Savage X Fenty Show (2019)

Yeah, we about to...
[mouthing words]
[upbeat music]
Oh, my gosh!
This show's a unique hybrid
of music, of fashion,
of dance
that celebrates diversity.
[Jennifer] Technically,
it's a fashion show,
but Rihanna
doesn't do anything
that's already out there,
so it's elevating
that concept.
[Rihanna] This looks so good.
I can't wait for it
to just, like, happen now.
I'm more excited
than anxious.
[epic hip-hop music]
I'm looking
for unique characteristics...
in people
that aren't
usually highlighted
in the world of fashion
as it pertains to lingerie
and sexy,
what...what society seems is...
or sees sexy.
There's not, like,
a target audience.
It's for everyone.
It's...everything that she does
is for everyone.
She wants everyone
to feel beautiful,
everyone to feel empowered,
everyone to feel and have
that strength within them
to become the best version
of themselves.
As a kid,
I've always used fashion
as a defense mechanism,
but that and music
and makeup
and lingerie,
these are all
just different ways
that I can express
my creative...
It's all me as the muse.
It's all me that's, like,
behind everything.
When she turned 18,
she was just ready to go.
She just started taking
everything into her own hands
and doing it herself.
[woman] So how we can
make history.
So right, this is, like,
the big thing, right?
So what do we want
to stand for, right,
for a lot of components
that people
will start understanding
as the brand is born.
But I don't...I don't think
that you go out and say that
as your talking point
and saying...
[woman] No.
- ...we're making history,
because when you keep yourself
up at night
thinking about
how to make history,
you're not gonna make it.
We're exploring
a lot of different sizes
and making women feel
like they're not excluded
just because
they're a different size.
Every woman deserves
to feel sexy.
We are sexy;
we are multifaceted,
and I want women to embrace
that to the fullest.
[Victoria] When I can feel
sexy just for myself,
it allows me to feel
even sexier
when there is someone else.
I mean, let's be honest.
You can turn yourself on,
[Bri] Sexy and confident
is really owning the two
and not letting anyone else
take that from you
regardless of what they have
to say.
Of course I have body issues.
Everybody does.
I've never heard
of anybody
who thought that they
were, like, perfect.
[cheers and applause]
I think seeing it as one
seamless piece
of performance art,
- for want of a better word...
- Yeah.
...that integrates
fashion, dance,
life, art as performance...
- Yeah.
- a very exciting way
- of putting on a show...
- Mm-hmm.
...and goes against the grain
of ev...
of what everyone else does.
[Rihanna] That's exactly
how I'm seeing it.
[Alex] Okay.
- I...I literally am seeing
their bodies as...
as pieces of art...
[Alex] Great.
...and that we can
really make
visual impact with that.
[Keith] We have worked
with Rihanna
on shows and events
for about seven
or eight years.
The most challenging task
we've ever had with her
is to be able to take a show
and reinvent it
in a way that will translate
to millions of people worldwide
in a television product.
If you stacked five models
and they were...and...
and from...from
the square-on perspective,
you don't see those five,
but as each one steps away,
- it reveals a new form...
- Yeah!
...and it's just the one shot
that takes you slowly
into the environment.
Also, the interesting thing...
Why don't you...
You should be a director.
Like, for real.
You kind of...
[Alex] So we're six weeks out
at the moment.
I'm a little concerned about
the logistical challenges
of...of turning it around.
Do we have the time
to execute that
and...and t-to make sure
that the range of models
and dancers
and everything else
ticks those boxes
and it feels so inclusive
in terms of this environment
that we're...we're showing
Normally, s-six weeks is...
is ambitious on a normal show,
but on a show of this scale,
it's intimidating.
Logistically, timing is not
on our side.
[Rihanna] I think
we should think of it
like a fashion musical.
[man] Yep.
[Jihye] Mm-hmm.
[Rihanna] You know?
There's...there are
the dancers,
and then there are
the actors.
it's a fashion show,
but, you know, again,
Rihanna doesn't do anything
that's already out there,
so it''s elevating
that concept,
and it's something that,
you know,
if the world's going right,
we're gonna go left.
