Saving General Yang (2013)

Yang Yanzhao
You broke Family Law and
ignored your father's orders.
You entered the sparring
match without permission,
& you failed in your duty
as an older brother,
allowing Yang Yansi's
reckless behavior.
Yang Yansi. You flouted
military regulations.
You ignored your father's orders
and fought in the sparring match.
You flaunted your prowess with complete
disregard for any consequences
Both your actions have
harmed the Yang family name.
Thirty strikes each!
can you see those clouds? They
look like a flock of sheep.
Yes! That big cloud looks
like a mommy sheep,
and those are all her little
lambs following behind.
I want a flock of sheep one day.
What? You want to rear sheep?
I want them playing
all around me,
one in my arms two on my back,
and another four on the
ground besides me.
I'll need your help though.
You want me to help
you rear sheep?
They'll need a sheep
mommy, you know!
Listen to me, world!
Princes Chai of the Song imperial family
agrees to be a sheep mommy of the Yang
I want to be a Yang mommy!
Father, the emperor has
announced a sparring match
to win the hand
of Princess Chai.
I'm certain I can win.
Yanzhao, you are
forbidden to take part,
and you must not see
Princess Chai again
But why?
Lord Pan's son, the Emperor's
brother-in-law Pan Bao, is interested
in her.
It was Lord Pan who suggested
the match to the Emperor.
The Pan family are
set on winning.
The Pan family have long
been at odds with the Yangs
If you fight Pan Bao, relations between
our families will deteriorate.
But Rong and I love
each other, Father!
The Khitan are threatening
Song territory.
The Yang and Pan families need to
stand together against this foe.
This is no time to be
focusing on romance!
This is an order. You may leave.
Pathetic. Get off
the sparring stage!
Pan Bao,
do you really think you can win
love with such dirty tricks?
I'll teach you a lesson
on my brother's behalf!
Sixth Brother!
My Lady?
Take these to the General.
Yes, my Lady.
Your Majesty.
The murder of my brother by Yang
Ye's son is a heinous crime.
I demand the death of the
whole family as punishment!
Only then can my brother's
soul rest in peace!
Pan Bao fell to his death.
He was careless.
How can you blame us?
Your Majesty. Pan Bao
& I grew up together.
We were inseparable.
He was my most beloved brother.
He was so young, so
full of potential.
But now he's gone, murdered
in cold blood by Yang Yansi.
Your Majesty, I beg you
to right this wrong!
I beg you for justice!
Your Majesty. Pan Bao's
death was an accident.
Please judge carefully, Majesty.
The princess wasn't even at the scene, and
yet she seems so sure it was an accident.
Empty words. Are you sure you're
not biased towards the Yangs?
It was a sparring match. Each man's
life lay in the hands of fate.
What happens shows it wasn't Pan
Bao's fate to be my husband.
Your Majesty. Our signal towards
to the north are ablaze.
The Khitan are attacking.
The Khitan!
How dare they attack us again!
Get me down.
Your Majesty,
from the look of these signals,
this is a full-scale invasion.
The Khitan are a formidable foe.
Who's leading their
army this time?
Your Majesty, our reports
say it is Yelu Yuan.
I remember ten years ago
there was a General Yelu.
Yang Ye, didn't he die
under your sword?
So who is this Yelu Yuan?
Your Majesty, he is the
son of General Yelu.
He's an accomplished warrior
and considered a
hero by his people.
Genera Yang, you go to war!
Take 60,000 of our best men.
Stop the Khitan!
Your Majesty, surely the great Song Empire
has other generals to lead men into war?
Your Majesty,
I beg the honor of being
the one to lead your army.
It would answer the lifelong wish of my
son, who wanted only to serve his country.
Very well.
Lord Pan. I appoint you supreme
commander of our
army against Khitan.
Yes, your Majesty.
Yang Ye. You will lead the
troops at the front line
and assist Lord Pan in
defeating this army.
Yes, your Majesty.
That's the wrong armor. I'm front line
general this time, not supreme commander.
Let me change it.
You mustn't be too
worried, my dear wife.
I'm not worried about
your abilities,
only the complexity
of the situation.
The enemy you face has a
personal feud against you.
And your so-called ally
is a scheming rival.
You mustn't worry. I've fought the Khitan
for years and never lost a battle.
As for Lord Pan, we are
fighting for the same cause.
I will exert every effort
to repel the Khitan.
Together, we will defend
the great Song Empire.
What if this is too
much for Father?
Don't worry, Fifth Brother.
Father has never been
defeated by the Khitan.
This time will be no different.
Father should let me go.
I can lead the front line!
This is war, not a
sparring match.
Have you seen real blood spill?
Have you heard the
splintering of bones?
Do you know what
it's like to see men
dying all around you?
