Sayonara itsuka (2010)

A bright, hard-working, 'good man'
who may be considered good husband
material by Japanese elders.
""To live is to prepare for goodbye...""
""For loneliness is a friend who will not betray".
"Shiver not in the pouring love,
instead buy an umbrella...""
Buy an umbrella?.
Give it back to me!
I'll let you see it when I'm done.
"Sayonara Itsuka?. "
Why prepare for "goodbye" ?.
What's the point of writing this poem?.
I want to see you off at the airport...
Weren't you preparing for "goodbye"?.
That's 'just a poem', sir.
I'll be all alone for three months.
What am I going to do?.
What else?. You'll wait for me.
Wait, wait.
Stop, stop.
Shall I not go?.
Koseinen, what a big lie!
A koseinen should behave.
We made a promise.
To wait until our honeymoon.
I can't wait.
Therefore, we have decided to expand...
Eastern Airlines's flights to Southeast Asia.
Kuala Lumpur,
and Bangkok.
One of these four airports
will become our Southeast Asian hub
and the focal point of our regional expansion.
In other words,
whether we remain as the Bangkok branch,
or become Southeast Asia headquarters
lies solely on our results.
This is a good opportunity.
So let's keep it up.
I have a suggestion.
What is it?.
What is it this time?.
Go on.
Tell me, why is our gate
stuck in a corner out of everybody's sight?.
Why can't we be next to Pan Am?.
Why can't we be right at the center of attention,
like Air France?.
What's your point?.
We should move.
Can it be done?.
Why not?.
Come on. How could we possibly pull that off?.
You think you can do it?.
"Mai pen rai." (no problem)
Wow... She's beautiful!
I look much better.
How nice.
I'm so jealous.
Did you set the date?.
Congratulations! Cheers!
Here's to the groom!
Alright everyone, listen, effective immediately,
Yutaka Higashigaito is officially expelled
from the Japanese Bachelors' Association.
What are you talking about?.
I still have a few months left.
You'll play it like a bachelor
until your fiance shows up?.
I don't believe it. You greedy bastard.
Did you see that?.
That smile...
stole all my girls since high school...
Three months, can you wait?.
Of course.
I love her.
Did you hear that?.
All my ladies fell for that shit!
Your "ladies"?.
Just because a girl is hot doesn't mean
she's your "lady."
Why isn't she coming?.
My lady.
There he goes again.
Let's see how long it lasts.
It was always over before you even got started.
She is different.
She's a goddess.
Words can't describe her.
When she walks by,
every man melts like piles of shit.
It's like Moses and the Red Sea,
like a parting sea, paving the path...
We must worship her.
Once she showed up without a bra...
There they were... Her nipples...
Her perky nipples...
They are a work of art.
It's crowded here.
Please, sit here.
Hey, how about an introduction?.
Th- this is Touko Manaka...
And this is... umm...
Hey, what was your name?.
Let's toast, cheers!
You don't mind beer?.
There's only foam.
Cheers! To a happy marriage!
Is someone getting married?.
He is.
Did you read the papers?.
The Americans are withdrawing.
What do you mean?.
Vietnam, don't you know?.
America lost.
So did Japan.
Finally, Eastern Airlines proudly brings to you
our special raffle for exclusive tour packages
Catherine, did you try out the strawberry shampoo
I got you from Japan?.
This is my friend, Yutaka.
Find a nice Japanese girl for him, yeah?.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
See?. Eastern Airlines is the best!
"Yutaka Higashigaito"
Number 7!
- Who is it?.
- Shut up.
She went down.
Mrs. Yamada.
I believe you know Mr Somnakul's wife.
Yes, I know her well.
I heard that the Japanese give up their lives
for their country, their company,
and their society?.
That is true.
That is Mr. Somnakul, the Prime Minister's
Secretary. And this is his wife.
He has only five minutes.
Why does a small airline like Eastern Airlines...
need a gate in the middle of Don Muang Airport?.
