Sarkar (2005)

..he was my daughter Shaalu's..
..friend in the college.
That.. that Bhooshan.
l want to meet Sarkar.
That night, after his college party..
..on the pretext of
offering her a lift home..
..he got her to sit in his car.
And on his way..
..that Bhooshan..
..he ruined my Shano's..
..he raped her.
l went to the police..
..and like a fool l
approached the court.
But the police and court
made a mockery of her.
They accused my
daughter of being loose..
..and that she did all of
this for her greed of money.
My Shaalu could not
bear this humiliation..
..and she.. my
daughter killed herself.
These people convinced the court..
..that my daughter..
..was not mentally sound.
Sarkar.. l had only
one child.. just one..
..and she too..
Before l die, you get me her revenge.
My dead daughter's revenge..
Next time when this
gentleman hears that person's name.. should bring a
smile on his face.
l don't want to know
'who' that person is.
Bhooshan, Bandra..
What.. what did you say?
Bandra, Carter Road..
Bungalow No. 14.
lts good we came here..
Otherwise we wouldn't
have had the chance to meet.
Can we give you a lift home?.
Come on! - That girl in
red dress belongs to me.
Your name is Bhooshan?
This guy is going to
get real good and hard.
Anyone who interferes will
meet with the same fate.
Decide, do you want
to stay back or go?
Hey, who the hell are you?
Oh my God!
Please do something.
- Oh my God!
Bhooshan! What.. what are you doing?
Hey get aside..
Hey.. move back..
Stand straight.
Stretch him down..
Take this, break him up..
Not on his head, he will die.
Break his leg.
Break his hands..
..and his limbs.. his back..
Hey, what are you looking at?
Haven't got any work?
C'mon, mind your own business.
Flog him..
Hit him here.. hit him there..
'Govinda.. Govinda'
'Govinda.. Govinda'
Hello, Rathod saab!
Yes, l am fine, how about you?
He is in his prayers.
l will ask him to call
Yes.. yes..
l am fine.. tell me.
What to say,
Subhash! There's a problem.
What use is the
Chief Minister's post..
..if your problems persist?
Khurana may perhaps be
right in what he thinks..
..but where will these people
go if they lose their homes?
To the sea?
Subhash, l do get your point.
But Khurana considers
your sympathy for the poor.. be just a cover to
nurture criminal elements.
l don't stop anyone from thinking.
l stop them from 'doing'.
l value your point of view..
..but even l am
answerable to my seniors.
And l, to my people.
l have prepared this
sweet Subhash bhai.
Oh, l just finished my breakfast.
Have a little, at least.
Kaka (uncle), how is my dress?
ls it new?
No.. its old.
What question is this, Kaka?
Obviously, it is a new one.
l bought it just yesterday.
Why? Anything special today?
Of course it is something special!
'He' is coming today.
Who? Oh, Shankar.
Hey, Shankar.
How are you?
- Very fine.
Chandar.. Pooja! This is Chandar.
Works with my dad.
Hi daddy! Yes, l've reached.
l have come with him.
What does his father do?
Actually.. l don't really know.
His name is Subhash Nagre.
Subhash Nagre? Where did
you find his son? - Means?
Do you know who
this Subhash Nagre is?
He is the city's topmost gangster.
How are you?
Am l some little girl to
eat chocolates? - Of course.
What's this? l won't
understand head or tail of it.
lt's very simple, papa.
What simple? Kaka can't
even handle a TV remote.
That Shinde's men are up
to their tricks again.
l insisted on setting
them right then and there.
Had we done so, they wouldn't be
showing their real colours now.
l know how to deal with Shinde.
But what to do with
your high pitched voice?
You think this to be some joke?
No, l'm not joking. Come..
Look, first send Gaitonde to Shinde.
Then come and inform me.
Bhabhi, where is brother?
He's gone for his shoot.
Cut, ok! Print 2 and 4!
How are you, sir?
How are you, Star? Come, sit.
What 'star', sir? lt's you who
has provided me with this break.
What break, eh?
Am l crazy to put
money on any newcomer?
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir?
You have what it takes, got it?
Thank you sir.
And stop applying lipstick.
You look prettier than the heroine.
Well.. no, sir!
How are you?
