Sandlot 2, The (2005)

[ Man Narrating ] It began with
the retrieval of the Great Ball.
[ Kids Shouting ]
Stolen by the Beast, the monster
poured into its possession...
his slobber and his will to dominate all
who trespassed his land.
But there were some who resisted.
An alliance of neighborhood kids banded together
and fought for possession of the Great Ball.
[ Barking ]
When all seemed lost,
Benny ''TheJet''Rodriguez-
aided by magic shoes guaranteed to make
a kid run faster andjump higher-
battled for the future of the sandlot.
[ Creaking ]
Hercules, the Beast,
enemy of all free kids...
was fiinally defeated.
Time passed, and for 3,000 days...
the Great Ball, its retrieval and the danger
of what was once contained...
behind the left fiield fence,
was almost forgotten.
Rumors grew up about a shadow of the Beast.
[ Ferocious Growling ]
Finally, when nine new kids came to
the sandlot in the year 1 97 2...
something old and new was waiting.
I was the only one
that knew anything about it.
My name is Johnnie Smalls,
and that was the summer that...
a kid named David Vincent Durango
taught me the greatest lesson in life...
and became the very fiirst hero I ever knew.
But even though what happened that summer
happened on the sandlot...
it had nothing to do with baseball.
After one long year...
Jonathan Buckminster Smalls...
All-City third grade science project winner.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Saturn Apollo rocket.
Godspeed, AstroJake.
Flight deck- [ Imitates Radio Static ]
this is Mission Control.
- We are ''go'' for launch.
- [ Bell Ringing ]
- We are ''go'' for launch.
- [ Bell Ringing ]
[ Smalls Narrating ] The summer
between sixth grade and seventh grade...
is the best of times
and the worst of times.
Cartoons, army men and making
crank calls aren't important anymore...
because you're focused on zits, B.O. and
how your breath smells.
And that's when it comes.
The one great moment in your life
containing all your potential futures.
of greatness or hate yourself forever.
You're supposed to say, ''I'm sorry.''
Earth to boy.
You're really fast. Thanks.
You're supposed to say,
''You're welcome.''
[ Horn Honks ]
The moment he fiirst had
a chance to talk to her...
was not the one great moment ofhis life.
- That moment for David
would come 99 days later.
- [ Exhales ]
- Hey, David, let's go play some baseball.
- Yeah, David. Come on.
Let's go to the sandlot.
Her name's Hayley Goodfairer. Solid.
[ Boy ] Sammy says
she moved here a month ago.
Her dad's some kind of
government egghead.
He's worked in the South most ofher life,
so she's from, like, down there somewhere.
She's 1 2 going on 1 3.
Got a late in the year birthday.
How the hell do you know that, Fingers?
It's his purpose in life to know
all the facts about the ladies.
I heard she's liberated.
- Tarq, she's a girl. Who cares?
- Like, I'm just sayin'.
You're all wasting time. We still have
a huge problem, in case all you bozos forgot.
If we don't fiigure something out...
our fiirst whole summer on the sandlot
is gonna be over before it starts.
Crap. He's right. Let's roll.
[ Smalls ] The sandlot was like
David's baseball kingdom.
- Nine, eight-
- But that summer,
a kid named Singleton...
who was the captain of
a Little League team, set his
sights on taking it from them.
It was a bitter rivalry, and one day
I got caught in the middle of it...
- and almost didn't live to see tomorrow.
- A hundred days of baseball.
This is so much fun.
I don't know. Hey, guys, who's that kid?
Hey. What's that thing?
Oh, my God. He's one of them.
He's gonna blow up
the sandlot. Get him!
- Come on!
- Five, four, three, two, one.
We have ignition.
Holy crap!
- [ Screams ]
-[ Boy ] Look out.! Look out.!
[ All Shouting ]
- [ Boy ] There he goes. Get him.!
- There he goes.
Get back here.
There's nowhere to run.
We'll get you.
You can run, but you can't hide.
Get him.
He's going over the fence.
- [ Boy ] Get back here,you littlejerk.
- [ Water Splashes ]
[ Boy ] Come on.
He's somewhere around here.
Why don't you pick on
someone your own size.
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
You live here? Next to the sandlot?
Look, I don't know anything about
a sandlot, whatever that is.
But this is private property,
and you're trespassing.
- [ Arguing ]
- [ Meows ]
- What's she talking about?
- That punk blew up our dugout.
It's none of your business anyway.
Hand him over and we'll leave.
How about you leave,
or I'll call the police?
[ Whistles ]
The whole place is gonna burn down.
Can we use your hose?
- Please?
- Please? Come on.
- Aw, come on.
- [ All Begging ]
- The dugout's on fiire.
- Okay. Go ahead.
- [ Boy ] Go, go, go, go.
- Hurry up, guys!
Guys, get the gate!
Get the gate! Follow me, guys.
Follow me. Hurry, hurry, hurry.!
- Hurry up.!
- Faster, guys. Faster.
- Whoa!
- Here. Let me do it.
- Let me help. Let me help.
- Let go.
Get off him. Get off him.
Guys, let him do it.
[ Arguing ]
- Thanks.
- For what?
They're just silly boys.
Maybe to you. To me,
they're like dogs with rabies.
Sixth graders. Very dangerous.
Well, then,you better go
while they're busy.
- Okay.
- [ Boy ] Hurry up.!
- But be here tomorrow- early.
- Why?
I saved your life, now you have to do
exactly what I say.
[ Smalls ] The last thing a kid needs on
his fiirst day of summer vacation is an enemy.
And now I had fiive of them.
But I also had a new friend.
And it was because of me and Hayley
that David would fiinally come...
to the one great moment in his life.
Do I have to rake the whole fiield?
- [ Door Closes ]
- Oh. Hi, Daddy.
- Hey, uh, sweetheart.
- Roger.
You know referring to Hayley
with frilly nicknames is sexist.
It negatively impacts
her developing self-esteem.
Now, she is every bit
the equal of a male child.
