Saw IV (2007)

Subject's name is John Kramer.
I've seen better days.
Some kind of backdoor brain surgery.
Let's check the stomach.
What the hell...
Get homicide here. Now!
Where is it?
It's in his stomach.
Cut it out.
Are you there, Detective?
If so, you're probably the last man standing.
Now, perhaps you will succeed where the others
have failed.
You think you will walk away untested?
I promise that my work will continue.
You think it's over just because I'm dead?
It's not over. The games have just begun.
Who's there?
Talk to me.
Talk to me!
Talk to me!!!...
Stop it!
Stop it!
Who's doing this to me?!
Just stay away from me!!!
What'd I do?
Right side clear. Left side clear.
In position.
Standing by.
Alright then.
It seem open.
We have device.
You get eyes in there before you go in.
Get some eyes in here.
Hurry now.
Doorway's clear.
It's Kerry, bitch.
Rigg, don't do that.
Rigg, I said no!!!
Stop it!!!
You're not going through that door.
Oh shit...
Give me the Coroner's office.
Somebody get those rats off her.
Cut her down.
You know I can't do that.
Just cut her down, please.
Are you trying to get yourself killed?
You know never to go through
an unsecured door, ever.
Thought she was still alive.
Thought I could save her.
Did you ever think that we would've
end up here, for a starter?
Didn't see it happening like this.
Why the hell are you still talking?
Sir I need you to save her.
That's what we do.
Right, cherish your life.
The fucking motto. We're supposed to
cherish our lives.
But how the hell are we supposed to
do that when this is our life?
We chose this. You go home.
... is here to see you
- Detective Hoffman.
- Yeah?
I'm Special Agent Lindsey Perez. This is
Special Agent Peter Strahm.
How can I help the FBI?
We're here about Detective Kerry. She
was our liaison.
Open the door. You will find me.
What's this?
The key that came from our last
message from Detective Kerry.
"Open the door and you will find me"
mean anything to you?
Where's the body?
Crime scene photographer's flash
picked up this bullet casing.
It was lodged between the body
and the device.
Run it for prints.
Give us a minute would you?
The lock wasn't opened.
She couldn't get out.
It was constructed for her execution.
It betrayed the rules.
Not a Jigsaw trap then.
Amanda Young, the accomplice, did this.
This wasn't done by Amanda Young.
Excuse me?
Detective Kerry weighed approximate 130lbs.
Amanda Young's arrest report has her at 107lbs.
She couldn't get her up there alone.
John Kramer was.
Bedridden cancer patient?
He's brains. Not brawn.
He was also an engineer. He could've
rigged pulley's that...
...or. Someone else could've helped him.
Special Agent, if you're here for any other
reason than just to assist.
We're here to find the person your
department couldn't, Detective.
The one helping Jigsaw and Amanda Young.
Excuse me.
We found a ??? in your possession.
What's that about?
A toy.
Kids play with toys in the holidays.
How about the tricycle?
The tricycle's from John's youth...
A grown man has a tricycle his whole life?
I'm sure you've kept things that
were important to you.
Look, Ms. Tuck. Is there any reason we should
be concerned with your safety?
Perhaps, you should be more
concerned with yourself.
Why don't you tell me everything you know about
John and let's start at the beginning.
John's life defines pretty much it......??????
So, why don't we start at the end and
let's work our way backwards.
I represent Mrs. Tuck.
She knows something.
I thought you were going home.
You have a vacation time, right?
Take it.
Finish the remodeling. Spend
some time with Tracy.
She understands.
Then, don't take it for granted.
Eric is still out there man.
Eric's been missing for six months. Kerry's
was gone for four days.
I can only be as optimistic as the facts allow.
Yeah. Well I'm in it until I find him.
Finding his body's not going to vindicate us.
Finding him alive will.
It's time to let go.
I want you to go home.
I'll call you later to make sure
everything's okay.
Who's he?
Lieutenant Rigg, our SWAT commander.
What's his problem?
Everyone around him keeps dying.
What's it say?
It says I tried calling you four times. It says dinner is
in fridge and at the bottom it says I love you.
I need to help my mum for a few
days. Just come with me.
No, I can't.
You can't or you won't?
What you can't do is save everyone.
Tracy, please listen to me...
John Kramer owned a company called
The Urban Renewal.
