It will take just around 15 days
Just because of one tattoo...
Please don't tell that you
will not select me
I realised that you are putting in
a lot of effort for this project
When I saw you selecting the
heroine through an audition
to work with such a good team
I would be more than eager
I want to be part of your team
So please consider me...
No" no... no need of was: surgery
Ahh... we have not decided as yet
I will let you know when we decide
lwill let you know
Don't do any such thing...
I will call you
Telling you the truth..
I was actually scared..
When I heard of plastic surgery
After I told this to Gowri
and Gunashekhara
We decided to cast Sindhu
as our heroine
Because our team needed this kind
ofa committed girl
Oh! not the film industry kind
of commitment
You guys are no less...
You are returning our favour to us
Come in...
Anyway, the heroine is now
What happened to the other
character artists?
Sir, I asked all the artists...
- Hmm...
They all askjust
one question which is
Who is the production manager
of your cinema?
Who is a production manager?
Sir, the one who manages
the conveniences of all the artists
And brings them on time
is a production manager...
The one who gets us permissions
for our locations is him...
If said in simple words...
The one who coordinates shooting
arrangements is a production manager
In case artists face payment problems
they do not grab our collars
Instead they grab the collar of a
production manager
But in our production...
Artists will not have to face
any such problems
Can't one of us
handle all these affairs
and other necessary sundryjobs?
Sir, all that is not possible Sir...
A card is needed... a card...
A union card to become a
production manager
Oh! is it so?
Sir, you don't worry about this
I will get someone
If you want to you can select
Fine..let's do like that
- Okay Sir...
Na ma ska ra Sir...
What is you cinema
budget estimation Sir?
According to union rules...
60 - 70 people are needed for shooting
Set aside 1 or 2 lakes for a day...
For location permissions...
We will need this, is it okay?
Upon meeting these
production managers
For the first time I realised
How difficult it is to make a cinema
It's not their fault either
The system is such...
They only helped me
understand it, that's it...
When this was the scene and
we were confused
about whom to rope in and whom not to
as our production manager
An acquaintance of mine
introduced me to Costly Swamy...
Na ma ska ra Sir...
- Hello Sir...
Phase come...
Sir, what were you doing earlier?
I was working in a
mobile company Sir...
Were you getting
your salary properly?
Yes Sir... why?
Then why on earth did you want
cinema and films?
You could have continued to work
comfortably and peacefully
Don't get scared!
This is his style...
This is how he tells to all freshers
Fine then, what else can I say
when you have already decided?
It's all your fate!
Are the hero and heroine fixed?
Yes Sir.. we have finalised
We plan to make Lincon our hero
and a new girl our heroine
Then who is the music director?
The music has come out very well Sir...
Shall we get the lyrics done from
Jai Kulkarni himself
Sir, Jai Kulkarni may be #1
in lyric writing but...
Getting him to write a song
And extracting work from him...
I know its difficulty the best!
Is it so? why do you say so?
Oh! that is because...
Once I had given him
a tune to write a song
He had not written the first
two lines of the song
And had written fill up the blanks
This is what happened
He had written everything...
But for the first two lines
When I asked him
why he had done so
It's me... or it's you...
It's me.. or it's what
He asked me to write and go on...
Not just this...
We come across so
many such characters
Once a producer had come
He himself was the hero of the film
He didn't know even
a sound of music...
And he insisted upon me giving
him the music fast...
I told him... Look...
Female chorus is pending...
You come in the evening...
See for you rself and finalise it..
That man came in the evening...
He listened to the complete song
and appreciated it...
Do you know what he told in the end...
- hmm..
Where is the female and
where is the chorus?
I was stunned...
I didn't know what to say.
I looked around and kept mum
Such people also come to us Sir...
- Hi...
When the music
started coming out well...
Our search tended towards finding
a good cameraman
Once the shooting is done
All the work that is done in a studio
Must be done in the place
where I ask you to...
But there is this studio of our own
Hey! it will not work that way
It must be done in the place
I ask you to
Oh! is that so...
Okay... I will leave
- Thank you...
Please sit...
Star hotel accomodation is compulsory boss
for me and my team...
What do you mean by team?
Just 8 members...
In a 5-star for 8 eight people?
-Ya Sir
Thanks a lot...
Should it be shot in digital Sir?
Is that not the new technology?
Don't you know to shoot in digital?
Reel is better for us Sir
I myself have a camera...
I will do it only if shot with my camera
Story is very complex Sir
I have done it all in Tamil,
Malayalam, Telugu Sir...
Do you understand Kannada?
Will you do a Kannada movie?
We shall do it very well Sir...
Will you do it in digital?
We shall do it very well Sir...
Look! it has to be
done quite differently
We shall do it very well Sir...
After listening to his
'Pannala m', 'Pannala m'
Like we say Familiarity
breeds contempt.
We ropped in a cameraman from Chennai,
and not Bengaluru...