Right. Sorry, uh-
Sorry there, uh, buddy.
That is much better.
[ Loud Kiss ]
- I gotta go. And you, you be good.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye.
- See you later, sweetheart.
Uh, partner.
Uh, Dad, this is my friend, uh-
- Yeah.
- Oh, hey-hey,Johnnie. [ Chuckles ]
- [ Engine Starts ]
Nice to meet you,John.
[ Clears Throat ] Yeah. It's nice to
meet you there, uh,Johnnie.
- Anyway,Johnnie's into rockets too.
- Hayley- No, no.
Dad, please. There's the NASA logo.
Oh. [ Chuckles ] I've got my-
Yeah, whoops, there.
Uh- [ Clears Throat ] Well,Johnnie, uh,
model rocketry...
- that's a great little hobby.
- With all due respect, sir,
rockets are my life.
- Well, mine too.
- May I ask, sir, what
you're currently working on?
Well, you could.
But if I told you, I'd have to-
- Daddy.
- What?
That's okay.
I know he's just kidding.
Not really.
- Yes, sir. I understand.
- Yeah.
- We'll see you around there, buddy.
- Okay. Count on it, sir.
- Okay. See you later,
sweetheart, uh, tiger.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- Bye, Dad.
Forget it. You need
security clearance to get in there.
- In your own garage?
- My dad's workshop.
Grab that sprinkler.
You've got a lot of work to do.
They turned the dugout
into a dollhouse.
- Is that legal?
- Is what legal?
Girls... on a baseball diamond.
- What are you doing here?
- You said that yesterday.
Is that all you know how to say?
Besides, none of your beeswax.
- You're not allowed to be here.
- We have as much right to
play here as you do.
- Play what?
- Baseball.
- Are you taking loony pills?
- What's that supposed to mean?
That's a softball- squishy- for girls.
[ Rustling, Crackling ]
This is a baseball.
What men play with.
- Then what are you doing with one?
- [ Girls Giggle ]
- Well?
- ''Well'' what?
- Leave already.
- No.
Look, doll,
this is a baseball diamond.
We come here to play
a serious game of baseball.
You and your friends should go home and play
with your Barbies before you get hurt.
- Are you threatening me?
- No, sugar.
He just means if there's a bad hop, you could
get hurt being, like, girls and all.
And you're a male chauvinist pig,
being, like, a boy and all.
That's what my mom calls my dad.
I told you, she's liberated.
Yes, I am, and I can do anything
you can do better.
This is a baseball, same as that.
For the love of Pete, are you deaf?
Sorry, Fingers.
This is not a baseball.
It's a softball.
My three-year-old sister
can hit this grapefruit.
-[ Boys Laugh ]
- With a souvenir Dodger bat.
-[ Laughter Increases ]
- And if you pitch it 60 miles an hour.
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Mock Laughter]
I bet you couldn't hit it.
Say what?
I don't bet trash. I burn it.
- What did you say?
- I'll bet I can strike him out
with three pitches.
If I do, we stay,you leave.
If I don't,you stay, we'll leave.
- You're serious?
- Like Gloria Steinem.
You're on, doll face.
Tarq, get my bat and my helmet.
Mac, what are you doing?
- Getting rid of them.
- You just can't take a bet
like that by yourself, Mac.
- We all get a say.
- And?
- And my mom reads Ms. magazine.
- What the hell is he talking about?
Gloria Steinem writes that magazine.
It's serious women's liberation stuff.
What the hell is he talking about?
I'm just saying, what if
the impossible happened?
Like, somehow, she, like, threw
three pitches, and you didn't, like, hit one.
Are you cracked? She's a girl.
This is baseball. I'm a man.
Listen, she'll toss me
a ball- [ Whimpers ]
I'll tag it four blocks, they'll go home
and all this junk will be over.
Okay? Okay? Okay?
Now you're talking.
Bring it on, skirt.
- Don't blink.
- [ Scoffs ]
- What the-
- Come on. Pitch it already.
I call time. What the hell was that?
Come on. That's totally illegal.
You can't do that!
[ Laughing ]
- [ All Hiss ]
- You didn't even swing.
Um, I kind of blinked.
Just tell me what happened.
- She smoked you, meathead.
- You didn't even swing.
I heard you the fiirst time, Tarqell.
Swing? He didn't even see it.
- Oh, like you never took a strike before.
- Not like that.
- I've never seen
anything like that before.
- [ Laughs ]
- Oh, my God, Hayley. They are so embarrassed.
- They should be.
How was I supposed to know that
they were a professional softball team?
You go back up there, she'll mow you down
like a summer daisy.
What are you now, a poet?
Sam's pretty sure it's a violation of
the rules to pitch underhand.
- Hey!
- That one is cute.
You can't do that underhand pitch thing.
It's against the rules of baseball.
I'm just tellin' ya.
No, it's not.
There's no rule against it.
- So it's legal and fair.
- [ Giggling ]
Oh. Okay. Thanks.
We are offiicially screwed.
[ Exhales ]
[ Exhales ]
No, we're not.
Excuse me, what are you doing?
Pinch-hitting. It's legal...
- and fair.
- Yeah, totally legal and fair.
Don't worry, guys.
I got it. Go ahead.
- [ Boy ] David's got it. It's over.
- Solid.
- Whoa. Watch it.
- Foul ball.
Foul ball.
Foul ball.
Come on.
Foul ball.
Foul ball.
- Well?
- ''Well'' what?
I'm asking if you want to call the game
on account of it's gonna get dark soon.
- If you're too tired.
- I didn't say I was tired.
- Uh, Hayley?
- What?
- Maybe we should call it.
- [ Scoffs ]
- Until tomorrow, I mean.
- Yeah. David, man,
it's gonna get dark soon.
- It's a safety issue, you know.
- [ Exhales ]
[ Mrs. Goodfairer ]
Hayley, come home. Dinnertime.
- Forfeit! That's a forfeit!
- [ Huffs ]
- [ Woman ] David, time to take your bath.
