Sasame-yuki (The Makioka Sisters) (1983)

IT WAS 1938...
Oh, that money.
Didn't you say anything about it?
- It won't work.
- Why?
She said it's your dowry.
Your sister said it's not
to be used for anything else.
But it's my money.
Can't you say something to her,
She's got your money too.
Do you know how much it is, Taeko?
No, do you?
Me neither.
How much our late father
left with Tsuruko
for your dowries...
I've never even thought about it.
Right, dear?
What are you looking at?
I'm impressed by the way Yukiko eats.
With her mouth open like an O.
She eats so skillfully.
Don't be silly.
You see it every day.
I was wondering
why you were watching my mouth.
One of my customers told me
a geisha is always careful
not to wet her painted lips.
She must take in the food
without letting it touch her lips.
She begins practice when young
with koya tofu.
Because it's the most moist tofu,
if she can eat that
without losing her lipstick,
she's set.
you're a man of great knowledge.
I like to study.
Study, huh?
Anyway, about the money...
Yukiko and Taeko live with us now,
but Tsuruko is their guardian,
so we don't know anything.
It's really not our business.
By the way...
about Yukiko's marriage...
what did Tsuruko say
yesterday on the phone?
She'd rather tell us in person,
since she's coming today anyway.
Yukiko's potential groom, Mr. Segoshi,
works at MB Chemicals, doesn't he?
He's 41 and he hasn't married yet?
According to the go-between,
Mrs. Itani,
he was holding out
for a beautiful woman.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Here I am.
Tsuruko, you're late.
The train was crowded.
Hello, everyone.
- Hello.
Too bad it's raining,
since you came all this way.
Please, join us.
Seeing the blossoms
in the rain has its own charm.
Raining or not,
I'm not satisfied
until I see the cherry blossoms
in Kyoto.
She's so picky.
Cherry blossoms in Kyoto,
red snapper from Akashi.
Viewing the blossoms in Kyoto
was Sachiko's idea.
Is that my seat?
It's become an annual event
for us sisters.
I thought Tatsuo
would come this year.
Flowers mean nothing to my husband.
He wanted to stay at home
with the kids.
Where's little Etsuko?
She has a sore throat.
I left her with Oharu.
That girl is so fragile.
Are you sure you're not spoiling
your only child?
I have so many children.
By the time I figure out
who's coughing, they've stopped.
These appetizers look delicious.
We were just talking
about Yukiko's marriage.
On that subject,
the go-between said
Mr. Segoshi's mother was ailing.
But that's not quite true.
She's mentally ill.
Excuse me.
Please enjoy.
Shall I start bringing in
the main dishes?
Yes, please.
I wasn't quite satisfied
with the detective agency's report,
so I hired someone
to investigate in his hometown.
That's what we found out.
I know you're always trying
to set her up.
Tatsuo and I realize
times have changed,
so we won't harp
on the Makioka family prestige,
but this is different.
Yukiko, you must be disappointed,
but that's just how it is.
Please forget about him.
About the money...
- I heard.
My dolls are selling well.
I have more pupils.
I'd like to start a doll-making class.
I heard that too,
but why should a Makioka
be a working girl?
You just said prestige didn't matter.
That's different.
This way I wouldn't be depending
on the family forever.
It's your money.
I'm not saying
I won't give it to you.
But Father gave us strict instructions
that it was for your marriage.
Right, Sachiko?
Using the money
to help Taeko's future
doesn't go against Father's wishes.
That's the difference in perspective
when you're the head of the family.
Forget all that.
I'm just speaking as an older sister.
You're so thoughtful.
Thank you.
As the eldest,
I have to think
about the entire Makioka family.
Then don't worry so much
about appearances.
You're angry
I rejected Yukiko's suitor.
I'm sorry I didn't have
a complete investigation done,
but you always break off
the arrangements at the last minute.
This time, it's been
more than a month
since their arranged meeting.
There's nothing wrong
with being cautious.
If you're so concerned,
rather than us do the looking,
why don't you find her a nice groom?
The head of the family
shouldn't be involved like that.
Not that again.
You're obsessed with your position.
I am not.
- You are.
- I'm not.
Let's not argue anymore.
The rain stopped.
Let's enjoy the blossoms.
that's what we've come for today.
shall we order some beer?
Good idea.
Executive Producers
Based on the Story by
Screenplay by
JUZO ITAMI as Tatsuo
KOJI ISHIZAKA as Teinosuke
and KEIKO KISHI as Tsuruko
Directed by
Taeko, can you help me?
You're tickling me!
Is Yukiko ready?
You should come too.
I have no time for concerts.
I'm too busy.
With the exhibition of your dolls?
I need a shot of vitamin B.
Can you prepare the syringe?
Is anyone there?
Is Oharu there?
Madam needs a shot.
I heard you came home
very late last night.
It was past 3:00 a.m.
So Oharu told you.
I gave you permission
to hold your workshop in town.
Don't forget your promise
not to sleep there.
I came home, didn't I?
And the taxi was very expensive.
I've heard you keep
Yukiko and me here
because you like our help.
Did Tsuruko say that?
Don't touch that
with your dirty hands.
Of course, with Yukiko here,
I don't always have to be
looking after Etsuko.
But that's only
until she gets married.
Why does Tsuruko interfere
in our lives so much?
You know why.
She doesn't like you being here.
Ready so quickly? That was fast.
A messenger came from Tsuruko.
Oh, I forgot.
She called yesterday.
She said she was sending
your monthly allowance with her maid
because you took too long
to pick it up yourselves.
So what?
I feel like she takes it out on me.
I'm the one who ends up
apologizing every time.
What's wrong
with having them send it?
It's just not done.
Well, don't just stand there.
Ask her to come in.
Where was I?
Get me the obi cord.
Come in, Ohisa.
It's been a long time.
- Thank you for coming by.
- Oh, no.
Just a moment.
I'll write a receipt.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you.
These customs are so complicated.
Would you like your shot here?
It's almost time
to pick Etsuko up at school, Oharu.
Oshino is going today.
I have to be going too.
I'm home.
Welcome home.
You're late.
We're back.
Where are you going, Auntie?
To a concert.
I'll be back before dark.
I'll get you the rice cooker toy
that I promised you.
Be good while we're gone.
- Promise?
- I promise to bring the toy.
No, promise you'll be back before dark.
Has Auntie ever broken a promise?
- Etsuko, wash your hands.
- AlI right.
Yukiko's left a mess again.