What you are going to see now is
The photoshoot of our 'Mareyalaare film
Strictly for only those who can laugh
Yeah.. we will start.
Lincon, get a little makeup done...
Na ma ska ra Sir...
My name is Naveen
He is from America
He's come... he's come from America...
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
Don't touch my hair...
What happened Lincon?
He is overdoing the makeup...
It's all fine Lincon...
No.. It's not awesome..
Look here... here... see...
Hey! as he says boss
Okay Sir...
- He will do it Lincon.. he will
Shall we start the photoshoot?
Shall I do like this?
No..No...we have planned it all
No..No... shoot as I say
Shall I turn like this?
Uhh... it looks good
Please take one break Sir..
Next. shall ljump?
Uh... you want to jump?
Why does your hero behave so?
Does not listen to what is told
What had we discussed yesterday...
What's happening now Sir
Please adjust a little and finish it off
You do it Lincon
We will do it in another dress,
will you change the costume?
Yeah.. good idea
- Shara.
- Shara.
What did you do now?
I did makeup...
- No
It's not awesome..
See here... see...
Do it as he says boss...
You don't worry Lincon
Come here.. I will tell you...
What's it Sir...?
Am I a makeup man or a director?
Please pay attention and do it...
Ayyoo! he shouts Sharath, Sharath
Even before I touch him Sir...
How can a makeup Iighther
than this be done Sir?
Sir... I am telling you a truth...
Even a pinch of powder is
not spent since morning
In the makeup ofthis guy
Will you do this?
- Ha...
Can you act?
-Yes, but why Sir?
Act as ifyou are doing makeup
- Ha..
Don't bother to even touch him
- Okay Sir... okay
Didn't even touch him Sir...
He says he will do makeup,
but he is not touching me
Hey... makeup man...
At least give a little touch up
Ohh! do it yourself Sir...
What's this mess int he morning
and no payment too
Just a waste of time and effort for me
Wait Lincon, I'll bring him
Hey.. wait... stop...
What's this? it's very tight!
Hey.. it was all fine when the
measurements were taken Lincon
No, now there is a little pau nch,
no... I am fit
Yeah.. come on..
Photographer yeah..
Shall I do like this?
That will not be nice Sir
No, it will be good, you do it
-Sir, your face will be hidden
Hey, hand should be seen,
my hands are awesome
Now... this... no... no
Oh, don't want Sir...
- Okay.. okay, ready
Sharath, your photographer
isjusttoo much
Lincon, you say something to the makeupman
and now to this photographer
What is this Lincon?
- Everyone is dumb!
Sir... get back a little
-This looks awesome..
Sir, come ahead a little
Get back Sir
Put your leg ahead
- Oh... okay ya..
Smile Sir...
- One angry look
This is not angry Sir..
It's sarcastic
No.. it is...
Sharath, don't you have an axe?
Our cinema subject is not so Lincon
Sir.. you are a lover..
No problem in using it in
a photoshoot, get it
There's nothing of that kind
in the cinema
It looks awesome..
Sir, raise your hand a bit
One leg like this
Touch up...
Will you do a bit as I say
Hey, no... you have to do as I say
Because I am awesome..
What's it there... on that side
in the hand?
Looks like paralysis...
This is tattoo, tattoo..
Oh is it? who gave it?
I got it myself
Charu got it...
Shall I do like this... like this?
Lincon, there are a few dumbells there...
Pick them up and give a pose,
you will look super
Super for this fit body
ls it fine...?
Oh! super... it's all our fate
- Thank you
Justa minute
Finally... you never
got me an axe Sharath
I didn't get one of your
America kind...
I will get it next time...
Sharath, I am sweating a lot
Makeup, makeup..
- Hey makeup
Hey makeup...
Hey makeup...
Oh! please spare me Sir
Hey makeup...
- Makeup
Hey Sharath, how has the
photoshoot come out?
Have the photos come out well?
I have to see the photos, show them...
Which photos Lincon?
Unable to bear your torture the
photographer ran away...
And that makeup man
Ran away midway in the shoot unable
to bear your torture...
Photographer and I had planned what not
for your photoshoot...
and you behaved so...
And the costumes, we had bought
so many Lincon
You never wore any of those but
for the ones Charu got
No, no, Charu gave them, they were awesome
and so I wore only them...
Ya,then right from the
introduction up till the climax
Wear the same clothes
If you behave like this, I will take
you to task during shooting
What... will you hit me?
Have you not seen my fights, stunts
and punches in my films...
If you give punches in movies,
lwill punch in real life
What happened Sharath?
I dreamt that I had fought with Lincon
It's tough shooting with him
After what happened in the photoshoot,
I too feel the same...
He does not listen to anyone
Shall we do one thing
Shall we look for another hero
Telling him that finances did
not get arranged
and so the shooting got postponed...
Best thing to do...we will do that
go to sleep
What, did you say finance problem?
