Satrangee Parachute (2011)

''In the journey of life keep smiling.''
''In the shade of
happiness keep singing.''
''Then close your eyes and dream.''
''In the village of
dreams walk cheerfully.''
''In the journey of life keep smiling.''
''In the shade of
happiness keep singing.''
''Then close your eyes and dream.''
''In the village of
dreams walk cheerfully.''
''Fly away. Fly away.
Fly away. Fly away. Fly away.''
''Fly away. Go fly away. Go
fly away.Fly away. Fly away.''
''Fly away. Fly away.
Fly away. Fly away. Fly away.''
''Fly away. Fly away.
Fly away. Fly away. Fly away.''
''These mountains stand proudly.''
''Like stairs
connecting the earth and the sky.''
''And we shall jump
and play with the clouds.''
''Stretch out a hand and touch the sky.''
''Fly away. Fly away.
Fly away. Fly away. Fly away.''
''Fly away. Fly away. Fly
away. Go fly away. Go fly away.''
''Keep smiling.''
''Keep singing.''
''Keep smiling.''
''Keep singing.''
''Keep smiling.''
''Keep singing.''
''Keep smiling.''
''Keep singing.''
Okay take it easy.
Now say what will you like to have?
Orange. Orange. Orange. Kalakhatta.
Shipit what will you
have? - I will have Kalakhatta.
Where is Pappu?
We were just about to ask you that.
He didn't even come to school today.
He didn't come to school? - No.
Okay wait here.
Don't go anywhere.
Okay fine. - I am coming.
I don't know where Pappu has gone.
Subhadra don't worry.
Pappu will come.
He has run off from home before as well.
you just see. I think he
will come and stand before you now.
He is very wise.
Pappu will come.
you have something to eat.
God knows what state
he is in now. Where is he?
I am unable to connect a call to Pratap.
He will come.
He will come.
Brother, tell herto eat something.
Pappu is not going to come
just because she has given up food.
Please don't cry.
Pappu will come.
I prayed last night to God.
Pappu shall come home soon.
Hey why are you crying?
Have you lost yourway?
Where are your parents?
Gawde, the child doesn't
look as if he is from Mumbai.
All the kids run and
come to Mumbai it seems.
Now come to police station.
There we shall see to your matter.
Come. - Come.
Come. - Don't know from
where they come to Mumbai.
Again a new trouble.
Tell me your name.
Tell me your name or else..
What is it Gawde?
Why are you creating a ruckus?
Bring him here.
Come and stand in front of sir.
Sir he was roaming on the streets.
And he was crying.
So I brought him here.
you go. I will see to it.
yes sir.
What is your name?
Pappu. - Be louder.
Rishabh Sharma.
Father's name?
Chotulal Sharma.
From where have you come? - Nainital.
Why have you come
from Nainital to Mumbai?
Uncle I have a friend. Kuhu.
I go to her house to watch T.V.
On the T.V I saw the city.
Big buildings, long cars and aeroplanes.
I like these very much.
That's why I ran and came here.
you saw an aeroplane and came to Mumbai?
your parents must be worried.
When I shall go home and
tell my friends about it they..
..shall be overjoyed.
Son running away from home is very bad.
I hope you won't do that again.
No sir. - Gawde? Give him your address.
What did you eat sir?
Air has that effect on me.
What health insurance?
My health is itself failing me here.
How shall I take
insurance? Pat me on the back.
Munni has become disreputable..
..for you my darling.
Who is this?
yes sir.
yes sir he is delivering something.
yes he is just doing it. Just doing it.
yes sir.
get up.
Son. - Sir?
Take your money tomorrow.
Okay sir.
Who is this? - Chotulal.
we were talking about him.
you wring water here..
..and there because of you..
Sirwhat happened? - What happened?
I am feeling like vomiting.
Can you understand?
Make a drink for me.
What drink? - Give him sacred water.
He is dying. - We are in
a hurry. Make something fast.
I have to tell you
something. give me a drink.
What? - What is this? Here.
Here give me this.
- Whatever it is. this.
Here take a glass.
you were going to tell me something?
I have to repair it.
Now you stop this habit of sulking.
Make a habit of it.
Of what?
We found it.
your son.
you found him? -yes. yes.
We found him.
We found Chotulal's son.
yes we will have to ask today.
What kind of joke is this? What is
all this happening? This is not permissible.
Chotulal? - Chotulal?
Hey Chotulal come out.
Chotulal come out.
What is going on here?
Is this some kind of joke
that you can go away from your..
..home on an impulse?
I will just come.
he is right Chotulal.
All the kids play together.
And study together.
What if your son's
behaviour influences them?
Who will be responsible for it?
yes that's right.
Come come.
What if the water rises above the head?
Here have this.
Let's go. - Let's go.
God knows what's going on here.
From where did you
get this? Throw this away.
Come here.
What are you doing? Leave
him. Leave him? will you run?
He is a child. -Achild?
He has ruined my name in this village.
He won't do so in
future. - Leave. Get away.
Don't hit Pappu uncle.
