Satya (1998)

Mumbai - a city that never sleeps.
A city that dreams
even when awake.
A city where lights glitter
high on the skyline.
A city where there is
a ravine of silent darkness.
A city where a difference between
humans has created another world.
As per the police records...
...there are many big and small
gangs present in Mumbai's underworld.
Due to the daily making and breaking
of partnerships, internal squabbles...
and switching of loyalties, murder,
mayhem and shootouts are commonplace.
In such a prevailing atmosphere,
comes a man from somewhere.
This is his story.
Greetings, Sir!
Hello. How are things?
I am only cleaning.
Don't clean the buffaloes so much
that their colour ends up changing!
Come on, this is your room.
This is your corner. You've to pay
Rs.20 daily. Do you have some cash?
I need advance money.
It's a fantastic place.
The buffaloes will wake you at dawn;
you just don't need an alarm clock!
Wake up... baah!
- Goodbye!
- Will I get some work?
Will anything do?
Hey, listen! Bring me
two bottles of beer.
I'll explain to him.
Why are you getting worked up?
I'll phone you later.
- Hello, Jaggabhai!
- Hello, Mr. Shanti!
You're counting a lot of hard cash,
sitting behind the counter, huh?
Not hard cash. There's a
scarcity of even coins!
Hey, listen! Bring a glass
of whiskey for Jaggabhai.
What's happening?
Tell me about yourself.
What do I say?
Business is very slack now.
Nobody visits the bar
during the holy month.
Then why have you
kept it open? Shut it.
What are you saying!
Business is indeed slack.
Why are you talking nonsense?
I don't keep the extortion
money which you give me.
I give it to Gurubhai.
And he has asked me
to get money from you.
Tell me, what should I tell him?
That you don't have the money?
No. Why involve Gurubhai
in such petty issues?
You do understand
but you need to be explained.
I will understand but I need
some kind of signal too!
Swine! He doesn't know
how to mix a drink!
- He is new.
- Replace him!
Forgive him.
What are you looking at?
Why are you staring?!
Get going!
Go away from here!
I will not spare the swine!
Come here. I have given you
such a lovely job.
Wine and women! You have them all!
Have you got the money?
Remove it. Why are you taking
so long? Give me another bill.
Hey, is this bearded man
new here? Write his name.
Give me Rs. 100.
He asks why!
Hey, rascal, let him ask!
He is giving us dough,
so he has to ask.
Do you want the orchestra playing
here? Come on, give me the money!
Hey, beardie! Remove the money!
Why are you challenging them? Just
pay them. They are Jagga's men.
Did you understand now?
Come on, remove the money now.
Hey, you smart man,
don't act too tough!
Beardie, have you become chicken,
seeing the razor?
He slashed my face.
I'll burn the stables!
Somebody fetch water!
Why are you just looking?
Go and fetch some water.
Who the hell is it!
Who is responsible for this?
Hey, listen! ...Is your name Satya?
Come on.
You raise your hand
on Jaggabhai's man!
You raise your hand
on Jaggabhai's man! Rascal!
I am going out for 2 hours.
By the time I return, at least
finish off the shooting here!
Okay, Sir.
Sir, my name is Shaukat.
I have worked for Mahesh Bhatt.
- Come later.
- I wanted to meet you.
Come later.
My name is Ajay. These are my
photographs. Please take a look.
- Meet the assistant director.
- Should I meet him?
- It'll be good if you put in a word.
- I said go!
I will be finishing him off
at the second signal.
- At the crossroad.
- Ask him for the car number.
- Ask the car number.
- What is the car number?
It's a white Esteem
car, correct? All right.
No! I must have the film
released in March at any cost.
My leg!
- Try to remove it.
- My leg!
Don't just scream!
Run! ...Scoot!
My leg has been severed!
Where are you going,
spilling the milk?!
Go on.
Bhikubhai, there's been a problem.
Is he dead or alive?
- It was brought for me.
- For me!
Do one thing...
Will you shut up?!
Do one thing. Come and meet me
at Uncle Kallu's place.
- What's it?
- Tea.
Hey, come here!
- Has he divulged anything?
- Nothing yet, Sir.
Is this where you are hurt?
Is it paining?
Don't worry. Nothing will happen.
It's only a swelling,
nothing has been broken.
I will call for a doctor.
Who paid the contract money?
Who paid you?
- Eat this.
- I don't want to eat!
Why? Eat it!
I don't want to eat it!
Eat it, it's tasty.
Indeed! I get to eat only
bread and butter everyday!
Hadn't I given you an egg on Sunday?
- Where are you going!
- Somebody's come.
Who's it?
What are you doing!
Leave my father!
I heard that Bhau is going to go
into hiding. Is the information true?
I've heard the same.
But why are you so alarmed?
Why should I be alarmed?
There's none like Bhau.
Everything has been given by him.
I think my boys are
losing their punch.
It's not even a week
and he's already walking!
The man who was thrashed the last
time, was not on his feet for a month.
Hey, why are you just looking?
Prepare a drink!
The man has learnt to prepare
a drink properly now, huh?
Hey! Why did you challenge me?
You learn only
after getting thrashed.
Hey! Lift your head!
Scoundrel! You raise
your hand on me!
I'll kill him!
Was there any phone call
from Mishra?
No, sir.
Indict the scoundrel
for supplying girls!
Lower your head! Get going!
Hey, hero, hurry up! The work
should be done by evening.
What are you doing here?
Go and sit out.
Get going!
What did I tell you? Go out!
Hey, that's enough.
Move aside... move aside!
Do you want to be an
underworld kingpin? Or do you?
Now go.
Hit me.
Hey, super star! Hit me!
Hit me, indeed!
He understands a bit too much!
- Fight alone if you have the guts!
- You challenge Bhikubhai!
Hey, go.
Leave him.
He watches too many movies!
Shall I finish you off?!
Bloody super star!
Everybody gets a chance.
He possesses guts! He sure does!
My name is Bhiku.
I said I am Bhiku.
You see, a man tires very easily
if he gets married at a young age!
Don't come in front of my wife.
She will elope with you!
Let's go.
Hey catch!
Hammer the bloody rascal!
Hey! Look at him.
You've been charged for a rape case.
They're going to break your bones!
Beat him black and blue!
Where have you come from?
What difference does it make?
I am from Mumbai.
If you read Mumbai's
newspapers daily... will see that
all of them write...
'Bhiku Mhatre is in jail. Bhiku
Mhatre will not be granted bail.'
'Bhiku Mhatre is a very
big criminal, a gangster...
Hey, listen! Take the cigarette.
Bring some water.
Everybody is frightened!...
They are on tenterhooks!
- Do you read the newspapers?
- No.
No wonder you don't know about me.
Tell me something.
You were new here
and you fought with me.
Do you know I have a gang here?
I could have finished you off
if I wanted to. Weren't you scared?
I do not fear death.
Jagga - the man from Hyderabad.
That bloody rascal is Guru's man.
- Who's Guru?
- Guru Narayan.
Both of us used to work for Bhau.
How are you?
One is fined up to Rs.2,000-3,000
if caught in a case like yours.
How did you land in jail then?
I didn't have money.
Where is your family?
I mean, your parents and siblings.
I don't know.
Perhaps, they are dead.
My child is singing! My baby!
She sings well, doesn't she?
Are you in a foul mood yet?
Come on, smile.
What do I do by smiling?
Expose my teeth?!
One can never know with you. You're
in sometimes, and out at other times!
When I'm in jail,
she is distressed.