No irony in that, huh?
What was Rigg watching?
Jill Tuck's interrogation.
She was Jigsaw's ex.
It's old.
Why's a SWAT guy watching that?
What's wrong? I really think we should tell Hoffman
what Detective Kerry said in her last message.
She said two officers might be in danger but
until we know who we're not causing any panic...
If Detective Hoffman or anyone else in this precinct
is in danger I think they should know it.
That's your call.
Making any progress?
We're fine. Thanks.
Hey Ross. Looks like another doctor went
missing from the hospital.
You think maybe its uh...
...Connected? Let's check it out.
If you need me, call my cell. Coffee
machine's around the corner.
Boy or girl?
I didn't know you were married.
I'm not. It's a short story, believe me.
The print off that casing.
We got a match.
Rechecked this?
Hello, Officer Rigg.
Welcome to your rebirth.
For years, you stood by and witnessed as
your colleagues have fallen.
You have remained untouched while
Eric Matthews has disappeared.
But with your survival came your obsession.
Obsession to stop those around you from
making the wrong choices.
Thus, preventing you from making the right ones.
You wanted to save everyone.
Tonight, I give you the opportunity to face your obsession.
Look closely. Eric Matthews is still alive.
The block of ice he stands upon on is melting.
He has but ninety minutes to save himself.
Detective Hoffman's fate is linked to that ???
Heed my warning, Officer Rigg.
Their lives hang in the balance of your obsession.
Will you learn how to let go
and truly save them?
The choice is yours.
Take off the mask and put your hands in the air.
I can't remove...
Officer Rigg, your first test. The person in front
of you is in desperate need of help.
But it is not your job to save them.
You view this person as a victim but
if you were to see what I see.
Beneath the mask lies a criminal
undeserving of the life she leads.
Your obsession tells you to save the victim,
I tell you to walk away. The choice is yours.
Are you a cop?
Are you a cop?!
Yeah. I'm a cop.
What is that?!!
What're you doing?!!!
Get me out!!
They're in the gears.
What's in the gears?
Combination. Get me out!
Just get me out!
Alright. Relax!
Just get me outta here, please!!!
Please. Where are you going?!
I got one.
I got one!
Hold on. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on.
I got it, 617.
Ok, listen. Stay here.
Don't touch anything.
What the fuck...
What the fuck you doing?
What you doing? Drop the
fucking knife...
Put the knife down.
Put the knife down!
I just saved your fucking life!
The prints just came in. They're from
Officer Rigg.
- Fisk...
- Not now.
We just got a call. A shot's fired from 23 Park Place.
That's Rigg's apartment.
Hello, Brenda. I want to play a game.
An officer will try to save you.
If he is successful, then your game begins.
This man will use these photos to sentence
you for your crimes.
And the only way to stop him is
taped underneath the TV.
Let him save your life and accept
your fate to rot in prison...
...or kill him and guarantee your freedom.
Make your choice.
I'll fucking kill you, you fucking bitch!
It's started.
??? for Rigg. Everybody's looking.
He has a wife. Where is she?
We haven't located her yet.
Two detectives. You see these?
- Hoffman.....????..
- Not yet.
- Hoffman...
- Calling.
How do you explain Detective Matthews?
He's alive.
Six months, Jigsaw never kept anyone that long.
No one but Amanda Young.
You think he's been fixed.
Why these six?
Hoffman's a ????? lieutenant. He
doesn't fit the profile.
That's what you see. But
what does he see.
Rigg tried to save his two friends.
Maybe. We got names and locations
on any of these people?
Working it.
This is overkill. It's a setup to
announce Rigg as the accomplice.
Or a setup for his alibi.
Everyone around him keeps dying but
where is he to tell us his innocence...
...or what the hell these photos
are doing in his apartment.
Look there.
Lamp???? please.
Four walls build a home.
What does he want us to see on these walls?
The victims?
One of these pictures doesn't belong.
This is who we're looking for.
Lets talk to her now.
Jill Tuck, where is she?
Have them turn off the air in there.
Ms. Tuck.
I'm Special Agent Perez. This
is Special Agent Strahm.
I'd like to apologize for pulling you
out of your place at work.
What more do you think I can offer you?
My hundred hours of interrogation tapes...
...and the volumes of evidence taken
from my house (???)
