Sarfarosh (1999)

Calm down.
Please sit down.
One at a time.
y es, your question.
How did the tribals get
such sophisticated arms?
We're investigating that.
But l assure you...
l'm not going to spare
the people responsible.
lnnocents were slaughtered.
What guarantees it won't
happen again?
l'm concerned too.
But l assure you it won't
happen again.
The Mumbai Police Crime Branch
is investigating this case.
y ou're late, Major Beg.
l have good news.
The papers in Hindustan
are full of news.
Of our success.
Who did all that?
There's someone.
Called Biran.
And what was his grouse?
None. We cooked up some.
That's our mandate.
Find the disgruntled elements.
And help them.
Give them guns. And money.
Let them get used to it.
This is war.
And this war we have to win.
By the way, where is
this Chandrapur?
Here's Bombay.
And Chandrapur is here
on the border of...
Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
Up early?
Actually, you shouldn't
be staying here.
The case has been
transferred to Mumbai.
So what? For a couple of days...
they'll shout themselves hoarse
in the legislature.
And everything will be
all right.
Not this time.
Biran's attack has
raised a furore.
So what am l to do?
Did l do anything?
People from the Crime Branch
in Mumbai are here.
They might come here too.
y ou better slip away.
These specially assigned
people... you never know.
lf they get their hands on you
l won't be able to do a thing.
How far to the police station?
Nearby. He'll escort you.
Go to the police station.
Take up the case papers.
So you know lnspector Salim
in Mumbai?
y es, sir.
He is all praise for you.
And you're so humble.
l haven't a say.
Bala Thakur is the man behind
everything that happens here.
Bal Thakur? Who is that?
- The don in these parts.
The are so many complaints
against him.
The police don't arrest him?
- He has been hauled up...
so many times. But every time,
the higher-ups call us up.
ln the last three years or so,
he has bought a lot of land...
two wine shops and a huge hotel
in Chandrapur.
lnterrogate him, and you
will know the whole game.
Where does he live?
- Nearby.
Crime Branch, Mumbai.
Where is Bala Thakur?
Gone out.
- Out?
No one searches
Thakur sahib's house.
Don't. y ou'll regret it.
Don't do this! y ou'll regret it
when the sahib comes back!
y our sahib isn't coming back.
Either he reports to Mumbai,
or he's dead.
Make sure he understands.
Make sure you tell your boss.
Tell him to get to Mumbai.
That's the only way
to save his neck.
Mr. Rathore.
Assistant Commissioner.
Don't let us see him elsewhere.
l told you not
to shout here!
Get down.
- He's getting naughty.
Ajay, listen...
- y es, Uncle?
Would you like to attend
a ghazal concert?
Gulfam Hassan is performing.
- Great!
When is it?
- At two this afternoon. Hurry.
Daddy, l'm going to
Gulfam Hassan's concert.
Mummy, here's your bread.
l'm going out.
Where to?
- l'll have lunch later.
Our guest this evening
is world-famous.
The famous singer,
Gulfam Hassan.
Our guest this evening
is also our host.
He belongs as much to Pakistan
as much as he belongs to lndia.
He spent his childhood here.
And he grew up there.
His ghazals are written there.
But his music belongs here.
May l present
Janab Gulfam Hassan.
Thank you.
l belong as much to Hindustan
as l belong to Pakistan.
My ties to both the lands are
emotional and sentimental.
That is what transcends
all relationships.
ln ghazal, this is what
we call `mohabbat', love.
ln love man transcends
all bounds.
y ou know me, don't you?
Ajay Singh
l want to tell you something.
- Go on.
- Why not here?
Can we go somewhere else?
- Why? Just say it here.
We know each other...
No! l mean we don't
know each other so well.
So l wanted to see you.
My bus is here.
They have been threatening.
They have phoned twice already.
Listen to me!
- How much more do l listen?
l'm not letting you go out!
These are terrorists!
Must you stand witness
against them?
Why not? My friends were killed.
My colleagues are deposing too.
But they didn't
get the threats!
Not to worry.
Amar is going with him.
Let's go, Daddy.
lt's time for the court.
Off you go to granny.
Let's go out together.
- Come on.
Do whatever you want!
No one even listens to me!
Stop! Please!
Get out!
He comes to the police station
every day!
And he sits on my head!
He drives me crazy!
One of these days,
l'll fix you!
Hey old man, you know him?
- He's my nephew.
lf l see him here ever again,
l'll fix him!
Am l the one who took
your father away?
y ou want all my men to start
looking for your father?
y ou'll be told when he's found.
Now get out of here!
How long are we to go on
living like this?
We are doing whatever
we can do.
Have patience.
A car...
What happened to you?!
What have you done to him?
The same that the police
do to us.
We told him not to depose.
Why did he have to?
Now show him to the police.
We treat people who
help the police...
just like the police
treats our people.
Staring at me, are you?
y ou'll end up just
like your father.
Go and tell everyone.
This is what happens...
to everyone who deposes
against us.
Listen to me. We have everything
in Bombay. There's nothing here.
Come with me. To Bombay.
Just tell me.
Don't tease me.
Me? Teasing you?
- What else is this?
y ou're the one who does that.
Like the other day.
When he came to see you.
- l was just pulling his leg.
l had never guessed
he wouldn't come back.
Tell me. Why isn't he coming?
- No idea. l haven't seen him...
in some time. And their house
is empty. No one lives there.
Gulfam has his own charm,
they say!
Mr. Ajay Singh from Delhi,
please come backstage.
Hurry up. Let's get out
before the traffic jam.
Tell them l'm coming.
Mr. Ajay Singh... Mr. Ajay Singh
from Delhi...
please come backstage.
Someone is waiting for you.
y ou haven't changed!
But you have. y ou aren't he one
l met at a bus-stop in Delhi.
So many years...
y our brother is getting angry.
- Tell him l'm coming.
This is after such a long time
... and l haven't the time.
Come. We'll talk on the way.
- All right.
Tell me, how come you're here?
But before all that...
you disappeared all of a sudden!
l kept looking for you.
Before all that...
Just tell me, how come
you're here?
Won't you say something?
- Not unless l'm given a chance.
So how come you're here?
- l live here.
- ln Colaba.
Where in Colaba?
- y ou know the Rajari?
Rajasthan Handicrafts Emporium.
The one behind The Taj. lt's ours.
l'm in a hurry. Don't mind.
We're hosting a party tomorrow.
y ou must come.
l'll give you my phone number.
