Satree lek 2 (The Iron Ladies 2: Before and After) (2003)

We'll have to wait and see
if the Iron Ladies
can still retain their throne...
Out of form! Iron Ladies crash.
Nong has crossed over
to the Tip-Osot team...
it's been on all the front pages.
Let's have a look at the
sports pages of the newspaper.
Every newspaper is running
the same news...
Jung: If Nohng stays, I go...
Let's have a look at the
Tip-Osot team.
Last year, it was only Nong.
This year, nobody's
coming with him.
The Iron Ladies have split up.
It's the talk of the town.
Jung and Nong now face to face...
Tip-Osot win 3 matches
in a row: No.1...
Wow! Who thought up that name?
So appropriate.
Nong to face Jung in
Thai League tomorrow
after Nong has stomach
Iron Ladies 13, Tip-Osot 15
If you keep playing like this,
I'll increase the budget!
Look at them!
Poor little Jung... all hot
and smelly like a bitch on heat!
Buffalo queen!
That was footage from the final
of the Thailand League Cup...
...where our special guest
And our brightly-colored
guest is sitting
with us now. Mr Nong!
Please... call me
"Little Nong."
You're now captain
of the new Tip-Osot team.
You've won 21 times.
How many times have you
beaten your former team,
- the Iron Ladies?
- Oh don't ask me that...
...if I answer,
it'll sound like I'm showing off.
Seven times!
Hello? Yes, Governor.
I'm watching it.
- What was that?
- At the time I had no choice.
My friends didn't love
me anymore.
At least April, May
and June stood by me.
And now I know
who my real friends are.
I won't ever go back.
I'm giving my all to
my new team, Tip-Osot.
I'm going to make this
team the best ever.
Bahn, Nhong,
our manager and Mr Prasert,
It sounds as though
those 6 people
are all very important to you.
Well tonight we have a surprise
for you, Little Nong.
Would you please welcome
April, May and June... well as Bahn,
Nong and Mr Prasert!
Oh what a surprise!
Take a seat, please!
Mr Prasert...
what did you see in Nong
that led you to make
him captain?
Look at him.
Thinks he's Miss Thailand.
Mon, when's he gonna
let up on us?
And when are you going
to let it go?
You follow his every move.
It's like you're fighting
over a boyfriend.
"Now I know who
my real friends are."
He gets sacked from a road
crew for fucking around... we, his friends, help him out
by opening this restaurant...
...and he goes and steals all the
profits to give to his stupid boyfriend.
How can you blame him?
He was out of work.
That club gave him a job and money.
Who would refuse that?
Plus they gave scholarships to April,
May and June.
If only Pia hadn't left her boyfriend
and gone to work in China...
...she would have taken care of
that... that... THING!
What do you want Pia to do?
Tell Nong to
stop criticizing you...
...or get him to come
and play with us again?
Well I've got something
to say to that!
Even if Ricky Martin
begged me,
I wouldn't play with
that buffalo again!
Let's go find Pia in China.
China! Are you crazy?
I'm not going anywhere.
Mook! Where are you going?
My mother's house...
Hold on...
I'll finish this then take you.
Oh, it's you Jung.
Yeah, okay.
Chiang Saen, Northern Thailand.
Oh Chai!
You jump like you've
never been touched by a woman!
You're late as usual.
If I wasn't told by Coach B...
No, never mind. Let's go.
What's the rush?
We queens like to take our time.
By the way, where's Mook?
Handsome young man.
Such a waste he's gay...
Dear Jung... How are you,
Toadstool Face?
I don't know if I should be thrilled
to know you're coming to visit.
There are no flights
to where I'm living.
So I think you should take the
goods boat from Chiang Saen
along the Mekhong River.
It's called the Queen Elizabeth.
Once it gets to Kuan Lery,
take the bus.
That's the best way for you.
Let me know when you'll arrive.
I shall be waiting to receive you.
From Queen Pia.
It's like water dripping
on a stone for eternity...
In the end,
the stone wears away.
Oh Mook, you should know we're
not interested in your husband.
Mook kept hearing
the local gossip...
...that I was gay like
the rest of you in our team.
She started to believe it.
She's been at her mother's
place for a week now.
She won't speak to me.