Actually, it's not John we wanna talk
about, Ms. Tuck? It's you.
Me? Why'd you wanna talk about me?
This isn't about me.
So stop wasting both of our time and get to
the real reason why you brought me here.
A little help...
You hear me?!
You fucking hear me, you fucking motherfucker?!
What the fuck are you looking at, huh?!
Hey, you!
Sir, sir, can I help you?
Hello, Officer Rigg.
In order for you to fully understand
my way, you must...
...Feel what I feel.
The photo before you is of a man in
desperate need of help.
In the next room are the tools to his salvation.
His life is in your hands.
But in the end, only he can save himself.
Be careful. There are camera's watching.
And you must hide your identity.
Make your choice.
Ok. Four walls build a home.
- Care to shed any light on that?
- Light on what?
On what your photos are doing at
the crime scene?
Four walls build a home.
Ring any bells?
Cherish your life?
Cherish your life is the concept that
this whole clinic was built on.
Cherish your life.
Your life.
That's his motto.
No. It's your motto.
The clinic you run.
Fuck, bitch! I've been here for
three fucking hours!!!
- Shut the fuck up!
- Shut up!
Hey ????
Stop it.
Stop it!
You don't wanna do that.
What the fuck's your problem?
You're my problem.
And you're becoming everybody else's too.
How do you feel?
About a husband who takes a motto from your
drug clinic designed to help people...
...and twist it into some manic torture mantra.
That part of John has nothing to do with me.
Look, Ms. Tuck.
I just left a room with more blood on the walls
and pain two officers are missing,...
...and there's a growing pile of bodies in their wake
and every detail we unearth about your...
- ...hall of fame psychopath husband...
- Ex.
...points to you as a possible accomplice.
I'm just curious as to why.
You know there's a lot of people out
there looking for answers.
Want to place blame on someone.
That person is you.
But you know what the best part is.
I don't have to convince everybody.
Just 12 people.
Ok, tell me about his workshop.
Stay there.
Let me get the lights.
- Wow, it's big.
- Yeah.
This is exactly what you've been looking for.
Nice, huh?
This is the clock?
What's so special about it?
Except for the fact the whole deal hung out.
The mechanism inside is 300 years old.
It's still ticking.
It stood the test of time.
Well, you see this space.
I got a surprise for you.
Why are you doing this?
This is a mistake and it happened
a long time ago.
And I... I paid for this.
Just let me go, okay?
What's behind the door?
One saves lives. One takes it away.
Try and enter the door.
Oh no...
Get back! Get back!
Let's go. Go!
Help, help me!!!
Get away from there.
What do you know about the guy in the TV?
What do you know about Eric Matthews?!
I don't know who that is.
Do you know what this is?
I don't know.
What are you gonna do to me?
If you are playing this tape, then you are one step closer
to truly understanding how to save a life.
As an officer of the law, you find yourself torn ????
your victims or perpetrator of violence.
You sick fuck.
His salvation is out of your hands.
It is your choice if you wish to put it into his own.
Once this lesson is learnt, you will find yourself one
step closer to truly saving Eric Matthews.
Without you, this man's game cannot begin.
Force him into position to face his demon.
And let him make the decision.
What the fuck?
Is this what you do ????
Get on the fucking bed.
Get on the bed! Move!
I don't know. I know I was wrong.
I know.
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
Put your fucking hands in.
I don't know. Sir, untie me.
What does that say?
Hello Ivan.
As a voyeur, you have kept photos of
those you have victimized.
Don't let him do this!
Can you see the pain you have brought them?
You have torn apart their lives.
You've used your body as an instrument of abuse.
Now I give you the chance to decide
what is more important.
Your eyes which have led you blindly astray.
Or your body which has caused
those around you endless suffering.
You've been handed the tools
which can save your life.
Decide quickly though.
In sixty seconds, the choice will
be made for you.
You're gonna have to tell me how you got
those bruises on your hand and your neck.
Was this an accident or did
someone do this to you?
You know you can stop it from
happening if you tell me the truth.
Take a seat.
I wanna go home now.
Son of a bitch is lying.
He's done this before.
She's allowed it.
The child's story doesn't (???)
What can I do?
Jane, can't let you go home
right now, okay?
You're going back to class now.
Don't you officers sympathise these kids?
It's getting out of control.
Take your hands off me.
