Saturno Contro (Saturn In Opposition) (2007)

For Hrant Dink.
A Ferzan zpetek Film
I wonder if inviting Paolo tonight
was the right thing to do.
Can't change things now,
besides I bet he's already here.
Taste this.
How is it?
It's perfect,
good thing I'm the cook.
He's probably been outside
waiting for a long time.
His first urge is to leave,
but he won't.
Not because he's shy,
he's just terrified.
- Who is it?
- The Gestapo.
Just a minute!
- Do you want to mug me?
- No, why?
Well, you never know.
I think we're at
the same party.
It's not a party.
Anyway, I'm Neval.
I know.
- Lorenzo mentioned me to you?
- All of you.
So you had
nothing better to talk about!
- What pastry is it?
- A fruit cake.
Too bad! I love chocolate cake.
- Sorry.
- How long have you known Lorenzo?
A couple of months.
- Do you sleep with him?
- No, why?
I like to know these things
from the start.
- I see you've met.
- Hi.
- Welcome.
- Hi, you mummy!
That's Sergio,
let's not bother him now.
Here you are.
- Thanks, but you didn't have to.
- Lorenzo...
Give that to him later.
- This is Paolo, Angelica, Davide.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- He brought dessert.
Thank you.
I can't understand
why didn't Antonio come.
- He is too busy nowadays isn't he?
- Yes. I'm not happy at all about this...
But this is it... Unfortunately.
I'll put it out.
- That's not an ashtray.
- Isn't it?
- No.
- End of the hall, on the right.
Going now.
- Antonio?
- A client at his bank...
...invited him
to a fish restaurant.
What a drag!
I'd already warned Paolo...
there were no more ashtrays in
the house since we all quit smoking.
We needed symbolic gestures...
... to strengthen our conviction.
I just want to put out my cigarette.
- Paolo?
- Yes?
You SOB, are you alone?
Yes, I'm.
How did you convince Lorenzo?
He's the one who insisted.
- Give me a drag.
- Didn't you quit?
Yeah, I just want to make sure.
Here. Has Lorenzo read it?
He will, for sure.
He swore just Davide will read it.
And you believe him, Lorenzo loves to
snoop. I'll be the last to read it.
- Roberta!
- I can't quit everything at a time.
I've even got Saturn in opposition!
Where are your planets?
Let me see.
You're Taurus with Libra rising
and Uranus squared to mid-heaven, eh?
Take a hit, you'll need it!
You weren't born smokers, there was
a time when you didn't smoke.
It is not impossible to quit.
You just need to believe yourself.
Angelica is a psychologist
in a cancer research center.
She holds anti-smoking courses
and forced us to join.
The method didn't work for
everybody, but Roberta was hopeless.
You quit a bad habit by starting another
one, it's the law of compensation.
Did you know it?
I said not to talk to one another.
Concentrate on the smoke,
on how it tastes... it feels when it slides down
your throat and into your chest...
Now take a deep puff, all together.
- How does it feel? Nasty?
- Definetly.
Sergio's just as bad, rather than quit
something, he'd rather add something.
- So, you're a young writer.
- No, it's just a hobby.
I just got my degree in Medicine
and I'm starting my specialization.
Writing is an outlet,
I don't like to brag about it.
What are you writing?
Novels, stories,
poetry, opera librettos?
Short stories.
Sort of fairy-tales.
Like our famous writer here,
that's why Davide invited you.
I'm his fan, so since
he and Lorenzo were close friends...
Very close, so you decided
to take advantage.
No, Lorenzo asked me to.
Yes, that's the beauty of friendship.
To take care of each other's needs
and satisfy them even when not asked.
And how do you satisfy Lorenzo?
I already slept with him twice.
- But we're just friends.
- Friends who have sex too.
But he has sex with guys also.
- Gosh, a bisexual!
- One big revelation after another.
No pigeonholes, please,
I don't like labels.
If I like a person, I don't care who
they are or what they do... depends on what
you feel, on your emotions.
- So, you write fairy-tales?
- Are you pulling my leg?
Dinner is served!
I'd never do that,
I'd love to pull something else.
Don't waste your time,
he's not a gerontophile.
You grabbed the only one left!
These guys are very talented
about food. Trust me.