He is very nice.
Now he won't run away again.
you won't, will you Pappu?
See uncle he won't run away.
He is very wise.
He tells us stories about big cities.
Right Pappu?
Go away.
All of you go away.
Come let's go Kuhu.
Come here. no.
you don't come in between. Move back.
I shall see you.
Go in. Go in.
Please don't do this.
Please don't do this.
And don't you dare open the door.
you have exhausted my patience.
This doll is so nice.
Isn't it?
yes it is.
Just like you.
This doll was given to me by Pappu.
He found it in a fair. - Really?
When Pappu is not here
this doll becomes my friend.
Then this time too Pappu
must have brought something for you.
He is hungry since morning.
Let him have his dinner at least.
your love and affection has spoilt him.
Do you know how people
are snickering because of him?
Don't be bitter please.
He is our own child.
He is young now.
He will learn slowly.
I will come.
What happened?
What did you drop?
What happened?
He is my best friend.
When he isn't here I don't feel nice.
How is Parimal?
Father is fine uncle.
See children.
Those kids are good
who obey their parents.
Like you obey your parents.
But Pappu?
Pappu is a very bad child.
He doesn't obey his parents at all.
you know what I think?
Kuhu and you should not play with him.
No father. you don't know.
Pappu is a very nice boy.
He is wiserthan any other kid.
He helps everyone.
Who is there at this time in the night?
you wait. I will see.
Will you break the door orwhat?
you? At this time?
What do you want son?
Uncle I want to meet Kuhu.
It's too late now.
It's nine in the night.
Go now. - She is waiting for me.
I will tell her
some stories about Mumbai.
Can't you understand what I said?
I told you once that
it's too late, didn't I?
Now get lost.
And as it is you have caused
enough trouble for your parents.
A minute please.
Pappu it's very late now.
your parents must be worried.
Go now.
Don't think him a naive child.
He is very clever.
Please stop the car.
This is Chotulal's son.
Doctor Sahib Namaste. ?
It's good that I found you.
I was just coming to meet you.
What do I tell you?
I am looking in every lane. My son..
Why are you getting worried?
I am here.
I have brought your son.
you.. - But I have one condition.
One condition.
you won't scold him.
Okay. - I have given him a lecture.
He understands his fault.
Come Pappu.
Come. Come.
Look he comes so meekly.
Come here. - Wait.
What did I tell you?
you don't understand.
Kids should be..
Go son. Go.
Come son.
Pappu? - Father, please don't hit me.
father please.
Let him go. mother.
Shut up. Now let
me see how you run away.
What? -you don't come in the between.
Mummy. Mummy.
Mad. I have become mad looking
for him in the lanes. - Mad. mad.
What is wrong with you?
''My child your mother
tells you a story every day.''
''About moon, and
fairies so that you sleep nicely.''
''My child your mother
tells you a story every day.''
''About moon, and
fairies so that you sleep nicely.''
''In your dreams you
shall see the squirrel.''
''The one which sings in the woods.''
''you run behind her.''
''And I watch you..''
''Then too you
cannot catch the squirrel.''
''She gets scared
and hides in the bushes.''
''And in chasing her you get tired.''
''And you come to
sleep in your mother's lap.''
''In your sleep you
shall meet the squirrel again.''
''The one which comes to sing.''
''My child your mother
tells you a story every day.''
''About moon, and
fairies so that you sleep nicely.''
''About moon, and
fairies so that you sleep nicely.''
''About moon, and
fairies so that you sleep nicely.''
Ravi Kumar?
yes sir.
Deepak? -yes sir.
Vinod? -yes sir.
Shimit? - Present sir.
Rishabh? - Keep silence.
Rishabh Sharma?
He didn't' come? No.
What do I do of this child?
you won't go to school.
you don't want to study.
At least learn your job properly.
Don't look here and there.
Move faster.
Give the glass here.
Any more.
Just giving.
Not this one.
The other red one.
Here brother.
This will look very nice on sir.
That's it? - No
there is one more. - Give.
Our Monu should look
like the Hero of this village.
He will, sir. He
will. - Okay I will leave now.
Come here.
Father? -yes.
Fatherthose men didn't give the money.
Who didn't? -Those men.
Come here and see this.
yes father.
Alien Roy. ATS.
There is a mission.
I have to discuss
something with you. Shall we go?
Let's go. - Let's go.
let's go.
Look I won't meet you over again. okay.
your mother asked
me to bring sesame oil.
How are you? - Fine. - Give sesame oil.
Brother, please give
something for constipation.
My stomach aches a lot.
Hello. - Hello Chotulal.
Hello master.
Bless you. your son
didn't come to school today.
I send him to school.
But he runs away every time.
No he is a very bright child.
you have to see that he
continues with his studies.
Look son, good children
always study hard and focus on it.
We learnt so many
nice things in school today.
About Nalinga, Bodhvya and Quttub Minar.
you didn't come. Now how will you learn?
Nalinga and Bodhvya are in
Bihar and Quttub Minar in Delhi.
