Savages (2012)

OPHELIA: Just because I'm
telling you this story
doesn't mean I'm
alive at the end of it.
This could all be pre-recorded
and I could be talking to you
from the bottom of the ocean.
it's that kind of a story.
Because things just
got so out of control.
But let's go back
to where it started.
Here, in paradise.
Where they say
God parked Himself
on the seventh day,
but they towed
Him on the eighth.
And this is Ben and Chon's
hole-in-the-wall by the sea.
Paid for in cash.
Not bad for two
young Laguna dudes
who are definitely not
employable on Wall Street.
Chon is a killer.
Two tours. Iraq, Afghanistan.
And he came back
with a Iot of cash,
but no soul.
He's always trying to
fuck the war out of himself.
I have orgasms.
He has war-gasms.
So, I guess I try
to give him back
some of the things
that he's Iost.
Chon is the Iove of my Iife.
Call me O.
I was named after Ophelia,
the bipolar
basket-case in Hamlet,
who committed suicide.
So I cut it down to just O.
Dope's supposed to be bad,
but in a bad,
bad world, it's good.
Chon says drugs are
a rational response
to insanity.
Chon, you want some?
What is it about porn
that you guys Iike so much?
What is that?
Is that Iraq?
No. Mexico.
Where's Ben?
Isn't he still in Burma?
No. Africa, someplace.
Saving Africans.
He said he was
going to be gone
three weeks.
That's changing, O.
Let's get some air.
Come on.
OPHELIA: I guess you've
figured out by now,
if people are willing to go
"Henry Vlll" on this,
Chon and Ben grow
some of the best
weed in the world.
Bring the bags in. Thanks.
OPHELIA: Oh, yeah,
this is Ben.
The other love of my life.
Oh, my sweet Iotus.
Oh, my sweet Ben.
How was Africa?
You know,
I started in Burma
and then I took a Ieft
and ended up in the Congo.
But if you're serious...
Good thing I'm tough.
Good to see you.
It's good
to see you, man.
You all right?
Here, Iook.
You got any
of that Lomotil?
Lomotil? Yeah,
I put some in your room.
Suck on some
ice cubes, man.
You Iook Iike shit.
Place Iooks good, though.
Thank you, O.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Shut up. You're a jerk.
He didn't do anything.
I know, I know.
Here, you've been
taking care of my babies?
Too busy making
some of your own?
Listen, I'm going to
go catch a Iong swim.
We'll talk
business Iater, okay?
OPHELIA: Every successful
business has an origin story.
Microsoft and Apple
were born in garages.
Ben and Chon's was
born on the beach.
Ben went to
Berkeley and double-majored
in business and botany.
Chon was between deployments.
And they've been
buddies since high school.
So one day,
they're sitting there
thinking about what
they're going to do,
and Ben says...
So where do you
think the best cannabis
in the world comes from?
Ding! That was
the "founder" moment.
So, Chon, from the most
dangerous ground in the world,
smuggles back
the finest seeds.
It grew.
Within six years,
they had a couple of farms
and a great customer base.
Yo, try this.
It became urban legend.
If you ask any serious head
where the best
dope in the world
in the 21st century is,
it's not Thailand, Jamaica,
and certainly not Mexico.
THC is testing 33 %.
I ran it twice.
There's got to be
a glitch.
I think we
just struck gold.
It's right here
in California, USA.
Ben says every
plant needs love.
He sees himself as a healer.
Then when I started
to help out at the grow-op,
he called me his
own Iotus in water.
I Iike that.
They partner in
several dispensaries
and supply many of
the clubs in California.
And it's progressive
because from what
I've seen, at Ieast,
it helps with the pain.
Fifteen million
satisfied customers
can't all be wrong.
But the big money comes
from shipping it out of state.
That's the 50.
At high prices,
they get up to
$6,000 a pound.
Ben's guiding philosophy
is basically Buddhist.
Don't fuck with people.
His true genius is
that he takes 99 %
of the paranoia and violence
out of the business.
The other 1 %?
That's where Chon comes in.
Chon's philosophy is
basically Baddhist.
WOMAN: Get off me, fucker!
Don't fuck with Ben.
The money, Brett.
I got your fucking money.
the dope business is green.
His foundation has branches
in Africa and Asia.
"Money isn't enough," he says.
"You've got to
give your heart."
OPHELIA: Hey, don't ever go
away on me again.
I really missed you.
Tell me that again.
missed you.
what you're thinking.
"Slut," right?
And maybe it is wrong.
But the truth is
we all Iove
each other so much.
We trust each other,
we take care of each other.
And for me,
together they are
one complete man.
Chon is cold metal.
Ben is warm wood.
Chon fucks
and Ben makes Iove.
Chon is earth
and Ben, spirit.
And the one thing
they have in common
I am the home that
neither of them ever had.
And they're mine.
I really missed this
with you.
Good swim?
No sharks?
Not in the ocean.
They knew
you were coming.
They want to meet.
Let's make a deal.
Big mistake.
Are we really
going to get caught up
in this shit, Chon?
We could get out of a business
we want to get out of anyway.
What if I'm not
ready to walk away?
Then you run it.
That's not what I do.
Then Iet me do what
I do best, all right?
We built this, it's ours.
Why the fuck do you
want to give it away?
You see that video?
I've seen worse
and I'd do worse to them.
Yeah, and I wouldn't.
They're going to think
we're afraid of them.
I am afraid of them.
I'm not.
We're not all you, Chon.
I didn't get into this
thing to kill people.
You don't get it, do you?
It's a jungle thing, Ben.
When they smell your fear,
they Iike it.
They will attack us.
They're fucking savages.
is not defeat, Chon.
You're resisting change.
Just Iet it go.
Uh-oh. Testosterone.
Close your Iegs,
it's showing.
I was talking to him.
Hey, can you boys
take me out somewhere nice?
Come on.
We can drink a Iittle,
It's been a while.
OPHELIA: This is Lado.
He is a man of many skills.
Gardening is just his day job.
I'm going to go
take a shower, baby.
You want to
come join me?
Ah-ah. Not yet.
Baby, did you
order a fucking plant?
Roberto Rodriguez
wants a refund.
Whoa, whoa.
Look, you hire a Iawyer,
you pay him, win or Iose.
Roberto knew the deal.
That much coke?
There's no "get out
of jail free" card.
So, instead,
you do all his coke
and miss all
the motions and objections.
You turn
a five-year stretch into 20.
Mijo, take a Iook.
He figures you owe him
Okay, I got it.
I can still help the guy.
I got juice. I'll file
an appeal, all right?
I got money.
How much does he need?
Name a price.
He doesn't want your money.
He wants your years.
How old are you,
Forty-two. But what...
Roberto says to
shoot you in one knee,
make you 52.
Both knees, 62.
Stop, please!
Sound fair, Mr. Lawyer?
Just give me
a fucking chance to talk.
I can help you, okay?
How can you help me?
I can hook you up
with EI Azul, that's how.
Why would that
be good for me?
Because he's
going to win.
Because you know
Elena Sanchez can't cut
the shit in this business.
Azul knows
the turf in Mexico, man.
He's buying your cops,
your judges.
He's political, man.
He's coming fast,
it won't be Iong.
You want on his train?
I can stamp your ticket.
I pick up that phone,
and you're in.
Go ahead, pick it up.
Okay. AII right.
Hey, it's Chad.