Because Eastern Airlines
will be the world's top airline.
By overcoming troubles and hardship...
bearing the crown of thorns?.
Ko-sei-nen! Ko-sei-nen!
You want me to bunt?.
Look at the score.
One down, bottom of the ninth.
A shot over the fence, and we go home.
With you, it's home run or fly-out.
Leave it to Kimura.
What's so hard about laying down a sacrifice bunt?.
All you have to do is stick your bat out.
Just move him to second.
I smashed it earlier.
And then two fly outs after that.
Kimura is clutch.
But he hasn't hit anything today.
Cause, you never gave him the chance.
Defer and ""Sacrifice.""
For the team.
The homerun ball.
I received a phone call
from Mr. Somnakul's office.
We're moving the gate.
Next to Pan Am.
Wow! Man, one homerun after another!
Everybody listen up!
Our gate will be moved to...
Yutaka Higashigaito.
Nice work.
Mr. President...
President Higashigaito...
Mr. Higashigaito.
Mr. Higashigaito.
Aren't you going to answer the phone?.
What, what?. Yes...
Sales and marketing, Higashigaito speaking.
Excuse me?. Who is this?.
Touko Manaka.
Shall we meet?.
Do you want to see me?.
The Oriental Hotel.
Somerset Maugham Suite.
Good Afternoon.
Sir, are you looking for Somerset Maugham Suite?.
I need to wash...
I like the smell of your sweat.
You want to know?. How I feel?.
It's like spotting the one-of-a-kind
Louis Vuitton bag,
when you were least expecting it.
You know?.
That you'll regret not getting your hands on it.
That's how I feel.
Mr. Louis Vuitton, what is your dream?.
My dream?.
I wanted to fly.
Always wanted to fly, ever since I was a kid.
Then why didn't you become a pilot?.
A pilot can only fly one plane at a time.
I want to fly thousands at once.
I want to cover the entire sky...
with my planes...
'The city of angels', the great city,
the eternal 'jewel city',
the impregnable city of God Indra,
the grand capital of the world endowed
with nine precious gems,
happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace
where reigns the reincarnated god,
a city given by Indra,
and built by Vishnukam".
That's the real name of Bangkok.
Why did you come to Thailand?.
To get promoted.
Why don't you ask me anything?.
You wouldn't answer anyway.
Ask me. I'll tell all.
Hurry up and ask.
Which is more?.
The number of shoes you own,
or the number of men you had?.
Tough question...
Where are you from?.
The hotel is your home?.
See?. You'd never tell me anyway.
There's no point.
Your fiance, is she pretty?.
No. Yes.
No. Yes?.
She's pretty.
How did you meet?.
It's a secret.
Do you like this car?.
When this car would roll down the streets,
girls in Germany just fell over right there.
Friedrich Geiger's best work.
independent coil spring suspension,
All were a first for its time.
Want me to buy it for you?.
I don't need it.
But I thought you liked it?.
I'll buy it with my own money if I want it.
Do you have the money?.
Still haven't lifted off.
The thousands of planes...
I want to meet her too.
You're crazy...
How did you meet?.
It was fate.
A matchmaker.
Is she pretty?.
She's gorgeous...
a 500K.
Is she nice?.
She's very nice...
She's an angel. An angel.
no, three...
no, wait, let's have as many kids as possible.
We'll make a baseball team.
Oh, no. How gross! I don't want that.
You don't like kids?.
Then why get married?.
I went to see dresses today with mother.
Don't get anything with a low neckline.
The other day... I kept calling you.
You weren't home yesterday either...
There's "just so much work to catch up
after coming back from Tokyo.
The VIPs from headquarters
are visiting all the time.
"At death,
some look back on being loved;
while some look back on having loved..."
I... finished the poem.
What poem?.
'Sayonara Itsuka.' Remember?.
Yes, of course, I remember.
So you finished it.
It took a while.
At the moment of death,
would you look back on being loved?.
Or having loved?.
I'm not gonna die.
