Sangam (1964)

Don't forget to wish
the lawyer.
"Come here, Nathu."
"- Yes, sir."
You're so very late!
"l'm hungry. Let's go, Gopal."
"- Come on, Sunder."
Sunder hit Gopal and
he's bleeding.
They're fighting again.
Will you say that again?
- Yes.
"What happened, Gopal?"
Did Sunder hit you?
"- No, father."
l fell on a stone
and started bleeding.
But Radha said Sunder hit you.
She's lying.
- Yes he did! He did hit him!
"Shut up, Radha!"
When did he hit me?
"She's lying, father!"
"Well done, my son."
You're bleeding but you won't
tattle on your friend.
"Look, Radha. l've built a house"
big enough for Gopal too.
Will you live in my house now?
"- No, l won't."
Why not?
- lt's my wish!
l don't like your house!
Had it been someone else
in your place...
Let me go!
"Well? Don't you know, l was"
a Captain in the army?
"Let him be, sir"
He's a kid.
"Keep him under control, Nathu."
He's getting out of hand.
You're being like a child yourself.
"Go ahead and play, children"
"Play with Gopal, Radha."
Always play with equals.
He has a car.
But l have a plane.
l'll fly Radha all over the world.
l'll take her away one day.
Come down here and l'll show you!
Sunder! What are you doing?!
l threw the hook in the water
and it fell on the ground.
Return my clothes to me!
They won't get off the hook.
Like myself.
Say that again... l like
my name on your lips.
Don't tease me.
Return my clothes to me!
l will. But answer my
question first.
l have a hundred times.
You've refused a hundred times
Say 'yes' just once...
or you won't get your clothes
- This is ridiculous.
lmagine for a moment that
l'm not Sunder... but Gopal.
And Gopal asks you something.
"Your heart is the river Ganga"
"and mine is the river Yamuna"
"Tell me, Radha..."
"will they ever find union?"
"No! Never!"
"l've spend eons"
"pleading with you"
"You'll find no other man"
"as persistent as l am"
"Will this burden"
"l carry, ever lessen?"
"Tell me, Radha..."
"will our hearts ever meet?"
"Get lost!"
"l thirst for you as"
"the earth does for rain"
"Every breath that l take"
"seems to chant your name"
"The stones melt,"
"but will your heart?"
"Tell me, Radha..."
"will our hearts ever meet?"
"Yes, they will!"
"Now go away"
"Radha, listen..."
Gopal's returning from
London tomorrow!
Do you hear?
Gopal's returning from London!
She's in the prayer room.
What happened?
- Gopal...
What happened? He was okay...
- Not just okay.
He's great! He has stood first
in the whole of the University!
- Of course.
l'm the one who tutored him!
"Read this, if you can't believe me."
l'll go and tell everyone.
"- Sweeten your tongue, at least."
Raghu! Look at this...
Sunder isn't here.
"He knows, doesn't he?"
Of course. He's been
telling everyone.
Why hasn't he come then?
He will. At least to the party.
- Party?
Yes. ln your honour.
"Well, lawyer?"
How are you?
Why didn't you come
to receive me?
l did. On my bicycle.
But you sped away in your car.
l kept calling for you
but you wouldn't hear me.
"You're wearing garlands,"
l see.
This one? l brought it for you.
"l wore it, because l didn't meet you."
What's the difference between
the two of us anyway?
l feel as if l've turned a lawyer
after you got the degree.
"But now that l meet you,"
"here you are, my friend."
You've been away
for so very long.
Let's sit here.
Have you quit the Air Force
and joined flight work?
Yes. l train people
in flying.
But l don't get the one
l want to take to the skies.
l can't tell you what l went through
when l met Gopal today.
Mustn't you ask Gopal too?
Do you mean?
- No.
To play together as kids
"is one thing, Radha."
But to live together as husband
and wife is another.
All right. l will say it
to him at the party tonight.
Congratulations. You're one
of us lawyers now.
Thank you. Please sit down.
"Why're you hiding here, Captain?"
l'm watching how the game goes.
Fine. But you've glass is empty.
Let me get you a drink.
What shall l get you?
- Don't l get a drink?
What can l get you?
- Ask what l've got for you.
What've you got?
- Look there.
l'm here for the
fun of it.
But she's here to say
something to you.
- Only she knows.
l forgot...
Let me get you a drink.
Don't bother
- l'll get it...
Not you. There's no dearth
of servants in this house.
Let her. lt's time she learns
the ways of this family.
After all she has to
come here as a bride.
You look lovely.
Who's it all for?
What was Sakina saying?
- The truth.
"l mean, what did she say?"
- That you wanted to speak to me.
"Congratulations, Gopal."
- Thanks
You look lovely.
Sunder hasn't come yet.
Strange fellow!
Did you speak?
How could l? There're too
many people around.
Your friend Sunder isn't here?
- Must be on his way.
Here he is!
Can't you ever be on time?
Not even today?
l can't hide things from you.
l have only one suit.
My pants were torn and
l had to sew them.
l wanted to dress well.
"Radha's coming, you know."
ls she here?
- Yes
Where's she?
- There.
Tell Gopal everything
you want to.
"How can l, with that fool"
hovering around him?
"Stay close, Gopal."
My heart could stop beating...
And my pulse?
Go and say 'hi'.
l'll join you later.
Must l?
- Go on!
Oh no! He's coming here.
l'll take care of Sunder.
Go and find Gopal.
"Welcome, Sunder."
Say MlSTER Sunder.
l'm suited and booted
Right. MlSTER Sunder.
We don't meet nowadays.
Quite right. We hardly meet.
Talk to Sakina. l'll be back.
So talk to me.
About what?
- About Radha.
Radha? Go ahead.
l'm told you love her.
- ls it public knowledge?
May l suggest something?
- Please do.
Ask Radha what she wants.
Suppose you both want
different things?
That's why l'm here - to
confess my feelings.
l'll ask her today.
Don't worry.
Will you have a drink?
Excuse me.
Do you see how different
Sunder and Gopal are?
"One, a worthy son of"
a worthy father.
He's a lawyer and will
be a judge one day.
The other one's a
And he comes here today
like a band-master.
"Say whatever you will,"
but Sunder is a gem of a boy.
"Which is why, Captain,"
he's my dearest friend.
You're always biased
against him.
Never mind his appearance.
He's the life and soul of any party.
What is it?
Did you meet Sunder?
l came to say something to you.
l've never dared to say it
to you before.