Tell el Jefe "Chip,"
I need to talk
to him right away.
I got good news.
So, pal, who do I say
is calling?
George Lopez.
Now you're 52.
Tell me,
was it EI Azul
who tell you
to take a dive
at Roberto's trial?
Fucking prick!
Bueno! Bueno!
Yes or no?
No answer? Now you're 62.
EL AZUL: Bueno!
Azul, it's Lado.
Remember me?
God damn it!
Oh, we're just making
gringo-Iawyer soup
here in the kitchen.
ESTEBAN: Lado? Lado?
Ya te metiste
al pozolero culero.
Azul, how was Tijuana?
Bad boy,
bombing our warehouses.
Elena says you're
going to need a better
Iawyer in the north.
Watch the yelling.
It's bad for
the blood pressure.
You have a nice day, too.
WOMAN: No! No!
Do her!
No. No!
No, please!
You want to fuck her?
No, pero...
If you don't,
she'll be a witness.
And we don't
Ieave any witnesses.
Pull that trigger gently.
Now. Pull it!
OPHELIA: Dennis Cain is
a high-level drug
enforcement agent.
Without this guy,
Ben and Chon would
be out of business.
Nice day.
But I shouldn't
be seen in the same
zip code as you guys.
Would you prefer we
come to your office
in San Diego with
your gift bag, Dennis?
Oh, take it easy, sailor.
What's got your
panties in a wad, now?
A vid clip.
From, I think,
the Baja cartel,
featuring seven
Talk about your
hostile takeover.
BC moving in
on you guys?
Come on, Dennis.
What the fuck
is going on?
What's going on is
you're not the only
indie frogs on the stove,
my man.
They're killing
each other down there
in Mexico way.
And that's why
they're moving north.
The forks are out,
the pie's getting smaller.
Why is that?
Too many cops
with their hands
in the pie, Dennis?
That's just it.
We used to keep
the animals in the zoo,
but now,
with this war on drugs,
it's Iike the war
in Iraq, Chon-boy.
Your point is what?
Why is it they
want our business
when they put out
of grass Iast year?
Because your THC Ievels
are off the fucking charts.
They're Iike 30 %, right?
Yeah, and their
schwag is what?
Three to five?
Come on, man.
They're Wal-Mart, man,
you're Ben and Chon.
They want a Ben
and Chon section
in aisle three.
Okay? What's so
difficult to comprehend?
Fine, tell them to
move their shit indoors
and buy their
own fucking Iamps.
Well, welcome to
the recession, boys.
You should be grateful
you still have
a product people want.
So you don't mind
if your envelope
gets a Iittle thinner, then?
You guys, you guys.
You have a clean business,
there's no problems.
But there ain't
no Ben and Chon
without Dennis.
So, my envelope
stays the same.
It's just
a matter of time, guys,
before they
Iegalize this shit.
Don't fuck
with Wal-Mart.
I'd take the deal
instead of decapitation.
You know?
Keep banging that
sweet California ass.
You guys had a good run, man.
Just embrace the change.
I'll see you.
Dennis, that new stuff
helping with the chemo?
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Thanks, Ben.
I'll send some
more of that over.
How's she doing?
She's dying, you know?
Aw, man. I thought this was
a business negotiation.
You saw the video.
Yeah, that was Mexico.
This is Laguna.
And cops here wear shorts
and ride bicycles.
That's why we're
thinking of running.
You start running,
Ben, you never stop.
Now Iook,
we go away for a while.
It would be nice.
Besides, there are other ways
to make money.
Don't get Iocked into
one view of the world, Chon.
Did you know
they're making $14 Iaptops
for kids in Africa?
What if you could
make a $10 solar panel?
You'd change the world.
Grow up, Ben.
You don't change the world.
It changes you.
VALET: Welcome
to the Bellevue, sir.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
You're welcome.
I'm Alex.
This is Jaime.
Mucho gusto.
ALEX: Let's get down
to business, shall we?
Everything stays the same.
You're intact.
Over the three years,
we'll study your techniques,
your production methods,
your distribution.
In return, your business
will grow immensely.
Our distribution
is international.
We'll give you protection
on a scale you're
not accustomed to.
We provide low-cost insurance,
low-interest start-up loans,
money-laundering services
to all your producers
and distributors.
You see, we Iease
a good amount of land
in this country.
Some of it,
Indian tribal Iand,
not subject to federal law.
We have the structure
and Iabor force
to cultivate
thousands and thousands
of acres all at once.
Mexican field hands
do not grow primo.
You will teach them this,
and they will Iearn.
So you are
the pharmaceutical company
and the pharmacy.
We're the botanists.
Not exactly.
We value our scientists
and our seed-makers very much.
It is your methods
and your network
we want to partner with.
A joint venture.
No pun intended.
Well said.
In return, we take
a modest distribution fee.
Which would be?
And after the three years?
We'll grow your volume.
Your profits in three years
will be 35 to 40 million.
After three years,
I'm sure you'll be pleased
and quite willing to
re-negotiate our fee.
As we want to encourage
other independents to
join our association.
We need a moment.
OPHELIA: Wiley is a top mixer.
He doesn't care
about anything but sound
and Ben and Chon's primo.
CHON: I will say again,
Ioud and clear.
We send Alex and Jaime
back in a cereal box,
get this party started.
Veto that.
Two errand boys, Chon.
They can replace
every man they lose,
and we can't.
OPHELIA: Doc, Sam, and Billy.
Ex-SEALs from Afghanistan.
Together, they've got
about 120 kills.
Sweetest guys,
when you get to know them.
CHON: Last time, Ben.
You let people
think you're weak,
sooner or Iater
you're going to
have to kill them.
Buddha would not agree.
What does a fat Jap know?
He's a fat Indian.
So we dig you guys
sound Iike Goldman Sachs,
but it's just
not our thing.
So, you are
rejecting our offer?
We're going to
give you our business,
but we're not
going to join you.
Nothing personal.
ALEX: Nothing personal?
I'm afraid our
client would take this
very personally.
BEN: Well, I am sorry.
We want out of
the dope business.
It's become a bit of a drag.
We want to do
something different.
Such as?
Such as clean,
renewable energy.
You mean sun,
wind, ethanol?
Shit Iike that?
There you go.
What do you have to say?
I think, basically,
you want us
to eat your shit
and call it caviar.
What'd he say?
What'd he say?
You're making a mistake.
We'll give you
Well, in Iight of
our generous offer,
we would Iike to reconsider
and think about this.
Give us 48 hours.
We need to talk to producers
and distributors.
They're very
independent thinkers.
We'll talk
tomorrow at this time.
OPHELIA: This is Spin.
He used to be
an investment broker
for a big bank,
but then he found
out he could make
a lot more money
Ben and Chon's profits.
Hey, what's up, guys?
How you doing?
The bank didn't miss him.
Got a Iittle something.
Shit. Sweet.
We need to get off
the grid for a while.
Yeah, no,
it's not really.
Okay. Uh, Annie?
I need you to set
up a new Iine for us.
all right?
Everything washed fresh,
a whole new cycle.
Make it go away
somewhere for a while
so no one can trace us.
What, are you kidding me?
How Iong?
I don't know.
Botanical research,
call it a sabbatical.
Up to a year.
Grab a seat.
Okay, no problemo.
A year for two of you.
Three? Who's three?
Okay, three people.
One of them is O.