Hey, take it easy.
Rigg! Rigg!
Get out now!
You just made the biggest mistake of your life.
You hear me!
That's sweet, Ms. Tuck.
But if you love the guy so much,
why leave him?
He left me long before I left him.
Okay. People break up.
Relationships end.
It's called life.
I mean, he started massacring people.
He didn't move everything ???????
I'm sorry who?
Do you know anything about the Chinese zodiac?
Aww, Jill. No, no.
I didn't just get pregnant.
It was carefully planned.
Everything in John was.
- See you.
- Thanks.
- Buhbye.
- Bye.
- Let me get that for you.
- Thank you.
-Thanks. You too. Good night.
- Good night.
Hey honey. You want some company?
What are you doing?
You know what this building is?
It's a health clinic.
You're a beautiful girl. Go home.
I forgot my jacket.
Oh, please, please, Jill.
Jill, it's right there.
It's right there. Please, please.
Come on.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
I'm not gonna hurt you, alright.
If you don't grab that fucking door.
Open that fucking door. Open!
What fucking key?!
What key?!
Fucking stay there.
I need some help here.
This is my wife. She's hurt.
How far long is she?
All I wanted to do was help them.
You can't help them.
They have to help themselves.
Okay. Let's review.
Girl loves boy. Boy loves girl.
Boy gets girl pregnant.
Girl loses baby. Boy turns
into a serial killer.
Jill, I'm not buying it.
Alright. She doesn't leave.
Been identified as Ivan (Landice???),
??? rape three times.
Had to gouge out his own eyes
in order to release himself.
How does something like this get
into a motel room undetected?
Piece by piece.
The room's been rented for the past six
days to a lawyer named Art Blanc.
Get this. He went missing two weeks ago.
We got his name. Get his addresses.
Two out of five people in Officer Rigg's
apartment walls are dead.
Every partner he's ever worked with...
Rigg didn't kill Ivan.
Ivan made his own choice.
Isn't that the whole Jigsaw mantra?
This wasn't about Ivan. It wasn't his test.
This is about Rigg.
Look at these photos. Tell me
how you feel.
- Look at these women and tell me how you feel.
- Angry.
The pimp. The rapist.
Jigsaw wanted Rigg to see what he sees.
He wants him to feel what he feels.
This wasn't about Rigg saving his friends.
He's being recruited.
Art Blanc's got a bunch of properties.
The last known address is a couple
of blocks from here.
- Right side clear.
- Left side clear.
- Clear.
- Clear.
What does this mean?
We're the two Jigsaw targets.
Fuck you.
You jump off that block, you electrocute him.
If that ice had melted more, he'd be fried.
You understand?
Listen to him.
- You just made the biggest mistake of your life.
- Calm down.
- Cocksucker!
- I'll get somebody to take a look at it, alright?
My client has a broken nose and a
fractured cheek bone.
Administrative leave with pays (not???) except...
The IA investigation's under way.
Into this precinct, wow. What's
that gonna get me, huh?
The truth.
The truth. Well, I'll tell you
what the truth is.
The truth is I have an eyewitness.
The man's wife? She stands to gain as much as he does
if there were to be a financial settlement.
Which is not gonna happen because he's lying.
He attacked Officer Rigg first.
That's your court..................????
Me. I saw the whole thing.
You want to testify before Grand Jury?
I've already signed IA's affidavit.
The charges are being dismissed.
You guys are. You're good.
You know you're...
You're obviously as thick as thieves....?????
It'll come back to you.
You know that right?
Maybe, one day.
Someday, it will.
It will come back to you.
You understand?
Who the fuck are you?
Hey, do you understand?
Who the fuck are you?
What the hell did you do?
What's happening?!
The human body is fascinating organism.
It can withstand the most brutal injury and
yet repair itself miraculously.
But you know this all too well.
How many broken bones have you
suffered at the hands of your husband?
How many flesh wounds have you endured?
With time, the bruises have healed
but your pain has not.
Today, I empower you to take control of your life.
Can you disconnect from the one thing that has
brought you and others so much pain?
With time, your wounds will heal.
His, however, will not.
Remove the ties that bind.
Get me out of here!!!
Or bleed to death from your inactivity.
The choice is yours.
Morgan, what the fuck are you doing?!
Help me.
Please don't ???????????
- Please calm down.