"The Judge wants you, son."
Come on.
l'll be back.
Your friend isn't eating.
"Sunder, won't you eat?"
- l can't. l'll choke.
Not unless l speak to her.
l'm incapable of anything.
How will you speak?
Will you play?
Yes. l'll play and sing.
Very good. Music gives
life meaning.
"Which is why, a heart that"
"loves, will speak in song."
- Such poetry.
Then develop the poem.
- Go on.
Every heart that loves
will speak out in song.
and a lover in a crowd
will stand out.
"A heart that loves"
"will speak out in song"
"A lover in a crowd"
"will stand out"
"Having stolen my heart,"
"you hide yourself from me"
"Though my love is unrequited,"
"my feelings for you abide"
"This is what love is about;"
"although you do not know it"
"The candle-flame that burns"
"will draw the moth to it"
"Forgotten memories"
"of our happy childhood"
"come to trouble"
"my dreams at night"
"l've never dared"
"to speak my heart"
"Though countries seasons"
"have come and gone"
"When will these eyes"
"be brave enough to speak?"
"A lover in a crowd"
"will stand out"
"Everyone has spoken..."
"but l cannot speak my heart"
"The story of my heart"
"shall remain forever untold"
"Having united two hearts,"
"this outsider will leave"
"A lover in a crowd will be"
"recognised, without doubt"
"Sakina, won't you dance?"
Forget about me. Ask Radha.
You wouldn't know how much
l have waited for you.
l'm writing this to
answer your question.
But l don't know myself
what the answer is.
Shameless! Reading
another's letter?
Another? So you've discarded
all of us for him?
Never mind. l'll deliver
the letter for you.
As if l couldn't do it myself.
- So why did you keep it here?
l thought l'd give it to him.
- Really?
Now wait...
l'm taking this paper along.
l'll send you the draft notice.
Mr lawyer... could you
come upstairs please?
Sakina's calling you!
Let me accompany you...
Where are you going?
Sakina called him.
- lt was Radha; not Sakina.
l'm not bothered. l'm going too...
- Why not?
"The army captain, aren't you?"
Come on now!
All right... let's go.
Did you call me?
- Not me. lt was Radha.
"Well, Radha?"
Tell him!
- What's bothering you?
"ln that case, l'll tell him."
"Actually, Radha has..."
Looks like you've been joking.
And l got taken in.
You didn't give him
"the letter, Radha."
What's the hurry?
l will give it to him.
He's sitting downstairs.
- He's leaving!
l'll give it to him.
My God!
What do we do now?
- Deliver the letter?
Hurry up.
"Coming, father."
"Come, let's go. lf father"
"comes up, it's the end."
lt's in Hindi.
My teacher always said one
should learn Hindi.
l wish l had learnt it.
Gopal! l've got it!
- Got what?
A priceless treasure!
"That is, this letter."
- Yes! lt will decide my fate
"l'm at your mercy, Gopal!"
- What are you doing?
Only you can read and
tell me my fate
"Tell me, friend, if l'm"
on the Everest or in the hell?
What does it say?
Say it again.
- Beloved.
"Take this cup away,"
for l am drunk.
What kind of a joke is this?
- You won't understand. Read on
ln your eyes l have seen a question.
Am l right?
Absolutely! Read on
l am writing to answer
your question
"Go and, give me my answer!"
"The answer is, l don't know"
what my answer is
l dream of the things
l would tell you
"But l stand before you,"
and my tongue is tied
This is an ancient story...
that has inspired poets
Maybe this is love
"Yours, Radha"
My? Radha?
"Hold me Gopal, ere l fall"
"What's melodrama is this, Sunder?"
- This is love
This thing called love
ls a river of fire
that drowns the lover
l've seen my share of
drowning lovers
Happens only in poetry.
Have you ever been in love?
- Yes
With whom?
- Radha.
ls there only one
Radha in the world?
Which other Radha?
There was one Radha.
She was Lord Krishna's beloved
Oh... that Radha?
"For a moment, l almost died"
"Look, my hands have gone cold."
My blood seems to have turned to ice
l'm madly in love with Radha!
l can't live without her
"But believe me, if you were in love"
"with my Radha, l would've given her up"
lt'd break my heart. But l'd sacrifice
my love for friendship
What are you lost in?
l'm right here with you
l was thinking...
- You think more than you do
"Tell me, what do l do?"
"You just do what l say,"
and no arguments
"All right, no arguments."
"- First, we go boating tomorrow"
"Yes, it's a Sunday"
But l have work
Can't you give a day for me?
"- For you, l'd even give up my life"
Then give your life.
Come with me
Pick up the phone
Dial a number
This is Radha's number.
- Right. Tell her that...
you're going boating tomorrow
"Hello, Captain. Gopal here."
- You pick up Radha at three...
How are you?
- Doesn't matter!
"Captain, tomorrow being a Sunday,"
we're going boating
Very well. Radha will come too
Gopal called. He has invited us
to go boating with him tomorrow
- And Radha too
Radha too? Or Radha only?
l don't know... but l'm going!
"- But of course, you won't"
"Leave her alone. For her, it has"
just begun. Let it happen
What better a match for Radha?
"Now, how would l know all that?"
- How would you? All you know...
"is that in 1916, you were a Captain."
- Was l not?
Big party?
- No. Small party. For two
Get lost
Radha sits here
Here's Gopal
And here l am
Radha of the intoxicating eyes
"And Gopal, the friend in need"
"My friend, and my lover"
ls this any time to come?
l've been waiting all my life
Did you invite Sunder too?
- He's the one who invited us
The phone call?
- He made me call you
What're you waiting for?
Come along
How are you Radha?
l hear you've bought a boat?
Yes. l'm sailing today.
lt's a sight
lt's a lovely boat
- Show me
"Go on Gopal, take a look"
- l'm coming too
Where are you off to?
l'm showing you my boat. Come
Who are you looking at? Gopal?
- No...
Mothing wrong. Not a friend like him
in the whole world
"When l'm in pain, he cries"
"When l'm happy, he rejoices."
Like yesterday
What happened yesterday?
- Read your letter
"You read it, too?"
"- No, Gopal did"
Gopal and l share all our secrets.
"Nice, isn't it?"
Where's your boat?
How is it?
Such a small one?
How many can sit in it?
- Two. You and l
"Two's a pair, three is a crowd,"
and four makes a gang of thieves
Which is the pair?
There's only one pair. You and l.
l'm right. Am l not? Tell me
How do you like my boat?
