Saving Winston (2011)

Okay, it's clear.
Let's go.
What are you doing?
Shouldn't I stay with the car?
Come on, Ash,
we already talked about this.
You know, we need the money and
your drug habit ain't so cheap.
Dude, I thought you said
he never turns on the alarm.
Ashley! Ashley!
Out right now!
Get in the car!
Stop, this is the police.
Drop what you got
in your hands!
In the healing process,
you will find that there can be
many triggers in your path,
keeping you from
a full recovery
of the disease
of drug dependence.
Making drug independence,
a journey that always seems
out of reach or
an unattainable goal.
So, how do we make
the unattainable attainable?
Or in other words, maximize
the highest rate of success?
Any ideas?
As, you know, Ashley has
successfully completed
our inpatient drug
rehabilitation program.
We also take measures to
insure the continued success
of the patient in their
outpatient program.
In our recent discussions,
Lisa, you-
given your current situation-
What current situation?
I Did what you wanted
and even now you don't want me.
Look, you're on probation
and I'm done making sure
that you stay out of trouble.
So where does that leave me?
I've talked to your aunt,
about you staying
with her for a while.
You could ride horses
with her like you used to.
Travis, what
are you doing here?
I came to get you.
Are you crazy?
After what you did to me.
I took the fall for you.
Just get out of here
before my aunt shows up.
I'm sorry, okay?
I didn't know what to do.
I saw the cops and tried
to warn you, I swear.
The reason I was in this
place is because of you.
The whole thing was your idea.
I'm the one who had to
spend 6 months in here,
and on top of that,
I still have another
Just stay away from me!
Let me show you to your room.
Wanna help?
No, I don't know how
to cook or anything.
Come on, I got most
of it done already.
You can mix the salad.
Come on.
But I'm just doing the salad.
Mind if I say grace?
Lord, we thank you for this
meal that is before us,
and I thank you for
this time with Ashley.
Hey, not so much!
So I guess you think I turned
out to be a real screw up, huh?
I didn't realize
you were done yet.
A few short years ago,
you wouldn't have
given up so easily.
How are you?
Come on in.
You guys take a seat.
Thank you.
And I'll be right back.
I totally forgot I had
this Bible study group
coming over tonight.
Take your time, I just
need to get ready,
and you're more than welcome
to join us if you want.
Well, maybe some other time.
So, how's it going
with your niece?
At this point,
I'm trying to
meet her where she is.
I'm trying to follow
Christ's example.
I just wanted to
let you know, I'm here
and things are okay.
She can't talk right now.
Your sister has a Bible
group over or something.
You know how she is.
I'll call you later, okay?
I'm tired.
Hey, Ash, I'm heading out.
I have riding lessons over
at the stable this morning.
Well, if you want
to come by later,
I'm right down the street.
You remember where it is?
I remember.
Well, help yourself to
anything in the kitchen.
I just stocked up on
fresh fruit and stuff.
I'll see you later, okay?
Hey, Chip.
Remember me?
So how many horses
do you have out here?
Ten or so.
Most of them are
border-owned horses.
I have the same clients as
when you used to come out
a few years ago,
before you guys moved.
Before things went downhill.
I wish we never left.
Or at least when we lived out
here, the barn was an escape.
Do you feel like you're able
to talk about things, rehab?
I guess.
How did you and mom
turn out so different?
Your mom and I just
took different paths.
Hi, guys.
Hi, oh,
hi, Ashley.
I barely recognized you.
It's really good to
see you out here again.
Yeah, it's been a while.
Ever since Diane said that
you'd be staying with her,
Emily's been hoping
that we'd run into you.
You know when you won
at the world show,
it really inspired Emily
to follow the same goal.
Oh, yeah, Emily's
your biggest fan.
Okay, Emily, you ready to ride?
So you want to go
see my new horse?
Sure, I guess.
I have to go pick up
Jason from baseball practice.
That's fine.
I'll be back in a bit.
You think I could use this?
Sure, I guess.
This thing's been sitting
around here forever.
I think I've got an old bicycle
pump around here somewhere.
Isn't that the one we used
to ride around the horse shows?
There it is.
I gotta go into town.
Will you be okay out here?
How did you find me out here?
I have my ways.
This isn't funny.
I'm not even supposed
to be around you.
You know, I can't
stay away from you.
You're my girl.
I'm not that girl anymore,
nor do I want to be.
I miss you, Ash.
You gotta go.
I love you.
Then why are you trying
to jeopardize everything?
You're right, you're right.
I didn't think of it that way.
Where were you?
And while you were,
I was worrying.
Well, don't.
Look I-
I was planning
to be back before you,
but I found this horse, okay?
He's starving.
I think we need to
call someone about it,
the horse rescue or something.
Maybe we should take
some food to him tonight.
Where is he?
Haden Street.
That's miles from here.
It's a good thing I found him.
We need to help him somehow.
At this point, I'm concerned
with the issue at hand.
You should have left me
a note, Ash, or called.
Mom took my cell phone,
or did you forget that?
I didn't know.
I don't want you to feel
trapped here, but for
obvious reasons, I just need
to know where you are, okay?
