Sarmasik (2015)

With sloping masts and dipping prow
As who pursued with yell and blow
Still treads the shadow of his foe
And forward bends his head
This ship drove fast, loud roared the blast
And southward aye we fled.
Idiot! He didn't get
where the current was coming from...
Mehmet! Throw it!
Lower it! Lower it!
Welcome aboard.
Are we supposed to wait here all day?
I'm Cenk, seaman.
I'm Alper, seaman.
Chief, chief!
Go tell them to switch on their two-ways.
Can't they hear me?
I'm Kurd.
All of them.
How would you know?
Have you worked on all of them?
I know. All of them.
Beans and rice every Sunday.
Is that what you're saying?
No, just on Turkish ships.
It's a tradition.
But not on foreign ships.
They sometimes serve beans and rice...
Demolition of the shanties in Sulukule
has started. 17 arrests were made.
Well it is scresh, scresh.
- Scresh?
Yes Papa,
Popice popira popita popice...
This is your cabin.
Where's the skipper from?
You mean Beybaba?
- Yep.
He's from Cyprus.
This is your cabin.
Get ready and don't be late for dinner.
Get ready and don't be late for dinner.
Sit down. Dig in.
Enjoy it.
Sit here, Chief Engineer.
So, how are things?
She's worn out, but chugging along.
Sulzer engines and me are old friends.
I've worked there once.
Thanks, brother.
Enjoy your meal.
My friend Mustafa worked on that ship.
He left years before I came.
To a different ship, or to land?
- To a different ship.
And there was Duck-Foot Kaan.
What do you make of these new guys?
One of them showed up with a black eye.
The other one's a landlubber.
This is only his second time.
You can tell they're rookies.
All that's arrived on board
is some sawdust and oil.
Don't even go into that.
I'll call them tomorrow.
We'll just have to manage.
It'll last 4-5 days till we make port.
Then we can stock up there.
They haven't sent
any of the stuff I asked for.
Everyone's fed up, Reis.
We haven't been paid for 2 months.
It'd be the same on a different ship.
Nobody's getting paid these days.
What's the name of that guy
with the black eye?
- Cenk...
The other one's Alper, right?
- Yes, Alper.
Come here, sonny.
Yes, Reis.
Where were you working before?
I was on the Turhan Bey.
How many times have you sailed?
- This is my second time.
This is your second time.
Go finish your meal. We'll talk later
Okay, Reis.
Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.
Let's hope for the best.
I know what he's like.
Let's take care of things right away.
You know the captain.
Have the boys clean everything, OK?
Okay. Good night.
Come in.
Just leave it, Nadir.
I need to talk to you about something.
What is it, Nadir?
Go on, tell me.
Beybaba, I need to be released.
They're tearing down our house.
My parents are out on the street.
Who's tearing it down?
The State.
Why would the State tear down
your house?
They are, Beybaba.
I saw it on the news.
Demolition already began in Sulukule.
Our house will be next.
I need to be with my family.
I want to disembark in Canakkale.
What are you saying, Nadir?
This isn't a game.
We already hired 2 replacements.
Are we supposed to wait for new recruits?
- We can't change our schedule.
Beybaba, I told you.
I have to get off.
What are you going to do?
Stand in front of the bulldozers?
The State won't leave anyone homeless.
But Beybaba...
- Don't your parents need money?
Right when they need money most,
you're quitting your job.
You think you'll find a new one?
I'll find one, Beybaba.
Nadir, son,
don't you need money?
At least you're earning wages here.
We haven't been paid for 2 months.
Right, Nadir. I know.
This is a tough time.
The shipowner's having a tough
time too.
But don't worry.
The company will pay in the end.
I'll call them tomorrow and tell them
to wire the money to your family directly.
Okay, Beybaba. If you say so.
Anything else you need?
No, thanks.
Mind if I join you?
Go ahead.
Get a good lecture?
- I sure did.
This is your second time?
Yeah, I was a cab driver.
Why'd you leave a good job
like that to come here?
Things got messy.
Messy, huh?
Messy. It seemed smart to
get away for a while.
Fuck being smart. Here you go.
Thanks. Wow.
Which is the religious one?
It's not Reis, is it?
Reis isn't the religious one right?
No, the able seaman is. Reis was
fishing to see if I drank or smoked.
He saw I wasn't religious. He kept talking
and asking all these questions.
Then he said to let him know if
I needed anything.
It got me to thinking.
Is Reis a dealer or what?
What did you say?
What could I say?
Yes, Reis. Right, Reis.
I knew the second I saw your eyes.
And I could tell from yours.
Dopers eyes have a two way wire, buddy!
Too right.
Wait half an hour till everyone's in bed.
I'll have a treat for you
over by the steerage.
By the steerage.
Sure, thanks.
What would I do if I left the ship?
Is there any other long-term work?
If you could talk to them,
stall them a little.
Or don't bother.
I'll call them tomorrow.
Don't worry about it.
When we get to Egypt
I'll try to arrange something.
It's not just me.
Nobody's been paid.