But was it all not fine till now, Sharath
We too didn't know this would happen
Funds had to come in from one source
It's getting delayed a bit...
Then will this project not take off
for sometime
It can't be done immediately...
It will take quite some time for
funds to be arranged
When it gets arranged we will
surely continue
So I think it is best that you
take up someother project
No... No... No...
No, I like this script very much
In fact it's awesome.
It's really awesome.
I have to do this project okay!
I certainly have to do it
Yes... I know...
When we start the project later
We will surely do it with you
No.. no.. at this point of time
In this stage of my career...
Such a script is very important
It boosts my career up
I have to do this script
Give me the story and subject
I will get it done from someone else
How can the script and story be
given to someone else
It can't be given like that
In fact, I will ask the one's who do
the movie to put your name
In fact I will try to get them
pay you for it
lam not doing this
project for money Lincon
The story can't be given like that
What do you mean by you
can't give
I will make a few changes in the story
and make it in my name
Else somehow try
and arrange for finances
lwill let you know
Give me some time
- Okay
Do that.
When he asked for the story
I got very angry and scared too
It felt like being stuck in
Trishanku swarga
Then we felt like taking the suggestion
of our music director Sarjun...
- It's me Sharath
Yes Sharath, tell me
Sir, it's seeming very difficu It
to work with Lincon
We thought about dropping him
from the project
But he is asking for the story itself
Sir, actually he is a big nail in the shoes
He is one who will take your story and
Get a movie done from someother producer
Can't trust him... hmm
Sharath, the industry and media
know that you are
doing a movie with him
If you drop him midway, it's you
who will get a bad name
Be it gain or pain...
Do the movie with him
and finish it off
We will see what to do further
- Okay Sir
Going by Sarjun's advice
And deciding to somehow do
the film with him
We told him that finances got
arranged somehow
and we are doing the movie
lam the fashion designer
of 'Mareyalaare' movie
Shall I show you the costumes?
Ha... okay show them
See... this is a waistcoat
Party wear shirt...
He's come from America...
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
Instead ofthis...
If you wear a dress with butterfly wings
Wouldn't it be very nice...
ls it so Charu...
- Ha...
No need of all these
Make a dress with those butterfly wings
for this song...
And you have worked out so much
and become so fit...
If you wear a tight formal shirt
and a waistcoat over it...
You will look...
I'll really look awesome. right?
But, in which scene shall I wear it Charu?
Ha, shall I wear it in the scene
where I go in the bus...
It will be good...
All the people will be in
different poses...
I mean, they overflow from the bus...
Suit and boot for a scene on a bus...
Why not?
But Sharath had told me something else
Tell him that...
Charu, I mean I have changed it now, simple
Okay, I will discuss with Sharath once...
Ha... do it... do it...
He's come from America...
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
Hello, tell me Shilpa...
Sharath, I don't know
If you, Lincon or...
Or Lincon's girlfriend is the director
Why Shilpa, what happened?
Look, I have designed
dresses as told by you
But both of them are asking for
something very different...
Their talk is meaningless
For a scene on a BTS bus...
Your hero wants a blazer and coat
Will someone who wears a coat
and boot travel by BTS bus?
Shilpa, I am getting what you say...
But we are inching closer to shooting
We can't fight wuth him at this stage
Just make a couple of dresses
as he says...
If we overshoot the budget,
please don't worry...
Give me the bill,
I will take care of it. Okay..
Okay.. as you wish..
Every director wishes
That his film comes out very well...
Upon which if it is his first film...
Only the one who experiences
it knows it best...
Every scene should be perfect to the tee...
I too had the same wish
It can be called determination
So I was getting rehearsals done
for every scene
With a bandage around her hand...
Sindhu was doing rehearsals
in spite of the pain
I didn't tell you why there is a bandage
around the hand, right?
For the sake of a role...
This girl for plastic surgery done...
The scene on this side was
very different
When Lincon was told about rehearsals
I don't need rehearsals,
I will do it all on the sets
Taking to him always ended up
with such things
Change the script, not this dress
not that dress...
Make my girlfriend the heroine
I used to get fed up
But going by Sarjun's words...
I used to think offinishing
the job, though tough
He's come from America...
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
I know what you are thinking about
While shooting this scene
Has the cameraman forgot
switching on the lights, isn't it?
No boss...
This is how we sat when Lincon
was chewing us raw
In darkness...
Amidst all of this, we reached the
muhurta day...
Amidst all of this, we reached the
muhurta day...
I am sorry
- It's okay
Sir, for how many days have
you planned the shooting
We think it will go on for 40 days
Sir, what kind ofa story?
It is a usual love story...
Sir, will you tell us where are
your locations?
We plan to shoot in Singapore,
Malaysia and surroundings,
isn't it Sharath?
Simple role, village girl
Sir, can we get a byte of yours?
Oh! why not, will do...
