Scanners II: The New Order (1991)

Hey, what the hell.
'Commander Forrester,
Gelson on line four, sir.'
- Listen, we've got another one.
- Are you sure?
He trashed an arcade full of video games
without touchin' 'em.
Two officers chased him into
the Ricks Brothers warehouse on 37th.
Keep this off the airwaves. I'm on my way.
'You got it.'
- Yeah.
- 'I think we found another one. Get ready.'
Shut up.
- Where is he?
- Inside, sir.
- Is he alone?
- Yes, sir.
Block up both ends of the street.
Leave me alone!
What are you looking at?
You're not allowed to look at me.
He's in there.
You hear him?
Hurry. Let's go.
- I brought Feck and Gruner.
- Scanners, are you sure?
Nembutal boosters.
We want him unharmed.
I don't want a scan war up there.
Relax, they're not going to try to scan him.
We'll just use tranquillizers.
Morning, Dr. Morse.
Hi, Doc.
Relax, Peter, you're amongst friends.
We understand you.
- Bullshit.
- My name is Dr. Morse.
My specialty is the study of scanners.
- Scanners...
- That's what you are, Peter.
- Scanner, huh?
- Mmm.
They called me worse names
in the nuthouse.
Well, they didn't understand you.
They said you were sick, didn't they?
Hmm? Well, you're not sick.
You're just very special, very talented.
What do you want with me, then?
I promise you one thing, Peter.
I won't send you back to the hospital.
- 'I asked you a question, Doctor.'
- 'I just want to help you.'
Liar, you want to use me like a guinea pig.
Stick wires in my head, control me.
The wires aren't to control. They're to help.
Give him the EPH-2.
There was no other way.
Drak was a perfectly potent scanner,
but you're going to turn him into
another EPH-2 junkie.
Now he's had a taste, he'll want more
and within six months he'll deteriorate.
Right now it's the only way
we can control them.
Within a year, he'll be worthless.
Look at this.
You've got them under control, all right,
but they're useless to me.
It's pathetic.
They're just dying drug addicts now.
I think Drak is strong enough.
A combination of EPH-2 and psychotropics,
we can get some miles out of him.
'Now the local scene.
It's a hazy day out there in the metro area,
'with a pollution index of 7.5.
'People with respiratory conditions
are advised to stay indoors.
'Police have no suspects
in the milk murderer tampering case.
'Two children died of strychnine poisoning.
'A third remains in critical condition.'
'And on the sports scene, there are rumors
coming out of New York...'
Mr. Kellum, you're late.
You missed all the fun.
And, as you saw,
there's a metal ring lodged in the stomach.
So let's proceed with the gastrontomy.
Here's the stomach.
Are you all right?
I'm don't feel very well.
What's the matter? Are you squeamish?
No. I've just been getting
these headaches lately.
At least you don't have canine encephalitis.
Look at this puppy. We'll probably put him to
sleep when they're finished experimenting.
There's a good boy.
You're gonna be OK.
Be a good boy and we'll get you out of here.
So I never asked you where you're from.
Bridge Falls, Vermont.
My er... parents have a farm out there.
Only been gone three weeks
and I already miss it.
- Don't you like the city?
- No. What's to like?
So much noise, noise and traffic.
Sometimes you can't even breathe.
- Too many people.
- Hi, Alice.
- Hi, Glen.
- Don't you have any friends in the city?
Not really.
Well, I'll be your friend, David.
Alice... Leonardo, like the artist.
Well, look, I ought to get back to the dorm,
cram for that pathology assignment.
Pathology? On a Friday night?
David, that's pathetic.
I mean, you gotta have some fun.
- At least that's what this doctor orders.
- But you're only a vet.
And not for four years,
but some remedies work across species.
So what species am I?
We can talk about it over dinner.
Italian food.
- Look, I'm behind. I've got to get back.
- You don't have to.
But what have you got to lose?
- Nothing, I guess.
- Great.
Why did you decide to become a vet?
I like animals.
I feel comfortable around them.
- Not like humans, liars and hypocrites.
- You're so right.
There are good sides to humans.
- I thought you were shy.
- Only with humans.
- So what am I?
- I'm not sure yet.
I guess I'll have to buy you a drink.
What do you want?
A draught.
A draught and a Pepsi.
Forget it.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to run out of there like that.
Oh, the migraines are just so bad lately.
'Mr. Montoya told us that you were
the price of doing business in this town.'