We'll be done sooner or later.
There's no other way.
I have to marry Mitsuko.
There's no time left.
Just this once...
Why not?. Just once...
I'm a 'koseinen.'
Koseinen should behave.
This way.
That way,
This way!
Where are we going?.
Don't touch that!
At the moment of death,
will you look back on being loved
having loved?.
Being loved.
I thought you weren't going to answer
the phone again.
Why would I not answer?.
I'm talking to you right now.
Why are you so out of breath?.
Just wanted to say your name.
By the way, you have to take good care of my aunt.
Your aunt?.
Auntie Junko.
When did you say she's coming?.
How come you always forget everything I say?.
I'm sorry. I've just been so busy.
Auntie and uncle are there already.
Oh, really?.
Oh, my...
Did you book a restaurant yet?.
Yes. I'm taking them
to the best place in Thailand.
Of course.
Ah, I wish I could go, too.
Just wait a little longer.
I'll take you there, Touko.
Mitsuko! I'll take you, Mitsuko, okay?.
Play with me.
I have to go.
I have to go.
I have to go to work...
Please let me go...
Hurry, hurry.
Let's hurry now.
We have to be faster.
Let's go, let's go.
Can you hear me?.
This side, too.
Get some rest. Go home. Not feeling good, huh?.
Where's Mr. Sakurada?.
Boss is real pissed right now.
More pissed than when you hit that homerun.
You know, Thai malaria is a real scary thing.
My neighbor's grandfather's friend
also died from malaria.
Why is he pissed?.
You don't know, for real?.
How many times did you miss work last week?.
Come on, tell me.
Honestly, how did you get this gate?.
Hey, what was her name...
How is Touko doing?.
I don't know.
She dumped me.
I heard she found someone else.
What a bitch.
Hurry up, hurry up!
Mitsuko kept begging us to come and see you here.
We didn't mean to burden you.
I know you're a busy young man.
No, sir,
I've been wanting to meet you as well.
So I hear your father is a "judge?.
You know, Yutaka declined Mitsuko's parents' offer
and he's paying for the entire wedding.
Ah, if only our Hiroko
could find a fine koseinen like you.
You're very beautiful, ma'am.
Mitsuko looks so much like you.
Aha, men would stand in line for me,
back in the day.
As women grow older, they gain only two things:
wrinkles and delusions.
You will soon find out yourself.
Don't be silly.
Have you forgotten we are dining
with Mitsuko's future husband?.
I didn't say anything wrong.
When you and Mitsuko find the time,
come visit us in Singapore.
Yes, sir.
So how is the work at Eastern Airlines?.
Work is fine...
Delusions?. What do you mean, delusions?.
You're the delusional one.
You have more wrinkles too!
I love you.
Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Manaka.
Good evening, Mr. Manaka. Let's go.
You're wearing that outside?.
Why not?. It's pretty.
You're not wearing a bra.
Are you wearing panties?.
Is that something to brag about?.
Are you being jealous?.
do you love me?.
You do love me.
So Sakurada says,
when we move to the new building.
He'll give me a private office.
I tried to turn it down,
but he says it's for me, so...
It's crowded here.
Miss Touko, this way.
I've been waiting.
You look beautiful today.
I can't believe you said that!
So last time we were all drinking here,
Something huge suddenly flies this way.
Before I could see what it was,
it lands right on this guy's shoulder.
A giant cockroach!
And this guy, he shrieks like a girl
and somebody has to kill it, right?.
So the task fell to me.
And then, um, how did it go...
It's over. Everything's over.
What is over?.
Our love?.
You are nothing.
Nothing to me.
We were only fucking to say goodbye.
Forget it.
There's a whole lot I could say,
but I don't want to hurt you.
It's over anyway.
Hurt me. I don't care. Say it.
Don't follow me!
Don't follow me!
It's over.
It's over.
Hey, Higashigaito.
So the hotel guest was you.
You two in love or something?.
You know he has no money, right?.
Touko Manaka.