Hey, move aside...
Sharath is a new director and
You are an experienced actor...
What's the reason for
you acting in his film?
Though Sharath is a new director...
His story
ls very good...
It's really awesome
I liked his story very much
Then, technically he is very sound
Hey, who is that villan kind of
guy, come aside...
-What did you liked about the project?
Story written by the director was good
It's a village backdrop
I liked the script
He's come from America...
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
Since you have an American accent
I have heard that a few directors
Avoid getting dubbing done from you
Are you doing this movie yourself?
Or is anyone else dubbing foryou?
No, no, I will be giving voice
for this film myself
I mean, what is this...
In America they say I have an
Indian accent
And in India they sayl have
an American accent
No.. it's not awesome
Sir, even I know the story very well
I will tell you, take my interview
Who are you?
- Assistant director of this movie
Hey, get lost!
Hey, non-assistant director Sir...
If you want to give an interview
Come to the front screen
from the back screen
Become a hero, understood?
Sharath, I...
Don't like this food
Everyone is telling it is tasty
They are relishing the food Lincon
No, my philosophy is
That which is yummy to eat
And has an awesome taste
ls not good for the body
We could have got
animal fodder for him
He is a mad man,
he is a mad man
What... what?
Oh! nothing, I wasjust thinking
what to get you?
Hey, no... don't think too much...
Get me ragi porridge, that's it
But, from where do we get it now?
I want ragi porridge only...
I have only that for Iu nch Sharath,
get that for me
I will arrange for it somehow
Don't worry Lincon, you sit down
Production, he wants some ragi porridge,
please get it for him boss
Where are you dude, come fast
How long to wait for you...
Come here right now
Shooting is about to start, come fast
- Sharath
What is all this?
Iam not liking any
of these clothes, okay
Look, do one Mug...
Give me some other
clothes for this scene
But, we had discussed all this
with you earlier
And decided upon the clothes
for every scene
And then chose them Lincon, right?
But now I am not liking any ofthe
clothes Sharath...
I want to...
Wear something different
But all ofthem are
Set aside for other scenes
and songs Lincon
I don't know any of that Sharath
Get all the clothes that have been
bought for the movie
I will choose one from that
All ofthem are in our office
And we are shooting near Kanakapura
It will take at least 2 hours
To go and get them from our office
We will have to stop
shooting thill then
You know what?
I don't care
Until you get me all the clothes...
I will not come in
front of the camera
Hey, shooting has stopped, come fast
ls everything ready?
Ha, take it, take the clap...
Action, Mareyalaare, Scene # 45,
Shot#1,Take #1
I have been waiting
So much for your gift
Your gift never came
Hey, cut, cut, cut...
Everything was coming out good.
What happened now?
I had told you I wanted a pink
color envelope for this scene
No.. this is not happening
How does a envelope matter Lincon?
Let's finish the scene
Sharath, I have discussed this
scene with Charu
And Charu has told that
Pink envelope will
look very good here
Get it...
What to do now?
Only 5 minutes is left for the
callsheet to get over
Let him goto hell
Let's somehow arrange for
a pink envelope
Hey, get that pink envelope that
he is asking for...
Why on earth did I ask our director
to cast him I don't know
He doesn't listen to anyone
He does not listen to our director too
If this is the case, it's all over
Excuse me...
Don't look at me and deliver dialogues
I feel co nciou s.. okay
Look that side and say them...
Hold it, any problem?
Haa... clap...
Mareyalaare, Scene #25,
Shot #1,Take#1
Why... what happened ?
It's been many days that I have
left my town
Our town, the lake...
The people, I am missing
all ofthem very much
Why do you miss them so much, don't
Why despair, I am there for you
Beautiful shot, cut
He came... he came...
If we consider a scene...
It should come awesome
Your heroine is not
acting anything, okay!
If Charu were to be there, this scene
would have really been awesome
lam the director, right?
The scene has come out very well...
You don't bother about all that
Let's prepare for the next shot
It's a scene where...
You are holding Sindhu's hand
and pacifying her
Hand, do I have to do all that?
Don't worry, it's getting late, come
let's take positions
Hey clap boy, come here and you
prepare the lights
I love you...
- Ha
A little softly Lincon...
Take another take, softly
I love you
Sharath, Sharath...
Sindhu and my chemistry
is not happening
If Charu would have been there,
it would be awesome
Let's talk about all this later Lincon
The heroine can't be changed now
Please cooperate, okay?
Since it started raining heavily
In Chikmagalurall ofa sudden
We had to change schedules
We started looking for new
locations in Bengaluru itself
- Lincon?
How come you are here?
- Hi
I actually thought of coming to
the office itself
You had given your house address
So I came...
- Come in, sit...
Thank you...
Just a minute, I will call Sharath
- Coming
Lincon has come
ls it?
- Yes...