This isn't how I
wanted to start out.
Well, me neither.
I'm heading back down to
the stable, but I'll call
about the horse and see if
there's anything we can do.
So, are we good?
Hey Travis, it's me.
Is that the horse?
What's his name?
I don't know.
You look really great.
So we back together?
I've gotta get back before
my aunt finds out I'm gone.
Can I put my bike
in your trunk?
No problem.
Thanks again for
helping us pick him up.
I'm a bit shorthanded on people
who can haul for me this week.
Sure, no problem.
You know, it's ironic
you called on this horse.
The family just signed
him over yesterday
wanting us to place him.
Come on, Winston.
That's his name?
According to his paperwork.
Well, why couldn't
they keep him?
'Cause the elderly owner
was recently put into
a nursing home,
and the family can't afford
to keep him any longer.
You can just follow
me to the rescue stable.
Wait, what?
I thought we were taking him.
No, he's going to
the rescue center
where they'll adopt him out.
Well, why can't we keep him?
I can't take on anymore
horses right now at the stable.
Well, well, can't
we put him with Chip?
I'll take care of him.
Well, we are running low on
stall space at our facility.
Diane, you're on the committee
for the horse rescue program.
If you're okay with it, I can
release him to you for now.
Well, I guess he's
staying with us for a while.
You still go to that church?
So what's the plan?
First we'll get the vet
to come check him out,
and we'll need to control his
feeding so his body can adjust.
Then you two can get
comfortable with each other
and we'll take him over
to the other stable.
You're gonna help me, right?
When you need me to.
Right now, he just
needs basic handling.
In a while I have
a hair appointment
and she can fit you in
also if you want.
So what are you trying to say?
Have you looked
in the mirror lately?
It's my treat.
It's that bad?
So, we'll leave in an hour?
You like it?
She did a good job.
You ready for lunch?
Well, I'll stop and get
us some sandwiches to go.
Are you that hungry?
Here you go.
And I'll be right back.
So your goal is to get
him to walk when you walk
and stop when you stop,
without pulling
on him to get the result.
When you get that, you
know he's tuned into you.
That's the foundation
we're going for.
We need that before we
can go on to other things.
You off to church?
You know, you're
always invited.
I know.
Well, I'll be back
in a couple of hours.
You look hot.
What, this old thing?
I kind of like
this sneaking around.
Oh, hi.
I've been keeping you
and Ashley in my prayers.
How is she doing?
I really need you
to continue to pray.
Right now, she's trying
to face her struggle,
without God.
Please watch over us as we
go out into the world this week
and encourage us to
share Christ's love.
In Jesus' name, amen.
So how are things
going with your aunt?
Pretty good, I guess.
I mean, it's better than being
at home with my mom right now.
Are you back to riding again?
Not yet, but I will soon.
I kind of even have my
own horse right now,
for a while anyway.
What do you mean?
Well, we rescued him from
some old run-down place.
What happened?
The family just left him.
They couldn't afford
him, or didn't care.
That's too bad.
So have there been
any stressful situations
we should talk about?
It's been okay.
Have you had any contact
with anyone from your past,
any type of contact?
No one.
This one in that hand,
this one in the other
and hold the reins strong.
This one towards the center.
Good job, Ash.
I don't know.
We were all over the place.
You'll get it.
It's something you
haven't done before.
You can't expect
to just know it.
You're learning.
Steering seems pretty basic.
Is this your horse?
Well, for a while, I guess.
Can I pet him?
What's his name?
Hey, Ash.
I have a chiropractor
appointment later.
Can you feed the horses
for me tonight?
Yeah, sure.
Great, thanks.
Can you untie him and put his
blanket on him when he's dry?
Yeah, okay.
It's not too bad, I
just don't want him eating
until he's completely
cooled down.
Got it.
And your mom
should be here soon.
Can I help Ashley
feed the horses?
Sure, as long as you're
ready to go when she gets here.
Who are you talking to?
Oh, no one.
What are you doing?
You're supposed to
be watchin' my back.
Let's go.
Texting Ashley?
How it's going?
Don't worry.
I'm wearing her down.
She'll be back
with us in no time.
Do you like being here?
I guess.
You look so sad.
I just have a lot on my mind.
When I'm sad,
I usually talk to God.
That always makes
me feel better.
Where's Diane?
She had a doctor's appointment.
Oh, she didn't tell me.
I could have come sooner
if I would have known.
We were doing fine.
It was fun to help.
Yeah, well, we
better get going.
You have any money?
We need something
with more kick.
No, thanks.
Hey, what's wrong?
I thought we were
having a good time.
We are.
Then why are you
trying to ruin it?
Ruin it?
I'm trying to make it better.
You're so selfish.
I'm selfish?
You love a horse more
than you love me.
Your aunt just keeps you
on such a short rope.
No, no we have to go.
I left a horse tied up.
It must be starving.
All right.
Just stop the car here.
Come on, quick.
Give me some gum or something.
I'm in so much
trouble right now.
There you are.
You left Emily's horse
with no way to get
food or water for hours.
I said I'm sorry.
Can you even walk
a straight line right now?
I should have known better.
