Saw 3D (2010)

What is this?
What the fuck?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
"I'm locked.
Me too.
"What the fuck?
-God of heaven.
Somebody help us!
"Someone help us!
-Brad! Rian.
Honey, are you okay?
-Get me outta here!
Help us!
Call the police.
Break the glass with his briefcase!
-Get out, everyone!
-Get me out!
Hello, Brad.
Hello, Ryan.
Want to play a game.
The same woman
made you a fool.
Manipulated his love for her
and only caused pain.
Games and amusements of her
did you violate the laws
to meet
her material needs.
It is poisonous.
And today all their transgressions
will become public.
Fucking liar.
Now they must decide
who will come out of this triangle,
within 60 seconds of you
must die.
If they want to save her,
push saws
to the other side.
Save it and prove who is
the real alpha male.
What are you looking at?
Do something!
Both are strong enough
to escape what destroys you.
Or will fight one last time
by her heart?
Have 60 seconds to decide.
Live or die.
Make your choice.
Do something, please.
-What are you doing?
"I or you, asshole!
Certainly not me.
-Brad, I love you!
Love you too,
You have to do.
-Do what?
-Kill him, Brad.
-Love it?
He loves more than me?
No. Had to say it.
Always loved you.
Do this for me,
You have to do it.
Brad Woods. Kill!
Lying bitch.
What the fuck?
She's a liar!
Fuck you!
Brad, look at me.
Do you think it is worth our lives?
It's not fair.
What are you doing, asshole?
Ending with you, Dina.
No! No!
Help her.
We Want to Play a Game
Rafael UPD
Fags @
@ Victorcruel
The DarkSide spreads culture.
Not profit. Not piracy.
-End of game.
"No! Slut!
Tonight was discovered
a house of horrors
what used to be
the Zoological Institute Rovan.
The CEO of the Umbrella Health
Weslii Easten,
was identified as a
this scene.
We were also informed
that there are 7 survivors
this deadly event.
The questions of local police,
FBI and families of victims,
be answered
by 7 people
that have escaped this carnage
Now let Tony Gabrielson
at the scene. Tony?
What we have here?
-Jill Tuck. Jigsaw's widow.
-What does she want?
He just said he did not trust
the FBI...
Or in-Homicide.
Just want to talk to you.
-Why me?
I do not know. But only you.
Crazy Woman...
Let's end this.
Hello I put cream and sugar.
Thank you.
I'm Matt Gibson
A colleague told me
I wanted to talk to me.
I want to.
I need full immunity.
Why do you want immunity,
Ms. Tuck?
-Because of what I know.
-Do you know?
We have a deal?
Here you must give
before receiving, Jill.
My husband, John,
had an accomplice.
One person who helped
in almost all murders.
Do not misinterpret me.
I am at your disposal
if you have something legitimate
to put on the table.
He will not stop killing
to be caught.
You know
and for sure he knows you.
Do not tell me.
It's Detective Mark Hoffman.
Signs an affidavit
on trial?
-I sign.
Jura-to be honest?
Tell me everything
personal life to privacy?
I swear. I give evidence.
Whatever you want.
Just need protection
and full immunity.
"We have a deal?
It's clear we have a deal.
we live
Bobby Degan,
and its national tour
my story with Jigsaw "
comes to town this
You are a phenomenon
in the U.S., is not it?
Thank you, ma'am.
I'm surprised by the number
response to my story
and if you can help someone,
I'm happy.
Survived a trap
created by Jigsaw, right?
Yes, ma'am.
Everyone should ask that.
How was that?
It changed my life.
Something I did not anticipate.
something that could kill me.
Tell me more. Talk about
the same experience.
I do not remember
how I got there.
Just remember the feeling
waking up stuck...
I had to shove two hooks
in the pectoral muscles
, And ascend to a platform.
-Put the hooks in you?
I realized I could not
endure for long.
And I had to accept the fact
that was on the verge of death.
Then I saw something.
What I saw was my life.
A tragedy.
Achieved nothing at all.
And now something inside
me started to grow.
Something that came from the bottom
of my soul.
I decided to live...
I found a strength that I thought
have lost long ago.
I climbed and climbed.
And I got up there
hooks in the chest.
There was blood everywhere
and just cried.
I sat there
and started screaming.
I had not
just survived.
There was reborn.
It was my life!
Wow! Bobby Dagen, folks.
The experience changed
Bobby's life...
This is the time.
-Where's the kiss?
I do not know.
Done, friends.
It need not be so...
Okay. Good job, Bobby.
Excuse me for a minute?