There are moments like this
when I feel happy.
I don't know why, but seeing Davide
with our friends makes me feel safe.
I know what's on their minds...
... same thoughts, same
words, that's how I like it.
I don't want surprises
or sudden changes.
I want things to stay
as they are now, forever...
... even though I know
"forever" doesn't exist.
I know what they'll do later on.
Angelica will try not to
wake up anyone at home.
... and she'll read a book
in bed waiting for Antonio.
- She's back...
- You have school tomorrow.
The film was on only at midnight.
- You could have taped it.
- Did you repair the VCR?
- I told you not to let him eat.
- He feeds himself.
You're his big sister.
If he eats so much, it's not because
he has problems with his big sister...
...must be he has
problems with someone else.
- And you're a psychologist!
- When Dad gets home, you'll get it!
He's already in bed
and he even took a shower.
- So?
- He usually showers in the morning.
Daddy said he smelled of fish.
I can't go to sleep without
watching two hours of television.
Davide hates TV, but I have to
watch at least one film a night.
Lorenzo, let's go to bed.
You have to get up early tomorrow.
Wait, let me finish this dream.
- The building superintendent?
- I'm seeing him alone.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, it's for the best.
Ok then. Waiting for news.
- I'm going to the bank right now.
- Great.
I've got another call, bye.
- Ok.
- See you.
- Hello?
- Hi, Lorenzo. Angelica.
- I'm worried about Roberta...
- Why?
She was acting
strange last night.
- You have to tell her.
- She doesn't listen to me.
How many times
have we already tried with her?
I could get her an
appointment with a doctor...
...but she has to
believe herself.
- Otherwise it won't work.
- Antonio!
- What?
- He just came out of the bank...
I'll catch him for you.
We have to do something
or she'll get worse.
What's the matter?
You sound nervous.
The usual mess,
Giulia missed school again today.
- No way.
- No, what?
- Antonio went back inside.
- I'll call him later.
Do something about Roberta,
you're the only one she listens to.
- Promise me.
- Yes, I promise. Can I call you later?
- Sure, okay.
- Bye.
Don't say you're
late, schmuck-oo.
- I can't find parking.
- Didn't you use your scooter?
- No, I drove.
- With all this traffic?
I've got a meeting in 15 minutes.
You weren't around earlier.
- Meaning what?
- You can't fool me.
- What's bugging you?
- I saw you.
- When?
- Who was she?
- Who?
- I saw you with a woman.
- She's a client.
- Do you kiss your clients?
- She's a friend, you kiss friends.
- Not on the lips.
I'll be 10 minutes late,
could you tell them?
Are you jealous now?
- Does Angelica know her, too?
- Mind your own fuckin' business.
- It is my business.
- Knock it off and try to get here...
I've got a busy day.
It's none of my fuckin'business,
maybe I was wrong.
And just when I needed him! Did I upset
him? Maybe he's just getting laid, so what?
Where's the harm?
What if Angelica finds out though?
If they break up?
Your daughter missed school,
today. Angelica told me.
- Did you call her?
- I was on my cell with her when I saw you.
- But I didn't say a thing.
- What was there to say?
I've known that woman for years,
she's almost a friend.
Angelica doesn't know
all my friends at work.
Do you know all
of Davide's friends?
- Yes.
- Even those at the publishing house?
- I didn't kiss her on the mouth.
- On the lips.
You phoned me just to say this?
You call that normal?
No, maybe you're right.
Now tell me why you're here?
I came to ask you a favor.
I need 15,000 euros right away...
...but I can't take it
from the company account.
Take it from your own, it's there.
I have to grease three different
people, but I don't want Davide to know.
In fact I don't want
to be asked questions.
- I'll find a way.
- Thank you.
This money has to be back in a week.
Sure... Neval
has a great idea.
She wants us all to go
to Lipari in two weeks.
- Angelica's excited.
- She already knows?
Of course.
Leave a message if you like,
I might return your call,
... it all depends on my mood.
Neval, I've decided,
in two weeks we'll all go to Lipari.
I'll arrange things, as usual.
I've already told everyone,
so you and Roberto have to come.
- How was work?
- As usual, why?
- Me asking about you, is that odd?
- No.
You have to talk to Giulia about
school, it's becoming a problem.