That's just how she functions
in general.
Yes, honey!
The most exciting part
of the design process
of the Savage X lingerie brand
is just telling a story
that is from
my own perspective.
Oh, my God.
This is fantastic.
[woman] All right,
now the girls can...
I love the black.
There's no rules
with designing lingerie.
You can do anything.
You can go as far as you want.
You can go
as comfortable as you want.
You can go as sexy
as you want.
And it's just
a whole new outlet
of creating,
making things from scratch.
There is nothing
that you see
out there that she does
that she doesn't put
her hands on first
and touch and try,
and, you know, it's...
it's unbelievable.
I'm sorry.
I got it on your butt.
[soft music]
Did you like this?
- No.
[Melissa] No. [laughs]
[woman] Okay!
[Rihanna] Everything was
thought about,
down to the detail
of the tags:
how they feel and how easy
they are to remove,
'cause nobody wants
to see a big tag
when they're trying
to get cute
for their special someone,
you know what I'm saying?
[cheers and applause]
I got some dancing to show you
from Parris.
[Rihanna] Mm.
[woman ] What you doing
on my computer?
[dramatic music playing]
[gentle music playing]
This is the opening.
[industrial music playing]
I really like this break.
And, like...
You can.
That's it.
I think I could learn that
before I even get
in the presence of Parris.
You, like,
already learned it.
Yeah, that's, like...
that's two minutes
right there.
- You got it.
- And she' got it.
- That's one minute that...
- But do I got it?
Oh, my God, that's so good
that you're doing that.
As in, like, did you send that
to me?
I'm so excited you're gonna be
in the show.
So it looks like
you're dancing.
And it looks like
she's dancing too.
- Yeah, yeah.
- 'Cause you put that in there.
- Am I in the show?
- I think you're in the show.
You're in the show now.
Girls, I think I just want
the one hand,
just one, two, pop.
We got seven days
to the show.
[inhales sharply]
We still have no finale.
- [laughter]
- We have no finale,
so I'm a little stressed.
So, girls, can you go
from your ending pose
for me, please?
Five, six, seven, eight.
And kick it.
[Rihanna] The thing
that makes me connect
to Parris' choreography
the most
is the strength.
[industrial music playing]
Let's go!
[Rihanna] There's nothing
delicate about it.
There's nothing fragile
about it.
It's in your face.
I think this just needs
a little more drama,
maybe to drop.
Yeah, it just needs
drama there,
'cause it's just
giving me that right now.
[Rihanna] She goes
hand in hand with that,
the kind of strength
and that confidence.
Move your head.
- [laughter]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Shea] Savage is hot,
and hot is fun.
There's so much difference
and uniqueness within the line
that I think represents
different sides of me.
[Chuck] To me, sexy
is just being my goofiest,
because that's my truest form,
so it's like eating
20 chicken nuggets naked
with barbecue sauce.
[cheers and applause]
[musical crescendo]
We started confirmations
a-after yesterday.
[Rihanna] Mm-hmm.
- After you picked.
So I just wanted
to give you an update
of a few people.
Stacey is confirmed.
This is Stacey.
[Rihanna] It's very important
that the casting kind of tells
the narrative
of what the brand stands for,
and what we stand for
mainly here
is inclusivity.
That's what I stand for
with everything that I create.
She's all set.
She's confirmed.
She fit today.
Is there any bad news
in this pile?
- No.
- [woman] What are you wearing?
What are you wearing?
What are you wearing?
[woman] I don't know.
I gotta go to fitting.
[percussive music]
Right now,
it's about...10:30.
We still have hours left.
I mean, we're gonna be here
till probably, like, 3:00.
[Gigi] Exciting!
[woman] Yeah.
Super excited to have you
for your...third Fenty show?
- Yay!
- Right?
- Third Fenty show.
It feels good,
like, the stretch.
[woman] Crotch-less.
Oh, it's crotch-less?
[woman] It's crotch-less.
This is my first show ever
with Savage.
I literally tell
all the girls,
if I can twerk in it,
then that's the one.
[Melissa] We still have
models here
that have been waiting
for four and five hours.