Like I said,
nobody got paid.
God forbid.
Anyway, I'll call them.
Wait a couple of days.
You just... You just don't worry.
Okay, I'm hanging up now.
For God's sake.
What happened to your eye?
Things got messy.
- Messy.
I banged into a door.
What really happened?
A work accident.
On the ship?
No. It happened at the last place
I used to work, in Beda.
Actually, my friend Mecit had
a job there. They fired him.
He stole a couple of uniforms
on his way out the door.
We'd go out wearing those uniforms,
cruising Armutlu, Beylikdz.
We'd find people using illegal electricity
hook-ups. Mecit knew about those things.
We'd knock on the door and say we were
going to cut their power.
Normally housewives would be home.
I'd play bad cop. I'd yell at them,
tell them they'd get 7 years in prison.
We used to heaten up
things seriously: "You're...
stealing the nation's money." Etc.
Serious bullying.
Those women must have gone
weak at knees.
Which women?
Oh, yeah. You bet.
They'd be about to cry and carry on.
I'd say I was sealing their meter.
I'd make like I was writing.
Just making shit up.
Then Mecit would take over.
He keeps looking at cables...
Housewife tries to win Mecit over
as I play the 'honest' cop.
You should've seen me pal!
I'm taking down notes non stop!
Whatever the fuck I'm writing
god knows, I keep writing it.
He knew about all that stuff.
He'd say what a shame it was
to spend 7 years in the slammer.
He'd make up all this other shit.
When the woman asked if there was
some way to work things out...
...that's when he'd get to work.
Hmm, got you!
Ah, got you. Those women would
be ready to do anything, huh?
Don't get all excited, chipmunk.
This isn't porn.
The woman says her husband will
be home soon.
She asks if we can work something out.
Mecit tells her it'll be too late.
Once we write up the...
...fine there's nothing we can do.
We'd get in trouble.
That's a real dirty trick.
You bet.
So Mecit acts like a go-between.
First he talks to the woman.
A real ambassador, Mecit!
Then he tries to convince me.
I pretend I'm pissed off.
Finally, I give in.
He goes and asks the woman how
much she's got on her.
They really fall for it?
Sure. Some gave us gold.
We even got a TV once.
Yeah man, a scandal. Walked out
with a TV set.
But that's stealing, buddy.
Well they're stealing too.
Once we nailed a factory in Yenibosna.
That was a honey money goney, brother.
Good one.
What about your eye?
My eye. Ah, the last place we went...
turns out the guy works at Beda.
Fucking hell!
Of course he beat the shit out of you.
That ain't the half of it.
The whole neighborhood pitched in.
I'm on the ground and the fuckers
are stomping on my face.
Who'd do something like that?
What am I, a chicken?
They almost killed me, the savages.
No mercy, no pity.
The jig was going to be up one day.
I decided to lay low before
the cops got involved.
That's a hell of a story, brother.
Oh, I got all the stories you want.
Just name one.
Listen to this.
I love this song.
So, the girl comes and I'm trying to
find a way-
Get Reis and come to a meeting
in my cabin.
Yes, Beybaba.
- Tell the chief engineer too.
Yes, Beybaba.
- Keep it quiet.
I will, Beybaba.
Guys, get to work!
Alper. Cenk. Come on.
Come on, Cenk.
Come on, Alper.
Mehmet follow me.
We won't be docking
at the port tomorrow.
Is the cargo not ready, Beybaba?
- That's not the problem.
I'll keep it short.
For a long time, we've been unable
to reach the shipowner.
He didn't send any of the things I wanted
on our last transit through Istanbul.
He mentioned things were bad.
As you know, we haven't been able... refuel and we're way behind
on wages.
I just got two messages from
the main office.
The first is that the shipowner
has declared bankruptcy.
The second is about a court summons.
The fuel supplier has had
the ship impounded.
So, the port authority is directing
us to the anchorage zone.
What's going to happen now?
I don't know. I'm trying to reach
the shipowner.
Some of the crew haven't been paid
for 4 months.
I'm not sure I can keep them here.
You're right, Kenan Reis.
This is going to take time.
According to regulations, at least
6 men have to stay on board.
One from the engine room,
one from the galley...
...two able seamen, one seaman
and one officer.
Everyone else is free to go.
One from the engine room,
one able seaman--
One from the galley.
I'll stay as the officer.
I can stay too if you want.
No, there's no need.
This is likely to drag on.
Are you going to decide who's staying?
After we anchor tomorrow,
gather the crew
and decide among yourselves.
I'll try to reach the company.
That's the situation.
Keep it to yourselves until
I announce it tomorrow.
Let's just hope for the best.
The same thing happened to me in 2002.
How long did it last?
We were anchored for 3 months.
Near India.
When did you get paid?
After 4 months, or a
total of 7 months.
We were stuck in Maputa for 6 months.
Holy crap.
6 months.
There's nothing to do but
hope for the best.
Why are we anchoring here?
Shouldn't we be sailing into port?
The cargo's probably not ready.
Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down,
'Twas sad as sad could be;
And we did speak only to break
The silence of the sea!
So here we stay.
Well we'll see if we made
the right choice or not.
We did the right thing.
Lay low and get paid, that's the motto.
The ship'll be sold in the end.
Well, it's just us now, boys.
Ismail will be my righthand man
from now on.
He'll be both 1st Officer and Reis.
He's also the ship's doctor.
Here's the key to the sickbay
and the medicine cabinet.
Keep it around your neck
and don't take it off.
This is still a ship. You're at work,
not on holiday.
All regulations still apply.
Come with me, Ismail.
When you're not working,
be in the rec room or your cabin.
Don't make me have to find you.
Come on, smail.
I'm going to watch TV in the rec room.
- Me too.
Wait up.
Little fucker.
Have a seat.
Why'd you stay, Ismail?
Excuse me, Beybaba?
Why'd you stay?
Either me or Kenan had to stay
as an able seaman.
He's been at sea for a long time.
So I stayed.
I see.
Ismail, we're in for a tough time.
We can't go ashore because the Port
Authority is holding our passports.
The shipowner won't be sending
any replacements.
So we might be stuck here
for a long time.
We're first in line to claim
what's owed us.
I know, Beybaba.
We'll get paid, no matter
how much the ship owner owes.
We stand to get our money first.
I know.
That's why the others chose
to stay, smail.
I know Nadir. He's a good kid.
He's got no place to live.
But I don't like the guy
with the black eye.
- Ah Cenk, and his sidekick.
- Alper. I don't like those two.
Keep an eye on them and
that big machinist.
- Yeah, Kurd.
They're the sort who
have nowhere else to go.
That Cenk's a bit dodgy.
He's been loafing the whole way.
We tried to keep it from you officers.
Did you get to know them?
Make friends with them.
They're druggies, aren't they?
Things have changed.
No more secrets.
I need you to be my eyes and ears
from now on.
We have to unite, all of us,
or things'll get rough for everyone.
Ellam valla.
What are they saying?
Kurd, can you understand?
Nice-looking, though, isn't she?
I want one of those.
Here you go.
Have you ever been to Afar?
Of course I have.
Afar is beautiful.
What luck! My second time at sea
and we're trapped on the ship.
Because of your bad luck,
we're stuck here, you dirty pig.
The chicks on shore are all
horny for us.
Make a list of everything in the storeroom
and how long it'll last us.
Kurd, go down to the
engine room and see... much fuel we're got and
how long it'll last us.
- Beybaba wants it by evening.
What about us?
- You're off duty.
- Really.
Make some tea, would you?
Go on!
- Offf...
Fuck you then!
Pst pst.
What are you doing?
- Making a list. You?
Nothing. I was this far
from learning Arabic.
I was bored, so I came
to hang out with you.
How's it going? You okay?
I guess so.
Good, good.
We have food, don't we?
Yes, but how much is enough?
We'll have the perishables first.
Nadir one small thing...
Would you maybe tell me where the Nutella is?
I hid the Nutella.
I'm not saying where it is.
You've gone too far, brother.
We have to make it last.
I just want a little bit.
Give me a little. I won't tell.
Just give me a little bit.
If you want to help,
take this to the kitchen.
Then I get some Nutella.
Get going.
I'll drop this off and then I'll
be back for my Nutella.
Just get lost...
God bless.
- Yes.
What's for dinner?
- Pide.
Shall I come?
- In 15 minutes.
- Pide in 15 minutes.
It is shower day. Get washed,
you filthy pig.
Oh, filth!
Come in, Nadir!
Is it that late?
Sure is, Beybaba.
What did you make?
Cheese pide.
- A lot of cheese was going off.
I brought some olives and
feta to go with your raki.
Nadir, pour yourself a drink.
Have a seat.
I've got some work below.
Just sit for a minute.
I'd feel awkard.
Sit down. I'm not going
to make you drink.
Nadir, you know I like you.
Thanks, Beybaba.
It's just us left on board.
And we'll be here a while.
I trust you to be my eyes and ears.
Keep an eye on the others.
Watch Cenk, Alper, Kurd...
and Ismail.
We have to be united.
Then we won't have problems.
You've got the most
important part in this.
Don't worry, Beybaba.
Yes, Beybaba.
Now if you'll excuse me.
Enjoy your meal.
Hey! You are really eating that slow.
What's the hurry?
I'm eating nice and slow.
Slow as my granny.
Well that was a zip.
How about we play cards?
Kurd, know how to play cards?
I'm talking to you, chatterbox.
How about a card game? Kings?
Nope, in other words.
Ismail? What about you?
I don't gamble.
It's not for money.
It's to kill time.
I don't gamble.
Praise the Lord.
Where's Nadir?
we still wouldn't make four.
Enjoy it.
I could call some Russians or
Persians on the radio.
Mayday. We need a fourth hand.
I'm not so hot at cards myself.
I'm surrounded by fools.
You know nothing about life.
You seem fed up.
Come with me.
I've got a treat for you.
