Sang sattawat (Syndromes and a Century) (2006)

You majored in Pharmacy?
Only for two years
Then I studied medicine for four more
Why did you switch faculties?
I found life in the pharmacy boring
You don't get to meet many people
But it's comfortable work
Yes, but it's always the same old faces
I like meeting a wide variety of people
To gather new experiences?
Yes, to see faces come and go
How would you describe yourself?
I'd say I'm a cheerful person
Why do you think you're cheerful?
I'm gauging from my friend's reactions
when they're with me
They seem to enjoy themselves
Do you play any sports?
- Sports...
- Can you draw?
I can play basketball
What position do you play?
Do you prefer drawing with paint,
pencils or pastels?
Drawing? Pencils, mostly
- You prefer pencils?
- Yes
Do you prefer triangles,
squares or circles?
A circle? What colour would it be?
I'd like it to be clear
Clear? And what size?
- About the size of the bottom of a glass
- The bottom of a glass
Do you keep any pets?
I used to have a cat
You had a cat...
Can you sit up straight, please?
Turn to the left
OK. What hand do you use
for surgery?
- My right hand
- Can I see it?
Stretch out your arm
Spread out your hand
Clench your fist
Clench it harder. Hold it steady
That's fine
- What was that for?
- What does DDT stand for?
- Pardon?
- What does DDT stand for?
Do we have to know that here?
What does it stand for?
Is it the pesticide?
'Destroy Dirty Things'
Or is it 'Deep Down To You'?
Take this note to Dr Prasarn
in the emergency ward
- Don't peek at it, Doctor
- OK
- Is there...?
- I'll be off, then
See you
Sorry I kept you waiting
A cup of tea?
Doctor... I brought you a small gift
You shouldn't have
Thank you very much
Is it beef or pork?
It's crispy pork
Keep it in the freezer
so it stays crispy longer
Thank you again
Excuse me...
...this is my first day here...
Are you sure you want me
in the emergency ward?
Aren't you used to it
from the army camp?
Not really. We rarely saw
serious cases there
And when I see blood I get...
You get what?
Excuse me
Pardon me,
Dr Prasarn asked me to fetch you
Koh, this is Dr Nohng
- Hello
- Hello
To fetch me or Dr Nohng?
- I'm not sure
- Then please take Dr Nohng there
- Aren't you coming, too?
- Of course. Just give me a second
- How's Nook? I haven't seen her lately
- Busy selling T-shirts. I want a new girl
She might find a new guy first
Imet a cute girl while I was
out drinking with Dr Prasarn
- Whereabouts?
- A place right behind the hospital
There are pubs behind the hospital?
Didn't you know?
I pass by everyday
and haven't seen any
What time do you pass?
They open after 9:00pm
No one's around that late
Everyone's gone home by then
So he got her number and called her up
How did it go?
Well, she also gave me her number,
and it turns out she liked me more
When I called her,
we talked for over two hours
Who's prettier, her or Nook?
Dr Nohng, aren't you sore...
...from walking so stiffly?
I'm used to it
This way, Doctor
Dr Prasarn, this is Dr Nohng
whom I recommended
Did you see a lot of patients yesterday?
Not really. It feels busier today
Are they construction workers?
- Yes, a couple of brothers
- Really?
- They're cute, huh?
- They're OK
- Our hospital's giving away glasses?
- Like the ones in star Wars
You're right!
The same style
- I forgot I've left someone in my room
- Who?
It's OK, I'll go back to them
after my rounds
They're going to plant a lot more trees
This is where they'll set up the stage
For the Buddhist holiday?
There is alms-giving in the morning
In the morning
Hey! I forgot to turn it off. Hey!
Turn off what?
This thing clipped to my pants
What are you talking about?
We're done
It's kind of like...
- Like what?
- ...playing the same scene over
Damn it
At first it wasn't so bad
- You wanted to be an actor, right?
- It's only been five takes
All together
What's wrong with my eyes?
I'm checking if your brain's
response is normal
My brain?
Do you have dreams often?
Well, Idon't really know
Since I fell out of bed the other night...
...I've been like this
Your leg is sore?
My leg is sore and my joints ache
I see
The other night...
...I dreamt about a flock of chickens
When I was a boy, a young boy...
...I was naughty and mean-spirited,
I used to break their legs for fun
I'd go visit my friend's farm...
...and break the legs of his chickens...
...because their clucking sound
really bothered me
In my dream...
