Savaged (2013)

Dad's pride and joy.
He wanted you to have it.
Look, Zoe,
I'm still not convinced
that this is a good idea.
What if your car breaks down?
Have you seen the American southwest?
I mean, it's vast, desolate!
I'll be okay.
You'll be alone.
And there's a lot of crazies out there.
Me too.
Just, promise me
you'll stay to the highways.
God, not another picture.
I've been crying all day,
I am a disaster.
Vroom! Vroom! Ready or not,
here I come Z
Are you ready for me?
Your GTO Babe!
Welcome to
The Land of Enchantment
native Gifts
Don't let them take me.
You stay a while.
Ain't no finders keepers around here, angel.
Well, now, that's what she must be.
'Cos only an angel would give a
flying fuck about a savage.
What you got there?
She's tough!
Look at those fucking eyes.
Now, that is a knife.
Ha ha ha...!
Fucking dead!
No, no, no...
Don't you shed a tear for him.
Don't you dare.
The only good gut eater
is a dead gut eater.
Now that, that should be a commandment.
Come on.
Hand it over, angel.
Come on.
If you act like a lady,
I'll treat you like a lady.
If you act like a bitch,
- That's right, angel, fly away!
- Fly!
If she gets away, Trey,
that's all she rote.
Look at the way she's moving.
Oh oh oh...
One more, one more.
Right there.
Come on now, Creed,
this is like tying up a piggie!
Huh, come on.
I fucking dare you!
You like that, don't you?
You like that nice shaft
sliding down that throat, don't you?
Holy shit!
You like?
Come on now, West.
All work, no play,
gives man blue fucking balls.
She don't belong here.
She ain't someone worth a squirt.
No one gives a fuck about.
- She's a deaf-mute.
- Reckon she's color blind too.
Fuck this shit!
If you don't like pussy, West,
then get the fuck out!
There's a whole shit load of changes
since you been gone.
You ain't the big man
on campus no more.
Hey, Trey...
You know what I think?
I think Ol' West suppose been spending a little
too much time with them soldiers of fortune.
Or maybe you just prefer
them two injuns?
You like them tight
little brown butt holes?
Enough with this fucking john.
Let's have some fucking fun!
Welcome to
I need the phone number to the
Police Department in Acme, New Mexico.
Now, now, now...
This hurts me more
than it does you.
You're gonna have to excuse
this accommodation.
The bridal suite was taken.
Easy baby...
You need to look, doll,
and listen.
I ain't a monster, huh.
You are in the presence
of a great man.
Do you know
who my great great grandaddy was?
Joseph West.
That's right.
Brigadier General Joseph Rodman West.
That's his blood
flows through these veins...
and my brothers.
He's one of the greatest Americans
who ever lived.
Kicked some major Apache ass.
Seeing is believing.
Most of them are my grandaddy's work.
Me, I'm just getting started
making my contribution.
Hello, boys.
This is the chief Mangas Coloradas, himself
He tried to trick my grandaddy
into some kind of truce.
Tried to play the general for a fool.
But the last thing this white flag
waving buffalo humper saw coming,
was his head being flayed,
flambeed and boiled.
Look at him fucking split.
I'm not sure who the assholes
in the Smithsonian think they got.
But this here,
this is the real deal.
That war paint is a nice touch, huh?
It gives you goosebumps, don't it?
What've you got?
Come on!
That's it.
I'm out.
Fuck you guys.
Now, you win her ass.
You know what.
You get her to bend down for your taking.
Win-win for you, I guess.
You wise up and watch
your tongue, Creed.
We ain't bound by no blood.
You're just some two bit wannabe.
The next fagged joke
out of your mouth
and you're going to be choking
on your own dick, you understand?
Whatever you say, West.
Get up!
And get the fuck out of here.
Bye, Creed.
See you boys around.
I love you!
I do.
Big bad wolf.
That pet of yours, Trey,
can't stay.
She's got to be put down.
Well, I don't know, West.
It's kind of nice, she's having fun
feely lying around.