Etsuko is home.
I wanted to leave
before she got back.
Yukiko, give me the vitamin shot.
My legs are numb
from lack of vitamin B.
after the concert,
I'm coming straight home.
What are you saying?
I told you already.
Teinosuke got you these tickets
to cheer you up.
We'll have dinner
at Kitcho afterwards.
He's arranged it all for you.
I'm not depressed
about what happened.
He's leaving the department store
early to join us.
Although it seems kimono department
managers have nothing to do these days.
That's good.
I don't like being busy.
I hate to be rushed.
Shoot it from another angle.
Your dolls seem alive.
Is that so?
Their originality is unrivaled.
No, Itakura.
More from the side.
It's my first exhibition.
It has to be successful.
Oh, it's you.
You're here?
Hello, Mr. Okuhata.
What are you doing?
I'm taking pictures of Miss Taeko's dolls
for an exhibition booklet.
You can do that?
Each doll is a small work of art.
Flatterer! Do a good job.
He's not an Okuhata employee anymore.
Don't boss him around.
That's all right.
I quit his jewelry shop
for selfish reasons,
but he still helps me in this job.
Of course.
I introduced you to her too.
I told you
not to come by here too much.
I know,
but I've come to invite you
to the Peking Restaurant in Kobe.
That expensive place?
I won big at the horse races.
I feel like spending some money.
I'll take you too.
No, thank you.
I'd probably be too nervous
to swallow in a fancy place like that.
You're probably right.
Taeko, that diamond ring
looks great on you.
Really? I really like it.
I'm glad to hear that.
Where's the exhibition?
I'll buy the biggest piece.
Koigawa Gallery.
Sachiko paid for it.
Since both your sisters' husbands
married into the family,
the Makioka sisters
hold the purse strings.
My sisters are usually stingy,
but sometimes they can be generous.
I envy you.
You have so many places
you can stay.
You're so simpleminded, Okuhata.
I live with one sister or the other
and have no real home.
Did you get the letter?
Yes, a joint memorial service.
Yes, the 23rd anniversary of
Mother's death, the 17th of Father's.
Father's is two years early,
but we moved it up.
The service will be for both of them.
You don't approve, Auntie?
What a ruckus!
Just a moment, please.
Tell the children to be quiet upstairs.
Wait. Could you make sure
the flame is out over there?
I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Auntie.
It was Tatsuo's idea.
No, he didn't mean
to belittle the service.
But in this time of war,
he wanted to do it modestly.
We shouldn't have decided
without asking you.
I'm sorry.
Hi. You're back early.
I've got a suitor.
For Yukiko?
Who else?
You have a cold?
- Just a precaution.
You nagged me to ask around,
and one of my superiors came through.
The son of the head of one of our banks.
Thirty-two years old.
Never been married.
I've heard he's very nice.
- Sounds good.
Oh, before I forget.
Mustn't waste.
Aunt Tominaga called from Wakayama.
About the service?
We mustn't spend so much
on a memorial service.
Old-fashioned people are troublesome.
Anyway, about this suitor -
my superior is very eager
to call him to Osaka.
He's already making plans
as to where they should meet.
How do we convince Yukiko to go?
She never says
what she thinks of marriage.
She looks gentle,
but she's very stubborn.
We saw that five years ago.
I hope we can make this happen.
I should hope so.
It's my superior's recommendation.
That's not the only reason.
Please forgive the unexpected visit.
Please accept
what I just told you.
What we did five years ago was rash,
and I regret it.
But it wasn't a fling.
We were forced to part back then,
and we promised to wait
until you approved of us.
I wasn't sure
who I should talk to about this.
Taeko said you were
the most understanding
and her biggest supporter.
So you want my permission
to marry her?
We won't marry right away.
Miss Yukiko has to get married first.
We'll marry after that.
My family now knows
that our love is real.
Please trust us.
If you could convince
your whole family when the day comes,
we'd be grateful.
Do you see Taeko often?
I'm working hard in the family business,
so not too often.
This is all so sudden.
For now,
I can only hear you out.
That's fine.
Now that I've told you everything,
I feel relieved.
I bought some leeks.
How many times have I told you?
Buy the ones with dirt still on them,
or they'll spoil quickly.
What a waste!
I'm sorry.
- I'm home.
- Taeko!
Don't go in your room.
- Why?
I need to talk to you.
What is it?
Okuhata came by earlier.
You've still been seeing him?
I was shocked.
I think I know what he came
to talk to you about.
Listen, you -
What is it?
- Should I return the leeks?
Forget about that.
I wasn't hiding anything.
It wasn't a big deal.
This is serious!
I'm being serious!
I know he's a typical spoiled rich kid,
nothing special.
Even if I married him,
he couldn't support me.
That's why I need to succeed
as a doll maker.
You want to marry him?
I haven't decided yet.
You're both so selfish!
You and Yukiko.
What are you thinking?
"Two lovers attempted to elope
and were caught by the police.
Booked at the Tenma police station
was Keizaburo Okuhata, age 20,
son of the owners
of the Okuhata jewelry shop,
and Yukiko Makioka, age 19..."
you're wearing this obi sash?
This is the one you wore to see
the sixth master's Kabuki performance.
That's right.
Every time you took a breath,
this obi would squeak.
It's not good at an arranged meeting
for a marriage.
No, it's not.
What shall I wear?
I'll pick one out.
This meeting with a suitor
for Yukiko is a bit rushed.
Did you arrange this today
because of what I said?
You must've gone
out of your way to find him.
Tatsuo's superior at
the bank suggested it.
Wear this one.
Will it fit?
Yes, and it matches well.
How did you talk Yukiko
into attending?
I'm grateful.
Don't mention it.
She really wants to marry.
I asked a while back whether
she would marry someone with a child.
If so,
she'd like the child to be
a pretty girl, she said.
She loves to care for children.
She said that
if the groom is over 40,
you already know
how far he'll climb in life,
and you risk being widowed.
Even if he's not rich,
he has to have enough money
to support her in her old age.
She's smart.
How about this obi cord?
How was Taeko's doll show?
Quite impressive.
I hear the Okuhata boy was there.
Well, yes.
I wanted to speak to you about that.
I just don't want him to do anything
to spoil Yukiko's marriage.
Oh, no!
This obi is no good either.
- Why?
Listen carefully.
This one squeaks too.
You're right.
What is it?
Would you like your silk sandals?
I already told you I would.
I have to hurry.
Should I give up on the maru-obi?