When I come out, she runs away
from me. Ask her what she wants.
Remain inside! At least, I get
to meet you when you're in jail!
He just disappears when he comes out!
If she is made a judge, she will
sentence me to life imprisonment!
Ask her... Look at the judge!
That's enough.
When will you come home?
Why are you asking me? Ask him.
- When will he come home?
- It will take 3 weeks.
- 3 weeks? Why will
it take 3 weeks?
- It will take that long.
- For what?
Am I an attorney or are you?
Why did you study law?
Will you let me rot here?
Listen. The film industry has been
shaken up with Chedha's death.
The media has given it
tremendous publicity.
We will have to take every
step very cautiously now.
A lot of things have
to be managed, Bhiku.
I think Guru is responsible
for all this.
He instigated Chedha against me.
- Guru Narayan?
- Yes.
I know him inside out.
It's time up.
Have some concern.
My wife is here to meet me.
- But they will reprimand me.
- Okay, I'll come.
Mule, listen to me.
There's a boy here.
We have become thick pals.
- He's a good boy.
- Is he useful?
- Name?
- Satya... His name is Satya.
You will be released tomorrow.
I have made all the arrangements.
I have spoken to my attorney Mule.
He will take you to Uncle Kallu.
Your accommodation and food
will be taken care of.
Watch your step.
What's the matter?
You appear very happy today.
I gave vent to my desires
at a downtown brothel!
You ought to go
to a more decent place!
Have you ever tried Shabu?
A lotus blooms even in muck!
Hey, take care of him!
I have a desire in life. I want
to see you smile just once in life!
Don't even try!
Coming from the downtown brothel?
- Have you ever tried Shabu?
- She is just perfect!
I am feeling very light.
Hello! Shall I tell you a joke?
No joke.
What is the use of taking
Bhau's name? Even I know him.
I have known him
since I was a child!
Explain to him.
The more courteously a business
is conducted, the better it is!
Explain to him.
Just try Shabu.
Hello! How are you?
He is Satya.
Bhiku had spoken about him.
Oh yes! Sit.
How are things in jail?
Is Bhiku all right?
After all, he's Bhiku! Put him
in any place and he loves it!
- Malhotra is here.
- Who?
The builder.
- What does he say?
- He wants to discuss money with you.
Send him in.
- And listen.
- Yes?
- Send Chander in.
- Okay.
Go inside.
Where is Chander?
He has gone out.
- Sit.
- I am Malhotra, the builder.
I know. What's it?
Troubles have increased these days.
There are no buyers
and the rates have also fallen.
Go on.
Thinking about profit
is being far-fetched.
How much loss have you incurred?
You ask for 40%, there are no
buyers, the rates have fallen...
You have incurred a loss
of 18.5 million, haven't you?
If there's no buyer for 3 months,
then you'll face a loss of 35 million.
And I also know that your building
in Parel is fully booked.
How much did you earn there?
150 million, right?
No. The profit apparently...
Do you think we are blockheads?
That people here
are ignorant fools?!
Now, shall I give you
an account of the cement?
No. Within some days, I will...
I've been hearing this
since many days!
Just give me one date now!
How many days do you need?
A week? 10 days?
I will give the money
within 10 days.
I will not phone after 10 days.
Get going.
Did you ask for me?
His name is Satya. Take the key
and show him the house on the lane.
Come on.
My name is
Chander Krishnakant Khote.
Earlier, the boys of this street
would call me Fatso Chandu.
Then Bhikubhai asked me not
to take all this lying down.
And I taught all of them a lesson!
They now call me Chanderbhai!
Stop here... Come on, buddy.
Umbrella, open sesame!
Keep the change and get going.
Come on. This is our area,
so stay here without fear.
The building is a bit old.
It was built before Independence.
But your house is superb. Come on.
It's a little crowded, but
that's needed in our profession.
Else, we'll be in a real fix
if there are ever any problems!
Come on. Do you know
what happened last month?
I finished off two people
in the next lane.
I have Bhikubhai's patronage.
He has given me a pager, a
mobile phone and a revolver as well!
Bhikubhai favours me a lot.
Here is your palace.
Look! It's absolutely magnificent!
It's a superb house!
Stay here without any fear.
Yes, it's small but there's a dearth
of space in Mumbai. Am I right?
Stay here peacefully!
Get girls and make merry, okay?
If the neighbours say anything,
then tell me.
I will slice them apart.
And listen. You have
Bhikubhai's patronage.
So live here peacefully. You have
been given such a superb house.
There's a TV, a fridge and
...even a God!
Do you believe in God?
My name is Vidya.
I live in the house opposite.
I think there's something
wrong with the fuse.
Do you know how to repair it?
- Which one is yours?
- This one.
This is fine. Perhaps, there's
something wrong with the main switch.
What's wrong, mother?
Tell me, where has he fallen?
Father, are you hurt?
Are you all right?
How often have I asked you
not to shout? I feel terrified.
Mother, he is our new neighbour.
He has come to stay
in the house opposite.
He's asking you to come inside.
No. I'll come some other time.
When you go to someone's house
for the first time... don't just
go away like this.
He's asking if you have come
to live in the house opposite.
- What's your name?
- Satya.
- Are you a family man?
- Pardon?
I mean, are you married,
do you have children...
Goodness me, mother! Now, don't
ask him his complete life story!
- Will you have some tea?
- No.
I'll prepare it soon, please have it.
No, some other time.
I'll take your leave now.
Do you know Bhiku Mhatre?
Who's Bhiku?
He's sitting there.
No, I don't know.
You are lying!
If Bhiku Mhatre was not there,
then who paid you the contract money?!
I don't know. I got a phone call.
- From where?
- From Dubai.
- Who had phoned from Dubai?
- I don't know.
Who had phoned from Dubai!
I told you I do not know.
We are hired contract killers.
I was told to go to Borivili after
the job was done but I got caught.
Bloody fool, why did you
throw the bottle down?!
What will you do if it
pierces somebody's foot?
Hey, I didn't throw it,
it slipped.
Indeed! The fool can't digest
alcohol but he keeps drinking!
Drink less.
Everybody go to sleep.
I'm leaving now.
Where are you going?
Let's have a small peg each.
Look, Uncle Kallu...
...I've had so much to drink that my
cigarette has bent and become a pipe!
And you ask me to have
another small peg!
- Shall I make a small peg?
- No.
- A small one?
- I have a hearing at Court tomorrow.
Why do you have to go to Court?
Bhiku has already been released.
- Yes, but I have another case.
- Whose?
He is Bhau's...
Let it be. I'll give you another.
It's one of Bhau's men's case.
Tomorrow is the final hearing.
So I thought I'd go there.
- Then go.
- I'll leave now.
Hey listen! Come here.
You danced very well.
I really enjoyed.
Please explain to Bhiku.
His temper will prove
to be detrimental.
I have explained to him so often.
He does not listen, what can I do?
What to do?
How much do I explain?
It's not like before these days.
The police make arrests
at any time.
And people like us just
sit helplessly in Court.
This is nothing new. The
politicians are the biggest crooks.
The country's law and order...
I'd say, the country is damned!
He's sleeping... sleep.
I'll take your leave now.
Then I told the director that
he must give a job to this boy... the boy respects me a lot.
The bloody director used to
think that he is very smart.
He refused and I placed
a gun on his temple.
And he took the boy for
not just one but three films!
Take this.
What's this?
Open it and see.
What's this?
You have joined my profession.
So you will need it.
But I don't know how to use it.
You don't have to contest
in a competition.
Do you have to win the first prize?