- You're better at that.
- You should give her rules.
And I should be the one
who protects her when she disobeys.
- Why is it so hard for you?
- There's a reason why she disobeys.
Find it out, I don't want to be
my daughter's psychologist.
- What are you doing?
- Using a night cream.
Neval's pissed off with Lorenzo
and it's my fault.
He said the trip
was her idea, but he lied.
I didn't know, so I told Neval.
It's Lorenzo's fault, not yours.
Why go so far away?
How about our usual place?
Maybe I have to go away...
...for a training course.
- Over the weekend?
The bank pays me double.
Lorenzo's acting odd, isn't he?
Maybe he and Paolo...
I don't even know who Paolo is.
Lorenzo wanted Davide to read
his short story, no matter what.
You know Lorenzo,
he'd help even a stranger.
Maybe he's in love with someone
else or maybe he wants Davide... fall in love with Paolo.
- You make life so complicated!
It happens, sometimes a person
wants to be cheated on...
...and puts the other
in a position to do so.
- Will you stop?
- Why?
What's wrong?
Is it Angelica?
Is it your work?
Change jobs, go on!
You still have time.
Look, no one ordered Angelica
to write that book.
Lorenzo too, started his job just to earn
some extra money, now he loves his work.
What book?
I gave her the idea to write
on how to quit smoking...
...didn't she tell you?
- She will.
After you call her.
- I'm having an affair.
- What?
- Eat mine, too.
- Throw it out if you want!
- No, they'll notice.
- I can't eat twice.
You can eat much
more than that.
- I'll tell Daddy.
- If you don't eat...'ll pay for it!
You know what that means, right?
This is unfair!
- Shut up!
- Signor Antonio! Signor Antonio!
- Yes, Rosy.
- The children are eating.
- Will you wait for your wife?
- Yes, Angelica will get home late.
- You can go, thank you.
- Will you watch the kids?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
Good night.
Hurry up and eat!
I know, you don't want
to talk about it, are you outside?
No, it's the TV.
Have you talked to Lorenzo?
No, why?
Changing the subject?
I made it all up.
- You're not having an affair?
- No.
- Then why did you say so?
- I don't know.
I was pissed off because I didn't know about
Angelica's book, you two have your secrets.
You and I were friends
before I met Angelica.
Who you meet first doesn't matter.
- Anyway, I'm here for you.
- I know, forgive me.
I'm a pain in the ass sometimes.
- A lot.
- Goodbye.
- Was that Antonio?
- Yes, why?
- He was acting weird yesterday.
- Were you at the bank?
I bumped into him on the street.
- So?
- So, what?
Your building...
Did you get it?
I'll know tomorrow,
but things are looking good.
- How is it?
- I'm not done, no judgement yet.
A sneak preview!
Your friend's in love with
me. He copies me.
- But he writes well.
- He's in love because he copies you?
He gets his style from me,
but he's got his own spirit.
- What's it about?
- Love.
About how we always fall in love
with the wrong person.
- There are exceptions, right?
- Until proven differently.
- Isn't that a beautiful building?
- Yeah.
What's so funny?
You think a building's beautiful
only when it's covered.
I do, if I did the covering!
Know how many of us
were competing for this spot?
Whoever won it,
got eight other spots too.
- It cost me a lot.
- In bribes.
Roberta, no bribes,
what are you saying?
- You could be more supportive.
- I didn't say a word!
Didn't you!
Let's go to that bookshop, your
book's probably not on sale...
- But if it's there, we'll laugh!
- I love you. I love you.
Let's go.
- Ok.
- Let's go.
And I'm the drug addict!
Everything has to
be perfect today.
I got what I wanted, Paolo will get
Davide's approval, he promised me.
And Antonio came without his usual excuses,
so maybe I really saw things wrong.
Today I want us all to be
relaxed and happy.
Fuck off Lorenzo,
you're morbid and suffocating.
You want to see us cooped
up in a cage and feed us birdseed.
I just proposed a trip.
Why go tell everyone it was my idea?
We haven't done anything
together for a long time.
It's not our fault if you
and thatjunkie joined us later...
...all of us have been friends for
ages. You can't even imagine...
...all the things we've done together.
- Don't come if you don't want to.