- Don't leave me.
No, don't go. Don't go!
Don't go away from me.
Please get me out.
Please get me out...
Don't go! Don't leave me here!
Hello, Officer Rigg.
What have you learnt thus far?
Experience is a harsh teacher.
First comes the test.
Second comes the lesson.
If you are to save as I save, then you will see that
the person before you is but a student.
So I ask you Officer Rigg.
Has the pupil learnt her lesson?
Has she been told the error of her ways?
Does she now view the world differently?
Officer Rigg, the key to this person's
freedom lies in the palm of your hand.
But only after she has done her own part,
can you play your role in her salvation?
Once judgment has been made though, the key to
finding your next destination is just off the map.
Who did this to you?
I don't know.
Oh fuck.
Its just off the map.
Just off the map.
Go home.
Where is she?
You gotta save yourself.
Shut up!
Save as I save.
So what did he do?
Free her and let him die?
This guy didn't have a chance.
He's got rods going through every
major arteries in his body.
You life is in her hands.
Rigg didn't kill this guy.
His wife did.
She identified Officer Rigg.
Said he saved her.
Saved her?
Passed Rigg's judgments.
He got her fixed and
got her freedom back.
Second address?
Ok yeah. That's good.
But I still need that address.
Text me.
I just found out something very interesting
about the three people in the traps.
They were all represented by a
lawyer named Art Blanc.
He got them all off?
Yeah, but wait it gets better.
He's also Jill Tuck's lawyer.
Look out!
There's a lair.
Where's the lair?
It doesn't exist.
Jigsaw wanted us to find that place.
Where's the new game being played?
Find that place, we find Rigg.
We got a second address.
There's a co-owner.
Jill Tuck.
Jill Tuck? Which building?
Here. This building.
Hello, Agent Perez.
And welcome to the world that
you have long studied.
Your partner, Agent Strahm, will soon
take the life of an innocent man.
Heed my warning, Agent Perez.
Your next move is critical.
What is that?
Lindsey, stay with us.
Okay. Come on.
????? Come on.
Stay with me, alright.
Hey you. Come here.
Come on!
Listen to me. I'm not the one you
gotta worry about, you understand me.
I'm not the one you gotta worry about.
As a matter of fact, I'd recommend you
stay alive until the fucking...
...clock counts down.
Here's the good news.
If this other guy passes his tests,
the three of us can go free.
Hey, look at me.
Look at me.
If you don't stay on the block,
your partner gets electrocuted.
Now for my final task.
Here you go.
Live or die.
You make the choice.
You see that, Jill.
That's a federal fucking indictment.
It's got your name on it. You wanna
put somebody else's name on it?
You start talking to me, okay?
What's with the doll?
What's with the tricycle?
Who were John's business associates
before he ??????
He wasn't the associate type.
Where the hell is our (plan???)?
Obstruction of justice. Aiding ????
conspirator to murder.
Talk to me!
In 15 minutes, more people are gonna die, Jill.
Police officers.
He's your business partner. He's your friend.
He's the accomplice we have been looking
for and he is your fucking lawyer.
You see this?
This is my partner's blood.
She's fighting for her life right now
because of your lunatic husband.
What happened between Jigsaw and Art Blanc?
I guess he's not here either.
What the fuck is this place, Jill?
John gave me that.
Hey, you alright?
You're not returning my calls, buddy.
Listen, John.
I'm sorry.
I understand that what happen was a tragedy?
But I gotta tell you.
Listen, John. I gotta tell you.
You know those buildings we're working on.
You take and give my share to Jill.
That's not the way it works, John.
See we're partners.
Your designs will make those buildings special.
We got 40 families ready to move in.
From low-income families.
You can't just walk away.
You're their saviour, John.
Get the fuck out of here.
Who are you talking to like that? That's me.
Do you even listen?
Oh, I heard you John.
Get the fuck...
You heard me.
Ok, John.
You take good care of yourself.
You call me when your feeling well.
He blamed me.
I don't think he could ever forgive me.
His minor time was over.
He was diagnosed with cancer soon after that.
Did you try to contact him again?
I tried.
But a different person crawled
out of the wreckage.
Someone else survived.
I asked you not to come here.
I just wanna talk to you.
John. John.
Look at this.
What is this?
Why do you have this old picture?
What have you done to him?