In our profession, you have to place
it two inches away from the head.
After that... boom!
...he's finished!
It's real smooth!
It's German made. Keep it.
I inquired.
He's inside... Jagga.
You've got to do it
if you have to!
He's Satya.
Where have you been
since morning, huh?!
Boy! She is angry!
Where have you... You've had
liquor, haven't you?
Fool! You've made merry
and come, huh?!
What are you doing! I've been freed
from jail after so long, so smile!
You have done me no favour!
Where have you been since morning?
Stop it.
I've been waiting for you since so
long. The kids have gone to sleep!
- Okay. Stop...
- I haven't eaten since morning!
- Stop crying.
- I don't know if he's dead or alive!
I said, be quiet!
Look, my friend is here.
Your friend is here, right?
Then go with him!
Take him! ...There is no need
for you to come home!
I asked you to be quiet!...
Stop it!
That's enough!
You keep nagging!
This is a marital fight. Please
leave, there's going to be a war here.
Okay? Take the car.
I've sent him away.
You were talking to me rudely
in front of him...
- You slapped me?
- Yes, I did!
I'll hit you!
- Why do you trouble me?
- That's enough.
What are you doing! ...I have
returned after so many days.
- You look good when angry.
- Shut up, you fool!
Will I get some work?
He has slashed my face!
- I'll kill him!
- You hit Jaggabhai's man!
Don't spare him!
...Lift your head.
Indict the scoundrel
for supplying girls!
I stay in the house opposite.
Everybody gets a chance!
- Who is it?
- This is Vidya.
The door is open.
Mother has sent you
God's offerings.
Your room is nice.
At least, the sky
is visible from here.
From our house, the sky means
the high-rise building opposite.
We were going to buy this house.
We had even spoken to the agent.
We then learnt that somebody
had already bought this house.
- You must have bought it, right?
- Yes.
Why did you take so long to come?
I am not from here.
So I took some time.
That's why you took so long.
I'll leave.
It's all for you.
Come down.
I'll be back soon, father.
- Are you going to work?
- Yes.
- Where do you work?
- At Hotel Good Luck.
- Where's that?
- At Tardeo.
- What do you do?
- Me? I am a singer.
I mean I am still struggling.
Who's she?
I don't know
but she sure is some dame!
What's this, Satya?
What do you mean, Bhikubhai?
Entire Mumbai is reeling under the
blast, but Satya has become too fast!
- Who's that girl?
- Let's go.
I cannot make it in the morning.
I have work to do.
Why didn't you tell me
in the morning?
You keep a religious ritual without
asking me and then order me to come!
Am I sitting idle?!
Give the phone to Sony.
This is daddy speaking, my darling.
Are you studying English?
- Greetings.
- Sit.
Daddy will come home in the evening.
It's business time now, okay?
- Money?
- It's in the car, I'll get it.
Go ahead!
What's wrong?
I remembered a joke.
Listen to it.
There was a woman who
had two paramours.
Ram and Shyam.
Do you know what happened once?
Both of them were making merry.
Her husband happened to come then.
He searched everywhere.
On seeing her husband, Ram climbed
the fan and Shyam hid below the bed.
Her husband searched everywhere.
There was nobody at home.
So he felt very sorry.
He apologized to his wife and asked
her if he could buy her a fridge.
His wife refused and said
that Ram would buy her one.
He then asked if he
could buy her a VCR.
His wife refused and said
that Ram would buy her one.
'Can I buy you a TV? '
'No. Ram will buy me one.'
Ram jumped down and said...
'You tramp! If Ram is going
to give you everything...
...then will Shyam
take you for free?!
Leave me!
- No, Bhiku!
No, Bhiku! No!!
Look, after all, the police
is meant for the public.
There's pressure from all sides.
The press is also after us.
They are printing everywhere...
Shootouts are rampant in the open!
What do I answer my superiors?
And arrest all the suspects!
How will that help, sir?
We will arrest them and some lawyer
will have them released on bail.
There is only one solution.
Just kill them.
Encounters are not a solution.
You are not a roadside ruffian.
The problem is not of
law and order, but of education.
Ours is a huge country
with a very vast population...
...but the literacy level
is so low!
The problem will get solved
on its own then.
Pain can be tolerated to a
certain extent, but not beyond that.
You know you will divulge.
Tell me his name.
His name.
I ask for the last time.
Will you tell us his name or not?
Will you or won't you?!
Not that way.
Tear him apart.
He will understand then!
Shall I pierce it in his eye?
No. Put it in the scoundrel's
nose and remove it from his eye!
You had come to kill me, huh?
Look here.
Who sent you? Else, I'll
pierce this in your eye!
Tell me, who sent you? Malhotra?!
He is not Malhotra's man.
Heard that?
- Bloody scoundrel!
- Guru Narayan!
We have been fooled!
Hey, you are very sensible! What
had happened to you, to your brains?!
Listen! Go and tell him...
...that I'll barge into
his house and kill him!
If you want to kill him,
what's the need to say so?
Guru Narayan should be killed
in one shot...
...without saying
or explaining anything.
Satya is right. The swine should
be eliminated in that manner!
The bloody fool
has become too smart!
Your heartthrob.
I'll be back soon.
Phone and find out where
that bloody Guru Narayan is.
All right.
Chander, who is that girl?
She's Satya's heartthrob.
She stays opposite his house.
What a piece she is!
The other day when we had
taken the van, we saw her.
They were whispering to each other.
- There is something cooking!
- Look at what's happened.
He has barely come to the city
and has already wooed a girl!
- Yes.
- Why are you jealous?
Even you can follow his footsteps.
Listen, you should woo
a girl just like her.
But she will not get wooed
if your face appears so crestfallen.
Open up a little!
She's nice. Is she your girlfriend?
What a girl you have wooed!
Your matter is fixed!
I don't wish to talk about it.
There's no need
to talk, understand?!
Didn't you hear what he said?!
Yes... Okay.
Guru is in Dubai.
Now what?
What now?
We will wait.
But if we set him free,
the swine will divulge everything.
Tell me beforehand!
Bapu, dispose off the body.
And don't leave it outside the
gutter, like you did the last time.
- Is the matter serious?
- Which matter?
The one concerning the girl outside.
No, it's nothing like that.
Really? Then why did you
get angry? They were only joking.
Why should you speak
like that about anyone?
About anyone!
Look into my eyes and speak to me.
Come on, talk to me.
You love her, don't you?
- No!
- Does she love you then?
Answer truthfully.
Come off it! I've just met her!
Tell me about it.
- She is a friend.
- And what do I mean to you?
I know it all, understand?
You cannot hide it from me.
Tell me something.
Why did you run to meet her?
Now, forget it!
Have you seen your face?
You are blushing!
Shall I say something?
The girl is nice.
But, Sir, I have even
learnt classical singing.
For 4-5 years.
Even my father used
to play the sitar.
So, if you would give me
a chance to sing, then...
Many girls like you come to me.
All of them want to
become playback singers.
I can give a chance.
But why should I
give you this chance?
Sir, only if you give me
a chance to sing once...
...can you decide whether
I possess the talent or not.
Everybody is talented.
Even I am.
The question is not of talent...
...but of what else you can
give me other than that?
My guru would always say...
He'd always say, in order to gain
something, you have to give something.
The producer is here to meet you.
Make him feel at home.
I'll be there soon.
Keep meeting me. I'll see
what I can do for you.
Do meet me.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
You are very beautiful!
You're back, my dear?
How was your day?
Did the music director
listen to your cassette?