Can't you step off the
stage just once?
Lorenzo! Lorenzo
wait a minute. Listen to me.
She'll come anyway.
Are you mad?
I'll get over it.
Neval had her usual outburst,
I think Lorenzo didn't take it well.
Why did you have to talk,
you're not even coming to Lipari.
- Why not?
- He has a training course.
I said "maybe",
I could change my mind.
Not even a bottle of champagne?
Lorenzo doesn't like it
and it's his party.
- Coming in all wet?
- I have to dry off.
What about your clothes?
I'll hang them in the bathroom!
It's not a "nude party".
Where are you going?
- To get some champagne.
- God bless you!
Pato, I made a bit of a mess,
but I'll clean it up.
What's the matter?
Pato, what's wrong?
- A little headache.
- Sure, with Neval always yacking!
- I'll put you back in shape.
- I don't use that stuff.
- I've even got legal stuff.
- I don't want anything.
Not this one...
What's this pill?
I wish I was like you.
- Are you Paolo?
- Yes.
My wife told me about you.
Nice to meet you...
I'm Roberto, Neval's husband.
Hello, do I give this to you?
- What kind of pastry is it?
- A chocolate cake.
Too bad! I love fruit cake.
I can't come with you next weekend.
Lorenzo saw us. I was
about to tell Davide...
But I think he knows.
I can't lie anymore.
It has to stop here, it's best.
It has to stop here
because you can't lie anymore?
- Are you falling in love with me?
- No... yes...
I don't know. I can't
see you anymore, Laura.
Are you afraid?
It's my fault,
I'm not strong enough.
His cell is off,
how long can it take him?
He'll never find champagne
around here at night.
He's been acting so strange lately.
I told him about the book,
sorry. It really upset him.
Who knows, maybe... He's jealous.
- Of what?
- Of us.
Still, you gotta be kidding!
- How do I look?
- Out of it.
- Is it that obvious?
- What's she wearing?
- Is that mine or Davide's sweater?
- I'm wearing your sweater.
- No, it's Lorenzo's.
- Let's eat, I'm hungry.
Let's wait for Antonio.
Forget about Antonio.
Allright then.
You should have been a chef,
not a writer.
- I'll take that as a compliment.
- It is!
- I'll go change.
- Yeah, you stink!
- Not going to pick out his underwear?
- I already did.
To the guest of honor!
I must remember
to change the light in this room.
It took me forever
to find champagne.
I'll try to massage him today,
after Davide comes out.
But Davide's never left the room.
- When are they going to operate?
- Nobody mentions it anymore.
At two o'clock
I'll see the doctor on duty.
You realize they're not
telling us everything?
Paolo wants one of his doctor
friends to do some asking.
- Between doctors.
- What's that little fag know?
Still here!
You can't stay
after visiting hours.
We'll be quiet, we won't move.
Wait outside, please.
- We'll be serving lunch soon.
- But he doesn't eat.
- Don't make me kick you out.
- What's your sign?
I'm serious.
Give me your birth-date and time
of birth, I'll do your horoscope.
It's the only thing she's good at.
- When will they let us in?
- In ten minutes.
Yesterday I said: "If you understand
me, move your lips" and he moved them.
- The lower lip?
- Yes.
- It's a reflex movement.
- No, he understood.
He doesn't understand.
Then why did the nurse
tell us to talk to him?
Because you never know.
His eyes were wide open last night.
- He never closed them.
- Hi.
Did your doctor friend
talk to the doctor here?
- Yes.
- And?
A subarachnoid hemorrhage
at the base of the neck...
It has invaded both lobes.
Even with a miracle, he'd
be paralyzed from the neck down.
But there'll be no miracle.
- How long can he survive?
- He told me to hope he dies.
I just can't leave him.
I'm in love.
I know, for a long time.
Not so long.
From the first
moment you saw her.
Yes, right away.
I bet you don't remember where.
Of course I remember.
In a cafe.
No, dummy! The first time we met
it was in the university auditorium.
This time it was
in a cafe near the bank.
- This time?
- Yes.
I have a thing going
with another woman.
- What kind of "thing"?
- I don't know.
- You have a relationship?
- Maybe.
Since when?
A few months.
I'd dumped her,
but I saw her again today.
