Savior (1998)

Christian, how are you, son?
Good. You missed mass, Papa.
I don't go for that religious stuff.
Don't you believe in God?
You don't have to go to church
to believe in God.
God is everywhere. He's inside you.
He's in me. He's in Mommy.
Even in bad people?
Yeah, even in bad people.
So what's with you?
Always late!
Ambassador called.
I'm sorry. We can still go.
-Where we going?
-The movies.
The movies?
Which one, huh?
Go get us a paper, and while you're
at it, get yourself a woman.
We'll make it, just like I promised.
You promise him a lot of things.
I have to work.
Let's just have fun, huh?
Here's your newspaper, Papa.
And the woman said
she needed more money.
Hey, Chris!
-How are you?
Good to see you.
So what are you guys up to?
Going to the movies.
Don't get mad now, but I gotta borrow
your father for a couple of hours.
-We gotta get back. We got an alert.
It's a bomb threat.
Some Muslim fundamentalist group.
Well, colonel's orders.
All right.
I'm really sorry I can't take you
to the movies. We'll go tomorrow.
No, you can't do that.
You promised him.
It's an emergency. I have to go.
I have to.
I'm really sorry.
Take care.
See you later.
Come here.
Maybe you should take a week off.
I could use it.
I know she could use it.
Call for ambulances!
Yes, sir!
Oh, God! God! God!
Somebody! Help!
Help! Somebody! Help!
All right, Josh.
The plane's ready
for transport to Dover.
May we?
We'll get them, Josh.
We'll track them down.
"Track them down"? Bullshit.
Just walk down the street
to the nearest mosque.
Look, Josh. I know this
is a bad time for you.
Let us investigate.
We'll find these people.
They'll be brought to justice.
I'll meet you at the airport.
Carry on, sergeant.
Where you going?
For a walk.
Gentlemen, you lost
your name, your passports...
...your bank accounts,
your right to get married.
But we will give you new name... of birth
and a second chance.
Above all...
...a family.
Don't forget, gentlemen.
A family!
But if any of you doesn't function...
...the whole family does not function.
We fight for no country... flag...
...or political boss.
We fight for honour...
...our fellow soldiers.
We never leave our dead
or wounded behind.
...respect our enemy.
We fight...
...anywhere in the world.
We have no home.
The Foreign Legion
is our home, gentlemen!
Watch it. They look real dangerous.
What a fucking job.
I'm glad we're not re-enlisting.
Six years in the Legion.
That's enough.
But what we gonna do?
I mean...
...I'd like to find a war where
I fight for something I believe in.
You wanna hate the guys you pop?
Yeah, it'd be nice for a change.
Look what I found, man.
Good grass.
Let's roll a huge bomber.
Not for me.
Well, I need one.
This war sucks, man.
Stop thinking about it.
I'm getting out of here.
What are you gonna do?
Sell used fucking cars...
...until somebody finds out
who you are?
Open a butcher shop.
Don't do it.
Just don't do it.
Hey, you've done nothing wrong here.
Well, it feels like I did.
I'm getting out.
I'll miss you, man.
Hey, hey, hey, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Don't you ever get bored up there?
What do you want?
Haven't you heard, man?
They called a truce.
We have to go back to my village
to pick up prisoners for exchange.
Yeah, man, exchange with Muslims.
They captured some of ours a year ago.
Now they wanna get rid of them.
Give me a minute.
Hurry up, man. Hurry up.
I wanna take a look around here
for rats before we go to exchange.
-I thought there was a truce.
-Don't be so naive, man.
Truce is the best time to chase rats.
Just give me a hand. All right?
Hey, Keith!
Keith, everything okay?
It's me, man. I'm coming.
Don't shoot!
Anything for you?
What's the matter with you?
You became emotional?
Don't like the mess?
Nice legs.
Someone did our job already.
You know what she said?
She said she likes you. You know?
She said she needs a man like you
to make her feel young again.
Let's go, Goran.
Didn't she?
I saw you looking at her, you know.
I saw you.
But I like the younger one.
Like this one.
It's a shame she's dead.
Why did you do that?
She's just an old Muslim bitch.
Let her bleed to death.
Nice and quiet.
A perfect week.
You're French?
American. I lived in France.
You ever see...
Beverly Hills 9-0-2-1-0.
Wacky show.
Take a look.
See this? It's Luke Perry.
You know the guy?
I should, like, grow these....
How do you call these...?
Yeah, sideburns.
Can you imagine me?