I don't think so.
Is Yukiko ready?
Tatsuo was helping her earlier.
Did you know?
Yukiko doesn't mind
if a man watches her get ready.
That's surprising.
She's normally so shy.
She's like that in your house?
You look lovely.
You take after your mother the most.
Miss Tsuruko and Miss Sachiko
take after your father.
You and Miss Taeko
look like your mother.
But each of you is a little different.
We don't all need to look the same.
We're sisters,
but we're different people too.
Where's my husband?
He went to the front hall.
Go call him.
Those festive patterns
really look good on her.
Very elegant.
Your obi doesn't squeak?
What do you mean?
The maru-obi all squeak.
I'm sweating from trying on so many.
Silly, I'm the tired one.
That was a new obi.
The older, softer ones don't squeak.
It's raining.
I'd have worn a suit
if I'd have known. Oh, well.
I'll lend you a raincoat.
What color?
The car's waiting.
There's no time. You're fine.
Ohisa, bring the umbrellas.
Hurry, Yukiko. Let's go.
It's a steady rain,
but it won't last long.
Thank you for arranging this.
I leave it in your hands.
I hope this time it works out.
I know you're hoping the same.
How long has it been
since the meeting?
Making them wait four or five days
and then saying no!
It's outrageous.
It's terrible how Sachiko indulges
Yukiko's selfish ways.
She said she'd be lonely
so far away in Toyohashi.
She knew he was from there
from the start!
She felt she'd lose respect
for him down the line.
How can she know what will happen?
That's true. How can she?
She can't.
That's why I didn't want to arrange
a marriage proposal for her,
but you...
You were eager to make this happen.
My superior asked me to.
The suitor was very eager,
so my superior has completely lost face.
I could lose my job.
If I were the malicious type,
I might even think
Yukiko did this on purpose
to get back at her brother-in-law.
What are you reading?
You have such pretty nails.
This book is funny.
I heard you want to go to Paris.
It's the best place
to study doll making.
Where's Sachiko?
Welcome home.
She's upstairs.
Teinosuke comes home early
these days.
Good for him
if he gets paid for doing nothing.
Give me your foot.
You're back.
Tsuruko just called.
She was very angry.
If Yukiko refuses, what can we do?
Tsuruko blames us.
She should know by now
that it isn't that simple.
Her pride has been hurt.
I checked on the Okuhata boy.
I spoke with friends.
Taeko is right about him.
Okuhata can't even support himself.
His liquor bills get bigger
by the month.
I was hoping to at least
get Taeko fixed up.
This is no good.
We'll figure something out.
We shouldn't have let both of them
stay with us all this time.
You want them to go to Tsuruko's?
Are you against it?
It's not that.
You and I both know they don't want
to go back there.
You're enjoying having them here,
aren't you?
So are you.
You get to feel superior to Tsuruko
while they're here.
What's wrong?
What were you doing the other day?
With Yukiko, in her room...
Oh, that.
I was helping her get dressed.
Professional habit.
Why do you have to do that?
She's my sister-in-law.
Who would...
You're not related by blood!
This is ridiculous!
Why are you the one to get angry?
Of course I'm angry.
I can't take it anymore.
I want them both to leave.
Sachiko, what are you saying?
Calm down.
Believe me.
I listened to them
and took them in without thinking.
It's not your fault.
They've been distant from Tsuruko...
ever since that incident
five years ago.
They didn't retract the article.
They mention Taeko's name this time.
Read it!
Calm down, Yukiko.
Tatsuo is angry too. He's going
to protest to the publishers again.
I'm on my way.
Did you ask them
to retract the article?
Of course.
This involves me.
Why didn't you tell me first?
Because saving your honor
meant harming Taeko's.
I wanted to take sole responsibility
and keep you two from fighting.
The newspaper shouldn't have
written it up in the first place.
Have Ohisa send for the car.
Two young people
get a little excited and leave home,
and the newspaper makes
a big deal of it, saying they eloped.
This isn't like you, Taeko.
Don't dwell on this.
You and Yukiko live here.
Make up with your brother-in-law.
Let's go.
They made such a scandal out of it.
Even mistakenly printing
Yukiko's name when it was Taeko.
When we asked them
to retract the article,
they reprinted it with Taeko's name.
Instead of us going to them,
the newspaper should come
apologize to us.
I knew that a retraction
only meant they'd bury it deeper
in the paper and in smaller print,
but we had to set the record straight.
It had the opposite effect.
We should have ignored it.
You're innocent in this matter.
I can't let you take the blame.
They made a mistake.
I was unlucky.
Just because you don't mind -
Besides, an article like that
can't hurt me.
Why didn't you think about Taeko?
What she did was wrong.
It's her fault.
What about me?
They didn't say anything.
Tatsuo wanted to impress Yukiko
by fighting the paper.
Whatever happens,
you and Yukiko are family to him.
He sacrificed me.
He didn't mean to.
This all happened
because he's so cheap.
What do you mean?
It was a small paper.
He could have taken measures
to suppress the article.
This world is not that simple.
They're young people.
They make mistakes.
It's our fault
for not seeing it coming.
What if Taeko rebels and goes wild?
Listen to all of you!
Why are you scaring Tatsuo like that?
If you don't like his solution,
I'll go to the publishers.
- We didn't mean that.
- I'll go to court myself.
Dear, come here.
What is it?
Tsuruko says she's going
to the publisher herself.
When there's trouble,
first she goes into shock,
then she gets excited.
Finally, she doesn't know
what she's doing anymore.
You see? Look!
Tsuruko, calm down.
You don't have to go.
I'm responsible too.
If someone else goes,
they'll see we're serious.
I'm not asking you to go.
I'm just saying
that Tatsuo should have a heart.
I have compassion.
Excuse me.
The car is here.
Be quiet! Go away!
Tsuruko, please wait a moment.
We don't need a bigger scandal.
If we let it go,
the world will forget.
I did the right thing
as a man of the Makioka family.
Tatsuo only chooses
the safest option for himself.
He's always been that way.
- What are you saying?
Are you still upset
that I sold your father's shop
and moved the family here?
- That too.
- That too?
How can you talk like that?
We had no other choice!
I had to fight all your objections.
That's enough, Tatsuo.
No, let me finish,
now that it's come up.
When I took over
the Makioka business,
we were in debt.
You all know that.
The debts were due to changing times,
but your father was also
a heavy spender.
Just before he died,
we cut back in size,
but it was too late.