And the grand finale, Bobby?
It tells the story,
Thank your wife.
-Hugs and kisses her...
Do not want to force.
This is the heart
She was with you
during his recovery.
And without the recognition,
without the kiss,
the audience will not have
emotional bond.
I disagree.
So much emotion
looks fake.
I take care of public relations
you and the legal part, right?
"I understand, Suzane. It's my fault.
-It was not your fault, Bobby.
You were right.
Just remember the test
next time.
-The interviews are important.
-Nina, relax.
Do not worry about them.
You were great.
Her story is real.
People feel it.
I know sometimes
feel overwhelmed,
but we must continue
to move on, Bobby.
You have to do it.
I know, honey.
The survivors of Jigsaw
come tomorrow.
with the survivors.
-E is no longer happy?
No, almost nothing.
Come on.
Good heavens!
Know the only bad thing
killing you?
That only kill you once.
Good heavens, no!
Hello, Evan.
Want to play a game.
The situation in which it is
you have created yourself.
You, your girlfriend, your friends,
are all racists.
Evan, fucking
let me out.
Deterred many people
their physical differences.
But today is you
to be scared.
Your friends pathetic
do everything you send.
So you will be
uniquely capable
others and himself.
In 30 seconds, the monkeys
holding the car will fall,
starting a career
fatal event.
To prevent this from occurring,
you should leave this seat,
to which it is preached.
Have to pull the lever
But no action will occur
without sacrifice.
Judging others by
color of their skin,
and you, Evan,
will learn
we all have the same color
Live or die, Evan.
The decision is yours.
-Help me!
"Go to hell!
Go, damn it!
Evan, let me out.
Here I come!
Us out of here!
God! Please!
Evan, please!
Go, damn it!
You brought us here,
us out of here!
The fucking fag!
Every night I think
that things will improve.
When I wake up
the next day.
But never are.
Everything I do,
all I see,
I'm surrounded
for these traps.
They are everywhere,
and remind me of what I did.
What is Jigsaw did to me.
Sydney continues
You are in a safe place
Tell me what happens next.
Sydney, look at me.
You made a decision.
-How do you feel about it?
-I feel free.
He was offensive.
I tried to stop him before,
but just at that moment
I did something.
It was him or me,
chose to live.
It was the best thing
what happened to me.
It's all lies.
He had to die
leave it to you?
Know the best thing
what happened to me
after cutting
my own arm?
The wave of disabled
in the mall parking lot.
Why would a camera here?
I just came here to show
that a traumatic experience,
as we
can have a positive side.
That is all.
-Is it? Like what?
-A new perspective on life.
You have not yet reached
this point, I understand.
I understand and respect that.
But if you look around
for these people,
who do not value
their lives,
one hour everyone will find
something positive in this experience.
We should never be ashamed
than we.
We are good.
We are strong!
You know what?
I want you to see a thing.
Right here.
These are my scars.
Because our minds
going to heal.
But the scars
will never disappear.
They should not be
a symbol of shame.
Should be a medal
by our courage.
You know, I talked about before...
who love us.
But to be honest,
did not do that before moving
for what I did.
But since then,
I met someone who...
has been
My real rock.
Joyce, folks.
My dear wife,
I love you.
Love you too,
my love.
Can survive a
experience so traumatic...
and still see something positive
this disaster...
It is a remarkable achievement.
or maybe half a perverse?
I'm sure I speak
for everyone here
when I say
how thankful we are
to participate
your promotional DVD.
"I take it, sir.
Thank you.
Joyce, I borrow it?
Sure. I head to the car.
Accompanies it?
Thank you.
The strange guy's stick,
should meet him?
No, he has more time
I meetings.
He is good people.
Return to hotel and rest
a little.
-It will be okay.
-Well done today, Bobby.
"You're the man.
What happened to him?
Always speak to no smoking
in the gas station.
This concludes the report
the week.
Hey big guy?
I'm in the junkyard,
at 58.
They called about an accident
If an accident,
why are you there?
It was not just an accident.
A trap.
How many bodies?
Picking up the pieces,
are 4.
Right. Keep everyone away from there
until I arrive.
Even the murderers.
-Okay, I'm coming.
Hello, Evan.
I want to start a game.
The situation in which it is
you have created yourself.
You, your girlfriend, your friends,
are all racists.
Deterred many people
because of their
physical differences.
Today it is you
that will be...
What do you think?
What for this show?
Why would they?
Why now?
You know he loves
Yeah, I know. Must have
something else.
Collecting the bodies and take
to the coroner immediately.
may be a clue.