[woman] Oh, my God, man.
- So once we're on, right...
- Yeah.
...this show,
we don't come back on,
so I could sneak
into the audience
and watch the rest, correct?
[Slick] It's just evolving.
Everything is better.
Everything is different.
I'm a mom now,
so I gotta embrace
more sexy now.
I'm ready to belly dance.
I'm looking
at some familiar faces
of people I know, Laverne;
I see Laverne there.
Sticks and stones don't break my bones
But whips and chains excite me
Na-na-na, come on
[laughs] There's, like,
ten dancers outside still
that we have to fit
in four looks each.
I've asked her
a few times today,
"How many models
are coming in tomorrow?
How many dancers
are coming in tomorrow?"
So that would be good to know.
- Lies, all of you.
- Worse.
[both laughing goofily]
[Omo] Being the best version
of you
is what's sexy to me.
When you feel confident
about yourself,
you glow on the outside.
[P.S.] It's so important
to show inclusivity,
different people
of various ethnicities
and backgrounds.
It's like, being Savage is
having the most fun.
[cheers and applause]
[dramatic musical crescendo]
We are in the actual crux
of the build.
We have the lighting
and the sound
in the air right now.
We have the framing
of the set in place,
and so it's now
actually starting to see
the vision that we've had
come together.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my...oh.
This is insane.
[Alex] The first time,
it's always's a...
like, heart-pounding moment
when you walk into a space.
I feel the balance is correct.
I feel the proximity is good,
the intimacy is good,
and I feel for camera.
I can capture the moments that
we've all got excited about
w-when planning this with Ri.
That just happened.
How are you?
Great to see you.
You done [...] up
I stayed up,
sleep deprivation
They on the search, nigga
Know your worth, nigga
Tell the DJ bring it back
Reimburse niggas
[Raisa] I'll be
the first person to walk out.
I'm not think.
I can handle it.
[bass-heavy music]
When you overturn your cover...
like, we don't see your face.
And that way, I have more time
to go...
Yeah, can we do that?
[woman] No, we'll do the...
This is really fucked up.
I went from the first pass.
It's shifted
since the first pass.
That's fine.
I can now readjust.
But I'm just saying,
did everyone...
everyone needs to understand
that we can't be having
separate meetings
- about cues and movements.
[man] Okay.
Back that thing up
on my brother from the D
- You're gonna work out...
- All right.
...everybody's, like,
The dancers are tripping
on the scarves.
- It happened to two girls.
[woman] Yep.
[woman] True.
[woman] Yeah.
- Yeah, I would love to.
- Okay, yeah.
It went better.
If I could do this
one last time...
Sure, absolutely.
- What, am I gonna say no?
- [laughs]
All right, let's reset.
[Keith] Last run.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
Hey, hey, hey, hey
[Rihanna] Completion?
Speak to me tomorrow
about completion., you're fired,
and we're not even doing
the show.
- [laughs]
- I hate everything.
See you tomorrow.
Get some rest.
I just want it to happen.
I just want to do it.
It's a thing today.
This is show day
for real.
Yeah, we about to...
[mouthing words]
Art's all that you are.
It's all that you think.
It's all that you're made of.
I'm backstage.
Like, I'm walking the show.
I'm kind of freaking out.
[Mama] I'm just really excited
to be part
of this amazing cast,
and to me, just being able
to model lingerie
was not something I thought
I would ever do.
[Rihanna] You can be both
introverted and extroverted
in fashion, because
in any creative outlet,
you can hide
behind the...the art
and yet you're screaming
through it.
[cheers and applause]
[man] Camera speed.
Here we go.
Showtime, honey!
[woman] Hey!
[cheers and applause]
I'm ready.
[man] Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!
[man] Cue light, please.
Cue light, cue light!
[cheers and applause]
[woman] Five, four, three...
[man] Go.
[woman] ...two, one.
[solemn operatic singing]
- [man] Boom
- [dramatic hip-hop music]
[solemn operatic singing]
[dramatic hip-hop music]
[cheers and applause]
[gentle music]
[industrial music]
[man] Yeah
[woman] Ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
[man] Yeah
[woman] Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
[man] Boom
[solemn operatic singing]
- [man] Boom
- [dramatic hip-hop music]
- [soft R&B music]
- [chorus] Say-ay-ay...