You know, fuck.
She's pretty.
She ain't give no lip!
What if she don't show
where she was heading?
That news media's going to play
her sob story like a broken record.
And there's going to be heat.
A lot of it.
I don't know, Trey.
But, West has a point.
A handicap girl like that...
This ain't no game, Trey.
I'll make you a deal.
Five Card Draw.
I win, I get to keep her.
Means she's off limit to
all you horny dicks.
You win...
and our angel gets her wings.
One wish?
Come live with me.
Be with me.
Yes, forever.
Forever and ever and ever!
KEEP OU Do you know
who my great great grandaddy was?
Brigadier General...
Joseph Rodman West...
Kicked some major Apache ass.
Now this...
This is the chief Mangas Coloradas, himself
Tried to play the general for a fool.
But the last thing this white flag
waving buffalo humper saw coming,
was his head being flayed,
flambeed and boiled.
Look at him fucking split.
Mangas... Coloradas.
Oh, no!
At last... I shall bring them hell!
Press "1" for a collect call.
For assistance, press "0".
One for collect call.
After the tone, please state you name.
You have a collect call from...
Oh, my God.
It's me, honey.
I'm here, baby, I'm alive.
Thank God you're all right.
I've been losing my mind.
I called your sister,
I called the police.
I can hear you, honey.
I can hear you.
If anything ever happened to you,
Please come and get me.
Baby, slow down.
- I'm alive, baby. I'm alive.
- Zoe.
You need to put someone else on.
Put someone else on so
they can tell me where you are.
Zoe, I've got to hang up.
I'm going to call the operator
and locate the address for this number.
I love you, Dane.
I love you.
Fuck yeah, bitch!
Ain't it past your bed time?
I'm a night creature, man!
I won't rest until I'm dead, Jed.
Dead, Jed.
I heard they found two fucked up
Injuns in Bluffs Creek.
Would you believe I've been cleaning up
that mess all god damn night.
I still got blood on my boots.
If you ask me, them two Injuns
got what they deserved.
Fucking breed like rabbits.
You heard about that,
that deaf-mute girl went missing?
I heard about that.
Pretty girl.
She's just your type too.
Yeah, they found her car
just down the road.
A shame.
Now, I'm guessing...
A sexy little girl like that
wonders in here, lost and alone.
A man like you is not going to
hesitate to taking her home...
hog tie her up and sodomizing
that sweet virgin ass.
Now would you?
Oh, take it easy, fucker.
I'm just fucking with you.
What? Can you not see
I'm talking to this gentleman?
44 Main Street.
Okay, thank you.
No, no, no!
You opened me up
like a can of sardines.
Why you fucking cunt!
Do you have any idea
what they do to cop killers?
They fucking fry them!
No, no, no, no!
Okay, I'll make you a deal.
I'm going to tell everyone
it's the local savages who did it, okay?
And they're going to believe me,
do you know why?
Because I'm the fucking law.
Oh, my God.
- Yo! Mister, you can't go in there!
- My girlfriend's in there! Zoe!
There's no girl in there.
Now slow down and tell me your story.
My fiancee, Zoe, has been missing
for 3 days now.
I called you guys
and filed a report!
What are you doing here?
She called me about an hour ago
from a payphone on the street.
- An hour ago?
- Yes!
- From here?
- Yes!
I... traced the call.
I thought you said she was deaf.
She's deaf but she can articulate
some words, like my name.
She probably wasn't even sure
I was on the line.
But she's in trouble,
real trouble, I can tell.
Is your girlfriend capable of killing
a deputy sheriff
and a 6 foot, 240 pound bartender?
No, that's ridiculous.
Zoe is light as a feather.
Besides, she wouldn't harm a fly.
In that case, she's going to have to take
a back seat to the situation here.
Look, stop by the station
first thing in the morning.
I'll see what I can do.
No, no, no, no, Trey.
- It's him.
- Jesus Christ!
Somebody butched him up real good.
Get the fuck out of here!
Excuse me.
I was wondering if
you gentlemen can help me?