Wow! lt's so pretty! For your wife?
For you.
Thanks, Vishnu-ji!
But how can l accept it?
lt's so expensive.
Keep it.
- But..
Keep it!
Didn't l ask you to keep it?
l will leave now.
My brother has arrived from America.
Else would have
taken you out for dinner.
What was he saying? What's this?
He's given this gift to me.
What should we do with this now?
What can we do to such ruffians?
l feel like strangulating him!
Despite having a
child he acts so filthy.
Brother, how is Anoop?
as usual.
And how about Vishram-ji?
He's joined Rathod's party.
- Madan Rathod?
Who else?
Baba chucked him out here.
Should l feed him then?
But that Vishram.. he
turned out to be a sly guy.
Got kicked here on the rear..
..and landed straight to
the legislative assembly.
Bloody bastard!
Vishnu, how many times
have l asked you to..
..keep your filthy tongue in check,
in front of the kid?
l am talking to you.. what language would
you like me to explain?
Does anything go into
that thick head of yours?
Why did you go to that
builder's place at Worli?
He was acting smart,
which made me go there.
With whose permission?
Am l supposed to take your
permission for everything?
Are you responsible enough
to handle work on your own?
You.. please finish your food first.
Child, have another serving..
- No.
Have some.
- l said no mother.
What are you getting angry at me?
You have become so stubborn!
Have your food, please.
Can l call you back? Thanks. Bye.
Sarkar, Silver Mani had called.
wants to meet you tomorrow.
Hi Pistol! How are you?
Hey baldy! One gets hair oils
abound in the market. Try them.
Greetings, Khan Saab.
l explained to Surendra.. lighter matter you would
find Silver Mani acting comic..
..but in serious matters..
it's only murder!
The game ends! And so
does the story! That's it!
Chiku, dear..
No tea! No coffee! No cold drinks!
l will have food here.
Your are embarrassing me, Mani seth!
What seth? You are the lord, Sarkar!
You must have met my son.
How could l? He always stays abroad.
l am Silver Mani!
Style from the South..
..Operations, complete North!
Tell me, Mani, what brings you here?
Those union guys had come to me.
Telecom project! To ask for
bonded labour from Hyderabad.
l had warned them..
l know, Sarkar. But l
thought honesty isn't..
..the best policy
in today's politics.
We will suffer losses!
Mani, how many times have
l explained this earlier..
..that while counting
the short term gains.. shouldn't lose sight
of the long term damages.
What did l say?
l said the same, Sir!
Let it go.. we'll
bear the humiliation.
l repeatedly tell this to everyone.. style is South but
operations are complete North!
l have learnt this from you.
One minute. Sarkar,
there is something more.
Hey, call that boy.
This boy Mahesh.. he
is an excellent actor.
You know so many film folks.
Get him something..
l don't interfere in others' work.
Don't you know?
What did l say? l said the same.
Talk to Vishnu! He might
have something for you.
Going again?
- What else should l do?
Staying back will mean hearing
that oldster's nonsense again.
He is your father!
- Hey..
Stop favoring him! lt's me
who had brought you here.
Dare not forget it!
Yeah, Vishram!
C'mon, bark!
Vishnu, why are you
talking like this to me?
You know l have a problem
with Sarkar and not with you.
You have always been my
friend and will remain so.
Ok, now! Stop this drama.
How's your work going?
l make double the
amount in half the work.
What type of a man this Rathod is?
He's a complete idiot and that makes
working with him all the more fun.
We've been taking
him for a royal ride..
..and he doesn't
seem to even realise it.
How's your film going on?
First class! Will be a block buster!
You think that hero
of yours will work?
And that heroine?
Any progress with her?
How's your brother?
Returned after having a nice
time in America. What else!
Heard of him having an
affair with that Modi's daughter?
What are you saying?
The whole world knows of it.
And what about that girl? Avanti?
Who Avanti?
Sawant's daughter!
He is father's friend.
He had promised him..
..on his deathbed..
..that Shankar will
be married to Avanti.
His mother and daughter are at home..
Poor Sarkar!
What will Sarkar do?
What can we do in such matters?
l had given my word to Sawant that..
What about Avanti, then?
l will talk to her.
Where is Shankar?
Shankar, if you don't mind,
Can l ask you a question?