- It's a draw then.
[ Huffs ]
Hey, David. Your mom
- Shut up, Saul.
- Fine. Tomorrow then. Little baby.
Count on it, spoiled brat.
[ Panting ]
[ Growls ]
- [ Saul ] David, what are you doing?
- [ Tarqell ] Are you okay?
- What was that all about?
- Why are you just sitting here?
Come on. We're wasting time.
Let's go to the sandlot.
- David, we gotta go get Sammy.
- Geez, what's the hurry?
- Why are his panties in a twist?
- How am I supposed to know?
- Payback time, little turd.
- It was an accident.
You wrecked our fiield.
Now your ass is grass.
What? I cleaned it up.
I made it better.
It's true. The sandlot
never looked this good.
- He even dragged the baseline.
- Okay, already, Saul.
If Singleton told you to wreck the fiield,
why'd you clean it up?
Who's Singleton?
Little League team captain. The guy who
told you to mess up the sandlot...
so we'd leave and him and his team
could take it for practice.
Sir, I don't know no Singleton and I don't know
nothing about no Little League...
and I don't play baseball.
- Rockets are my life, sir.
- You ain't one of them?
I don't even know no ''them,'' sir.
- What's your name?
-Jonathan Buckminster Smalls.
Hell of a name.
So,you're friends with them.
- Kind of.
- So you know we've got a situation.
- I guess.
- ''I guess''? Look, Bucky-
- Whatever. This is our sandlot,
and we've owned it for, like...
a long time.
Actually, most of us have only lived here for
a couple of years... except David.
Shut up, Tarqell.
Like I said, a long time.
Longer than those girls anyway.
And so-And so-And so-
''And so'' what?
- I don't know.
I'm out of words and stuff.
- This is stupid.
Johnnie, go over there
and tell them to leave.
I don't think they-
- They said you have to leave.
- No.
- They aren't going to leave.
- [ All Huff]
Just tell 'em to leave.
- They really, really need you to leave.
- No.
- They said no.
- [ David ] Tell them to leave.
- They aren't leaving.
- Again.
- No!
- [ Sighs ]
[ Exhales ]
- He's done for, Captain.
- What did they say?
- [ Scoffs ]
- If they were boys, we could beat 'em up.
Well, they ain't and we can't.
I have an idea.
Share the sandlot. Play together.
- We could do that.
- Are you all cracked?
David, man. You know, like,
they're really good.
Yeah. Really, really good, and we're like
four men short for a team.
- They're girls.
- Yeah, but, so what?
So what? You got us
into this crap-mess, Mac.
A good soldier knows when to surrender.
I surrender.
They're good. We need them.
Let me put it this way. We want to
beat those Little Leaguejerks, right?
Well, them are the answer.
[ Deep Breath ]
Mac, go make a deal.
- Do they hate each other or what?
- No.
[ Scoffs ]
They are, like, totally in love.
But why are they
always mad at each other?
It's the same thing. Doy!
Oh. Well, here's the deal.
We give.
- Really?
- Yeah, but you got to be on our team.
- Really?
- Yeah. We need three more
guys, er, players.
- We got a big game coming up soon.
- Deal.
- [ Spits ]
- That is so disgusting.
Oh, sorry.
- Sammy said the cookies are great.
- [ Hayley ] Thank you.
- Can he have the recipe?
- Sure, I'll write it down for you.
- The dugout's very tastefully done.
- Thanks.
- Saul.
- What?
- Shut up.
- Orange is my favorite color.
- Mine too.
- Ow! What?
- Is this freshly squeezed?
- Yes. Thank you for noticing.
- Mac.
- What?
Shut it.
Anyway, this is Jenny
and this is Penny, and I'm-
[ Together]
Hayley Goodfairer. We know.
This is Tarqell, Mac...
- [ Slurps ]
- Saul and his brother Sam.
We call him Fingers. He's deaf.
-Just look at him when you talk to him.
He can read lips.
- Okay.
Let's reconnoiter these turkeys.
[ Boy ]
Come on. Get a hit.
Look, guys. It's the sandlot retards.
Singleton. That's enough, son. Get back here.
We've got a practice going on.
- Yeah, in a second, Coach.
- But you said that last time...
and then we stood around while you
cussed out the ice cream man.
Back to practice.
Last time I coach my nephew.
You guys bring your sisters to watch
some real ballplayers?
Shut your mouth, Singleton.
Actually, they're here to watch me wipe
home plate with that mop you call your hair.
- [ Laughter]
- Sweeping up's all you're good for, doughboy.
- Good thing you're switching to softball.
- That's it! You're dead meat.
- Dead, I tell you! Dead!
- Settle down, Mac.
- Now, calm yourself.
- I'm okay. I'm okay.
-[ Boy ] Yeah, right, roly-poly.
- Okay.
Speaking of sweeping up, you girls keeping
our practice diamond all clean and tidy?
- Watch your mouth,jerk.
- Shut up, porky.
- Lurch!
- Your mama wears combat boots.
Your mama's so ugly, when you were born
they slapped her.
- Gomer Pyle.
- Hippie.
- Shut up, porky.
- You already said that, idiot.
Yeah, well, you're still fat, moron.
You're a fart-sniffiing,
scab-licking female dog.
I ain't done yet. You're ugly,
your mama dresses you funny...
you stink like toe fungus
and you ride the short school bus.
Yeah, well, you play ball like a girl.
- [ All Gasp ]
- [ Boy ] Good one.
Excuse me. What did you say?
- You heard me.
- Friday. The sandlot.
Be there, male chauvinist pig.
Count on it, tomboy.
[ Boy ]
Yeah. Be there, babies.
[ People Screaming ]
[ Smalls Narrating ]
We were proud of Mac that day.
But he was so mad we had to
take him to the parking lot carnival...
and stuffhim full of cotton candy
just to calm him down.
The carnival was the best place to go when
you wanted to get stuff off your mind.
Because that's where you could see
the most amazing things on earth...
for only 50 cents.