What do you mean?
We'll see who the king is.
I've got some weed too.
A minx for a mix and kick for the kings, yeah!
What the fuck?
Four guys, about to fight.
This guy comes up, beet-red.
We're about to kick his face.
He goes, who told him what?
We're about to fight.
What'd he say?
Who told him what?
I tell him to piss off.
He says, fuck off.
The four of us start
whaling on him.
Who told him what?
Everyone starts running.
Guys! Guys!
What is it, brother Ismail?
Keep it down.
I can't sleep.
Sorry. We'll keep it down.
Ismail, could you give me
the key to the sickbay?
Enough! Get to bed.
I ask for the key and
he tells me to go to bed.
Don't laugh. It's serious.
Novalgine, Izopam!
Guys! Guys!
Yes, brother Izopam.
Sorry, Ismail. Sorry about that.
I said, go to bed.
You said, go to bed.
OK, we'll keep it down.
Go to bed. It's late.
Get to sleep.
What's your problem, Ismail?
Are you nuts? What's my problem?
Get to bed!
Don't yell.
We're going to bed.
So what if I yell? You kept me
up all fucking night.
Sorry about that, brother.
Wake up.
It's morning.
We've got work to do.
Meet me in the stern.
What's going on.
Come on guys!
The materials are over there.
Finish that area by evening.
Scrape the deck up to
the fire-hose cabinet.
Good luck!
What's this?
Some kind of power game?
You had to go and provoke him.
Are you thick? He's the one
who picked a fight.
Whatever. Get going.
We haven't had breakfast yet.
Fuck the scraping.
Cut it out. Get to work.
Have you ever done scraping?
We did it all day
on the Turan Bey.
Screw you, then.
I'll butter Ismail up.
Fuck Ismail. They're all this.
Give them...
...some power and you see
what they're made of.
He's on an ego trip.
He thinks he's the boss now.
I'll soften him up.
Hey Kurd. Give us a hand.
What a weirdo.
He's like a robot.
Fucking Robocop.
It's been 45 days. We're out of
provisions. We have to catch fish.
My men are constipated
from eating toasted bread.
I haven't been able to reach him
for a month.
The shipowner's disappeared.
His phone's switched off.
The shipowner owes the agent.
The agent says he can't buy plane tickets
let alone provisions.
I got some things from the agents...
...but they don't answer the phone now.
They're just waiting for us to
abandon ship. Then they'll take it over.
No, they won't let us go ashore.
They're afraid we'll run away.
The ITF says either you all jump ship
or there's no deal.
What should I do?
Abandon the ship?
You don't get it.
Listen, for God's sake.
No reception.
Is there a film we haven't watched?
We've watched all 5 of them.
There was the one
with the gardener and the woman.
We must have watched that 10 times.
Have you talked to Ismail?
I will at the right time.
At the right time? We're run dry, man.
You know what he's like. What can I do?
- What do you mean, what can you do, man?
You've been digging into my stash.
Off, Cenk!
- What? I guess you never got high on Laroxy.
Beybaba's orders, guys.
Swab the deck. There's an oil leak.
Back off, Ismail. Leave us alone.
What do you mean?
There's an oil leak.
Really, Ismail. Go off our backs.
It's Beybaba's orders.
Beybaba's orders?
Fuck Beybaba...
He can do it himself.
Watch your mouth.
I'm not doing it.
Enough of this crap.
How many days, we've had
no food, no nothing.
And we're still
working all the time.
Do you know what they'll do
if the oil leaks into the sea?
Who cares. Are you nuts?
Do you think you own the ship?
Ismail, can't you see nobody gives a fuck about us.
Why should you care?
We're still on the ship, not on holiday.
Stop spouting off Beybaba's lines.
Right, get up.
OK, I got up. Now what?
Are you the new Reis?
Stop showing off.
Screw your tough guy act.
Whoa, whoa.
Don't push me. Watch your mouth.
Don't talk to me like that.
Cut the crap, you sonuvabitch!
Hey, watch it.
- What did you say?
Get out, brother. Go on, step outside.
What did you say? Huh?
Ismail? What did you just say?
- Okay man, let it go.
OK, he's gone.
- Hang on a second.
Come here, calm down.
- Fuck! Let go off me!
Take it easy. Have a seat.
We'll watch that gardener film.
- Fuck the gardener, and fuck you!
OK, you'll fuck him, alright.
OK, calm down. Don't bother about him.
It's Beybaba's orders, not mine.
Then he gives me hell.
If we get fined for that oil,
we'll be stuck here for ages.
OK, you're right. But you're cursing him.
Just calm down.
Why's he so full of himself?
Is he the only one on board?
I'm begging you. Just calm down.
Come in.
I can't get Cenk to work, Beybaba.
What happened?
Crane no. 2 is leaking oil.
I wanted it cleaned up.
But I can't get them to.
Is it a bad leak?
No, it's not leaking much.
But you said to keep them busy.
It's OK. Don't push them too much.
But Cenk went for me, Beybaba.
- It happens. Don't push them.