- Beautiful
"Come over, then"
Radha won't sit in your rotten boat.
- Then will she sit in your tub?
She who sails with me
sits in my heart
That's a bloody lorry.
- She's a nymphet
Nymphet? She's a paper boat.
And those girls are paper dolls
Don't you show off.
Take that junk out of the waters
"He puts a lorry in the water,"
and he goes begging for passengers
Good riddance!
So what were you saying?
Can you say how deep the lake is?
- Maybe 20 or 30 feet
ls there anything deeper?
- Why not? The ocean
Deeper than the ocean?
- l don't know
"Your eyes, Radha, your eyes."
Let me drown in them
"Sunder, this is what l don't like. You"
always make a joke out of everything
"Sometimes, you're fun, but... l know"
you're good at heart. And l like you.
But everything has limits and
sometimes you cross the limit
"Tell me then, what are my limits?"
l don't know.
- Tell me Radha! What are my limits?
l don't know!
"- Tell me, what are the limits?"
l don't know! l don't know!
"Oh, my beloved..."
"Oh my beloved"
"To reach your heart"
"is my only goal"
"There is no corner in my life..."
"that you do not invade"
"Why are you angry?"
"Why so sad?"
"There is no need, for our hearts"
"shall know union"
"l shall take you in the"
"circle of my arms"
"l shall carry you away, someday"
"Oh, my beloved"
"To reach your heart"
"is my only goal"
Radha? Gopal here
ls the Captain at home?
- No
And your mother?
"She's out, too. Can't you tell me?"
- l'm coming this evening to see them
Tell them it's important.
We have to discuss something
- Yes. About you
About me?
"Sakina, do you know"
who called? Gopal
He's coming to meet father
about something important
About me. What could it be?
"Tell me, Sakina"
"He'll say, l don't like Radha!"
She's ugly and she's foolish
Marry her off to Sunder
Don't you ever say that again!
Don't even joke about it
Serve the drinks and leave. Girls
mustn't be present on such ocassions
"Why not, Ma?"
He won't be able to talk freely
Be seated
How are you?
- Fine. And you?
"Fine, thank you"
How are you?
"- Fine, thank you"
And your mother?
"- Fine, thank you"
How are you?
"Fine, thank you. And you?"
"Fine, thank you"
You... here?
What madness is this? Why did you
have to scale the wall?
For you l could wade through
"a river of fire, the sea of death"
What kind of a joke is this?
"Sunder, please go away"
"But, why?"
"Downstairs, they're discussing"
something important. About me
l know
Gopal is here.
- Naturally. Who else do l have?
"Oh, why don't you understand?"
Go away now
Till death do we part
You look beautiful
"l tell you again, Sunder"
is a wonderful match
You expect me to give my Radha away
to that oaf?
"He has neither education, nor wealth"
How will he maintain my Radha?
"lf someone asks what he does,"
what am l to say?
That he left the Air Force
to join a flying club?
No way
Marriage will make Sunder
a responsible man.
He's a gem of a person.
- But l am no jeweller
l'm sorry to be refusing you
l know you're his friend and
you've come here for his sake
But l'm helpless
May l suggest something?
- Yes?
We'd be willing to let
Radha marry you
Consider it
- l can never
Are we so lowly?
- l didn't mean that
There must be a reason
ls Radha unworthy?
- What are you saying?
The man who gets to marry her
will be very lucky
Then what's your objection?
- Objection?
Not a matter of objection.
A matter of obligation
"l'm just as helpless,"
as you are
"Out of my way, Sunder"
How can l? My fate
is to be decided today
"Then, hear me out! l don't like you."
Have you ever seen your face?
l see it now. ln your eyes.
And it looks all right
"No, it doesn't! A man must"
be more than just a funster
What must he be?
- Let me go
Tell me what a man must be
and l'll become that
l don't know!
Don't tell Radha that
Gopal came for Sunder
Just say he came to talk
of marriage...
and we said we'd
think it over
One can't say 'yes' at the
very beginning
l'm sure Gopal will be back
to say that he'll marry her
"l tried everything, Sunder, but..."
"- Say no more, Gopal"
"Believe me, l tried"
- Why are you repeating it?
l don't want you to think that...
- Does it remain to be said that...
you'd leave no stone unturned for me?
l have to become something.
Radha said that too
A man must make more of himself
than just a clown
l will. l'll make myself worthy
"Don't be sad. Come on, smile"
Keep smiling. Always
You have a beautiful smile
Only Radha's smile can match
the beauty of your smile
Her smile is as radiant as
all the sunflowers in the world
"Well, then..."
Where are you taking me?
"- Come with me, l'll explain"
What is the matter? Where are we
headed? l don't understand this
You'll come to know
"So boys, you have been briefed about"
your mission.
Only one more thing l've to tell you.
Don't forget...
that you are flying
the lndian Air Force
And the Air Force has full faith
"in your courage, and your patriotism"
Sunder... you... here?
What's this Sunder? This uniform...
these planes? What's all this?
lt was you who told me that there's
more to life than being just a clown
A man must make something of himself
"This is an Air Force uniform,"
and l fly that airplane
l'm flying off today.
- Where?
l'm not allowed to reveal that
"Just a minute, Gopal"
l'm leaving. l don't know
when l'll return
"Before l leave, l want"
to tell you something
"Go ahead, Sunder"
You're everything to me...
"mother, father, brother and friend"
While l am gone no third man
must come between Radha and me
Say you promise
"Tell me Gopal, you promise"
"l promise, Sunder"
lt's another matter if l die
- Die?
"What are you saying, Sunder?"
"l won't die, Radha. l won't die."
l'll come back to you... for you
"Sunder, listen..."
"Sunder, listen to me"
l have something to tell you
Don't get the wrong idea
"l don't love you, Sunder"
l don't love you!
"Take care, Sunder"
l won't die Radha
l'll come back to you... for you
"Gopal, l can face every danger"
in this world
What l can't fight is the darkness
in my mind...
which seem to grow when
l don't hear from Radha
A darkness that not all the light
in the universe can quell
Go to Radha today.
Tell her to write to me
"Else, l'll go mad"
Go to Radha today.
Tell her to write to me
"Else, l'll go mad"
"Remember, how we used to play family"
when we were kids?
"You and l, and Sunder"
You would insist that
l stay with you
"And Sunder used to say,"
Radha will live with me
He says that even today.
- Even today?
Why haven't you answered
his letters?
l just haven't.