Bigfoot crap?
How in the hell are we supposed to know
what kind of crap that is?
- It could be dog crap.
- It'd have to be one big dog.
- Yeah.
- And must've eaten
a whole bag of dog chow.
- [ All Laugh ]
- Good we can't smell it.
- This is so lame.
- It's fake.
- It's still disgusting.
-[ Chattering ]
[ Saul ] Hey, guys,
there's more stuffback here.
[ Smalls ] It was there that I got
my fiirst clue...
about how me and David
and Hayley were connected.
- Let me see.
- Mac, hit the button.
- [ Roars ]
- It's just a bear.
- That is supposed to scare us?
- Guys, what's in this one?
I don't know. What is that?
[ Breathing Heavily ]
- [ Girl ] Is he okay?
- What's going on?
Where'd he go?
It wasn't that scary.
[ Mac ] What happened?
Why'd he run out of there like that?
- David, you okay, man?
- Yeah. Fine.
I-I was just too hot in there.
- Okay. Yeah. Sure.
- Yeah, it's hotter than snot.
Let's get another soda
and ride some rides.
[ All Talking ]
Fine. Go to the bathroom.
But meet us at the Tilt-A-Whirl.
Mom made me promise to make sure
you stay away from the kissing booth.
You understand?
Don't even think
about going over there. Serious.
Okay, go.
Just one.
[ Loud Kiss ]
Sweetie, aren't you a little young?
Say, kid, did your mother say
it was okay?
Just on the cheek, okay?
- Oh!
- [ Man ] Hey! Let go of her!
Oh, my God!
- What's wrong?
- Get the bikes!
- [ Kissing ]
- Hey. Hey.
What are you doing?
Now I remember that kid.
That's the same kid as last year.
- Pervert!
- God, he stole my gum!
We never mentioned that night again
because it was just too terrible to think...
what would've happened if
that guy had caught Fingers-
but mostly because of
what happened the next day-
[ Mac ]
Play ball.!
- when we fiinally had to play
the biggest game of our lives.
- [ Mac ] Don't blink.
It was winner take all, and the prize was
nothing less than the sandlot itself.
- [ Boy ] Did you see that?
- Is that real?
Sorry. You need me to
call that for you? Strike!
Shut up, doughnut belly.
That's illegal. You can't pitch like that.
It's legal. Get used to disappointment.
-[ Boy ] You can hit it.
- Come on.
- [ Boys ] Aw.!
- Yeah.
[ Mac ] You're out. Come on.
Next victim. You suck. Come on.
Sit down.
[ Cheering ]
Come on, you idiot.
Throw it in.
- fiirst love.
- Throw it!
When Singleton realized he was gonna lose,
he did something so wrong...
that David took his fiirst step
down the road of greatness.
[ Hayley Groans ]
[ Crying ]
- You're out.
- Are you cracked?
What'd you do that for, you jive turkey?
She wants to play with the big boys,
that's what she gets.
The sandlot's ours... forever.
Don't mess with my teammates.
And you never, ever hit a girl, creep!
[ Smalls ] Like most great things, David
hadn't planned what he did.
It was a force of nature inside him,
and he did what nature intended.
He came to Hayley's defense. Later, though,
he would have to make a decision...
whether or not to come to Hayley's rescue
like a knight in shining armor-
[ Mac ] Great hit, Hayley.
Really showed them.
and face his greatest fear.
A deadly force of nature
that I accidentally turned loose...
on the 99th day
of the summer of 1 97 2.
That was a really great hit she made.
Almost went all the way over.
Can't be done, Smalls.
No one's ever hit a ball over that junk wall.
- Ever?
- Nope. Too high.
Man, Evil Knievel
couldn't even jump that wall.
You knock one off that dryer,
that's about as good as it gets.
- [ Growling ]
- [ Chain Rattling ]
[ Smalls ] The nightmare started
one week later...
when Mac got a new kind ofbat
for his birthday.
It was made of aluminum...
and he fiinally did what no one had ever
been able to do before.
Yeah! Are you taking notes?
- Smalls, did you see that?
- See what?
That homer. Kid, it was far out.
I'll get the ball back
and I'll hit another one so you can see.
[ Saul ] That was incredible.
I get to try the bat next, Mac.
[ Hayley ] We can get the ball back.
There's got to be some way over that wall.
No! Stop!
- You guys, over here.
- No.!
No! Stop! What are you all doing?
What are we all doing?
Smalls, you're the one freaking out.
Bucky,you're acting a fool.
just step aside so we can get our ball.
It's Johnnie, and I said stay back!
You might wanna put those away
before you hurt yourself, Smalls.
Oh, my gosh. None of you knows.
Knows about what?
Tarqell, you said you guys have only been...
coming here together
for, like, a year, right?
And, David, you said no one's
ever hit a ball over the junk wall.
- Right?
- Right. Mac's the fiirst.
-Johnnie, what in the hell
are you babbling about?
- The Great Fear.
Spawned by the Beast.
Go over there real slowly...
and look through
that old dryer and be quiet.
No, no, no. Only one.
[ Panting, Low Growl ]
[ Low Growling ]
- [ Rapid Footsteps ]
- [ Chain Rattling ]
[ Screams ]
- What was that thing?
- The Great Fear.
Like, what does that mean, ''The Great Fear''?
It's a long story.
- Bivouac.
- [ Dog Barking In Distance ]
- Bivouac.
- [ Dog Barking In Distance ]
All those who know this tale have
grown up and left the neighborhood.
But my brother, Scotty, was there.
He told me the main stuff.
A kid named Benny ''TheJet''
Rodriguez battled the Beast...
a dog named Hercules, to get back a baseball
worth about a million bucks.
Benny won.
Hercules got old and died.
Where his story ends is where the story of
the Great Fear begins.
Around six years ago, before he died,
Hercules made some baby dogs.
[ Whimpering ]
- [ Growling ]
- One pup was different.
He had big feet and big teeth
and he didn't like no one.
He was born to bite,
and so nobody wanted him.