Did youan Hsang also write this?
What? - Did youan Hsang also write this?
Chotulal please send
the child to school tomorrow.
He will study and
grow up to be famous one day.
Brother, please give some herbs.
Master. Master? -yes?
Where do we find
Submarine in our country?
Submarine is found in the seas.
Soldiers from our country reside there.
Masterthose who live
in Submarine do they play?
So they play cricket?
Master he will keep
on babbling like this.
Let me take him home. And
you are not feeling well as it is.
No I am fine now.
I will answer all his questions.
you don't worry.
Son they do play in
submarine but not cricket.
Master can submarine fly to the moon?
Look son come to school on time.
If you study well
then submarine or aeroplane..
..can reach to the moon for sure.
okay? I will leave now.
The pouch? -At least take
the pouch of herbs. - Let it be.
My stomach is fine now.
Keep it.
Ravi Kumar? - Present sir.
Atif Ahmed? Atif Ahmed?
Present sir. - Sit.
Tullu Pandey? present sir.
Rishabh Sharma?
Rishabh Sharma?
Pappu didn't come?
Master can I come in?
you are already in.
yourfather is right.
you can't be reformed.
yesterday I told you so many
times to be punctual, didn't I?
Didn't I?
Now go and kneel outside. Go.
note this down.
Come children let's make our boats.
Get up.
And listen.
Come to school on time tomorrow.
Otherwise I shall make
you kneel the entire day.
Master? Master?
Come here.
Why are you saying
master again and again?
I wanted to ask you something. -Ask.
Where is the biggest
railway line in this world?
Is that what you were
thinking off while kneeling down?
Transylvania railway.
How much time does it take
to reach from the first station.. the last station?
12 days.
12 days?
Then what do they eat in the train?
you wouldn't get
bread and vegetables there.
Do one thing.
Go to Siberia.
Sit in the train for 12 days.
And note down everything.
And then come and tell me also.
Don't chew my brains now.
Questions. Questions. Questions.
Always asking questions.
Never comes on time.
Master? - Hey!
Pick up your bags and leave from here.
Go. Go children.
Hey first bags.
All of you have become mischievous.
From where do these kids come?
I hope no one saw..
I will see to you now..
you didn't tell us about the city.
Do tell us what you saw.
yes Pappu tell us.
yes Pappu tell us.
The city was wonderful.
Tall buildings.
As master says huge.
Even the Qutub Minar
is nothing in front of it.
What are you saying?
I thought that
buildings look huge only in movies.
It's nothing like in movies.
And how do they climb up in them?
Not by stairs.
They have glass houses to do so.
Lifts. That's it.
It takes them up easily.
On its own.
Like a swing.
yes. An air conditioned swing.
And did you see India gate?
India gate?
India gate is in Delhi.
Gateway of India is in Mumbai.
If you stand there
you can see the vast oceans.
Oceans? yes.
But only in map it is shown as blue.
The ocean water
looks like water in ponds.
And in them you can
see big and small boats.
Some so big.
And some so small.
In the cities trains run.
Lot off them.
you do not need to sleep there in night.
There at night time
colourful lights shimmer.
It must be very beautiful.
yes. - I feel as if
I should fly there now.
It's not so easy.
you require a lot of courage forthat.
Come let's go home.
Let's go.come Kuhu. [chanting]
Let's go.
Hey Monu give my copy- I have it.
Munni has become disreputable.. - Hello.
..for you my darling.
Munni has become disreputable.. - Hello.
..for you my darling.
I am trapped.
I am just coming.
I can't find my stick.
I am just coming. you go.
Where are you going? yes?
And this hand? this hand?
What is this hand doing here?
What are you doing?
I am looking for something.
What are you looking for? A needle?
My stick.
you are looking for a stick?
What will a stick be
underthe sofa for? Stupid?
Then where will it be?
Where will it be?
Monu was playing with
your stick in the morning.
Start marching.
Left right left.
Left right left.
That dog? Come here.
you call a child a dog? yes?
you call a child a dog? yes?
No I am.. - He has
gone to play with his friends.
Go and search for him there.
Sleep. Sleep.
If you let me do so then I shall.
you can't even let me sleep in peace.
Golu climb up. ?it's fun.
It's fun. - Climb up. come.
No I won't.
I am scared of heights.
And I brought father's
things because you guys asked me to.
But now what? - Monu has
yourfather ever climbed a tree?
No. -you are kidnapping A police?
Where is he? - Uncle I will show..
yourfather is coming.
Who send him here..
Monu come fast.
Monu climb fast.
yourfather is coming.
Monu? - Monu climb fast.
What are you doing on the tree monu?
Have you gone mad?
The kids nowadays..
you should be at home..
What are you doing here?
Where is Monu?
What are you doing here?
We have taken the house on rent.
And you are hanging on the trees.
Are you a monkey? What
sort of behaviour is this?
you took away a
pressure cookerfrom the house.
you should have took away
your mother and put her up there.
Instead you take my cap and stick.
What else have you taken?
Sirwhat are you doing here?