'You're right. I am the best lawyer in town.'
Not any more, Karman, baby.
So how can I help you?
We've got a pipeline for 50ks a month
straight from Peru.
Now, this is not our turf.
We need introductions.
Uh-huh, I see.
By the way, your introduction, Mr. Montoya,
just happens to have been
cremated two weeks ago.
Who the hell do you think
you're fucking with here?
Show these zombies the stairs.
What's the matter, counselor?
Little nosebleed. Maybe it's the blow.
Your mother's phone number.
That's sweet.
'Now I'll try and get
a few words from Commander Forrester.'
'This office used to belong
'to the most corrupt lawyer in the city,
Mr. Karman Lucret.
'Like you see here tonight, we'll need
surgeons who will rid society of his kind.
'Lucret put criminals back on the street.
Now he doesn't.'
You know... when my parents
brought me to this country,
they were looking for freedom, for security
and a chance for a better life.
All of this is now in danger.
If we are going to save the society,
we're gonna have to cure crime.
'We'll need new
and more powerful medicines.
'We'll need surgical procedures,
like you see here tonight.
'We need an entire new order in our society,
a coalition of political figures,
law-enforcement officers
and honest citizens.'
Good morning, Louise.
Who do you think you are, talking to
the press without my authorization?
- I apologize.
- Apologize to the Mayor.
There was smoke coming
out of her ears all morning
over that line of yours
about flaccid leadership.
What's this about this new order of yours?
It's just rhetoric, Chief.
The only new order around here is when
I investigate your so-called special unit.
Have a nice day, sir.
- How's everything?
- Not good.
Elaine, one of our female scanners,
just died. We're losing too many too fast.
The only functional scanners
we have left are Feck, Gruner and Drak.
I wouldn't call that functional.
He's got tremendous command of
his powers. He could bounce back.
He's a psychopath.
What we need is a clean scanner.
A virgin mind.
- Who is it?
- It's David.
Hi there. I was just about
to get dinner ready.
What's in the blanket?
- Oh, my God.
- He's all right. He's completely cured.
Hi there.
I told you, I have a way with animals.
- He's adorable.
- He's yours.
He seems to think so.
What are you going to call him?
- Fred?
- Uh-uh.
Trooper... cos he made it. He survived.
So... when's dinner going to be ready?
As soon as I get some pesto sauce.
Thanks. Come again.
- Want anything from downstairs?
- No, I'm OK.
And I need some milk and water.
Hang on, I need some milk.
- Sorry.
- What?
What kind of sicko would stick
strychnine in kids' milk?
- I hope they catch the bastard.
- Mm-hm.
Everybody freeze. Nobody move.
All you've got now!
Down! You, too, bitch!
- Quiet!
- You bastard!
You drop it or I'll decorate
the place with her brains.
- We're out of here, man. We're out of here.
- Let her go.
- What kind of crazy...
- David!
You tell me.
A beautiful, beautiful scanner.
I want him.
Excuse me.
You can see her now,
but just for five minutes.
- She's had a concussion.
- Thanks.
What happened?
It's all right. You're OK.
What about you?
I'm fine.
But in the store...
- What happened to that man?
- I don't know.
Yes, you do.
Ever since I was a little kid,
I've been able to do things.
What kind of things?
Sort of telepathic things, I guess.
I've never really understood it.
It's never been like this. I...
It's getting stronger.
I don't know what's happening to me.
I don't know if I can stop it.
Your time's up.
Hello, David.
My name is Commander Forrester.
I'm with the police.
What do you want?
You killed a man last night.
- I didn't touch him.
- I know you didn't.
That's what makes it so interesting,
don't you think?
Don't worry. You're not in trouble, David.
I came here as a friend, not to arrest you.
What happened last night is between us.
You see, I happen to understand
your problem.
And you may not know it,
but there are others like you.
You're not alone.
OK, we'll just focus this.
Good. Now, what we're doing
is measuring your PSI.
Your psychic energy waves.
Just keep still.
The migraines are more than headaches?
Your brain is like a radio receiver.
It picks up other people's PSI waves.
Their thoughts.
Their rage.
All those voices.
The sheer volume of the telepathic input
causes severe pressure.
However, a few, such as yourself,
are also senders.
You can project your thoughts
into the world.
Why? Why am I like this?
Probably because of your mother.
Back in the '50s and '60s, there was
an experimental drug called Ephemerol
prescribed to a sizeable group
of pregnant women.