Show me your hand.
y ou must call me.
Don't forget.
But you needn't.
l'll pick you up.
The Rajari. Behind The Taj.
What took you so long?
Who was he?
A friend from Delhi.
What can l do for you?
l'd like to meet the owner.
- y es? What can l do for you?
l'd like to see Mr. Ajay Singh.
This way, please.
Anita, she want to meet
the boss. Mr. Ajay Singh.
So you want to meet the boss?
y es.
- Why?
Doesn't he see visitors?
Not all of them.
Now, do you know him?
All the way from Delhi.
We're good friends.
Here comes the boss.
Mr. Ajay Singh, sir, she
wants to see you.
The owner of this shop, that is.
- Don't pull my leg.
Seema, this is my sister-in-law.
Meet Seema. We were
in college together.
l know.
And this is the owner.
He's my uncle.
l came here to invite you...
l mean, everyone is invited.
We're throwing a small party.
l'd like it if you come.
See you.
- Have a cup of tea.
Excuse me. l'm in a hurry.
Don't mind. Next time?
Do come.
The ghazal comes home!
Politics is so ridiculous.
When we were born,
the whole country was ours.
And suddenly we see there's
a Pakistan and a Hindustan.
There's something
l don't understand.
A ghazal concert... Gulfam Hassan
... this party... and you...?
Let's start from
the very beginning.
y ou know how it was
with us in Delhi.
My brother Roshan was in the
audiocassettes business.
lt was a hit.
So we bought a recording studio
in Bombay, and we came over.
Gulfam sahib sings for us!
Roshan is busy doing business.
And l get bored.
Meet Mr. Ajay Singh.
We used to be in
college together.
Are you travelling?
- No. l'm settled here.
Great. y ou should call
him home sometime.
A call for you, sir.
Enjoy yourself.
Don't leave without eating.
The music companies want
ghazals that sound like pop.
l'm a Gulfam fan.
- l'll introduce you.
And where would you find
a good poet?
There is a dearth of
meaningful poetry.
lf good poetry isn't written,
how will we sing good ghazals?
Gulfam sahib, meet my guest.
Mr. Ajay Singh.
lf he is your guest,
then l am his fan!
y ou're always talking poetry.
- For the lovers of ghazal.
Any doubts, Mr. Ajay?
lf there were any,
let me put it at rest.
''Love can never be
at the first sight''
''The culmination cannot
precede the prelude''
That's a very old ghazal.
And you're quite young.
Where did you hear it?
- l didn't hear it.
My uncle heard it in the court
of the Maharaja of Chitpur.
Oh yes!
lt was your first concert.
My uncle recorded all the ghazals.
What a find! But where can
l find the recording?
lt's with me.
l keep listening to it.
Ustad lmtiyaz Ali Khan introduced
you. After his thumri, he said...
''Listen to this boy sing,
and you will forget me''
l still try to sing
with the same gusto.
But, l can't do it anymore.
l can't sing like now.
But if l could hear it,
l could relive my glory.
lf you can give me a copy,
l'll be obliged to you.
No obligations. y ou'll surely
have what is yours.
Let's celebrate!
How about a smile?
Drop it, Sultan.
l feel like crying!
That's a perfume for women.
Perfume for women.
- So what?
Who is that?
l'm coming.
Everything all right?
- l got screwed!
And you're living it up!
- What's up?
The cops came home.
They threatened me.
They told me to see Rathore.
Else they will kill me!
Who's this Rathore?
- He's with the Crime Branch!
And you don't even know!
Relax. Enjoy your stay.
l'll take care of it.
Take care of him.
Give him a drink.
Get it?
What would you like?
lt's impossible to find
an AK 47 in all of Mumbai.
l'm giving it to you
because l'm a friend.
lt's a great piece.
Hide it in a ditch
full of water.
And even after a year,
it'll shoot just as well.
No hassles with maintenance.
100,000 to a piece.
Did you get cash?
Any hurry?
- Not at all.
Don't touch the car.
- l'm cleaning it.
Won't cost you money.
- y ou aren't getting paid.
Who's looking for money?
l'll take it from Mr. Rajan.
y our boss knows me.
- l told you not to touch it.
y ou hit me! y ou're new!
y ou don't know me!
y our boss has known me
for years!
Salaam boss!
Boss, your man calls me a thief!
l'm Fatka! Remember me, boss?
He calls me a thief!
- Don't talk too much.
The chauffeur calls me a thief!
All he gets is a salary of 1000.
l spend 2000 a month on booze!
Why is Thakur here?
- A cop has threatened him.
Surrender, or get killed. lt's one
Rathore. Assistant Commissioner.
l asked Thakur to stay put
for a couple of days.
l asked Shiva to find out
who this Rathore is.
He's still at the report
about Chandrapur.
Skullduggery. l hate it.
lf l had a penchant for the r's
would l have joined the police?
Give it to me.
Mr. Rathore hates mistakes.
Just fill up the pages. He won't
be able to make head or tail of it.
He's just a kid.
- He's a big daddy!
Here comes your daddy.
The robbery case goes to court
the day after tomorrow.
l want to discuss the
sex scandal with you.
The municipal councilor who
was involved with drugs...
we found him.
- Where is he?
ln there.
Stop staring at me. Call up Rathore.
Find out when he's coming.
So this is the one?
When you came to me, l knew.
lt must be a new sahib.
l don't think they have
told you about me.
l'm Ganpatrao.
l'm the councilor.
The biggest of sahibs
come to my doorstep.
No one confronts me.
Remanded for three days.
Not arrested on the records.
The sahib
The report will be ready
in 5 minutes.
Drop it. Come inside.
Send lnspector Salim in.
The information was correct.
AK 47 s were used.
A leader instigated
the tribals.
The name is Biran.
And this is Bala Thakur.
He supplied the guns.
He had news about us.
He got away.
We have threatened
to kill him.
Did you investigate
the tribal areas?
We can't use service revolvers
against AK 47 s.
The tribals aren't a problem.
The problem is Thakur.
l told your boss not to send
you here. Why are you here?
l'm just doing what
the boss told me to.
Should l leave?
- Leave the cash.
ls it the full amount?
- y es.
Close the door behind you.
Put the money away.
Who are you?
- Crime Branch, Mumbai.
Go inside.
The packet please.
Check the serial numbers
on the currency.
The same.
Who is the deputy commissioner
you report to?
Why call him up?
Let's settle this mutually.