So, that's a whole new
clothing Iine of its own.
Twelve months.
Housing, meals,
Where are you thinking?
Where in Indonesia?
Can't say.
In case you get tortured.
You guys are serious, huh?
AII right, well, you're going to want
easy access to a mil, anyway.
That girl's ass...
She could ride
my bike anytime.
Can you focus on the numbers?
Hey, I'm multitasking, pal.
I knew you
wouldn't make the deal.
We think it's time
to get out.
Not forever,
maybe a year or so.
When are you going?
Tomorrow night.
They got a clock on us.
I put a water system
in this pretty Iittle village,
by a beach.
And they're
the sweetest people
you'd ever meet.
I think you'll Iove it.
Me, too.
Well, I can't imagine
it without you.
It's the three of us now, O.
(LAUGHING) Oh, my gosh!
Where in Indonesia?
Isn't it 10,000 islands
or something?
Here, you got a passport?
A valid passport?
My mom's got it, okay?
Tell her just for
a few weeks, and then...
Yeah, I got it.
Then we'll re-adjust
the clock from there.
We're Iike that movie.
What movie?
You know,
the one with Paul Newman
when he was, you know, alive.
And Robert Redford,
when he was a total babe.
Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid.
I'm Iike, the girl.
Wait, don't they
get killed at the end?
Not the girl.
Get down!
Oh, my God.
A Iittle jumpy,
are we?
You think?
Are we clear?
So, how about I tell you folks
about our dessert specials?
Why not?
AII right, first off,
we have a delicious
creme brulee.
It's got
a thick sugar coating,
going to break Iike glass.
Feet are too close, Frankie!
Spread them. Follow through.
Where's the change-up?
I can see it coming.
Watch your feet.
Keep them guessing!
How much are we paying
his goddamn pitching coach?
Two thousand dollars
and the kid can't even
get his stance right.
Look at the
other one up there,
half asleep.
Junior! Wake up!
I'm talking.
Don't make me
come out there!
LADO: Are the kids
coming home for dinner?
Angela's going
to the Cheesecake Factory
with Courtney and Taylor.
It's Friday.
LADO: The Cheesecake Factory.
In Mexico,
I picked my meals
out of the garbage truck.
That's why our children
are Californian now.
That was the idea,
Miguel, wasn't it?
Maybe we should go
and visit more often.
So Courtney was all Iike,
"I'm so over it."
And I was Iike, "No, bitch,
you're so not 'so over it."'
Look at your daughter.
She Iooks Iike
a Iittle whore.
Nice. About our daughter.
She's 15.
Don't come crying at me
when she gets knocked up.
She's on the pill.
The pill.
You know what?
That's Iike telling her,
"Go ahead and fuck."
You know what?
We should sit down
at the table,
the whole goddamned family,
'cause I can see
what's happening.
I'm on my way.
Who was that?
(SIGHS) Don't start.
Where are you going?
I gotta work.
Take the kids
out to dinner.
Okay? I'll be Iate.
Don't insult me
in front of everyone.
What are you, crazy?
Do me a favor.
Next time you come home
in the middle of the night,
take a shower
and wash her stink off,
will you?
Nice Latina mouth
you got Iately, Dolores.
You think you Ieft
the old ways behind?
Well, Iet me
tell you something.
Tijuana is coming here.
It's chasing us.
So, which cock
does she suck?
I can't tell.
The white guys
Iike each other.
Maybe they're faggots.
Maybe she
does them both.
AII right. Are you ready?
This is the new stuff.
You've never had
anything Iike this before.
Oh, man.
It's good.
It's all right.
LADO: I can't find
my prick here.
That's because it's
too fucking small.
What are you, drunk?
You Ieft the phone on.
No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You know, I'm just...
What's going on there?
The geros got
drunk with a bonita.
They all went
inside their house.
They've been there
now for two hours.
A whore?
No, she's Iike
a rich girl or something.
She belong to
"Nothing personal"
or "Eat-shit-caviar"?
Hard to tell.
Are they sharing?
I know you don't
want to hear this,
but I think
they're going to run.
I could walk in
there right now
and take them,
talk to them
on your behalf.
No, Big Bear.
I need their network
and their expertise.
Interesting people,
I think I found
their weakness.
Is she pretty?
Yeah, she's pretty,
but you got a better-looking
style, Madrina.
I'm getting old.
When we get to Indonesia,
I mean, if things heat up,
if they find you,
then what happens?
Would you guys
have to go?
Would I go home?
I don't...
I don't want to
Iose you guys.
I Iove you.
Because you're
my only family.
I've got three months tops
in Indonesia.
Oh, no.
I can't Iock down there.
OPHELIA: Living in
a jungle sounds great,
but where's
the toilet paper?
That is, by far,
the Ieast of your worries.
And the Chanel?
I know.
Come here.
Let's not go to Indonesia.
Let's just stay here forever.
Right here.
We can just hide
in this room.
BEN: I cannot die in
fucking Laguna.
They won't find us.
No, not in Laguna.
We're wherever we
want to be right now.
I mean,
I'll miss this place, sure.
I Iove this place.
But I can say
goodbye and just move on.
Why is it so easy for you?
Because there
are better things.
There are better
things than what's here.
That was pretty
intense Iast night.
Maybe we ought to
stop smoking that strain.
Or make
a Iot more of it.
Hey, how are you feeling?
Thanks for coming, guys.
Five minutes.
I got to make my final
pilgrimage to the mall.
Hey, I'm sending
Frankie with you, okay?
If Frankie can keep up.
The flight's at midnight.
Yes, Daddy.
Please don't
forget your passport.
I Iove you guys.
OPHELIA: My mom was off
somewhere in the world
with her Iatest husband.
I Iike to think
I'm in the middle
of a 12-stepdad program.
So, I Ieft a note
saying I'd gone to
Europe for four weeks
with my best friend, Lucy,
to get some culture.
Look, Jake, think of
it as economy of scale.
AII right?
The Mexicans will do business,
but you'll be a corporation.
They'll assign your profits
and your timetables
and you'll make more money
than you ever made with us.
Things change,
don't give it up.
They're Iike corporations.
None of them Iast.
Besides, we could be back
running the show in a year.
Travis, phone numbers
are vanishing
as we speak, okay?
Yes, I'm wiping the grid.
I'm putting a Iittle virus
in there to fuck them up.
No, they're not going
to chase you. Trust me.
Fucking hell.
Paranoid as fuck.
He should Iay off the Kush.
Do you know why I
stopped you, sir?
Let me guess.
You know what, man?
MAGDA: I'm just saying, Ma,
I got a Sosh midterm
on Monday and an Econ
paper due Wednesday.
ELENA: But I was hoping
that you could come
for one weekend.
Of course I do.
You don't want me
to end up in Tijuana
with Diego chasing me, do you?
What about your horses, Magda?
You never come to see them.
MAGDA: Why don't
you sell them?
They're worth a fortune.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Que paso?
He was such a nice guy.
MAGDA: In America,
you don't get
married at 18 or 19, Mom.
So you can relax, okay?
ELENA: I know that,
and trust me,
I do not want you to follow
in my footsteps at all.
But don't you
forget for one second
that I am the only
mother you'll ever have.
I Iove you.
This is Alex.
So, hey, Alex,
you're on speaker.
Chon's next to me.
We changed our minds.
We're coming aboard.
We're happy to hear that.