[man] Say-ay-ay...
[chorus] Say-ay-ay...
[man] Say-ay-ay...
[chorus] love me
[man] Say you love me
Say you love me,
say you love me
Ah, ah
[chorus] Say-ay-ay...
[man] Say-ay-ay...
[chorus] Say-ay-ay...
[man] Say-ay-ay...
[chorus] love me
[man] Say you love me
Say you love me,
say you love me
Ah, ah
[popping hip-hop music]
[Big Sean]
Oh, God
Welcome to Savage Fenty.
Let's go.
I said ain't nobody
fucking with my clique
Clique, clique,
clique, clique
Ain't nobody fresher
than my motherfuckin'
- Clique, clique, clique
- Clique, clique
As I look around they don't
do it like my clique
Clique, clique,
clique, clique, clique
And all these
bad bitches, yeah
They wonder what's up,
what's up, what's up
All right
Yo, I tell a bad bitch
do whatever I say
My block behind me like
I'm coming out the driveway
It's grind day from Friday
to next Friday
I been up straight
for nine days
I need a spa day, whoo
She trying get me
that poo-tang
I might let my crew bang
My crew deeper
than Wu-Tang
I'm rolling with,
fuck I'm saying?
Girl, you know
my crew name
You know 2 Chainz?
I'm pulling up
in that Bruce Wayne
I'm the fucking villain,
man, they kneeling
When I'm walking
in the building
Freaky women I be feeling
From the bank accounts
I'm filling
What a feeling, ah, man,
they gotta be
Young nigga from the D
Killing everything
that he see for the dough
Clique, clique, clique,
clique, clique
Ain't nobody fresher
than my motherfuckin'
Clique, clique, clique
If you around the realest
once right now, sing...
As I look around
They don't do it
like my clique
Clique, clique,
clique, clique
And all these
bad bitches, yeah
They wonder what's up,
what's up, what's up
If you feeling good,
make some noise right now.
[cheers and applause]
Yeah, yeah.
Fergie Ferg, let's go.
Let's do this.
Let's go, let's go.
Couple riders with them llamas
If you pick a bone with me
Got my bitch up in designer, got Balenci' on her feet
Mama say a couple prayers
keep them demons off me
[Big Sean] 'Cause I know
I'm out here blessed
They got so many reasons
on me
Yeah, niggas done tried and niggas done died
Too many believers around me
Yeah, I know my enemies meeting up
Double-teaming on me
Now, you know nobody tried
that ever got pieces off me
Fucking these clothes,
I'm a designer
Don't catch a seizure
on me
See, Ferg used to move the
product in the old school
Thumbing through paper from last year
But it's not old news
My psycho bitch, she got me
shopping up at Whole Foods
Hitting these cougars like a young nigga s'posed to
Got your bitch up on the
mattress while I'm flying OT
Sick and tired
of all your yapping
Little nigga,
I'm your OG
Diamonds shining
like that ball
That drop
on New Year's Eve
And she count down
to the D
- She be like...
[both] "Five, four, three"
Now drop down,
you're a freak
Bend it over,
touch your feet
Shake that booty, I know
it's little but unique
Back that thing up
on my nigga from the D
Oh, that's me? Okay, back out the hearse
They trapped out
the church
Niggas say my name, okay,
they asked for the worst
Me and ASAP Ferg preaching
back-to-back on the verse
Hit-Boy on the beat, so,
bitch, you gotta go berserk
Kill 'em off one by one,
Final Destination
Fuck that medication, I'm
sipping cold flu echinacea
You done fucked up,
I stayed up
Sleep deprivation
They on the search, nigga, know your worth, nigga
Tell the DJ bring it back, reimburse
My finance advisors
been through hell
- Oh, well, pshh...