...they told me that
they wanted me to suffer
Despite the fact that I've offered
prayers for them for many years
You can communicate with chickens?
Their spirits came and possessed me
I guess they wanted revenge
I ran away,
but they chased after me
They kept chasing me. I was so scared
I grew wings and turned into a chicken
I always sleep on my side
and hug a bolster pillow
In my dream, I was woken up...
...and they kicked me out of bed
I landed on the floor
and all my joints were aching
Do your joints still ache?
Now and then.
That's why I came to see you
- Do you eat a lot of chicken?
- I guess so
I really should try to eat less
to reduce my bad karma
But when I collect alms,
I must accept what's offered
Can you excuse me for a minute?
Where are you going?
- I'm going...
- You haven't finished my check-up
I'm going to quickly pop next door
Excuse me
Wait for me here. Don't go anywhere
Mr Chai. Mr Chai
Mr Chai
I need to speak with you
Over here, please
It's about the money I lent you
It's been a while
The new school term has just started...
...and my son's school fees
are expensive
Why won't you look me in the eye?
Something doesn't sound right
Would you swear to it?
There's a monk waiting in my office
Let's go see him
Swear to what?
Swear to keep your promise, Mr Chai
How could you forget?
Don't make me swear.
I'm afraid of monks
Don't be so silly
We're not talking
ghosts and goblins here!
You didn't seem afraid
when you borrowed my money
Sorry about that
Please excuse me
- Everything in order?
- Yes
There's a lot of uric acid in poultry
It collects in your joints,
if you eat too much
Let me run some more blood tests
- I hope you don't mind...
- Yes?
I sense confusion inside your heart
Confusion? About what?
About money matters, you know?
Boil these roots and drink them
to help you forget
What is it?
It's an herbal potion
handed down from my ancestors
It helps regulate menstrual flow...
...cures fainting and dizzy spells
But it can't treat everything
I have this itchy rash
Can you treat it?
You have a rash?
On my body and my arms
Excuse me. Let me see
This arm?
- Doctor?
- Yes?
Can I also have some sleeping pills?
You have trouble sleeping?
My dreams keep waking me up
Dreaming is normal. Everyone dreams
I need some medicine
for the other monks...
...and for the villagers
who live near the temple
I can't do that. They have to come
and see me themselves
Why? Just write the prescription
You know, when to take the pills... or adults,
before or after meals
Just write it on the packet
I really can't do that
It's against the rules
If someone found out,
I'd be held liable
Right now, I can only
prescribe medicine for you
How about this?
At least give me vitamins
for the temple boys, OK?
I really can't
Why not?
Well, they need to see me in person
I know you can, but you won't, right?
I can only treat patients that visit me,
otherwise I can't prescribe anything
Hey, Sakda...
...tell the doctor about your condition...
...your asthma condition
That's not me. That's my mother
His mother has had asthma for a while
Sakda, describe your mother's condition
One more time. Ten...
Very good
And lower your arms
Now the third position.
Stand at ease, hands on your hips
We're going to slowly squat down
Squat down until your thighs feel taut
Now, slowly stand up. Good
Squat down
Stand up
We'll do this fifteen times... strengthen our knees
Rinse your mouth
Oh, use that cup and spit in the bowl
You've never been to the dentist, right?
Yes, this is my first time
I can tell
Just a little more
I'm gaining merit by giving a monk
a free dental check-up
What merit?
I'm just like anyone else
I'd like to be normal, but some
mysterious force has a hold on me
It keeps me cloaked in saffron robes
that I can't seem to shake off
I used to dream of being a DJ...
...of owning a comic book store
Being a DJ sounded fun
I turned on a radio show from the city,
and it was playing pop music
- You listen to American music?
- Yes, I listen to modern music
I wanted to request a song,
but I didn't have a phone... I sent a letter instead
and introduced myself
The DJ replied and invited me to dinner
Over dinner, he asked me to be a DJ,
but I turned him down
I don't know why. I always wanted to...
You know, I'm a singer
A singer? Really?
- What kind of songs?
- Mostly Thai country music. It's a hobby
I don't listen to much of that
Open up
You're the one on the bulletin board?
On the board? Yes
You won some kind of prize, right?
- Yes
- Dentist of the Year
Let me cover your eyes
Is this a check-up or a concert?
I'm still waiting
Let me play. Just for a bit
Excuse me, Doctor
Would you like to have lunch?
No, thanks, I'm not hungry yet
Is there something
you wanted to see me about?
...can we get engaged?
Is everything all right?