It was supposed to ease discomfort.
Instead, it caused an unusual birth defect.
It created scanners.
Can I turn it off?
There is another drug, EPH-2.
It'll relieve the pressure.
Clear your mind, stop the headaches.
And it's very addictive.
The side effects can be devastating.
David, you don't want to take the drug,
under any circumstances.
But it's got so much stronger lately.
In the last month.
Probably because
you've never lived in a city before.
In the country, everything's quieter, simpler.
And the moral code is stronger.
The society is more stable.
We lose our sense of values here.
So my scanning ability
never had a chance to develop.
It was latent for the most part.
But subconsciously you knew how to use it.
Now, what we want to do here
is teach you to control your power,
so that you can use it
and protect yourself from overload.
I need to do that.
David, I'd like you to meet Peter Drak.
He's also a scanner.
So a new a lab rat?
He give you any of the magic potion yet?
Peter has had a particularly difficult time
dealing with his special talent.
- We're trying to help him.
- Yeah, they're lovely to me here.
Took me to Lewis's, bought me
some threads. Very snappy, huh?
Peter, you promised to cooperate.
Maybe if I had one more shot.
I need another shot.
You'll get one when we're finished.
Sorry, David.
"What pretty eyes you have," said the wolf.
Block his scan, David.
You can do it.
Excellent. Excellent.
Now, focus your scan.
Link up with his nervous system.
That's it. Gradually try to take control.
- I'm sorry...
- I'm gonna make you pay.
- Peter, Peter, that's enough.
- You ain't seen nothing yet.
You did very well, David.
I didn't mean to hurt him.
You protected yourself,
like you did at the store.
I killed that man.
It's terrible, I know. I've had to kill.
Just as you had to.
Now, listen, it was him or you.
Him or Alice, wasn't it?
I thought so.
If you have a power, a power like yours,
not to use it is the real crime.
Power obliges us, David.
Hey, get your ass over here!
One man over there
and a second man over by the door there.
And a third man out on the catwalk.
Even with all the security we've put on,
we haven't been able to find the milk killer.
Now, this kind of criminal
is very hard to catch, David.
I want you to help us.
Just walk around. Make eye contact.
And concentrate.
- What do you want?
- Your name is Ralph Cheney.
- Who are you?
- You've been working here 13 years.
You feel you should
have been made the manager.
You don't think that's fair.
Get the hell out of here.
That's why you injected
those milk cartons with strychnine.
Oh, those poor children.
- OK, I did it.
- Did what, Mr. Cheney?
Poisoned the milk, two containers.
- Oh! Oh!
- OK, enough, David, enough!
Take him away.
I don't get it.
I've been working with the police.
I'm the one who found him.
The milk murderer,
I'm the one who made him confess.
Are you serious?
By using my powers, I scanned the guy.
I used telepathy
to read his mind, see his thoughts.
I have this power. I was born with it.
I'm a scanner.
Don't worry. It's good.
I'm relieved.
All my life I've felt
there was something wrong with me.
I had this secret problem.
I felt ashamed, like I was a freak.
Now this Captain uh... Forrester
has shown me it's not a problem.
It's a gift.
- It's amazing.
- No, you're amazing.
I want to try something.
God, what are you doing to me?
Time is up.
- Don't stop.
- Don't worry.
You're under arrest.
Get down on the floor.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
I've got a better idea.
I'll stay here. You stay there.
Now, open your mouth.
Put the gun under your tongue.
Good, Mitchie.
Now, pull the trigger-wigger.
I said pull it.
Good morning, David.
I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need you
to come with me right now.
I'll be waiting for you.
We're all awaiting
the arrival of Mayor Franzone,
who will be confirming the apparent suicide
of Chief of Police Mitchel Stokes
and announcing an acting chief
as his immediate successor.
Sources close to the Mayor have confirmed
that her choice is Vice Chief Norman Yancy.
That man Yancy, he's soft,
against everything we discussed.
- But how do I know?
- He's not a leader.
Under him, the city will get sicker,
probably die.
David, cities die sometimes.
Do you know that?
New York's already dead. Los Angeles...
- I need you now.
- What do you want me to do?
Scan the Mayor.
Let's go. Come on.
Sit in there.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mayor Franzone.
This isn't right. She was elected.
David, if we don't do it, nobody will.
We did all right at the dairy
the other day, didn't we?
- I deeply mourn...
- Trust me.