[both] We on fire
Brung her back home more times than McGwire, higher
Trap Lord packed out
the risers
Big getting his bread, your pocket on carb diets
I just start up a riot at all the Hyatts
Hos leave right before
they cook the omelets
Now drop down,
you a freak
Bend it over,
touch your feet
Shake that booty, I know
it's little but unique
Back that thing up
on my nigga from the D
Oh, that's me? Drop down, you a freak
Bend it over,
touch your feet
Shake that booty, I know
it's little but unique
Then throw it back
on my nigga from NYC
Oh, that's me?
[cheers and applause]
You-you a freak
Bend it over,
touch your feet
You a freak
Throw it back
on my nigga from NYC
[Tweet] Tell you
what I did last night
I came home, say,
around a quarter to three
Still so high, hypnotized
In a trance
[singers vocalizing]
Tell you what I did
last night
I came home, say,
around a quarter to three
Still so high
In a trance
From his body
So buttery brown
and tantalizing
You would've thought
I needed help
From this feeling
that I felt
So shook,
I had to catch my breath
Oops, there goes my shirt
up over my head
Oh, my
Oops, there goes my skirt
droppin' to my feet
Oh, my
Ooh, some kind of touch
Caressing my legs
Oh, my
Ooh, I'm turning red
Who could this be?
I looked over to the left
Mm, I was looking so good
I couldn't reject myself
I looked over to the left
Mm, I was feeling so good
I had to touch myself
I looked over to the left
Mm, I was eyeing my thighs
Butter pecan brown
I looked over to the left
Mm, coming out of my shirt
And then my skirt
came down
Mm, mm, mm
Mm, mm
Mm, mm, mm
And then my skirt
came down
Mm, mm, mm
Mm, mm
Mm, mm, mm
Oops, there goes my shirt
Up over my head
Oh, my
Oops, there goes my skirt
Droppin' to my feet
Oh, my
Ooh, some kind of touch
Caressing my legs
Oh, my
Ooh, I'm turning red
Who could this be?
Tell you what I did
last night
[cheers and applause]
Y'all know who I am,
Uh, no Master P
Ey, ten bad bitches
and they after me
Ey, one bad bitch
look like a masterpiece
Ey, lookin' for a dunk
like an athlete
Big drip,
what you call it?
Ice chain, pure water
You got the cash
but can't afford 'em
You got the bag
but can't afford it
Ey, give me the beat,
I ride it like a Jet Ski
Ey, so many bad bitches,
they harassin' me
They like me 'cause I rap
and be with the athletes
Stop askin' me,
I know they mad at me
Hop in the coupe, and I
slide like it's Vaseline
West Coast six-four,
jump like a trampoline
I take a brick out
and put it on a triple beam
I'm not from Canada,
but I see a lot of tings
Dismantle her,
I know how to handle her
Light the candle up,
make you put a banner up
Toss a 50 up,
make 'em tear the club up
Took your bitch out
the game, I had to sub her
Uh, no Master P
Ey, ten bad bitches
and they after me
Ey, one bad bitch
look like a masterpiece
And I'm lookin' for a dunk
like an athlete
Big drip,
what you call it?
Ice chain, pure water
You got the cash
but can't afford 'em
You got the bag
but can't afford it
Pimpin' ain't easy, let me open up and eat it
Stars in the ceilin' and my seats, they Tempur-Pedic
I see these niggas watchin'
And they plottin', tryna sneak me
I can't hit a thot, can't trust a thot
They tryna creep me
Big bank take lil' bank,
lil' nigga
Catch him down bad,
that nigga cry a whole river
Nawf on my back, I'm takin'
care of the whole village
Somebody got shot, what you
talkin' 'bout, Willis?
In the lobby
with your bitch
I'm Ricky Bobby
with your bitch
I go Lawrence with the fit
In the 'Rari with no tint
I'm from the trench, I got
the dirty money rinsed
You was poppin', so I popped
and prayed to God, repent
Uh, no Master P
Ey, ten bad bitches
and they after me
Ey, one bad bitch
look like a masterpiece
And I'm lookin' for a dunk
like an athlete
Big drip,
what you call it?