We don't help niggers.
Well then.
How about helping a nice white girl?
My fiancee passed through town
a couple of days ago.
I ain't got time for this shit.
Get the fuck out of here.
She called me from that payphone
less than an hour ago.
What'd you say?
She's probably still in the area.
She called you?
Any reason why she shouldn't have?
Look, man.
If you know what's good for you,
I'd walk away.
My friend, their brother was just killed.
So, this really ain't a good time.
Then, you know what it is
to lose someone.
I've lost someone.
And all I'm asking you to do,
is take a look at her picture.
Sorry, never seen her.
Pretty girl though.
I hope you find her.
And if you'll just excuse us.
Come on.
All you got to do is look.
Aren't you curious to see
what a nigger lover looks like?
Or maybe you already know?
That's enough!
Put that away!
Trey, call off your dog.
Now look, I'm awful sorry about
what happened to your brother.
Jed McGreedy was a good man
and a fine deputy.
But right now
I need you to go home.
All of you!
You're gonna want to be spending time
with your families right now.
Not locked up behind bars
for disorderly conduct!
Now, go on!
In my office.
The nigger's bluffing.
No way she'd called him.
How do you know?
Because when I kill someone,
they stays dead.
Show me.
I want to see the body.
Those fucking guys know something about Zoe.
I'm certain of it.
One of the murder victims
is Trey's brother.
And he ain't gonna take it kindly
if you keep hounding him.
And right now, I got some dead bodies
I got to deal with.
And lucky for you,
your girlfriend isn't one of them.
She's a pretty girl.
She drive a 68 Blue GTO?
Somebody reported it on the side
of the highway this morning.
How'd you figure she went missing
here in Acme?
Zoe loves to take photos
with her phone.
She knew I was concerned, so she was
sending a photo upon the hour.
The last photo she sent
was this one.
Yes, that's route 40 alright.
You mind?
Everything alright between you two?
We're getting ready to take a big leap.
Move in together.
Get married.
I want to buy her
the biggest diamond, but...
She insisted on a simple band,
had it engraved.
"Zoe and Dane forever."
I'll have my deputy
dust that payphone for prints.
You can follow me down
to the station and...
I'll have you fill out an official report.
Well, it ain't very deep, West.
Why don't you just bury her
in front of the police station.
I stuck my blade in her to the hilt.
Ain't no fucking way
she got up and walked away.
What if she's alive?
She went back into town
and fucking killed Jed.
He was disemboweled and scalped.
That ain't the work of a gut eater,
I don't know what is!
where's the body?
Wild dogs.
The desert.
Is that a grave?
Skeeter, get on back to the car!
No, let him look!
He needs to learn
this is a crazy fuck up world!
and sometimes...
even God's good creatures...
They need to be sacrificed.
Ain't that right, West?
Given the events of the past week,
I'll say there's any number of people
who wanted to see Jed dead.
As far as our little Angeline now.
The nigger said she called him.
If that's true,
where the fuck she'd go?
Let's say if she wasn't a corpse
when West buried her,
I bet she sure is
hell is by now.
Creed, we should lay low.
Get out of Dos till this shit blows over.
Sounds good.
So, why scalped him?
It don't make no sense.
Unless it was a squaw.
Dog's been humping a few Reservation girls
on a regular bases.
It was a man,
based on how Jed was butched,
he's skilled, lethal.
Probably a hunter.
Alright, that's everyone.
What the fuck!
God damn it, Trey,
pick up the fucking phone.
Yeah, this better be fucking important.
You guys, got to get over
to my place, man.
I think she's here.
I think she's fucking...
... here!
God damn it!
No, no!
No, no!
Please, fucking please, no!
No, wait!
Fuck you!
Get the backpack.
Yeah, I hate to do this...
Until this all blows over.
Arrivederci, old friend.
You guys, got to get over
to my place, man.
You were pretty far gone
when I found you.
I patched you up the best I could
then I attempted to bring you back.
Only you weren't alone.