- What a way to tell me!
- Is there a better way?
What timing, with
Lorenzo in that condition.
I don't want to know anything,
don't say another word.
I'll pretend you didn't say anything.
- Angelica?
- Shut up, nothing's happened.
Did you hear me?
I'm having sex with another woman!
Lower your voice,
you'll wake up the kids.
- What are they saying?
- Shut up!
No questions?
Don't you want to know who she is?
You know what? Maybe you just want
to feel young with a young girl.
She's not a young girl,
she has two kids, one's 16.
Great! Then it's a
lot more complicated.
- What are you doing?
- I'm making the bed.
We won't be going back to sleep.
Stop moving your hand,
you won't die!
Help me, I don't
know what to do.
Want my congratulations?
Do you want my approval,
want me to make a scene?
Stop with that hand!
Want me to kick you out?
Okay then, get out!
- I don't want to leave.
- Alright, then I will.
Why does one of us have to leave?
Okay then, let's all live
together, bring her here.
Have you picked her room?
As of today we're
part of a majority.
- What's that?
- Now our parents are separated.
So, you'll be assigned to Dad
in another house...
...with another mother and other kids
and treated like a step-brother.
- You'll sleep in the cellar.
- Mommy!
- What is it?
- Will I have to sleep in a cellar?
- What did you say?
- Why are you fighting?
Haven't you heard
us argue before?
Be a good boy, we'll stop
now. Go to bed. Get up there!
So... I'm leaving.
- What are you doing here?
- Just passing through.
Won't you run after him?
On TV they always return if you do.
What if I run after him?
Don't you move.
A real mess, eh?
I saw Angelica this morning
at the hospital.
When are you going in there
to see Lorenzo?
- I can't.
- Then stay home.
I can't.
But you can come and go
from the bathroom.
She'll probably
ask for her horoscope!
Roberta would like to talk to you
about your horoscope.
You asshole...
- I'd promised you.
- What's it like?
A sort of... Do you
believe in reincarnation?
We all have many lives,
some go better than others.
If you have a shitty life,
maybe the next one will be wonderful.
- I have a lousy horoscope.
- In fact...
I knew that, thank you anyway.
I didn't mean to...
She hates me and she'll
hate me in her next life.
- You could have lied, you're a liar.
- I never lie about horoscopes.
They're here. The
nurse said they're coming up.
- I'm Angelica, I called you.
- Thank you.
This is Davide.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- We saw you on TV.
- This is my wife.
Lorenzo is stable, they didn't
mention any operation for now.
Thank you, but I've already spoken
with the doctor.
- You can go in, one at a time.
- You go, I'll wait here.
- They're Lorenzo's friends.
- Are they?
- Hi.
- Hi.
What an awful moment to meet.
I'm Minnie.
- Like Minnie Mouse.
- It's a funny name...
But it's better than my real name,
Minerva. My father loved mythology.
He's Sergio, Roberta and I'm Neval.
- A foreigner?
- No, Turkish.
Ah, I see! Istanbul, how beautiful!
I was there two years ago.
- Do you work with Lorenzo?
- No, she's a translator.
Really, I'm an interpreter for
conferences, a simultaneous translator.
- I work with Lorenzo.
- She helps him out.
- What do you do?
- Nothing.
His mother left
him a small income.
I don't do anything either,
besides being a wife.
Since Vittorio sold the company, I
always asked him to bring me to Rome...
I've never been.
It took this terrible misfortune.
But I used to work.
I was a hairdresser.
Who'd have imagined!
- I didn't want to leave.
- What did you want?
To tell her the truth,
I couldn't stand lying anymore...
...not about
something so important.
Rules exist even for relationships.
Can't the rules change?
In my fairy-tales, when the protagonist
and the prince finally get together...
He can't tell her
he loves another woman too.
Two people live "happily
ever after", not three.
What are you talking about?
Fairy-tales, rules...
But you do just as you like,
are you the only one allowed?
I can't because I'm not
talented, not creative?
Only you have the right,
because no one ever leaves you?
They're all around you like puppies...
You're the chief, the artist,
you have control over everybody.
It's about you and Angelica, not me!
Exactly. Angelica and I
have always shared everything,
But now she's not supposed to
know anything about me?