Ice chain, pure water
You got the cash
but can't afford 'em
You got the bag
but can't afford 'it
no limit to the money
I picked the gang up, took a flight across the country
I tipped the waitress, told
her to keep the ones comin'
Hit the store to get
some Backwoods
And left
the Wraith runnin'
Lookin' like they plottin'
But we already on it
In the lab with Celine
Like that bag
that she wanted
A lot of tings
ass bustin'
Out them jeans
make you want it
Make you wanna spend a 50
Hit the scene with her,
don't it?
Whole team full of queens
Gotta keep their eyes
on me
It's a snake in disguise
Prolly wanna slide on me
I bet they ride on 'em
When I put that prize
on 'em
Ten bad bitches
Rotate 'em,
got five of 'em
Uh, no Master P
Ey, ten bad bitches
and they after me
Ey, one bad bitch
look like a masterpiece
And I'm lookin' for a dunk
like an athlete
Big drip,
what you call it?
Ice chain, pure water
You got the cash
but can't afford 'em
You got the bag
but can't afford it
Let me see you two-step
Let me see you two-step
Good night
[cheers and applause]
[ethereal music]
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
E senta que, senta que,
senta que
Senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta
Ay, senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta que
Senta que, senta que,
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
E senta que, senta que,
senta que
Senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta
Ay, senta que, senta que
[MC Lan]
E ele Herbert Richers.
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
E senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta que
Senta que, senta que,
Oi, senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta que
Senta que, sent
[Ludmilla] Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
Vai, malokera
Vai, representa
E senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta que
Senta que, senta que,
Ay, senta que, senta que,
senta que, senta que
Senta que, senta que,
Vai, vai
Vai, vai
[ Cho: "Popalik"]
[Cho] Bombaclat
[man] Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
[Cho] Popalik
dance, dance
Popalik dance
[man] Dance, ah,
done dance popalik
[Cho] Yeah, dance popalik
Dance popalik,
dance popalik, popalik
Yeah, dance popalik
Dance popalik,
dance popalik, popalik
Yeah, dance popalik
Dance popalik,
dance popalik, popalik
Yeah, dance popalik
Dance popalik,
dance popalik
[man rapping indistinctly]
[man] One, two, three, go.
[Sean Paul] Shake
that thing, Miss Kana, Kana
Shake that thing,
Miss Annabella
Shake that thing,
yan Donna, Donna
Jodi and Rebecca
Girl, get busy, just shake
that booty nonstop
When the beat drops,
just keep swinging it
Get jiggy, get crunked up,
Anything you want
fi call it
Oscillate you hip
and don't take pity
Me want fi see you get live
upon the riddim when me ride
And me lyrics a provide
Gal, nobody can tell you
Can you done
know your destiny
Yo, shake that thing,
Miss Kana, Kana
Shake that thing,
Miss Annabella
Shake that thing,
yan Donna, Donna
Jodi and Rebecca
Come on, shake, shake,
shake, shake that
Shake, shake, shake,
shake that
Shake, shake,
shake, shake that
Shake, shake, shake,
shake that
Shake, shake,
shake, shake that
Shake, shake, shake,
shake that
Shake, shake,
shake, shake that
Shake, shake, shake,
shake that
Yo, sexy ladies want par
wid us
[cheers and applause]
They wanna know
Yo, yo, yo,
they wanna know
They wanna know,
they wanna know
They wanna know,
they wanna know
They wanna know,
they wanna know
They wanna know
[Halsey] Live without me
[ Halsey: "Graveyard"]
[cheers and applause]
It's crazy when
the thing you love the most
Is the detriment
And let that sink in
You can think again
When the hand
you wanna hold
Is a weapon and
You're nothing but skin
Oh, 'cause I keep digging
myself down deeper
I won't stop
till I get where you are
I keep running,
I keep running
I keep running
They say I may be making a mistake
I would've followed all the way
No matter how far
I know when you go down all your darkest roads
I would've followed all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper
I won't stop till I get where you are
I keep running
when both my feet hurt
I won't stop
till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
down all your darkest roads
I would've followed
all the way to the graveyard
You look at me
With eyes so dark,
don't know how you even see
You push
right through me
Push right through me
It's getting real
You lock the door
You're drunk
at the steering wheel
And I can't conceal
Oh, 'cause I've been
digging myself down deeper
I won't stop
till I get where you are
I keep running,
I keep running
I keep running
They say I may
Be making a mistake
I would've followed
all the way
No matter how far
I know when you go
down all your darkest roads
I would've followed
all the way to the graveyard
Oh, 'cause I keep digging
myself down deeper
I won't stop
till I get where you are
I keep running
when both my feet hurt
I won't stop
till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
down all your darkest roads
I would've followed
all the way to the graveyard
It's funny how
The warning signs can feel
like the butterflies
[gasps] Oh, 'cause I keep
digging myself down deeper
I won't stop
till I get where you are
I keep running
when both my feet hurt
I won't stop
till I get where you are
Oh, when you go
down all your darkest roads
I would've followed all
the way to the graveyard
[cheers and applause]
[ TroyBoi: "Do You?"]