Talking to the trees? get down.
Where do you keep on going sir?
But why did I come here sir?
you are asking me?
Oh the sahib is here.
Come sir.. - I am
talking to the children..
Let's go.
Monu you come down.
Come down. - Uncle we have a condition.
yes we accert. Whatever you say.
you won't hit Monu.
No we won't. We won't.
Hello? Monu is my son..
Whether I hit him or
not it depends on me.. Okay?
Monu you come down. Right now.
Father even I have one condition.
What condition?
you shall take all of us to the circus.
For sure son.
Just imagine that
your circus has started.
Hello who is it?
yes sir.
yes sir I am coming. Just.. just.
Of course.
Sorry. Sorry.
Monu just because of you
I scolded my boss in English.
Come down. Please. Please.
Uncle we have one last demand?
Last one? Say.
That you won't take anyone's parade.
Look son I nevertake anyone's parade.
If a thief comes, or a criminal..
..or Qasab himself I
won't take his parade..
But instead spread out the
red carpet and ask him for a drink.
Or something to eat. Samosa?
Samosa should be hot.
Bring my stick fast.
Fast. - Here father. Here.
The weather is so colourful
that anybody can become cheerful.
For keeping the weather clean
you have to keep your stomach clean.
Sir? I love you.
Greetings. - Greetings.
Greetings. I love you. Very nice.
This salute should
have been made two hours back.
Where were you? - Sir
it's raining in the mountains..
..and the rocky path..
..and the traffic.. - ..and tension..
Are you new here?
What is your name?
Sir my name is P. Singh.
Are you a police or a thief?
Pratap Singh.
Do you have a terrace at your home?
yes. My wife dries the pickles there.
Along with the
pickles dry the scarf as well.
Looking at you it doesn't
seem as if you respect your body.
At least respect your uniform.
Close the buttons.
And tuck this shirt in else I
will have to do it. Friend do it.
yes sir.
And this moustache?
Why don't you dye it black?
Sir if I dye my
moustache my face gets blackened.
A policeman roaming with
blackened face in the city ..
.. doesn't seem good.
Looking at you it feels
as if you are blackening..
.. the name of the police force.
What was he saying?
Let's go.
See children these
nations.. Kazakhstan..
Uzbekistan.. Ukraine..
All were a part of Russia.
At that time it was called Soviet Union.
What was it called?
Soviet Union.
Okay. Note it.
Look children.
Any country. Any state.
All of them have adorted the
teachings of that great Leader.
Because these teachings
are the essence of humanity.
What is it? - Essence of humanity.
And who is that
great leader? Do you know?
Do you know?
Master. Master. -yes say.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Very good. Well done. Who is the Leader?
Mahatma Gandhi. - Come here. Come here.
Very good my child.
Very good. Bless you. Bless you.
Look children let me show you something.
What is this?
United states of America.
Who is the President of this nation?
Master. Master. -yes say.
Barrack Hussain Obama.
That's correct. He is the
most brilliant child of our class.
Very good. Very
good. Sit son. Note it down.
Note it children.
Master? Master? -yes?
Is it very hot in America?
Okay so you want to know about Jalwahi?
No. There the women are
scantily dressed that's why.
From where do you learn all this?
Now the time is over.
Tomorrow I shall
show you where it's hot..
..and when it's cold in America.
you have become mischievous.
Concentrate on your home work.
Hey Ram. - How did
you get so late today?
Atyre punctured on the way back.
How was your day?
It was fine.
Oh God!
Where is Pappu?
He was here a moment back.
He must have finished
his studies and gone out.
you check out the garden.
Did you see Pappu? - No.
where is he?
How do stars shine?
How shall I show them to you Kuhu?
One day you shall be
able to see the stars for sure.
Open the doorfast. It's urgent.
Open it fast.
Open it fast.
Do it somewhere.
Hey get lost. Go.
you minx!
Look son pay attention to your studies.
Do not get distracted.
When you study then you
shall grow up to be a successful man.
Or you shall become
an ordinary vendor like me.
Understood? -yes father.
I will go now.
Go give it to yourfather.
Father? -yes.
Father your lunch.
Give that bottle.
Sir you could have asked me to sit.
Wait. Chandal is coming.
you have exhausted me.
you should run.
Buy this. The bells in the temple?
Namaste. -you are
very clever. - How come?
In this cold weather you
plan to cause people's deaths by..
..feeding them cold juices.
It's all the
blessings of goddess. - Goddess?
Do give a thought to us poor people.
''P'' for people and ''y'' for yellow.
MAke one. Make one for us.
Here hold this.
So where do you live?
How is it?
It's weird.
Weird? you get it for
free and think it's weird?
Forfree. Now run.
give. Give. Take it.
How much do you earn?
I manage
you manage? - Entire
India says this. - Here give.
By adding colours
you have made it cheerful.
Pick up the cap.
It's taste is a little..
come here. yes sir?
I am saying that
this glass contains poison.
you are making me drink urine? - No sir.
What else?
My trade will be shut down.