When you were in the news,
I heard the rumor
that the whole team was gay.
Oh no, Ma'am,
you are so wrong.
Chai, wait until we get back
from China then you can fix it up.
There's no middle ground for us
women. It's either love or hate.
Like the way
you're angry with Nong?
Eek! I can't accept what he did.
He split the team,
made everyone look down on
us and now he's threatening us.
I'm not making it up.
I have proof.
Nong hurt over Iron ladies split;
forms his own queen team
It was as bad as that?!
It was even worse than that,
I've also brought a video of the
buffalo bad-mouthing us on TV.
The kid's one of us.
One million per cent.
Super 1985
"I enjoy life because I'm happy
"I'm not trying to make
other people laugh
"I give you my smile
"A real smile from my heart
"I have a good time
because I love life
"I'm never boring; for someone
special I would give everything
"Don't be scared,
I just want to share the dream
"Dreams can be made real
"The world is pink
"Open the door,
take a look and cheer us on
"We might be spurned,
condemned and discouraged
"We are ready to take on the
world and make them understand
"I'm standing here
"If you have a place for me
I'm waiting for you
"To realize that I'm important"
Wow! To think our hometown
sells ancient clams!
Jung! Are you speaking
from your mouth or your ass?
Is your eyesight that bad?
I'm using my mouth to speak!
As for my ass, I'm saving that.
Saving for what?
To ride my bicycle! Byeee!
"I enjoy life because I'm happy
"I'm not trying to
make other people laugh
"I give you my smile
"A real smile from my heart
"I have a good time
because I love life
"I'm never boring; for someone
special I would give everything
"Don't be scared,
I just want to share the dream
"Dreams can be made real
"The world is pink
"Open the door,
take a look and cheer us on
"We might be spurned,
condemned and discouraged"
It's going all hard.
I can't move my face.
Stop complaining!
You're cracking it.
If it really works,
I'll try it on Jung when he gets home.
Speaking of Jung,
- should he see a doctor?
- Why?
Look at him...
is he or isn't he?
Look what you've done.
Stop it! Break it up!
That hurts!
If you didn't break it up,
I would have knocked him out!
You're no sumo wrestler.
I'm going to check that
he's okay next door. I hit him hard.
Don't speak to him.
He's the worst neighbor
in the world.
Making fun of Jung.
Never seen a family before?
Just you wait! My son's
going to make a name for himself!
Yes! Our Jung will never get
a girl pregnant and dump her!
That's right!
If you really want to be a
wife come to my room!
You love me, do you?
Oh shit!
If you on your own can
cause this much trouble...
...I can't imagine what it was like
at university with a whole gang of you.
Oh. University was so much fun.
Let me tell you... it wasn't
like we all met by accident.
It was like the Seven Samurai...
in drag of course.
Tell us all about it.
And... your boyfriend
is so handsome!
Ramkhamhaeng University, 1988
Volleyball club! Sign up here!
No need to apologize.
I bumped into you.
Are you hurt? You screamed.
No bones broken.
You two okay?
If you are, I'm looking
after the volleyball team.
Are you going to stay there
until you get your degree?
It hurts...
Wit, if you treat me
rough like this,
we'll never be able to
have children.
Jung, Wit, when you're finished,
you can do another 500.
Kamon and Kiat... another 300.
Goddamn first-years!
It's their fault we're in trouble.
Kiat, you get in trouble every day.
I'm dead!
We practice like this every day
and I'm still only a reserve.
Surapon only wants the best.
And it's only been a week.
No. I just want to play for fun.
I watched Jung Kochika on TV
and wanted to be like her.
Is that so? I thought you were
here coz you like Wit.
You can dangle the bait
but I'm not gonna bite.
Ann's serious about it though.
She wants to be
the team manager.
Listen, you can call me Mon.
I'm a year ahead of you
but we'll probably finish together.
Let's be friends.
Okay, we can be friends...
even if you're not the
best-looking girl at the ball.
Well that makes
two of us, honey!
Ann, you can go home.
No. Mum and Dad are trying to set
me up with another guy tonight.
Anyway, I have to take May home.