Tattoos, piercings,
cuts in the skin...
This man has a cavity,
want to know about it.
"Yes, sir.
The Ralfman was waiting.
See that?
Ask expertise to come here.
Send them move.
Check for digital
it there.
Hello, Bobby.
Let's play.
You been accumulating wealth,
fame and notoriety
thanks to its history
Many have embraced their cause.
Few know the truth.
You are a liar.
We both know you
never been in a trap.
Never been tested.
Today, these lies
will surface.
And you will know if they really
can tell if it's a survivor.
The cage where
symbolizes her rebirth.
No. ..
Please do not...
Over the next 60 minutes,
you must stay on the path
learning and overcoming
a series of obstacles
able to reach his wife,
you also deceived.
If you can not get there
until time runs out,
she will die.
Live or die, Bobby.
It's your choice.
Let me out!
What's happening?
What's happening?
Another survivor of Jigsaw
just appeared.
While the city
still scared
with the murders of Jigsaw
information chilling
the last survivor
recall the consequences
physical and mental
that cause these deadly games.
This horrible event
what happened to me
at that moment,
that time
I had one thing
that I could take it all...
including pain.
Then I realized that even
had much to live.
Do not want to pay that.
That opened my eyes,
that moment full of terror
opened my eyes
and strangely enough,
come a better person.
I am strong and I must admit
I am grateful...
Grateful to have
happened to me.
And I mean for all
I like...
Joan is one among
this moment...
If something does not change
your perspective on life,
then nothing changes.
Today there are groups for aid
for victims as Joan...
These people earn some money
selling their stories.
It has a design
very interesting
It's you or your husband?
"Everything he did it.
Here is my problem.
That was left for me
and their fingerprints are on it.
When I said that Hoffman
was behind you,
mentioned that it was not
because you tried to kill him.
There's a new game going.
Does that surprise you?
"No? No?
You're mad, you know?
I knew it was crazy
when I saw you.
That's what we do, crazy.
Until I get Mark Hoffman,
this is your new home.
Make yourself at home.
Why do you think he does not
find me here?
Jill, this is a hiding place.
Got it?
Gibson, it was sent
Hoffman knows-where we are.
-What the fuck!
A car exploded
at the scene.
There are wounded?
-Roger, are you okay?
Get out there.
Send the bomb squad
map the area
and not touch anything.
Turn the video.
Hello, Gibson.
It's been a while.
What I want is simple.
Give me Jill Tuck.
You are protecting despite
the fact of her knowing everything.
What makes it
complicit in every death.
I offer you a deal:
Give it to me.
The game ends
and no one else dies.
Otherwise, all die
and will be your fault.
Make your decision.
The clock is counting.
Best arresting Jill
in a police cell.
Hold it and nobody can see it
without permission.
My God.
My God!
No, please!
No, please!
Please, no!
What the fuck!
Bobby, help me!
Gotta get me out of here!
I can not move,
Please, help me!
"All right. Relax.
Help me. Do something.
Hello, Bobby.
Before you are a
their trustees.
She has been his adviser
press for years,
aware of their lies
and choosing to defend them.
She was rewarded
by his words,
but today will be rewarded
by their silence.
In radiography, see the key
Nina's survival,
that will shut down
your device.
But there is a challenge.
Got a minute to pull
the hook of her stomach
and open the device,
or 4 cuttings
will come in her throat,
silencing her forever.
Remember, the stakes
also advance
Each time the level
decibels of the room
is above a whisper,
killing it even earlier.
Nina will live or die,
The choice is yours.
Just stay quiet.
Stay with me, okay?
I'll pull.
It's okay. Stay with me.
It'll be fine.
Quiet, please.
For me.
Shut your mouth.
Let me pull it.
No, no!
Pull right, Bobby.
Pull it.
Pull it.
Why just
not shut up?
Just had to have
shut your mouth!
My God!
BOBBY Dagen.
Here you are. Take care.
-Mrs. What's your name?
Without the "H".
I mean
I love your book too.
Looks like I could feel
everything you went through.
I'm sorry that it has changed my life.
"I thank you, ma'am.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Your name, sir?
With "H" no "H"
does not matter.
John with "H" this time.
It has both a military and
working for you, right?
Must be doing something good.
We try to reach as many
people as possible.
Sees nothing wrong with that?
No. No, sir.
I do not see.
You know,
history is a passion
for me.
In ancient Egypt,
when talking about oath
you had to say:
"If I'm lying...
take me to the quarries. "
That means something
for you?
No, sir.
It does not mean.