I told him not to take life for granted.
I want to play a game.
Your life is a lie.
Now, comes your moment of truth.
As a drug user and a hustler, you've played
???? with other people's life.
Today, you play with your own.
It's you.
You did this me.
You did this to yourself.
Your greed took the life of
an innocent child.
Would you give me time to explain, please?
I can't give you time.
No one can.
Time is an illusion.
Look. Look.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I forgive you, Cecil.
I do.
Addiction has ruined your life.
I'm bleeding man.
Please, just let me go.
I could let you go.
But that wouldn't serve you.
I'll tell you what I will do, though.
I'll give you a tool to reclaim your life.
And to discard the vices that
have so corrupted your soul.
I don't have a fucking soul.
Maybe, you will in the next life, Cecil.
You see things aren't sequential.
Good doesn't lead to good nor bad to bad.
People steal, don't get caught.
Live the good life.
Others lie and cheat. And get elected.
Some people stop to help ?????.
There's no accounting for it.
How you play the cards you're dealt.
That's all that matters.
Look at me.
Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
Yeah, I understand.
You're fucking nuts.
Woah! What the fuck is that?
It's the tool that's gonna save your life.
I wanna play a game.
Your life is a lie, Cecil.
Now comes your moment of truth.
As a drug addict and a thief, you prey on the
kindness of others to fuel your addiction.
Today, we're bringing the uglyness inside
you out into the open.
Now, in order for you to stay alive, you've to match
your face with the uglyness of your soul.
You just lean forward into the
knives with your face.
Press hard enough and you'll release the arm
and the leg restraints that bind you.
Press hard though.
And you'll be free.
You... you sick fuck!
Fuck you!
Or you can sit idly and
bleed out on the floor.
Live or die, Cecil.
Make your choice.
Fuck you!
You're dead. You're fucking dead.
Fucking dead!
What's happened to you?
What's happened to me?
Now, you don't come back.
You do it for yourself if you can't do it for me.
I lost him too.
Four walls build a home.
Something was named after
John's first building, right?
Where is it?
Where is it?
What the fuck does that mean?
Better hope he doesn't come
through that door.
Who?! Who's coming through the door?!
Who is it?!
Who's coming through the door?!
Congratulations, Art.
Who is it?!
Who's coming through the door?!
You're on television.
Who the fuck is it?!
Oh shit.
Teach me, motherfucker.
I'm standing right here.
What is that?!
That's to release us when the timer's up.
Don't open it!
Let me see your fucking hands!
Release my daughter!
You mother...
Aw, you stupid motherfucker.
What did you do?
I had more time.
I said I ??????
What is wrong with that ???????
- You fucking did this!
- No, you idiot.
- You fucking did this!
- No, Jigsaw's testing you.
You fucking piece of shit!
Put your fucking hands where I can see it.
Put your fucking hands where I can see it.
- Jigsaw's fucking testing you!
- Don't fucking move!
Hello, Officer Rigg.
If you hearing this, then you have reached
Detective Matthews and Detective Hoffman in under 90 minutes.
Resulting in their deaths.
The rules were clear.
You were warned.
It's Kerry.
Do not go throught that door.
You know never to go through an unsecured door, ever.
Tonight, you face your obsession.
What you can't do is save everyone.
Will you learn how to let go?
Eric is still out there man.
It's time to let go.
Detective Matthews has but ninety minutes.
I'd recommend you stay alive until the
fucking clock counts down.
They have to save themselves.
Take em.
Their salvation was out of your hand
Time was on your side but your obsession
wouldn't let you wait.
Instead of saving Detective Matthews,
you cost him his life.
You failed your final test.
What I don't understand is how the hell could
Jigsaw do all of these.
He was damn near on his death bed
the last time we saw him.
I'm not so sure he did it.
This wasn't done by Amanda Young.
Excuse me?
She couldn't get her up there alone.
John Kramer was.
He's brains. Not brawn.
We're here to find the person helping
Jigsaw and Amanda Young.
Looks like another doctor went missing from the hospital.
Go home.
We chose this.
Game over.
You feel you're not ???? control, don't you?
You think you will walk away untested?
I promise that my work will continue.
That I have insured.
By hearing this tape, some will assume
that this is over.
But I am still among you.
You think it's over just because I'm dead?
It's not over. The games have just begun.