- Why not?
"Child's play is one thing, and making"
a family is quite something else
"For me, Sunder is no more"
than a childhood friend
lf you had a woman's heart
you'd know my feelings
What are your feelings?
l love someone else.
- Whom?
Are you mad?
- No. But you're driving me mad
Even hearing this is a sin for me!
- Then l shall pay for your sins
"But tell me, for once,"
have you never loved me?
- You're lying! Lying
Your relationship with Sunder
has always silenced you
"Were it not for my friendship,"
l would've told you something today
"l plead with you, tell me"
what you want to say
l want to talk of Sunder
who's battling death
"Day and night, he lives"
in the shadow of death
He has only one image
before his eyes
"lf he wanted to suffer, why"
did he have to choose you?
l have enough pain of my own.
Why did l choose you?
What is it?
A letter. ln Hindi. From Radha.
Read it out for me
Dear Sunder...
Take care of yourself.
You said you'd return to me
l wait for that day.
"Yours, Radha"
Mine. Radha
You're lucky to have Radha's love
and Gopal's friendship
"Yours, Radha"
The teacher was right.
The knowledge of Hindi is necessary
"Sing something else, won't you?"
You're always singing that sad song
There's much in life
to be happy about
You have reason to be happy. Your
girlfriend didn't break your heart
Your friend didn't betray you.
"Else, you too would've said it too"
"My friend, is a friend no more."
"My love, is my love no more"
"My life, l trust you not"
Nothing can be done.
Our men are besieged
We can't even send them supplies
Why not?
The planes can't reach them
The opening to the valley
is narrow...
and every inch is being held
by the enemy
Give me permission sir.
Let me try
You're a bomber pilot.
This needs a Dakota
No job is too small in times of war.
"Give me the permission, sir."
You're asking for death
Death for myself.
Life for my brother soldiers
"Give me a chance, sir. l promised"
someone l'd do something worthy.
Let me go
l told him he was asking
for death
"He said, it would mean life"
for his brother soldiers
Just what l feared
What a man he was
We regret to inform you that
"your friend, Flt. Lt. Sunder Khanna..."
met his death while
fighting the enemy
This award is presented
"to Flt. Lt. Sunder Khanna,"
35 Squadron...
who risked his life to drop supplies
to soldiers at the front
He gave his life to filfill
his mission
"ln the hour of crisis, he commanded]"
his co-pilot to bail out...
but he battled death as he
continued to drop supplies
Flt. Lt. Khanna has upheld the highest
ideals of the Air Force
"His courage, his spirit of sacrifice"
and his sense of duty
will go down in the annals of the
lndian Air Force in golden letters
For selfless service
to the country...
the Government of lndia presents
this award to Flt. Lt. Khanna
Flt. Lt. Khanna's dear friend
l won't die. l'll come back...
to you... for you
His words still echo in my ears
"l'll return, Radha. l will."
To you... for you
What a man he was.
So full of love
He'd sacrifice his life
for a friend...
and the world
for his beloved
While leaving he entrusted
something to me
His beloved?
You knew?
l told him...
not to misunderstand...
that l didn't love him
"l loved you, Gopal..."
l love you
Tell me the truth.
Don't you love me?
"You do, don't you?"
"Do l write"My beloved"?"
"Do l write"My Beauty"?"
"Or do l say"My sweetheart"?"
l'm at a loss
What should l write?
Let go of my dress!
- Give me my letter
"Let go, l say"
"- First, my letter"
Aren't you ashamed of reading
someone else's love-letter?
Aren't you ashamed of writing
"Do not be angry"
"when you read my letter"
"For you are my life,"
"you are my very own"
"l could call you the moon,"
"but the moon is flawed"
"l could call the sun,"
"but the sun is not perfect"
"The only thing left to say"
"is that l love you"
"You're as pure as the Ganga,"
"as pristine as the Yamuna"
"You're so close to my heart"
"that you are my very being"
"l fear that l might die"
"waiting for you to be mine"
"Do not be angry"
"when you read my letter"
"For you are my life,"
"you are my very own"
Gopal! My son! My darling!
Come with me.
- What is the matter?
Take your father's blessings
What's happening?
Do it. Pay him your obeisances.
- But what's it about?
"Ask for your father's blessings,"
Mr Magistrate
- You've become a magistrate
May you live long.
Ask for his blessings
Your son has fulfilled
your wish
"Son, vow that you shall"
always do justice
"l vow, l shall always do justice"
"- First of all, give me justice"
- Get a daughter-in-law for me
As you wish. Have l ever disobeyed
you? Go ahead and do what you want
Then l'll go to her house
to finalise the match right today
"But, who's the girl?"
- As if you don't know?
How would l know? l practise law.
l don't chase girls
- Who? Radha?
"Oh, well..."
- Why? Don't you like her?
How does that matter? A noose is
"a noose, be it of silk or cotton"
l know everything
"When you read my letter,"
do not be angry
"For you are my life,"
my very own
What are you staring at?
My magistrateo
"That l am, for others. But for you,"
l will always remain the same.
Your willing prisoner
- Prisoner?
My mother will go to see
your mother very soon
"She'll say, "You have a queen"
"in your house, and l have a slave"
Then the queen will buy this slave
And your mother will take home
a devoted maid
Gopal! Come here
l've been waiting for you.
"- What is it, Ma?"
l nearly went mad with joy
when l heard the news
What news?
- You'll be overjoyed to hear it
Read this. Sunder is alive
God be thanked!
What else could l want?
You've become a magistrate.
l'm getting a daughter-in-law
"And now, God has given me"
Sunder back too
l'm going to the temple.
l must thank The Gods
"l didn't know this, Sunder"
You don't know what a terrible thing
l was about to do
"l was about to betray you,"
usurp your place
"Had it happened, how would l"
have faced you?
What man would've trusted
a friend then?
What man would swear
by friendship then?
"Thank God, you're alive"
"Did you hear, Gopal?"
Sunder is alive!
l'm so happy l can't tell you
How could we have got
married without him?
Our wedding would've
been incomplete
Hurry! lt's time for the train
Get up! Move
l'm not going.
- Why?
lf he doesn't see you with me at
"the station, what will he think?"
That's what l'm wondering. lf he sees
"you with me, what will he say?"
"He'll say, "Congratulations Gopal,"
"Radha is yours"
And what do l say?
"Say, "Meet Radha"
"My Radha"
He's your best friend. He must be
the first to know of our marriage
He should be the last to know.