-yourtrade will be shut down.
you are a poor man
and you make us drink urine.
When you become rich you
shall serve latrine on platter.
No sahib -you think it's a joke?
I will see to it.
See he has earned
this much from selling urine.
Who will take this one out?
why are you loding your ears? Leave it.
Keep this. - Sir I am a poor man.
I have a small son.
Shut up.
How is it?
Mummy? - What is this?
What happened? you step in home
and start hitting the child. - Mummy!
What happened?
He has ruined my trade Sumitra.
Ruined my trade.
I would have been
smashed blue and black today.
What? God shouldn't curse
any one with such a scoundrel son.
Don't speak like that.
What did you do?
See? He has done nothing.
you are.. - Nothing?
If he has done nothing then
ask him who peed in the bottle.
I did pee.
But it's not what you think.
This bottle was kert in a corner.
So how did it come on my cart?
Kert that bottle..
Means you can't understand the
difference between a drink and urine?
Oh my God!
I don't know what I
served the people the entire day.
If they fall ill then I shall be jailed.
I can't continue with my trade.
Nothing will happen father.
How come?
On the T.V I have seen that
people use urine for medicines.
Oh my son! See.
Which medicines? -Ayurveda.
Come here. - Come with me.come.
What are you doing? - Come.
He is a small child
and you.. - Don't come out.
Stay in.
And stay like this the entire day.
you go in. Get inside.
It's so hot.
Monu let's take Pappu and leave. Come.
Come fast. - Fast.
We will play kabaddi. - Come.
What is going on here? - Come.
Down. Kneel.
Hold your ears.
Uncle caste away your anger
and let Pappu play Kabaddi with us.
yes. Please. - Why are you smiling?
yes please forgive Pappu.
Uncle if you don't forgive
Pappu then we shall also kneel down.
Oh Lord!
What? Get up.
Get up.
Now you won't do any mischief? - No.
If you make any mischief then
I shall spank yourfriends as well.
Now go.
Uncle you also come.
yes come. - No I won't.
No. you also come.
From that side.
Hey look here.
This boy is cross eyed. He looks
in one direction and moves in other.
Hey look Here.
That's cheating.
We won!
We won!
What is wrong Kuhu?
Why are you sitting here so morosely?
Nothing. Just like that.
Please tell me. I
know something is wrong.
Please tell me Kuhu.
All this is so beautiful, isn't it?
What is?
All this which you play.
you can do all that you want.
All that you wish.
But I..
Kuhu why do you think so?
I am yourfriend, aren't I?
I tell you everything, don't I?
yes Pappu.
you are my best friend.
And us?
yes you all also.
Then come we all shall go to play.
Ok. - Come.
you know Kuhu?
4-5 people are
flying in the sky. Like birds.
With colourful parachutes.
What is this called?
''P'' ''A'' ''R'' ''A'' paragliding?
People are flying?
yes. Many of them.
It means that if you
have parachute then a man can..
..become a bird?
yes it seems so.
But what is a parachute?
A big umbrella.
With strong threads.
The people fly with their help.
It must be fun.
Can we fly as well?
yes. Let me show you.
If you have a
parachute then you can fly.
Like this.
Like this.
Enjoying this?
yes. But where do
you get parachutes from?
you find them in Mumbai.
What is wrong Kuhu?
Why are you sitting here so morosely?
Nothing. Just like that.
Please tell me. I
know something is wrong.
Please tell me Kuhu.
All this is so beautiful, isn't it?
What is?
All this which you play.
you can do all that you want.
All that you wish.
But I..
What is the matter
Pappu? Why are you so upset?
Friends we are so lucky.
That we can see.
yesterday you know what Kuhu said.
yes Pappu. But what
can we do to make Kuhu happy?
Friends I wanted to tell you something.
She wants to fly.
Oh so Kuhu wants to fly?
Means she wants to become a bird?
Oh man can also fly.
I saw it on the T.V.
Paragliding. -yes I know about it.
But how can Kuhu fly with it?
If we get a parachute then she can fly.
But where do we get a parachute from?
From Mumbai.
It's a very big city. - But.
But. - But what?
But I don't have enough money.
Pappu if we take money
from our piggy banks then..
..maybe we will have enough cash.
yes father has given me lot of money.
And I shall give it to you.
you guys will help me, won't you?
yes friend. Why not?
But what do we have to do?
We have to run. To Mumbai.
Run? -yes.
We want to fly, don't we? -yes.
Do you wwant to fly?
See we have to make
all the preparations tonight.
Ghasitaraam cooks very well.
Right? And did you have dinner?
No first you both have
it. I shall have it later.
In the entire day you
do this for just 15 minutes.
And even then you
can't massage properly.
Do it properly.
If I get hold of these
terrorists I will slap their behinds in the..
..mornings and evenings.
And make them saints.
But what do I do of this one?
Which one? -The terrorists.
This mountain is a burden on this earth.
Who is? -Terrorists.
What happened?
I think I saw a lizard.
Shoo it away.
Shoo it away. Please please. - Father?