Here I am thinking I'm helping
and that you want help
and this is what I get?
You know what?
You're right.
You should have known better
than to help someone like me.
This is about you and
your actions and no one else.
Where were you this time?
You want to know where I was?
I was with my boyfriend, okay?
I had a little fun.
Big deal.
You just got out of rehab.
You're not
supposed to be-
I can handle it.
Clearly, you can't.
You're left unsupervised
for a couple of hours
and this is what happened.
You can't handle it, not yet.
Please, don't undo all that
you've accomplished, Ashley.
Try living my life.
Oh, I forgot, you're perfect.
You know, keep
the stupid horse.
I don't want to work
with him anymore.
Where to?
I don't want to talk.
Just drive.
You've been good
for her, you know?
You're a good mentor.
I just hope I
haven't messed it up.
Why are we here?
Travis, stop.
What are you doing?
I need some money.
Don't do this,
this is a church.
Full of cash
and sound equipment.
This is my aunt's church.
That's all the better
now, ain't it?
Stop, stop, I'm not
gonna help you do this.
What, you got a conscience now?
Don't you ever get
tired of this life,
tired of living like this?
Don't you ever want
to be more than just
a drug addict and thief?
I thought you changed.
If you don't want to help
me out, go back to the car
and wait 'til I'm done.
Where do you turn when
you've been broken?
How do you go on?
What do you do with
shattered shards of plane?
Oh, how do you find your way
through the ruins of your life?
How do you survive?
Who will understand
when you've been broken?
How can you explain it, broken?
Why do you feel pain.
When your heart
is turned to stone?
Oh, how do you walk alone.
Through the ruins of your life?
How do you survive?
Oh, Lord, I'm
falling at your feet
I see you broken dying for me.
Oh, my redeemer
how you suffered.
I could never understand
how your heart was broken.
When the Father turned away.
I could never
understand the pain.
Of hanging on a cross so,
Lamb of God.
You sacrificed.
Your whole life
What time is it?
It's morning.
What are you doing out here?
I was reading about God
in your Bible.
Which part?
About the things Jesus said,
then about him dying
for our sins and stuff.
As I was reading,
I started crying,
'cause I had felt something.
When it says he died
for all our sins,
it means me too, right?
It means you too.
But I really messed up.
We all have, Ash.
We all have the same
capacity to sin.
Nobody's exempt from it.
But I know what Jesus did
on the cross was out of his
perfect and unconditional love
for me and because of that,
I try to abide by God's Word,
not because I feel like I have
all these rules to follow,
but because I love him back.
So what do I do now?
I believe that you are
the Son of God.
I believe that you died for my
sins and rose from the dead.
Please forgive me for my sins.
I take you now as my Savior.
I give you my life.
Thank you for saving me.
In Jesus' name, amen.
What's that?
I'm supposed to be keeping
a journal for the program,
and I'm not good at writing.
When did you start these?
When Winston came.
I know they're not very good,
but I started
and just kept going.
I don't know why.
Just now I-I realized
what I was really drawing.
It was me.
You say things happen for
a reason, that God brings things
into our lives to teach
us, to get through to us.
I always thought I
was alone, but-
but God brought me
you and Winston.
Ash, it's time to go.
Is this okay?
You look great.
Hope is alive in you.
Love is strong and true.
Our faith is growing deeper.
All because of you.
Hope is alive in you.
Mercy real and new.
And faith is moving mountains.
All because of you.
Hope is alive.
Love has come to us in Jesus.
Hope is burning bright.
It freed us from
the grip of darkness.
To your glorious light.
Fall unto our knees and cry
you have won the fight.
Hope is alive in you.
Love is strong and true.
Faith is growing deeper.
All because of you.
Hope is alive in you.
Mercy real and new.
Faith is moving mountains.
All because of you.
Hope is alive.
You'll do fine.
You look great, honey.
You really do, Ash.
Well, a lot's changed.
So Ashley, is there anything
you want to tell your parents?
When I first left this
place, I was drug free.
This program helped me with
that, but once I was gone
I finally saw myself,
my weaknesses, insecurities,
fears, things that the drugs
helped me hide from myself.
If you hadn't made me
go to Diane's,
I wouldn't have found
the missing piece,
Where do you turn
when you've been broken?
How do you go on?
What do you do with
shattered shards of plane.
Oh, how do you find your way.
Through the ruins of your life?
How do you survive?
Who will understand
when you've been broken?
How can you explain it, broken?
Why do you feel pain?
When your heart is
turned to stone.
Oh, how do you walk alone.
Through the ruins of your life?
How do you survive?
Oh, Lord, I'm
falling at your feet
I see you broken dying for me.
Oh, my redeemer
how you suffered.
I could never understand
how your heart was broken,
When the Father turned away.
I could never
understand the pain.
Of hanging on a cross so.
Lamb of God.
You sacrificed your whole life.
Oh, Lord, I'm
falling at your feet
I see you broken dying for me.
Oh, Lord, I'm
falling at your feet.
Oh, my redeemer
how you suffered.
Oh, Lord, I'm
falling at your feet
I see you dying broken for me.
And I know you understand.
You understand.
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