- I don't know
Hi Lincon
Sharath, I have something
important to speak to you
- Hope you don't mistake
No,tell me
See Sharath, let's change our
current heroine, okay
Charu and I are the
perfect couple for this story...
So, I think that's the best
Shooting has started Lincon
Moreover, everything is coming out well
We can't do like that now
I have seent he already shot portions
Everyone has done very well
I think we should not disturb
the shoot now
Look,I hope you understand...
If Charu is in front of my eyes my
performance will be super, okay
And in fact it will be awesome
Come on Lincon, you are a good actor
Even if we place a stone in front of you
you will act beautifully
You are a very good actor,
an awesome actor you see...
Ya... okay... 'om
By the by, I forgot to tell you
We have seen new locations and
I will give you the new schedule soon
ls it okay?
- Yeah... okay... fine
Hope you don't have any problem
Did you come to tell just this
Oh, thank you... thank you
I will inform you about the
next schedule
All the best
He is throwing many tantrums...
Go back my dear child...
Let the Kannada film world
remain good...
We selected all locations and
prepared the new schedule
We decided upon the locations
and scenes for the next one week
I called up Linconto tell this
I never thought that
it would be our last phone call
We have planned the
schedule for next week
I called to tell you this
Aaa... before that
You have make the script
changes that I had told?
Our conversation did not stop
Not only that, it started
to turn into arguments
You must be wondering what kind
of script change did he ask for
I will tell you, listen to it
There was a character in my cinema
It had shaped up very well
It felt like
Nobody would forget that character
after seeing the movie
He feared and felt that
That character would gain more
prominence than the hero
Or I don't know ifthat was his way
Of torturing me for not taking
his girlfriend as the heroine
Nevertheless, I had lost patience
Look Lincon, this is becoming a torture
The costume change, the enevelope
color change that you askfor
Repeatedly refusing the heroine
And now you say that you
don't want a character itself
I don't like all this one bit
lfl make the changes you askfor
My movie will not come
out the way it should
I can't make the
changes that you ask for
Even if it turns out to be a flop
A director should be content that he made a
movie the way he wanted to
So I have decided
I will make the movie the way I want it
I can't make the changes you say
If you have any problem,
tell me right now
How can you do that?
See, you have to make
the changes I have told
I am the hero of this movie
And moreover it affects
my image. Okay
Even I am telling you the same.
You are the hero of the movie,
not the director
I cant: sit and argue with you
Listen to me now
I can't continue with you in this film
I cancel the shoot
So horrible.
I painted my fate
on my bare soul..
To add beauty to that picture
I held a pen of colours
ls it wrong to get on to
the path that heart desires..
Have my desires
become a mirage?
Discarding what is with us...
And getting drawn into...
The wave of everything new...
Did the apprehensions of the...
People who pulled back become true?
May all sorrows be mine while
treading the thorn laiden path
Why should my beloved
go through pain
I have lost the light within me
I have become a puppet
in the hands of destiny
ls it wrong to get on to
the path that heart desires..
Have my desires
become a mirage?
When the sweet of happiness is offered...
Everyone gmhers around...
Like a group of bees...
My companionship is not
desired when in grief...
Everyone mocks and laughs
towards the one who has lost...
Will this darkness not fade
and ray of light emerge?
I will face it and fight...
Where is the spring of opportunity?
Is it wrong to get on to
the path that heart desires..
Have my desires
become a mirage?
I painted my fate
on my bare soul..
To add beauty to that picture...
I held the pen of colours...
ls it wrong to get on to
the path that heart desires..
Have my desires
become a mirage?
When we were going through
the deepest and longest
Darkness in the abyss of our life
A person who came as a ray
of hope was Mahesh
Did you feel that I was being
very philosophical?
That is what is called life
When, how and whom...
It changes someone,
nobody knows...
By the by, we met Mahesh when...
We were looking for a creative designer
For our company SurabhiTalkies
The handsome guy who came from
Byadagi is charming...
lam in an interview
Will call you later...
Okay... bye
Hello, Mam...
Mahesh here..
Ya, I am in your office
I am downstairs...
Okay, Mam...
Mahesh, please come...
-Yes Mam
May I come in
Come in, please sit
Hi Mahesh, my name is Sharath
Which place do you belong to?
What Sir?
Everyone has listened to it,
but for you
The background music when
I came in for the interview
The handsome guy who came from
Byadagi is charming...
this is it
trapped me with his sight
the handsome guy who came from
Byadagi is charming
My caller tune itself declares...
That I am from Byadagi
How many times to tell you
that I am in an interview
Put down the phone, you brat!
Sorry Sir...
On looking at your resume
You seem to have very good
experience in film graphics
But we are looking for only a small
A creative designer for
a pamphlet and poster only
If we have to tell you about ourselves
We were going to do
a movie called 'Mareyalaare'
But since the hero didn't cooperate
We had to stop the movie midway.