Where is Bala Thakur?
What Bala Thakur?
ln Mumbai.
Where in Mumbai?
One Sultan. A connection.
He's gone to Sultan.
But l don't know
anything about Sultan!
l'm telling the truth!
l've told you everything
l knew!
Please, sir!
Let's end the matter here!
File a report against him.
ln his police station.
Make sure his deputy
commissioner gets...
a copy of the report
tomorrow morning.
Fatka, pay me up.
- Sure. l'm in a good mood.
Poor girl.
lt was her first deal.
Go on, now.
Give me the shirt.
Hey, the money!
- Later.
Everyone is always asking
for money!
Bloody drifter!
lnspector Salim!
Salaam sahib!
Ruined my shirt.
l don't see too much of you
these days, do l?
But l called you.
- What for?
That Rajan. y ou externed him.
- What about him?
He keeps doing the rounds here.
- When did you see him?
Even today.
- Where?
ln the Sangam Bar. Go on.
y ou'll find him there.
No, thanks. Keep it.
lt's for you. From me.
y ou give Rajan's chauffeur
a good knocking.
He insulted me.
ls all this the truth?
y ou saw Rajan?
l swear it.
Had you come on time, we could've
picked him up from the bar.
Overtake that car.
The police are behind us.
Take the first left.
l don't want hassles.
They're turning left.
- Head straight on.
Good. They went past us.
Take left.
Left from here.
Move aside.
Easy now.
Get them.
Sultan! Stop!
Or l'm going to shoot!
How far will you go
for a medal?
l had the information.
What could l have done?
y ou should have handled
it properly.
ln full force.
- l hadn't the time.
So you take three constables
and a service revolver...
and you chase Rajan and Sultan?
- l had news only of Rajan.
l didn't know Sultan
would be there.
Besides l had arrested
Rajan earlier.
He used to carry a revolver.
Country make.
l had no idea he would
have an AK 47.
lf you have a death wish,
go and kill yourself!
y ou've got 3 constables killed!
Who's responsible?
Stay outside.
l'll call you in later.
Salim doesn't work on
this case anymore.
l'll explain it to him.
The whole department is saying
that he let Sultan off...
because he is a Mussalman.
Salim isn't like that.
l have enough pressures
as it is.
The tribals are armed.
And there's no news of Thakur.
And now Sultan has AK 47 s.
This is just what l feared!
How many more Sultans are going
around this city toting AK 47 s?
How about finding out?
Call Salim.
Sorry, Salim.
l guess l was excited.
Please let Mr. Rathore
have the case papers.
From tomorrow, you can take
care of the godowns.
l know why you are taking me
off this case, sir.
Salim was my training officer.
l know him. He's a good officer.
He runs an extensive network
of informers.
l need Salim on this case.
Officially, Salim is
off this case.
l understand, sir.
The papers aren't all ready.
y ou'll get the file next week.
l don't want it. l want you
to work with me on this case.
l know who wants what.
Salim, l trained under you.
l learnt so much from you.
Don't ever say you
trained under me, sir!
l never trained anyone
to suspect someone...
just because he doesn't
subscribe to your religion.
y ou must have learnt
that somewhere else.
y ou write some exams,
you become an officer...
and you sit right
on top of my head!
And you'll do what
you want with me!
Because l am a Mussalman!
Now l know! ln this country
it's a crime to be a poor man!
And it's a worse crime
for those like me!
Go away, sir.
l don't want to
work with you.
Sultan's mother?
Are you sure?
How old is she?
- 60 or 65.
She lives alone.
She's a widow.
Sultan is her only son.
Are you Sultan's mother?
Who are you?
- Police.
ls Sultan your son?
Speak up.
y es.
- Where is he?
He doesn't live here.
- Where does he live?
l don't know.
y ou better say it.
We have our ways.
Sultan was 21 .
He killed his first man.
l threw him out of the house.
lt's been years...
l haven't seen him.
l didn't look for him.
And he hasn't come to see me.
Forgive me. Sometimes,
one has to be harsh.
One minute...
Please let me have your name
and your telephone number.
lf l get any news of Sultan,
l'll let you know immediately.
My card.
Thank you.
lt's here.
What is it?
Biran is here.
Why did you bring him here?
- They held a gun at my head.
They wanted to see you
right away.
Sultanbhai, Biran is here.
Welcome, Brother.
y ou vanished after
the first delivery.
l told you we need more.
- The cops came home.
So l came here.
This is Sultanbhai.
- Welcome Biranbhai.
What does it cost? How much?
Without the bullets,
what's it worth?
Nothing! lt's useless.
The stuff is worth 12,000,000.
Check it out.
My list. l want 20 AK 47 s.
The rest in ammunition.
l'll get it, won't l?
- Sure.
- Two weeks at least.
Not earlier?
Sultan will try his best.
ls my work done?
- l've drawn up your horoscope.
So Biran sends cash?
- y es. And a new list.
But he wants less guns.
And more ammunition.
Anyone who gets a gun will
want bullets. At any cost.
But Biran is a dangerous man.
And he wants it fast.
- He will have it.
Pay the priest, and
you will be blessed.
Here, eat some offerings.
Thakur, here's your horoscope.
Keep it at the feet of
the deity you worship.
l'm not too much
of an astrologer.
But your Saturn is malefic.
- That l know.
But there must be a remedy.
- Stay clear of metals.
Saturn must be appeased.
Chant the mantra for a fortnight.
lf you survive this one,
you'll live to be a hundred.
l thought you had forgotten me!
- How could l?
Here you are.
y our first concert.
May l keep it?
y ou have done me
a great favor.
This ghazal is from the time
when l used to sing for myself.
Nowadays, l sing for others.
This is a priceless gift.
y ou can name your price.
A price for something priceless?
l'd rather you remember me
some times for it.
How can l ever forget you?
But you must accept
a gift from me.
Gulfam's friendship.
l was here to see Gulfam sahib.
l had to give him the cassette.
lt was l who introduced you
to Gulfam sahib.
Where are you going?
- Nowhere. Why?
l have to discuss this thing
with you. lt's important.
y es?
Here? Let's go elsewhere.
Sit in.
So what's so important?
What l wanted to say...
l mean... you know l don't
get sleep nowadays.
Must be the mosquitoes.
y ou could get malaria.
Use a repellent.
l didn't meant that.
What l wanted to say...
Do you know what it means
when l say my heart is racing?
High BP. A heart ailment.