"We have a good thing going
"Our hearts are entwined
"Others can't give it to us
"We have something
special everyday
"Coz you're always there for me
"When I'm feeling down
"And I'm standing there
right beside you
"When you need me
"Even though we may not have
"Perfect, happy lives
"We still live in each other's hearts
"We can cry together
"No need to say a word
"We may even live apart
"But we'll always be together
Because we're friends
"Even though we may not have
"Perfect, happy lives
"We still live in
each other's hearts
"We can cry together
"No need to say a word
"We may even live apart
"But we'll always be together
Because we're friends"
Students from all faculties
and year levels...'re invited to enter the Mr
and Miss Beach Angel beauty contest.
Hey gorgeous,
which category should
I be competing in?
A girl like you has
to wait till next life.
Come back without a cock
and maybe you can apply.
But your girlfriend's welcome
to apply... in my bedroom.
Well dick-for-brains,
I'm sorry but I'm not available.
So why don't you
go home instead?
I hear your sister's
always hot for you.
You're out of line!
- Come on.
- Kanchit, back off.
How about this?
We stop cat-fighting like girls.
Let's settle this like men.
And now we come to the fun part.
The queens have lost.
What's their punishment?
Quiet, quiet.
I know what we can do.
Let's have them put
on a show. Good idea?
Party time!
Let's go for it!
Tonight is on me.
Someone left their
gold in the shop.
Great music. And great guys.
Look at those muscles!
No need to
cruise Lumpini Park anymore.
Hey, look at nine o'clock...
How are you? Hungry?
Nong. Do you know
why we're here?
All I know is I'm gonna kill
you for breaking into my room.
We're not finished yet.
You said we're unnatural.
What kind of real man has
posters like this by his bedhead?
What the hell are you saying?
Everyone has this poster.
But what straight guy has Abba,
The Carpenters, Gloria Gaynor...
...and Barbra Streisand
in the one music collection?
And these pictures?
Isn't it strange to just have photos
of you and your friend Kanchit?
Faggots! Dyke!
Fucking pervert.
I'm not... I'm not a faggot.
I'm no different
from any other guy.
Listen... everything
about you... screams "queen".
But Kanchit is such a good friend.
How he feels about you
is not the same as how you
feel for him... for sure.
These are the words of someone
who still doesn't know if
he wants a wife... or a husband.
What does Dr Jung have to say?
Maybe I can explain it this way...
Nong, you may not have met
the right group of friends yet.
Whatever you are...
just make up your mind.
"I was born a man
I want to be a woman
"I'll follow my heart
Not the direction of others
"No more muscles
Goodbye to those
"I'm changing into a woman
And I love it
"I was wrong in the past
"All over the place made a choice
"I can be anything
"Call me Vilai! Nongluck!
"All over the place made a choice
"I can be anything
"Call me Reuthai,
Nongnuch, Yuree!"
How cute! Let me have a look.
I'm Nohng. What's your name?
Who the hell is this guy?
Looks like something
out of a freak show.
Is he a man? A woman?
I wouldn't sleep with it.
What did you say?
Are you mocking me?
You take it back along
with your products!
- Got to fly. Bye!
- Huh? What'd he say?
"I was born a man
I want to be a woman
"I'll follow my heart
"Not the direction of others
"No more muscles
Goodbye to those
"I'm changing into a woman
"And I love it
I was wrong in the past"
- Kanchit! Kanchit!
- Your girlfriend's calling you.
No need to worry
about child support
if you have your way with me!
- Hurry up Jung!
- Coming, greedy cows!
Give me some money
to buy something to eat.
You're just worried
I'll be more beautiful than you.
Fat chance! Worried you're
more beautiful than me!?
I'd be more worried about Ann!
Across the hall.
They're always fighting.
Stupid bitch!
I'm only here coz
I wanted to try something new!
Just 2 more months.
the money for the operation.
Now he's left me.
Who needs him?
You've got us now.
If he's that stupid,
I say let him go.
Say bye bye!
Good riddance!
I've heard you fighting for ages.
At first I thought it was a girl
fighting with her boyfriend.
I didn't take any notice.
I had no idea you were
at the same university as us.
If you don't want
to go to class tomorrow,
you can stay with us.
If there's anything
you need just say it.
You said "2 months."
I was saving money
to buy tits, just as he likes.