We lost quite a lot of money
It might be difficult for us now
to hire a big graphic artist like you
But in the future ifwe ever
start Film graphics and animation
I will certainly inform you.
I hope you understand
Yes Sir, let me know when
there is an opportunity
Oh... sure...
What happened Sharath?
- Nothing at all...
Mahesh had called...
-What did he say?
He says he is searching
projects for us
Are we also looking for any
film graphics and animation projects?
Ha, an animation project
has come our way
but its a very samll budget project
I feel we should accept it
I too feel the same
We can rope in Mahesh for that project
and we can take SurabhiTalkies forward too
Even after all this
we have to get back to life
We too did it
but with a small twist
I got back to my corporate career and
Gowri started looking after SurabhiTalkies
To push forward our Surabhi Talkies
Gowri started looking out for
advertisement and other graphics projects
Hi, madam...
Come in Mahesh... please sit
Now our charming prince
I mean Mahesh
officiallyjoined our SurabhiTalkies team
All the best
Oh sure, thank you mam
Thank you...
-You are welcome
Upon seeing the memories
of our Mareyalaare movie
Mahesh approached producers
for not only graphics jobs.
But also asked them if they
will produce ourMareyalaare movie
Sir, actually we are
people who do graphics
I came to meet you because
we came to know that
your film has graphicsjobs
Graphics jobs are done in Chennai.
Let's see the next time
Sir, we also have a film
project called Mareyalaare
Script and heroine are already selected
and we are looking for producers
It would be nice ifyou would
be interested
ls the heroine finalised, who?
Is she ready for everything?
Is she ready for all kinds of
dresses and scenes?
Is it that stopped project?
Who will do that stopped project?
Ha, I will give graphics jobs too
I will produce Mareyalaare also
but there is one condition
only my son should be made the hero
Papa, will you make me a hero?
We got the project madam
We can start work from tomorrow
ls it? Very good Mahesh..
-Yes ma'am
Did you show our work?
Did they like it?
They did not see any work madam...
They saw the visiting card
and gave the project
What? They saw the visiting card
and gave the project?
Yes, madam...
Namaskara Sir...
- Ha, Namaskara
Sir, this is our visiting card
We came to know that you
are making a film
- So we thought we could...
ask you for the graphics work
If we see you r name it looks
like you are from our region
You are from North Kamataka, right?
Ha, yes Sir... yes...
Sir, shall I show you the demo reel
of our company?
Hey, all that is not needed
when you are from our region
You just get on with work now
-Yes Sir...
This is how it is here...
They often say that you are from our region
and such and give projects
As SurabhiTalkies was growing
we re-employed Gunashekhar
for advertising project works
Though I had got back to my
corporate life
since my heart and soul was here
I often came to SurabhiTalkies
Just when everything
was about to be set
Just when everything
was about to be set
Director Kumar is about
to start a new movie
He has also decided to give
the title 'Mareyalaare' for this film
According to him the title 'Mareyalaare'
is a perfect fit for his film
He plans to start this movie from
the next month
Prior to this a film called 'Mareyalaare'
had started shooting
and stopped midway
When director Kumar was asked about this
he told that he does not know anything
about that stopped project
There is also new that Mr. Kumar
is about to get Bollywood stars
for this film
How is this possible?
Our title can't be taken like this Sir
I have got 'Mareyalaaree' title
renewed just a few days back
I will call the film chamber
Sir, I am calling from SurabhiTalkies
We have renewed 'Mareyalaare' title
Please check and tell me
Speaker phone...
Ha, Mareyalaare is in the banner
of SurabhiTalkies
Its renewed
Sir, why do you get tensed?
Iam searching for
producers for Mareyalaare
Someone or the other will
su rely come forward
I know that you are searching Mahesh
I also know that there
are many who have told that
they do not like to take up
stopped projects
We can't keep quite becasue of that
Everyone is forgetting Ma reyalaa re
Look! That's why they
are going to take our title now
Now, the most important thing
is to keep Mareyalaare alive
That's correct, but
how can we do it now?
We can't produce the film too
We havejust started growing
One idea...
Summing up our Sandalwood
experience can a film be made?
I mean.. what I am trying to say is
Considering the making of Mareyalaare
Let's make a film on the
basis of the true incidents
What we get from it is
we will get to tell our people
about Mareyalaare too
and we will also get to tell about
the sweet and bitter experiences that
happen in our industry
Instead to making this...
we can make Mareyalaare itself, right?
It's not like that...
Mareyalaare is a very glamorous subject
We are talking about
a real subject in this
Let's put real characters and
give them real costumes
What do real characters mean Sir?
Real characters mean...
Gowri will do Gowri's character
Mahesh will do Mahesh's character
Gunashekhara will do
Gunashekhar's character
Sir,you mean I will act?
I feel scared Sir...
Come on Gunashekhara,
you don't take on tension
We will not give you very big
dialogues, okay?