- Has father taken his medicines?
- Yes. I'll be back in a jiffy.
No, father. Nothing was fruitful.
I'm not dejected, I'm smiling.
Vidya, a man brought the cooking
gas cylinder in the afternoon.
So I borrowed money from Satya
and gave it to him.
Repay Satya Rs.200.
Rs. 150 for the cylinder
and Rs.50 which I spent.
- Have the sweet dish.
- Sweet dish?
Why did you prepare it, mother?
You know we don't have money!
It's your birthday today.
You're the limit!
You know we don't have money!
What was the need to borrow money
from people and prepare a sweet dish?!
Just because it's my birthday...
I'm eating it now.
And it's delicious too.
You're here, and I was
looking out for you downstairs.
...I went to meet a music director.
The types of people that
exist in this world, and...
...the loose manner
in which they speak!
To gain something,
you have to lose something!
Sometimes, I feel that things
like talent just do not exist!
They are only spoken words!
And I don't understand
what to say to such people.
What do I answer?!
I can't even mention
all this to my poor parents.
As they are already worried.
That their daughter earns
a livelihood all by herself.
That her earnings don't suffice...
I wonder what they keep thinking!
You may explain to them often but...
Oh! I came to return your money.
I have only Rs. 170.
I'll repay Rs.30 later.
No, I don't need the money.
- Please take it.
- I'll take it later.
No, please.
This is Satya speaking.
Do you know the
music director Runu Sagar?
Who's speaking?
- A girl had come yesterday.
- Who?!
- A girl had come to sing yesterday.
- So?
- Give only her a chance to sing.
- What!
If you value your life,
only give her a chance.
Hey! Stop talking nonsense,
you drunkard!
You are spared this time. The next
time, the target will be your skull!
Excuse me, where does
Ms. Vidya stay?
- Who?
- Ms. Vidya.
I don't know.
Where does Ms. Vidya stay?
The one who sings.
- On the second floor.
- On the second floor?
Is Ms. Vidya here?
- One minute... Vidya!
- Yes, mother?
Somebody is here to see you.
- Sir, you here?!
- Hello.
Please come inside...
Sir, you...
Father, he is Mr. Runu Sagar.
Hello... no, thanks.
- What brings you here?
- Well, actually...
...I kept pondering over your voice
all night and decided that... will sing the song
which will be recorded tomorrow.
- Me?!
- The recording is at 9 a. M tomorrow.
- Please do come to Famous Studios.
- Me, sir?!
- Please have some coffee.
- No. At the dot of 9 a.m. Tomorrow.
- Please be there.
- But at least have some tea...
There's no need.
- It'll take just two minutes.
- At the dot of 9 a.m. Tomorrow.
- Why are you coming along?
- I'll order for a cold drink.
At this rate, you will
reach the Studio with me!
It isn't so. I'll order
for a cold drink, sir.
- At the dot of 9 a.m. Tomorrow.
- Please, Sir!
Your job's done. Don't worry, okay?
The night's threats have worked
wonders. He's reached her house!
- Chander, give it to me.
- Speak to Bapu.
Satya, the work's done.
My friend, Razhak, is the
assistant of that film.
He mentioned that the dwarf
is scared to death!
He's suffering from diarrhea
since the time he received the call!
He said, "Call that girl and
let her only sing the song!"
He said that she had a melodious
voice which would be a great success!
He said that henceforth, he'd
let her only sing all the film songs.
I'm speaking the truth.
- Listen, ask him to call Bhiku.
- Is Bhikubhai there?
Uncle Kallu wants to speak to him.
Bhikubhai, speak to Uncle Kallu.
Yes, Bhiku?
Hey, listen.
After finishing off Malhotra,
the builders are scampering here!
Bloody Gidwani was here
a while back.
He said that I should take the
money right now but reduce the amount.
We will not spare them.
Ask them to increase the amount if
they want their lives to be spared.
- We should not increase the amount.
- Why not?
Suppose, they refuse, then?
We will eliminate
the scoundrels one by one!
This is business. We stand to gain
with their fear, not their death.
Come up... come up soon!
Satya, do you know who
had come today? Runu Sagar!
He wants me to sing
for his new album. Me!
I really can't believe it!
Remember the things I spoke about
him yesterday, in a fit of fury?
I just blabbered any nonsense.
Sometimes, we do
misunderstand people, don't we?
We make mistakes sometimes.
But you're happy, aren't you?
Happy? I am going crazy! I still
cannot believe it! Really!
- There should be a party.
- Most certainly!
Let's go?
Let me get the money first.
I have to repay your Rs.30 also.
I'll give a party now
and you can give one later, okay?
Okay. Let's go.
I'll tell you something interesting.
It was during my wife's
birthday last year.
I took her for a movie. What
was it? The one about lizards.
- Lizards?
- Yes. It was a film about lizards.
What was the name of the film?
...Yes! Jijamata Park.
Jijamata Park, indeed!
Yes! That's the film
I had taken her to.
What happened there was, when a
small lizard pounced on a big one...
...she held me tight!
- I was scared.
- Indeed!
- Have you seen the film?
- No, I have not.
You haven't? What a dangerous story
and film it is! ...Take her for it.
The face of the big lizard in
that film looked just like Bhau's!
Who is Bhau?
The Manager of our company.
He's our Manager.
His face is just like a bull's!
He devours everybody!
- Do you watch a lot of films?
- No, we don't get the time.
But I do watch a lot of television.
'The Bold and the Beautiful.'
Hey! Whom are you
spinning yarns to, huh?
She watches the Marathi news
at 7 on the local channel!
I switch on that for you!
- What do you do?
- I sing.
- What do you sing?
- She sings songs!
- Which songs?
- What do you mean?
She sings and earns money, just the
way you spend money by eating here!
I spend money by eating?!
That's how I run
the house, don't I?!
- What are you doing!
- Put your leg down!
Can you speak any nonsense just
because you've brought me out once?
This is a public place.
Look, she's laughing!
- Why are you laughing?!
- No, I am not.
Love is fine. But what
do you mean by 'so much'?
Not so little, but this much.
We've been at each other's
necks since 10 years.
- 12 years.
- The first two years... were only glued to me!
- Shameless man!
What are you looking at?
At how much happiness
you find in trivial things.
Eating 'batata wada',
the ocean, music... all of these.
Yes. But then, that's life.
I am experiencing it
for the first time.
Yes, I have understood.
It was Babu's phone. Guru Narayan
is coming by tomorrow's flight.
Hold this.
I had asked you to do one job and
you couldn't even do that properly!
There was just one hitch, Gurubhai.
The rest was...
Shut up! Let's go.
They have left. It's a
white colour Ambassador car.
But we did one good thing.
We had hired all the new boys.
They think Malhotra is responsible.
What's the next course of action?
Whoever he is, we must not wait any
longer. We must kill him immediately.
Our car is parked on
the left side of the road.
As soon as his car goes past ours,
attack his car near the next tree.
I understand.
Pass my revolver.
Satya is in the van.
Be ready.
Yes, Bhikubhai, I'm ready.
Overtake him near the drain pipe...
hey, sit inside! ...sit inside!!
- Bhikubhai, uncle has called.
- What does he say?
He says not to eliminate Guru.
What the hell is this?!
Bhau said so?
Abort the plan!
Didn't you hear what
I said? Plan canceled!
Bhikubhai, there's the car.
What's the matter?
Uncle had called. Bhau has
said not to eliminate him.
What does Bhau
have to do with this?
He has called us. Let's find out...
