Scanners III: The Takeover (1992)

You know what they say? The minute they
look at you, bingo, they can read your mind.
- You fall for that stuff?
- I'm telling you!
So this is where you've
been hiding. Everybody's upstairs.
Anyway, so, as I was telling you,
I met this psychic...
Well, if it isn't my favorite
sister and brother act.
- Glad you could make it.
- So am I.
You know me. Regular party animal.
So is Dad here yet?
When I left the office
he said he'd be here in 20 minutes.
- That was two hours ago.
- He can spend an entire holiday in the lab.
Uh... I guess I'm off to mingle.
Come here, I got something for you.
Oh, wait, wait.
Merry Christmas.
It's beautiful.
- Put it on.
- Help me.
- I bet you believe in Santa too.
- Give me a break.
No, but it's true. This cousin of mine,
he knows a guy that was scanned by one
of them at a convention in Des Moines.
- You guys are talking scanners?
- We're talking science fiction.
Oh, yeah? Hey, Alex!
- What's up, buddy?
- These guys don't believe in scanners.
Oh, yeah? Well, they're right.
Don't mind Santa,
he gets a little crazy this time of year.
Alex, make believers out of these guys.
Come on, give me a break,
it's Christmas Eve.
Party pooper.
That's it. Come on, now,
give me one of those.
You know, come on now.
Let's show these guys.
- You're not gonna leave me alone, Taylor.
- Do it.
- You ready?
- Come on, I'm ready.
All right. Hold on to your beard.
You can do better than that.
Man, this guy's incredible.
Come on.
Like I told you, these guys are fantastic.
Look, Mommy.
'Even if I was declared not guilty
for what they called an accident,
'I had no choice but to leave.
'I couldn't face my friends, or Joyce.
'And I couldn't face the man that adopted
me and my friend Helena,
'taking us out of that horrible
scanners institution.
'I had to find a way to master my powers.
'I went around the world
'and finally found a place,
'a monastery in Thailand.'
I can't believe you talked
a Polish girl into lingerie.
- I thought it was just for hookers.
- Come on, Helena.
It's the '90s. We're women, we're strong,
and we can do whatever we want.
Where am I supposed to wear it?
Under your clothes.
To work, anywhere you feel like it.
Just imagine you and your new boss,
the takeover king.
Mark Dragon. Maybe you two could hit it off -
takeover king meets makeover queen.
Sounds like a match made in heaven.
Unfortunately, I'm not interested.
I know it sounds crazy.
It's been almost two years
but even after all this time
I'm still hung up on Alex.
Helena, are you all right?
No, not again...
These damn migraines.
Any time I get in a crowd
or any pressure situation, I get paralyzed.
No wonder I can't hold a job.
How am I supposed to?
Let's get you home.
I know a short cut back to the car.
This is what always happens
when I forget my pills.
Shouldn't you take them every day?
Yes, but they make me stupid like
a sleepwalker. Almost anything is better.
Let's get out of here.
Well, well, well, what have we got here?
Two uptown babes walking down my street.
Whatever you're doing
is none of our business so just let us go.
Didn't you know
it was dangerous in this part of town?
You don't want to do this,
you'll just get into trouble.
Thanks for the warning.
But we're not the ones in trouble - you are.
Run, Helena!
OK, suck on this.
I think we'd better get out of here.
I haven't scanned anyone
since I was 12 years old.
It was pretty amazing.
I just didn't know I had it in me.
- I knew Alex could do that, but you?
- Just don't tell Father. Please.
Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.
Darling, are you all right?
I have a headache, Dad.
So you were with Joyce.
I just saw her leaving. Hardly recognized her
without her lab coat and clipboard.
Take one of these, try to relax.
You know I hate those pills.
I don't want to get your hopes up but...
I have something.
Something which could change your life,
and every other scanner.
That, my darling, is EPH-3,
a new delivery system.
Electronically charged skin patches.
You wear it behind the ear and the drug is
absorbed into the bloodstream.
One patch should last 24 hours.
And you think it'll stop the pain?
And the voices?
I certainly hope so. We've done everything
possible to purify the compound.
When can I try it?
As soon as I've finished testing.
I hope it's soon cos I can't stand those pills
any longer.
They stop the pain, but everything else too.
We don't know,
if any, what the side effects are.
As you know, there's no such thing
as scanner lab rats.