- What does your dad exactly do?
What do you mean by that?
He helps people!
Helps? Means?
Help means if someone
comes to him with a problem..
..he makes it his own problem.
Shankar, whenever l see
his photograph in some..
..newspaper or magazine..
..there are always gunmen
standing beside him. Why?
Security? But why
would he have enemies?
Pooja, when one takes a stand..
..he is bound to convert the
other person into his enemy.
But Shankar, who your
father is, after all.. fight on behalf of others?
One doesn't need an
Appointment letter to impart justice.
You mean, your dad
considers himself to be above..
..the police and the law?
He doesn't think so. Millions
of his admirers think that way.
You know, my dad doesn't
think highly of your dad.
Same here! My dad too doesn't
hold your dad in high esteem.
What do you mean? How can you
even make such a comparison?
My dad is a legitimate businessman.
The only difference between
your dad and mine is that..
..your dad stays within the system
and works for his own profits..
..while my dad stays out of the
system to work for others' benefit.
You mean to say that your
dad is a parallel government?
lf the meaning of
the government is to..
.. take care of people,
then he definitely is.
Look Pooja, he is my dad.
l know him.
Whatever he does is for others' good.
His ways are different..
..but neither is he a criminal..
..nor does he keep
connections with the criminals.
- Okay.
Rasheed wants to meet you.
Who Rasheed?
He belonged to the
Nayak gang earlier.
Was involved in a couple of murders.
He was in Bangkok and Nepal
for the past couple of years.
Don't know what he wants from you.
Call him.
Ask Preetam Seth to come and meet me.
Wanted to talk to you alone.
Consider that l am alone.
My goods are expected to arrive.. Ship in Shikuti village.
And will continue to
arrive for at least two years.
Now it is well-known that
nothing happens in this area..
..without your permission.
So, we just wanted to
seek your blessings.
You will get a couple of
millions on each consignment.
Look Rasheed..
..l don't know what
you have heard about me.
l do agree that there are
certain things that l do..
..which can't be considered lawful.
That's because l do
what l think is right.
lt may go against God, the society..
..the police, law or the
entire system for that matter.
Different people hold
different views about my work..
..and they form an opinion about me.
l will not do it.
Three million?
Hey, you think we are on sale?
You know whom you are talking to?
l mean..
Don't even try to explain
l know what those goods are
and the reason of their arrival.
l will not do it.
And listen, l will not
let you do it either.
Khan Saab, whatever there is
worth knowing about this man..
..l want to know all that.
Send a word to Savatya
to come and meet me.
Your mother was saying that
you wanted to go back to America.
Yes. A friend and l are
planning to start a software company.
Pooja is your friend's name, right?
When are you introducing us to her?
Whenever you have the time.
..this Rasheed..
..l am not happy with his ways.
What? You will kill
Subhash Nagre? Will you?
Just listen to what he says!
l haven't come all the way
from Dubai to narrate a joke.
Rasheed Bhai, the whole of
Mumbai will burn in flames.
l am not bothered about Mumbai.
One doesn't get business
worth 1000 million everyday.
We will have to grab it.
Even if that means killing
Sarkar or anyone for that matter.
Vishram-ji, explain to him.
He has arrived from Dubai
and is grossly unaware..
..of the scheme of things in Mumbai.
Make him understand! Explain..
Have you locked your brains?
Can't you understand?
Ok! lf you guys want to commit
this stupidity, sure, go ahead.
lf you want to jump in
the well, go ahead as well.
But l am not a part of all this.
l am leaving.
l can't let this go out.
Rasheed Bhai, l give you a
guarantee. My lips will remain sealed.
l take an oath on my children,
Rasheed Bhai.
You were right. l was
talking like a madman.
l couldn't understand really. He
should.. he should be bumped off.
A decision should be
made with choice..
..and not under duress.
Rasheed Bhai, we have Swami-ji's
message. He wants to meet you.
Killing Subhash Nagre
and killing Sarkar..
..are two totally different things.
Subhash Nagre is a mere human being.
Sarkar is a thought, a philosophy.
Before killing the man.. is imperative to
kill his philosophy.
l didn't understand, Swami-ji.
l will explain.
Swami-ji's thinking is great!
l haven't seen a more
intelligent person than him.