Could lead to heart failure.
Avoid fats. Jog every
morning and every night.
l didn't meant that.
What l wanted to say...
y ou know, this strange churning
in the stomach?
An upset stomach. Eat a
ripe banana with yogurt.
That'll fix it.
- Such fine weather!
And all you think of
is disease!
y ou're a Gulfam-fan.
Don't you recite poetry?
Sure. Want to hear?
- Go on.
''No medicine can cure it;
no prayers can heal''
''Lord, let no one suffer
the pangs of love''
''The Majnus and Ranjhas,
and Romeos and Farhads''
''Love destroyed all of them''
See... over there.
''Everyone seems to be
in love with love''
''This is no temple of love''
''Go away, pretty women''
''l run a heart.
Not a hotel''
''Like flowers in spring''
''Love blossoms''
''Speak not what lies
in your heart''
''Let your eyes speak''
Get out.
y ou know Rathore?
- No.
ls he new here?
- y es. Crime Branch.
l want a full report on him.
- Looks fine.
No. lt isn't right.
- y ou look like a hero.
How about this one?
- Rubbish.
The other one was better.
y ou haven't a sense of style.
These boring clothes you wear...
Ajay, where are we going?
l don't get this...
Give me your phone.
ACP Rathore. Pick up a few men
and get over to Fountain.
The parking lot near Mocambo.
Who is this ACP Rathore?
- l am.
- Assistant Commissioner of Police.
And l'm the Queen of Patiala.
l'm not joking.
- Neither am l.
y ou're the ACP. l'm the Queen!
And that fellow is tailing us!
And why is he tailing us?
l'll ask him. Right away.
Hey mister, why are you
tailing us?
Take him away.
Put him in remand.
Who are you?
Tell me. Who are you?
One man. y ou can't take
care of one man.
y ou know how important
he is for the case!
But sir...
- Shut up!
Who was on traffic duty?
l, sir.
Did you see the man
on the motorbike?
No sir.
- Why?
l was booking a car.
Oh l know what you
were booking.
And you were on the beat,
weren't you?
l had gone around the corner.
For a minute.
That's what happens in a minute!
y ou know what can happen to you...
in a minute?
y ou can be transferred.
To a place where there are
no corners to turn into.
ls Salim back from
sick leave?
No sir.
Ten copies of this photograph.
Right away.
Rendezvous at Apsara Bar.
Eight tonight.
Salim, how are you?
Fine thank you. The file.
y ou won't work on this case?
- No sir.
ls that a decision?
- Who am l to decide?
The higher-ups are the ones
who decide.
l miss a target, and the whole
department starts gossiping.
And l'm shunted off the case.
Why? Because l am a Mussalman.
Today, a man dies in your custody.
And no one says a word.
Why? Because you are a Hindu.
y ou're an lPS officer.
Maybe your father
is some big shot?
Do you know my father?
That is my father.
Ask him why l became an lPS.
He won't be able to tell you.
He hasn't spoken in years.
And that is my sister-in-law.
She is a widow.
Ask her how she became a widow.
They killed my brother. This is
what they did to my father.
And l don't even know
who they are.
l don't want your sympathy.
But hear me out.
l broke my back working
through the lPS exams.
l was selected for the
administrative service.
l could have become a bureaucrat,
lived a comfortable life.
But l chose the
police service.
Why? Because in every criminal
l see those men.
l want to see every criminal
groveling before the law.
But this is not a personal grouse.
This concerns my country.
ls it not my country?
- Maybe not?
Maybe that's why you're shirking
your responsibility?
For me, this country is family.
And l don't need no Salim
to help me save my country.
Sir, the photos.
- Everyone has one?
Anyone knows this bar?
- No, sir.
Comb all the bars in this area.
We must find this girl.
Split up.
What are you going to do
if you find her?
Arrest her?
- No.
One man stays behind.
The other reports to me.
y ou'll find me
in the Apsara.
Know her?
- She doesn't work here.
Ask your boss.
y our men are looking
for this girl.
What are you looking
for Salim sahib?
Do you know this one?
Who is the one you're
looking for?
Bala Thakur. From Chandrapur.
Does he come here?
Had supper?
- No.
Off you go to Kheda Naka.
y ou'll find something you like.
Tonight. At Kheda Naka.
These girls keep changing jobs.
She's nowhere in this area.
Let's try Bombay Central.
y ou won't find anything there.
What are you doing here?
ls there a curfew here?
y ou're looking for her,
aren't you?
And you can't find her.
But what use finding her?
y ou're looking for Thakur,
aren't you?
y ou'll find him tonight.
At Kheda Naka.
Go on. Pick him up.
Wait, Salim.
Listen to me.
l've heard enough.
And l've given you Thakur.
Go on. Save your country.
Save your family.
y ou don't need me.
- l need you, Salim.
To save us, l need the
likes of you. ln tens.
Why ten? y ou'll find
tens of thousands of us.
But only if you can
trust us.
y ou listen to me, sir!
Don't you ever tell any Salim
that this country isn't his!
l won't.
lf your tip isn't genuine,
we're stuck here all night.
The tip is genuine.
He's coming here.
A man on a bike. Looks like
the one who killed our man.
Let him come.
He's the sniffer.
Let him pass.
lt's Sultan.
l know.
Sultan isn't getting away today.
There's Patil too. He's the one
who threatened us.
Sit down, Thakur.
No one shoots Thakur.
l want him alive.
Careful now. We won't get
a chance like this again.
y our merchandise is here.
- lt will be delivered to Biran.
How did you like the girl?
Thakur, l keep calling you,
and you don't come.
Who are you?
Don't know me?
Get up.
Hurry! Get the car!
Are you all right, sir?
Thakur! See if he's alive!
What happened?
They want to start a war.
Our enemies are lucky.
They don't have to send
their armies to fight us.
All they have to do
is send arms.
How is Rathore?
So irresponsible of you not to
take him to the nearest hospital.
Anything could have happened.
He has lost so much blood.
y ou cannot go inside.
Get it here.
Speak, Mirchi.
Everything has gone wrong.
The entire consignment
has been seized.
Not my fault.
lt was Sultan's fault.
- Not fault. Crime.
Forgive them.
They have taken losses.
Do you think the police
will forgive them?
Do you think the police
is going to stop?
lf you don't want the police to
come right up to your doorstep...
something has to be done.
y ou have to do it.
One pays for his mistakes, Mirchi.
One has to serve for his crimes.