How many days has it been?
I'm losing track.
Lay off for a few days,
till they calm down
But Cenk went for me, Beybaba.
- Mayna, Ismail. Mayna...
If the sea's rough and the
anchor chain keeps banging...
...the side, what do you do?
You let the chain loose.
Nice job winning him over.
What could I do?
You don't get it. We're out of shit.
Should we kill each other?
We need that key.
I'll handle it.
The hell you will.
The guy threatens me in front of everyone.
He calls me an SOB,
then the pussy runs away.
Then, I...
Did Nadir cut your hair?
- What?
Think I should cut my hair?
- I can't fucking hear you?
My hair. Should I get it trimmed?
- Your hair! Piss off.
Where was he going?
- What?
Where was he going?
- To do his prayers.
Don't say 'prayers' in the toilet.
Cenk cut it out.
Just go awy.
Do something about your hair
or do something
I'll smack you in the mouth.
Smack you with both hands.
Here we come, Nadir. What's for dinner?
- Rice.
We caught all that fish yesterday.
- That's tomorrow's dinner.
- Enjoy it.
Slide over.
So, you're learning to be a sailor
on a ship that's not moving.
What am I supposed to do?
Push the ship along?
You don't see many Kurdish sailors.
I haven't.
Hi. How's it going?
Not bad. Rolling along.
Just trying to cheer you up man.
What are you thinking about?
You know our language?
Do you speak Turkish?
Should we learn Kurdish?
You want salt, I'll hand you the shaker.
Ismail, what do you say?
I say, eat your dinner.
Ah, eat your dinner, you say.
That's right.
- You say one thing one minute...
...and another the next.
What am I supposed to do with you?
Ismail, do you think I'm an SOB?
Seriously. Am I a son of a bitch?
God help me.
What's the matter? You got sore?
Come here, Ismail. Let's have a talk.
Let's have a talk.
Drop it, Cenk. I've got things on my mind.
What are you doing?
What about you? Are you trying to bully me?
I'm not bullying you.
You're having a go at me.
I'm not having a go at you.
I'm just passing along Beybaba's orders.
Did he tell you to call everyone
a son of a bitch? Is that any way to talk?
Ismail, you crossed a line.
Are you screwing us for the shipowner's
captain? We're all on the same ship.
Night and day, all of us.
Now that Reis is gone, are in charge.
It is ok to screw us?
Watch your mouth.
You called me a SOB.
Now you are telling me to watch my...
Fuck you!
- Hang on.
Who are you trying to screw?
- Alright, stop it!
Cenk, calm down.
You're out of line.
Cool it.
- You're making a mistake, Ismail.
- Get over here.
You're making a mistake, Ismail.
OK, calm down.
OK, cool it, wait a second. Alright.
Are you ganging up now?
- Come back. It's OK.
Are you a gang now?
Let it go. Come back here.
Are you gang?
What happened?
- Where's Alper?
I don't know.
Are you OK?
I'm fine. Look, I'm not doing anything,
and they keep attacking me.
He keeps bugging me.
We all need to calm down.
He keeps harrassing me.
Cut me a break already.
Just drop it.
- What do you mean, drop it?
We need to talk.
- Fuck!
Do you hear me?
We need to talk.
Just spit it out.
Bring Alper. Let's meet downstairs.
It's important.
That's what I heard.
- When was that?
He was talking to the embassy
the other day.
Hang on. You're saying
the ITF is offering us tickets.
But the captain says no.
That's right.
The ITF says all of us, or none of us.
But the captain won't leave the ship.
- That motherfucker!
If we leave, do we still get paid?
Yes. The others got paid.
We'll get our money too.
Then why did we stay?
Don't you know why?
I expected to sit around and...
...still get fed and paid.
How much longer are we going
to stay here? It's been, what, 50 days?
Nobody's said anything.
Take it from me,
the guy is fucking with us.
He's getting his money
and keeping us prisoner.
That's not it.
The shipowner has disappeared.
Who says so? The captain!
I don't trust him.
The shipowner and the captain
are both fucking with us.
He wouldn't stay unless he was
getting paid. We should all just fuck off.
Let's go talk to him
and see what he has to say.
Are we slaves or what?
To hell with the shipowner.
He can sell the ship or whatever.
Did he ask my opinion
when he bought the ship?
OK, but it's late. He's asleep.
We can't talk right now.
Who cares if he's sleeping...
We'll wake him up.
Let's wait till morning.
We'll talk to him nice and calm.
Let's wake him up.
Cenk, wait till morning.
- Come on.
Guys, let's wait till morning.
We can't talk in the middle of the night.
Come on.
Wait till morning.
Wait, I'll knock.
- Go ahead.
Who is it?
- It's me, Beybaba.
What is it, Nadir?
- I need to talk to you.
Come in. It's not locked.
Anything wrong, Nadir?
You see, Beybaba--
- What, Nadir?
Beybaba, we--
- What is it at this hour?
- We wonder what's going on.
You wondering what's going on?
- Right.
You think you're in charge now?