No, it's not
My stomach is rumbling
Are you trying to torment me?
Have you ever been in love?
Well...not exactly
Then you won't understand how I feel
I feel as if my heart's on fire
I can't eat, I can't sleep
- It's like...
- I understand
I once knew a man...
I once met a man
at the Farmer's Market
- Are you interested in that orchid?
- Yes
It's an auspicious plant
that will bring you luck
It also glows in the dark
- Glows in the dark?
- Yes
I have a picture I can show you
Can I help you?
- How much?
- It's a wild orchid. 25,000 baht
I bred it myself.
Its form is very distinct
It's not hard to grow.
It doesn't like direct sunlight
It prefers to be in the shade
You saw I liked it
so you jacked up the price, right?
But it also glows in the dark
I have pictures I can show you
Here you go
It costs too much
Look at the picture. Can you see?
Excuse me, how much is this?
Which one?
That one is 250 baht
- 25,000?
- Yes
It must be an electric orchid!
I'm not feeling so good, Doctor
But if it makes you happy...
...please continue with your story
I'd like to...
...but I'm afraid it will upset you
It's too late for that, Doctor
I thought it might make you feel better
It's not as if I'm going to marry him
You're not?
Why are you laughing at me?
This is why I love you so much
From the very first time I met you.
Do you remember?
- That day...
- Then he came to the hospital...
Please, Doctor, listen to me first
- That day you wore...
- He came to look at a wild orchid
Wow, how amazing
It's the rarest wild orchid in Thailand
We have several orchids here...
There are many types,
but this one is priceless
- Are you tricking me?
- No, I'm serious
- It's a sin to lie
- I'm serious
I'd like to buy it to breed at my farm
I thought you said it was priceless
Look at the roots, Director
They're not so pretty. Twining all over
People don't like it so much
It seems to lack form and order
Can you see?
Perhaps my wife might like it
Right, Doctor?
These are photos taken at my farm
Feel free to visit anytime
Well, I wish I knew more about orchids
Who's there?
Are you Dr Toey?
Noom talks a lot about you
What has he said?
Come down here
What are you doing?
Careful, it's slippery
I'm making a mud pack... take care of my legs
What's wrong with them?
I fell off a motorbike and broke one
Now one leg is longer than the other
Really? Let me take a look
Right here
Look at the fish nibbling at my feet
They're tickling me
Try it and see
Here, bite on this
Be careful nothing pulls you down
It's hard to access
Can you drive in?
The waterfall has seven levels.
We have to go on foot
- We park at the base and walk in
- There's parking there
- But we'll leave Pa Jane behind
- No way! You'll have to carry me up
Or send her back to Nong Kai
You have two choices, wait
at the base or go home to Nong Kai
- I'll stay with you
- Send her to Nong Kai
You've been with me
for so many years
Here, Doctor, this is the waterfall
he's talking about
- What are you doing?
- What?
Put it away
- Let her look at it first
- Don't look at it
- Is there something I should know?
- It's a trick she uses to sell her bags
Buy one and I'll throw in one for free
A few miles past the temple
there's a sign and a statue of a cow
- Doctor, look at this old photo
- Pass an intersection...
Where did you get that?
Just keep driving
Who's the girl with long hair?
It must be Pa Jane
Keep your eyes on the road
Is that a tattoo on your arm, Noom?
He doesn't like to talk about it.
It's too painful
My father asked me to get it
A tattoo of what?
You got a rose tattoo for your dad?
No, I just got a tattoo as he asked
Just a small one
Don't lie and act embarrassed
You're always on my case
A red rose, too, Pa Jane
They don't scrimp on the topping
It smells good
It's really sweet
You're so attentive.
How come you don't have a boyfriend?
Who says I don't?
The fortune teller said so
One or many?
It depends on which one you ask
Many boyfriends from all races
A long time ago, Doctor...
...two farmers came across
a young monk
The monk asked them...
..."Would you like to be rich?
You've suffered for so long"
The farmers told him they did... he told them
to go down to the lake
All this from here to there
used to be a lake
When the farmers got there... By golly!
It was full of gold and silver
They rushed to stuff their bags full
Suddenly, a solar eclipse occurred...
...and the sky went dark
They kept gathering gold in the dark.
They got so rich
But one farmer was greedy...
...and he came back for more
- They say thieves robbed his house
- Then what?
They shot him dead
That's the result of being greedy
How cruel
This is a powerful place
No matter what people do,
no matter what we do...