For years the pup stayed in
the backyard...
looking under the gate
to watch kids walking by.
Kids he wanted to bite.
But there was no way out.
With his big feet, he started to dig.
The digging made him grow huge.
Being alone made him grow mean.
And then the little kid moved into
the neighborhood, and he was six years old.
His favorite hero was the Rapid Rocket.
So the little kid believed
he was as fast as a speeding rocket.
On his fiirst day of school,
he walked right past Mr. Mertle's house.
The night before,
Mr. Mertle didn't lock the gate.
[ Low Barking ]
And that's when the freak-of-nature pup
became known as the Great Fear.
Because the little kid
looked at it, and he was afraid.
And because he could smell your fear.
[ Gate Creaks ]
[ Barking ]
[ Barking Continues ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Barking ]
[ Screaming ]
After he got bit by the Great Fear,
the little kid disappeared.
Some say he hops around on one leg.
Some say the Great Fear ate him whole.
And some say his parents
moved him away...
'cause he got infected with the Great Fear's
spit and never talked again.
He barked.
After that, Mr. Mertle chained
the Great Fear up to a battleship anchor...
so he could never get out again...
and never bite kids no more.
And all on account ofbeing
chained up forever...
the Great Fear's brain
got twisted, and he went insane.
And that's why he still digs,
'cause there's no way out.
But he believes there is.
Bucky, that's a hell of a story.
It's the truth.
Like,you've got a great
imagination and all...
but we're a little old
to believe in scary stories.
But, it's all the truth.
Johnnie, we're all, like, 1 2, and you're, well,
you know,just still in the fourth grade.
- That was a great story.
- Great story,Johnnie.
[ Tarqell ] You sure got
a great imagination, man.
Wait. Look.
- You know what that looks like?
- We all see it, Mac. Shut up.
- [ Loud Growling ]
- You know what that sounded like?
- We all heard it, Mac. Shut up.
- Bigfoot.
The junk wall wasn't built
to keep things out.
It was built to keep some thing in.
- What?
- No one really knows.
Some kind of mutated,
insane, bigfoot dog thing.
But this much is certain.
Since the time of the little kid,
nothing has gone over that fence.
But if something ever did
and anyone tried to go get it...
no one would ever see them again.
They'd become dog chow...
for the Great Fear.
[ Thumping ]
[ All Screaming ]
[ Smalls ] Back then, fiireworks
were safe and sane.
but we never knew anyone that
that had actually happened to.
Those accidents were caused by fiirecrackers,
not safe and sane fiireworks.
You didn't even have to have your parents
with you to buy them.
But the one thing
your parents always said was...
''Don't spend all your money
on the Rocket Riot. ''
Two Rocket Riots, please.
I've been saving for two years.
Chores, collecting bottles,
birthday money.
Here, help me with this.
Bucky, what in the hell are you gonna do
with two Rocket Riots?
Celebrate the birth
of our great country, of course.
Oh, and I'm going to
turn night into day.
It's about time.
We gonna play ball or what?
David, man, it's so hot out.
I'm not even supposed to be here.
My mom said if I play ball
in this heat, I'll get fungus.
What happened to playing baseball
all day, every day? All summer.
Come on, David. It's hot.
Hey, do you guys
wanna go swimming?
- Oh, yeah.
- All right.
[ Smalls ] Because of it being so hot
that day and because of Hayley's pool...
I got another clue about how me
and David and Hayley were connected...
for the one moment later that summer when
I would change the fortunes of all.
-[ Water Splashes ]
- Aren't you gonna go swimming?
No, it's stupid. Girls ruin everything.
Even with that clue, I couldn't put it
all together yet.
But I would soon enough,
and like all great moments in history...
it would be
at the very last minute.
- johnnie.
- Yeah?
Isn't David gonna come swimming too?
Mmm, I don't think so.
Maybe he will later though.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Come on.
Come on. Hurry up. There he goes.
Hey, big guy. What's the matter?
I thought he liked me.
What's the matter with me?
Oh, tiger, there is absolutely nothing wrong
with you. You are perfect.
You just remember this: A woman needs
a man like a fiish needs a bicycle.
- Hmm?
- Oh, great. Thanks, Mom.
Anytime, big guy.
[ Door Closes, Locks Click ]
Johnnie, right?
Uh, yes. My name is Johnnie, sir.
You know, I gotta go away
on business next week...
so, why don't you
come over Friday morning...
and you and me will take my project
for a test flight before I go.
- Me, sir?
- Yeah, sure.
I mean, you can set it up
and you can launch it if you want to.
- Rockets are your life, right?
- Affiirmative.
Affiirm- [ Chuckles ] Yeah.
You know,Johnnie,
my wife and my daughter...
they're not so impressed with all my,
uh, science junk in the garage.
It'd be nice to share it with somebody
who truly appreciates it.
- I'll be here, sir.
- No. Don't call me sir. It's Roger.
- Roger.
- Wilco. Over and out.
It's a little NASA humor. Okay, so
we'll-we'll see you on Friday, right?
Count on it, sir, er, Roger.
- Come on,Johnnie.
- johnnie, come on.
Come on,Johnnie.
- Hi.
- Hi.
[ Smalls ] That's what it was all about
when I was a kid.
Baseball, summer, rockets and fiireworks.
They went together
like hot dogs and soda.
The only difference between us
and the big leaguers...
was that we weren't playing
at Dodger Stadium.
We were playing someplace better.
Smalls, that's the most
far-out thing I've ever seen.
Happy birthday, U.S.A.
Hey. W-Where's Hayley? I thought
she was coming to the, uh, airport with us.
She's over at Penny and Jenny's
and she says she loves you. Now, let's go.
Take it easy now.
Easy, easy, easy, ea-
[ Tires Squeal ]
Hello, Mr. Good-
I mean, Roger. It's Friday morning.
It's me,Johnnie. I'm here.
[ Roger's Voice ] Be nice to share it
with somebody who truly appreciates it.