Please please. - What?
you are scared of a small lizard?
Who is scared?
It's just that the sensations is..
What sensation?
Who admitted you to
the police department?
Do you rememberwhat
happened on 26th January?
Don't make me reveal it.
I am nothing now.
Father you are good for nothing. -yes!
But what did you wish to become?
Me? - Of course you.
My funny dad.
Okay so first
somewhere in these green valleys.. the clouds and I sit with them..
..with some statues..
Who is this statue?
Statue mother. Statue. - Statue.
Like an idol.
Didn't I tell you
that you are a hypocrite?
Now I know what you wanted to become.
you? Awriter?
Okay now tell me when do
you leave forwork in morning?
Why? you will accompany me?
Just answerwhat I asked.
Six'o' clock.
Okay now massage my shoulders.
Massage nicely.
Son, if you ever meet
your grandmother ask what she..
..fed to your mother.
What did you say? -
Nothing. - Mother just chill.
My son.
Monu? - Monu?
Monu? -Throw a stone in the window.
Come. - Come.
Wait. I am coming.
Let's go.
He is coming.
Let's go. Let's go.
Come. Fast.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Tullu hasn't come as yet. -yes.
Now what do we do?
Go to Tullu's house to collect him?
No. If we go to his
house we will miss our bus.
So we should leave him?
If we leave him he will
tell about this to everyone.
He won't.
After all even he
wants Kuhu's happiness.
Come let's go.
Else we will miss our bus. -yes.
Let's go. - Let's go.
''We have embarked on a journey..''
''..but we don't know
where we shall end up.''
''We know our destination
but we do not know the way.''
''We are on a move now.''
''We have this determination and dreams.''
''We move ahead. We move ahead.''
''We have embarked on a journey..''
''..but we don't know
where we shall end up.''
''We know our destination
but we do not know the way.''
''The path moves with us like
the twisting paths of our life.''
''And we have some memories..''
''..we look forward to
the happy moments in our path.''
''The path moves with us like
the twisting paths of our life.''
''And we have some memories..''
''..we look forward to
the happy moments in our path.''
''My heart wishes to..''
'' in the sky.''
''And touch the moon and the stars.''
''So many dreams..''
''Where we have to stop..''
''..we do not know.''
''We have this determination and dreams.''
''We move ahead. We are
on a move now. We move ahead.''
''We have embarked on a journey..''
''..but we don't know
where we shall end up.''
''We know our destination
but we do not know the way.''
This time we shall not leave him.
Call him.
Call him.
Bring him out.
Chotulal come out.
Come out chotulal.
Come out.
Come out.
Come out.
Come out you jerk.
Coming. - Chotulal?
Come out. - What is going on here?
Today your son has crossed the limits.
We warned you the last
time. Can't you understand?
How will he
understand? His mind is full of shit.
What? Sit here. - Sir?
Will you make tea? Go.
Why are you quiet?
Say something.
I suspected him before.
One minute.
you have transformed a nice
village to Jawaharlal Nehru crossroads.
Is a panchayat going on here?
Even my son is lost.
yes. He was crying so much.
you stay in your limits.
If you act smart I will shoot you.
Take these men away.
And the women? -The women also.
Get lost. Hey keep the bottle.
Keep the bottle. Keep it.
Only your son is missing?
What son you have given birth to!
See didn't I tell
you about big buildings?
Come let's go there.
Where will we find a parachute?
you don't take tension.
We will find it. -
Forget about the parachute.
I am hungry and rats
are running in my stomach.
you are always hungry..
Listen. Let's feed him first.
Then we shall look for a parachute.
Let's go. - Let's go. - Let's go.
you should be ashamed.
The children went
missing from under your nose.
you should be stripped
and paraded in the village.
And they should hit you.
Sir, please don't scold him so much.
His wife has
already raged over him a lot.
He deserves it.
Have you done
anything worthwhile till date?
yes. - What?
I have made a call. -To whom?
8 times. Thrice he
didn't pick up the call.
And remaining times he
cut my call after picking it up.
He insulted me.
you must not have taken my name.
I did. Ask him.
Let me talk to him. -Ask him.
you keep quiet. you keep quiet.
Let me talk.
I am very hungry. See this.
The samosa is very nice.
Can I get one more?
First learn to speak.
Pappu we are very hungry.
you sit. I will just give the order.
After giving the orders I will
ask where we can find a parachute.
I feel as if I can eat all the jalebis.
yes all is fine thanks to God.
yes I will see to it.
The children will be
dropped from the parachute.
yes Sir. you don't worry.
We will take care of everything.
These men who are sitting there..
yes? - One of them was
talking on phone outside.
What? -That they
also want to buy a parachute.
Now see. So now we have to follow them.
Then we shall get
to the parachutes. -yes.
And that too without any troubles.
Eat fast. Fast.
I think they are leaving.
Come on fast. - Fast.
Let's go.
Where are you going? Give me the money.
Come fast. Come.
Where did they go?
There they are.
Something important.
I want it by
tomorrow morning. -yes sir.