But camera team budget and...
expenses of the entire
film may be difficult
Let's do like this
We are getting advertisement projects
It will be useful for
that also and for our film
Let's buy a digital camera
In Hollywood that is how they are
making movies now Mahesh...
To reduce cost, let's reduce
the number of shooting days
Let's plan neatly
There will not be any stars, so no
budget tension
We will also have date flexibility
For the cameraman...
Let's do one thing let's ask
the cameraman of Mareyalaare
to act as the real cameraman
So for this film
Let's make Mareyalaare associate
cameraman Ravi the cameraman
We can do it
Our editing job for
advertisements Shivu is doing
Let's get editing done by him
S, mush?
Let's give a new misuc director a chance
If anyone asks let's say
we didn't have money
to rope in Rahman that's it
I feel its a risk
It's going to be no risk and only fun
Sir, title...7
We are going to tell
a story about Sandalwood
It will be good if we keep it with
a tint of comedy in it
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma...
How will it be?
It's nice...
It's awesome...
What English is it?
You will not understand all that.
Come on Sir...
Okay, let's try and see...
Yes... yes...
In this way
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma was born
and its work also started
I requested Sindhu
to act in this movie
- Hello...
Sindhu, it's me Sharath...
Hi, how are you?
You have called after so many days
Yes, I plan to make one more film
I think this is what is called
the circle of life
There was a time when she
asked me to give her a chance
Now it is such that I am asking
her if she will act in my film...
Which one? ls it Mareyalaare?
No.. Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma
This is what we experienced in Sandalwood
when we came in to make Mareyalaare
Your role is of Mareyalaare heroine in this
I mean, we will show how did you got
into our team and the experiences
you and we had during
the making of Mareyalaare
This may become a little
of a controversy too
If you are telling the facts
as they are it will be nice
If it becomes a controversy, let it be
lam surely ready to work again
with your team
Thank you...
In that case I will discuss
dates with you soon
and arrange for shooting, okay?
He is our new music director Keertan
A 22-year old software engineer
Even he is very crazy
about music and cinema
Are you saying we are
getting only such people
Are you saying we are
getting only such people
ls cinema is my tattoo
and my cloths?
The switch that gives a shock
is this touch...
ls cinema is passion
and pitch of my life?
The craze of the immature heart
the sketch..
Is it cinema?
A will be the winner
among hundred
ls what the rest get
a complete zero...
ls this Sandalwood
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
ls this Sandalwood...
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
Hey Director!
How much ever of cycling you do
a hit cinema will not come out...
It will run only for 3 days...
how many ever stunts you do...
Why do you get mocked at like this?
By keeping an item song that
the producer asks for
Giving a script that suits the
image of the hero
Leaving all creativity back at home
How can I give
a hit cinema?
Don't disturb...
lam going to get my
wife prepare ragi balls!
Hey Producer...
The film you did was of high budget
All cheques are bouncing now
Boss, when it will go to Oscars?
Paying attention to collections?
Why do you come like this to
become a pauper
Selling all property for the sake of cinema
Downloading the film audio myself
Staring at an empty theatre with
crossed hands
I lost everything and
left my own town
Don't disturb
lam going to rear cattle
leaving behind everything
ls this Sandalwood...
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
ls this Sandalwood...
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
Hey, heroine...
When will you get an offer
and come on the big screen?
How much ever talent you have...
how long should we wait?
With lot of affection
for Kannada language
and leaving offers of all other languages
all I got was an item song
In the name of costume all
I got was just a two-piece...
Sister, shall I give you an idea?
Go and just get married...
ls cinema is my tattoo
and my cloths?
The switch that gives a shock
is this touch
ls cinema is passion
and pitch of my life?
The craze of the immature heart
the sketch..
Is it cinema?
Building a castle of success in it
and putting in hundreds of
immemorable marks
ls this Sandalwood
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
ls this Sandalwood
Sa Ri Ga Ma..
Hey folks, that's it, finished
As it all started...
controversies also sprung up
My name is Arun
lam from 'Ramayan' newspaper
in Gandhinagara
Anyway, let's come to the point
Tell me..
It looks like you have shown
about Kannada
film heroes in detail...
lsit Sir?
Sir, nothing like that
lfsjust a normal cinema
It's true that its based on
true stories
We have not taken any names and
targetted them
It is a real story about
Mareyalaare cinema, is it?
In a way, yes...
In fact Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma is
is culmination of all our experiences
when we tried to make
Mareyalaare cinema
You mean, making ofMareyalaara.
-Yes you can say so
Ha, okay
Everyone is telling that
in this film the fact that
Mareyalaare film stopped due to
the hero is being told in detail
How correct is this?
Why analyse all this now Sir?
We are going to make a good movie and
we only request people to watch
and enjoy this film
Regarding this, with
you writing all this in your paper
people will not come to theatres
to watch the film, isn't it?
Sir, anywaym
off the record...