You can set it up and you can
launch it if you want to.
Rockets are your life, right?
Rockets are your life, right?
Might as well get it
completely ready, I guess.
You are one lucky astronaut,Jake.
Oh, my God.
- Honey-
- We cannot go back.
[ High-pitched Whistling ]
Hi,Johnnie. Whatcha doing?
Hi. Uh,just cleaning up the sandlot.
Lots of work to do. See ya.
Oh. My dad had to go
on his trip a week early.
He said to tell you he's sorry he missed
your meeting, whatever that means.
But you guys can do your ''mission,''
whatever that means...
as soon as he gets back.
Oh. Okay. Great.
Oh. I almost forgot.
Everyone's coming over tomorrow.
My dad's gonna be on television
talking about his rocket.
Gee, that's super.
Well, it's- it's been
a long and diffiicult design process...
- but after two years-
- That is so cool.
of, uh, hard work...
- uh, we'll be launching a model of the-
- [ Gulps ]
space shuttle very soon.
The work that my team and I have-
have done is undoubtedly-
Awesome! Hayley, I didn't know
your dad was famous.
Neither did I.
[ Roger ] team and myself is-
''He must be a genius.''
I guess it's not just science junk in
the garage after all, is it, Mom?
No, it isn't, honey. Your daddy is
a very important man.
I think it's safe to say
that this could be...
the most important
piece of engineering...
in the history of mankind.
- Sorry. I have to go.
- Uh, well-
[ Mac ]
What's he doing?
Well, uh, maybe the shock ofknowing some
famous science dude was just too much for him.
Like, wow, Smalls, I don't remember you
setting off a fiirecracker this big!
Smalls, what are you looking at?
- [ Distant Rumbling ]
Wow. What's that?
Up there. That speck.
It's not a U.F.O., meathead.
Wait. Is it?
It looks exactly like -
Johnnie, please, please tell me you didn't
set off my dad's rocket.
It was an accident. I swear!
Oh, my God.
[ All ]
Oh, my God!
[ All Yelling ]
- [ Growling ]
- [ Screaming ]
- [ All Screaming ]
- [ Girl ] Ew.!
Smalls,you mean to tell me that
you launched a scale model...
of the NASA space shuttle
on purpose?
No. Hayley's dad said that me and him
were going to, but he didn't come, and-
It was an accident! I swear!
It's the greatest feat of engineering
in the history of mankind.!
''The future of the United States space
program depends on that thing!''
And if I may add myself,
it's worth, well...
more than your whole life, Smalls!
I don't feel so good.
Give him room. Give him air.
We've gotta get that shuttle back.
My dad is gonna kill me.!
David, where are you going?
- Home.
- Aren't you gonna help?
Forget it. You'll never get it back.
It's gone.
Hayley, when's your dad getting back?
- In fiive days.
- Five days!
That's an impenetrable fortress!
We can't get the shuttle back in fiive days!
It's impossible!
Smalls, never say die.
Nothing is impossible. Follow me.
[ Growling ]
It's impossible.
What happened to ''never say die''?
Why don't we just go
and ask Mr. Mertle to get it for us?
[ Smalls ]
Are you nuts?
He's the one that left his gate open
so the Great Fear could get out...
and chase the little kid
and bite him dead!
Forget about it.
Anybody got any genius ideas?
[ Smalls Narrating ] Like my brother
Scotty before me, I was a science whiz.
A mechanical genius. And so, things started
right at the top of the idea food chain.
Okay. Let's go.
Okay, it's clear.
[ Growl ]
Okay. We got it.
[ Growling ]
[ Screaming ]
Apparently I've made a crucial
''mis-assessment'' of the Great Fear.
I've got tons more toys at home...
but I'm afraid they're no match for
the sort of evil power we're dealing with.
[ Together]
We have an idea.
[ Cat Meows ]
- [ Meowing ]
- Are you sure this is a good idea?
You wanna get it back, don't you?
Yeah, but-
She'll be fiine.
We'll lower her over the fence,
right on top of the shuttle.
Her claws'll grab it, and we'll just
pull her back over gently.
But her claws only come out
when she's scared.
- Oh.
- [ Meows ]
[ Smalls Whispers ]
[ Whispering ]
Okay. Farther.
[ Growling ]
Keep on going.
- Stop.
- [ Growling ]
Okay. A little bit farther.
- [ Saul ] We're gonna get that shuttle.
- We're gonna get it.
- [ Saul ] I know. We're gonna get it.
- [ Meowing ]
Lower her down.
A little bit lower.
[ Meow ]
I think we got it.
[ Growls ]
[ Smalls ]
Pull her up.! Pull her up.!
[ All Yelling ]
- [ Screeching ]
- [ Smalls Yelling ]
- [ Screeching ]
- [ Growling ]
[ Gasps ]
Miss Susan B.!
- [ Growling ]
- [ Saul ] Oh, no.
[ Smalls ]
Pull her up.! Haul her up.!
[ Meows ]
In the movies, this is the part where
the reinforcements are supposed to arrive.
Supposed to.
[ Screeches ]
- Who's that?
- Want to get that thing back?
You talk to me.
- [ All Murmuring ]
- [ Saul ] I've seen that kid before in school.
- [ Tarqell ] Yeah. I've seen him
around school too.
- His dad drives a chopper.
Kid, who are you?
They call me the Retriever.
- [ All Murmuring ]
- What's that supposed to mean?
[ Scoffs ]
When I was little...
my Frisbee went over
a neighbor's fence.
I retrieved it, but their dog...
used it as a chew toy and ruined it.
So I took his name tag.
It's what I do. I'm a retriever.
The Great Fear
is the ultimate challenge.
No stupid dog can match my skill.
But there's no way over thatjunk wall.
I want that dog tag!
And I'll get your shuttle back too.
Close the fence after me,
and no matter what you hear...
no matter what I say...
do not open this board.
[ Growling ]
- No matter what.
- Don't worry. We got it.
- [ All Chattering ]
- [ Saul ] We completely understand.