You know nothing about war!
Lord Pan knows nothing about
commanding an army.
He will put Father in danger.
Father will be setting out soon.
You've done all your work,
so why are you all still here?
I don't want to hear what
I just heard ever again.
Yes, Eldest Brother.
Stand up.
Does it still hurt?
Don't worry about us, Father.
Fifth Brother's
medicines work fast!
Still a good fit after
all these years!
General Yang is still a great
warrior, despite his age.
More Khitan!
It's an ambush.
Sound the retreat!
What of General Yang?
We must retreat and
regroup our forces.
Lord Pan is retreating!
Sanfeng, go. Let the old
man taste suffering.
My Lady, were you
having another dream?
Paifeng. Come with me
to see Master Guigu.
General, watch out!
Save General Yang!
General, get on!
The Khitan are retreating!
To Wolf Mountain.
To Wolf Mountain!
I really don't
understand, General.
You could crush them. Why
are you leaving survivors?
We need someone to
report back, don't we?
Come no further, Madam.
Master, I beg leave
to ask one question.
The Yang family protects its own as it
defends the empire. This is natural.
But all living things are equal
in the eyes of the gods.
Master, please tell me if Yang Ye meets
fortune or misfortune in this war.
War is the root of
all misfortune.
So how could the Yangs
meet with fortune?
please leave now.
But Master, is there a way
to ensure good fortune?
My Lady, let's go back and
find out what's happened.
The master doesn't want
to reveal the truth.
We can't force him.
Madam, please wait.
This is from my master.
What does it say, my Lady?
Go and wait for
me at the bottom.
Yes, Ma'am.
Hang in there.
Your Ladyship.
I wish to talk with you.
Mother, I know it's
going to be dangerous.
But you must trust me.
I will bring Father back,
and keep my brothers safe.
If Master Guigu
speaks the truth,
and one of us must die,
then let it be me!
Your mother believes in you.
We are ready to march, Mother.
Just give the order.
I cannot risk upsetting
the emperor.
I must go to the palace
and seek his approval.
Good boy, Thunder. We're going
to need your help saving Father.
Sixth Brother and Seventh Brother will
be going to war for the first time.
So tell your brothers
to look after them, OK?
Come back to me.
Don't wait for me.
What can I do but wait for you?
What did the emperor
say, Mother?
Go and save your father.
Don't worry about us, Mother.
Not too much betel nut.
You must obey
Eldest Brother, OK?
Get up.
Follow me.
General Yelu,
I do believe you spared Yang Ye
to lure his sons here.
But now look,
all seven of them have escaped.
I don't think Empress Xiao
would be pleased to hear this.
We may have sacrificed 200 men
but now I know their strength.
It was worth it.
General, I must protest.
Our army of 50,000
are now at Huanzhou confronting
the forces of the Song.
We should be concentrating
on that central campaign,
now wasting our time running
after the Yang Clan.
Destroying the Yang Clan will remove
the Khitan Empire's biggest obstacle.
And then, the end of the Song
will be only a matter of time.
These are the imperial orders:
General Yang Ye is trapped
on Wolf Mountain.
The General's seven sons have
been sent to rescue him.
You are ordered to dispatch
5,000 troops in support.
Follow these orders immediately.
I will honor my orders.
What's the situation
outside the city walls?
My Lord, our 60,000 men
are fighting the Khitan
force of 50,000.
Fetch me ink and paper. I
must write to the emperor.
Yes, my Lord.
Be quick about mending
those weapons.
Yes, sir!
How is your wound?
It's OK.
Make sure it holds
firm, brothers.
Please eat something.
Share it among the men.
They've had their share.
You've fought by my
side for so many years.
I can say you're a fine warrior.
But you're a terrible liar.
Don't you think I know we're
running out of food and water?
I've fought with you
all these years,
and we've never been in
such a bad situation.
Perhaps I really am getting old.
There were so many Khitan
waiting in ambush.
How could I have not known?
And why hasn't Yelu
Yuan attacked us yet?
The Yang Army is coming!
We took too long to get here.
Father has suffered.
Wolf Mountain is
surrounded by the Khitan.
How did you get in?
It was easy. We simply changed
our battle formation,
and we were able to
break through their ranks.
General, General!
You've fallen into a trap!
Ten years ago, the Song defeated
a Khitan army of 300,000
None of General Yelu's
men were left alive.
Now, his son Yelu Yuan
is taking revenge.
He left me alive so that you
would all come to my rescue.
Father, I have to
remove that arrow now.
Yanping, take your brothers and
leave Wolf Mountain immediately!
Not without you, Father!
In all my years as a soldier,
I've never felt fear.
I'm not going to start
running away now!
Father, Lord Pan's relief force
should be here at sunset.
We can hold this fort
until they come.