You were in the company of Red Sleeves,
the great Apache chieftain.
Betrayed and murdered by white men
of a 100 years ago.
He insisted he return with you.
I said no.
The old ways will not be
tolerated in today's world.
Precious time was lost.
By the time I reunited
your body with spirit,
your heart gave out and you died.
In any other case,
you would remain dead.
But the Chief...
... is cunning and quick.
He entered your body at the same time
and you became one.
But, know this.
The flesh will not sustain for long.
So, whatever you must do,
do it before it's too late.
He's dead alright.
Turned him into a human pincushion.
I got to see it.
I got to see him!
Get the fuck out of my way, Trey!
Fuck that.
Don't fucking move!
Any sign of the law?
You let her live, didn't you?
Now, she's out for blood!
Ain't no way some
deaf mute city girl's
gonna get to jump on
Creed much less Jed.
Creed said it was her.
You heard him say it.
So explain that!
I can't.
I know what I know.
If you ask me, I'd say
there's something wicked at work.
I feel it.
- I feel it in my bones.
- Ha!
Unnatural or not.
She found herself a hunting bow and now
we all got targets on our asses!
We got to turn the tables!
We're going to get ourselves
some nigger bait,
and we're gonna lure her to us
like a bitch in heat.
We're gonna bring her to us.
In that case,
you're gonna need some guns.
Yeah, guns, some guns.
A lot of fucking guns!
You know, the bartender, Coby,
who got killed with Jed,
his father's a second lieutenant in the Marines.
He's a crazy motherfucker.
- He's gonna want some pay back
- That man was in the Korean War.
He's older than dirt.
Yeah, but it makes no matter.
That guy's got a cashier of weapons
big enough to defend Fort Knox.
Let's move.
Skeeter, you're gonna
have to sit this one out.
Stop digging in that earth.
Get in here this instance.
What you got there?
Some dead animal?
Oh my God!
Are you sure you dog didn't go
strolling off the premises?
We got 4 hectares,
it's all fenced in.
Where's he gonna go?
And you haven't seen any
strangers wondering around at night?
No, but some son of a bitch
has been stealing from my barn.
My new hunting bow
I got from Christmas,
arrows and everything.
Hunting bow, huh?
Mind I take a look?
Good god, oh mighty!
What'd you got in here,
a dead coyote?
My oh my!
Something dead has been living in here.
Lizzy, that's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.
It can't be alive if it's dead.
Dispatch to Sheriff Holt, come in.
Go ahead, Jesse.
Officer Stanfield just called in.
He says he found Creed Traver's dead.
He says it looks like somebody
used him for target practice.
What do you mean?
He was all shot up with arrows.
Jesus Christ!
Tell Stanfield to wait there.
I'm on my way.
One more thing.
The result from the lab came in,
and you were right.
Jed's killer used the payphone.
His killer?
The prints from the bottle used to killed Jed,
matched the one on the payphone.
Please forget me
Are you okay?
This is for Creed!
Angel, we got your boyyy!
Angel, we got your boyyy!
We're gonna open a can of them worms
on this nigger!
That should get her fucking attention,
huh, Trey?
- Shit...
- Oh mother of God!
Let's go!
Catch me!
Damn fucking bitch.
What the fuck is in my neck?
God damn it!
The hospital's that way.
Fucking other way.
She's in the fucking truck, man.
Why don't you die, fucking bitch!
Suck on this!
- Fucking aye, Trey.
- Oh, how'd you like that?
What the fuck!
That did not fucking happen.
What the fuck?
I must have stabbed that bitch
over 2 dozen times.
I could not shake her resolve.
- And that look in her eyes.
- Trey.
I've seen it before.
- West.
- Like a Grim Reaper.
You guys. You got to get
me to the hospital.
I can't stay here.
I'm gonna die if I stay here.
It's as if her dead carcass is
being controlled like a puppet.
Then maybe we need
to be asking ourselves.
Who's pulling the strings?
Well, you know.
The only man I know in town
that can do something like that
is the old witch doctor.