Now look at what this
innocent creature has done.
Ransacked this pretty palace
of my dreams.
y ou think, l'll leave it?
y ou think, l'll spare it?
Do you know what punishment
l will give him?
Take that hat off.
What time is it?
Shut down. Get out.
l'd better stay clear off Mumbai
for a while.
How did ACP Rathore
get to Kheda Naka?
Something fishy.
l don't have your brains.
But l know something.
The old heroin trade
was better.
Mirchi was adamant.
Want drugs? Run guns.
That's what he said.
So l had to take it.
Salaam Biranbhai.
y ou see...
The delivery. When is it?
y ou know what happened.
lt was seized. Thakur got killed.
y ou'll get your stuff.
But l need time.
Come here.
Do you know who they are?
The paramilitary.
They are here en force.
The forest is surrounded.
And my men haven't a bullet!
y ou go and tell your boss that
if one of my men dies...
l'll destroy you.
l'll ruin your business.
l'll deliver as soon as l can.
l give you my word.
y our word?
Think it over.
lf you don't keep your word,
l'll rip your tongue out.
Don't worry. l'll take
care of everything here.
He will take you
across the border.
y ou will be taken good care of
once you're on the other side.
Biran must get his consignment.
Or else!
The consignment will be delivered.
Relax. Go on.
We'll call you back once
things cool down.
Thank you!
The police must get the news that
Sultan has fled to Pakistan.
Everything will calm down.
For sometime, forget
these businesses of yours.
And try to find out
how all this happened.
lt must have been Thakur
who made the mistake.
This time, l will personally
escort the consignment.
Do you know why l spared you?
Because you aren't human.
l never spare humans.
y ears ago, they made
a big mistake.
The power-brokers drew a border
across the land.
And on both sides of the line,
the fools got their freedom.
Freedom to decide which
ass would rule.
The result, you can see.
Where do people like us go?
This, the home
of my ancestors...
look at her now.
Time was when she was
as pretty as a bride.
Now she lies abandoned.
Like an unwanted widow.
And l sit, the silent watcher.
l have sent Sultan
over the other side.
y ou did well.
Did you explain
everything to Haji?
y es. But there's a problem.
He has taken financial losses.
Not my lookout.
y ou have made lots of money.
Now cover your own losses.
And you are the one
who deals with Haji.
Profits and losses
are your concern.
But l'll explore the possibility
of a compensation.
l'll get back to you after
l've spoken to the General.
The plan was to create
scores of Birans.
But not one news
after Chandrapur.
l had high hopes
on Gulfam Hassan.
But that fool! That refugee!
He's taking in the
Hindustani hospitality!
Oblivious of his mission!
Beg, prepare to leave for
Hindustan immediately.
Don't worry. y ou're going
on an official visit.
Hindustan is offering to host
an lndo-Pak music fest.
Nice. They don't want war.
And we respect their feelings.
As long as there are men like
Biran and Mirchi in Hindustan...
we needn't fight a war.
Say what Beg?
y ou're right, sir.
ln that fest, you will come
across that singer Gulfam.
y ou will remind him
about his promise.
Tell him that if he can't
help the war effort...
he should come back.
And he can sit and sing with
his unholy brethren-in-arts.
We have erected check posts
all over the city.
And we have imposed a curfew
on the nightlife.
Never mind all that. But
the case isn't progressing...
beyond Thakur. Why haven't you
found the man on the motorcycle?
What news of Sultan?
- He has run away to Pakistan.
That's confirmed. He was
their main agent in Mumbai.
Sultan and the man on the bike
are dead ends.
But there are so many
men in Mumbai.
There must be a leak
somewhere. Find it.
Come in.
This is Seema.
This is lnspector Salim.
Time l left, sir.
- Find that man on the bike.
My whole network is after
the man. We should find him.
What are you doing?
What if someone comes?
That's just why
l shut the door.
l want the whole story now.
Every time someone barges in by
the time you're halfway through.
All right. Open the door.
l'll tell you.
Go on.
What's this?
Just my dress. l thought
l'd brighten up your day.
Nice, isn't it?
- Nice. But short.
Just get on with your story.
Well, we reached the spot...
- A long wait later...
Thakur and Sultan walk in.
And you ask Thakur...
Recognize me?
And they start shooting.
Then Thakur runs. And you chase.
l know all that.
What afterwards?
Just when l grabbed Thakur,
in comes Chintu.
ln comes Chintu.
Who else are with you, Chintu?
Mummy, and granny and l.
l'm off!
- y ou must meet Mummy.
Not today.
- Why not?
The dress is too short!
The girl from Delhi!
How are you, son?
Perfectly all right.
l don't know why...
they don't cut the plaster.
- Leave it to the doctors.
This is Seema.
The one from Delhi?
y es. She's the one.
Why are you standing there?
Come here.
Where do you live in Delhi?
Punjabi Bagh. But now l live
in Mumbai.
y ou should come home sometime.
- She is ever eager.
She's just waiting
for your permission.
Sure. Why not?
She's so shy.
Why are you acting shy?
Just now you were sitting
on my uncle's lap.
Don't tell lies.
She wasn't sitting on my lap.
Rathore hasn't recovered.
He can't walk.
His leg is in a cast.
First floor. Room nine.
Everything else
is taken care of.
ls this room number nine?
ls Mr. Rathore asleep?
Don't be afraid, Mr. Rathore.
l am a friend.
l respect officers like you.
l'm here to tell you some facts.
y ou took such a big risk
for nothing.
y ou're lucky you're alive.
What with flying bullets...
Anyway, there's nothing
left of the case.
y our culprit has escaped
across the border.
And your police is harassing
innocent people.
The police are forcing restaurants
and bars to close down at nights.
What will happen
to the business?
They are losing millions.
400,000 or say 500,000 isn't
too big a sum for them.
lt can be arranged
anytime you want.
And times are bad nowadays.
People will kill for peanuts.
What should l tell them?
Mr. Rathore, you shouldn't
have been doing this.
y our leg is in the cast.
The wound hasn't healed.
And yet you take such a risk.
Thank your stars l didn't
cut the cast.
What would you have
done otherwise?
When will you cut it?
- ln two or three days.
Now rest. Else, l will have
to lock you in.
Now l'm going to lock you in.
Just get on with the story.
Thakur and Sultan walk in.
And you ask Thakur...
Recognize me?
And they start shooting.
Then Thakur runs. And you chase.
Now go on.