What's the big deal about tits?
If you want tits, take mine.
They just get in the fucking way.
Me, I want to be able to
stand when I piss.
Oh God. Oh God.
Listen to the bull dyke.
Okay, then?
When I was coming out,
these girls helped me.
If it weren't for them,
I don't know what I'd be today.
Oh, you big gorgeous ox!
You feel indebted to us!
How sweet!
Here... there's a bird on your back.
See? Brush it off.
Ann, brush the bird off
the buffalo's back.
Hang on. There's one
in his mouth, too. Spit it out.
Up yours!
Ann... what does he mean?
Oh never mind.
No need to thank us.
We know how wonderful
we are, especially me.
- Cheers everybody.
- I gotta get back to work.
- Okay, Mon.
- I'll get the tab.
- There it is! Over there!
- I don't see anything!
Shhh! They'll hear us.
- Oh, look! Beautiful!
- Let's see.
You wouldn't understand,
Ann. You're a girl.
I think he plays hide and seek.
It's like this.
I'll make you reserves.
See how it goes for a few days.
If you can't hack it, you're out.
Is there something wrong?
Back off, buffalo!
Break it up!
It's my turn to play with Wit!
- Wit!
- Wit! Sit here with me!
No, sit with me, Wit.
Are you tired? Are you?
Look at all this food.
What's the occasion?
It's Ann. We're celebrating
her engagement.
- It's like this, Wit...
- Oh look at you!
Not only as ugly as sin,
but you're clumsy too!
I may not be beautiful...
but I taste good.
Ann had a suitor.
Ann had a suitor?
But isn't she a...?
The whole thing just failed.
I was at this
restaurant with my parents,
I told them
I couldn't be anybody's wife.
Because I'm a lesbian.
Mom threw up her
shark fin soup immediately.
The matchmaker and the boy
just ran out of the restaurant.
I waited for my father
to kick me out.
But it wasn't like that at all.
My mother hugged me.
My father didn't say a word.
He just ordered some takeaways.
On the way home,
they just asked about the team...
...where you guys
had disappeared to.
Your mother will probably never
be able to eat shark fin soup again.
Pia's got boobs now!
Shut the fuck up, will you?
- And stop hitting me like that!
- See for yourself!
Ann's throwing up
all over the place...
...and look at the way
Wit's taking care of her.
Ann. You're too outspoken
for your own good.
All of you.
You're too fucking full on.
- Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay
- Hey! Hippo fag!
If you keep making that noise,
everybody on the block
will know your secret!
Oh! We're all gonna
die for sure!
You? You could eat rat
poison and still not die.
They happen all the time here, Wit.
Because you, Betty bad luck.
I haven't slept
with a western man yet!
I can't die!
Help! Somebody help!
Nong! Can you shout any
louder than that!?
I'll tell you something.
Angels like us never die.
I don't think it's a blackout.
If it's not a blackout,
what is it?
Don't say it...
Fuck! We're all gonna die!
I haven't paid my parents back
for all they sacrificed for me.
I'm too young to die!
Imagine... burnt to a crisp.
I'll be an ugly corpse.
Pia, what are we gonna do?
It's all right for you.
But what about me?
I've just come out.
I've hardly put my arse to any use.
Calm down.
Plug up the gap with my shirt
and we'll have more time to breathe.
Thank you all for everything
you've done for me.
You made me what I am today.
I want to thank you all, too.
Especially Jung.
You made volleyball fun.
You too, Nong.
I'm proud to have been your friend.
I love you.
But you're a friggin' dyke!
It can't work out.
You see... I'm gay.
I'm gay!
Help me!
He's gay! He's gay!
Southern China
How exotic! How beautiful!
- One. One room.
- Chai!
We're together.
Make yourselves at home.
- Hey you, wait!
- Come on in, Chai!
I'm so tired!
Relax! It's only me.
I'm not Nong,
who looks like something
out of a scary movie.
Then stop sneaking up
on me like that!
Hey Chai.
If you get an itch during the night,
don't ask me to scratch it.
It was Nong
who brought us all together...
...but it was Nong
who split us apart.
As far as I can see...
it's not the big deal
you make it out to be.
I believe if
we all sat down and talked...