All of you, go to uncle. Let's go.
Have all of you gone crazy?
Guru started it.
So? You should ask me.
You have become a
big underworld kingpin!
So you feel ashamed to ask Bhau!
- It isn't so, Bhau.
- Then?
All of you think that
it's a child's play!
Hey, phone Guru.
Guru is going beyond limits!
I want to eliminate him!
- So, do you want to do that now?!
- Then when do I do it?!
Stop blabbering!
Elections are round the corner.
You'd have killed him, and his
men in Dubai would have retaliated!
My honour would be in shambles!
'Bhau's man involved in a gang war! '
Bloody swine, do you want me
to lose the election?!
- What's happening?
- The line is busy.
I used to think
that uncle was sensible!
- It's not his fault.
- Even you should not make blunders!
You should not!
You are my younger brother.
Do not be so stupid again!
You should ask me before
taking any action, understand?
One needs to be alive
to be able to ask.
- Hello, Bhau.
- Hey, Guru!
What am I hearing? Why are you
fighting amongst yourselves?
- Bhiku has started it.
- He says that you have!
- Bhiku is lying!
- Listen to me, Guru.
I respect you a lot. I hold
no grudge against Bhiku either.
But I definitely want Satya,
the one who killed my Jagga!
All right. But I don't want you
to have any problems with Bhiku.
Understand? I'll cut the line now.
Guru has agreed. You may leave now.
But don't do a thing!
Understand? Nothing!
Bhiku, I'll see you later.
What kind of a boy is Satya?
He's sharp witted and uses his head.
Our Bhiku has great regard for him.
He is quite popular in the gang.
He will not switch loyalties.
That's guaranteed.
I have made a fool of myself
in front of everybody!
Guru Narayan came to kill me,
but Bhiku has to remain silent!
Because Bhau has said so!
The boys will ridicule me!
They will say,
"Hey, Bhiku, you're chicken!"
I have to only do this
because Bhau has asked me to!
Then, why should you listen to Bhau?
Bhau is only concerned
about his interests.
He isn't concerned about anybody.
He needs you
only to win the election.
If he is thinking about his
interests, why can't you do the same?
Do you think Guru Narayan
will heed Bhau and keep quiet?
Bhiku, in our profession,
the one who attacks first, wins.
Move aside!
Catch the scoundrel!
Look there, he's escaping!
Don't kill me, Bhiku!
Don't shoot me!
Hey, Bhiku, don't kill!
Your wife considers me her brother!
Is that why you
had come to kill me?!
Kill him!
Is that why you had
come to shoot me?!
Bhiku, shoot!
You had come to kill me, right?!
Bhiku, shoot!
He calls me his friend!
I had considered him my friend.
I've helped him
in so many crises!
When a bullet was fired, I went
in the front and saved him!
My wife would tie him a 'rakhi'. My
kids would call this jerk their uncle!
He even ate at my place!
Look! Do you understand who
Bhiku Mhatre is? Do you?!
- Let's go, Bhiku!
- Bloody swine, do you understand?!
What have you done! Bhau had said,
Guru wouldn't interfere with you!
And had asked you not to mess with
him, but you killed Guru Narayan!
Bhau is only bothered
about his interests!
Implying, you hold no regard
for what Bhau says?
Who trusts his word?
Tell me, does Guru believe him?
Which world are you in!
You should have compromised.
You've had drinks together!
You've made merry
with the same girl!
How did Guru Narayan manage to
become such a big thorn in the flesh?
Before remembering the past...
Look, don't speak about the past!
Let bygones be bygones!
Remember, I had saved him from a
bullet in Nasik and got shot myself?
Shall I show you the scar on my
back?! ...The fool argues with me!
Had I not done this, you'd have
been arguing about me... Guru Narayan's house!
...explain to him!
Nobody belongs to anyone here.
One of us would be here.
He's dead and I'm here. That's it!
Yes, Vidya, I'll be there.
Bhiku, you don't
know our profession.
Try to understand it!
If one man is finished in our
business... then so is everybody else!
Panic has spread among the public.
And we have been evading the issue,
saying it's an underworld gang enmity.
I totally disapprove of the
Commissioner's laid-back attitude.
I feel he is unable to
do justice to his job.
- One tomato soup.
- Yes, madam.
- What will you have?
- Anything.
And one 'anything'.
- Make that two.
- Yes, madam.
I'm sitting in front of you and you
are engrossed in reading the papers.
Is it something very important?
It's nothing more important
than you, it can never be.
- You have never mentioned before.
- What?
About yourself, where you
are from, about your family...
What's wrong?
I could never tell you...
I am an orphan.
I never told you because I was
afraid of what you'd think about me.
All these things
make no difference, Satya.
I was only asking.
I love you.
What are you looking at?
Say something.
You didn't find him? Then look
for him at Chunabatti and inform me!
Hey! Where the hell were you?!
- What's wrong?
- What's wrong!!
We have been searching for this hero
like fools and he asks, what's wrong!
Where were you?
It's only a trivial matter!
I went to Khandala with Vidya.
To Khandala?!
We've been hunting for him like oafs
and where did he go? To Khandala!
- Hey, do you want to die?
- But what is the matter?
You know that Bhau is looking out
for you, don't you?
Come off it,
I can look after myself!
I know Bhau very well. If he is
silent, it doesn't mean he's idle!
Or that he'll spare you!
Listen to me intently!
Henceforth, you will not go
anywhere without informing!
This will not be repeated.
Forgive me. Okay?
Forgive you! I've been making so
many calls, I've sent Babu to Kurla.
Chander has been looking out
for you! I am your servant, right?!
Forget it! I am sorry.
Sorry, indeed! ...He went to
Khandala; next, he'll go to Dubai!
I'm sorry.
Bhiku, I had some work with you.
Now what?
I want to buy Vidya a gift.
I don't quite understand
what to buy.
Rascal! ...Just look
at this scoundrel!
I have not gone home
to my wife since last 4 days!
This hero comes, and what
does he tell me?!
'Bhiku, I want to buy
my girlfriend a gift! '
Your girlfriend is yours,
but my beloved wife is not my wife!
Anyway, what will I buy? I went to
buy him a gift and I brought a comb!!
- Bhikubhai!
- How are you?
Hello, madam.
If you had told me, I'd have
brought the whole shop to you!
As well as the Mumbai Police!
No way! Tell me,
what can I do for you?
Not for me. He's my friend Satya.
He wants to buy his girlfriend a
gift. Do you have anything suitable?
I certainly do. Please come.
Show it.
- How will you know what to buy!
- Fine! You see.
Show it to him... what will you buy?
Don't you dare say this to her! She
will never see you again, understand?
- You don't know what to buy!
- Apologies to her!
Shall I show you
a new design of a ring?
- Should he show it? Show it.
- How's her finger?
It's nice.
He is asking about
the size of her finger!
- I don't know.
- You don't? Show my size.
Give me size 13.
Take, madam.
- It's nice, isn't it?
- Yes.
- How much is it for?
- Rs. 1,00,000 only.
It's very expensive.
Rascal, you love her and yet,
you ponder about the price. Keep it!
No, I don't have so much money.
- Why worry about cash? I'm here.
- No, Bhiku.
Hey! Don't let money
come in between us.
Pack it.
Pack this.
That's also nice.
Listen... for how many years
have we been married?
- 12 years. Why?
Have you ever given me
a gift in these 12 years?
Aren't you ashamed? Don't you
ever think about your wife?!
- I have given you a gift.
- What?
Those two... children!
- Bhikubhai.
