Saw Rebirth (2005)

So, it's all come down to this...
something went wrong.
My life wasn't supposed to
turn out this way.
Now, I can't help but wonder...
" I too late?"
bSAW Rebirth
"Inertia", the word
defined my life.
I'd somehow worked my way so far into
a rut that I felt there was no way out.
Or at least no way out that didn't
require me to do something.
And when it came to
taking action,
well, there was
always tomorrow.
I knew
there was more to life.
I was just too lazy
to grab it.
I mean, consider Paul,
a bore for sure,
but he had it all
- wife, kids, the works.
I've told him once, that
I'll never fear him someday too.
Nothing's wrong, John.
I just need more from you.
A commitment... she wanted a commitment
that I just wouldn't - couldn't - make.
And so she left.
For years,
nothing changed.
I just played the
role I'd been assigned,
went through the motions...
My experience with Jill clinched it
- life was empty.
"I got sick."
It hit me suddenly,
but hard.
Every night I'd come home
and puke my guts out.
Every day I'd wake up
feeling just a little bit weaker.
It's really quite serious although
it's not far advanced...
You've got a particularly
virulent strain of cancer...
We're talking about a question of
"when" not "if" I'm afraid.
I, but...
I'm truly sorry, we'll do all we can
to make you as comfortable as possible.
So that was it, I'd squandered
my life and now I was about to lose it.
I bet the doc was a real shoulder
to cry on, huh?
Cold-hearted bastards,
the lot of them.
What are you talking about?
They're all screwing
around on their wives.
I sure won't be that
way when I'm a doctor.
The orderly had issues of his own.
Now that on my own
life was slipping away,
I paid closer attention
to the lives of others.
Like this one - a scam artist.
This is what he did with
his precious gift of life?
Watch out!
Coming through!
I found out later from Zep, the orderly,
that the woman had od'd on heroin.
She'd survived,
but did she learn anything?
But nothing could have prepared me
for what happened next...
It was Paul!
He'd slashed his wrists.
A guy with a wife,
family, kids.
What the hell was
wrong with him?
I was done listening
to the rules.
"There was only one way out."
"So I killed myself."
But I didn't die.
The cancer growing inside
would eventually kill me anyway.
I accept that,
fully and completely.
But that knowledge
didn't depress me anymore.
In fact, it liberated me,
clarified everything.
"...I was reborn!"
I knew now
what my purpose was.
So many heedless, unfocused
souls out there, so lost, so adrift.
So unappreciative.
So undeserving of the precious gift
of life that was being denied me.
I'd never get back
all those wasted years,
so I'd have to apply myself
as I had never done.
Use the short time I had
left to make others realize... fleeting and valuable
this existence was.
But it took work - hard work.
I discarded sleep, neglected meals,
there was time only for my task,
what I'd already come to
think of as my mission.
The chosen would reap
the benefits of my labor way or another.
I educated myself in diverse fields,
absorbed vast amounts of esoteric knowledge.
But it was necessary effort.
If the chosen were to learn anything from
me, I'd need to impart a personal touch.
The hours I didn't spend puking with my guts
on fire were consumed by planning.
Everything was researched,
tested, refined.
Every angle was considered,
every detail mulled over.
It was perfect.
So it's all come down to this.
Somewhere, somehow,
something went wrong.
My life wasn't supposed to
turn out this way.
I was supposed to be someone,
I was supposed to make a difference.
And now I will...
one person at a time.
bSubtitle edited by