Brand-new partner
with brand-new sideburns.
You ought to go to Hollywood.
I don't think they'd like a Serb
student in Beverly Hills High School.
So lived in France?
Why did you come over here?
Not many Western men here for Serbs,
you know.
Most of them think we are
the bad guys.
It's good to have someone like you
to see what's going on here.
We just fight for our land.
That's all.
What the fuck do you think
you're doing?!
Hold your fire.
We got a kid on the bridge.
Fuck the captain's orders.
We're not gonna shoot kids.
We're not turning into
baby-killers, are we?
What a fucking crazy kid.
It's a girl, man.
She's sure got balls.
Chewing gum?
Don't be afraid.
What the fuck do you think
you're doing? What the fuck?
Is that what you call a truce?
Is that what you call a truce?
They betrayed us!
Where are you going?
See her?
She's the daughter of a
Muslim bastard my father worked for.
Many years worked hard,
but never was paid good.
Then I saw her in prison camp
and I fucked her many times.
You know what she said?
She said I was the best she ever had.
And everybody had her.
-They fuck your women too, you know.
-That's shit!
Our women are stronger.
Most would rather kill themselves
than be fucked by Turk or Croat.
Many good priests,
and we got this one.
He preaches, and Goran
does the dirty work.
Check the houses up the hill.
They're sneaky bastards.
Hello, my Serbian brothers!
I got a little present for you!
What the fuck is she doing in the car?
We're gonna take her home.
She tell you where she lives?
I know where she lives.
Did you see the green scarves?
At exchange?
Those are mujahideens,
holy Allah warriors.
We all gonna send them
to their fucking God!
She's been fucking all of them.
-She was raped.
She's a fucking whore with a fucking
Muslim bastard in her belly!
Her family, my neighbours,
good Serbs, great warriors....
She dishonoured them.
Now she wants to get back home.
You know what she said?
She doesn't have to talk to me.
You don't have to talk to me?
Then I'll talk to you!
What are you doing?
I'm talking, okay?
I'm having conversation here.
That okay for you?
Now she wants to talk to me!
What's that?
The little Muslim bastard
is coming out.
Well, I'm not sure about that.
I'm not sure about that!
-Shut up! It's not your business!
Come on! I'm waiting!
Come on, baby!
That's enough!
Push the fucking baby!
Come on!
I'm gonna help you.
All right.
I can see the head.
You push.
Just push.
That's it.
It's almost there.
Push. Push. It's coming.
Keep pushing. Almost.
One more time.
It's a girl.
Don't do that.
You don't want to do that.
I need you to hold this baby.
Can you hold the baby?
You speak English?
Here. You need to hold the baby.
You need to feed it.
You understand? You need to feed it.
I'm just gonna help you, all right?
Just giving you help.
Put it up to your breast.
What's the matter? Are you dry?
You have no milk?
That's all right.
Feed it when you get home.
Can't you at least hold the thing?
Speak English.
Was she a part
of prisoner exchange today?
Yeah. I brought her here.
Where is Goran? I saw his car.
He couldn't come.
You must go.
And take them with you.
I can't take them with me.
They can't stay here.
You have any cousins?
Do you know anybody?
All right, here's what's gonna happen.
I'm gonna take you to
the refugee camp in Bileca.
Somebody there'll take you in.
Somebody will take the kid too.
I'll be done with this bullshit.
I tried to help you, but fuck it.
You know?
Fuck it. I'm done.
Jesus Christ, that's driving me nuts.
Does it make you feel anything?
Think you could stick
a bottle in that kid's mouth... I could get you
where you need to go?
Son of a bitch!
I'll feed the little bitch myself!
I'm coming.
Just quiet down.
Calm down. I'll be right there.
Where's the nipple?
Oh, fuck.
Where's the motherfucking nipple?
You got a better idea?
Be the best use ever
for one of these, though.
We got a surprise for you.
All right.
I'd take it if I were you.
It's all there is.
Come on.
You'd just as soon
see this kid dead, huh?
Can't do it yourself?
Don't worry about it.
You're better off for it.
It's easy to kill somebody.
You just pull the trigger
and it's done.
Living with it.
You gotta harden up for that.
Give me the bottle.
Your mother's a bitch.
But you'll be lucky if you turn out
to be as pretty as she is.
It's blues.
It gets me going.
Low down and dirty
Pay his dues
What's the matter?
Don't like the blues?
Come on, kid.
Can't even the blues shut you up?
I don't suppose you'd change this kid?
Guess not.