- Yes?
Even I have 4-5 girlfriends.
Shall I also have the gifts packed?
- Aren't you ashamed?
- Why?
You just don't work. You only
keep drinking beer all day!
And you expect me to buy
a gift for your girlfriend?!
But you don't give
me any work to do!
- Will you work?
- Yes.
Shall I tell everybody about
what you did in Mittal's case?
Mittal's case?
We went to extort money from the
General Manager of Mittal Stores.
He started arguing, so a gun was
placed on his skull and he was shot.
Blood oozed out,
and this bloody fellow fainted!
We had to go to Poona but we had
to take him to a hospital instead!
But I was unwell.
Yes! You always fall ill just
before we have to eliminate somebody!
Take some pills!
Please give Bhikubhai's parcel soon.
Take, madam.
Yes, uncle? Do you know
what we are doing here?
I see.
All right.
- What's the matter?
- A new Commissioner is here.
I have been asked to
attend to a Press Conference.
I am very pleased with
this honour and occasion.
You may now ask me
any questions you please.
It is said that... do not tolerate political
interference in police matters?
Due to that, you get transferred
from every place instantly?
What better way can there be
to travel across India?
Why do you think the previous
Commissioner was transferred?
You call it a routine transfer.
But he's got transferred to a police
training school! What would you...
- How many years?
- 6 years, Sir.
Bhiku Mhatre, Attorney Mule,
Uncle Kallu, Guru Narayan...
...are all birds
of the same feather.
All of them began their profession
under Bhau Thakurdas Jhavle.
But when Bhau entered politics,
this gang split into two factions.
The first faction
is the Mhatre gang.
Which consists of Bhiku Mhatre,
Attorney Mule, Uncle Kallu, etc.
The chief of the other faction
was Guru Narayan.
Guru's area consists of places near
Bhandup, Wadala and Antop Hill.
Their business is immoral traffic.
And Mhatre's area extends from
the Central side, Grant Road...
...Nepeansea Road right
up to Mohammad Ali Road.
Their business includes extortion,
film finance and gambling dens.
Both these factions never used
to interfere in each other's work.
But tension surfaced when Guru
began interfering in Mhatre's area.
Who is Satya?
Sir, we have not been able to
gather much information about him.
We only know that he had joined
Bhiku Mhatre's gang some months back.
He has risen to the top quite soon.
Inside information reveals that this
man operates Mhatre's gang nowadays.
Informers also say that he had
a hand in Guru Narayan's murder.
Hey, Khandelkar, you?
I had forgotten that he had
also been transferred to Mumbai.
Please sit.
- How are you?
- The same as before.
Implying, you still
haven't found anybody?
Why do you ask that? Don't you
know he will feel shy?
It's better to feel shy
than to regret, isn't it?
It's your age to get married now.
Well, I'll get married
in a year or two.
Marriage isn't the same as duty,
that you need a time limit!
Don't even think about marriage
until you find a suitable match.
- Where's your daughter?
- She got admitted to school today.
She will return by noon.
You will be here, won't you?
- No, I have to leave.
- What's the hurry?
Eat and go. Wait here,
I'll go and prepare something.
It's good that Munni
got her admission soon.
What were you saying
about Guru Narayan's murder?
Sir, Guru Narayan was murdered
against Bhau's wishes.
This is going to lead to a big
gang war between Bhiku and Bhau.
It's good. Let them fight amongst
themselves and kill one another!
And the ones who remain,
we'll handle!
- Jyoti, have you put sugar?
- Yes, she has, Sir.
For me!
It's very beautiful!
But, Satya, this is...
You are wondering where I got
so much money from, aren't you?
I had taken a loan from the company.
I will gradually repay them.
- But...
- Now don't tell me... you did to mother that there
was no need to take a loan and buy it.
I only wanted to see the ring
around your finger, so I bought it.
You liked it, didn't you?
It's extremely beautiful.
Allow me.
It's good that he is no more.
This was inevitable.
How often had I wished
that this should happen!
Death was better than this life.
But he was still living.
Since 15 years, on that chair...
He used to sing so well, but he
was unable to speak even a word.
I've been trying to call you since
so long but you weren't answering.
What's the matter?
Bhikubhai has called you right now.
There's some problem about Bhau.
- How is Vidya's mother?
- She's fine.
What's the matter?
Mule says that Bhau wants to meet me.
Ask him to come here.
I have come here
to accept my mistake.
I have committed a folly.
That bloody Guru was a wretched
man; I failed to realize that.
What could I do?
Elections were round the corner.
I was surrounded by jerks!
I would listen to anybody.
It's good you finished off Guru.
Bhiku, whatever you have done,
does not distress me.
But beware.
There's a new Commissioner
in the city - Amod Shukla.
He will definitely
be after our blood.
We must not let him take
advantage of our internal fights.
We are the mafia.
We ought to live like comrades.
Understand? Do you understand?!
You are my child,
a little child of mine!
You are a very sensible boy.
I am glad you are with Bhiku.
- Why are all of you standing?
- Bhau, sit here.
- Ask him to bring hot tea.
- No, Bhau, not there!
- Bhau, come here.
- That is your chair.
This fatso doesn't let anyone sit on
it; he tells me also to sit over here!
You give me your chair,
but would sit on mine?!
Bhau, I'll order for some champagne.
...go and bring some champagne.
Fetch some liquor.
Hey, Chander! Tell me.
- My sister is getting married.
- Then we will surely attend it!
Bhau, you must come.
Bhau has extended a hand
of friendship towards Bhiku.
And now, Bhiku Mhatre is
helping Bhau in the elections.
All the candidates contesting
against him have been threatened... the underworld gang
to withdraw their nominations.
And we are helpless, as nobody
has lodged a formal complaint.
How will anybody do that?
Every person values his life.
Anyway, people believe in the
underworld gang more than the police.
I'll reach at the
dot of 8.30, Sir.
The corporate election candidates
have been threatened...
...and Bhau Thakurdas Jhavle
is the man behind this!
Yes, we have the information.
The police do have the information.
- Then what action have you taken?
- As of now, nothing.
Amazing! Hooliganism is rampant...
...and our police force is merely
watching the spectacle like fools!
I said that we have the
information but not the report.
Nobody has lodged a
written complaint against Bhau.
And you ask us what we are doing.
Arrest Bhau on a 'no ground' basis?
Then? We'll have to free him then!
As we have no evidence against him.
So why this farce of arresting him?
Mr. Amod, it is unbecoming
of you to use such words...
What happens is that we arrest them
and they get released later.
If they get arrested, then they
will operate from inside the jail.
And if they escape, they will
operate from abroad!
And we cannot do a thing!
The amount of money we spend
on their extradition... not even asked
for extortion by them!
And then there are people
like Bhau who operate openly.
Because they know very well
how to break this system!
Sir, I think there is
no solution to this problem.
They can do anything because
they transgress the law.
And we cannot do a thing because
it is the same law which stops us!
I admit the law must have
bound your hands many a times.
But the fault does not
lie with the law.
The framework of
our democracy is such.
Democracy has given our citizens
some basic fundamental rights.
Men like Bhau violate these
rights and mock at democracy.
But it's the limit now!
Rampant squabbles,
hooliganism, threats...
The public is getting terrified now.
Of what use is the law
which cannot protect the citizens?
Mr. Commissioner, I give
you a free hand.
Do anything.
The police have shot Chander dead.
What are you doing?
Come here quickly.
What's the matter?
What's wrong?
My friend met with an accident.
Is he badly hurt?
He's dead.