Then l catch up with him,
and we start fighting.
l had him pinned down.
But someone attacked
me from behind.
He pulled my up,
and l let Thakur go.
y ou let him go?
l wasn't about to.
But l was clutching...
on his pocket. lt came off
when l was yanked off him.
And then?
Go on, will you?
What happened?
Where are you going?
- Do you have your car?
y es. But why?
My shoes are in there.
Get them out.
Shoes? What are your shoes
doing in the story?
What are you doing?
Are you mad?
Careful on your feet.
This is where l had
him pinned down.
When l was yanked off,
the pocket came off.
Something fell out of his pocket.
lt fell somewhere here.
What is this?
Someone's horoscope.
- Whose?
Bala Thakur's?
- y es. lt's his.
The name of the person who drew
the chart is written here.
Ram Bandhu Gupta.
Bahid, Rajasthan.
All of a sudden, he wants
a map of Rajasthan.
He wants the forensics too.
- Hurry up. The sahib is coming.
Have you found out
about the peppers?
The peppers come from
North Gujarat and Rajasthan.
The sand in the sackings
came from Rajasthan.
And this horoscope was
drawn in Rajasthan.
Bala Thakur's horoscope.
Someone in Bahid drew it.
Do you know where Bahid is?
ln Rajasthan.
Here... a small dot on the border
between Hindustan and Pakistan.
Go to Bahid.
Find this astrologer in Rajasthan,
who draws horoscopes...
for clients in faraway
Nothing good ever happens to me.
What sin is mine?
ln your last life,
you were a policeman.
ln my last life too?
A constable?
- l mean...
that astrologer Ram Bandhu Gupta
was telling me that...
l'll become a policeman
in this lifetime.
He? An astrologer?
He's a scoundrel!
His real business
is shady.
Now don't make me speak.
He's the Mirchi.
He is into smuggling.
Across the border.
y our peppers and mine are
the same quality. Trust me.
But you are quoting too high.
But Mirchi is selling cheap.
He can even give it
to you for free.
He can give it away for free.
- What do you mean?
l only trade in the peppers.
He uses the pepper trade
as a cover.
Looking for a kick?
- That's kid stuff.
l'm looking for the
real stuff.
y ou'll find everything here.
Have you seen Mirchi's office?
l'll stay here.
Make it fast.
Come in. Meet my brother.
- Some other time.
lf my brother gets to know
you didn't come in...
he is going to be cross
with me. Come in.
Ajay, there's someone here
to see you.
ls this any time to
make an appearance?
Sorry madam. Something urgent
cropped up at the office.
An urgent message for you, sir.
y ou've been summoned to Bahid.
Bahid? ln Rajasthan?
- y es.
Gulfam sahib is there right now.
- ln Bahid?
He has an ancestral house there.
Four kilometers from Bahid.
ln case you're going there,
you must do me a favor.
Will you carry a letter?
- Of course.
Don't mind?
- Sure.
Where's Mirchi?
l'm ACP Rathore.
All the way from Mumbai?
For some things,
you have to travel.
y ou know him?
No. Who is he?
And he?
y ou cast a horoscope for a man
you don't even know?
This is your chance
to come clean.
y ou won't get
another chance.
Many people come here to
have their horoscopes cast.
l could cast one for you too.
And l won't even ask...
if you are a constable
or an ACP.
Secondly, l don't take the law
in my hands.
But l can always cast a horoscope
for a man of the law.
Think it over.
By the way, we know
everything about you.
lf you do not cooperate...
l might have to cast
your horoscope.
Saturn retrograde!
How did this happen?
l think we're on
the right track.
Stay put. And keep me informed
about his moves.
Such merry coincidence!
The other day, you gave me
back a lost treasure.
And today, you bring me
such great news!
Like an angel!
l'd rather remain human.
- y ou're an angel!
Mr. Roshan is releasing
a million copies...
of the recording you gave me.
A million copies!
Such an honor!
All because of you!
Not because of me.
lt's your music.
y our music and ours
are so similar.
But they are the same!
My music and my ghazals
belong here.
lt was born in lndia.
As was classical music.
y ou live here all alone?
ln this old house?
l live here with the
memories of my ancestors.
l am not lonely.
This is my ancestral property.
lt was snatched away from us...
during the partition.
But thanks to Roshan sahib...
l manage to get permission
to live here sometimes.
Every moment here is worth
a lifetime!
Anything special for supper?
Ask the guest.
- No, thank you.
l must leave.
- Where to?
Back to Bombay.
- So you didn't come here...
just to see me?
- l had some work here.
y ou needn't say what it is.
But l won't let you dilute
my sense of satisfaction.
l'm not letting you leave.
- But Gulfam sahib...
ln this house, this has been
the tradition.
The guest comes here at will.
But he leaves at the host's will.
And l promise you l will seek
your permission...
before l leave this country.
What is the matter?
So late at night?
Punish me, if l have erred.
But please don't play
games with me.
y ou've ruined my sleep.
Just say what it is.
Someone came to see me.
From Bombay.
He threatened to arrest me.
And l get to know that
he is your guest.
What does this mean?
Are you talking about Ajay?
ACP Ajay Singh Rathore.
He is the one who seized
the consignment.
Come with me.
ls he the one?
y es.
Let's kill him and throw
him in the desert.
No one will know anything.
No. He's a friend.
Killing a friend is treachery.
And killing an ACP
is a very big crime.
Come what may, l don't want to
be a criminal in this country.
lt started out as a friendship.
That's how it will end.
Don't worry.
l'll take care of him.
Where have you been
so long?
l got married. And the wife
tells me change your life.
l'm a changed man.
y ou know anyone of these?
They look so different
once they're dead.
Just tell me.
All the time, these fellows
were going in and coming out...
of Victoria House.
- Victoria House?
lt's beside Sangam Bar.
We want to foster the
sense of brotherhood.
Politics has its own place.
Arts and culture has its own place.
We will try to have
more exchanges.
Sure. Why not?
How is the general?
- Fine. He remembers you.
Somehow he has this idea
that you're too involved...
with your music to remember
your mission.
He told me to remind you.
- Thank you for reminding me.
y ou may tell him
to rest in peace.
l know my responsibilities.
- Sure.
y ou told him that
given a chance...
you can create scores like
Biran in lndia. But...
All we have is one. And even
he is unsteady on his feet.
l was born here.
l understand the ground realities
better than your General sahib.
l am fighting his war.