"ln fact, he shouldn't know at all"
"Who knows what dreams, what desires"
he comes with?
What dreams?
What desires?
Dreams about you
Now my mother will never
go to meet yours
Why not?
"Why not, l ask you?"
- What would Sunder think?
What about what l think?
What will my parents think?
Sunder is my dearest friend
And l am to be sacrificed for
"your friendship... my life, my love"
"First, l am sacrificing"
my own love and my happiness
"And next, l shall ask for yours"
l won't sacrifice myself!
l won't! Do you hear me?
Go away! Go away from here!
May The Lord preserve you!
We received your wire today
lsn't Gopal here? Where is he?
Mr Magistrate! How are you?
"How are you, Sunder?"
- See for yourself. All in one piece
l'm not an easy man to break.
- You've come at the right time
We were so upset.
And look at you now
Stand straight.
- What're you doing?
l'm casting away the evil eye
Do it to Gopal instead. l'm tough.
l'd come back even from death
To meet Gopal.
- Death to your enemies
What are you doing with the papers?
Here's a man back from the dead.
You can't have bigger news
And the dead man is sitting
right in front of you
Come off it
You're still the same
ebullient self
"But you've changed, Gopal."
- What do you mean?
You aren't the Gopal l knew. You don't
even seem happy at that l've returned
l thought you'd go wild with joy
What a thing to say? How can l not
be happy to have you back?
Maybe l'm just too old to
break out into a jig
"Tell me, how's Radha?"
She's well. Very well
"Look, l still get the gooseflesh"
when l even think of Radha
"And my heart says, when she sings,"
let me play on
Come Gopal. Let's go to Radha's place
There can be no hurdle now.
l've become worthy
Why not? She's been waiting for you
See her...?
- l've things to do
You haven't yet done the most
important thing in life!
What's that?
"- Falling in love, you fool"
l've been away for two years.
And what've you done in two years?
Couldn't you even
find yourself a Radha?
Shame on you
Yes. The good-for-nothing oaf. Sunder
"Janki, look who's here"
- Who is it?
Sunder! My son!
"Radha, look who's come home"
Sit down
l cried so much for you
We got terrible news
"How are you, Sunder?"
l promised l'd return.
See? l'm back
All in one piece
Why is everyone standing?
Sit down
l'll get some drinks
"Excuse me for a moment, please"
"l want to see, to feel, the one"
thing that didn't let me die
We had heard...
- And it was true
Death was certain
My plane turned into a fireball.
l don't even know where l fell
For 2 years l was neither
dead nor alive
- Yes. Head injury. l lost my memory
l couldn't remember a thing
l was moved from one hospital
to another
Do you know the first word l spoke
when l came around?
"Your name Radha, your name"
Only your name stood between
me and my death
A drowning man will clutch at
anything. l clung on to your name
"When l was sinking, drowning"
in the dark abyss of death...
l clung to your name...
your memories
Do you know what saved me?
- Your letter
My letter? But l didn't...
- Have you forgotten?
You gave me the letter and
you asked me to post it
l read the letter
over and over again
l usually keep my wallet inside
my right pocket
But your letter was in the wallet.
So l kept in in my left pocket...
close to my heart. lt's as if
my death bounced off your letter
"Believe me Radha, l've crossed"
the river of no return...
to come back to you.
"- Not the letter, Sunder"
That isn't what saved your life.
lt was her prayer
"And her unwavering love, that stood"
like a wall between you and your death
You're crying? Just because
you hear this?
What's there to cry about?
"Here l am, in front of you. Alive"
Here you are. With me.
Please don't cry
"Don't cry, Radha. Don't"
Death l've left behind.
"Ahead, life lies"
A life to be lived together.
ln happiness. Please smile
Tell her to smile
She couldn't even bear to hear it.
This is painful
Her smiles give me life.
But her tears could kill me
lf that is the way she broke down
after hearing my story...
how she must've pined for me
How much Radha loves me
"Yes, she loves you very much"
Still standing? Sit down.
Have something to eat
l must go now
But l'll come everyday.
"Say what, Gopal?"
Did you see how Sunder has changed?
And he looks so gallant in uniform
"An officer, after all. Like me."
Why hasn't Gopal's mother
spoken to us yet?
"Rather than jump to conclusions,"
we should speak to her first
We must
"- What is it, son?"
Please get me married. Fast
l'll go and see Radha's mother
- Don't go to Radha's mother
l'll even marry the ugliest girl
in the world
But don't mention Radha
ever again
What's wrong with Radha?
l don't like her anymore
But consider the fact that
l have given my word
They didn't come to me.
l went to them asking for her
Because you said so. For your sake.
- Refuse them. For my sake
Tell them that Gopal
is a changed man
Just make it clear
l heard everything
Please do not go by what he says.
He doesn't know what he's saying
So speaks the boy's mother
You are girl's father
Will your daughter be happy
married to a man...
who doesn't want her?
"Forgive me, but this is true"
l won't marry Radha.
Come what may
l didn't stay to be
insulted anymore
Naturally. Did they expect
you to beg?
l'll confront Gopal.
l'll ask him
Not Gopal. Meet Sunder
He's no less.
He's an Air Force officer
And he has always loved Radha
"He even asked for her hand,"
but we refused
And what does he lack?
He's young and handsome
Weddings must be don
with due dignity
What is this?
- My wedding invitation
You're a lucky man
l have something for you too
"What's this, sir?"
- Your posting orders
Where am l being posted?
Air Adviser's Office. London
So you can honeymoon in Europe
Bring her quickly.
They're waiting
"What's this, Radha?"
Nothing. Your joke has come true.
l'm marrying Sunder
Wait. The knot's undone
"Go on, Gopal. Tie it so tight"
that it never comes loose
l am born anew
l am entering a new life
"l have left my house, my home,"
far behind
Now l want to forget everything
l want to hold you
in my eyes forever
ln my heart
Are you praying to me already?
l'm still alive
Promise me
- What madness is this?
Keep me with yourself always.
- Get up. That isn't your place
"No, give me your word"
"- What are you doing, Radha? Get up"
"Your place is in my eyes,"
in my heart
Promise me you'll always stay by me
Never let anyone come between us
No one will
lsn't he handsome?
Our photographs look so lifeless
without his
These two mean so much to me
Gopal's friendship and your love
l can't live without either
What's this? Sadness?
On such a day?
l'm smiling
You look lovely when you smile
As though a million stars are
dancing with bells on their feet
As if the Moon itself
sings of love
You love me so much?