...the death of my dear friend
Chief Mitchel Stokes.
We are shocked and grieved
by his sudden departure.
Because of the crucial nature
of the vacant post
- and the present circumstances of the city...
- Do it.
...l, as Mayor, believe it necessary to appoint
an acting chief of police without delay.
Do it, David.
Therefore, I...
I am naming an interim successor...
Let me introduce
our Acting Chief of Police...
John Forrester.
Thank you, Ms Mayor. I'm truly honored.
The other night I said
this city needed a new order.
Well, now the Mayor, in her wisdom,
has given me a chance to provide it.
And I thank her.
I give the people of this city my word,
I will begin a new order.
A new war against crime in our city.
I'm going to begin
by giving the streets back to the people...
- So you passed the big test, huh?
- Out of my way.
He said he'd get you to do it,
but I didn't believe it. He's good.
Forrester's good.
Have you ever scanned Forrester?
Better than a splatter film.
You know how his new order works?
They use scanners to control the society.
- You're crazy.
- Maybe I am, but doesn't mean I'm wrong.
You don't believe me? Check out
the scanners in Morse's basement.
Cos if you don't work out for them, baby,
that's your next address.
Aren't you going to tell me
what's the matter?
Forrester's the new Chief of Police.
I made it happen.
Drak's a psycho case.
I know so much of it could be true,
but... I have to find out...
cos if there is something else going on...
How are you going to know?
I have to go over to the institute.
See for myself.
You don't know what
you could be walking into.
I can protect myself.
'Commander John Forrester.'
'Mayor Franzone
was unavailable to comment
'concerning the unexpected appointment,
'but her office did confirm that
John Forrester would likely be replaced
'by her permanent selection
for Chief of Police.'
That's what she thinks.
See what a clean scanner can do?
It worked out OK this time, but I don't
know how long we can control him.
Never mind. Leave David to me.
We have a special relationship.
I wouldn't be too sure of that.
Ah. Come in. Come in.
David, is there something wrong?
Uh... you're upset
about what happened today.
I admit it was uh... unorthodox.
That's right.
I want to find out what's really going on.
Now, David, stop it. I have nothing to hide.
Oh, God.
It's true.
Look at you.
Enough, asshole.
Now, David, two things to remember.
First, never question my authority.
And second, never, ever scan me.
It won't work, your new order.
- Why not?
- Cos I won't let it.
Damn you!
Gelson, David Kellum's loose.
I want him back... alive.
- David.
- No... no, I won't let them hurt you.
- Well, what's the matter?
- I'm going home.
- Home.
- David?
Sorry to wake you, Miss Leonardo.
I'm Lieutenant Gelson.
This is my colleague Mr. Drak.
We're looking for David Kellum and believe
you know his present whereabouts.
No... I have no idea.
Are you sure about that, now?
It's OK. We're finished here now.
Sorry to bother you, miss.
George! George!
Ma, when you were pregnant with me,
you took a drug called Ephemerol.
- What are you talking about?
- Ephemerol caused a birth defect.
Birth defect?
Quit treating me like a child.
Just tell me the truth.
The truth? About what?
Why you kept me away from the other kids.
How I could get straight A's
in school without trying.
The truth about my being a scanner.
You know what that word means, don't you?
Well... there was always something
very different about you, David.
We're not really your parents, David.
- I'm adopted?
- Eventually we adopted you. Yeah.
Who are my real parents?
Your mother's name was Kim Obrist.
And your father was
a man called Cameron Vale.
No one knows
what really happened to them.
I'm afraid they're both dead.
They died when you were still a baby.
My parents... were they scanners?
Yeah, they used that word. It was a long
time before we realized what it meant.
Why did they give me away?
They didn't. They asked us to watch over
you for a few months, until it was safe.
They told us their lives were in danger.
Obviously, they were right.
My name's Gelson.
I'm a friend of your son David.
- Is he here?
- No. No, he isn't.
- When do you expect him back?
- Around Christmas time.
You think I'm stupid, don't you, old man?
You and your friend
are going to have to leave.
- Sure, sure.
- This is private property.
I understand.
- Who are they?
- They're looking for David.
Go upstairs, call Sheriff Johnson and hurry.
- Who are they?
- Hurry, hurry!
I thought I told you...
'District Sheriff's office.
Deputy Berry speaking.
'Hello? Hello?
'Sheriff's office,
is there anyone there? Hello?'
'Hey, what the hell's going on there?
Speak to me!'