Sirwe have just
received news from control room.
Acall has been
traced from across the borders.
They have spoken about blasts in Mumbai.
Something about dropping
children from parachutes on 15th July.
Now they will use kids as human bombs?
And dropping them
from parachutes means..
..that they are
planning an aerial attack.
Might be sir. -you know what Kunal?
I think they have
already entered the city.
Do one thing.
Alert all the informers in our city.
And alert the paragliding
and adventure sports units as well.
yes sir. - We have to
really move fast on this.
Okay? - Sure sir.
Okay so he has run away.
And I am being held responsible.
Out there in the market the
entire day I sweat in the sun.
What do you do at home the entire day?
Can't you take care of him?
In this entire
world only you go to work.
No one else does work.
There are things more
important than yourwork in life.
But you won't understand.
Then make me understand. Make me.
you should have taken
him on one trip to the city.
Then he wouldn't
have run away like this.
Where do I take him?
your child roams in
the entire world by himself.
Let him come home now.
This time I shall skin him.
There is no point in being a tyrant.
you have been so harsh with him..
..that he has to run away
from the home time and again.
I am his father.
I do all this for his better.
For his better?
Then where is he?
Where is he?
you said that this is a movie on birds.
Then are they
fighting amongst themselves?
yes daughter.
They must be big and ferocious.
That's why they fight like this.
They are very big.
How are theirwings, father?
Kuhu dear.
Go and play for some time.
And rest.
Or go and study with mother.
I have finished my studies.
I come tired from working
in the office the entire day.
But I can't watch T.V. in peace at home.
you sit at home and
watch the T.V. entire day.
Can't you take
care of herfor some time?
Who takes care of Kuhu the entire day?
Who is there to look after
her smallest needs? Her mother.
She comes and sits with you
for some time and you get irritated.
She can't see. Therefore
she is not important for you.
But after all she is our child.
Pappu is betterthan us.
He takes care of herwholeheartedly.
Manages her.
Kuhu now tell me who is this?
This is Lord Ganesh Pappu.
yes. I know.
you know what he likes?
Okay tell me where
does Lord Ganesha live?
Mother says that he lives in our hearts.
And so our hearts beat.
And we live.
Do all our hearts beat Pappu? -yes.
you can hear it as well.
Similarly my heart
must be beating as well.
Check and do tell me Pappu.
''your laughter
brings a smile on my face.''
''I love to hear you speak.''
''It seems there is nothing without you.''
''It seems as if you are my prayer.''
''My happiness.''
''I learnt how to
walk by holding your hands.''
''To fall, and rise
and fall, and rise again..''
''.. I learnt from you.''
''The colours in my
dreams are because of you.''
''you gave me wings..''
''..and I learnt to fly.''
''It seems there is nothing without you.''
''It seems as if you are my prayer.''
''My happiness.''
''your laughter
brings a smile on my face.''
''I love to hear you speak.''
Greetings sir. As soon as I
get any news I shall let you know.
We wanted to ask you something.
I heard this man talking
about the parachutes on phone.
What did you hear? - Parachute.
Actually we wish to buy a parachute.
Can you tell me where
we can find the parachute?
you want to buy a parachute? -yes.
you will find it in
the big market. Ask anyone.
Thank you uncle. -
Thank you uncle. -Thank you.
Thank you Shimit.
Where is the shop?
There. -There.
Come. Parachute?
It's looking so nice. - Come.
Here.come this way.
Uncle we want a parachute.
Parachute? -yes.
What type of parachute do you want?
See. Choose from these.
No. It's not good. - Select it.
No not this one.
This one. - No not that.
This one.
This one. -yes.
This one is very
nice. - Give us this one.
I will have to check
if this one is in stock.
Do one thing. Sit
outside. Have cold drinks.
Deva take them out.
And buy them drinks.
Come children. Meanwhile I
shall check if I have them in stock.
Okay? -Thank you
uncle. -Thank you uncle.
Welcome. - Come.
We will send a team here.
Sir? We have
received a call from big market.
Some children have
been making enquiries..
..about parachutes.
Okay sir.
Take 6 commandoes.
Get them.
yes sir. - Kunal?
There are children with the terrorists.
So be careful. -yes sir.
Come on.
Be careful.
Leave us.
Who are you?
Nothing will happen. Come.Let us go.
Let us go. Come.
They are very young.
These are the kids.
Are you sure? -yes sir.
Why are you so scared?
Oh so uncle has scared you.
What uncle?
Why are you scaring the kids?
Why are you showing them
the guns? Go. Go away. Leave.
I scolded them.
Okay Uncle now your punishment is that.. have to bring samosas for all.
And you are very stylish.
Is this your spectacles or..
And tell me who is
the brightest amongst you?
Who is your leader?
Hi. Hello.
What is your name?
you must be having some name.
Vikas? Kunal?
Asif? lqbal? Something like that.
Rishabh Sharma.
Rishabh Sharma?
Hello Rishabh.
And friends.
Rishabh do you know
how to fly a parachute?