I'll explain what it means.
Means that it is
lying publicly
There will be a period
of slavery...
What are you insinuating?
"I'm not insinuating anything.
Come on, buddy,
he signed his book.
Thanks for the autograph.
Beautiful photo.
But I do not need it.
We know each other.
Adam, look at this immediately,
are from the junkyard.
Take your pick.
The clock is ticking.
"See that?
I know what
I found something here.
Perhaps knowing
who's in the game.
This is a camera
Security at the center.
The guy's name is Bobby Dagen.
You know him?
It's a survivor of Jigsaw,
is giving interviews
on talk shows.
His wife and his aides
also disappeared.
Who's there?
Let me out! Bobby!
Bobby, get me out of here!
Help me!
The Cale-here?
-How do I know?
Take it from me.
Take it, please!
Hello, Bobby. What is
feeling now is fear.
Fear of not having what is
necessary to survive.
Before you
His lawyer,
who took an oath
before the ethics,
but chose to ignore the bad
in order to benefit.
When the device where
she is starting to turn,
stick eyes and her mouth
if not to delay the movements
for at least 30 seconds.
To do this,
should go to another machine
and raise the bar
to the highest position
long enough
to close the circuit
and delay device.
If you do nothing, she will die
before the clock stops.
Think you can help her?
Make your choice.
Bobby, help me!
Get me outta here.
My God!
Bobby, please!
Please help me!
Help me! Help me!
Come on, Bobby!
Hurry! Hurry!
Help me! Help me!
No! No!
No! No! My God!
No! Bobby!
Get me outta here!
My God! No!
Bobby, please!
No! No!
My God!
Know this guy?
I've seen him on television,
but do not know.
"And your husband?
I do not know.
do not know about?
Yeah, sure.
You can lock.
Hoffman just sent
an email with a video attached.
"I'm trying to find the IP.
-Can you figure out where it came from?
Depends on how many proxies
he used to filter.
But there's a delay,
then leave a trail.
You can rotate.
Hello, Gibson.
Once again we are
in a moral crossroads.
I do not blame me for not delivering
Jill Tuck.
But should not let a feud
affect his trial.
Look where you are.
Look beyond the crossroads
to see the light.
Can you see?
Understood. Come on.
IGNORE its detractors.
-Bobby? Bobby?
Cale, I see you, right?
Do not move.
-Where are you?
You know where is Joyce?
Do not see anything, man!
How do I know where she is?
I do not know where she is!
I'm blind, man!
All right, Cale, quiet!
-For God's sake!
Do not move!
The floor is not full.
You are missing a piece.
Do not move! Right?
Help me, Bobby!
Help me! Help me!
-You have a tape.
"What the fucking tape?
Shut up!
I'll play the tape!
Hello, Bobby.
In front is
his best friend.
He knows
all your secrets,
and still acts
to see if there's no harm.
your ears will make a difference
between life and death.
Should help Cale
to walk the boards,
and get as close as possible
Make your way
until the key.
He must deliver the
the last space between you.
If the noose around the neck of Cale
is not removed in 60 seconds
a winch is activated,
and his secret would be hung.
Cale will live or die, Bobby?
The choice is yours.
Cale, please listen to me!
Shut up and listen to me
once in a lifetime!
-Help me!
"I'm coming to you, buddy.
What are you waiting for?
Try to get
nearest you.
To cross,
help me!
I want you to walk
-Take a step right.
"Right, got it.
You will feel
a board foot.
"I want to walk by that board.
I did it!
Calm down.
I'm coming.
Shit! Help me!
-You have a board in front.
Well on your right.
-I found!
Do not stop talking to me!
"Okay, okay.
"If the league table!
"What was that?
"Nothing, was a bottle.
"What the fuck was that?
It was one-bottle.
"You'll be fine!
-Yeah, right!
Yeah, buddy.
Now you will feel another board,
search with his foot.
-Seek with your foot!
-Yeah, right!
Do not stop talking to me!
Now that tablet-step!
"My God!
"Easy, is going well!
Hold on!
Easy! Hold on!
Bobby! Bobby!
-I got the key!
-Get me outta here!
I'll play!
Place your hands near the chest!
"I'll throw it in March, right?
No! Cale!
No! Stop!
You do not have anything here.
-It does.
Right there.
Why would he want
you here?
So I can remember.
It was here that he saved
my life.
When I was in the streets,
responded to a call, that...
This place was just a cache
for addicts and beggars.
Stopped, do not move!
Drop your weapon!
The guy never saw
what hit him.