Sorry. She can't talk right now.
Upstairs. Help her. Upstairs.
- How is he?
- Hurry!
Here, let me.
It's gonna be OK.
I won't let you go!
All right. He's coming back.
'You don't have to speak.
I can hear your thoughts.
'I need you, Father.'
'You're all I've got left.'
'No, David. You have someone else.'
- 'What?'
- 'An older sister.
'Her name is... Julie.
'She lives up north.
'Lake Washeneska.'
- 'Hello?'
- Hi, it's me.
David, don't say anything.
The police are watching me.
- They came for you.
- They killed my mother.
I... just called to make sure you're OK.
- They're probably listening, so I gotta go.
- David, I love you.
I love you, too.
'God, you look so much like Father.'
When I left the hospital,
he was going to make it.
What do they want from me?
To control you. To use you.
I'm not a thing, a tool.
To them, you are.
Everyone is. It was
the same with Mom and Dad.
Your real mom and dad.
They were talking to other scanners,
bringing them together.
Discussing what they should do
with their... powers.
There are some people who wanted
to use them and you can imagine how.
Mom and Dad opposed that.
So they killed them.
This... gift...
makes our lives impossible.
It's why I came up here.
Eight years.
I'll never go back.
Aren't you lonely?
I had a boyfriend back there.
My fianc.
Don't scan me.
I don't like it. Ask and I'll tell you.
Yes, Walter was a scanner.
That's what you wanted to know, right?
I still think about him all the time.
Being with another scanner, was that...
It was easier in a way.
Things you didn't have to explain.
But Walter was worried
about what to do with his power.
So he entered a programme
and they gave him a new drug.
EPH-1. It was eight years ago.
- Morse.
- And Forrester.
He's the one who killed Dad.
I tried to get Walter away,
but he was addicted.
One day... he disappeared.
And the cops came after me.
I had to kill two of them.
- Someone has to stop them.
- Don't even try.
They're animals, David.
Let them destroy each other.
- They're human.
- But we're not.
Not really.
I love a girl back there.
A normal girl?
You poor boy.
It won't work.
- I have to try.
- David, I've been through it.
I do, too.
Sorry, Miss Leonardo, but orders are
to keep you here until this is cleared up.
If you need anything,
we'll be glad to get it for you.
- Just one more question.
- Make it fast.
Lately you've been putting yourself
more in the public eye.
Clearly you've become an advocate
for change in our society.
What's the question?
Well, would it be fair to assume that
you're considering running for mayor?
Well, you know, Kerry, the voters are looking
for someone to keep this city under control,
so... well, if the people need me...
yes, I'll run.
- Excuse me.
- Cut.
'The forecast, cloudy skies.
We can expect up to an inch of snow...'
'... Mayor Franzone's
dismal failure to halt crime in our city.
'Acting Police Chief Forrester intends
to challenge the Mayor in the election.
'Furthermore, a news radio poll has
revealed that of 100 sampled voters,
'more than half would vote for Chief
Forrester if the election were held today.'
Oh, excuse me.
- Excuse me, sir.
- I'm gonna win this election.
- No doubt, sir.
- And you know what that means?
What, sir?
That you are going to be
the next Chief of Police.
But only if you find David Kellum.
I don't care if you have to use every man
in this department, but just bring him back,
dead or alive.
Funny you should mention him.
We just spotted him.
- Where?
- He's parked right outside City Hall.
Friday, two o'clock.
Perfect, thank you. Bye-bye.
Pardon me, ma'am, a gentleman to see you.
I told you not to disturb me.
It's about Chief Forrester.
He says it's important.
- Who are you?
- Please, just sit down and listen.
My name is David Kellum.
I know you didn't mean to appoint
Forrester as Chief of Police.
How do you know that?
Because I made you do it.
I was born with a kind of... telepathic ability.
I used it on you.
There are others like me.
Forrester has forced
some of us to work for him.
They call us scanners.
- Please, Mr. Kellum, don't make...
- Don't make you laugh.
I can make you laugh. I can make you cry.
I can make you do anything.
Have a cigarette.
I don't smoke.
Those are just for...
Tell me more about this.
- Forrester.
- 'It's Gelson. I found Kellum.
'He's at the Mayor's house. I can see them
through the window. They're talking.'
You know what to do.
Using scanners,
Forrester can control anyone.
Unless we stop him now.
- 'Internal Affairs.'
- This is Mayor Franzone.