...something always watches us
Like you coming here... knows all about you.
I know as well
Know about what?
Come on
Just let him know your true feelings...
...or you might miss out
But he does smell nice
But sometimes, I just want to be alone
No way. Then it won't be exciting
Otherwise why did you
give him the orchid?
I'll open it for you
Have you looked
in his bedroom yet?
Do I have to?
Of course! You judge a man
from his bedroom and his desk
I'd have to wait for him
to fall asleep first...
...before I could look inside
This way. You have to slide it open
Sorry. My room is a bit of a mess
It's not that messy
I wasn't expecting company today.
It's not often I get visitors
It's always a mess
- Please sit down
- Thank you
Have an orange
You think it looks OK hanging there?
Will this one glow in the dark as well?
After you
Are you tired?
A little bit
Where's Pa Jane going?
She can't stay out under the hot sun
Come on, Mom Mam!
What are you thinking about?
Come here, Mom Mam!
If you secretly liked someone,
what would you do?
I'd hide behind a pillar
and peek out at them
But then how would they know
that you like them?
I don't know
But that person isn't you,
I just need your advice
I can't decide what to do
Why? What's wrong?
I don't know what to say
Is it a man or a woman?
- I'm just joking
- That's a strange question
It was a joke. Don't take it to heart
I'm not accusing you of anything!
- That was mean
- I'm only kidding
Is the orange peeled?
It's all crushed
- It's completely squashed
- Have another
So, go on.
You secretly like her...?
But I don't dare to confess my love
Could I do anything to help?
smile, your smile makes me happy
smile just once more
Just a glance, I'm standing here
Waiting for your smile
Just a simple smile from you
Teeth, so clean and white
lickering in the shadows,
shining in my heart
To you no one compares
Please brighten me with your smile
smile and it will be mine
Please brighten me with your smile
Can you feel me smiling back?
Love is the answer
Love and concern
The tenderness of your smile
Inspires me as always
My guitarist
smile, your smile makes me happy
smile just once more
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
A round of applause for Ant
Let's bring him upfront
He wrote the music on all my albums
Give him a big hand
I wanted to watch you sing,
but I couldn't go, it's not proper
Why not? The fair was at the temple
There are too many people
When I saw you walking up,
I almost didn't recognise you
My green jacket must blend in!
The nurses didn't remember me either
You've never worn this outfit here?
No, I'm afraid I'll run into patients
Brother, do you feel that...
...maybe we knew each other
in a past life?
I don't think so
You remind me of my dead brother
When I was 8 years old...
...I was naughty, as boys are
Climbing trees to pick mangoes
and such
One day, my brother was
too scared to climb the trees...
...but I forced him...
...and he fell and died
I feel wrong to this very day
Are you my brother reincarnated?
It can't be
I wasn't human in my past life
I just want the chance to apologise
To your brother?
- Yes
- I'm not your brother
Because in my last life I was...
It was my brother's
- A horse?
- Yes
I'd like you to have it
I can't accept it
It's not mine.
Save it for your real brother...
...when you see him
My brother is already dead
Well, then...
will you accept this instead?
What is it?
My new album
For me?
It doesn't look like you
It hasn't gone on sale yet
'I Could Only Look'
This is your real name?
Normally, I sing about teeth and gums...
...but this album is all love songs
But I don't own a CD player
I'll present one as an offering
That's OK. I'll borrow the abbot's,
he has one
Dr Ple, follow me
Where are you going?
You also majored in Pharmacy?
Only for two years
Then I studied medicine for four more
Did you find the army base boring?
Not exactly, but I felt
I'd be more useful here
Why did you decide to study medicine?
A pharmacist is stuck
in the pharmacy all day
- Did you follow your friends?
- No
- Did you consult your parents?
- No
- So you wanted to switch majors?
- Yes
How would you describe yourself?
I'd say I'm a cheerful person
Why do you think you're cheerful?
My friends seem to have fun
when they're around me
How many friends do you have?
I'm friends with everyone in my class
And you still meet regularly?
Do you play any sports?
- I can play basketball
- Can you draw?
What position do you play?
Why did you choose to play centre?
A centre doesn't need to be tall
Do you prefer triangles,
squares or circles?
What colour would you like it to be?
A clear colour
What colour is your clear colour?
Clear like a glass
What would you like it to be made from?
From glass
What if there isn't any glass?
Plastic, I guess
Can you sit up straight, please?
- Are you right or left-handed?
- Right-handed
Can I see your right hand?