Sounds like the name of a fancy hotel...
Do you know what a hotel is?. Huh?.
Once you check out, that's it.
You know what happens after that?.
The next guest checks in.
When can I check in, huh?.
It's sad.
Koseinen is done.
Eat proper meals instead of noodles all the time.
Say you love me.
I'll tell you in two days.
Why in two days?.
Just because.
It'll be fun that way.
You know what?. Life is about waiting.
We wait for the bus,
we wait for the taxi, we wait for the paycheck...
All we do in life is wait.
Okay, I will wait.
Yes, wait.
Do you miss me?.
Of course I do.
Could you be with me forever?.
Of course.
Are you all right?.
Yes. All right.
You free tonight?.
What about tomorrow?.
This will do, won't it?.
Yes. It's very good.
Nice view.
Yes, sir.
Do you like it here?.
Yes, sir.
Our branch is on the way to becoming
Southeast Asia Headquarters.
And the bigwigs at Tokyo expect you to go far.
your private business is none of my concern,
but your indolence seems contagious.
It takes a lot of time
and effort to build success,
but it only takes an instant to fall.
A wise man...
does not lose sight of the road.
Mr. Manaka. She's very drunk.
Why do you call me "Mr. Manaka?. "
Sir, in this hotel, you are Mr. Manaka.
Do you want to hear a funny story?.
My ex-husband...
he's sitting over there.
That girl, I think she's prettier than me
Younger, too.
Can you do me a favor?.
Sit next to me.
I won't ask for a kiss.
I won't take your arm.
Why did you come?.
To put a period to it.
Our poem is finished now.
He's filthy rich.
All he has is money.
You're drunk.
I'll take you to your room.
Don't go.
You getting married or not?.
Of course, I am.
But no invitation for Suthep?.
Don't worry. I saved one "just for you.
What's the problem?.
That woman...
the more I meet that woman...
The more you meet...
I want to see her more.
I'm going crazy.
I want to see her right now.
It's killing me.
What kind of woman is she?. Can she cook?.
Then why see her?.
Don't know... I don't know...
Are you sick?.
Why is your voice so sullen?.
For what?.
Promised what?.
Of course I remember.
Who am I?.
I'm your future husband.
Why can't you trust me?.
What do you want to hear?.
What was that?.
Are you really not going to say it?.!
All right. Repeat after me.
Come on!
You'll be here soon. Wait a little longer.
What?. How can I wait two more weeks?.!
I hate you!
You can hate me, but you still have to wait.
It's late. I have to go.
So soon?.
Yes. I'm tired. I'm going.
I'm sorry.
Miss Touko Manaka?.
It's pleasure to meet you.
I am Mitsuko Tazusue.
"Higashigaito Yutaka / Tasuzue Mitsuko""
Would you like to join me for a walk?.
The weather is so nice.
One moment.
Would you like to take a picture?.
Isn't the sunlight beautiful?.
How do you think this place
will be for the honeymoon?.
My mother always told me,
a woman must wake up early
and fold her husband's clothes neatly
before he wakes up...
from the very first day as his wife...
Every year, my father invites this woman
to the cherry blossom festival.
Every year, he buys her a new, beautiful kimono.
But my mother wears the same old kimono
over and over again.
My mother's kimono is not fancy in any way.
But our family crest is embroidered
on that kimono.
The same kimono that's been passed on
from generation to generation.
We acknowledge that woman's existence,
but she doesn't stay in our minds.
In the end, it is my mother
who will be remembered.
Only my mother can be called Mrs. Tazusue.
Has Yutaka ever told you
he loves you?.
Today, I return to Tokyo.
The wedding is on November 9th.
I'd like to ask you a favor.
Please, disappear
by next Sunday,
one o'clock PM.
It's a funeral.
You are not wet any more
and I am not hard any more.
Aren't you tired of playing the Koseinen?.
You're not a woman to me anymore.
Do you understand?.
You fool.
Are your dreams that important?. You are a phony.