Nothing like that.
We just wondered... much longer we'd be staying.
Go to your cabins.
Leave the wondering to me.
We've been here for 50 days--
Go to your cabins!
You misunderstand.
Our families are wondering.
We haven't been paid for a long time.
So we figured we'd ask you...
Let's say we're leaving.
- Go to your cabins for God's sake!
Is this a mutiny?
No, it's not like that. You misunderstand.
I never expected this from you, Nadir.
I treated you like a friend.
What kind of seaman are you?
We'll stay as long as we have to.
Have you talked to the ITF?
- And what if I did?
You're behind all this.
- What's going on here?
Keep out of it, Ismail!
- Who are you to tell him what to do?
Get out.
You misunderstood.
- Get out!
Beybaba, you got me wrong.
- Get out!
Ismail, we just came to talk.
- Get back to your cabins!
What are you trying to prove?
Let's get going guys.
Get going. That's right.
Kurd, Listen!
Why are you butting in?
I'll handle the bastard.
He's exploiting us.
Why are you interfering?
Keep out of it. He knows
exactly what's going on.
Stop interfering.
Yes, sir.
- What's that?
What's what, Beybaba?
The No. 2 crane's leaking oil.
What do you mean, yes?
We talked about this 10 days ago.
Then why didn't you have it cleaned up?
What's so funny?
You know, I told you about
my fight with Cenk.
And you said mayna, to let
things blow over, remember?
Let me understand it clearly.
You fought with Cenk.
And I told you to stop working?
- Have you lost it, Ismail?
But that's what happened.
- Are you crazy?
I told you not to work
because you fought with Cenk?
Why are you quiet?
I misunderstood, Beybaba.
Have it cleaned up right away.
- Yes, Beybaba.
I haven't seen Kurd all day.
Nadir, ask the old man
to open the slop chest.
There might be some booze or smokes.
He hasn't been to his cabin, either.
What's up, loverboys?
Fuck off, man!
Fuck off, huh?
The little runt turned into a big guy.
Come to the kitchen with me.
Go fetch Ismail, too.
Come on!
Come in. See what I made.
Is that sausage?
What the hell is that?
That's sausage, man!
Where'd you find it?
You had a stash somewhere?
What are you talking about?
You know how fat the cook was.
That's seaman's lesson numero 12.
Fat cooks always have extra food
stashed away. Follow the fat guy.
I love the fat guy, brother.
That sneaky bastard. Why didn't I find it?
Wait a second. Take this to Beybaba.
Don't say I sent it.
Tell him it came from the next table over.
Have him eat it up.
- Fine.
Where's Ismail?
- I don't know. I'll call him now.
Don't finish it all.
- OK
Run run run.
How is it?
- Bombastic!
Your cheeks got all rosy.
Go on, make some tea.
You're the best, bro.
- Thanks, now make that tea.
Just one more piece.
- Come on, make tea.
I cooked all this sausage.
The guys will also eat, slow down.
I'm hungry!
- I know that, you beast.
Let go of me.
- Go make that tea.
Go ahead and make that tea.
Don't you have a glass? Bastard.
Look! I'm not eating. I'm waiting.
Did you see the fish I caught?
- Screw your fish.
We're turning into fish,
we eat so much of it.
Come in.
Hello, Beybaba.
What's going on, Nadir?
- I figured you were worn out.
Enjoy it.
What's this, Nadir?
- Sausage, Beybaba.
Sausage? Did we have any on board?
Seems we did, Beybaba.
What do you mean, seems?
Didn't I ask for a list?
Yes, but Cook Arif had a stash.
Cenk found it.
Cenk found it?
What was he doing in the galley?
I was handing out tea on deck
and he went in.
What's Cenk doing in the galley?
You're the cook, aren't you?
Cenk goes into your kitchen and
you know nothing about it.
He finds some sausage you know
nothing about and lays on a feast.
And you come here with sausage.
To hell with your sausage!
You sons of bitches!
So he sells this pill and freaks out...
Come here, Ismail.
There's sausage.
Slow down.
Nadir hasn't eaten.
Fuck you and your sausage!
Who in the hell asked you?!
You think you're the cook?
I want everyone on deck.
Ismail, I want everyone including
that bastard Nadir on deck at once.
Fuck the whole lot of you.
Everyone, go to the deck.
Holy shit! Are you Okay?
Where's Kurd?
- I can't find him.
What do you mean you can't find him?
Where's Kurd?
I looked everywhere.
There's no sign of him, Beybaba.
You're in charge of only 4 people.
Where's Kurd?
He's nowhere to be seen, Beybaba.
Beybaba... Enough! Shut up!
Never in my life... This is a ship!
The better I treat you,
the more you take advantage.
One of you waltzes into the galley.
The other doesn't know,
his ass from a hole in the ground.
Fuck the lot of you!
Straighten yourselves out.
Ismail tells me you're worn out.
He says not to overwork you.
Am I making you work?!
Look at this deck!
When was it last scraped?
The tools have been
sitting here since last week.