Who is this Savatya?
He was enquiring about me.
He is one of the closest aides
of Sarkar. Never take him lightly.
He can prove to be a step
ahead of us in these matters.
What have l done?
First you cheat and
to top it you lie.
Why would anyone cheat? To win!
ls winning so absolutely necessary?
What if you have to lose someday?
l don't mean the game. l mean life.
With Sarkar on my side,
how can l lose to anyone?
Welcome, Mr. Rathod!
Shankar, how are you?
- Fine.
Mr. Rathod, she is Pooja.
- Greetings.
Greetings, Mr. Khurana!
What an honour. Welcome.
Please come.
Mr. Khurana, your
work couldn't be done.
Changing Subhash's
mind is almost impossible.
l feel even Subhash's view
point is not totally wrong.
Violence isn't a
solution to any problem.
A person who carries
his whims out by force..
..can prove to be
dangerous for the society.
Why should l fear?
This is the truth that ruffians
are being nurtured under the cover..
..of creating
housing for the deprived.
And there is only one
person encouraging this.
Subhash Nagre.
Mr. Khurana thinks at your level.
The public doesn't know
the real Subhash Nagre.
Hence it reveres him.
Thinks him to be a Messiah.
But according to me
he is just a hooligan.
According to me, in a democracy..
Even the public support
for him is on the rise.
That's why he is
jumping around like a frog!
One tight smack will
set everything right.
Sarkar, this man used to
know his limits previously.
But now, he is out in the open.. interviews in the press,
television, everywhere.
Pushpa, get some pickle, please.
Mr. Khurana.. a very nice man.
lt is very important
for a person like him.. live in this world.
'Motilal Khurana's murder has
caused a sensation in the city.'
'The only question
doing the rounds is..'
'..who can get a non-violent and
popular figure like him killed?'
'And now the weather update.'
Any news about this?
Everyone thinks you got him killed.
Mama, my ice cream.
- Chicku, quiet.
Do you also think
that l got him killed?
l am not the only one.
Everyone is saying this.
Who everyone?
- The entire city.
Ask anyone and they say it
is your dad's handiwork.
A lie can't be made a truth just
because everyone is saying it.
Just the way, without knowing the
facts, you have taken a decision.. the like manner everyone thinks
that this is my dad's handiwork.
Must be something,
otherwise how can..
Just stop it, Pooja! Enough!
Do you trust me?
You cannot refuse the
fact that l know my dad..
..better than anyone
else for that matter.
lf not him, trust me, at least.
Suspecting him would mean
your casting aspersions over me.
- For what?
l heard about Pooja and you.
Shankar, you know that
l love you, don't you?
Since childhood.
My mistake. l though even you would..
That's fine. l am sure
she is very beautiful.
- Relax, Shankar.
l have thought about
it all night long.
And now.. it doesn't bother me.
Really.. l swear.
So, when are you
both getting married?
Thinking of marrying her.
The heroine of that movie?
Where is Vishnu now?
Don't beat around the bush.
Tell me, what happened?
Your film people are mocking at you.
Except you, everyone knows
what is cooking between..
..the heroine and
the hero of the movie.
Hey, stay in your limits
or else l will bump you off.
You will kill me, eh?
l am being your well-wisher and
you are thinking of bumping me off?
One shouldn't do good, these days!
Look Vishnu, l have
the video tape.. shot.. the make up van..
..which features the hero and
heroine in compromising poses.
l am sending that to you.
Witness them and their
comments about you, for yourself?
l know everything
about Vishnu, Swami-ji.
Your work will be done.
Two hundred percent.
Doesn't matter how many
people would have been there.
They all would know
he is Sarkar's son.
Because everyone
knows he is Sarkar's son.
Nobody will testify against him.
- Even the heroine was scared of him.
l don't know what sin
Subhash has committed.
That he got such a son.
Sir, he is his father
even in hooliganism.
Yes, l know that you will
not believe me. l am sure.
Sarkar has had Khurana murdered.
l have told you many a times, you
people don't understand Subhash.
Forget about his son.
But Subhash isn't like this.
When something doesn't happen
as you want, you do this too.
l know. You give justice.
You have got a good reason.
Do whatever you want in the name of
justice. lf l do that, it's injustice
Brother, you speak with respect.