You call me a weakling and a coward,
but if we had kept the shop,
you'd be bankrupt right now!
If my late father is watching us,
is he happy you sold the shop?
I imagine he's thankful.
A historic family business
was replaced by a concrete building,
but Tatsuo doesn't care.
You're all living in the past.
You've been a banker all your life.
You didn't grow up where we did.
That's right.
I was an office worker's son.
I knew nothing about your business,
but I had to take over.
Imagine how hard that was.
- You think you alone had it hard?
- Yes, I do.
I had to take care of my sisters
after our mother died.
I did it because it was
my responsibility as a son-in-law.
Who made it possible
to live the way you do now?
Is this how you've felt all along?
Felt what?
What you just said.
Yes, that's how I've felt.
I don't want to be between you
and my sisters anymore.
If I don't do these things, who will?
Like this article.
It's not just the article!
Stop! Why do we have
to quarrel over this?
Sachiko, calm down.
As for you...
I'm through with you!
Is that right?
If that's how you feel, I'm leaving.
I never wanted
to marry into this family.
- Tatsuo, what are you saying?
- Leave me alone.
Do as he says.
If you don't compromise,
you can't solve anything.
Let's go upstairs.
Don't go anywhere.
I'll be back.
Come, Sachiko.
I have a place to go.
Is there someone else?
- Like who?
- Another woman.
Of course there's no other woman!
- But...
- No, no.
You said you were going to leave.
Well, I'm not.
I was lying.
Everybody lies sometime.
I went too far.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
I'll always care for
and protect the Makioka sisters.
You care for all of us?
I care for you the most.
Will they make up?
It won't be easy.
I don't want to stay here anymore!
Let me live with you.
What are you saying?
What should we do?
Yukiko, what do you want to do?
We can support
both of them, can't we?
Of course, Tsuruko wouldn't
stop supporting them altogether.
I've never seen that ring before.
Did you buy it?
Of course.
You had a new brooch too.
Did you buy that too?
My dolls are selling well.
If you need a loan, just ask me.
That camel-hair coat
you had made last winter...
did you buy that too?
I sold two of my nicest kimonos
to buy that.
I told you that.
Yukiko, what are you trying to say?
Are you making Okuhata
buy these things for you?
That's ridiculous.
He has no money.
If you two are getting married,
it's none of my business.
Are you saying that
because of that time he came here?
I told him not to do that again.
You said he has no money.
If that's so, you'll have to support him
and stand behind him no matter what.
You're my older sister.
I can't get married before you.
Even five years ago,
we did what we did
because we couldn't wait.
Itakura, you're so good.
It's the subjects,
not the pictures.
They're all putting on a pose.
Sachiko looks even better in pictures.
You took a picture of Oharu too?
Please take them home.
It was kind of you...
to let me come visit
your home in Ashiya.
I want to thank you.
Don't be so humble.
Visit our home with pride.
How do you feel about me?
I told you I love you.
You mean it?
What about Mr. Okuhata?
My sisters are worried
about the type of person he is.
He's yesterday's model.
I have to be more practical.
You look sturdy.
I am.
You can deal with hardship.
But Miss Yukiko
has to get married first.
She's meeting another suitor today.
Really? Again?
What did Tsuruko say
about this meeting?
She said it's up to Yukiko.
It's definitely in Kobe, right?
The go-between, Mrs. Jinba,
called me this morning.
It's strange to suddenly
change the location.
She was always inconsiderate
like that, even in school.
I've been waiting for you.
I couldn't reach you at home.
- I'm in a hurry.
- Wait.
I hear Itakura is
your new boyfriend.
It's none of your business.
I introduced him to you.
I'm responsible.
I don't know how he led you on,
but don't let him fool you.
Fool me?
He's from a poor family
you don't know anything about.
He's after something.
Got any cigarettes?
I can't afford them right now.
Keep them.
Really? Thanks.
I'm playing the stock market now.
If it goes well,
I'll pay your way to Paris.
I'll look forward to it.
Let go!
- I'm sorry we're late.
- No, no.
Miss Yukiko, it's been a while.
why don't you introduce us all?
Hello. I'm Sentaro Jinba.
You've been very good to my wife.
The pleasure is all ours.
I'm Makioka.
I'm sorry we changed
the location so suddenly.
Originally Mr. Nomura,
the suitor in question,
wanted to meet
at his favorite restaurant.
So we went there
last night to check it out.
It was terrible.
It was near a railroad crossing,
and the restaurant shook
every time the train passed.
We couldn't meet
in a place like that.
I panicked.
But my husband made
last-minute arrangements here.
We could only get
a small room on such short notice.
Thank you.
So are they already here?
Mr. Nomura and -
His sponsor, Mr. Igarashi,
is one of our best clients.
They're both here.
Ah, excuse me!
Sachiko, may I see you for a moment?
Shall we sit down?
I've only seen Mr. Nomura
once or twice
at Mr. Igarashi's place.
We don't know him well.
So please ask him
anything you want to know.
They got the big room for us.
That's wonderful.
Let's move them to that room.
Come here, dear.
She just told me they don't know
Mr. Nomura well.
When I ran into her
at Umeda station a while back,
Yukiko came up, so I asked her
if she could find Yukiko a nice groom.
She kept it in mind
and suddenly sent me a picture.
She recommended him highly to me.
We should have declined.
You said he looked old
in the picture.
You said so yourself.
I feel like the potential grooms
are getting worse and worse.
I feel bad for Yukiko.
Allow me to introduce everyone.
This is Mr. Nomura.
Mr. Igarashi, his uncle.
This is Miss Yukiko.
Her sister, Mrs. Sachiko Makioka,
and Mr. Makioka.
Please be seated.
Miss Yukiko,
you sit across from Mr. Nomura.
Miss Sachiko, you sit over here.
May I?
Can I make it?
Yes, I can.
You too, Yukiko?
Excuse me.
Allow me.
I'm glad to make your acquaintance.
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jinba,
we are able to meet here.
I'm very happy.
I deal in iron and steel.
I'm an executive at my company.
My name's Igarashi.
When Mrs. Jinba told me
about Miss Yukiko,
I was overjoyed and wanted to
accept for my nephew.
At the age of 42,
my nephew lost his wife and children.
He's been single for five years.
As his uncle, I've been concerned.
Then I heard about Miss Yukiko.
I pounced on the opportunity.
Mr. Nomura, you studied
agriculture at the university?
I studied fish hatching.