You love me so much?
What are you looking at?
Remember what l said?
l'd take Radha around the world
"Someday, l'd take you away,"
and the world would see
Where did it fall?
What did you wish for?
Happiness for you and
peace for myself
You must make a wish too
What could l wish for
when l have you?
l dare not ask God for more
Very happy. And you?
"l'm in Europe with Radha."
"lt's like being in Heaven"
"But there's something missing..."
"your presence"
"When you get this we'll"
"be in Paris"
"Couldn't you join us there?"
"Do come, if not to Paris,"
"then at least to Switzerland"
Give me some money.
l'm going to the hairdresser
What's that?
"Oh, for a bird's nest"
on top of your head?
Costs 80 francs
Hindustani wives look fine
in plaits
And you can use flowers from
the flower-pot in the anteroom
No. l want a bouffon.
- Let me make it for you
l'll make you a nest
for all of Paris to see
"Say what, l could put in"
a few sparrows too
"For 80 francs, l'd willingly"
become your hairdresser
That l won't have
All this window shopping
is going to kill us
Staying alive is as important
as shopping
Sit down and listen
Did you see the price tag
on that bag?
780 francs
What about the silly bagpipe?
575 francs
So we'll skip the dinner
Great. We've already skipped lunch.
How will we survive?
On the wind in the bagpipe?
You must understand. We're tourists.
We can't spend too much
Let's buy one thing
- The purse
"No, the bagpipe. lt's as"
beautiful as a woman
They both have music
Such poetry! Let's forget both
"You're cross. Well, men have"
always been martyrs
l'll be a martyr too
"Go on, buy your purse"
They must be bombs in real life
Let's hurry or the show will
start by the time we get there
Get this clear.
Only l am going to the show
"Oh, no. We are"
"No, only l"
So you want to see this alone
lt's no place for decent women
But it is for decent men?
lt's different for men
- Sure! No matter what happens...
men will always be men.
Narrow minded and outdated
"And remember, where l don't go,"
you don't
lf l do?
l've seen the likes of you
Marriage... Huh!
Wives think marriage is a prison
And they the jailors
"But remember, Madame jailor,"
prisoners can escape
"Here, tahe your bag"
What's going on?
The show has begun.
You can take the front seat
l feel ashamed just watching this
But you don't mind
watching them?
They're different.
Their job is to entertain men
Can't a wife entertain
her husband?
She'll lose him otherwise
What a shameless thing to say!
Shame on you and your
outdated ideas
Who says my ideas are outdated?
"l do, your wife. You and"
your ideas are old
l'm old?
- Yes! Old
"God help me, l've got myself"
"an old man"
"He goes to the garden"
"with everyone else"
"But they bring flowers,"
"and he gets me a cabbage"
"Oh what do l do"
"with my old man?"
"l'm young and pretty and"
"graceful as a bird"
"He's old and greying"
"and reaching dotage"
"What is to become"
"of me and my old man?"
"He brings me here"
"to the land of fairies"
"But is cross with me"
"when l drop my veil"
"My life is ruined"
"because of my old man"
"God help me, l've"
"got myself an old man"
l'm so cold
l'm freezing
Drink this. You'll turn into fire
Shall we go out there?
What do we do now?
What happened?
"When the bells rang,"
my pulse seemed to stop
Your pulse should racing today
lt's your birthday
Happy Birthday
What do l give you today?
You've given me all your love
But l'll give you something more
...something incomparable
You'll agree when you see
Get dressed quickly.
l'll answer the phone
What kind of a joke
"is this, Sunder?"
"But, why?"
"Oh, all right."
Near the waterfall?
Close your eyes
This is my gift!
What have you to say?
have l kep you waiting?
- No
"Well, how is my present?"
"Gopal, you've brought a warmth"
to these icy mountains
Many happy returns
Thank him. He has come all the way
from Bombay for you
l'm sorry l've come here empty-handed
But you have a teeming
"heart, don't you?"
"My friend, we believe in"
trading in hearts
Keep yourselves company
while l organise lunch.
See me at the restaurant
How are you?
How do l seem?
Don't l look happy?
Or can't you bear
to see me happy?
What are you saying?
Why have you come?
Ask Sunder that
"He phoned me, sent me"
letters and telegrams...
urging me to come
He pleaded with me.
l couldn't refuse him
That's just it.
You never can refuse
One look from you could give awa
the truth and end this story
"Those who make sacrifices, don't"
come back to destroy others
"Whatever you may think,"
l've come only for Sunder's sake
"Then leave for my sake, and don't"
come into my life ever again
A married woman's life is
a rainbow in a storm...
and can end like a
line drawn on water...
"which is and, yet isn't"
No there. Sit here. lt's been ages
since l saw you two together
"Go on, strike up a conversation"
"Radha, how are you?"
- Fine. How are you?
"Fine, thank you"
The end of the conversation?
ls there nothing more on earth
to talk about?
Are you corresponding
with your mother?
ls my mother back from Hardwar?
"- She will, surely!"
Enough! Now it's my turn
"Tell me, where have you been"
in Europe? What have you seen?
Then l'll take you around.
We're going to travel together
"Well, Radha?"
Only two things l treasure in life.
You and him
"Without either of you,"
life would be miserable
"Good you're here, Gopal"
Made my day
Let me order for something to eat
Here sits Gopal
"Beside Gopal, Radha"
And l...
ln front of Gopal and Radha
You're lost again. Come in
and see the arrangements
The three of us are together again
after ages. Celebrating your birthday
"That, too, here in Europe."
Now here's the programme
"First, we go to the casino"
"Now that he's here, he must"
see the casino
Then we eat dinner here
How does it sound?
- Lovely
Will Gopal like it?
- Why not?
He hasn't come yet.
Let me call him up
"Strange, she says he has left"
"l'm a married woman, Gopal"
"Those who make sacrifices, don't"
"come back to destroy others"
l couldn't bring much for you.
Just a few things...
All this wasn't necessary.
"Tell me, how was Europe?"
Great! l didn't even realise
how fast time flies
"You are happy, aren't you?"
"l'm very happy, Sakina."
"But once, Gopal dropped by."
- Gopal? ln Europe?
Sunder had called him over
for my birthday
So what? Whatever happened between
you and Gopal is a matter of the past
"No Sakina, l'm afraid."
- Of what?
Sunder can't live without Gopal
just as he can't live without me
"He would breathe a sigh,"
and he would tell me...