Stretch your arm out
Clench your fist. Clench it tight
Tighter. Just a bit
Thank you
- Do you have any pets?
- I used have to have a cat
And now?
It's dead
What does DDT stand for?
What does DDT stand for?
Is it...
...'Destroy Dirty Things'?
Take this note to Dr Natreprakai
on the 8th Floor
Don't peek at it, Doctor
- Is there anything else?
- I'll be off, then
Sorry to keep you waiting
Do you want some tea?
...I brought you a little present
It's too much. You shouldn't have
Please take it
Thank you
I'm a stubborn person. Wherever I go,
I have to take my bolster pillow
I need to hug it or I can't sleep
I wrap my legs around it
and rest my head on it
- You're very attached to it
- You could say so
That night...
...I dreamt a chicken flock
came to tell me...
...that they wanted me to suffer
But I forgive them. I've offered prayers
for them for many years
But they won't forgive me.
I guess they want revenge
I was scared
and ran away from them...
...but they came flying after me
I kept on running
Suddenly I felt like I'd grown wings
and become a chicken
But it was only a dream
When I woke up in a fright...
...I found myself on the floor... arms and legs
pinned beneath me
My whole body was aching
Is it from eating chicken?
Or do you think it's bad karma?
Do you eat a lot of chicken?
Come to think of it, quite a bit
I've been meaning to quit
- I agree. You should stop
- Or I'll have double karma
Or reduce the amount you eat
Poultry is very high in cholesterol
It contains a lot of fat and uric acid...
...that collect in your joints
if you eat too much...
...and it makes them ache
Therefore, you must try
to cut down if you can
Eat more fruit and vegetables instead
They have more nutritional value
They're high in fibre, calcium
and can ward off disease
They also help ease constipation
Being regular can help clear your mind
You won't feel dizzy or confused
Then I should stop eating chicken
Yes, that's right
My aches and pains...
Can you stop them?
Of course. You could have
what's called Panic Disorder
That stems from your own imagination...
...from your inner fears,
from your mind
Or it could also be genetic
When you fell out of bed
onto the floor... might have triggered
some latent diseases to resurface
Will you give me some pills?
Yes, but let me take
some more blood tests... determine the exact cause
Hold on a second, Doctor
What is it?
Boil these roots and drink them
They'll give you a kinder heart
But I'm already kind to all my patients
These roots also help to reduce...
...inconsequential thoughts
Bad, inconsequential thoughts
gather in our brain
Drink this and you'll feel better
I see...
It also reduces your memory
Reduces my memory?
If I drink it...
...then I won't remember who you are?
That's OK. We each have our calling
We have to follow our own paths
Take him, for example
Sakda, tell the doctor...
...about the asthma...asthma
His mother has had asthma
for some time
Sakda, tell us about her condition
Tell me about your mother's asthma... I can make her better
How long has your mother had asthma?
Rinse your mouth
I prefer it off
Open your mouth
I'd like to rinse my mouth
Just a second, Doctor
Open your mouth
Would you like some tea?
Where are you two going?
To have lunch
Good. Keep walking.
Maintain your distance
It's OK. I'll catch up
OK, I've dialled
What a trendy ring tone
My girlfriend set it for me
Pretty, young Joy?
Be careful. These steps are old
Army doctors have to do their rounds
down here every Friday
Just make sure it doesn't affect
your other cases
The basement is resered
for military patients...
...war veterans and their relatives
Everyone is a relative
I know. Small country, huh?
Oh, there's another way down.
At the fork just now, take a right
Where's your father, Off?
He went to get the X-ray results
You're looking better
Try it
Lower. More. More
Be patient
Very good
How's everyone back home
these days?
Your old neighbours
sold their house and moved away
They sold it?
- Where did they move?
- To Cha-am
I see. What about your sister?
She's living with her boyfriend
I see. And how about you?
I'm living with her as well
I see. What rank are you now?
First Lieutenant
- Lieutenant already? That's pretty fast
- Yes
You used to be such a naughty boy.
Very naughty
You used to sling mud at my house
I'm really sorry
It's Dr Nant
- This is Dr Nant
- Hello
This is Dr Nohng, the haematologist
We were just saying it's rare
to meet a male haematologist
That's right. Why did you
decide to specialise?
My sister has alpha thalassaemia
So I had an interest in this field
And you can take care of her?
Then you must carry the gene as well
That's not always the case,
you have to do a blood test
I've checked. I carry the gene
- Oh...
- Really?