Tell him all that tall talk
comes easily when...
one is ensconced in the security
of his offices in Karachi.
lf he is in such a hurry,
may he please come over?
l'll make way for him.
Now you're getting angry.
No, please don't get angry.
The general has complete
faith in you.
That is why he went
against everyone...
and he gave this job
to a ''mohajir''.
Let me meet Gulfam sahib.
- Sure. Go on.
Meet Dr Beg.
A bureaucrat by profession.
At heart a poet.
He has come all the way from
Karachi to attend this fest.
That gentleman over there
with Gulfam sahib...
ACP Rathore...
one Gulfam sahib's
best friends.
He's rotting away
in the Crime Branch.
y ou can give him
a plum posting.
lt will be done.
y ou have so many fans
in Hindustan.
Back home in Pakistan,
you must be getting mobbed.
Fans there are.
But the fact is that l'm still
regarded as a ''mohajir''.
Mohajir? What is ''mohajir''?
At the time of partition,
we Mussalmans crossed over...
in search of a homeland
of our own.
But to our brethren in Pakistan
we were the refugees. The mohajir.
Fifty years later, we are still
mohajir. We aren't Pakistanis.
Am l right, Mr. Beg?
But Gulfam sahib, you're
one of Pakistan's jewels!
That's Rathore!
Tell everyone to get
out of here!
l'm getting out of here.
Get out. There's a police raid.
The police! Tell Shiva to run!
Shiva, it's the police.
We're going upstairs.
- At least we know the hideout.
Seal the building.
Seize everything you find.
Did they tell you anything?
No sir.
l just came yesterday.
From the village.
Tell him!
- l'm an electrician.
We work for a living!
We stay away from trouble!
So you don't know anything?
- No, sir! - Nothing!
All right, Salim. Kill them.
Shoot them.
Report it as an encounter.
Any last wishes? Tandoori chicken?
Kebabs? Biryanis? Koftas? Booze?
Give them what they want.
One minute, sir!
- l didn't do anything!
Believe me!
l have kids at home!
Shut up. This is your last chance.
Say what you have to.
Sir, l'm poor!
- l didn't do anything!
No effect.
They won't speak.
Do something. Shoot for real.
What are you saying sir?
But don't let them get hurt.
Shoot a couple of inches
from the ear.
Stop crying. There's still time.
Speak up.
Don't kill me!
l'll tell you.
Take the others out.
Go on.
All l know is the stuff used
to come in from Rajasthan.
Where is Sultan?
- He ran away to Pakistan.
Who manages the business now?
- Haji.
Who's Haji?
- He runs a travel agency.
ln Victoria House.
When is the next consignment
l don't know.
But Haji had been to Rajasthan
a few days ago.
Take him away.
lnform the team in Bahid
that l need...
daily reports from the
lntelligence Bureau in Rajasthan.
And find out who this Haji is.
Tail him.
24 hours a day.
But don't arrest him
till l give the go-ahead.
y es, Mirchi?
y ou had said you would
take care of your friend.
But he has reached Haji.
He raided Victoria House.
Haji is a very nervous man.
He says he is going to enlist
lnspector Salim's cooperation.
And he's going to kill
your friend.
Make sure he does
nothing like that.
lf Ajay dies, we are going
to be the worse off for it.
Then what do we do?
- Break his legs once again.
By the time he gets
out of hospital...
Biran will have received
the consignment.
Then l'll have him
taken off this case.
Remember. The legs.
Only the legs.
y ou know, Salim Miyan,
it pains me to see...
a fellow Mussalman
pitted against us.
A Mussalman taking up sides
with the infidel...?
Mussalman... do you know what
it means to be a Mussalman?
y es. One who obeys lslam.
- And not only that.
Mussalman is he who keeps
Mussalman lman.
One who is honest
under any circumstance.
One whose convictions
are rock solid.
And one who is as pure
as a flower.
Are you all that?
Speak of Mussalmans!
- y ou are arguing for nothing.
My principle is
live and let live.
That's what l tried to
tell your ACP Rathore.
l was ready to pay up 500,000.
- So that's the price for Rathore?
And, you must have set a price
for your country too?
How much are you selling
your country for?
l am in business. ln business,
l don't cheat.
Especially, not those
who are my own.
We are of the same religion.
Let's find common cause.
Don't you take me
for one of you!
l'm not one of you!
y ou are the traitors!
For a handful like you,
people curse us all!
y ou are the perpetrators.
And the whole community suffers!
Enough of lectures.
Some day, you will come
to your senses too.
And that ACP Rathore of yours
should have understood by now.
What do you mean?
- Take care of him.
lf anything happens
to Rathore sahib...
l am not going to spare you!
So how do l drive?
See, you're home in one piece.
What about the broken bones
you left on the way?
Just keep quiet.
Help! Don't kill my son!
Help! Somebody help!
Hold him.
Call the police.
Get inside. No don't go down.
Leave him!
Are you hurt badly?
Get them!
They took off, sir.
The jeep, Salim.
We can arrest them
anytime we want.
We have the complete information.
Let them go.
Listen to me, sir.
We can crack the case now.
These villages along the border...
that's the way drugs and guns
are smuggled into Hindustan.
The contraband comes on camels
trained specially for smuggling.
The camels roam across
the border themselves.
They don't even need men
to guide them.
According to intelligence reports...
some Pakistani agents are
in place in these villages.
Captain Javed Abbas
is one of them.
He is based in Bahid.
He uses the alias ''Shafi''.
This is Major Aslam Beg.
He was in lndia recently.
To attend the music fest.
What is it, sir?
- Nothing.
The intelligence has intercepted
one of Shafi's messages.
A large cache of arms
is being smuggled in.
ln two or three days.
We should move to Rajasthan.
y es. Let me talk to the DCP.
- l want to talk to you too.
Come in.
What happened to your leg?
- Nothing, sir.
Now look here, Rathore...
lf you didn't want to handle
this case, you should've told me.
l would've given you
a good posting.
What are you saying, sir?
y ou pretend you're honest.
And you get the higher-ups...
to recommend you for
a plum posting!
l didn't ask for
any recommendations.
Then how did l get this order?
Must be a ploy to get me
off this case.
l'm very close to
cracking the case.
l have to go to Rajasthan
Believe me sir.
Trust me.
Someone wants me off this case.
Let me go. Please.
Let the orders stay with me.
y ou never heard of it.
l won't let you go!
l won't let you do this job!
y ou even got shot!
- l have to go, Mummy.