I thought you worked
at the Agricultural Office.
I'm an officer at the fishery agency
within that office.
Which means you do -
I instruct and monitor
the breeding of ayu fish in rivers.
It's an important position,
with the food shortage today.
I'm trying to improve
the species via reproduction.
The best ayu are from Tatsuno.
Unless we protect them,
they'll become extinct.
Mrs. Makioka,
this shrimp is very good.
Please have some.
Thank you.
Have some, Yukiko.
A little sake?
I'll have this one.
- Do you like the theater?
- No.
By the way,
Mr. Igarashi is a good singer.
Aren't you?
Oh, no.
When you learn to sing,
you just want to sing for people
and end up at some watering hole.
I have friends like that.
That's right.
Japanese songs are not for families.
But I'm an exception.
I didn't learn to sing
to attract the ladies.
I'm a stranger to such things.
Right, Mr. Jinba?
Right. He doesn't "steel" ladies' hearts.
They're going to war.
Our army is advancing fiercely.
They occupied Hsuchou before.
Now they're attacking Hankou.
Where the Yangtse River meets the Han
is a strategic stronghold.
It's also abundant
in freshwater fish.
How do you like freshwater fish?
I'm not fond of their smell.
Mr. Makioka,
have you investigated me thoroughly?
I took the liberty of checking
your family background.
I went to the newspapers too.
I saw the article from five years ago
in which they mixed up the names.
I don't care about the scandal.
He's the type that
has to investigate everything.
- Idle assumptions cause mistakes.
- It's the same with ayu.
You'd think fleshy ayu
would be tastier.
But their taste depends
on the quality of the river they live in.
You have to study these things.
I inquired at the hospital
your family goes to
about Miss Yukiko's health.
I'd like you to know
everything about me as well.
This is my university diploma.
These are my grades
and certificates of achievement.
Death certificates.
Death certificates?
My late wife's and children's.
She died of complications
from the flu,
and they died of nonhereditary causes.
Why don't my sisters trust me?
They want me
to get rid of this studio.
How did the arranged meeting
for Yukiko go?
She turned that one down too.
- She said she wasn't an ayu.
- Ayu?
The fish.
Relationships are more difficult
than they seem.
I'm thinking about
telling my sisters about us.
They'll be against it.
They'll be shocked,
but that's all right.
When I get married,
Tsuruko will have to give me the dowry.
Just leave that to me.
That must be Sachiko.
Itakura, come out in the hall.
- What is it, Okuhata?
- You better stay out of this.
What are you trying to do?
You stole her away from me!
How did you do that?
The pictures...
Are you trying to fool
your former boss?
Give me that camera!
Don't tell anyone.
Please have a seat.
Thriving as usual, I see.
Thank you.
Mrs. Makioka came by two days ago.
She told me.
Her hair looked very nice.
Were you at the barber's next door?
No, I had a business client near here.
I'm so sorry for setting you up
with Mr. Segoshi.
The mother with the mental illness?
It was careless of me
not to check properly.
Not at all.
We waited so long before refusing
that we made it difficult for you
as the go-between.
I'll make it up to you
by finding a good groom.
For Yukiko I'll try my best.
Perhaps you don't really
want Yukiko to get married.
What do you mean?
But your wife
wants her to get married soon.
So do I.
I want the sisters to marry
in order of age.
It's hard for a man
to marry into the woman's family.
What's so funny?
You wanted to marry into that family.
Still, it's not all good.
If something bad happens,
they say it's because
a merchant family can't mix
with a working-class man like me.
Don't you handle the finances?
Of course I do.
Neither Sachiko nor her sisters
know how much money they have.
I envy them.
I lost my husband at a young age
and put my daughter
through university myself.
And I still have to work
to make ends meet.
And rich as they are,
she can be stingy.
You look happy working
and caring for her.
But sometimes
I want to complain to someone.
So I'm listening.
Are you not feeling well, ma'am?
Going to Tokyo.
Who's going?
All of us. The family.
My husband got transferred to Tokyo.
He just came home and told me.
This is serious!
What's going to happen?
How should I know?
Not even in my dreams
did I think I'd ever leave Osaka.
What are you doing here?
I'm going back to the bank.
Dear, can't you refuse the transfer?
I told you.
Go away.
The company decided.
I can't refuse.
In my position,
there's nothing I can do.
What a surprise!
I was in the neighborhood.
Did you take the day off?
Listen, Teinosuke.
Is it wrong to be attached
to my hometown of Osaka?
A transfer.
My superior told me.
I'll be heading
the Marunouchi branch in Tokyo.
It's nothing to congratulate him about!
- This is a promotion.
- That's right.
Men are so selfish.
You don't care about my feelings.
I've never been east of Kyoto
in all my life.
Is that so?
I never had time to travel,
but I love Osaka best anyway.
How can I move now
to some unfamiliar place?
It's not overseas,
or in the mountains with no roads.
We're going where the emperor lives.
People would laugh if they heard you.
Let them. I don't care.
The Makioka family
cannot leave Osaka.
The economy has changed.
The cost of living is high these days.
It's hard to keep this big house.
You can't live
on your inheritance forever.
You sold the shop.
Now you want to sell this house?
Don't cry!
I'm sure Tatsuo thought everything over
before he decided.
When would you leave?
- Next January.
Oh, not until next year!
Another wrong note?
Act like a lady and cover your knees.
Oharu, the phone is ringing.
Why didn't you answer it?
With your little voice
you hate the phone,
but you must get used to it.
The sooner the better.
A call for Miss Taeko.
Who is it?
I asked...
but they wouldn't say.
- Is it a man?
- No.
Hello. This is Taeko.
Who's calling?
Where are you calling from?
Uozaki? Near the coast?
Yes, I know it.
I'm on my way.
- I have to go.
- Where?
Itakura's in the hospital.
What is Itakura to her?
- Welcome home.
- Hello, dear.
Taeko was in a hurry.
What happened?
Itakura's sick.
What do you think?
About the two of them?
Taeko leads such a sheltered life.
I think he's using her.
She loves his photographs.
Taeko is very progressive.
By the way, I saw Tsuruko.
What ever for?
I had business near there,
so I stopped by.
It was quite a scene.
Tatsuo is being transferred
to Tokyo early next year.
That's terrible!
Tsuruko doesn't want to go.
Of course she doesn't.
I have to console her.
I know how she's feeling.
Not now.
She was so excited.
She got hysterical, as usual.
I calmed her down a bit.
- I can't leave her alone.