And I'm overworking you, huh?
I treat you well and
this is how you take advantage.
There's no chain of command
left on this ship.
What business do you have
down in the galley? Asshole!
Are you a seaman, or a pleasure pimp?
Why are you laughing?
Where were you while this pimp
was rooting through your galley?
What about you, Ismail?
Where's Kurd?
Fuck the lot of you.
I'll show you who's boss.
You're going to work.
All of you are going to work.
I treated you well and you fucked me over.
Now I want you to scrape...
...the deck until dawn. That's the
only way you faggots will learn.
Find Kurd and bring him to me.
I'm not done with him either.
Now get to work everyone!
Come here.
Come here!
Take it.
Take it!
Now put it in it's place.
Now get to work everyone.
I thought he couldn't do anything to you.
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Leave people alone.
Leave me alone.
Ismail, I'm suffocating.
Give me the key so I can open the cabinet.
I need to relax.
Why are we doing this?
Give me the keys. I'm suffocating.
Let me open the cabinet.
Nothing. Not a sign of him.
I looked everywhere.
Nadir? What are we doing?
We haven't talked for days.
We're hungry, thirsty.
Kurd's not on this ship.
- Nope. We looked everywhere.
We've looked everywhere.
Did he go ashore?
Where did he go?
I saw Cenk and Kurd arguing on deck.
- When?
After we went up to Beybaba's cabin.
- And?
- Yes?
I saw Kurd's ghost.
You saw Kurd's ghost?
It was in front of my cabin.
I went out and it disappeared.
It was wet. So was the floor.
Are you OK, buddy?
- I swear it!
That means he's not dead.
He's still on board.
Look Nadir, my friend, we're not...
None of us...
None of us is thinking straight. OK?
Let's get Cenk and Ismail,
and sit and talk.
Let's go talk to Beybaba.
We can't go on like this.
Did you tell Beybaba
I stashed away some foood?
Did you tell him?
When did you see me do it?
I didn't do it.
- Do you think I would?
I never said anything.
Would I do something like that?
Did you see me do it?
There's nothing like that.
Are you crazy? I didn't say a thing.
You went and told Beybaba that.
I swear I didn't. You don't get it.
Beybaba is trying to turn us
against each other.
Let's get everyone and--
My head's splitting.
Calm down. Look.
Let's get Cenk and Ismail
and all sit down for a talk.
Do you think I'd do that?
Don't you trust me?
He's trying to turn us against each other.
Goddamn that bastard.
But it won't work.
Come along to the galley. OK?
Nice and calm.
Come on, brother.
Let's go to the galley. OK?
I swear I didn't say a thing.
Where's Cenk?
- He's coming.
What's up, guys?
- We're going to talk.
We're all losing it.
We need to get a grip.
Let's talk to Beybaba. Let's see
what he says. Nobody has a clue.
What are we waiting for?
Why don't we apply to the ITF?
How many months have passed?
We're out of food, we're low on water.
What are we waiting for?
Shall we all just die?
What do you say?
What'll Cenk say?
He's turning into a maniac.
Cool it, Ismail.
We're trying to have a talk.
What are you looking at? Huh?
Stop it, for God's sake!
So that's what you're like
when others are watching.
Cenk, Ismail... Ismail!
If the ITF handles this
will we still get paid?
Ismail, you should talk to Beybaba.
You're the Reis, after all.
What are you looking at?
That's enough, Cenk. Stop it.
Cenk, take this saltshaker...
...and put it in its place.
Ismail, we're here to talk.
Do you want us to kill each other?
Nice. He's aping the old guy
using a saltshaker. Good one.
Calm down, Ismail.
- Why's he staring at me?
- What are you looking at?
I'm locked on you.
I'm going to let you have it.
Easy, Cenk.
Fuck off!
- Fuck you!
Calm down.
Take it easy.
What the fuck!
Easy for fuck's sake.
Stay back here.
Hang on a second.
I won't go for you in the deckhead.
I'll do it when nobody is around,
just like a SOB.
I'll bust your head from behind.
When you least expect it.
You called me son of a bitch, right?
Stop it, will you?!
Calm down!
You called me an SOB.
I'll get you when you...
...least expect it.
Like a son of a bitch.
Man, wait a minute.
- Alright, alright, calm down!
Easy man, easy. Give me a second!
You called me an SOB.
Well, I'm going to get you
like a son of a bitch.
Go ahead and try or I'll fuck you up good.
Cut it out guys.
You know that key you have.
I'll stick it up you ass.
Look here, you fucker.
I'll shove that key up your ass.
We're not getting anywhere
attacking each other.
Fuck you. I'm hungry.
I'll do what I want.
What are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
Bunch of arse lickers, nobody helped me
when I stood up to that asshole.
You want a piece of me? Ha?
- Easy brother easy.
You want a piece of me?
Come here, fucker!
Are you fucking
threatening me?
Where's Kurd, huh? Where is he?
- Stop it, stop!
Just tell me where he is!
- Stop it for fuck's sake.