...everything would work out.
Do you agree? Jung?
Why are you playing
with the phone?
You can't play with it.
What if somebody's trying to call?
They won't get through.
Go and play with your toys.
Tip-Osot Volleyball Club
- Gently! It hurts!
How else are you
going to stretch?
Gently, gently! Owww!
- He's no better, coach.
- I'm sorry, sir.
Are you up to it, Nong?
I'm almost there, sir.
We'll do it for you, sir.
Listen to the
Power Puff Girls over there.
I'd lay down my life
for the Tip-Osot team!
We're all gonna die.
You see,
we have a small problem.
The bosses in Chiang Mai
want us to represent District 5.
We're in the big league now!
If we win, we're in the nationals!
If we play for Chiang Mai,
we have to play against
the Iron Ladies.
I'm not so sure that
we can make it in that league...
The plan we call "Three Step"
we'll go for nation.
It's hard for win.
...unless we get another good player.
At present we can't do it.
It's difficult.
You're right, sir.
But there's no drag queen
in the country
as talented and beautiful as me.
Getting Nohng here
was a gift from the gods, too.
We're like twin sisters
separated at birth.
It doesn't have to be a
drag queen.
Look at the Iron Ladies.
They have Chai,
the straight guy, don't they?
You've got a point there.
A real man would do.
What about Mann...
It's Nohng.
He's not a real lady-boy.
Coach Prasert
was just using me.
He told Nohng
to act like he's gay.
He wanted a team
like the Iron Ladies.
He betrayed me.
What can I do?
Ask him!
Excuse me?
Does this bus go to Talor?
help me here.
Chai, don't use your shirt.
It's dirty.
You'll end up with red eyes.
Here, use my handkerchief.
What's wrong?
You should know by now
how good I am with my hands!
Sorry. I'm used to your hands.
I'm just not used to your lifestyle.
What other straight guy
could put up with us?
We thought Wit was
straight, but...
And that girl Ann?
I don't hear you all
talking about her anymore.
After Ann was
broken-hearted with Wit,
she underwent a major
change in life
and left for USA
for a long time.
We miss her so much.
Fire! More bad luck!
This drag queen is not meant
to get to Talor.
If I'm not mistaken,
we should be able to walk
to the crossroads.
There should be a truck
going to Talor.
Whatever. You're the man.
You lead the way.
If it weren't for fucking Nong,
we wouldn't be in
this predicament.
Chai. How much further
still we're there?
I feel like I'm going
to have a miscarriage.
Just a little further.
We've walked a long way already.
Oh why is it so far?
Talor. Jinghong.
After that bumpy trip no-one's
going to believe I'm still a virgin.
Did Pia go through
this on her way here?
She's post-op.
She wouldn't have had any problems.
This shirt your mother made for us.
It's come in handy.
- Stop, Jung! Stop!
- Get away! Fuck off!
You've ruined us!
We're bankrupt!
Jung. Stop it! Don't!
That's my shirt!
Get out! Get out!
Stop it! That's enough.
I heard that Coach Prasert's
team has recruited Kitti.
Kitti, who hates us now
is their back-up.
I'm not sure whether
he's with you or not.
You're worried about me too,
are you?
You should be more worried
about yourself.
Listen Nong. Shut up!
I'm worried about you, Nong.
All of us are.
- We're on the same team.
- That's right.
We're all in the same boat.
Working for the good
of volleyball.
There's no "my team"
and "your team."
We've got to work together.
I'm not the bad guy.
I'm just a manager.
And I've got the money.
He's got the money.
Did you hear that, Nong?
You're nothing but a product
he wants to buy and sell.
I may not be gay, but we have
something here... friendship.
And as a friend I'm warning you.
You've all had your chance
in the spotlight.
Now I have an opportunity.
Why can't I take it?
And don't think this restaurant
is the best we can do.
I'm not going to
let it happen again.
- Let what happen?
- The day I left the army...
on the bus, all the school kids
asked for your autograph.
They looked right through me.
And you just laughed.
Excuse me. Are you Thai?
I saw your license plates.
Hey handsome!
Can we hitch a ride!
Jung! Chai!
What good luck to run into you!
We had to hire this van.
I'm not sure if it's good
or bad luck.