Do you love me?
Do you need me?
Do you want me?
Do you love me?
Do you want me?
Do you love me?
Do you, do you?
Do you need me?
Do you, do you?
Do you, do you?
Do you, do you?
Do you want me?
Do you, do you?
Do you love me?
Do, do you?
Do you love me?
Do you, do you?
Do you love me?
Do, do you?
Do you love me?
Do you, do you?
Do you love me?
Do you want me?
Do you love me?
[ DJ Khaled:
"All I Do Is Win"]
Get 'em up
- Put 'em up
- Get 'em up
New York!
Get 'em up
DJ Khaled!
Everybody put your hands
in the sky
if you're a winner like me!
DJ Khaled!
Hands in the sky.
Let's go, New York!
All I do is win, win, win
no matter what
Got money on my mind,
I can never get enough
And every time I step up
in the buildin'
Everybody hands go up
New York City!
And they stay there
- Let's go!
- And they stay there
- And they stay there
- Oh, oh, up, up
Savage X Fenty!
Rihanna, we love you!
Put your hands up like this!
Put your hands in the air,
make 'em stay there
Sittin' on the top floor
What you think
I'm hot for?
Every summer, drop more
Hits to make
my stocks go up
Them hands go up
The fans go up
Nothing can stop me,
I'm all the way up
Rihanna, we love you!
And I say right about now,
New York City!
[both] Nothing can stop me
I'm all the way up
[DJ Khaled] New York!
[both] I'm all the way up
All the way up
I'm all the way up
- Let's go.
[both] I'm all the way up
Nothing can stop me, I'm all the way up
Shorty, what you want?
Shorty, what you need?
My niggas run the game,
we ain't never leavin'
Countin' up this money,
we ain't never sleep
You got V12,
I got 12V
I got bottles,
got weed, got molly
I'm all the way up
Shorty, what you want?
I got what you need
Shorty, what you want?
I got what you need
We all the way up
Shorty, what you want?
I got what you need
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
Nothing can stop me,
I'm all the way up
For my niggas with Bentley
coupes and Rolexes
Kicked the bitch
out the room
And gave her no breakfast
Had to stash the jewels, these bitches so reckless
Keep my hos on cruise
Shorty uptown showin' off her new things
Couldn't take it off, so I gave her un chain
She call me top shotta, yeah, I keep a few tings
Champion sound, yeah, I got a few rings
And I'm all the way up
And you can stay up
And if you ask anybody
where I live
They'll point to the hills
and say
Go all the way up
Go all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
Nothing can stop me,
I'm all the way up
New York, another one!
Everybody walkin' like me now
Everybody talkin' like me now
Heard I'm who
they wanna be now
Westbound, eastbound
Everybody walkin'
like me now
Everybody talkin'
like me now
Heard I'm who
they wanna be now
Westbound, eastbound
Everybody walkin' like me now
Everybody talkin' like me now
Heard I'm who
they wanna be now
Westbound, eastbound
Everybody walkin'
like me now
Everybody talkin'
like me now
Heard I'm who
they wanna be now
Whack, whack,
damn, she killer
Why she got holes
in her denim?