Why? ls there no one else
who can go there?
y ou were attacked!
What if something happens?
y ou don't listen to me!
y ou don't care for me!
Look, how he's limping!
Still limping, and he wants
to go to Rajasthan!
l won't allow this!
Stop him! Why doesn't
anyone stop him?
l won't let you go!
l won't!
l have lost one son!
y ou are all l have left!
Bye, Mummy.
No! l won't let you go!
The consignment is here.
Better be careful this time.
Rathore is here!
Get out of here!
Go out through the godown.
Where's the boss?
l don't know.
- Where's he?
They escaped.
l know where they have gone.
ACP Rathore, Crime Branch.
Mumbai Police.
Seize this cache.
We're going to the Bahid Fort.
Call your control room.
Send us back-up.
Get out of here!
- How?
They are at the door.
Look out for the back-up.
Let me know when they arrive.
Two of you stay here.
Salim comes with me.
Stop shooting!
Tell your men to stop firing!
Stop firing!
Gulfam Hassan, l'm here to arrest
you, Major Beg and Mirchi...
for sponsoring terrorism.
y ou can't escape.
What are you saying Ajay?
How can you accuse us
without any evidence?
The key witnesses
are Mirchi and Haji.
Who is he?
l don't know him!
Well, l know Mirchi because
he lives in the neighborhood.
But l don't know what he's
doing here. Go on. y ou ask him.
ls this evidence? l don't know
Mirchi. l don't know Haji.
But you know Captain Shafi.
A captain in your lSl.
And you're a Major in the lSl.
We have caught them
Now we are going to expose
your terror tactics!
Don't you forget l'm a diplomat.
l represent my country.
And l'm an official guest
in your country.
l am here on invitation
from your country.
l have diplomatic immunity.
y ou can't even touch me.
Touch me, and lslamabad
will react.
Let's just hold them here
till the force arrives.
We haven't hard evidence
against Gulfam Hassan.
He'll go scot free.
Let's just kill all of them.
We'll write it off
as an encounter.
No. l won't let them
die so easily.
The force is here, sir.
Salim, give me your gun.
y ou don't seem to understand the
significance of diplomatic immunity.
The hell with your
diplomatic immunity!
y ou can use it only
if you are alive.
And l'll give you
one last chance.
This Gulfam Hassan!
We loved him so!
We respected him so much!
And he cheated me!
He betrayed my country!
l won't let him
walk away alive!
lf you want to live,
kill Gulfam Hassan.
Then you and Shafi
can leave.
Why don't you kill him?
Because our laws don't
allow me to kill.
What guarantee that
you will let me go...
once l've killed Gulfam sahib?
- What nonsense!
y ou just have to trust me, Beg.
y ou have no options.
The force will be here
in five minutes.
Hurry Beg!
Once the force arrives,
the matter is out of my hand.
Take this gun.
Kill Gulfam.
y ou're out of your mind!
y ou want to kill me!
y ou don't know who l am?!
- l know, Gulfam sahib.
But queens aren't sacrificed
for pawns.
And it won't cots my country
anything were you to die.
y ou aren't Pakistani.
y ou're just a refugee.
A moment ago,
l wasn't a refugee!
And now that your life is at
stake l'm expendable!
Moron! y ou call me a refugee!
Kill him! Kill him!
Don't you interfere, Mirchi.
This is between them.
l'll make you a witness
for the prosecution.
lt's better for you
if you take sides with us.
Ajay! Listen to me!
l saved your life! Twice!
This man you want to make
a witness for the prosecution...
is the man who wanted to kill you!
And this is how you pay me back!
What a game, Ajay, what a game!
l'm ruined!
y ou made me kill him!
This is sin!
And l did it!
y ou touch a gun, and
you think of sin!
What of the thousands of guns you
have smuggled into our country?
This country gave you
love and respect. And fame!
And what have you given
us in return?
l haven't made an assassin
out of you.
y ou were one all along.
l just tore off the mask.
l am a reputed singer.
All the world knows me.
Past tense.
From this day on...
you will be known as a traitor,
as an assassin.
y ou are a criminal.
And you will be punished.
This soil you stand upon...
once used to be where
my ancestors ruled.
ln this palace l grew up.
Here l took my singing lessons.
From these lands that
my family ruled...
we were driven out.
Like cattle.
To drive families out of
their homes is crime.
To plunder someone's
home is crime.
To make orphans of children
is crime.
What happened to us
50 years ago...
was a crime!
y es.
lt was a crime.
But whatever happened...
happened because of partition.
But you weren't the only one
who went though it.
Millions were killed.
Millions were orphaned.
lt happened on both sides.
But some people want to create
the same situation. Regrettable.
They want to divide us again.
lnto religions.
But we will not
let them succeed.
No matter what creed they are.
Partition wasn't a happy
for us either.
We remember it for the trauma.
The shock.
We try to forget it.
But you and your men rub
the salt into the wound.
And we will do it forever.
For our wound is deep.
lt won't heal so easily.
We want you and your children
to come for generations...
to remember the injustice
that was done to us.
And every time our weapons
wreak havoc, you will remember.
Remember our pain!
Remember the wound you
inflicted on our community!
Rubbish, Gulfam Hassan!
What community do you speak of?
What is your creed?
y ou speak of Mussalmans?
Here in Hindustan...
there are more Mussalmans
than there are in Pakistan.
The bullets you send do not
choose their targets.
y our bullets kill
Mussalmans too.
And here, your deeds bring
Mussalmans to shame.
y our message of hatred does
no good to your own country.
This hype about your sect
is just a fraud.
Men like you and Mirchi
belong nowhere.
He bites the hand
that feeds him!
The bastard! He was out to
sell his country for money.
People like you are
enemies of humanity.
Gulfam Hassan...
l regret the day
l took you for a friend.
Gulfam Hassan, the renowned
Pakistani singer is no more.
He has committed suicide.
His fans all over the world
are shocked.
An artiste of the stature
of Gulfam sahib!
How could he do it?
This is unbelievable.
Artistes are human too.
Some good. Some bad.
lnspector Salim?
Here too?
What are you doing here?
l'm going to Dubai.
l've gotten into
But good l saw you.
Let me give you
one solid tip.
That Biran...
he's here.
- Where?
How long are we
going to take?
He should be here.
y our mother has cooked a
carrot-in-cream desert.
Go home and tell Mummy
to leave supper for me.
l'll come later.
- Where are you going?
Something came up.