And then we can fight
our way out together!
If he'd wanted to rescue us, why
didn't he do it during the battle?
If he'd sent his
troops out then,
we wouldn't be here now.
He retreated then. Why would he
come and die with us here now?
Lord Pan is an old coward.
He'll take no risks
unless he's forced to
with a knife at his neck.
Father, our rescue mission
was approved by the emperor.
His majesty is so
concerned about me,
and I am failing him in my
duty to defend our land.
Yanping. You haven't much time.
Take your brothers
away from here.
Captain Hu, is there another
way off Wolf Mountain?
There is, but the
terrain is hard..
it hardly counts as
an escape route.
Go now!
Please believe us, Father.
We can get you out here.
I'm not leaving.
you can stay and fight Yelu
Yuan to the death if you want.
But you can't just sit here waiting
for that poisoned arrow to kill you
Captain Hu, please show us
the route you mentioned.
Seventh Brother, Sixth
Brother, you keep guard here.
Fifth Brother, tend
our father's wounds.
Let's go.
Father. I'm going to
pull out the arrow now.
Don't touch it. It's poisoned.
The poison has got into
the marrow of his bones.
I'm going to cut out the poison.
Father, this is all my fault.
I'm going to Huanzhou to make
Lord Pan send reinforcements.
Sixth Brother, go after him!
Seventh Brother!
Your father knows we all
have families back home.
He didn't want us to stay
here waiting to die.
He tried to persuade us
to escape via this route.
But no-one was willing to leave.
All his men have stayed to defend
this fort with him, to the death.
Quick, back to Father.
Hold still. It will
be better soon.
Where is Seventh Brother?
He has gone to Huanzhou
to find Pan Renmei.
Eldest Brother!
Couldn't you stop him?
The Khitan have surrounded us.
Split up and break out.
Meet up at the front gate.
Let's go.
Fifth Brother.. General Hu..
You escort Father!
This way.
Let's go, Father.
Quick. The gate
is just up there.
We've got horses!
Quick, get the
general out of here.
Third Brother!
The surprise attack didn't work,
and neither has encirclement.
Looks like you really aren't up to
the task of defeating the Yang Clan.
I suggest you return to the front
line at Huanzhou and do your job.
Otherwise, I'll be having a word
of two with Empress Xiao..
Report to the Empress Xiao that
her inspector has sacrificed his
life for the Khitan Empire.
Yes, sir.
Get me 100 of our best horsemen. We will
pursue the Yang men to their deaths.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Take our remaining
troops to Huanzhou.
Wait for my arrival. We will
attack the city when I get there.
Yes, sir.
Be fast.
Hold on, Father.
Eldest Brother. I'm sorry.
Do you think we'll make it back?
Of course we will.
I don't care what happens, I'm
going to get you all home.
Eldest Brother!
Eldest Brother!
How is Father?
Eldest Brother. We have to rest.
He can't go on like this.
There is a deserted Su Wu temple up ahead.
We can rest there.
Slowly, Father. Slowly.
I should have listened to you.
I shouldn't have taken part
in that sparring match.
If I hadn't take part,
I wouldn't have got Seventh
Brother into trouble.
A man's temperament
decides his fate.
Seventh Son is too impetuous.
It's all my fault!
I should have stopped him.
I shouldn't have let him
go to the sparring stage.
And I should have stopped
him on Wolf Mountain.
Sixth Son,
when we get back, I want you
to marry Princess Chai.
This is too hard
on you, my sons.
You shouldn't have come to
rescue this useless old man!
Father.. you mustn't
vex yourself.
We still have a ways
to travel tomorrow.
Rest now. We've be home soon.
Lie down, Father.
I'm not worried about
your abilities,
only the complexity
of the situation.
The enemy you face has a
personal feud against you.
And your so-called ally
is a scheming rival.
Betel nut isn't good for you.
You need to cut down.
I need its strength right now.
Third Brother..
Who goes there?
I am the seventh son of
General Yang, Yang Yansi.
I have come to see Lord Pan.
Open the gates.
Why didn't you send
reinforcements to help my father?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
You're a Khitan!
Lord Pan! You know me.
I am Yang Yansi, the seventh
son of the Yang Clan.
Lord Pan. I've come here not
expecting to leave alive.
I killed your son.
You can take my life now.
But send troops to
save my father!
You insolent Khitan! Our
empires are at war,
and you dare come here pretending
to be a son of the Yang Clan.
Get out of here!
Throw him in the river.
Yes, sir!
Are you looking for me, Yang Ye?
Why do you seek me?
Master Su Wu, have you
seen my son, Yang Yansi?
You mean your seventh son?
He's gone already.
Where did he go? Can
you take me to him?
Look at this, Yang Ye.
This old goat of mine!