Look, we want to
go over the MO.
How about first
thing tomorrow morning?
We'll get back to you.
BEN: I'm so sorry
about this, baby.
We're going to get
you out, I promise.
Which one of you
is Mr. "Nothing Personal"?
I'm here.
If you fucking...
Shut up, shut up.
AII right, Iook,
we can negotiate.
We didn't make you an offer
to hear a counteroffer.
We made you a deal
to which we
expected compliance.
You Iied to us.
We'll do whatever you want.
If that affects
a change in attitude,
you'll have to prove it.
That's not a problem.
Really? Because it
was a problem before.
It's not now.
Now let me speak to
Mr. "Eat-Shit-Caviar."
I'm here.
You insulted me.
I'm sorry.
No, you're not.
Take out your gun.
Stand in front of the camera
where I can see you.
Now stick it in that
vulgar mouth of yours.
Cut off two fingers.
I'm doing it! I'm doing it.
Now put your
finger on the trigger.
Look, there's got
to be a better way!
No, God damn it!
What are you doing?
You may take it out now.
The next time we ask
you to do something,
I don't want to hear,
Am I clear?
You will make a delivery
to us, in Chula Vista,
of 300 pounds.
You have five hours.
Or you will receive
an e-mail you will not like.
Five hours begin now.
We gotta move.
That's your bed.
That's your toilet.
And that's your sink.
You've got toothpaste.
A comb.
See you in the morning.
No toothbrush?
Do you want to use
my finger?
You got it?
Everything's ready to go.
My boys had to go
all the way to Santa Barbara
to get you 300.
Nearly wiped us out.
Only 30 or 40 pounds Ieft.
So, who am I
working for now? You?
Or them?
You'll know tomorrow.
We owe you, Eric.
Stay safe.
CHON: Slow down, man.
Cops are Iike bees
all over.
We have 45 minutes.
It's the next exit.
We got seven minutes.
Oh, shit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Drive real cool, Ben.
Three hundred pounds.
We're dead, man.
No, man.
He's dead.
Are you fucking crazy?
You can't shoot a cop, Chon.
Put one big
thought in your head.
O is not going to die.
Forget everything else.
Oh, God, please,
Mr. State Trooper,
don't pull us over.
It's not your night
to die.
Chon's gonna shoot you,
I'm not gonna Iie.
Hey, this is our exit.
Oh, God.
I'm pulling off.
Hard right.
Two minutes, man.
They're watching us.
MAN: Go two blocks.
Look for a fish store.
Okay, I see it.
There's an alley
behind the store.
Hook a right.
Put it into park.
Should I shut the engine off?
Here they come.
Stay cool.
If anything goes wrong,
if anybody follows us,
the girl dies slow.
Drink up.
They paid in full.
happy to see you've learned
to honor your partnership.
What do you want from us?
The same things
we agreed upon.
Three years. Except,
now, motherfuckers,
it's 70-30.
That's gotta be Elena.
The first payment
you've received.
And O?
Ophelia will be
away for one year.
One year!
AII right, Chon...
At the end of that year,
she'll come home.
Fail at any point
to meet the terms
of our partnership
and the girl
will die very badly.
One year.
O won't make three weeks.
What if we offer them cash?
Right now?
They're going to
kill her anyway.
Don't fucking say that.
They're going to make us jump
through these fucking hoops
until they get what they want.
Then they're
going to kill her,
and then they're
going to kill us.
Look, we made
a three-year deal.
She's out in one.
They want the money.
You don't know shit.
You're talking to Taliban.
Right. Okay.
They don't give back.
AII right.
But they paid for the dope.
Didn't they?
Savages don't make deals, Ben.
They're a business, Chon.
Think about it.
We're smarter than they are.
Yeah, in botany.
Every man in her fucking Iife
has Iet her down.
She's in this
shit because of us.
When I said, "Kill them."
"They can't come up north,
there's too
much heat on them."
You said, "No, Iet's talk
about it." How's that
working out for you?
That's your
answer for everything!
Just fucking kill everybody!
I didn't see you
stick a fucking gun
in your mouth, Ben!
I haven't Ieft a man behind
in my whole fucking Iife!
Do you think I would?
With Brad it was Iike...
I don't know if this is
really going to happen.
But with him,
I feel Iike this is serious.
I think what worries me is
I think you're
too much for him.
What do you mean?
I think you're too young
and he's just
a Iittle bit older
and a Iittle bit more demure.
I feel Iike
the defining question is,
does he make you laugh?
OPHELIA: This isn't fair.
Why can't I talk to
whoever is in charge here?
Is anyone listening?
Why can't I talk to anyone?
Maybe I could get
a clean room at Ieast.
Maybe a salad
every once in a while,
instead of pizza all the time.
You don't know my mom,
but if she doesn't
hear from me soon,
she's going to
do something really stupid.
She's probably going to
call the FBI or something.
Because my stepdad,
he was in the FBI
or the CIA or one of them.
So you better get me
on the Internet soon.
You can supervise me, sure.
That's fine.
But that way, at least
I can tell someone
somewhere that I'm alive.
And I know that
I can be here
for like seven to 10 days.
A month, maybe.
Whoever you are,
just think
I could be your daughter.
Twice in one week.
Not good, guys.
Get in, please.
You know, a Iittle sleep
can do wonders.
To what do I
owe this pleasure?
Dennis, we need your
files on the Baja cartel.
I told you,
don't fuck with these people.
And I follow my own advice.
Have a nice day.
BEN: Dennis, you step
out that car, I'm coming
down to San Diego
to introduce myself
to your district supervisor.
And you're going
to have a hard time
half-a-million dollars
parked in the Cook Islands
when you clear 110,
after taxes.
And don't even think about
calling someone
and having us disappear
because I got
plenty of evidence
in other people's hands.
So what happened
to our mutually-assured
destruction thing?
We rat each other out,
we all end up
in the same prison cell.
What happened to that?
They Iifted O.
Are you surprised?
Well, I'll do time,
but you got kids, Dennis.
They're already
growing up without a mom.
You don't have
a move, here.
Now, Iisten.
When Hillary Clinton grows up,
she wants to be Elena Sanchez.
You run up
against "La Reina" Elena
and I'm telling you,
I see dead people.
That's really dramatic.
But in
the reality-based community,
there's always a weakness.
Okay, here's the deal.
Do you know this EI Azul guy?
AII right. He was her
inside man for years,
and now he's out.
This year,
there's the Mexican
presidential election.
He's in, she's done.
There was a bust in Baja,
the Iargest grow ever.
A quarter of a million plants.
It's hers.
She's Iosing men,
she's Iosing money
Iike a BP oil spill.
That's why she's coming up
and moving in on
indie guys Iike you.
Where does she Iive?
She got a house up here?
Tijuana. And don't
even think about it.
She's got security,
Iike, beyond the American
fucking embassy.
Look, this is the deal.
Husband, brothers, dead.
Two sons, dead.
She's got a son
in Mexico City.
He's some playboy, he's alive.
A daughter, Magda, also dead.
And that's all
I fucking know!
This is fucking bullshit!
We need what
the DEA's got on the cartel.
Names, histories,
stash houses.
But that ain't part
of the deal, buddy boy!
It is now.
It don't work that way.
It's fucking
Their databases are encrypted
in redundant firewalls.
Again. More fucking bullshit!
It's not bullshit!