Suddenly I'm a stranger. I'm her
husband, but I'm also Antonio... Antonio is experiencing something
new. Does this change me, am I different?
I can't understand that.
Even so, can't she
experience this with me?
Philosophical masturbation.
You wanna get laid, get laid!
I can't separate myself from her.
I can?
Oh God, Davide!
I'm sorry.
Pato? Pato?
Is he suffering?
Maybe, we don't know.
Why are you here
in the middle of the night?
- Isn't his friend enough?
- Davide fell asleep.
Get some sleep yourself.
I can't.
I have a horrible horoscope too.
I don't expect a happy ending.
Maybe I'm already at the end.
I do drugs.
Did you ever do drugs?
No, I crochet.
What kind of drugs?
Everything, except heroin.
All I do is doilies,
but my next step is knitting.
So you could knit scarves,
everyone loves scarves.
Ever think of getting a
complete check-up, a blood test?
You should, you're still so young.
If they saw what's in my blood,
they'd put me behind bars.
- You're a pessimist.
- No, I'm a loser.
Your friend's father
wants to take him away...
- Did you know that?
- Where does he want to take him?
Up north, where he lives, to a hospital
for the terminally ill. If he survives.
None of us would know.
He didn't tell us, not even Davide.
He's not obliged to tell you.
Who are you though?
You're just his friends and,
in this case, you don't count shit.
I'm sorry. I get a little
foul-mouthed after 3 A.M.
Vittorio really wanted
to see Lorenzo's home.
- He knows, I asked him myself.
- Nice painting, isn't it?
- How about some coffee?
- I'd like to see my son's room.
Here are his things. They're mixed with
mine, we wear each other's things, often.
How lucky. Do you
wear each other's shoes too?
Come with me,
let's leave them alone.
- Does Lorenzo sleep here?
- Yes.
And it's your room too.
Yes, of course.
- Is this house yours?
- It's ours.
Of course, but you own it.
- I bought it before I met Lorenzo.
- He's your guest.
No, it's his as well. When we
remodeled it, he paid his share.
And a lot of things belong to him.
- Are you that way too?
- What way?
Like them, like him, I mean.
- In grief?
- No, gay!
- Me gay? No! I'm a fag.
- I see. Isn't it the same thing?
Yes, but I'm old-fashioned.
He bought the sofa with his first
paycheck... He wanted a wide screen TV.
The DVDs and
the videocassettes are his.
- Have you a co-signed bank account?
- Yes, we do.
But Davide makes more money.
- Sergio, that's not the point.
- How about that coffee?
We can make an inventory
of what's his and what's mine.
I'm not here for an inventory,
I just want to understand.
There's not
much to understand.
For me there is.
A great deal.
Don't go by appearances,
Vittorio loves his son very much.
Is that why he kicked him out?
He didn't kick him out,
Lorenzo wanted to leave.
Once he came out, the
atmosphere at home was strained.
It was a shock,
he didn't want that kind of son.
What kind then?
What does a father
expect his son to be?
An aviator?
I like you, you make me laugh!
- Not as much as you make me.
- Really?
It's a compliment, believe me.
His son was happy, wasn't he?
Was he?
Lorenzo makes other people
happy and you know why?
Because he's not afraid
of expressing his feelings.
He always hated me, I never
tried to replace his mother...
I wanted his father to accept him.
It's not a matter of
acceptance, but of sharing.
Ah, sharing.
- How's it going?
- No improvement.
- I meant you.
- Fine.
- Work?
- Fine.
- At home?
- Fine.
- So, everything's fine.
- Yes.
Don't worry, the doctors
won't authorize his transfer...
- He's in no condition to be moved.
- Is he dying?
Ask the doctors.
You're doing all you can for him?
It's our duty. Do
you have any complaints?
I meant something else. Look!
Even though we're always here, I'd like
you to know... If there's no more hope,
- If he should go on suffering...
- What are you getting at?
Don't misunderstand me,
I didn't mean to...
Then not another word.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I hear you do floral arrangements
for weddings, parties and baptisms.
- Yes, sure.
- And for divorces too?
I've never had to.
That's odd. You're doing all
you can to cause a divorce.
- Who are you?
- I'm here for Antonio.
- Did he send you?
- No.