Would you allow me?
Is he pale?
- Not really, Doctor
- Really?
- Do you feel fatigued?
- No
- But you can't be sure
- Right
There are active and passive carriers
That's why I always say...
...obstetricians live with birth...
...oncologists live with death...
- ...but haematologists live with suffering
- Most are women
- Because blood diseases can't be cured
- They can't be cured
The patient suffers a lot
What are you doing, Doctor?
Isn't it a bit early for that?
She knows what to do. See?
What's this, Doctor?
There are three of us
- I'll get it
- You don't have to help her
- Did you go to the Red Cross Fair?
- Not yet
It's quite extravagant this year
with lots of bands performing
He won't go
- There's no Karaoke
- That's not true
Don't call me an alcoholic
I have to go on TV this evening
She's a guest speaker
on public TV every week
It's always like this
I've gone on TV a lot...
...but I'm still not used to the cameras
I don't drink much,
just enough to get me tipsy
- As always
- That's why you look so nice today
I have to prepare my own wardrobe...
...because public TV
doesn't have enough money
I try to help, but their sets
are so old-fashioned
I asked them to use a blue screen
and matte in flowers...
...but they wouldn't take my advice
Oh, Dr Neng, come on in
There are staff outside
waiting to use this room
Really? Tell them to come in then
We're just chatting
They've already left, Doctor
Really? Then why don't you join us?
You, too, young man
- Come inside
- Off, come here
- Come in
- Are you appearing on TV again today?
Yes, in the evening
- Is this Sant's son?
- Yes
- He's good looking, huh?
- He's my patient
I see
- What's wrong with him?
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
Isn't he better yet?
Not yet. I've been treating him
for several months
That's strange
Do you mind if I take a look?
- What are you doing, Doctor?
- Chakra healing
I channel energy from the sun
The top of his head is a Chakra centre
I'm going to transfer my energy to him
I've seen this done before
Close your eyes
I want you to imagine a picture...
...of yourself walking through a forest
There is a large waterfall...
...and a crystal-clear stream
The water is very cool
Try raising both your arms
Slowly. Slowly raise them
Take both hands
and dip them into the stream
Dip them in
Now both your hands...
...will suck up the water...
...the water from the stream...
...up into your head
Into your head...
...and all around
The water inside your head...
...will wash away everything...
...and vaporise into the sky
Right, now, you have a fresh mind
It's clear... clear as crystal
Your mind is refreshed
You have a fresh mind now
OK. Now lower your arms
Let's see. Open your eyes
How do you feel?
- Better?
- I didn't feel anything
For chakra, don't your hands go here?
Only if you get a massage
and a hand job!
But isn't this what they showed us
in the seminar?
I think you must be confused
- What?
- Here, have a drink of this
- Can I be excused?
- It's OK
Let him go, Doctor
I've tried this waterfall trick before
Really? Why didn't you tell me?
Are you selling Red Cross T-shirts?
Yes, this year we have two styles
- Very nice. How much are they?
- 200 baht
Can I see your racquet?
You could join the national team with this
Good thing she didn't scold you
Who brought you to the hospital?
My dad
Does your girlfriend visit you?
Is that a tattoo on your neck?
Can I see it?
Open it more
I see. Pandora
Is it the name of a band?
Still studying?
Not right now
I was working in a car factory
Japanese cars?
But I've stopped working
I've planned out my life
But it'll take longer than for most people
A year longer
What do you mean?
Well, my brain is...
Maybe in my next life
What will you be in your next life?
Human, I guess
A man or a woman?
A man
How come?
In my last life, I was also a man
How are you feeling, Off?
- Hello, Doctor
- Hello
- Where is Dr Neng?
- Inside the room
Hey, when did you get here?
A while ago.
I've been watching you
Been following me?
What is it?
Who did you buy this for?
Is it for me?
But it's too big for me
Do you want it?
Look, my palms are sweaty again
Are you tired?
From what?
From kissing
Wow, you can see
my house from here
- Really?
- Yeah, it's over there
Next to the tree by the round building
I see
Remember my company trip last week?
We toured the new plant in Cholburi
- It's very large
- What's that picture?
It's nothing
I'd like to move there. It's so modern
It looks good
It's so hi-tech, like a brand new city
They're also building a hospital
You want me to apply for a transfer?
Would you?
When does your company move?
Probably sometime next year
Your entire department?
Won't you go?
Don't you have English lessons today?
It's close by the sea, too
Don't try to tempt me with nature