I need to speak with the Assistant Director
right now. Tell him...
Oh, my God.
There he is! Fire!
Find him and call me.
Don't let anyone through.
'There's been a shooting
at the Mayor's house.
'Our news reporter is rushing to the scene.'
- We got him.
- Take good care of him.
Hey, Davie, time for a little one on one.
We're both scanners, Drak.
Why help them?
They're going to use you and throw
you away. You know it. You told me.
And what are you gonna do, Dave,
be my best friend?
We can work together, all of us!
No! Protect each other!
Put our powers to some decent use.
I like this use.
Power doesn't make you good, Dave.
It just makes you powerful.
And it makes me hungry.
I'm gonna suck you dry, pretty boy.
Hurry up! Get in!
'... a few minutes later and Police Lieutenant
Gelson took charge of the operation.
'Before the police intervened,
shots were fired inside the house.
'The Mayor was declared dead
on arrival at the hospital
'and police confirmed that she died
of a gunshot wound to the head.
'David Kellum, the man sought
for the murder of Mayor Franzone,
'is a mental patient who recently escaped
from the hospital where he is being treated.'
Smells good. What's cooking?
- Want some?
- Yeah, sure. Why not?
That's the same place, all right.
I'm pretty sure one of those guards is
a scanner. How am I going to get past him?
Just before he died...
Dad taught me a trick.
We practiced it a few times.
If I can remember... how.
Show me.
Look into my eyes and do as I say.
Scan me.
No, lighter.
If you want to slip into my mind, go gently.
Keep trying.
That's better.
Now, get... behind... my eyes.
And look out.
- You just turned into me.
- Because you're looking through my eyes.
My eyes...
- It's Gelson.
- Let's use him.
- You see?
- Yes.
Lieutenant, is something the matter?
I'm fine. Just open the gate.
Lighten up.
Pull back.
He doesn't even know we're there.
Relax your control.
Let him go on with his business.
Let's take over.
Look around.
Remember the code.
The scanners.
Or what's left of them.
Oh, God.
He's alive.
Gelson, you're not supposed to be in here.
I thought I heard something.
I've waited eight years for this.
Oh. Argh!
Let's give the doctor
a taste of his own medicine.
There's someone else.
Knock, knock.
Is that you in there, Davie?
This is fun.
It's like playing with a puppet.
Ah! Argh!
Did you get 'em?
Look, I haven't seen anything up here.
It's all right.
It'll wear off. Just give it time.
Go help Walter.
I'll be fine.
Sir, we have to leave. I've arranged
an interview before the reception.
'Excuse me, sir.
There's been an emergency.'
What's the matter, got a little nosebleed?
Not bad, pretty boy.
Your name's Walter.
- Who are you?
- My name's David Kellum.
My sister's Julie. Julie Vale, remember?
She's waiting upstairs.
We came to help you.
All of you!
You're killing yourselves here!
You have to get out.
Nobody is going anywhere.
This is the big feed.
I'll finish you now.
Like I did your loving mother.
You bastard.
Bye-bye, cutie.
- No!
- Get out of my way!
Find them.
This can't be.
Don't move.
Turn that camera off!
- You're not going to talk to anybody.
- What's going on here, Chief Forrester?
For security reasons,
you have to clear the area.
Have you been using
psychics called scanners?
There are no scanners. It's a myth.
- Chief Forrester...
- I'm sorry. You all have to leave.
What is your response to allegations
that you have deliberately...
that you have deliberately assassinated
criminals to gain popularity?
Nonsense. We've just captured
the Mayor's assassin inside this building.
His name is David Kellum.
But we have just learned that David Kellum
is not an escaped mental patient.
He may be a scanner.
What is your comment?
Kellum's a maniac
and there's no such thing as a scanner.
You're a liar.
Are you trying to tell us that David Kellum
is responsible for all this violence?
Of course not. Kellum had accomplices,
drug addicts. They're all inside.
Why don't you just tell the truth?
That girl is one of them. Arrest her.
Urgh, no! No, it's not true!
Come on. Stop it. Can't get away.
Stop it, stop it...
Stop it!
All right, I'll say it.
Everything. I...
I only had to do it to save the order!
The new order, the future!
What did you have to do, sir?
I ordered Chief Stokes killed!
The Mayor and... and... and...
You should come with us, sir.
I only did it to save the society.
No pictures!
No more killing.
We didn't want this. We mean you no harm.
We're just here to help.