"Sunder, you've very lucky..."
"to have a friend like Gopal"
"and a sweetheart like Radha"
Then he'd start humming.
The same song every time
Heart rending
What song?
lt still gives me gooseflesh.
Want to hear it?
l'll sing it
"My friend was no friend"
"My beloved was not true"
"l have no faith left in life"
"The one l gave my love"
"Was it not you, my friend?"
"You were the one"
"The one who walked with me"
"You were the one"
"There are no more secrets"
"l have no faith left in life"
"The soft embraces"
"The throaty whispers"
"Were you not the one?"
"You were the one"
"Tears in her eyes when we parted"
"Were my pearls"
"Were you not the one?"
"That night of passions is spent"
"l have no faith left in life"
"Sunder, what's wrong?"
l remembered the singer.
How he must have loved her
She left him and
she married his friend
l'm not surprised about
"the girl, Radha"
"But about the friend, Gopal"
How could he have declared
love to his friend's fiancee?
He should have killed himself!
Like the poet did...
with the girl's name on
his lips
The poet expressed
his pain in song
But there are some who
suffer in silence
They can say nothing
"l asked you once before,"
and l ask you again
Don't come to my house.
Not even if Sunder insists
l beg of you
"Don't come to my house. Not even"
"if Sunder insists. l beg of you"
Mrs Mehra has called several times.
She wants you at the party by eight
l've laid out your clothes.
- l'm not going to the party
- Yes?
l'm not at home for any caller.
Also Sunder
Always late. You'll never change
Have you thought of those
who wait for you?
What happened? You didn't
even notice my saree
- You didn't even see it
l've seen it now.
lt's very nice
Don't sit now. We're late already
A while longer won't matter
- lt will
Wing Commander Mehra is
throwing this party for us
Get ready. Fast
Lots of people are coming
l'm in no mood for partying
You're sitting again?
What's come over you today?
Don't even ask. This has never
happened before
Gopal saw me. And he ignored me.
l called out for him.
And he pretended not to hear
"l went to his house, and he was at"
home then. They said he wasn't in
l was stunned
He's my friend
You are his friend
l will have nothing
to do with him anymore
There are other places we can go to.
There are others we can meet
"Get up and go change, While you're"
"about it, change your mood, too"
Why is my eye twitching?
How does the necklace look?
"Nice, but isn't this a mismatch?"
- Why?
You look as gorgeous as a queen.
Not the soldier's wife you are
What do l wear then?
- How about that set...
Here's the key.
Choose what you want
Don't be cross.
- Why not? You never like my choice
No! lt's beautiful! First class!
"- Go on, get it"
"When you read my letter"
"Don't be angry"
"For, you are my life"
"You are my very own"
"You're pure as the Ganga"
"As pristine as the Yamuna"
"You're so close to me,"
"that you're my very being"
Don't read this
Who wrote it?
Who wrote that letter?
No one... l don't know who!
l haven't even read it properly
l'll take it. You get ready.
They've already called once
"Mrs Mehra? Yes, it's me"
He came home late
"Yes, we're just coming"
We'll be there in 15 minutes
"Yes, we're coming"
"l told her, we'd be there"
in 15 minutes
But we must start now
Mrs Mehra's parties are
like a parade
"You're standing... Do sit. Oh no,"
"why are you sitting? stand up"
And she loves to feed people.
You should make her run the mess
"Still not ready? Just think,"
everyone will be waiting for us
You look so handsome
Shall we?
l've forgotten
my handkerchief
Why the excuse?
l was wondering why you
had to tear the letter
What else was l supposed to do?
Preserve it all my life?
You have preserved it. Till now
To show it to you
To show me?
Why did you tear it up then?
Why did you tear it?
l was scared
Of whom?
- You!
ln case you misunderstood
Who wrote it?
- l don't know
"Tell me the truth, who wrote it?"
- l tell you l don't know
l got it before we were married.
You were at war
So what if l weren't here?
Why didn't you show it to him?
To whom?
- Gopal
That which l am going to do now!
"No, Sunder!"
"Till l know who wrote this letter,"
l will be walking on hot coals
"When l get to know, l will"
put a bullet through his heart
This toast is not for Sqn Ldr Sunder.
"His squadron, his wings..."
the lndian Air Force and the entire
nation are proud of his bravery
This toast is for the one
whose name wasn't in the papers
The one who wasn't awarded
the gallantry medal
"And she is Sunder's girlfriend,"
and now his wife. Radha
Everyone had accepted
that Sunder was alive
Radha was the only one
who refused to accept it
Your love and your loyalty snatched
Sunder back from the jaws of death
We're proud of women like you
Don't drink anymore
Why don't you drink too? This is
"to you, your love and loyalty"
What are you doing?
Today is our anniversary too
Today was the day we got married
Joined in matrimony
"Now after a year, for the first time,"
we understand each other
We know each other now. Don't we?
Let's drink to the new understanding
Radha will sing for us
l can't sing
Have you forgotten how to sing?
"But, l..."
"Come on Radha, sing for us"
Please help me out of this
How can l sing now?
Why not?
"She'll not only sing,"
but she'll dance for us
This is the right time
and the right place
"lf not today, when"
are you going to sing?
"Right. When, if not now?"
l'll do whatever you ask me today.
For your sake
"Oh my love, my beloved"
"We're two bodies but one being"
"Like two wishes in one heart"
"This is the holy union of"
the Ganga and the Yamuna
"The truth lies before us"
"The past was just a dream"
"We mortals have made"
"this earth our home"
"lf nothing else we are human"
Once l know who wrote that...
Once l know who wrote that letter...
lf l could tell you just once
who wrote it...
l knew the letter would create trouble
someday. But you wouldn't listen
He keeps asking
who wrote the letter
l don't know what to say
- You should've said Gopal wrote it
lt wasn't so easy. He was holding
a revolver. lt was loaded
He wanted to kill. Not me.
But the one who wrote it
Let him empty his revolver today
l'm going to Sunder. To tell him
it was l who wrote the letter
But Radha is yours. Only yours
You... here?
l have something to say
Go ahead
Do you love me?
Need l say how much?
How much?
So much that if you were
to ask me for my life...
l'd tell you it's
a trivial thing to ask
"lf you were to kill me, l'd write"
a suicide note before l died
Will you hear more?
l will never be able to
repay your debt
Anyone else in your place
would've married Radha
Stop this nonsense.