Yes, I know, he attacked me,
but had to turn
a death sentence.
The next time
shoot first.
I had no choice,
but to denounce Hoffman.
You owe me one.
And what happened?
He was promoted.
That's what happened.
And I was sent to an island.
A year later,
I was transferred to the AI
and he swore revenge.
And here we are.
This place was called
Factory "Crossroads"
before being closed.
"Look beyond
the crossroads...
to see the light. "
And then?
The man he killed
had emerged from a hospice
called the "Light"
which had been interdicted.
That building is abandoned
That's where the game
is happening.
Go back to the station.
Stay with Jill Tuck.
Do not take your eyes off her!
-Bobby! Bobby!
Bobby, I'm here!
"I'm here.
I can see you and hear you.
"I can see you too.
-Is it?
-Get me outta here!
"I'm going.
Who is doing this?
And why?
"Why is this happening?
"Easy, dear, I'm coming.
-Hang in there, right?
-Quick, please!
Must have
a record here...
Hello, Bobby.
Facing you is the door
that will take you to his wife,
but will have to do
a choice.
As you probably noticed,
Your choice will be so difficult
as pulling teeth.
The lock needs
a combination of four digits
to open.
However, if you want to enter,
need to make a sacrifice
Watch and learn, Bobby.
The numbers you need
are two of his teeth.
See the box to know
which start
to get the numbers.
Time is running out.
Need to make his choice soon.
I do not want to see this,
right, dear?
My God!
The game is still
Come on!
"I've seen.
-I found out where it came from the video.
Iron-old Pete,
Rua 58.
That junkyard.
The post-trap car.
"Yeah, right.
"We must continue.
"Where are we?
Take the Hoffman.
What happened?
Hoffman's location.
End of game.
We have a survivor.
We can not cross here.
Come on.
Take rifles
and come with me.
Give me the gun.
Hoffman! Do not move!
Place your hands
slowly upward.
I knew I'd find.
"I knew you would.
Get me outta here.
My God.
There must be another way.
Hello, Bobby.
Almost completed
its revival.
However, the ultimate test
is always the hardest.
The woman in front
symbolizes his success.
She is your trophy.
She sees the good side
his statements,
despite the dishonest means.
What is he talking about?
Today we'll see if it deserves
love it.
To prove you're a survivor,
should win a game
you should be familiar.
Supposedly survived
him once
then it should be
easy to survive again.
Fasten the hooks
on your chest
and the game begin.
To free yourself
and his wife,
should stay with these
current and connect the extension.
Before time runs out.
Need both hands
to accomplish this task.
But the challenge will not be difficult.
As you yourself pointed out,
pectoral muscles can
support its weight.
So Bobby, you ask,
when you live each day as
it was my last,
will be with your wife?
Make your choice.
-What is he talking about?
I lied.
Never been
in a trap.
As I left
believe that?
I'll fix it.
You should not be there.
I'm your wife!
He lied to me!
I know him from somewhere.
Make your choice
the clock is ticking.
Send the bodies
to the coroner immediately.
Lord, what is it?
Hoffman tapped our
security system.
We watched
each movement.
My God.
Send units
back to the station.
Still there?
Locked door.
I love you, Joy.
I never lied about it.
I love you.
Bobby, I love you.
You can,
you can.
Bobby, I love you.
You can!
Hang on! Hang on!
Wow! Wow!
Gee, Bobby!
You can!
My God!
What was that?
Wow! Wow!
You're almost there!
Come on, Bobby, you can!
Anyone out there.
My God!
No! Help!
I was looking
for you.
How do I look?
Bobby, please hurry!
Quick, Bobby!
You can!
Quick! Quick!
You can!
Bobby, safe!
Just one more!
Quick, can you!
You did it.
-Bobby! No!
No! No!
End of game.
In the last two hours,
seems that the whole city
was shaken. Besides
of nine police officers killed today
Jill Tuck, the wife
serial killer John Kramer
was found dead.
Citizens are asked to
who report
any suspicious activity
while blocks
are placed
mostly highway
at a radius
What the fuck...
Hello, Doctor Gordon.
You may be
My greatest achievement...
Congratulations, Dr. Gordon,
you survived.
Without you, my work
in recent years
would not have been possible.
Jeff's wife.
Dr. Linn Taylor.
She is perfect.
I can not see!
And now I have a request
to do.
Take care of Jill.
And if something happens
I want to act immediately
in my name.
In return...
not keep more secrets
Have shown you many places.
But there is perhaps a
the most significant to you.
I think not.
What do you think
What are you doing?
What do you think
What are you doing?