Our guys help set
up those firewalls.
Anything can be hacked!
We're running out
of time, Dennis.
You have to step up right now.
You know what?
Get fucked, both of you.
Fuck me, fuck you.
I'm out of here.
What the fuck, Chon!
BEN: What the hell
are you doing?
They took O.
They took our girl.
And I will do anything,
anything, to get her back.
Do you understand me?
Holy shit, Chon!
You fucking
stabbed a federal agent!
Look at this!
Oh, God.
I'll do more than that.
Okay, stop, stop, stop.
I'll figure it out.
I'll figure something out.
Crazy motherfucker.
I want to hear
from you soon, Dennis.
So, we're hearing
the food here is
not good enough?
We're concerned,
you know.
DEA AGENT: Paul Durth.
Hello, sweetheart.
I need 60 days on this card
and all
the geo-Iocations on this one.
Can you do that?
Of course.
How's the hand?
Don't bite it again.
CRAIG: Let's run them.
It's a mudslide,
off two Iousy cards.
This dude's
ahead of the curve.
What do you got?
I got it, too.
Your boy Dennis came through.
This Iawyer dude,
Alex Reyes,
set her up with a 100,000-acre
ranch in Humboldt County.
Elena "La Reina"
has got property
all over the place.
In La Jolla,
parts of Palm Desert,
apartments in Miami,
London, Zurich.
Check it out.
There's gaps here.
This guy's
shrouding his sources.
You think old
Dennis pulled a Nixon?
It's an NTFS partition.
He fucked up
the master boot record.
Claire, can you
google those houses again?
Whoever did this
is very good.
Spin? Cash.
What can we clear in now?
Chon and my accounts?
You can't dump the house
or you'll take
a two-million Iump to the head
and depends on
how fast I can move
the gold and silver,
but Iet's
estimate six to eight.
Are you kidding me?
That's all?
After all these years.
Wow. You've been
fucking me in the ass.
I'm insulted you
only just realized that.
I didn't go all Bono
all over Africa and Asia,
Let's say we're three
to four million short
depending on what
we can get them down.
Come here.
There's got to be millions
sitting in these houses
at one time or another.
It would be Iike
Robin Hood.
A fucked-up Robin Hood.
I Iove it.
A couple of IEDs and RPGs
might come in handy.
We could go real
Sunni on these bastards.
Are we in any
sort of danger, here?
Did I not tell you
everything goes through
Mr. Alex?
Not this.
This is 10 million cash,
straight up, for the girl.
And we stay happy partners.
Look, Ms. Sanchez,
I thought this through.
So have I, and I put
her value at 15 million.
That's too much.
Why? You don't
think she's worth it?
No, she's worth it.
We're small, compared to you.
Grow up, motherfucker.
Give us a break, here.
AII right?
How about 12?
You must stop trying
to negotiate with me.
Thirteen is our number,
but this is not open-ended.
I give you two weeks.
The rest of our deal
stays the same. Agreed?
Let's get going.
OPHELIA: Dear Mom,
don't freak when
you see the bill.
it's a one-time-only in Paris.
Did you know
you can't even ask prices
or the snooty salesgirls
won't look at you?
These French bitches,
they eat all the time
and they're so skinny!
here I am in London.
You'd die if you saw
the portrait of Ophelia
hanging in my room.
I'm having
the time of my life,
but being here really
makes me appreciate home.
I hope you know
how much I love you.
I miss you.
I'll see you soon.
You forgot this.
(WHISPERING) Please Iet me
talk to someone.
Not him, not him.
Please, help me.
CHON: There.
There's the money.
That's where they count it.
Two, three times a week,
they head south to Mexico.
You see that curve?
Road, bridge, road.
One way in, no way out.
You nervous?
No. I hijack cash
shipments all the time.
Chon, I don't know
if I can do this.
Do what?
Kill somebody.
Look, Ben. There's no
"undo" button here.
There's still time
for you to walk away.
I got five good
guys ready to go.
No. I'm in.
This was my idea.
BILLY: Alpha-One in position.
Copy that.
DOC: Charlie-Three
in position.
They don't call it
hijacking for nothing, Ben.
Three bogies
coming your way.
Copy that, gentlemen.
May AIIah be with you.
First bogie,
coming your way.
Charlie, you got someone
knocking on your front door.
DOC: We got it. Copy.
I got your back.
I want you to stay flat
until you get that
clear signal from me.
You understand?
DOC: Second vehicle is
about 200 meters behind it.
Third, about 300 to 400.
Here's our dance partner.
Now, breathe.
Three, two, one.
Bulletproof fucking glass!
Fuck you, puto.
He's got a radio!
Do you know what this is?
You see that baby blow, man?
Let's go, Iet's go,
Iet's go!
DOC: C-team, moving in.
Move, move, move!
Four... Three... Two...
Do you know who
the fuck we are?
We're the cartel, cabron.
We'll blowtorch your balls.
Rape your wife.
And your kids.
You good?
I need you to go over
there and grab my case.
Grab the case.
If you see it,
get rid of it.
Doc, how we doing over there?
You clear?
Yeah, we're clear here.
Good. Go, go.
Jesse, how are we?
You clear?
BEN: Pull over.
No, you saw the radio.
They're not far behind.
I fucked up.
Tell me, Ben.
Which Iife would
you trade for O's?
Which one?
Fucked up, man!
We fucked up, man.
I think we got close
to three million cash.
We're still
three million short.
Pull over!
Oh, God!
Hurry up.
Let's go!
Get yourself together, Ben.
Because tomorrow,
the shit's really
going to hit the fan.
Come on.
Where are the kids?
Angela's still at practice.
The boys are sleeping over.
When the hell
are we going
to sit at the table
and have dinner
Iike a family?
Get me a beer.
What's the matter?
Are you unhappy again?
You still seeing
that therapist dyke?
Three hundred bucks an hour.
Maybe I can fix
your problem. No fee.
I'll make you
pregnant again.
I want a divorce.
You want a what?
A fucking divorce.
I don't want to be
your wife anymore.
What you're going
to get is another
kick in the belly.
Now shut the fuck up.
This is America, Miguel.
I already talked to a Iawyer.
I know things.
One time, I tell you.
You talk to a Iawyer again,
and I will take the
three kids to Mexico
and you will never
see them again.
You know that's the truth.
Fuck you!
I promise I will kill you.
That's the Dolores
I'd Iike to fuck.
Turn around.
Get out.
Get out of here.
Get out! Go!
Better be good.
ALEX: Hernando heard
Gigi say they were wearing
Santa Muerte masks.
They were tall.
Thinks he saw two.
How many guys
you think did this?
At Ieast five,
maybe six.
There's three Iocations.
Almost at the same time.
And they ditched
the GPS's.
What's this?
That's an improvised
explosive device. IED.
It's from Iraq.
The sand-niggers use them
to blow up gero armor.
Who the fuck...
EI Azul's been
hiring ex-soldiers.
Probably Mexican
demolition guys
from the Yankee army.
You don't know that.
Bury them Iike men,
what's Ieft.
Money to their families.
What do we tell Elena?
That we know shit.
She's going to get real upset
if we don't tell her nothing
and reads about
it in the papers.
Oh, shut the fuck up.
I'm the one who knows Elena.
Let me handle it.
Si, Senora.
No, Madrina.
But, I have a...
I have this girl that keeps
insisting to talk to you.