You are speaking to Sarkar.
And who are you to
meddle in our matters?
- Chandar..
Why don't you accept that
you committed a mistake?
What mistake, mother?
l made that kid, and behind my back..
You told me to use power if l
have it, l did precisely that.
You will never
understand what power is, Vishnu.
Power is gained by making people one.
Not by dividing them.
Give this lecture to the people,
whom you have been fooling.
lt will not work on me. - You are
crossing your limits, Vishnubhai.
Hey. What did l tell you?
lf you speak again, l will kill you.
Tell this dog, l will kill him.
Mother.. why..
You don't know this Chandar.
He does so many scams in work.
l know the people who work here.
There.. he will
praise his servants now.
You.. l actually respect you.
You think different from the world.
Just different.
lf someone brings profit of lakhs,
you will drive him away.
Because we will be profited.
You cannot digest that.
You cannot do business, and
won't let us do business too.
Vishnu, why are you making
a mountain of a mole hill?
Sarkar just asked you,
why did you kill that man?
Can l ask you, Khan. Why did
your Sarkar kill that Khurana?
Brother, be careful.
You keep quiet. You don't know
anything. You were there, abroad..
What do you think?
Your father is a saint?
You don't know your father.
Right now.. go away from this house.
From today, don't commit the mistake
of being seen around this house.
Go, get lost.
Amrita. - Amrita and
Chicku will not go anywhere.
Sapna. Subhash Nagre
is coming to meet you.
What did you do? What did you do?
Are you crazy?
lt is my mistake.
l should have known
what a hot head you are.
You can do anything.
lt would have been better
if l didn't send you the CD.
That kid..
Till date.. l never..
..hurt any innocent person.
And l have never
forgiven anyone who did that.
Whoever he is.
l have come to tell you today..
You don't have to fear anyone.
lt is my responsibility.. look after your safety.
She has given a statement
against you with your father's support.
And a warrant has
come out against you.
The police can come here anytime. You
don't worry. l'll arrange everything.
Sarkar.. Khurana's
killer has been apprehended.
Who is he?
His name is Ansari.
Whom does he work for?
l don't know. He testified that you
gave him the orders to kill Khurana.
And.. the home department.. has
taken out a warrant against you.
Tell me, Madan.
Everyone was right about you.
l was a fool that l
didn't recognise you.
Subhash, enough of your drama.
l will see how you get away now.
Subhash Nagre has been accused
of being behind Khurana's death.
With this, not only
Khurana's supporters..
..even Nagre's supporters
are stunned.
They never thought
that Nagre would fall.. low.. an attempt to show his power.
The commissioner S
P Pathak has said..
..that is the beginning of
the end of Nagre's hooliganism.
He is coming.
There is a very big conspiracy.
This is the beginning.
l committed the mistake.
lt is my mistake.
l couldn't see this coming.
l don't want you to meddle in this.
Therefore.. go back to
America as soon as possible.
No, dad.
Don't worry about me. l
can take care of myself.
But you don't know
anything about this..
..and you aren't concerned with this.
Go back to America right now. Go.
Don't worry about me, dad.
l can take care of myself too.
Yes, l know that l don't
know much about all this.
But l have some responsibilities too.
Chandar.. maybe you were right.
Rasheed is behind this.
But Sarkar gave Rasheed's work
to Savatya. What about that?
l called him a couple of times,
he didn't take the call.
l will go and see, myself.
We will kill that
Ansari in the lock up.
lt will be stupidity.
What stupidity? Are we cowards?
Don't shout.
You aren't the only
one who is worrying.
Even if we touch Ansari, this fake
case against dad will turn true.
You are right.
- Shankar.
l didn't come here to argue,
or hear your explanation.
Whatever is going on..
l cannot tolerate it.
Shankar, l love you. l
have full faith in you.
But l don't believe your family.
l am going back to America.
All l wanted to know is..
will you come with me?
Shankar, l just wanted to know.
We got the news, Rasheed will
have Sarkar attacked in the prison.
Who are you?
l am Subhash Nagre's son, sir.
- So? - Dad is about to be attacked.
Your father is in prison. Where
else will he get better security?
Sir, even you know
what happens in our jail.