Whatever it may be, you have
made a very good film
So all the best, good luck
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma has
landed up in a controversy
This cinema is a culmination of
all my experiences while I ventured
into the making of Mareyalaare, says
director Sharath Khadri...
What is told about our Sandalwood stars
in the film has brought mixed reactions
We believe that in the film
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma
you have been mocked upon
What do you have to say about it?
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma?
I don't know all that
lam coming back from Bangkok
now, after a party
Amidst all this controversy we will
have to see if it releases
but its audio is a super hit
Are you ready?
Sir, is it true that you are talking about
your experiences of Mareyalaare
film in this movie?
Yes, it's true that we are showcasing
our experiences of Mareyalaare movie
ls it true that you have
mocked upon
our heroes in yourfilm
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma?
Look, in this movie we have not
taken any names or told
anything about anyone
Why did you leave the corporate field
and plunge into movie making?
Why are you asking this now?
This is a question you should have
asked a year and half ago
About whom all have you spoken
in your film Sir?
As I told you earlier
We have not spoken about any hero
or taken any names
In all what do you feel about
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma?
Will you tell in detail what kind
ofa movie it is?
We have attempted to make a
normal comedy cinema
Yes, it is a movie that is a compilation of
all my experiences in the film industry
But we have not hurt anyone
or made fun of any person
In case anyone feels that there
are resemblances, then it's not
my fault
You say it's a comedy but
there are other types of
controversies around it!
You are the ones who have
created this controversy
and that's why I amspeaking to you
There is no controversy in this
Please don't tell anything that will
create a controversy
This is a common comedy cinema
We have tried to make it such that
everyone likes it, that's it
We heard one more thing
It seems that you have targetted one
particular person in yourfilm
Its not about anyone Sir
When it is a story there are
certain things
We have only spoken about them
Since it is based on the
film world
many people are curious
that we might have spoken about
someone or the other
Watch the film
If everything is told now, nobody
will watch the film
When have you planned the film release?
We have; see...
there are few more things
to be done
Once that is done, we will
release the film soon
Towards the end what I would
like to say is
This is a story of my experiences
in the film industry
It's a comedy film, everyone
will like it
Everyone please watch the film and enjoy it
Sir, have you heard about the movie
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma
Yes madam, we have heard of it
The songs are super and
we are waiting for its release
What would you like to say about
the controversy around the film
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma
It is...
newcomers are trying out
something new
New comers, youngsters...
Basically we should encourage it...
the reason being
Its wrong to pass opinions prior
to doing something or knowing
about something
We have no right to pass such opinions
lfa good effort is made
is it not our duty to appreciate it,
while being from the film world
Or... here...
the film world should progress,
good movies should be made, or
when we think good work must be done
when a good effort is made
we must encourage it
If it is a good effort and
good cinema
let's all clap together and nurture them
Let's encourage, right?
Do you have any message for
this new team?
Newcomers, educated people...
educated class is coming into
the cinema industry
A good atempt is made
I wish you, your team and your film
All the very best
After so many controversies
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma has released today
Come, let's see what the audience
has to say about it
Oh! Sir you are all here
Shall I take your byte too?
No issues, take it of the audience
first we will be here
Okay Sh...
There are no superstars in
Sandalwood Sa Ri Ga Ma
why did you want to see it?
Poster design was super and
so I came
I will come again
We liked the music of the film
very much
That's why we came
What do you say Sir?
I came because this guy
dragged me to it
The film was super, else he would
be punched
ls this Sandalwood...
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
What do you say madam?
The tattoo mark song was super
It is really superb, surely 100 days
lam going to but the next
show ticket
Response of the audience is super
It looks like everyone has liked this film
Like the audience have already told
we wish the movie runs for 100 days
Sir, congrats...
you have finally won
Where is your producer,
not seen here?
Oh! Heroine is also coming with
the producer
What is the producer feeling
about this success?
What are you asking them madam...
it's already written 'Flying Machine'
on the T-shirt
She will only fly from now on
It's after so many days that I am
seeing Gowri smile like this
Do you say happy ending?
No, no, it's a happy beginning
We signed Sindhu for Mareyalaare again
Mahesh started getting
phone calls from producers
I had to talk about Mareyalaare film
Call you r director dude
You can cast anyone as the heroine
It's not a problem for me
Okay Sir, okay, one second...
Ha, tell me...
ls it Mahesh?
Call you director and fix a meeting
Let's start Mareyalaare again
One second Sir
Now, do you ask who is the hero
of Mareyalaare
ls cinema
The switch that gives a shock
is this touch
ls cinema is passion
and pitch of my life?
The craze of the immature heart
the sketch..
Is it cinema?
A will be the winner
among hundred
ls what the rest get
a complete zero...
ls this Sandalwood
Sa Ri Ga Ma...
ls this Sandalwood
Sa Ri Ga Ma...