Man, you stink.
That's a lot of shit for a little kid.
Fuck it.
It's not very ladylike.
I hope you appreciate this.
What do you think of this new style?
Think they'll like that in Milan?
They must have found Goran's body.
You gonna hold that kid?
This road will probably
take us to Bileca.
Jesus Christ, that kid is
a pain in the ass!
Did you drink any of this?
Son of a bitch!
Now I know where that fucking broad
gets its attitude!
All right, goats. Hello.
Come here.
Come here.
You're a billy goat.
I need a billy-ana.
This one right here.
Come on!
You think that's funny?
Don't any of the tits
in this country work?
It's not her fault!
I shot Goran.
He was gonna kill her
and the baby like dogs.
It's gonna be all right.
It's all right.
It's just through flesh.
No, it's not good.
You need to stop bleeding.
I knew you spoke English.
Only not so good.
Yeah, right.
Is there first aid in the car?
There's something in my vest.
Can you get it? Bring it.
I'm gonna be all right.
There'll be a medic in Bileca.
We should just keep on going.
You are not good.
You should lay down.
It's okay. I was just trying to....
Why didn't they kill us?
He's my father.
He loves me.
They are my family.
Don't lie to yourself.
There's nothing for you here.
...we don't have to go to Bileca.
I could help you
get out of the country.
And go where?
You should rest.
Stop following me.
Where are you going?
I'm going home.
Stop following me.
-I want to help.
-Why do you need to help me?
-Yes. I can see you need that.
I am from here.
Somehow they're right
when they say...
...I was not a good Serb woman.
That's not true.
Listen to me.
What happened to you,
it wasn't your fault.
It was.
I deserve no better.
What about your baby?
This is her home too.
All right, listen. Stop.
Get in the car.
I'll drive you there.
Come on.
There's too many of them.
-Maybe I could try to--
There is nothing we can do for them.
We should just go.
I'm taking you to Split.
There's UN. There's Red Cross.
They can help you get out
of the country.
-No gas?
-No gas.
We'll find some.
Come on.
Let's get closer.
We'll wait for the night.
Don't! Don't shoot!
He has no gun.
-Okay. Okay.
-It's okay.
What do you want?
She says you need to eat.
You're American?
I used to be.
You fight for the Serbs?
I am Croat. My wife, Serb.
Before the war, no difference.
Now, stupid.
Where are you going?
Do you have any gas?
Very little.
Army take it all.
We'll walk.
It's a long walk.
Stay here until you are better.
No, we need to go.
You stay tonight.
She asked me if you're my husband.
I don't remember the last time
I slept in a bed.
That's your name, right?
That's what your mother called you?
I'm sorry about your family.
It's war.
This is beautiful.
You are called Guy?
That's not my real name.
It's Joshua.
Joshua Rose.
You changed your name?
I had to.
...did some things.
You are a good man.
Vera...'s time to go.
This will help.
Serb uniforms are no good
where I'm going.
I have decided.
You take my boat.
I can't take your boat.
You cannot walk.
There is a town across the lake.
Maybe get a bus to Split.
They have buses, even with the war?
There's so much fighting these days.
Very dangerous.
It's dangerous for you too.
The clothes you wear
belonged to my son.
He's dead.
He also had a son.
Dead too.
Killed, fighting.
For what?
I have nothing more to lose.
Are you ready?
Let's not take any chances.
I'm gonna land the boat further down.
You are bleeding again.
We still have to make the bus.
I think it's better if I go alone.
The wrong people may see
you are wounded.
We both go.
You don't even know
if there is a bus, or when.
What if it doesn't leave for hours
and we have to wait?
It's too dangerous.
-What if it leaves in an hour?
-lt doesn't matter.
You said we shouldn't take
any chances.
Stay here.
I'll look for a bus and come back.
Leave the baby with me.
She'll slow you down.
Now, on your way into town,
if you hear a car, get off the road.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on. Breathe!
I wanna go to Split.
Three hundred Deutschmark.
I have no money.
No money, no ride.
Excuse me.
Where's the Red Cross?
I don't know.
I know.
It's at the port. It's close.
You just cry, and somebody
will come for you.
I'd like to take you with me
but I can't.
You're better off here.
Somebody will take care of you.
Your mother loved you very much.
I love you too.
You grow up. You be happy.
Excuse me?
Excuse me.
Is this your daughter?
She's mine.
There is no reason to give up baby.
You were on the bus.
You are hurt?
So I will take you...
...and your baby to hospital, okay?