Let me work with you on it. I understand
the problem better than anyone.
I can be your personal control group.
We've been through this before.
Who are you going to test it on?
I've found two terminally ill scanners
who will volunteer.
They're at Baumann Clinic.
You're working with Dr. Baumann again?
That pervert.
It's the only clinic for scanners in the region.
I don't want anything to do with EPH-3
if that sadist is going to be involved.
Helena, be reasonable.
I'm sorry, Dad, I just have
so much work to do.
- I'm meeting tomorrow with ASN.
- I know. Get some rest.
Go on. You can catch up in the morning.
No, stop, please!
The subject demonstrated pain responses
which require further examination.
Quiet, Helena! It doesn't hurt that much!
No, please don't!
Oww! Stop, please.
No, no, no...
'No, stop!'
Oh, you stupid creature.
- Well, if it isn't my gorgeous goddaughter.
- Well, if it isn't our expensive attorney.
- How do you feel this morning, Helena?
- Like pure electricity.
Well, that's a change.
Yes, it certainly is.
So I hear you're taking the world by storm
with Mark Dragon.
- They haven't seen anything yet.
- Oh.
Aren't we the confident one these days?
Thanks to Daddy dear.
Have a good day!
What's with her?
I'm not sure. She's been a little...
- flighty lately.
- I see.
So why don't you bring her
into the business?
I'm not convinced she's ready.
Oh, you're right.
It's Alex. I just feel he should have
something to come home to.
I guess when you adopt children
you always are afraid
that your hold on them is a little tenuous.
Elton... you've adopted them both.
I mean, they're both your children
and I think it's time that you faced the fact
that Alex might not be coming back.
So give her a chance.
It could make things easier for both of you.
I've lost Alex, Michael.
I don't want to lose her too.
ASN Broadcasting.
Satellite pickup in 15 countries.
Well... here's to
the new kid on the block, Helena.
I'm very flattered, Mr. Dragon.
I didn't know if you realized how much work
I put into the ASN deal.
Not you - me, Mark Dragon.
Takeover king. Your boss.
Oh, come on, Helena. People expect
my employees to do the courting.
And you do it very well.
But when it comes to the wedding,
they want me as the groom.
I am always the bridesmaid, never the bride.
It takes time, sweetie.
But if you play your cards right, you'll be fine.
And... what exactly am I doing here,
Mr. Dragon?
You're, um, window dressing.
Know what I mean?
Look who's here.
Mr. First World Bank himself.
You wanna be the big cheese one day?
Watch a master at work.
Mr. Crandall. What a surprise.
Mark Dragon.
- Mr. Dudswell and Mr. Bentley.
- Won't you join us?
- No, I'd hate to bust up your evening.
- Oh, not at all.
- We're just celebrating.
- Oh?
- Are you about to make an announcement?
- Yes. But not the kind you mean.
It's business. A little thing
called ASN Broadcasting.
- I just bought it.
- Oh, really?
How do you plan to finance this?
That's exactly what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Helena Monet, VP finance,
I'm very pleased to meet you.
Always a pleasure to meet a beautiful lady.
Where was I? Erm... Listen, honey,
go get us some more champagne, babe.
And one more thing, I...
gotta dance!
Look at that guy!
Don't take it personal.
You just fucked with the wrong person.
See ya.
Dr. Baumann.
No one's allowed in here.
Oh, don't worry, Doctor, I'll just take
a moment of your precious time.
Who are you? What do you want?
I guess for you I'm just a distant memory.
But where are your awards?
All those experiments and no recognition
from the psychiatric community.
What a pity.
I thought that your work with that little girl
from Poland was Nobel prize material.
What was her name?
Helena Loey.
That's right.
Dear little Helena.
Dear little Helena, my ass!
You were always a brat. And I can see now
that things haven't changed.
You know it's not polite to point.
Where did you get the idea
- that you could waltz in here...
- I said...
it's not polite to point.
The subject demonstrated pain responses
which could not be verified
without further examination.
- Still a photographer, though, I see.
- I...
I was just trying to help you.
There was no other way.
I guess I should have felt honored
being your favorite lab rat, but I didn't.
I felt like shit!
Now what do you say?
I'm sorry!
No, that's not it.
Look at the camera, Doctor. Come on.
Darn, I hate the way the flash
makes their eyes go red.