You'll have to go, won't you?
I'll come right away.
No, I'll see you later.
- I'll leave in a jiffy.
- No. You go. I'll see you later.
The bloody fool is dead!
What was the need to go there?
I had asked that swine
not to go there!
The bloody fool wanted to
be an underworld kingpin!
The kingpin Chander!
Bloody swine!
- What's the use now?
- The swine couldn't kill!
What's the use of
talking about it?
All day long, he'd say,
"Bhikubhai, listen to a joke!"
The rascal would just keep laughing!
He wouldn't listen to anybody!
- I met his mother two days back.
- Why do you just go on talking!
Why are you blabbering?!
'Give Rs.20-25 thousand. I've
seen a girl for him in Kolhapur.'
'Or he'll never settle down.
Please take care of him, Bhiku.'
- Stop it, Bhiku!
- What could I tell her?
- Stop it!
- He wouldn't heed Bhiku or his mama!
- Stop it!!
- Stop what?!
He had come to you, right?
Why didn't you stop him?
Scoundrel, why are you accusing me?!
Nobody means anything to you!
I don't mean a thing to you!
- All right, forgive me!
- He doesn't mean a thing!
- Bhiku, listen to me!
- Just keep making money!
They shot him on his temple and the
bullet came out from the other end!
- Wasn't he like my son?
- He was like your son indeed!
Why did the bloody fools
kill only him?
Because they are policemen.
Bhiku, they had no
other way of stopping us.
The government has given
them the liberty.
So they are using
our method to catch us.
They believe that they can
get away with anything.
They feel that all of us are
within the reach of the law.
We'll also show them that they
are not beyond our reach either!
What? What are
you trying to say?
We'll kill Amod Shukla.
Are you nuts, huh?!
Have you gone crazy?!
Kill Amod Shukla!...
How will we kill him?!
Tell me, how will we kill him?!
There will be police posted
in every nook and corner!
Like termites on wood!
We'll kill Amod Shukla indeed!...
Tell me, how will we kill him?!
Killing him will be like killing
a brother of every policeman!
How will we kill him?!
Initially, they will be infuriated.
Then, they will understand.
If somebody can kill the brother
of a policeman today...
...then he can even kill
a policeman tomorrow!
Why should only
Amod Shukla be killed?
- We can kill anybody else!
- Who?
There is no other way out.
No other way.
All right. Do what you please.
But I'll tell you one thing. Do
not underestimate the police, okay?
I am not underestimating them.
We may or may not kill Amod Shukla
but they are bent on finishing us off.
If we just sit idle, they will
chase us like dogs and kill us.
They are after our blood
because we are not retaliating.
They perceive no danger.
By killing Amod Shukla,
fear will be instilled in them.
After that, any policeman will think
ten times before cracking down on us.
Uncle, Amod Shukla's death
could become a gift of life for us.
- The cops behaving as they please...
- It won't do!
- The hooliganism of the police...
- It won't do!
- Amod Shukla!
- Go back!
Due to the killings of two innocent
merchants yesterday by the police...
...fear has gripped
the citizens of Mumbai.
The deceased Bansilal and Haresh
Mehta were owners of a cloth shop.
They were returning home
after shutting their shop.
The police say that they felt
both of them were gangsters.
When asked why they did not
verify, the police had no reply.
This is Devnar in front of Mumbai
Mantralaya reporting for ZEE News.
Is this true?
Many questions were raised in the
Parliament about the startling event.
Yes, it is true.
The police have committed a folly.
But who doesn't make mistakes?
What could the cop do? Go up to the
car and ask for his identification?
Ask, where he stays
and where he's going?
Had there been no businessmen in the
car, 2 cops would've been dead today!
It's very easy to sit in the
drawing room and give an opinion.
But have you ever thought of the
conditions under which we work?
Give sympathy to the dead
and abuses to the police!
Then switch off the TV
and forget about it!
And if nothing happens, then
display placards of Human Rights!
Have you ever wondered,
where these people talking about...
...Human Rights disappear when the
mafia blatantly kills innocent people!
Nobody holds
placards then, saying...
Policemen are murderers, butchers!
Even a butcher slaughters a goat
only because people eat it!
Why do you point a finger
at the butcher?
And we do not enjoy slaying anybody!
We do not make criminals,
Jyoti, the system does.
Until the system gets rectified,
someone will have to clean this filth!
And today, under the prevailing
conditions, I am doing that job.
Khandelkar, listen...
...a religious gathering will be
held the day after tomorrow morning...
Where the hell are all of you!
Call the ambulance!
What are you doing! Look there!
The broad daylight murder
of Amod Shukla...
...had shaken the complete machinery
of the government to its roots.
The police too wanted
to seek vengeance.
The way in which they cracked down
on the underworld...
...the uproar created, the chaos
and shootouts that took place...
All this is the blackest chapter
in Mumbai's history of crime.
The city of Mumbai, gripped with
tension, looked like a police rule.
And the forthcoming election had
made the conditions even more serious.
Due to the prevalent danger, people
were beginning to lose faith... the hollow system
and the nonplussed government.
Bhau Thakurdas Jhavle
took undue advantage of it.
The obsession of the cops to unearth
the gangsters gone underground...
victimized some
innocent people too.
The Human Rights Organizations
held many demonstrations...
...against the police atrocities
and demanded that the city be closed.
The police said
that this was baseless.
But eventually,
they had to step back.
At the same time, Bhau Thakurdas
Jhavle won the election...
...with a landslide majority.
Under such conditions, Satya went
to see a film with Vidya one day.
Looking at the massive crowd, I
thought we wouldn't get the tickets.
- I got them.
- Let's go?
There are also some
informers amongst them, Sir.
Begin a full scale checking
of the village from tomorrow.
If need be.
Sir, this... and that...
are two uneven paths.
Which leads to Border Pillar
Number 635 and 638.
I will see the paths
as well as the Border Pillar.
Sure, Sir. We can see the
border post of Pakistan also.
Give me two Dukes' Mangola.
Then give me two bottles of Pepsi.
Seal all the exits.
Hey, the door is not opening!
Open the door!
Your attention, everybody! Do not
create a racket and listen to me!
Please remain where you are.
The police have surrounded
the entire cinema hall.
Do not fear. We are looking out
for a man who is here right now.
All the exits of the hall are sealed.
Only the door behind will open.
So, please come to
that door, one by one.
We want no problems created,
so please cooperate with the police.
And come out from that door.
Have two men posted near that door.
Is everything ready?
Fine. Open the door.
Stop! I say, stop!
Please don't go!
Were you aware that the
whole theater was packed?
Yet, you had all the exits
locked from outside?
My intention was to nab Satya and
I didn't want him to flee from there.
You deemed it right to put
1,000 lives in danger for that?
I had no inkling...
about whatever happened.
You just mentioned that you did this
so that Satya would not escape...
...since he certainly
would make an attempt. Right?
So why didn't you have an inkling,
that in order to escape...
...he could take a more
dangerous step? Which he did!
- 5 children, 6 women and 10 men
were killed in that stampede.
Who is responsible for that?
I did only what I deemed correct
at that moment, that situation.
Deceived Khandelkar,
eliminated Amod Shukla!
Guru Narayan, even you are gone!
Who made Bhau win
the election? Bhiku Mhatre!
Who is the King of Mumbai?
Bhiku Mhatre!
Is there anybody in Mumbai
to challenge Bhiku?
There's absolutely nobody!
What a fantastic racket
you created at the theater!
- It could have backfired too.
- Meaning?