My dad's life is in danger.
l wish that you take
some action immediately.
You are ordering me?
Son, one doesn't do like this.
Because this isn't
your father's court.
l didn't mean to say that, sir..
Forget it. Let him die if he has to.
Actually, whatever he has sowed
till today, he will reap that!
Sir, why are you talking like this?
lf you speak a lot..
l will wrench your tongue
out and give it in your hand.
How much did you get?
What did you say?
How much did you get?
Go, tell your father that l did this.
Get lost.
So, l was telling you..
Meet them. Do whatever..
Shankar.. only one man can
help us in this situation.
Silver Mani.
After dad's arrest, all of our
contacts are afraid to help us.
l don't even know
who is helping them.
We just got the tip that Rasheed
will have dad attacked in prison.
You have to do something, please.
But son, what can l do?
What can l do?
Your father has gone crazy.
He isn't earning, and
nor is he letting us earn.
He has ruined all of us..
..for the betterment of the people.
l swear to God.
lt is true that l came
up due to your father.
But even l have
some responsibilities.
Even l have to serve the public.
l have my business,
my family problems.
What choice do l have?
Tell me.
l told these people, you are
a kid, you can't do anything.
But these people don't
want to take any chances.
They don't want anyone
to try to take revenge.
You are a sweet boy.
You are not guilty for all this.
But you are trapped.
Bad luck. Not yours, mine.
l feel very sad.
God bless you.
Where will you kill
these people, Rasheed Bhai?
Please don't kill them here.
Take them out.
l can't see all this.
Rasheed, help me once more.
For me and Sarkar's friendship.
Clean bowl him.
Either the heart or
the brain, directly.
Don't let him bleed more.
l have to give this
concession to Sarkar.
Come on.
Yes, tell me, Shankar.
See, Subhash Nagre will be attacked.
How do you know?
- There is no time for any questions.
Get an ambulance.
Call a doctor.
We will not leave that Madrasi.
We will shoot him today itself. -
Arrange for the security here first.
l had told you.
Sanyasi would have
brought the shooter.
He would have aimed at the brain.
Just one bullet.
One bullet. He would
have aimed at the brain.
And Sarkar's
relation would be closed.
What did you say?
That he was a shooter from Dubai. Very
experienced. Olympic gold medallist.
Don't stare at me.
l will gouge your eyes out. This is
about Sarkar, this isn't child's play
This is about life and death.
What did you think? He is Sarkar.
He brought an L board
and aimed at Sarkar.
l had said, Don't touch him. lf you
touch him, he will go. Or we will!
ls it child's play?
Don't stare at me.
Mani Seth, forget what happened.
Now, think about the future.
What do l think of the future?
What do you know?
Shut up.
See, l am being respectable to you,
you speak with me with dignity too.
What respect? They will
chase me now. - Mind your tongue.
You are just blabbering away.
You don't stare at me.
Silent, it is too much now.
You talk too much.
But how did the shooter reach there?
Are your prisons safe?
See, we are holding an enquiry.
Please be quiet.
One person at a time.
See, this isn't done.
Tell me.
We have come to
know about Vishnubhai.
He is hiding at Vishram Bhagat's.
Dad is calling you.
Silver Mani. Rasheed.
Vishram Bhagat.
And we got the news right now.
Brother is with him.
What mistake did we commit?
We taught the whole world.
We couldn't teach
anything to our son.
They will use him and then leave him.
They will throw him out..
..when their work is done.
Mr. Vishram.
Sarkar has got bail.
And secondly, he knows
that you have done all this.
The police have
confirmed that the person..
..who attacked Subhash Nagre,
wasn't Khurana's man.
This also has raised questions..
..whether a third
part is responsible..
..for Khurana's death.
The public is
wondering whether this is a..
conspiracy to take advantage..
..of the Nagre
Khurana personal enmity.
For what?
The way you looked after dad.
l know that.. didn't think
about me in that way.
And.. l..
l want to know..
Whether you..
Whether you..
Very good, Shankar.
This is great.
l have sacked that commissioner.
lf possible, please forgive me.
Even l was fooled like everyone.
Thank you, sister-in-law, thank you.
What do you think?
Who all are behind this?
All of us are gone now.
Sarkar has found out about us.
We will die one by one now.