- Hold on tighter.
- [ Penny ] Little higher. Get the corner.
- [ Saul ] Got it?
- [ Mac ] Everybody lean against it.
- [ Retriever ] Okay. Let me out. Hello.
- [ Knocking ]
[ Saul ] Let him out.
He must have forgot something.
- Guys, hurry up. Let him out.
- [ Retriever Groans ]
What part of''no matter what''
did you not understand?
- It won't happen again.
- [ All Chattering ]
[ Retriever ] Rookies. Amateurs.
Hayley, I got a good feeling about him.
I think your worries are over.
No dog alive can measure up
to that kid.
- [ Growling ]
- [ Loud Thud ]
[ Retriever ] Hello. I was kidding.
Aaah.! Let me out.!
- Should we let him out?
- I'm not kidding.!
- No. You heard what he said.
- You want that shuttle back, right?
[ Retriever ]
For the love of God.! Help.!
- Well, keep holding it shut.
- Let me out.!
- [ All Yelling ]
- [ Loud Thuds ]
- [ Retriever ] Nice doggy.
Nice doggy. Good puppy.
- [ Growls ]
[ Retriever Yelling ]
[ All Screaming ]
I don't know what that thing is...
but that's no dog.
What was it? What's back there?
Some kind of mutated
bigfoot insane dog thing.
I'm offiicially retiring.
You're on your own.
Good luck, but you'll never get
that shuttle back.
Um, here's your stuff.
[ Smalls Narrating ]
Nothing we tried had worked.
The Great Fear was, we thought, clearly
aided by some evil force from beyond.
In other words, we were out of ideas,
and I was dead meat.
Until Mac had an epiphany.
but this time it was really important.
I gotta take a ride. I need to think.
[ Girl ] Seventy-fiive cents for a ticket?
That's ridiculous.
[ Tires Screech ]
That's it!
[ Panting ]
We dig. All right. I'm goin' in.
But if I say pull me out,
you guys better pull me out.
Don't worry. We got you right here.
[ Smalls ] Don't worry, Mac.
We got it. Don't worry.
Pull me out!
- [ Smalls ] Sure.
- [ Tarqell ] Don't worry, man.
Godspeed, Mac.
[ Grunting ]
Give me my bat.
Here you go.
[ Grunts ]
[ Growling ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Growling ]
[ Loud Thumping ]
Tunnel King, this is base.
What's happening?
- Over.
- [ Static On Walkie-talkie ]
[ Whispers ] Okay. I see it.
I'm initiating manual evac.
You're what?
I'm gonna reach up,
grab the hook and attach it.
- Oh. Yeah. Okay.
- Oh!
[ Growling ]
What's that?
- [ Rock Thuds ]
- [ Growls ]
Hey. I got it.
- I got it.
- Nice!
- [ Hook Thuds ]
- Oops.
- [ Panting ]
- [ Loud Thumping ]
[ Thumping Continues ]
What vibrations?
[ Gulps ]
[ Growls ]
Abort. Repeat.
Abort mission.
What the hell is that?
[ Yelling ]
- [ Growling ]
- Aaah!
- Aaah! Aaah!
- [ Growling ]
Get me out of here!
Get me out of here! Aaah!
[ Yelling ]
Oh! Pull! Pull!
Aaah! Get me out of here! Aaah!
[ All Yelling ]
- [ Growling ]
- Come on.
[ Shouting ]
It's coming! It's coming!
- [ Loud Growling ]
- [ All Shouting ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Growling ]
[ All Screaming ]
[ Screaming Stops ]
[ Great Fear Panting ]
- [ Tarqell ] What is that?
- [ Penny ] What's that smell?
- [Jenny ] Oh, no.
Whatever that thing was...
it's worse than anything
you could ever imagine.
It almost killed me.
It was evil.
A good soldier knows
when to surrender.
I'm a good soldier.
And I crapped my pants.
So, Hayley, good luck...
but our work here is done.
Badly, but done.
I just hope your dad
isn't too mad.
[ Farts ]
[ Smalls Narrating ]
It was the lowest point of the summer.
I had single-handedly destroyed
America's future in space.
But it's when
they're at their lowest point...
that great men take great action.
I'm really sorry, Hayley. I'll make sure
I take all the blame.
Can I ask you something?
Sure. I guess.
It's just where's David?
I thought he'd come back.
Because, you know, I thought he-
Never mind.
Forget it. It's stupid.
It's not stupid. He does.
Does what?
Likes you.
- He does?
- Duh.
Then how come he never said?
Boys don't do that.
Did you ever tell him?
Could you tell him for me?
Because he's the fastest boy I ever saw...
and I thought maybe
he could, you know-
Forget it. It's stupid.
- No. It's not stupid.
- [ Bat Thuds ]
Wait here. I'll be back.
[ Smalls Narrating ]
It was right at that moment...
that I fiinally put
all the pieces together...
and understood how me and Hayley
and David were all connected.
Nike was the winged goddess
of victory in Greek mythology.
She sat at the side of Zeus,
the ruler of Olympus.
She inspired the most courageous
and chivalrous warriors
at the dawn of civilization.
David, man, this is bad news.
[ Smalls Narrating ] David Vincent Durango
was a chivalrous warrior.
Yeah, David. Like, it's the baddest.
David, wait. It was my fault.
I made a big mistake.
You don't have to do this.
Yeah, I do, Smalls.
I have to do this.
Oh, my God. You're him, aren't you?
You're the little kid from the story.
Just do it.
I'll man the cable. You guys stay here.
[ Snarls ]
[ Growling ]
[ Growling ]
[ Barking ]
[ Barking ]
[ Growling ]
- We got it! We pulled it over!
- Fantastic.!
- [ All Yelling ]
- Whoo!
All right.!
- [ All Shouting ]
- Nice job! I knew you could do it!
[ Metal Clanking ]
[ Smalls Gasps ]
Holy crap!
[ Growls ]
What are we waiting for?
Let's roll.!
[ Saul ] Did you see the size
of that thing?