She'll call you later.
What will Tatsuo do
with the house?
That's what worries me.
This is so sudden.
They asked him once before.
He explained the family situation
and managed to get out of it.
But consider his position.
He must feel anxious seeing
his coworkers getting ahead of him.
He probably decided it's worth it
even if he has to leave Osaka.
That's well and good for him,
but what about us?
What about Yukiko and Taeko?
Will he take them up to Tokyo?
The question will certainly come up.
I think I'll be all right.
But I don't know about Taeko.
That's right.
Taeko's in big trouble.
She's involved with lord knows who.
Tsuruko won't like that.
It'll hinder Yukiko's marriage.
You prefer Okuhata?
Their names have even
been linked in the newspaper,
and he is the son
of a rich merchant, after all.
Their marriage may be
the best option.
I think Taeko has a reason
for doing this.
What reason?
Because you only care about me.
That's not true.
I don't know Itakura,
but he seems better than Okuhata.
What are you saying?
You think she can marry
a man like that?
I just said I thought he was better.
Besides, Yukiko has to marry first.
I told you before.
I don't mind
if Taeko marries before me.
But to him...
You don't want someone like Itakura
as your brother-in-law, do you?
It hurts. It hurts.
I'm Taeko.
I'm his mother.
Thank you for being so good to my son.
Miss Makioka is here to see you.
Mr. Itakura...
try to hold on.
It hurts!
His landlord called me,
so I rushed here from Okayama.
He insisted I call you.
It's fine.
You said on the phone
he had an ear infection.
Why is he in such pain?
It's turned into papillitis.
He needs an operation.
- An operation?
If they wait, it could go into the brain.
He could die.
Thank you for taking the time to come.
There seems to be
a restriction on the sale of cotton.
Is that so?
It's wartime.
Please be assured, ma'am.
This will not be an arranged meeting.
We'll just happen to meet
while admiring the autumn foliage.
Don't forget.
Of course.
It's less pressure on Yukiko that way.
Mr. Hashidera has no intention
of remarrying right now,
but Mrs. Shimozuma wants to bring him,
and I think it might work this way.
He'll change his mind
as soon as he sees Yukiko.
Do you think so?
I know Mr. Hashidera personally.
He's a gentleman.
He's vice president
of a big pharmaceutical company.
He's well-off, so that's perfect,
but the problem is he's 48.
Till next week, then.
All right. Thank you.
The leaves will be beautiful by then.
Thank you for everything.
What's wrong?
What's happened?
is dead!
They operated,
but it was too late.
No, don't.
Leave it open.
I'm listening to the radio.
The radio?
I want to hear the concert.
Miss Taeko.
Please be happy like you were before.
Leave me alone.
I'm sorry.
Where did my sisters go?
They're meeting
another potential groom.
Another one?
Yukiko must be used to it.
She's met so many.
I don't know...
Who asked you?
Mrs. Shimozuma insisted
I come along today.
I was dragged along
without knowing a thing.
Stop protesting, Mr. Hashidera.
You're here now.
Stop making excuses.
That's right.
A man should know
when to surrender.
As a man, I didn't see
that you ladies were planning
to outnumber me.
I'm sorry.
My husband couldn't make it.
That's all right, ma'am.
I was joking.
So, why aren't you interested
in starting a new family?
Does your daughter object?
I've never asked my daughter.
I haven't been able
to decide myself.
Then make up your mind now.
You'll need a wife sooner or later.
That's true,
but I'm just not ready yet.
Why is that?
I don't really have a reason.
I just haven't taken the next step.
But if you ladies keep pushing me
in that direction,
I may be talked into it.
Excuse me.
Look at me.
In that case, leave it to us.
Well, I'm still not sure.
You're like a catfish, Mr. Hashidera.
- A catfish?
- It's hard to pin you down.
I had a reservation made
at the Suisenro
so we could admire the foliage.
I don't know these parts well,
but I was told that,
despite the hard times,
they serve excellent food and sake.
It's about noon.
Shall we?
You claim you were
dragged here reluctantly,
yet you seem very prepared.
I give up!
I hear you go
to Yuhigaoka Girls School.
Eleventh grade?
What's your favorite subject?
Do you like movies?
Foreign films?
Hitomi, come here!
We're going
to the restaurant to relax.
What's the girl like?
What did you talk about?
She didn't answer
any of my questions.
But she's cute.
He said it's urgent.
It's been a long time.
I'd like to see Taeko.
She's gone out.
My father's disowned me.
He kicked me out.
I'm staying
with a former maid of ours.
It's all Taeko's fault.
He found out some jewelry
had been stolen from the shop.
It couldn't have been Taeko!
No, it was me.
But I gave some of it as gifts to Taeko.
That's ridiculous!
- You can ask her.
- But -
You don't know
what she's been up to
since Itakura died.
I'm using a pay phone
so Yukiko won't know.
I used to think Okuhata was okay,
but I didn't know this would happen.
He probably came to tell me
he's been disowned
because he wants something from us.
I'm really worried.
Could you find out what's going on
with him and Taeko?
Just when things are
finally going well for Yukiko...
Can you come home early?
You can't?
I've got to go.
What is it?
Here you are.
Miss Yukiko wants you.
Is it urgent?
Mr. Hashidera's on the phone.
Mr. Hashidera?
For me?
No, it's for Miss Yukiko,
but she wants you to come.
Yukiko's not taking it?
She's impossible,
leaving him waiting on the phone.
what did you do
about Mr. Hashidera's call?
You didn't come,
so I talked to him.
What did he want?
He wanted to meet me at 4:30 today.
He asked me if I'd like to go out.
What did you say?
Did you accept?
- No.
- Why?
Why don't you go?
Did you turn him down?
Oh, Yukiko!
I told him I had
some business to attend to.
Then he hung up.
Of course he did!
You could have been more diplomatic!
Mr. Hashidera must be angry.
And he's not the only one.
I am too!
Taeko, you better go home now.
Is it a problem if I stay?
It's not that.
I knew I'd find you here.
Miyoshi, give me a drink.
You're drunk.
Are you telling
one of your regulars what to do?
I was kicked out of my house.
I know.
Your friend told me.
Oh, yeah?
Well, I don't care anyway.
I'm planning to go to Manchuria.
It's the land of opportunity.
Don't waste your time with Miyoshi.
Come with me.
Don't talk about him like that.
I know what you're doing with him.
He tried to cheer me up
when I was miserable.
ow many times will you
be tricked before you wake up?