It's because we have 5 parachutes.
yes sir. - How many
parachutes do we have? - Five.
we have five parachutes.
So shall we go now.
Okay fine they are not
talking to me I will leave.
Cancel the samosa. - Oaky sir.
Samosa cancel.
you want a parachute?
There is something wrong.
I don't think these
children are involved.
But we can't take the risk.
We will keep them overnight here.
Okay sir.Just make them comfortable.
Okay. - Feed them.
No using force.
Sure sir. -That's an order.
Okay sir.
Rando called.
I think he has got a lead.
We have to go to Mumbai right now.
Ali you come with me. - Sir.
R.D. you stay back. - Sir.
Okay? - Okay sir. - Start packing.
This is Mumbai police head quarters.
And this is the secretariat.
Farid and Karim.
you shall take this way.
I and Saud shall attack from here.
Brother. We have studied this area.
It has lot of security.
Like 26/11.. What 26/11?
Be proud that Allah gave you the
chance to avenge those martyred souls.
The people here.
And the government.
They need to know
that we are not silent.
But brother let us discuss
this amongst ourselves first.
Let's relax and..
Martyrdom cannot
be achieved by relaxing.
But by fighting.
This mission. This
opportunity is given to us by Allah.
We shall surely succeed in it. Amen.
The one who was of no use to anyone.
That's me. Pratap Singh Subhedara.
What happened brother?
What happened?
Life was gifted to
me in these mountains.
Ajob in police.
Everywhere, in all
directions weather is bad.
My wife doesn't respect me at all.
No love in people's hearts.
The scooter is also not working.
It doesn't start.
My son. To him I sang lullabies.
He.. Monu..
Even in his eyes I am a bad father.
Then too I have no complaints.
My health fails me.
My breath is dependent on a support.
And that too has been
taken away by my son. Monu..
Come back once.
Just once.
''I miss your lullabies.''
''I can't sleep without you.''
''This darkness envelopes me.''
''Look I am so scared.''
''I get up and look
for you in all directions.''
''But still I can't see you.''
''I am so far away from you.''
''How do I come close to you?''
''you must be sitting
with food on a plate for me..''
''Tiny morsels decorating it.''
''your eyes must be full of tears.''
''Waiting to see my face.''
''you must be waking up
at the slightest sound..''
'' check if I am back in bed..''
''..and then you must
be running here and there..''
''..and then you come to a
halt when you can't find me..''
''I miss your lullabies.''
''I can't sleep without you.''
''This darkness envelopes me.''
''Look I am so scared.''
''The kites which hang on the walls..''
''..await to fly in the sky..''
''..the dusts on the rolls..''
''..rub against the threads..''
''The lanes are emrty.''
''The streets are silent.''
''The swings on the trees are sad.''
''The piece of sky
which is mine must be crying.''
''My tears are mixed with them.''
''Tell me how do I hide them?''
Why are you doing this?
you didn't eat anything last night.
Sir I think we will
have to use force on them.
Look if you tell me the
truth then I promise you won't..
..come to any harm.
I will drop you till your home.
Uncle we all have come from Nainital.
Forthe parachute.
What parachute?
Look I have promised you..
They didn't tell
anything. - Nothing as yet.
Sir, all these kids are from Nainital.
This is Pappu. And that's Monu.
Pratap Singh's
son.We have met his father.
Why were you looking forthe parachute?
Uncle we want to fly in
the sky with the parachute.
That's why we are here.
We heard one man
talking on the phone with someone.
About the parachute.
If you see the man
again will you recognise him?
There were four of them
All four had big bags with them.
All of them went into a building.
Do you know where
the building is? -yes.
Shall we? -yeah.
open it.
Move in. That way.
Take him away.
Without dreaming
forget about flying in the sky..'s difficult to
even walk through life.
Correct. -The way
these children supported us..
..and helped us in
catching the terrorists..
..forthis act the
nation is proud of them.
I agree that they ran away
from their homes and their village.
It is wrong.
But this mistake helped to
snip of a bad disaster in its roots.
I have a request fortheir parents..
..and all other parents
that they understand their..
.children's small wishes.
On behalf of the government I
fulfil their dream of flying in the sky.
Go children.
Fly in the sky. But
keep the ropes in your hand.
Go and fulfil your dreams.
Jai hind. Jai Maharashtra.
''Sometimes is feels as if
happiness has touched you and blown away.''
''Sometimes it feels as if these
wonderful nights shall not come back.''
''Let me touch. Let me feel.''
''Let me close my eyes and dream.
''Let me walk. Let me search.''
''Let me keep the joy
of flying in my heart.''
''Fly away.''
''Touch the sky.''
''Live your dreams.''
''Fly away.''
''The life is small.''
''But dreams are thousand.''
''Light from the sun.''
''And love from the moon.''
''Sometimes laugh.Cry sometimes.''
''And the win each moment.''
''Win at times. At times lose.''
''And bend the lines of fate''
''Fly away.''
''Touch the sky.''
''Live your dreams.''
''Fly away.''