- Let me say it
No friend can do as much
as you have done
Radha's parents liked you
"For a while, l was taken for dead"
But you stood true to your promise
You promised me... you wouldn't let
anyone stand between me and Radha
"lf you hadn't kept your promise,"
it would've killed me
Remember? l used to say that you need
a friend's shoulder to weep upon
And you need a friend
to be your pallbearer
Now you know how much l love you
"Anyway, forget all this"
What did you want to tell me?
l couldn't even tell Gopal
Come here
"Tell me, just once, tell me,"
"l am your life, your everything"
Say it
You are my everything!
You are my life
"The soft embraces"
"The throaty whispers"
"Were you not the one?"
"You were the one"
"Tears in her eyes when we parted"
"Were my pearls"
"Were you not the one?"
"That night of passions is spent"
"l have no faith left in life"
"The heady night is past."
"Dreams are no more"
Why do you blame life? Why don't
you say that you don't trust me?
Say there's no place for me
in your life
"That's what you mean, don't you?"
"Go on, say it"
There's no place for
me in this house
Kill me if you want to!
Throw me out if you wish
"But for God's sake,"
don't sing that song
l can't bear those poisoned barbs
You don't like the song?
Then l won't sing it
l'm leaving
Where to?
l don't know
Leaving your home?
Are you leaving me?
"Don't leave, Radha"
"Don't leave your home, Radha"
"You know that my happiness, my life,"
"my love, everything is in this house"
lt's all about your love
"Without you, l cannot live"
"But now, l can't live with you"
l can't bear your pain
l married you to make you happy.
"Not to give you pain. But, if you..."
"You haven't given me pain, Radha."
l've brought this upon myself
But why?
Do l need to say?
Then what can l do
to end your suffering?
How do l make you believe me?
"l swear, ever since we got married"
l've thought of no-one else
Look at me... look into my eyes
What do you see?
"l see only love, Radha."
Love and the truth
"But when l touch you, l feel as if"
"someone before me, also touched you"
The thought makes my heart
burn with jealousy
Doubt lurks in the dark shadows
"of my heart, and tears me to pieces"
You look like a dark apparition!
And then l begin to doubt you
"l become desperate, uncontrollable!"
My whole life seems to flounder
l don't know what to do
l can't be angry with you
nor can l blame anyone else
Tell me what to do.
What can l do?
l feel like picking up this gun
and shooting myself
"He shot at himself. Somehow,"
"l clung to him, and he missed"
What should l do?
l can neither live without him
nor can l live with him
That letter is like a dagger
in his hands with which...
he stabs at his own heart
and he stabs at my heart
"l could bear my own pain,"
but l can't bear his pain
l wish...
Have you gone mad?
l came to ask you to take care
of your friend
All he has is my love
and your friendship
The pall of suspicion clouds
my love for him
Maybe he can still cling on
to your friendship
Take care of him
Radha has left!
Radha has gone away somewhere
Gone away? Why don't you say
she has escaped?
Yes! She has escaped
She has escaped from you!
And she has come here
Radha has escaped the cluthes
of your cruelty
Cruelty? How would you know
who was cruel to whom?
What a hell she left me to live in
You don't know what wounds
l carry in my heart
Today these wounds
have been rippen open
l've been betrayed
She has betrayed me!
Radha! My wife
That's a lie
ls it a lie?
"Ask her, who is man"
who shadows our life?
Who is he?
Ask her who he is
l know who's more precious to Radha
than anybody else on earth
And l know the shadow
that darkens your lives
Gopal! No!
You know?
And l know who wrote
the letter
Who wrote it?
l wrote it
Now listen to why
l wrote it
l was in love with Radha
That's a lie!
Tell me that's a lie
"At least, lie to me!"
And tell me it's a lie
A pity is it isn't a lie
"Till today, l never found the courage"
to tell you the truth
"And today, you haven't the courage"
to hear the truth
The truth is that l loved her dearly.
Just the way you loved her
The only difference was that
"you spoke of it, and l couldn't"
"For years, l stifled my love."
But l never brought it to my lips
Only because you loved Radha
And you were a friend
"For the sake of our friendship,"
l stayed silent
"As with the news of your death,"
my love for Radha was true too
We were even to get married
Then we heard you were alive
l retreated
l sacrificed my love
for my friendship
And Radha became yours. Only yours
"When she entered your home,"
she was pure as the Ganges
"And today, when she has left"
"your house, she is still as pure"
"Now take your gun,"
and pump it into my bosom
"Well done, Gopal"
"A sacrafice, again?"
Just like throwing a tip
at a beggar
l'm not a beggar
l am your friend
l was your friend... but
you never understood me
Or this need never have happened
lf only you had revealed
your feelings...
if only you had spoken
your mind...
three lives would've
been spared this torture
lf only you had let me do
what you have done...
lf only you had told me once...
l would've have stepped
out of your way
"Well, better late than never"
lt can still be done
No! lt cannot be done
"l ask you, and l ask you"
"You who loved me, and"
you who married me
Who gave the two of you the right
to decide about my life again?
What do you think l am?
lt is true that l have loved
Not that l was the first woman
to fall in love
Love can't be helped.
lt happens
Marriage is an article of faith.
One nurtures a marriage
And l have nurtured my faith
Desire is like a flame.
Love burns
But faith has to stand rock solid
l am no wax-doll or some commodity
to be passed on from one to another
"One makes me his sacrificial lamb,"
and now the other too?
There will be no more sacrifices
"The one who must, leaves"
"Before you leave, tell me"
where do l go?
What about my marriage?
Am l to ask someone else
to marry me again?
Am l to ask someone else
to make me his bride again?
"Tell me. Look at me, l'm the bride"
you married and took home
Remember those marriage vows
you and l took before God?
Does one swear by the holy fires
only to be punished like this?
ls a one supposed to suffer
a lifetime for it?
No Radha
Reading a few sacred cantos together
does not make a marriage
Conjugal love is not the union.
That union is the union of hearts
The mating of souls
that climaxes in a bliss
Ours was no real union
The union was between you and...
What have you done?
This is nothing
One of us had to leave
The one who should have left
is leaving
"Remember, you used to say that one"
needs a friend's shoulder to weep upon
And you need a friend
to be one's pallbearer
"My friend, you only left this city."
l'm leaving the world
"Before you left, you took"
a promise from me
Now l ask you for a promise
"Sunder, give Radha back"
The Heaven that was hers
That the Rivers Ganga and Yamuna
may unite and flow...
the River Saraswati must
be sacrificed