Itakura wanted you
to get him a studio.
It was money he was after, not love.
Don't talk about him!
I brought you here
for the first time.
Miyoshi has ulterior motives too.
don't leave me!
I'll do anything for you!
If I lose you, I'll...
Stop it!
What are you doing, you idiot!
You'll have to pay for this.
Mrs. Itani is here.
Send her in.
Forgive my unexpected visit
at this late hour.
I don't know how to apologize.
- Did Mrs. Shimozuma call you?
- She was very angry.
She called me too and said
she was turning Yukiko down flat-out.
Where's your husband?
He's working late tonight.
No freedom when you work.
Have you been drinking?
May I join you?
Please do.
Where's Miss Yukiko?
In her room.
She can be difficult.
She doesn't like a man who calls...
and expects a date that same day.
She had a hard time
trying to explain on the phone.
It's good she refused him.
He's acting so arrogant,
when he's the one with the child.
He's not ready. So indecisive.
No need to let him push us around.
I have a wonderful offer.
It was my daughter
who brought it to me.
Her boss in publishing has a friend
from a blue-blood family.
A blue-blood family?
He's 45 and never been married.
His grandfather is
the Viscount Higashidani.
His father was a noble member
of the House.
He's not the direct heir
since he's the second son,
but he's a good match.
We're home.
Take off your cap.
Don't be so loud.
Go play upstairs.
Ohisa, we're back.
Etsuko, be a good girl.
Oharu, keep an eye on her.
Please go in.
Welcome, everyone.
Watch your feet.
Aunt Tominaga, please sit over there.
Please have a seat.
Who decided the order of guests
for the incense offering?
Tsuruko and myself.
Was anything wrong?
Mr. Tsukada shouldn't
have been placed so far back.
My late brother was most fond of him.
You're right.
That was careless of me.
Tea is coming.
It was a wonderful memorial service.
More than 40 people attended.
In the past,
we used to go
for a formal banquet after a service.
It was depressing at the temple.
That's why we ordered
the lunch from Kitcho.
Tsuruko insisted.
You objected so loudly,
but you seemed to devour it.
It was delicious.
can't you refuse
this transfer to Tokyo?
It wouldn't be easy.
Would you be fired?
I don't think so.
But I've already agreed to it.
Auntie, I don't mean to interfere,
but Tatsuo has
responsibilities to his office.
I'm well aware of that.
But you don't have to be so anxious
about climbing the ranks
like the others.
You're the heir
of the Makiokas of Osaka.
We were one of Japan's largest
shipowners during the Taisho era.
If you move to Tokyo,
what will happen to this house?
I've given that some thought.
Ohisa, send Otokichi in.
The caretaker at our villa
in Hamadera?
He'll watch over the place
in exchange for cheap rent.
Tsuruko, are you resigned
to moving to Tokyo?
If Tsuruko were to refuse,
would you go alone?
I wouldn't do that.
Thank you for the nice service today.
It's been a while,
so I took a little tour.
Did Tatsuo tell you
about the house?
Since this offer comes from him,
I've discussed it
with my son and his wife.
They agreed that we wouldn't be
renting the house,
but just taking good care of it
till your return.
In any event,
Yukiko and Taeko
will have to return to Tsuruko's.
That's where they belong.
Appearances suffer
if they continue to live with Sachiko.
We're not keeping them there
against their will.
If Tsuruko goes to Tokyo,
do we have to go too?
Of course.
What do you think
about that, Yukiko?
I have a potential suitor in Osaka.
But you have no problem, Taeko.
How can you say that, Auntie?
I have my work to worry about.
You can make dolls anywhere.
I won't go live with Tsuruko!
I'd rather die!
I'm just trying
to set things right again.
Do you want us to disown you?
No, Auntie!
Go ahead!
I'll do as I please!
Thank you for making time for us.
Mr. Higashidani is eager to meet her.
Is the head of the publishing house
already there?
He had an urgent matter to see to.
He said he'd try to make it later.
Right, Mitsuyo?
The same landscape
has a different beauty
from that of springtime.
The air is different from Osaka.
That's the Viscount Higashidani's villa.
Mitsuyo, let's go in.
Dear, Ohisa's crying.
A splinter in her hand?
Her brother was killed in action.
We must do something.
He died for the country.
We have to send
the family an offering.
You're right.
Why the kimono display?
Since Yukiko met
with another potential groom,
I felt like taking them out.
Father had this bridal kimono
made for her
before he died.
Is that so?
No one can make
anything this beautiful these days.
Welcome home.
How's Etsuko?
She left school early.
Does she have a fever?
What did the doctor say?
It's just a cold.
You're back early.
Where did Mr. Higashidani
take you for lunch?
Sachiko, Taeko is gone.
She's running errands.
No, she's not.
Her clothes and everything are gone.
There was a big leather suitcase.
That's gone too.
What are you suggesting?
I think Taeko's left home.
It can't be.
Come here.
Did you call?
Do you know where Taeko went?
I went to get Etsuko at school,
and then to the hospital
for medicine, so...
Oshino, have you seen Taeko?
She left about an hour ago.
She had a big suitcase.
I thought she was taking a trip.
Isn't she?
All right. Go away now.
Mr. Makioka, over here.
I'm sorry to bother you at work.
- I needed to talk to you.
- It was good timing.
I have something to ask you too.
What's that?
Did you take Taeko away again?
She's run away, I see.
It wasn't with me.
- Who, then?
She never learns.
Taeko's in love with a loser.
Miyoshi, a bartender.
- Really?
- It's true.
That's why I'm through with her.
Imagine. We were lovers for six years.
I'm heartbroken.
I wanted to talk to you about her.
I'm embarrassed to ask you...
but could you return everything
that I gave her?
You mean you want money?
And if I refuse?
I've been disowned because of her.
- She's not the only reason.
- What a thing to say!
If you refuse, I'll have no choice.
I'll spread rumors about her.
- That's extortion.
- I'll do anything right now.
If I do pay...
how much?
You can check with Taeko,
but it's over 2,000 yen.
That's a lot of money!
I can't give it to you now.
Give me five days.
Thank you.
Taeko told me
you were a reasonable man.
She was right.
I'm paying you
to keep your mouth shut.
Promise never to speak about Taeko.
I understand. Don't worry.
You have to sweat
so the fever goes down.
I'll go see this Miyoshi.
You just got home. I'm sorry.
I won't make any demands on Taeko,
but if she could just lay low
long enough for Yukiko's marriage...