My own daughter
doesn't want to talk to me,
but this one does.
Put it on.
You have a request?
Yes, I'd like to speak to
the man in charge, please.
Oh, I'm...
Has Esteban not been
providing the essentials?
No, he did.
I'm sorry.
I'm just having
some concentration problems,
and I was hoping
maybe I could get
a little something
to take the edge off.
"The edge off"?
What's the matter?
Is it that time of the month?
I mean the stuff
we're all killing
each other over.
I see.
May I ask you how Iong
have you been using, Ophelia?
Since the eighth grade.
And you're wondering
why you're having
concentration problems?
Do your parents know?
They didn't care.
AII right.
I can arrange something.
Three vehicles smoldering
from what Iooks to be
a coordinated,
grenade attack
used in
coordination with IEDs,
which stands for
explosive devices."
CHON: Ben.
These are the same types
of explosives
used by the Taliban
against our
troops in Afghanistan.
They sure don't waste time.
They want to see you.
I don't know, man.
Remember the drill.
Look them right in the eyes.
There's only one
thing on your mind,
one thing.
It's, "Fuck you,
you've got O."
I've got your back.
And watch your breathing.
Good afternoon, yeah.
So, we got a problem.
Where were you
Iast night?
I was at home, why?
Who the fuck's this guy?
An amigo, amigo.
Three of our cars
were hit Iast night.
Seven of our men
are soon to be buried.
That was you guys?
I saw that on the news.
This is fucking great.
I've been in this
business for years
and never had a person killed.
And now you're telling me,
what, seven people are dead?
This Ioss ain't cutting
into our share of the take.
Where's the other one?
Your other amigo,
where is he?
You asked me
to come alone.
You asked me
to come alone.
You did?
ALEX: I did.
Don't even go there, man.
We had nothing
to do with this.
Maybe you should
Iook at your own men.
Our people know better.
Whatever, man.
Fucking solve it, okay?
I want to talk to O.
Proof of Iife.
Like everyone else,
we work for incentives.
We'll see.
What do you think?
I think he's
telling the truth.
They don't have
the balls to rob us.
I'm not so sure,
you know?
It doesn't matter.
We have to report
this to Elena, Lado.
Alex, I'll tell Elena
when I want her to know.
I'll call you Iater.
Next time,
ask me for what you want.
Drink up, Ophelia.
Time for your bath.
Bathtub time.
Oh, fuck.
ELENA: Magdita.
Hi, Mom. Wow, it's Iate.
Guess what?
I'm coming to California!
Well, you know
what they say.
If the mountain
doesn't come to Mohammed,
Mohammed comes to California.
I've got my finals, Mom.
I'm coming next week,
and that's what's final.
Yeah, sure, I guess.
I'm so excited to
see you, mijita!
LADO: I don't think that's
a good idea, Madrina.
Azul could take
advantage of this situation.
ELENA: I want to see Magda.
I have to
arrange your transport.
It's complicated.
It's already
been arranged.
What the fuck you
Iooking at, man?
I gave her some shit,
so Iet her sleep.
Wake her up in six hours.
Sophia will wash her.
It's okay.
Okay, sweetie-pie,
time to go.
Last Iooks.
It didn't work out.
You're too sensitive.
Have you been
treated well, Ophelia?
Are you all right?
She's fine.
I'm not talking
to you, Lado.
I'm talking to Ophelia.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
Chucho, take her to
the guest house, please.
So, Lado,
now I'm talking to you.
Let me see your eyes.
Is everything all right?
Yes, Madrina.
Why you ask?
You make me sad, Lado.
I have to come
to Gringolandia
to find this out?
You thought I
wasn't going to notice
$3 million,
and seven of my men dead?
Since when do you take
decisions of your own...
I made you,
motherfucker. I did!
I'm very sorry, Madrina.
It was stupid of me not
to tell you right away.
I just wanted to prove
to you that it was
this Cheech and Chong
who were stealing
your money.
So, please.
AIIow me to talk to them.
Yes, and men will say
anything to stop the pain.
Mierda, Lado. You're
stupider than you Iook!
These two kids,
all they care
about is their girl.
They wouldn't do
anything to risk her Iife.
But it's distracting you
from our bigger problem,
which is EI Azul.
To the point that
he has infiltrated
himself into
the northern group,
which is under your control.
But if you think
I'm the only one
who's going to
be Iosing money,
you're in for a surprise.
First of all,
those $3 million?
You're going to pay for it.
Yeah, you, too.
Second of all,
you're going to find me...
...that gave up our
stash house to Azul.
Or else, I'm going to have
to go after your wives,
and your children...
You may go now.
What are you waiting for?
OPHELIA: The Red Queen
asked me to dinner.
I think she was lonely.
I had a job for a while.
I was a hostess
at a restaurant.
I went to community college
for a semester and a half.
But then I Ieft,
because institutions
make me crazy.
And I thought,
I don't know, I wanted to
experience something real.
I figured I just
wanted to drown in Iife.
And how I made it out,
that would...
Do Americans
always talk this way?
Have you ever really
thought about your future?
That's a Iittle ironic,
the situation I'm in.
How are your
Iamb chops, Ophelia?
Good, thank you.
How did you get
into the business?
If you don't mind
my asking, ma'am.
You could say that
I inherited the position.
When they killed my husband,
whom I Iove very much,
I had no choice.
What, you don't have sons?
My twin sons were murdered.
So, I have devoted my Iife
to my surviving children.
Do you still get to
talk to your kids?
My son hates me,
because I took his power away.
They would have
killed him, too.
And my daughter,
she's ashamed of me.
And I am proud of her for it.
I'm sorry.
I don't know.
I guess I feel bad for you.
My hope is still alive.
Both of them.
And yours is dead.
I Iike talking
to you, Ophelia.
But Iet me remind
you that if I had to,
I wouldn't have a problem
cutting both their throats.
Well, you'll never
get them together.
I'm the only one
who can do that.
Come on.
Are you really
bragging about that?
There's something wrong
with your Iove story, baby.
They may Iove you,
but they will never Iove you
as much as they
Iove each other.
they wouldn't share you,
would they?
SPIN: I gave your boy
Alex a new bank
account in Saint Kitts.
Separate deposits
of 120, 260, and 90.
I spin it around
the planet twice,
and voil.
Alex Reyes now owns
a building in Cabo,
sells it to
a resident of Palau
who doesn't exist.
OPHELIA: My men knew
they couldn't pull
off another heist.
So they found a different way.
By end of the day,
he's definitely been
one bad Iittle puddy cat.
Phone records?
Yeah. Plenty of backup.
This account is so confusing,
it'll take a forensic
a month just to find
his own dick.
So, what did
this guy do to you?
When do you ask
questions Iike that?
Come on, man.
This is the Baja cartel.
They're probably
going to crucify
this guy for this.
So, you don't mind
Iosing your
commission on the deal?
OPHELIA: They knew they needed
to get the suspicion
off themselves.
But what they didn't know
is that Lado
was already making
plans of his own.
LADO: Welcome to the barrio.
So, what you
going to talk about?
Sit down.
Well, after our Iast
pleasant chat,
I had my IT guys do
a Iittle deep research.
This cost me
a Iot of money.
What is it?
Your informant.
I think you guys are paying
Alex Reyes way too much.
Don't believe me?
Give this to Jaime,
he'll get it.
Unless he's in on it.
There's a Iot there.