He's lame as anything, but
still he keeps going.
He looks as if he's
been badly wounded.
I don't know how
he's still alive.
Alive? Not for long.
This old goat will die today.
Look. Do you know what this is?
Li Ling was defeated by
the Xiongnu, and then
betrayed the Han Empire by
defecting to the enemy.
Who would have erected a
monument to this traitor?
This temple is in Su Wu's name.
And this monument is for Li Ling.
Which do you want, Yang Ye?
Survival or integrity?
I am not worthy of this armor.
Your emperor is good to you.
No other would have sent troops
to rescue a defeated old man.
You must feel proud.
What will happen to
my sons if I die?
If the old goat stays alive,
the young goats cannot thrive.
It's time to put down
your sword and armor.
My Lady!
My Lady. The Eighth Prince
is here to see you!
Madam, Lord Pan has just
reported to the emperor.
He says the situation in
Huanzhou is too critical.
He has been unable to send
troops to rescue your husband.
Any news of him and my sons?
At present, nothing.
I thank you for coming,
Your Highness.
Then I shall leave you, Madam.
Paifeng. Please see
his Highness out.
Fifth Brother, quick,
save our father!
How could this happen?
I want to take Father home!
I want to take Father home!
Our mother is waiting for him.
Eldest Brother,
the Khitan have caught up.
Should we stay and fight?
No. We must take
Father back home.
They were just here.
How many?
Only five or six horses.
Eldest Brother!
Yelu Yuan has caught up with us.
He's got at least 80 top riders.
So fast!
We took such a difficult route,
I can't believe they've found us.
We fought through their
ranks on Wolf Mountain.
We can do it again now.
I will stay here.
You keep going.
Protect Sixth Brother and
make sure Father gets home.
I'll make sure I slow them down.
We're all brothers.
How can we leave you here alone?
I don't want any of us
to be sacrificed
bringing Father home.
Listen to me.
Father is dead.
And many more comrades
died on Wolf Mountain.
But Mother is waiting for us,
along with many other
people at home.
Don't worry. I'll
get out of here.
We'll meet at Yanmen Pass.
Eldest Brother can't
hold off 80 horsemen.
I will stay with him.
Third Brother, you take the
others to Yanmen Pass.
I will stay with Eldest Brother.
Go now, quickly!
Second Brother..
Mother gave this to me before we left.
It's from Master Guigu.
I promised Mother I'd Bring
my brothers safely back home.
Protect them. Take
them home to Mother.
I understand now.
I'll see you at Yanmen Pass. Go!
My father died in battle.
I was proud of him.
And I've never
blamed your father.
But I can't let you live.
Can you understand, Yanping?
I can't forgive you for the
tears of my Mother shed.
They couldn't even find my Father's body.
She died of a broken heart.
I swore to kill your father
and all you brothers,
one by one.
I swore to make your mother
suffer a hundred times
more than mine.
Brother, I couldn't
let you go alone.
Third Brother!
You go on. I'll get fifth Brother.
We need to get Father home.
Fifth Brother.
We are Yang Yanhui and Yang Yande
of the Yang family. We need your help!
Give us your orders!
Didn't you say betel
nut was bad for you?
I need its strength now!
Grandfather, look. The wind
has changed direction.
Fifth Brother!
Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother,
give us back our clothes,
or we'll kill you!
Here you go!
He shot the horse, but not the rider.
What's this marksman trying to do?
It's a poisoned arrow! Father
was shot by an arrow like this.
I'm going to kill him!
Follow the signal towers and
you'll get to Yanmen Pass.
Take Father home!
Third Brother!
We're nearly home.
Are you the sixth
brother or the seventh?
Bring Father back!
You Yang boys are each
worse than the last.
The first five died
for me magnanimously.
Now it's your turn, and all
you can do is run away.
You can't take the
body with you.
I want your father to meet
the same fate as mine.
That was my promise to my other.
The promise I am carrying
is more weighty than yours!
I'm the sixth brother,
Yang Yanzhao.
You remember that.
We have brought Father home.
Let us..
go home.
With the death of Yelu Yuan,
the Khitan army was left without a leader.
Empress Xiao had no choice
but to withdraw from Huanzhou
and rework her war plans.
The Song Empire enjoyed a
brief period of peace.
Although Lord Pan was not punished
for his treachery, his name has gone down
in infamy.
The bodies of the Yang Clan's eldest,
second, third, and seventh sons
were found and brought
home for burial.
But the bodies of the fourth and
fifth sons were never found.
The sixth son carried on the family's
mission to protect the nation.
He married his childhood
sweetheart, Princess Chai.
The story of the Yang Clan has
become legendary, eulogized to this day.
They have come to represent
the virtues of loyalty,
filial piety, benevolence,
and righteousness.