- Witch doctor.
- I need a doctor!
Shut the fuck up, Cody!
When we get out of here,
I say we pay that old Indian a visit.
The cavalry's here.
Move out.
Welcome to the war, man.
I see you came dressed for the occasion.
Roddy, I'm sorry about to your boy.
Clay served the best tequila on this side
of the Mexican border, we all loved him.
The bitch sliced his throat from ear to ear,
butched him like cattle.
I want to know who and why
the fuck she did this to my boy.
Wrong place, wrong time.
Uh, who?
That's a tale for campfires
that will make you toe nails grow up.
Show me the party favors!
Men, let me introduce to you,
the M4 carbine assault rifle.
Endorsed by the same Grim Reaper himself.
This little baby has sent more terrorist to hell
than any other weapon on the planet.
That's what I'm talking about.
You yahoos want to tell me why
that bitch went on a murderous rampage.
Why my boy is on a slab
in the morgue?
It must have been a damnable sin.
Let's just say she was a...
real life angel.
But, her eyes...
... they spoke volumes.
Heavenly eyes.
Virgin to the evils men do.
Till that fateful day.
Jed went first, pumping into her
like a wild stallion.
I swear that he was going to
have a heart attack.
The fighting and the kicking
and the barbed wire,
didn't stop her.
Oh, after Jed
come Creed and Cody went up.
They must have broke her
because just when I had at her.
She just lay there quiet like
while I did my thing.
Hell, I think she even enjoyed it.
But all good things
must come to an end.
And that's when West pulled out
that bowie knife of his.
Gut into that nigger lover to the hilt.
Says he buried her too.
Ain't that right, West?
I reckoned she didn't like her resting place,
'cos the next thing we know...
She's back from the dead.
And hell-bent on killing us all.
Guess that's what happens
when you drag an angel into hell.
It becomes a demon.
That's it, I'm getting
the fuck out of here.
Sit your ass down, Cody
You walk out that door, that air
is the least of your concerns.
I'm bleeding out like a
slaughtered pig here, Trey.
I can't let you go, brother.
That arrow hit an artery
you'd be dead by now.
From what I can tell,
the bleeding's slowed.
So, come sun up,
we'll fetch Dr. Myers.
Dr. Myers.
The veterinarian?
Come on.
- Skeeter?
- Sheriff.
Come on out here, boy.
Your brothers around?
You want to tell me
about the girl?
Was Jed involved?
Was Jed involved?
He hurt her bad.
They all did.
Is she alive?
Dammit, boy, answer me!
Is she alive or is she dead?
She ain't dead!
West killed her
but she didn't stay dead.
She murdered Jed and Creed,
and now, she's coming for us all.
Where are they?
You know what I think?
I think you boys gave that girl
a greater appreciation for the white meat.
Maybe she don't give a fuck
for this nigger anymore.
What are you looking at?
You want a piece of me?
What the fuck you're doing?
Nigger and his bitch are going to pay
for what they did to my boy.
The man had nothing to do with it.
Blackies rolling into Acme
for one or two reasons:
To start trouble.
Or to spread the good Lord's gospel.
Well, I don't see a crucifix on his neck.
I say we shoot him in the knees.
Then, when she hears him scream.
Maybe, she'll understand
the urgency of the situation.
You might end up on her shit list.
Fuck her!
Bring it on!
Cody's getting away.
He's taking my car!
He makes it to the hospital,
that's all shit roll.
Sorry, brother.
Hell, no!
I'm not dying today.
I'm not dying today!
Well, that ain't the puppet master himself.
Goat, you stay here.
Make sure she doesn't
come up this way.
Will, Roddy, take cover
in that house behind us.
You force that bitch
straight to us.
Come on!
What the fuck is going on?
What kind of sick mind game
are you all playing?
No game.
Valentine day's come early this year.
Your sweetheart's come home.
She's alive?
Yeah, for lack of a better word.
Don't fuck with me!
Is she alive or is she dead?
Zoe... is alive.
She's alive!
And she's gonna...