Talor, Southern China
I'm exhausted, Chai.
It's so cold.
Oh! Jung!
I thought everyone was out.
Coach Bee, hello!
We missed you so much!
How did you get here?
Before we left we called you
but nobody answered.
Wit organized everything.
We flew in this afternoon.
But Pia said there
weren't any flights here.
They're testing a new route here.
I have a friend who's a steward
and he got us on.
So did the steward give you
"special service"?
Are you two here on holidays?
Not really. Ask Chai.
I don't know either. Ask Pia.
Hello Coach! How are things?
Pia, you're our
own Kylie Minogue!
Pia. Your mamasan said
there was a guy
who comes to watch you
every night.
Sitting at 10 o'clock.
Don't look!
Is he the best there is in
the whole of China?
He takes care of me the best.
I've met lots of handsome
foreign guys here.
This one's no oil painting
but he looks after me. He cares.
These handsome foreign guys
...any for me?
Only the blind retarded ones.
Give me a break.
I'm the happiest I've ever been.
So coach...
how are you? Are you happy?
I've been trying to sort out
what's going on
but I still don't know...
and now Nong's up on stage.
Nong's learnt his lesson.
He's very upset.
Chai. When success knocks
on your front door...
friendship goes out
the back door.
Nong... he's changed.
Any nice big ones?
I like nice big ones.
How many of you are there?
- 9 of us.
- How many men?
Only one.
The rest of us are girls!
Where do you think you
guys are going?
Get back here!
Pia. It's time for you to
introduce us to your man.
We're all friends.
Leave her alone. She'll introduce
us when she's ready.
Butt out. Coach, this is Doi.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Doi-licious, if you ask me.
Nobody asked you,
It's like this. Doi is the president
of the local sports club.
He'd like the Iron Ladies
to play his team.
Good! We need the practice
before we go back to Thailand.
I saw you on TV...
The Iron Ladies are very good!
We'd like to see you in action.
Wow! Let's get married.
Oh my God! Chai, help! Pia!
I don't believe it.
The Iron Ladies finally
get to play internationally.
This is what Chai always wanted.
To play in another country.
Ladies... it's time.
If we'd known this many people
were coming,
we could have sold tickets...
or our bodies.
Let's see if we're still good enough
to represent Lampang in Thailand.
Iron Ladies!
"From here it's like
time has stopped
"and returned to the olden days
"Our friends went in search
of their dreams
"and have come back to us
"Do you believe me? I hear the
sounds of music in the air
"And pictures from yesterday
are safe in my heart
"Those smiles that
I had forgotten.
"How can you smile like that?
"It's easy when I see you
"I'm full of love
and feel refreshed
"Laughing and playing
like a kindergarten child
"I don't care about any obstacles
"Nothing is a problem when
there is happiness in our hearts
"Those smiles that
I had forgotten.
"How can you smile like that?
"It's easy when I see you
"I'm full of love
and feel refreshed
"Laughing and playing
like a kindergarten child
"I don't care about any obstacles
"Nothing is a problem when
there is happiness in our hearts
"Those smiles that
I had forgotten.
"How can you smile like that?
"It's easy when I see you
"From here it's like
time has stopped
"and returned to the olden days
"Our friends went in search
of their dreams
"and have come back to us
"Do you believe me? I hear the
sounds of music in the air
"And pictures from yesterday
are safe in my heart
"Those smiles that
I had forgotten.
"How can you smile like that?
"It's easy when I see you
"I'm full of love
and feel refreshed
"Laughing and playing
like a kindergarten child
"Those smiles that
I had forgotten.
"How can you smile like that?
"It's easy when I see you
"I don't care about any obstacles
"Nothing is a problem when
there is happiness in our hearts
"Those smiles that
I had forgotten.
"How can you smile like that?
"It's easy when I see you"
- Chai, what do they call this?
- It's a kind of curry.
And this? What's this?
Frog or fish?
Young man?
How would you like a beautiful wife?
My daughter wants
a Thai husband.
If you want a beautiful wife,
take my daughter.
I already have a wife...
and two daughters.
- Two daughters?
- Excuse me.
The women here are
very forward.
The women here see people
going to work in Thailand.