Stop it! Can't we just talk
for a couple minutes!
Talk. You know
what that means?
Come on now.
Calm down. Calm down.
- Don't act like a psycho, ok?
You dickhead.
You fucking dickhead.
Why do you think
we're here on this fucking ship?
Why are we still here,
you morons?
Why don't we leave the ship?
The ones who got paid,
with contacts, they all scrammed.
Maybe they know the shipowner and got
paid months ago. Why are we still here?
The old guys gets his paychecks.
That's why he stayed here.
That's why he's fucking us over.
Why? For the shipowner.
Where's the shipowner?
He's done a runner.
He's living it up somewhere.
We're all left here.
We're the ship's bilge.
The shipowner ate us up,
digested us, and shit us out.
Now we're the ship's bilge.
So now you bully me. That old fucker...
Hey, Beybaba the fucker.
Come out of your cabin. I'll fuck you good.
Come down here.
He'll come out of his cabin!
I'm the only one who stood up to that guy.
You're a bunch of pussies.
I'm the one who talked back to him.
Why are we still here?
You know what the ITF said?
Well, do you know?!
They said they'd take us all or
none of us. What did your old boy say?
The old man said he wouldn't abandon
his ship. That's just what he said.
He's protecting the shipowner and taking
his money. We're here so he gets paid.
But you pick a fight with me. I'm going
to fuck you good. That's another story.
Cenk! Enough!
There is no ship owner!
Can't you see that, idiot?
Do you get it now? That's why
we talked to Beybaba that night.
I'll fuck your Beybaba good
as soon as he leaves his cabin.
See how you manage without Kurd.
See what happens when Kurd
doesn't hold me back.
You'll see what fucking happens.
That's when I'll get you.
What are you doing?
Come here...
Keep calm!
Fuck being calm! We'll be here forever
if it's up to you.
Are we still here? Yeah!
I'll get that key and fuck that captain.
I'll fuck that captain!
Like one that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And having once turned around walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.
In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God
Oh God!
Oh God!
In the name of God
Nadir, get up!
What happened, Ismail?
He's here.
Who's here?
Kurd. His ghost's on the ship.
He's here, he's here.
I swear to God. He's here. Kurd's ghost.
Kurd's ghost is on the ship.
Nadir, come see. Look, look.
Just like you said. Wet footprints. Look!
It's wet everywhere.
Wet, wet, everywhere.
And then I went... I went to the showers.
Nadir, I went to the showers.
I came here. I heard a clinking sound.
I turned and looked.
It was Kurd. Here! Kurd's ghost is here.
Let's go look for him.
Come up on deck with me.
Nadir, Nadir! Kurd's ghost is here!
Nadir, Kurd's ghost is on the ship!
Nadir, Kurd's ghost is here!
Kurd's ghost is on the ship!
Holy crap...
For fuck's sake! Cenk! Cenk!
No, no! Nadir, run! Nadir!
Ismail, Wake up for fuck's sake!
Nadir, Nadir! Come on, Nadir! Get up!
Cenk! What the fuck, Cenk?
What have you done, Cenk?
Where are you, you bastard? Come out.
Cenk. Where the fuck are you?
Where are you, you asshole?
Cenk, where were you?
What the fuck have you done?
What the fuck have you done?
What did I do now?
They're dying, you idiot. They're dying.
It'll be fine.
Fuck you, faggot. Why'd you slash Nadir?
What Nadir?
Give me the keys. They're dying.
There's no key. I opened the place up.
It's all ours now.
See, I opened it up.
Is the door open?
Let go of me.
- They're fucking dying, you psycho.
Why did you cut Nadir? Why?!
Come out!
Where the fuck are you? Come out.
Come out, don't you hear me?
Come out! What the fuck is this?
Where are you? People are dying.
Fuck you!
Where the fuck are you?
Come on out!
Hear me!
He's badly hurt. He got whacked
on the head with an iron bar.
They're thretening me too.
What should I do? Kill the guy?
Am I supposed to get his blood on my hands?
I'm at my wit's end. So are they.
Please help us.
Do you want me to become a murderer?
Ismail. Ismail. Wake up!
What happened?
Who did this to me?
It was those two, right?
Never mind that. Alper called
for Beybaba all night long.
The guy didn't even step out of his cabin.
He doesn't give a fuck about us.
We need to talk.
We need to go. Understand?
Do you have the keys to Beybaba's cabin?
The surface of the sea foams...
...hey my dear rinnan nay rinna rinna nay.
And if I would get on a rowboat she would carry me away,
...hey my dear hey.
My coming to this earth,
...hey my dear rinnan nay rinna rinna nay.
Is because of a beauty,
...hey my dear hey.
The sea surface sail,
...hey my dear rinnan nay rinna rinna nay.
Made my time come so soon,
...hey my dear hey.
In the middle of the sea,
...hey my dear rinnan nay rinna rinna nay.
A candle burning on her table,
...hey my dear hey.
And my leaving this earth,
...hey my dear rinnan nay rinna rinna nay.
Will be because of my longing for a home...