Like a lump of meat.
You're rotten. It smells.
You think you're so noble?.
No. That's why I search for noble things.
Go ahead. Live your noble life.
Good Luck.
Thank you.
I'm leaving anyway.
To New York, tomorrow morning.
Tonight is our last night anyway.
Do you understand?.
It's not fair.
fell in love with you and your dreams...
there is more than one path
to realizing your dreams.
Why are you crying?.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
As you are well aware
It took us 14 years to establish
our Southeast Asian network.
If we jettison JetAsia now
and try to create a new network
it will cost us more capital
and more time.
In this climate,
the era of budget airlines is over.
High energy costs
are squeezing out budget airlines.
JetAsia will soon become an enormous cash sink
and financial burden to our company
We need to sell
JetAsia immediately.
And give up Southeast Asia?.
What are you suggesting?.
We will enter an alliance with Thai Airways.
The exact conditions of the alliance
are detailed in the brief.
It is time to boldy cast aside JetAsia
and undergo restructuring.
If it is possible to secure this deal
according to the brief,
then we are optimistic about accepting
Vice President Higashigaito's proposal.
I will go to Bangkok
to close the deal immediately.
Tsuyoshi got the highest grades again
in the whole school.
It's tough to stay on top, isn't it?.
Wow, how do you know that?.
It's killing me.
Tsuyoshi, is there anything
your mother can do for you?.
Let's go see a movie, all together.
Shall we?.
Does he call?.
Yes. Very rarely.
Is he even eating well?.
You should go to bed, it's late.
How long has it been?.
I wonder what the Japanese Society ladies
have been up to...
Shall we go to Bangkok for our silver anniversary?.
I thought you hated the hot weather.
I did at that time...
Ah, I wish I could go with you...
Oh, you're staying at the Oriental.
Bangkok must've changed a lot, don't you think?.
Of course...
Time really flew by...
Is there something on my face?.
Hang your suits as soon as you get there.
Don't forget to spray water on them.
See you soon.
Please, take care. Be careful in the heat.
Nice to be alone for a change, huh?.
We already checked in.
What are your plans for dinner?.
Mr. Higashigaito?.
Please follow me this way, sir.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Sir, this is Touko Manaka, the VIP Manager.
I'm Touko Manaka.
It's our sincere pleasure to serve you
as our guest.
Mr. Higashigaito, we've prepared your room
at our prized and famous "Authors' Wing."
Please follow me this way, sir.
I apologize...
I don't know what to say.
I found out a week ago that you were coming...
I even prepared the words to say...
But I can't remember a thing...
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to startle you...
I missed you.
I missed you, too...
Tell me what you're thinking.
I'm "just a hotel employee" here.
Can't we talk like we used to?.
Every time I showed this room to guests,
I thought of you.
You've been waiting for me?.
The whole time.
I'd been to New York many many times.
I've looked for you everywhere,
hoping to run into you...
I missed you.
I missed you to death.
I knew we would eventually meet here,
if we were longing for each other.
And if I never saw you again,
I told myself that I would die here.
Thank you sir.
I have to go now.
Don't go.
Le Normandie.
Is that restaurant still here?.
I'll wait for you there.
The way of tea is not a mere ceremony.
It is a road that leads to truth...
Why am I sweating?. What's wrong with me?.
Because of me?.
Why did you wait?.
I tried to forget.
Why didn't you let me know?.
That you were here.
I don't know.
I don't know anything anymore.
My glasses are getting thicker,
My shoes are getting heavier...
My mind is becoming foggy.
All those years...
What have I done?.
You have accomplished many things.
You devoted yourself to your company,
to society, to your family.
A 'free spirit' can't last forever.
Look at me.
I haven't accomplished anything.
Buy an umbrella.
Remember?. You said something like that once.
When was it?.
Was it a letter?.
You're thinking too much.
Go to sleep.
The sun will be up soon.
These letters get smaller and smaller...
why do you want to sit in this chair?.
Because it looks splendid?.