- Did his wife?
- No!
If she finds out, she'll kill me.
I like to meddle, I can't help it.
When I care for a friend,
I want to know what he's involved in.
Do you love him?
I don't even know if he loves me.
How long does it take to make
this kind of arrangement?
Almost all day.
I have an urge to rip it apart!
- Would it resolve anything?
- I'd take one less tranquillizer.
Then do it. I really mean it, or...
Let's do it together,
one less tranquillizer for me too.
I can't, I'd be your accomplice.
...and I don't collaborate
with the enemy.
I'm on Angelica's side.
- At first we just slept together.
- And now?
- I don't know.
- There's a lot on your plate...
Because you have a lover who's available
and who really needs your consoling.
Be kind to him, do it for us.
Not now, we have to clean him
and change the drip.
Let's go get some coffee?
They wouldn't let me in,
I thought you might be here.
Lorenzo has gone to sleep.
- How long will it take to move him?
- It depends...
- You want to take him up north?
- Yes, to bury him next to his mother.
Funeral services
will handle the transfer.
- He wanted to be cremated.
- Do you have that in writing?
No, we just talked about it.
- What have you decided?
- Do we have to decide right away?
If you want to say goodbye,
they'll be putting him away soon.
Excuse me!
Lorenzo Marchetti's relatives?
- Yes, that's us.
- Come this way.
Want me to come home this evening?
It's better if you don't.
You're right.
I did what Lorenzo wanted,
he'll be cremated.
I'll leave his ashes with you,
do what he would have wanted.
We'll say a Mass
if you have no objection.
If any of you
come up our way and visit us...
We'd like that.
It's going to be hard,
especially for you, Davide. Be strong.
What are your plans for Christmas?
I'd like to go skiing...
Even though I don't know how. I
could learn... But I never learn anything.
Isn't it early to make plans?
Would you like to be like me?
- In what sense?
- Right, it doesn't make sense.
I knew that it made no sense.
Who'd like to be like me?
No one, not even me.
Cut it out, you're exaggerating.
I always exaggerate.
It's the only thing I'm good at.
Have you heard from Davide?
I'm talking to you.
- Heard from him?
- What do you want?
- I asked if you'd heard from Davide.
- Call him.
Do I always have to call?
Calm down. I just
asked a qu... question.
I wonder how you made it into
the Police Force with how you speak.
I stutterjust with you, all I asked
was if you'd heard from Davide and A...
- Angelica.
- Well?
Call them yourself! Then you
complain you're a fifth wheel.
If you want to know about
Davide or Angelica, call them!
- What do you want from me?
- What's wrong with you today?
The French and Turkish
versions are perfect...
I'll bring you the English one
in four days.
I met her. Antonio
doesn't know, I went on my own.
Antonio's your best friend, you have
every right to know who he sees.
Aren't you going to ask
what she's like, what we did?
If she's thin, tall,
if she's cooler than you.
- You want to argue, don't you?
- No.
I just want to see you have
a reaction, get angry!
I didn't fight with Antonio,
and I don't want to fight with you.
She's nice and also married.
They were perfect as secret lovers...
- Antonio shouldn't have told you.
- In fact, he left the house.
Why don't you try to get him back
or call it quits?
- Aren't you jealous?
- I'm very jealous.
It's just that, maybe... I envy him, he did
something I'd never have dreamed of doing.
And you didn't talk to him.
Antonio threw a pebble in the
mud puddle and you didn't pick it up.
- So, my marriage is a mud puddle?
- It was a metaphor.
Your lectures on life
really tick me off.
What have you got to teach others?
At last, spit it out!
You married a slave
you can manipulate...
You act like the perfect
wife telling me what to do.
All you do is to criticize.
You even clawed at Lorenzo
before he fell ill.
- Now you've gone too far.
- You are right.
I have to take advantage of this situation.
To get rid of some of my friends...
- To prune the thin branches.
- I'm not a thin branch.
That's obvious, given your size.
- Yes?
- Good morning, sir.
Mrs. Pontesilli
is here for you.
Yes, put her on.
- Antonio...
- What are you doing here?
- Davide is missing.
- Couldn't you have phoned?
- Your cell is off.
- I mean here, at the hotel.
I found the address first.