He will not spare any of us.
l know him.
l am going to Tamil Nadu.
Whatever villages are
left after the Tsunami..
l will settle in any one of them.
You go to Dubai.
No, Sarkar has got
contacts till there.
l have an idea. You have sand there..
Dig there and hide.
You are gone.
Vishram. Even if you die, Sarkar will
give you life again, just to kill you
You are safe.
Sing 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna'. .
..and a couple of devotional
songs on full volume.
There will be a meeting very soon.
The greatest mistake.
ln my life.
l listened to you.
Why are you talking so much?
We will go to his house and kill him.
You will go to
Sarkar's house and kill him?
His house isn't a house,
it is a fort.
There is a whole army inside.
And there is security outside.
There is no way out.
There is no other way out.
There is.
Son. Don't commit the mistake..
..of getting trapped by
the desires of the body.
The body is just a case for the soul.
Understand this.
You are not killing your father.
You are killing his body.
- As it is, Vishnu.
How long will your
father stay alive now?
Ten years? Fifteen years.
This will happen then.
Till the time
Subhash Nagre is alive..
Vishnu Nagre will be
a pauper till then.
Really. He hasn't let him
be his own man all his life.
See, Vishnu.
You know that we have done
more than your father for you.
lf we weren't there yesterday..
You would be in prison by now.
You know that, isn't it?
Arjun had killed his relatives too.
Hey, Vishnu. There isn't
anything right or wrong.
Sarkar says it, doesn't he?
The one who has power..
Even their wrong..
ls right.
l have to meet Shankar.
They were planning to kill dad.
They told me to do that.
l am dad's bad son, isn't it?
But l am his son.
l am sorry, mother.
Hey, Shankar.
He wants to ask forgiveness from you.
He is repenting on his antics.
Everyone commits a mistake.
He will never do anything like this.
He has learnt his lesson.
Why didn't he come?
He cannot face you.
Tell me.
Shall l let him come in the house?
What is it?
What is it?
Shankar.. Vishnu.. Vishnu..
What were you doing?
What were you two doing?
Shankar.. stop..
What did he do?
Hello. - Vishnu. - Yes, Vishnu,
tell me. - Sarkar is finished.
l have looked after Shankar too.
He is going back to America.
We rule.
There is good news for you.
Sarkar is finished.
- What?
Sarkar is finished.
Sarkar is finished.
l killed brother.
What now?
- Greetings.
lt wasn't necessary for
me to be here to kill you.
But l wanted to experience the
enjoyment of seeing you die.
How can we live
with this injustice?
We will go to the
doors of the master.
How can we tolerate it?
The master doesn't forget..
He doesn't commit mistakes..
Son. lt is written
in the Bhagwad Gita.
l am an atheist.
You have just one choice now.
Either meet your God.
Or me.
Come, Shankar. Come.
Have a seat.
What was the urgency?
Rasheed is dead.
Silver Mani and Vishram too.
Why are you telling me all this?
Because when someone dies,
their closest people are told.
What do you mean?
l mean..
l always knew that you
were hand in glove with them.
They were the bullets.
You were the gun.
When Sarkar was there..
Even though you were
the Chief Minister.. weren't anything but a doll.
Your power would increase..
..when Sarkar's power would decrease.
And you used Rasheed
and Vishram Bhagat.
The man with whom you
wanted to kill Sarkar's thought.
With the help of the same man,
l killed your thought.
Your underworld connections.
Black money.
Your foreign bank accounts.
Narinder Swami has
told it to the CBl team.
They will be
reaching here at any time.
Son, l run the government.
l am the chief minister.
Whether Swami testifies,
or anyone else..
l will be out of the
enquiry in two days.
That is what l want too.
After the prime minister
asked the chief minister..
..Madan Rathod to resign..
..the mid term polls have
been announced in the state.
The aspirant for the
chief minister's post is..
Haridas Shinde, and everyone
knows that he will.. the election this time.
Because he is
supported by Subhash Nagre.
The police came to our
house and took my husband away.
They hit him so much,
they killed him.
They threw his dead
body on the road..
..and prepared a fake report..
That he was a gangster.
He attacked the police.
l want to have them punished.
l want to avenge my husband.
Please give justice for my husband.
Please give my husband justice.