She's gonna get you!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- I'm not doing anything.
She's gonna kill all you motherfuckers!
Ha ha ha ha...
You motherfuckers!
Is this some kind of a joke?
West, go check that out.
You thought Zoe was
deaf and dumb, huh?
Shut your fucking mouth!
My baby has an axe to grind!
- She'll chew your ass up!
- Motherfucker!
I think I got her.
Fucking dumb asses.
Get off me, fucker...!
God damn it.
What the fuck!
What the fuck.
Who are you?
What do you want?
One little,
two little...
Three little Indians...
Four little, five little,
Six little Indians.
Seven little, eight little,
Nine little Indians,
Ten little Indian boys.
Trey McGreedy!
This is Sheriff Holt!
I need you boys
to come out of there!
Make sure I can see your hands!
Sheriff, get me out of here!
Parsons, are you in there?
You ain't real.
You ain't real.
Oh my God!
Am I glad to see you!
- Trey.
- Yeah.
- Stay right there.
- You have... You have no idea.
God damn it, Trey,
don't make me shoot you!
This is so...
She's alive.
My baby's alive.
Oh my God.
Look what they've done to you.
Zoe, baby, we need to
get you to a hospital.
Help me.
Mr. Parsons.
I must tell you something
about you fiancee.
The truth will be hard
for you to hear.
And harder to comprehend.
You must call me
when you get this.
Don't you fucking move.
"Walk in hell".
Mean anything to you?
Words my great grandaddy
whispered to an Apache Chief
before beheading him
over a 100 fucking years ago.
Nobody knows that
except for me and my kin.
So, what the hell is going on?
I was only trying to save a life
which you took.
- But I was too late.
- The hell you were too late!
She's running around killing
like a blood thirsty savage.
It was their mutual hunger
for the blood of your ancestors
that brought them together.
- They found each other.
- You say his name, god damn it.
I'm warning you.
You say his name.
Red Sleeves.
The great Apache Chief "Mangas Coloradas".
He's been watching from the shadows
while your family perpetuates
the extermination of his people.
You do something!
Or I swear
I'll kill you right here.
For the young woman sake,
I would stop this if I could.
But there's nothing I can do.
Her bloodshed will not cease
until you...
- The last is dead.
- Bullshit!
You brought him here,
you can send him the fuck away!
There is only one way.
Lay the great Chief to rest.
Here, on sacred ground.
But, when you consider,
he's been lost in this vast desert plains
for over a 100 years.
Lady Luck better be smiling upon you.
You old fool.
You have no idea.
Get in the god damn trailer!
I'm telling you,
it was my fiancee.
You guys need to be
out there searching.
When the officers on the scene found you,
they said that you were facing the wall.
How could you have seen her?
The reflection in the glass.
She was hurt.
God knows what they did to her.
She didn't even looked like herself.
I warned Trey, that boy
was not like the rest of us.
He didn't have no criminal mind.
And now look at him!
The light of my life is gone.
It wouldn't matter if is.
You'd have come to kill him anyway.
Wouldn't you, Mangas
My grandpa, Joseph, did the best
he could to exterminate you all.
And when he died,
the deed fell to my daddy.
And then on to me.
Me and my boys.
Big shoes to fill.
And as far as the
young lady's concerned.
Sorry, honey.
You're just a casualty of war.
What the hell?
Damn it!
Come on, man!
Fucking Mangas!
Well, well...
I thought I smelled some of that
eau de toilette your wear.
See what I've done.
It's a little something,
for the two of you to get cosy.
Don't it just make you wanna
lay that pretty head of yours down?
Per Se.
An eternity?
Like that?
Oh, yeah.
Come on!
You fucking bitch!
You fucking...
You walk in hell.
What happened here?
What happened?
(sign) I love you.
I love you too.
Did I do the right thing?
It was all you could do.
she's gone from this cruel world.
But exist in a better place.
A beautiful world that awaits us all.
Do you really believe that?
I have seen the gates.
Though, I've not been permitted to enter.
At least not yet.