Did you hear me, Davide is missing,
they're waiting for us.
Give me five minutes,
I'll be right down.
Okay, I'll be right up.
Third floor, room 32.
- It's late, I have to go.
- Ready.
Excuse me, I never
thought I'd find you here.
I'm looking for my husband.
- He's almost ready, come in.
- No, I'll wait downstairs.
I'm leaving, you can wait here.
Come in.
This is Antonio's room,
I don't live here.
- So, you're just passing through?
- It's my first night here.
I'm embarrassed, I'll go down.
I'm leaving, honestly.
I knew you were here,
but I was curious to meet you.
Me too.
Something serious has happened
or I wouldn't have come.
Then we wouldn't
have met. I'm Laura.
Now that you've finished
with formalities, we can all go.
You both go, it's odd for all of
us to leave together.
You go first.
I just have to open the shop,
you both have an emergency.
- Please go ahead.
- I've already intruded...
I'll go, or there'll
be no end to this.
Alright, goodbye.
I'm over here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It's cold in the house at night.
You have some wine to warm us.
Did Sergio tell you to come here?
When he said you were here,
we got a little nostalgic.
- Hi.
- No one's working today?
Your first novels have
come out in paperback.
That's right.
- Let's open another bottle?
- Would be fine.
- Can I help you?
- There's no need.
There was no need
to bring them all here.
You can't even imagine the pain.
You think you know everything
but you don't know a fuckin' thing.
You don't know what it means
to survive him...
...or you wouldn't be here.
And you'd leave me alone.
You're right.
You can't get away with just
wine, we're staying for dinner.
- There's not much in the house.
- We'll whip something up.
- We'll find some food.
- Sure...
There were tables everywhere, there must
have been more than 80 people.
It was the first time I came
here, Lorenzo brought me.
I was sure he wanted
to make a pass at me.
But it happened right here,
Lorenzo and Davide's first kiss.
I was dumbfounded, but
you can't imagine how Sergio felt.
- Sergio and Davide were a couple?
- Exactly.
Sergio is "Rebecca", the first wife.
But you'll never be the third.
Come on, it never crossed my mind!
Yeah, right!
- About what I said the other day...
- Just forget it.
Laura left her husband.
- You never give up!
- She hasn't told Antonio yet.
So you hang out together?
No, I ran into her by chance.
Nothing happens to you by chance.
How about some potato soup?
No, Lorenzo doesn't like...
Roberto, ever see a woman and think:
"I'd love to get into her pants"?
Yes, but you can choose
to get in or stay out.
I always choose to get laid.
Sex is one thing, love is another.
You shut up! You can't
tell a man from a woman...
Pants or skirts are the same for you
and you sound like a cloistered nun!
Remember when that Belgian
researcher came to work at the Center?
He came to dinner
a few times, Pierre.
I remember him too,
two years ago, right?
I liked him, a lot.
I never caught that.
Neither did he, I never let it show.
He was always on my mind.
After he left, I wrote him an e-mail, he
answered, asked me to meet him in Brussels.
I told you I had a cultural
exchange in Belgium, for two weeks.
But you didn't go.
No, I had you, Giulia, Marco...
Was it for the three of you? No. I couldn't
accept not being the perfect woman...
...who always does the right thing
and needs nothing else.
- How embarrassing!
- What's so embarrassing?
I shouldn't have told you,
it was a mistake.
Is there any real liquor in this
house? Vodka, gin, rat poison.
For once, we agree!
Thank you for today.
For making them stay.
I was desperate,
I never could have done it alone.
- Are you still worried?
- Yes.
Davide's in his room, he's
sleeping, but I don't trust him.
It's been a while
since you had an...
An affair?
I've had lots,
but they come and go.
You've never
introduced us to anyone.
Trains are high-speed nowadays.
I'm too old to create
new love stories.
But if love hits me like a
sledgehammer, I'd take the beating.
Wouldn't you?
There are moments like this
when I feel happy.
I don't know why, but seeing Davide
with our friends makes me feel safe.
I know what's on their minds,
same thoughts, same words...
That's how I like it.
I don't want surprises
or sudden changes...
I want things to stay
as they are now, forever...
... even though I know
"forever" doesn't exist.
For the loving memory of
Flavio Merkel, forever.