Come on. Throw it in!
Daddy.! Daddy.! Lookit.!
It's the Rapid Rocket.!
- And a horsey!
- [ All Gasp ]
[ Shouting ]
Oh, shit!
He'll never outrun that dog!
Oh, yeah, he will! Let's ride!
[ Barking ]
[ Cape Tearing ]
[ Coughing ]
Oh, my God!
It caved in on him!
- He's six feet down at least!
- He's gonna suffocate!
The tunnel collapsed!
He's at the bottom!
More like seven feet down.!
- Keep digging! Dig!
- I don't see him.!
[ Growls, Barks ]
- [ Mac ] Oh, my God.
- [ Tarqell ] He doesn't
look like he's breathing.
-[ Saul ] Doesn't look too good.
-[ Mac ] Is he gonna be all right?
[ Grunts, Panting ]
- [ David Coughing ]
- [ Barks ]
[ Growling ]
[ Barks ]
[ Murmuring ]
[ Smalls ]
He's not so bad.
Thanks, uh...
- Goliath.
- [ Smalls ] He's not so bad.
- Like the story.
- Yeah.
Of course. Of course. Oh,yeah.
[ Growling Softly ]
[ Door Opens ]
- Hello?
- [ Smalls ] Hello, sir.
We, um, brought your dog back.
- Goliath?
- [ Goliath Whimpers ]
- How'd he get out?
- Well, sir, it was my fault.
We kind of lost something
in your backyard...
and we tried to get it back, and...
we knocked your wall down.
- You're joking?
- No, sir.
Ten years ago- summer of'62, I believe-
a bunch of kids lost a baseball
in my backyard.
They tried everything
to get it back- all crazy stuff-
because that ball was priceless.
They made a mess of my yard,
knocked down my fence...
and all they had to do was
come knock on the door, and
I would have gotten it for them.
- [ Mac ] Great, Smalls.!
You almost got me killed.!
- Way to go, Smalls.
Good job, Smalls.
But they were scared...
because of some crazy
neighborhood story...
about me being a mean old man
that raised up dogs to eat kids.
You believe that nonsense?
what did you lose back here?
Well, um,just the future of
the United States space program.
That's somethin'.
Now, why didn't you just come knock on
the door? I would have gotten it for you.
Well, sir, uh-
Yeah. That story about me's
still hanging around, isn't it?
- Kind of.
- Well, what are we gonna do about that?
So, you knocked over
my sculpture, huh?
My wall. Took me three years
to build that work of art.
Yes, sir. But we'll fiix it.
We promise.
- You will, will ya?
- [ Smalls ] Yes, sir.
[ Whimpers, Barks ]
Oh, no! He's getting away again!
Leave him be. He's probably
going for a visit.
- You kids all live round here?
- [ Both ] Yes, sir.
I tell you what.
I'll have all this junk
cleaned out of here...
if you come round...
and give Goliath
a walk twice a week.
I don't do that anymore,
and he doesn't get out much.
I wouldn't want him to turn mean
or anything, you know.
Yes, sir. We'll walk him for you.
And you gotta play baseball all summer long
so I can listen to the games.
It's been 1 0 years since there was
a real good bunch of players on the sandlot.
And I miss 'em.
And, uh, no more fences.
I'm tired of kids thinking I'm grouchy.
- [ Chattering ]
- [ David ] Where'd he go?
You better fiind him,Johnnie.
I'm not chasing that dog
all over town.
- [ Smalls ] He's not running away.
- What's he sittin' there for?
- What's he doin'?
- [Jenny And Penny ] We knew it.
[ Barking ]
- I don't get it.
- What are they doing?
Boys. I swear.
He's in love.
[ Growling Softly ]
That's his girlfriend dog.
That's why he's
always wanted to get out. To visit her.
Oh, yeah. We knew that.
Yeah, of course. We knew.
[ Saul ] Hey, is anybody hungry?
Let's go get some pizza.
- Thanks.
- Um, you're welcome.
Oh, so you can talk.
Um, yeah.
that love conquers all-
even your greatest fear.
Mr. Goodfairer never found out
I launched his rocket.
But it didn't matter because his blueprints
were America's future in space...
not the model of the shuttle.
Goliath and Tiny had fiive puppies.
Hayley,Jenny and Penny
each got one for their own.
Mr. Mertle kept two of them.
The Retriever made peace with his
inner demons. His family moved to Australia...
and he grew up to be the host of a popular
Animal Planet television show.
You wouldn't know anything about
a kid in this neighborhood...
goes around stealing
dog tags, would you?
No, sir.
[ Gasps ] Oh, I think I hear
my mom calling me.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Smalls Narrating ] I kept in
touch with most everyone over
the years, and I found out...
that Mac joined the army
after high school.
He got wounded in the Gulf War, won a
Purple Heart andjoined the Peace Corps.
Fingers and his brother Saul
started a record label...
for a new kind of music
called hip-hop.
They named their company
Deaf jam Records.
Penny and Jenny never did
anything more remarkable...
than the most diffiicult thing on earth.
They both raised three kids and lived happily
ever after with their families.
With the fortune he made
in the music business...
Fingers started the most successful
gum company on earth.
You know it as
Kissing Booth Bubble Gum.
Tarqell- Well-
Tarqell was abducted by aliens
on March 2 1, 1 986...
and no one ever saw him again.
Hayley became a supermodel...
and a pitcher for the United States
Olympic softball team.
She won two gold medals.
After David defeated Goliath,
he got a nickname.
From then on he was known
as David ''Rocket''Durango.
Hayley and David went all the way through
high school together.
After that,
they went their separate ways.
Ten years after college, they met again.
At that meeting,
just like the fiirst time...
he had ever had a chance
to talk to her in grade school...
David was so nervous he couldn't speak.
So she spoke for him, and she said...
''You're supposed to say,
'Will you marry me?'''
And he did.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I grew up and went to work...
for theJet Propulsion Laboratories.
Hey. Rockets are still my life.