They come back with lots of money.
But they get cheated into
selling themselves.
The women think if they get a
Thai husband they'll have an easy life.
They get tricked into
Coach Bee,
have you come to a decision
about us playing in Lampang?
I don't know if I've made
a rash decision
but... I got Jung's mother
to make these.
These are for everyone.
Fabulous color!
I'm going to the bathroom.
I've always been jealous of you.
No matter what you do,
you're so confident.
I have to wait for you
to tell me what to do.
My parents never cared
for me the way yours do.
Ever since I've known you...
you've always been
the bigger star.
Sometimes I think...
I'd like to be like you.
It'd probably be a good thing.
It's only now I realize... didn't want to
steal my thunder.
You cared about me.
Why didn't I think
of that before?
Even Coach Bee...
...we're all friends.
Everyone cares about me.
I thought you were
all jealous of me.
Like I was jealous of you.
Jung, do you hear me?
Are you listening to me?
Did you hear what I said?
Did you hear?
Can't a guy take a shit in peace?
It's okay... I forgive you.
As long as you admit
I'm prettier than you... you big ox.
Okay, I admit it.
But keep it between us.
- Lightning strikes!
- Slip the tongue in!
It's going to rain.
Quick come inside!
Live broadcasting from Thung Dock Buatong
in Mae Hong Son Province.
District 5
Welcome to the live broadcast
of the Volleyball Grand Final
for District 5.
The winner will enter
the National Finals.
This is a historical match that's
being telecast nationwide.
It's a clash between Lampang
and Chiang Mai.
It's well known already that
the Chiang Mai team
this year is the entire
Tip-Osot team.
More surprising,
they're all carbon copies
of the Iron Ladies team.
Even the ratio of straight
guys to gay guys is the same!
Nong and Nohng...
Jung and Jin...
even the three little reserves.
The Chiang Mai has trounced all
its opposition throughout
the tournament.
The Iron Ladies haven't
been so triumphant, losing some.
That's probably because Nong
has been out due to injury
after the Thai League.
Chiang Mai lost to the
Iron Ladies last time.
This time round things are different...
the two teams look alike!
Our cameras have captured
both teams for you to see.
They're like two peas in a pod.
Here's footage from yesterday.
What was each team thinking?
Hurry up!
We're gonna kick
those Iron Pussies.
Cheer us on like you did before!
Get out your smelling salts!
You're gonna need them.
There's been nothing like this
since Alexis and Crystal faced off
over Blake Carrington!
It's a catfight to the death.
Keep watching.
Let's cross to the stadium.
How're you feeling,
Iron Slags?
lightning never strikes
the same place twice!
Chiang Mai leads
Lampang 2-0.
We're finished!
My mouth's as dry
as a nun's nasty.
Listen. Lighten up.
Don't be afraid of them.
Remember it wasn't luck
that got us this far.
Yes. We're down only 2 sets.
Listen. The next set.
They'll put three up for the block.
I need you. Can you do it?
- Sure.
- Then Nong and Chai...
you've got to attack
from the back of the court.
How do you know they'll
play a three-man block?
I've got spies.
Don't forget we have
lots of supporters.
Wow! My apologies, viewers.
Fantastic! The Iron Ladies
have found their old form!
The Iron Ladies have
won the right to serve!
Let's see if they can get
the first point in the set.
Fucking faggot!
Go strut your stuff somewhere else.
don't forget I'm just playing
a part. Okay?
- You're so cruel.
- How exciting!
This third set.
The lead keeps changing.
No-one can say
who's going to win...
...the real Iron ladies
or the fake ones?
If you fuck this up,
the sponsors will pull out.
I've invested a lot in you...
and I don't want to lose it.
I want you guys to have
a good life.
If you keep playing like this,
you can forget about your
house repayments.
Stop dreaming, concentrate.
Time out!
Venerable Gods of the
Volleyball Court...
please make the
Iron Ladies win.
If they do, I'll get promoted to
District Governor.
So only an act of
God can help you?
We drag queens
have more power
than a silly old act of God!
Isn't that right?
Mon! Mon! Spike!
Chai, stay down!
April, stay in the center.
As for Nong...
- Yes?
- Hit the ball from the back.
May and June, stand by.