Bank accounts, transactions.
Take a Iook at
the deposit dates
and match them up
with the hijackings.
Let me see your hands.
Soft, Iike a woman's.
And he's fucking me
with them.
Let me ask you something.
Do you Iove your sister?
I don't have a sister.
Ophelia's not your sister?
You're cute, Iambioso.
You can go now.
Like I said,
follow the money.
I need to talk to Elena.
She told you,
whatever I need.
I'm sorry.
What I said
the other night
was stupid.
I can't sleep
and I thought
it'd be nice
to have some company
for a few minutes.
You too?
I Iike to TiVo.
Especially in America.
OPHELIA: She's going
for the wrong guy.
That one is such a player.
You think?
Girl, you have been
out of the game too Iong.
Trust me,
I know a player
when I see one.
You really believe
that these women
can convince themselves
that they can
fall in Iove
with men Iike this?
You know what you were
saying the other night,
about my men?
I never had a dad.
He Ieft.
I don't know,
I guess this is my way
of getting to know man.
I didn't know
my father either.
But I only Ioved
one man my whole Iife.
You were never
with anyone else?
You must really miss him.
You see how I never Iaugh
and I never cry?
Well, that's because I have
Botox of the heart.
I thought just in the face.
I don't have Botox
on the face!
No, I don't!
I made you Iaugh.
I see.
I'll call you right back.
What happened?
There's been a problem.
Chiquita is going to take
you back to your room.
No, Elena,
please tell me
what happened.
I'm sorry, Ophelia.
I told you this
might end badly.
Elena, please.
Just tell me.
And remember
you're not a hostage
because of me,
you're a hostage
because of them.
Elena! Stop it! Please!
LADO: Lucky seven.
Did you make 17
phone calls to El Azul?
LADO: Ten Iatigazos
to go, cabron.
ALEX: No, Lado, no!
Yes or no?
Elena, in the name of God.
I beg you!
I beg you!
I promise you this.
Your wife,
Bettina, and your Iittle ones
that I Iike so much,
they will get the insurance.
But you tell me
"no" one more time,
I will drive them here
and I will cut them open
and make them bleed
to death in front of you.
Yes or no?
What's it going to be?
Finally. Louder.
LADO: Cut him down.
LADO: Now we know.
You were right, Madrina.
What do you want
me to do with him?
The soft one.
Mr. "Nothing Personal."
He must finish
what he started.
Sit her down.
Your men have brought
some serious accusations
against one of my men.
This is our way of justice.
For the Iove of God!
A man takes
care of his family,
and I respect that.
I'd like to give
you a better death.
But it would
set a bad example.
No, no, no!
I don't Iike the screaming.
Oh, God!
Beach Boy.
No? He took your money, too.
"La Reina" says to do it.
Elena, please...
Make her watch.
Let me do it.
Not you, "Caviar."
It's my gift to him.
So, I read up on your Buddha.
According to the Dalai Lama,
if you are in a position
to prevent greater violence,
strike first and strike fast.
Alex kidnapped people, Ben.
He had people
tortured and killed.
So have we.
Dennis fucked us
on those files.
When Alex was up there,
he begged Elena on
the head of Magda,
her daughter.
Which means
she must be alive.
And Dennis knows.
We're short three mil.
Another hit
is problematic.
We have got to squeeze it
out of Dennis somehow.
Find her and trade her.
You mean, "Kidnap."
BEN: The same as O.
You up for that?
I am.
Daddy, there's a man
here to see you.
What man?
I don't know.
I was driving by
your neighborgood
and noticed that your yard
needs some trimming.
My crew would Iike to give you
a free haircut today.
My wife usually
takes care of that stuff.
Sarah, Hannah,
go to your room right now.
But, Daddy...
No "buts," no nothing. Go.
Papa says, "Go."
Lado! You come to my house?
You threaten my daughters?
You don't think I'm
the kind of guy that
doesn't have cameras
all over the place?
It don't matter to me.
After I whack you
and your daughters,
I'll burn the house down.
Come on, you found
your fucking snitch.
You found him.
What happened to your hand?
DENNIS: Got it caught
in a weed whacker.
Weed whacker?
"Weed whacker," my ass.
We need to have
a conversation.
Because I'm confused
about some of
your actions, Dennis.
Like what?
Like you giving Ben and Chon
all that information.
You must be smoking
your own shit now, man.
You got to know
I'm your man.
I got you your
green card, okay?
I've been protecting you
for six fucking years.
Now that shit
hits the fan,
you got seven dead beaners,
you got a white
Iawyer in Laguna,
you need me now
more than ever.
Stop begging.
You sound Iike a woman.
I know you gave them stuff.
What makes you so goddamn
sure it's not Azul?
Because I know it wasn't him.
What do you mean?
Because I'm working
with him now, anfibio.
And you Iie to
me one more time,
I will shoot you down.
Since when have you
been working with Azul?
You're not going
to tell me that?
Since two days ago.
I never gave them you, Lado.
They had me.
I'd be out of business.
I'd be useless to you.
I never thought
this Iraq psycho
would go nuts on you guys.
I never gave you up, ever!
I'm your best friend
on this side, man.
Did you tell them I
was your Iittle snitch?
What are you, crazy?
What would be in it for me?
Answer me, Dennis.
I gave them
enough to just get them
off my fucking ass...
Yes or no?
No, okay? No. No.
It's all about you and me,
and that's it!
You have got to
believe me this time, man.
I don't want to
Iose this shit!
I got two fucking kids
and a wife that's dying.
Thank you, Dennis.
Now they got my $3 million.
And I want that money.
It's my money! It's my money!
You can't trust
anybody no more. Fuck!
I can't even
trust my fucking wife.
She's Iooking to
divorce me, you know?
My wife's barely breathing.
Welcome to
midlife crisis, buddy.
How do you know you can
trust this Azul guy?
I mean, come on.
Has he given you
a piece of the business?
Is that what he promised you?
Because Elena is not
going to fold that easy.
You know, that
three million is
her money.
Now, don't be a knucklehead.
Fuck you.
You think, you fucked it up.
How are you
going to get me back
my money?
You need me.
I'm going to get
you your money.
But they need the girl.
The guys want this girl.
They're in fucking Iove
with this chick.
And they want O, okay?
So, where is she?
I don't have her.
What do you mean,
you "don't have her"?
Where is she?
With Elena.
In Mexico?
No, here.
Some fucking
Indian reservation.
Elena came to
see her daughter.
An now that woman
is in my face, telling me
what to do, provoking me.
Oh, this is big, man.
"La Reina" Elena
is on US soil?
I told you, it's Indian Iand.
She's protected.
And I'm going to fix that.
That's why you need Dennis.
Stop telling me to think.
No, no, no, man.
Look, these guys,
they got the three million.
What do you think
they're going to do with it?
They're going to
fucking give it
to Elena, right?
And we, first,
are going to sell
them Elena's daughter.
We split the profits,
and then we fuck Elena!
Fuck her!
Do you understand?
OPHELIA: Dennis wanted
$3 million. The boys
wanted Magda.
Dennis, as usual,
was one step ahead.
I'd Iike to blow
your fucking heads off.
They threatened my daughters.
My daughters!
Enough with the whining.
You deserve every
fucking inch
of your pain, asshole.
You gave us up.
Like I had a choice.
You could have gone along.
You would have made big money.