I ain't been home
in a minute
I ain't never seen
no ceilin'
Call me God, yeah, he kneelin'
Audio, I'm top billin'
All of my boys
dope dealin'
Super whack,
I'm no villain
Nigga try to take my flow
Who the hell he think he is?
I just wanna make
my dough
Gotta take care
of my kids
handle my biz
R.I.P., Dizzle Dizz
I would never tell no fib
Spit but I wear no bib
Nigga try to take my flow
Who the hell
he think he is?
I just wanna make
my dough
Gotta take care
of my kids
Just hopped off the plane
'Bout to up, up the game
Insane in the brain
You all know my name
Westbound, eastbound
Everybody walkin'
like me now
Everybody talkin'
like me now
Heard I'm who
they wanna be now
Westbound, eastbound
Everybody walkin'
like me now
Everybody talkin'
like me now
Heard I'm who
they wanna be now
New York, make some noise
for Fabolous!
- Come on! Put your hands up!
- Brooklyn, it's only right.
[DJ Khaled]
Throw your hands up!
Rihanna killing it tonight.
[DJ Khaled]
Throw your hands up!
[Fat Joe] Yo, Brooklyn!
Yo, Brooklyn!
Everybody killing 'em,
get your hands up
Everybody killing 'em, get your hands up
Everybody killing 'em,
get your hands up
Get your hands up,
get your hands up
Hey, you what's up, girl,
ain't gotta ask it
I dead 'em all now,
I buy the caskets
They should arrest you
Or whoever dressed you
Ain't gonna stress you
But I'ma let you know
Girl, you be killing 'em,
you be killing 'em
Girl, you be killing 'em,
you be killing 'em
Girl, you be killing 'em,
you be killing 'em
Girl, you be killing 'em
Hey, hey
You ain't gotta worry
'bout her
Shorty straight
Been chasing her
for two days, first 48
A bad chick cost,
she worth every cent
She look like the best money
that I ever spent
Just watching my cutie pie
get beautified
Make me want better jewels,
a newer ride
Louboutin shoes,
she got too much pride
Her feet are killing her,
I call it shoe-icide
Looking good
has its sacrifices
Chilly weather bring
four-figure jacket prices
Her body nice,
face dime
Get you that iPhone X,
Shorty in the streets
but still handle the home
Enough class for wine
still handle Patrn
When them other hos call,
I hand her the phone
And she hand 'em
the tone
Hey, hey
You what's up, girl,
ain't gotta ask it
I dead 'em all now,
I buy the caskets
They should arrest you
or whoever dressed you
Ain't gonna stress you
but I'ma let you know
Girl you be killing 'em,
you be killing 'em
Girl you be killing 'em,
you be killing 'em
Girl you be killing 'em,
you be killing 'em
Rihanna, you be killing 'em,
Brooklyn, New York,
we love you!
[Rihanna] Thank you!
- And Savage X Fenty!
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk
[DJ Khaled]
Rihanna, we love you!
[peppy percussive music]
[City Girls]
Work, work
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk
[City Girls]
Work, work
I love it when they try
to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [....] on me
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
And its like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[man] It's a world
premiere exclusive
ofMidnight Hour...
[speaking Spanish]
Skrillex, Boys Noize,
Ty Dolla $ign.
[speaking Spanish]
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
[Ty Dolla $ign]
Let me talk like
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
I bet your little brother
wanna [...] on me
I love it
when they try to get
[Ty Dolla $ign]
And it's like
[City Girls]
I bet your little sister
Wanna look like me
[cheers and applause]
[excited screaming]
[speaking indistinctly]
[excited screaming]
What's up?
Uh, where's Parris' ass?
There she is!
[crowd chanting] Fenty! Fenty!
Fenty! Fenty! Fenty!
Sandrine! No!
Zoom in on that.
You guys did amazing.
Thank you so much.
Oh, my God.
I'm your biggest fan.
So am I.
Look at this smile I got
on Jay Brown's face.
Now all three of you, yeah.
All right.
You know how much
I love you, right?
I know now, yes.
Oh, sorry, babe.
[light applause]
[speaking indistinctly]
What an epic, epic evening.
It's, like, the shortest
and most intense thing
we've ever done.
[man] Crazy.