- Got it!
- Mon... Mon...
you have to be there
to back up Pia.
As for Chai...
stay to the left.
- Okay.
- How many players is that?
Follow this.
Go on the attack.
Understand? Understand?
Coach, why don't you sit down
and take some deep breaths?
- Jung!
- Yes?
We gotta get that first ball.
Whatever happens, don't lose it.
Just keep the ball in play.
Chai don't worry about me.
I can jump, spike, set...
but look at Nohng.
- He's like a lame horse.
- Oh! Look at your face!
Quick! My make-up!
Look at it!
Oh God!
That must have hurt!
Lampang 10, Chiang Mai 9
Lampang 11, Chiang Mai 10
- Coach! Time out!
- Time out! Time out!
Sir... if anything happens...
Look after me, okay?
If our team wasn't
so fucking terrible,
these Iron Faggots
wouldn't have a chance.
This set-up's not working.
If we can't beat them from
the sides, we can't win.
They win.
Special time out!
Officials need to clear the court...
and the broken light.
How did you get here?
- And where's Mommy?
- Go Iron Ladies! Go Iron Ladies!
What're you staring at?
Go Iron Ladies!
Chai. I must apologize.
The truth is,
I should have understood
you better.
I was wrong.
Never mind, Mook.
I understand.
But while I'm in this team,
you have to accept things.
People whisper about me
all the time.
I'm sick of it too.
But it's okay.
I've gotten over it.
The truth is,
I haven't been feeling myself lately.
Maybe it's because...
- Tell your father. Go on.
- Mommy's having a baby.
Both teams have to play hard
and hold their serves as long as
they can in order to win.
Right. Every time these
two teams meet,
there's blood on the
volleyball court.
- Especially in the final set!
- Yes.
You think you're as good as me?
You fucking straight!
Concrete mixer!
Just you wait!
Lampang 13, Chiang Mai 14.
The place is jumping!
It's down to the wire
in this exciting finish!
Yes! There's going to be a lot of
money in hospital fees today!
There's one thing left
that can make you win.
It's nothing I can tell you.
It comes from within you.
Your enemy is in front of you.
You're on equal footing now.
It's the last set. Go get 'em.
Nong! You gotta do it.
Get up and get 'em!
Show that Prasert what
the real Iron Ladies are made of!
Is everyone okay?
Okay! We may be beautiful,
but we're also as tough as nails!
Right! You're beautiful
and tough.
Let's do it!
Come on Iron ladies!
Never mind. Come over here.
If Nong hadn't touched the net
before the ball hit the ground...
...the Iron Ladies would
have still been in the game.
They would have had a chance.
What a pity.
Yes. Luck has changed
from one hand to the other.
If only Nong hadn't
fouled that last shot.
Never mind.
It was a great game
from the Iron Ladies.
They're a great time.
A great team!
We might have lost
the volleyball,
but we drag queens
never say die!
- Isn't that right girls?
- Yes! Yes!
Iron ladies never say die!
Could I ask a few questions?
How do you feel about your win?
It was expected. Sport always has
winners and losers.
The truth is, I wonder what the result
would have been
- if I'd been the Iron Ladies' manager.
- Would they have you?
I think talented people
should work together.
Look! Ann's sent us a photo
of her husband and kids!
She says we'll all be
jealous for sure.
Coach, a few questions...
Just then the winning team
called themselves "Iron Ladies 2".
How do you feel about that?
I think if we're so good
they want to take our name,
then we're flattered.
What about these rumors
of a movie about the Iron ladies?
Oh! Oh please let it be true!
A movie about us?
But who'd go and see it?
- We have to go. Bye!
- Wait a minute!
How come you're so
gracious in defeat?
We have to go pay
homage to the Gods.
Did you make a
promise to the Gods?
No need to pay homage...
we lost, Jung!
- Exactly.
- I didn't ask the Gods for us to win.
I was afraid if we won,
we'd split up again.
You're not disappointed?
- Excuse us.
- Thank you.
Bye bye!
Look Nong! Ann's got a
gorgeous western hubby!
Okay, ladies. Ready?
And ever since that day,
the Iron Ladies haven't
won a single championship.
Written and directed
by Yongyoot Thongkongtoon