But you had to pull
your Iraq GI Jack shit.
We want Magda.
Ask your smart-ass boy, here.
SEAL boy, hey.
Did you figure it out
from the transcripts?
AII the calls
to Orange County?
Where the fuck is she?
What's in it for me?
Your Iife,
which I'm about to take.
I'm dead either way.
But the thought
of you sitting
in a prison cell for
the rest of your Iife
gives me great
afterlife pleasure.
A million in cash,
for Magda's Iocation.
Say goodbye to your wife,
take your girls and go.
Three mil.
Or no deal.
That's my walk-away price.
Walk away from what,
Nobody wants you.
Magda is your only hope.
Three mil,
take it or Ieave it.
Throw in your snitch.
The three mil,
you can do whatever
you want with it.
AII right?
Start talking.
When I see the money.
It's in the car.
Get it.
What the fuck you want?
OPHELIA: My boys took a page
from Elena's playbook.
If you want to
control somebody,
take what they love.
No, no, no!
Take her gag off.
O, how are you
holding up?
Are you guys okay?
You hang in there, baby.
We're coming for you.
What do you want?
BEN: Shut the fuck up.
You want to start
by understanding
you're not in
charge anymore, Elena.
We are.
Do you understand?
Don't nod. Say it.
I understand.
This is how
it's to work.
Your daughter
goes with you,
O comes with us.
No money, no nothing.
We go our separate ways
and we Iive our
separate Iives.
Do you understand?
I understand.
I only care about Magda.
That's very sweet.
And if that reflects
a change of attitude,
you'll have to prove it.
You bring O
to a place we designate,
at a time we designate.
We exchange Magda.
You bring no one else.
You deviate from the plan
in any minute detail,
and the girl
will die very badly.
I'll do anything you say.
You'll hear from us.
I told you they
would come for me.
Get her out of here.
Fuck you, Elena.
Get her out of here!
Put her on the chair.
I enjoyed that.
Your boys did good.
Real good.
Juancario, Sophia,
Ieave me alone
with the senorita.
It's almost over.
With a happy ending.
But before you go home,
I want to
show you something.
Oh, you missed
the best part.
I'll be in touch, baby.
DENNIS: Do you remember
my graduation day?
I'll never forget
the way you Iooked at me
when I got my badge.
You were so proud.
But, you know,
they don't tell you when
they give you the badge
the river of shit
you're going to have
to wade through.
And the joke is,
they don't want you to get
any of that shit on you.
They want you to
walk through it clean,
but what's clean anymore?
I have to go to my supervisor,
and he takes his taste and...
If you want to see
the real crooks,
the real pros,
just turn on
the fucking TV.
We've made heroes of whores.
A nation of whores.
Wall Street. Washington.
Those bastards make
what I do out here
Iook pathetic.
If they woke up
with my job,
with my Iife,
with my salary,
they'd be Iooking
for the nearest
gun to swallow.
You can't stop.
You can't climb out.
No Ieft turns,
no right turns.
It's just a circle
and everybody gets their cut.
I can't tell you
the Iast thing that I saw
that was completely clean.
Except you.
Except you on that day.
Aqui, WKQ.
You in positions?
Si, jefe, esta bien.
OPHELIA: Like I said
in the beginning,
I might not be
alive at the end.
Just because we
make up stories
about ourselves
doesn't mean
we can escape
what waits for us.
BEN: Why here?
CHON: It's a wide bowl.
Old Indian burial ground.
Doc can get a Iine of sight
for up to two miles here.
DOC: We're not alone.
Three men,
Ieft side of the basin,
about 2,000 to 2,300 yards.
AII right, we knew
this was going to happen.
Wait until we get a hold of O.
And, Doc...
Don't Iet them get off
more than one
shot each, all right?
We got your back.
Let's set up shop, boys.
Think of it Iike this,
all right?
You're already dead.
You were dead
the moment you were born.
If you accept that,
you can accept anything.
It's been a ride, man.
I've enjoyed it.
Have I ever told you
that I Iove you, man?
Yeah, this morning.
Well, I do.
You give us O first.
Go to Ben. Go to Ben.
Give me my daughter!
Don't touch me!
I'm never going
to see you again.
I'm getting
the fuck out of here!
It's Ioaded, okay?
Keep safe.
Keep down, okay?
We're finished.
We don't need to
see you again, thanks.
We're out of here.
Just one Iast thing,
Who's my rat?
You ungrateful piece of...
You should've fucked me.
Team Ieader down!
Who's got the tango at my six?
AII right, Jesse.
Shoot whatever
the fuck you got! Go!
Come on, guys!
It's raining bullets, here.
What the fuck are you doing?
Shit! Move, Sam!
Chief, should we shift?
Negative, stay put!
Oh, fuck!
Smoke that motherfucker.
DOC: Sam, cover Ben!
BILLY: Move! Cover me,
cover me! Hold!
Mommy, Mommy!
I Iove you, Mommy!
No, no, no!
Help Magda.
Save Magda. Save Magda.
Get out of here!
Go, come on!
Don't shoot.
Please, Ophelia.
I have a family.
Three Iittle ones, you know?
DOC: Chief, they took off.
We're coming in.
Hold on.
We'll be there in 10 or Iess.
Please, help him.
OPHELIA: Shh... It's okay.
It's okay.
He's going to die.
I don't want to Ieave him.
You're really
going to Iove it there.
Soft water.
And the people
I'm cold.
OPHELIA: That's the way
I imagined it.
But the truth has
a mind of its own.
What really happened
was more of a fuck-up
than a shoot-out.
And gave us all
a second chance.
CHON: We said
"alone," Elena.
I am one, you are two.
Let's just do
what we came to do.
And the snipers.
Tell them to put
the scopes on the ground,
hands in the air.
Or we're back in
the jeep and we're gone.
Get rid of them.
ELENA: So how do you
want to do this?
Adios, amiguitas.
Go, go!
OPHELIA: And old Dennis,
who couldn't Ieave town
with his three mil
had to horn in on the action.
Go! Go!
"La Reina" Elena!
We gotcha!
DENNIS: Today,
we have made great strides
to further
protect our children
and our freedoms.
OPHELIA: And Dennis sure
made a big shot
of himself on the news.
By dismantling the leadership
of the Baja cartel
and the curse of
illicit drugs in our country.
It is an Indian reservation.
It is technically
not our country.
But, as we know, it is.
(LAUGHS) So...
OPHELIA: Elena took the fall
and went to prison
for 30 years.
With Elena
out of the picture,
and Dennis
running interference,
Lado and Azul
created a new cartel.
The Azulatos.
Ben being Ben,
he had the goods on Dennis.
And Dennis,
identifying Ben and Chon
as his confidential informants
for the last six years,
took care of them.
But who really trusted who?
I have no idea.
Ben and Chon spent
a couple of weeks
in the slammer
and then, well, vanished.
Like I did.
They say we're in Africa
off Kenya.
Or some magic
island in Indonesia.
They still talk about
Ben and Chon's herb.
And it surfaces
every now and then
over the years.
These things that happened...
You can never go back.
It took me a while,
but I began to live again.
I'm not so sure there can
ever be three people
equally in love.
It just doesn't work that way.
I looked up
the definition of "savage."
It means, "Cruel, crippled.
"Regressed back to
a primal state of being."
One day, maybe,
we'll be back.
For now,
we live like savages.
Beautiful savages.