"President: Yutaka Higashigaito"
Mr. Louis Vuitton, what is your dream?.
I wanted to fly.
Then why didn't you become a pilot?.
A pilot can only fly one plane at a time.
I want to fly thousands at once.
I want to cover... the entire sky...
with my planes...
Higashigaito Takeshi... is he here?.
Who are you?.
Does he... Iive here?.
I said, who are you?.
Takeshi, you know this guy?.
Tell him we're not interested
in a newspaper subscription.
I "just dropped by.
Don't you have anything to say to me?.
Call your mother often.
You came here to say that?.
I know you're upset with me.
I "just hope that you...
Why are you so damn uninspiring?.
Do you think the world marches to your beat?.
That everything moves to your notes?.
I vow to myself every day.
That I'll live to my own beat, my own notes.
The thing about me,
I have my dreams.
fell in love with you and your dreams...
there is more than one path
to realizing your dreams.
There is an old Mexican saying...
"The young man dreams of the future,"
"while the old man"
"reminisces his past..."
I have been dreaming,
And he told me to wake up from my dreams...
I want to dedicate this song
to a man who has lost his dreams
and now finds himself an old man.
""At the fork of two endless roads,""
"we seperated from the other."
""My hand, that once held yours,""
"aimlessly floats in the sky."
""Dear clouds, floating in the blue sky,""
""let her know that I am well...""
""Gonna take my road""
"I don't wanna look back""
""Gonna take my road""
"I don't wanna look back""
""I will keep walking,""
""because I believe that
we will somehow meet again."
At the fork of two endless roads, we...
Why don't you try that chair?.
What?. Why?.
Just sit.
Go ahead and sit.
Wow, this is pretty nice.
Feels different.
It's... softer than a woman's thigh.
Do you remember when I hit that home run,
ignoring Sakurada's orders to bunt?.
""The goodbye home run?. ""
Of course, I remember.
I'm bunting for you now.
I die....
and you advance.
Huh?. What are you talking about?.!
where are you going?. Yutaka!
Serve your new President well.
Hey... Yutaka!
This was supposed to be
a silver anniversary gift...
'Sayonara Itsuka'
"Higashigaito Mitsuko""
From Mitsuko
Sayonara Itsuka
"I shall look back on having loved..."
I'm looking for Touko Manaka.
Miss Manaka?.
She's staying at the Somerset Maugham Suite now.
I must meet Touko Manaka.
You cannot come in.
Tell her Yutaka's here.
One moment, please.
She says meet at the Suwanpul temple in one hour.
Do you want to go for a walk?.
I wanted to walk this street with you.
Why did you come here?.
I want to start over.
What do you want to start over?.
Don't give up.
Go back.
To where your wife is...
To where your family is waiting...
Go back.
I'll remember...
having loved you...
What shall we
do tomorrow?.
Let's think...
about it... tomorrow...
You came.
I was going to call you
but she asked me not to.
She said, "those who leave should do
so quietly..."
She had barely stayed alive
with the help of painkillers.
The hotel, in kindness, had accomodated her.
She stayed here for more of her last days.
...As she requested, her funeral was held
at the Suwanpul temple nearby the hotel
early this morning.
Her ashes were then sprinkled
in the Chao Phraya River.
"To live is to prepare for goodbye;
For loneliness is a friend
who will not betray.
Shiver not in the pouring love,
instead buy an umbrella;
Believe not in happiness,
even in the passions of love..."
"Confess not your love,
even if you would die for it.
For love is like a season;
It comes and goes to decorate life's boredom;
The moment you call it Love,
it melts away, an ice sculpture..."
Goodbye, Someday.
Happiness lasts not forever;
As Despair lasts not forever.
Some days, there is Goodbye;
some days, there is Hello.
At death,
some look back on being loved;
While some look back on having loved...
I shall look back on having loved..."
Mai pen rai!
I love you.
Was that so hard to say?.
You left before I had a chance
to say it...
Say it again.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.