If I go to the bar,
maybe I'll find her.
Please bring her back.
That's my intention,
but I think her mind
was made up when she left.
Are you going to pay Okuhata?
I have to.
She lived with us.
I can't ask Tsuruko to pay.
Do we have to tell Tsuruko
about it this time?
I think so.
Don't you have to look after Etsuko?
Yukiko won't let me
because I get sick easily.
How can she care so much
about someone else's child?
She's amazing that way.
I can't do that.
I'm off.
I'm counting on you.
Does it hurt?
I'll sleep here by your side.
Don't worry.
Sleep well.
I wonder what Tsuruko wanted
to see us about so urgently.
It's almost the end of the year.
- Is my sister in there?
- She's in the storehouse.
The storehouse?
Oh, you're here.
Yukiko, you came too.
What are you doing?
Sorting out what I leave here,
what I give to you,
and what I take to Tokyo.
We're going.
So I'm very busy.
Why did you change your mind?
I considered Tatsuo's situation.
I was obsessed with my position.
As the eldest of the Makiokas,
I took on the custom
of always thinking
of the family's prestige first.
And I said mean things to you too.
No, you didn't.
It was my fault.
My life was so easy.
I didn't think of your responsibilities.
Forgive me.
ever since you were a young girl,
you've taken the place of our mother,
who died so young.
You've taken care of us.
So many things
have happened in this house.
It's no wonder you're
more attached to it than any of us.
Did you come here to help
or get in my way?
It must have been
a difficult decision.
I'm impressed with myself.
I'm ready.
Nothing can change my mind now.
I want to move to Tokyo
as soon as possible
to surprise Aunt Tominaga
and our relatives.
Tatsuo must be relieved.
I haven't told him yet.
I made up my mind
after he left for work.
That's not right.
I'm going to call him.
I won't be long.
I know you had
another suitor to meet with.
I was so busy I left it to Sachiko.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mind.
Have you seen
the viscount's son often?
What does he do?
He studied science
at Tokyo University but then quit.
He went to France to study painting.
He also studied French cooking.
French cooking?
Then he went to America.
What a busy man.
He studied aeronautics
at a state university.
Now it's airplanes?
He graduated,
but then he dropped that too.
Open this.
He took up oil painting again,
but he also began
studying architecture.
I called him.
Was he in the office?
He's coming home right away.
I was asking Yukiko
about Mr. Higashidani.
He's a complex man.
So what does he actually do?
because of his aeronautics
studies in America,
he'll be working for a new airline
that's starting up soon.
He'll make a fortune.
I think the Higashidani name helped.
what a thing to say!
Let's take a break.
So, where does his family stand?
They're very eager.
That's excellent.
With his noble background,
we can hold our head high
around our relatives.
Now Taeko is our only worry.
Is she still living with the bartender?
She's a stubborn girl.
And then there's
the thing with Okuhata too.
What a bother.
You got here quickly.
We arranged to meet here.
Tsuruko's moving to Tokyo.
I hope you and Sachiko
will look after things when we go.
Is this true?
This is good news.
But you won't be away long.
You'll be back soon.
He'll get promoted to head up
the largest branch in Osaka.
Did you settle things with Okuhata?
I gave him the money.
I got a receipt just in case.
you met that fellow Miyoshi.
What's he like?
He seemed honest and sincere to me.
He was surprised when Taeko
showed up on his doorstep.
He said he was largely responsible
for what happened.
It's hard to be
so forthcoming about that.
If he can have our permission
to marry her in the future,
he promised he'd make her happy.
His dream is to run
a classy western-style bar in Kobe.
He's been saving up.
The following day,
Sachiko went to check on them
in the industrial neighborhood
where they live.
Must be hard
just having the second floor.
I thought you onIy cared
about Yukiko.
I took up with Okuhata and Itakura
just to get your attention.
I didn't know you felt that way.
It's different this time.
I came to Miyoshi of my own choice.
How will you earn a living?
I'll work as a seamstress.
As for the money Father left for me,
I don't need it anymore.
Why not?
Miyoshi would hate me if I took it.
You may feel all right
about Taeko's situation,
but Mr. Higashidani wouldn't approve.
I already told him.
I told Mr. Higashidani
all about Taeko.
Even if I kept it a secret,
he would have found out.
If he refused to marry me
because of Taeko,
I was going to do my best
to win him back.
Taeko would feel bad.
She'd feel bad.
Mr. Higashidani immediately
told Yukiko...
without hesitation,
"It's not your sister I'm marrying."
He's such a reasonable man.
Some people think
Yukiko is just old-fashioned,
but I knew there was someone
who'd see her femininity in that.
He was the one to understand.
Welcome home.
Have you...
I'm sorry I worried you.
Thank you.
My deepest thanks.
I'm happy for you.
Where will you live in Tokyo?
The bank will rent a house for us.
We're going to be busy
saying good-bye to everyone.
That isn't all.
We have to decide
on schools for the children.
That too.
Anyway, let's have a toast.
I've been saving a bottle
of white wine from Burgundy.
That's precious nowadays.
Let's go.
Yukiko, could you ask Ohisa
to bring some snacks?
Let's go.
I hope everything works out
for everyone.
Sisters must stay close to each other.
I realize that now.
Take care of yourself.
When you leave for Tokyo,
I won't come to the station.
It would be embarrassing
if we both started crying.
She held out...
for a long time.
It was worth the wait.
The express train for Tokyo
will be departing shortly.
Thank you for coming to see us off.
Thank you.
Mr. Higashidani,
please take care of Yukiko.
Otokichi, come here.
Yukiko, you and Mr. Higashidani
should come visit us in Tokyo.
The sixth Kabuki master will be
performing the complete Dojoji
next month.
I wonder how Taeko is doing.
Sachiko will take care of her.
Don't worry.
I'll take care of your house
until you return.
This is for your son.
This year...
we won't be able to view
the blossoms in Kyoto together.
Where's Miyoshi?
He works in a steel factory
during the day.
I wonder how far
Tsuruko has gotten by now.
I don't know.
I was going to stay home,
but I couldn't.
I was so anxious
I had to come see you.
I can at least serve you tea.
Things happen
and seasons change,
but nothing really changes after all.
I'm sorry. The chef
is still preparing the food.
It's not quite ready yet.
Sake alone is poison.
Poison will do.
You mustn't talk like that.
She's getting married.
You can't be speaking of a daughter.
You're too young.