People were trampling each other
in the stampede that took place.
I wonder how many people perished.
Hey, were you afraid?
Not for myself, Bhiku,
but for Vidya.
She could have been one of them.
Why are you making
an issue of it, huh?
Both of us are alive, and so
is Vidya. Why do you worry then?
What's the guarantee that
we will be alive tomorrow?
This profession is such.
I can't take it any longer.
I will tell Vidya everything.
Everything about myself,
who I am, what I do.
Hey, you fool! Are you crazy?
What will you tell her?
That you are a criminal, a gangster?
That the police are looking out
for you for several murder cases?
Do you think she will forgive
you after hearing everything?!
And say that she still loves you
because you told her the truth?!
- So should I lie to her forever?!
- Why do you have to say the truth?!
I want to marry her!
I am tired of lying to her.
Whenever I'm with her, I am
scared about what she will ask me.
I am not the Satya she loves.
How long will this go on?
After the incident at the theater,
I fear about the future.
Bhiku, do you know which were
the best days of my life?
The four days which
I had spent with Vidya.
Remember, when I had returned,
you were scared for me?
I don't want to live that way
for the rest of my life!
Bhiku, I am afraid
of losing Vidya.
And all the joys which
I receive from her.
But what can I do? Nothing.
I'm not the same Satya for whom
these things made no difference.
But now, the death of the innocents
makes a difference to me.
Each one of them must have had
somebody who
Just the way I love Vidya.
Bhiku, Vidya's life can be in
danger if I don't say the truth.
I will have to tell her the truth!
I will tell her everything!
Satya, don't tell her the truth.
Listen to me.
Of what use is a truth
that will ruin her life?!
Tell her a lie... a last lie.
Tell her that you have
got a job in Dubai.
I will make all
the arrangements there.
Your business will
be absolutely legal, understand?
I will handle everything here.
Take her and be happy.
At least, nod in agreement!
- Shall I tell you something?
- What?
I am jealous of Vidya.
Stop it, please don't joke.
Yes, I am very jealous of Vidya.
Tell me something...
will you invite me for your wedding?
- No.
- To Dubai?
I'll make all the arrangements
there. I'll bring money.
And Bhiku Mhatre will dance there!
Please don't joke.
The whole of Dubai knows
Bhiku Mhatre, understand?
Let's go. Even the sun has set,
listening to your talks!
How are you?
Keep this away... keep this away!
Scoundrel! What did I tell you?
How are you?
- What's her name?
- Sony.
- That's my daughter's name.
- Really?
Hello, Bhikubhai!
Bhikubhai, sit with
us also sometimes.
Yes... I will.
Bhau has won the election!
You'll drink the
whole bottle to celebrate!
Your wife will leave you then,
and I'll have to bring her back!
- How are you?
- Fine.
Keep that away, I'm scared.
Bhau won!
Look, I have won the election!
My Bhau has won!
My little child!...
Look at this garland!
I've won!
Now, sit. I'll make you a drink...
And where is Satya?
- He hasn't come.
- No?
How will Satya come?
He must be with his girl!
He's jealous because
he couldn't find anyone!
He is bald, so he
didn't find a girl!
My bald uncle, find a bald aunt!
Sit here, I'll make you a drink.
I'll make.
I've won the election
today, right? So, you sit.
Hey, Bhiku, come here.
- Bhau is preparing a drink.
- He is stone drunk!
Bhau, I'll tell you
something today.
I'll give you some
happy news today...
Even my mother never opposed me,
right since the time I was so small.
And this swine!
I was waiting for the election
or I'd have eliminated him long back.
There was no other way out.
The matter is not very simple.
If Bhau entered politics,
Bhiku would operate the gang.
As long as there's Satya,
Bhau would be troubled by Bhiku.
Who the hell is Satya!
He set off to challenge Bhau!
Bhau is no ordinary man,
he can do anything.
He could become the
Chief Minister someday.
My choice was clear.
With great difficulty,
I convinced Bhau not to kill you.
I know that you will understand.
This bloody scoundrel
will never understand!
He was obsessed with Satya!
And he died!
At Satya's behest, he killed
Guru and Amod Shukla!
And now, even he is dead!
Bloody fool!
He didn't understand our profession.
I had told him that if one dies,
then everybody else will follow suit.
Satya too will be finished.
Khandelkar has been tipped off.
The police will arrest Satya
for Amod Shukla's murder.
- Mother is sleeping.
- I want to tell you something.
- What's it?
- Come on.
Hey, Satya! What's the matter?
Satya, what is the matter?
I've got a job in Dubai
and a salary of Rs.25,000.
Rs.25,000! Really?!
Yes. We'll get married
and go there with mother.
Mother is calling me. I'll tell
her about it and come back soon!
Mother, do you know what's happened
today? You can't even imagine!
Satya has got a job,
and that too, in Dubai!
Where is Satya?
Where is he?!
I live in the house opposite.
You do? So, do you stay glued
to anybody whom you meet opposite?!
You are wearing a very nice sari.
Does he bring them for you?
You don't have a father.
How are the expenses borne?
Does he look after
you and your mother?
I... I work.
I know. You sing, don't you?
Satya threatened that music director
to have your album recorded, right?
Do you think he recorded
your album, hearing you sing?!
The swine threatened him
at gunpoint!
What were both of you talking
about before the police came?
What were you talking about?!
- In Dubai...
- Dubai?
A job.
What about Dubai?
The hotel at which
he is working...
He works at a hotel?
That swine is a bloody pimp!
He was in jail for that
before he joined the gang!
Do you know the gangster Bhiku
Mhatre? Satya is his right hand man!
Do you know them? That bloody
scoundrel killed all of them!
The police are searching him
for 17 murder cases!
And you are involved with him?!
Will he marry you! He'll take you
to Dubai and sell you to a Sheikh!
Bloody pimp!
The boss has summoned you, Sir.
Kill him.
Bhau will find out
that we have killed him.
There's a ship leaving
for Dubai in the evening.
I have made arrangements for you.
Go away from here.
What's left now?
Where's Bhau?
What will you do to him?
What will you do to Bhau?
Do you want Bhau?
What will you do to him?
Answer me! What will you do to him?
Give me just one chance.
Give me just one chance.
Hail Lord Ganesha!
Come soon the next year!
Hail Lord Ganesha!
Hail Lord Ganesha!
Are you all right, Satya?
The police will be present at every
corner in 30 minutes but don't worry.
A ship will leave for Dubai
in half an hour.
We'll reach the dock within
an hour. Don't worry, okay?
- Listen to me, uncle.
- Yes?
Please take me to Vidya once.
- Take me to Vidya just once.
- Are you nuts?!
Take you to Vidya!!
You've gone crazy!
We have to reach the dock in 30
minutes and get out of the city, okay?
- We have to leave!
- Take me to Vidya just once.
Get lost! Don't be foolish, Satya!
You know that if we miss this ship,
we'll be killed. We've got to go!
We have to leave!
- Don't be mad! I won't take you!
- Take me to Vidya.
Take me to Vidya.
All right, I'll take you.
Take away the gun.
Listen, come back soon!
I live in the house opposite.
Vidya, open the door.
Please open the door just once.
Go away!
Please open the door just once.
I say, go away!
Vidya, please open the door!
Go away!!
I lied because I didn't
want to lose you.
Go away!
No! ...No!!
I will go away for good
and never return.
I only wish to see you once.
Don't move!
Keep an eye on him
Vidya, I'll break open the door!
Open the door!
- What's happening?
- Send her away!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Move back
Move back!