Hey, lady. Looking for someone?
Work, work, work.
You're starting to piss me off.
Oh, shit.
That too can be arranged.
Gotta get out of here.
Oh, I hope you're not going to shoot me
with that.
That's better. Now come here.
Yeah, that's it.
Just a little closer so we can
get to know each other better.
Did you ever play doctor
when you were a kid?
It was fun, wasn't it?
Do you want to play it now?
Open your mouth.
And now say, "Aah."
You could... You could be...
You could be in big trouble, lady.
It's OK, really.
I worked it all out ahead of time with...
... with Dr. Baumann.
Don't worry, I'm one of you.
An alumni of the hallowed halls
of Baumann Institute.
And guess what. It's graduation day.
You a scanner? Like us?
Not like you, not by a long shot.
You know those skull-crushing headaches
that make you feel like your brain's on fire
and that endless cacophony of voices
that runs on and on and on in your head
until you would gladly claw out
your own eyes with your bare hands
if it will only give you one single second
of blessed silence.
But you know what?
I got it licked. And so can you.
With EPH-3, the latest miracle
of neuropharmacological research.
I had a headache this big
but then I tried EPH-3
and it went away just like that.
So don't delay, get your free samples.
They're free now, while quantities last.
And then maybe, just maybe,
if you're willing to give it your all,
one hundred per cent,
you will not only win your freedom
but the opportunity to stand beside me,
tall and proud,
and say, "We are scanners.
"We do not belong on the bottom
of the dung heap. We belong on the top!"
We're going to go out there
and make those self-righteous normals
squirm like worms on hooks.
There will of course be a small price
for the second installment.
Do any of you remember a patient here
from about 15 years ago
named Alex Malone?
I know him!
You wanted to speak with me, Master?
Yes, Alex. I would like to speak with you.
Now, tell me,
you have been here a long time,
but why do you continue to stay here?
Because I don't belong in the outside world.
You don't belong here either.
This is not the place
for you to hide from yourself.
- Nor from your past.
- I wanted to go back, Master.
I tried everything but I can't find the answer,
a way to live with myself.
You have special powers.
You must choose whether to treat them
as a curse or a gift.
I killed my best friend
with my special power.
Instead of denying them,
you could do good with your powers.
There is a saying -
That means, "If you receive a boat as a gift,
"do not criticize the hull."
Who's there?
Helena? What are you doing?
I thought I'd throw a little party
to thank you for your magnificent gift.
You took EPH-3?
And it works wonderfully, Daddy.
You're a genius.
Are you insane?
Take it off, it's dangerous.
But I've never felt so marvelous.
- You've got to give me more.
- That's out of the question.
Why don't you come in and we'll discuss it?
Come out of there this instant!
Remember when you adopted us?
Two poor little orphans that no one wanted.
We were freaks.
You told us you wanted a little boy
to succeed you,
and a little girl of your very own.
But you didn't say what for.
That's why you didn't want me to work.
You wanted me all for yourself.
It's the drug!
- Take it off!
- All that pain,
and all this time...
you've had the answer.
Take it off!
Nothing personal, Daddy,
but with you around,
I'd never get control of your company.
Oh, Michael.
I got here as fast as I could.
What happened?
They say it was a heart attack.
Michael, I just saw him floating out there
and I tried to help him but...
I was too late.
What was he doing in the hot tub
at this hour? He hated that hot tub.
Michael, he's dead.
Mike, Dad's dead.
Of course I'll make
all the arrangements.
At least his will is in order.
As you know, I'm the executor,
so I can go over it with you in detail.
In a few days. There's no rush, don't worry.
And of course I'll have to contact Alex.
He has to make several decisions
about the company.
I don't think he can.
- Father tried to find him for a year.
- Yes.
Perhaps that's why Alex didn't want
to be found, not by his father at least.
- Michael, you...
- Don't get your hopes up. We'll see.
I've gotta make some calls.
And don't worry, please.
I'm taking care of everything.
Alex, hmm...
my dear...
beloved brother.
Your passport is due to expire
in less than a week.
I'm only gonna be here a couple of days.
Sorry, you cannot enter Thailand
without a passport valid for at least
six months after the day that you arrive.
Oh. Of course.
We'll make an exception in your case.
Enjoy your stay, sir.
Thank you.
Welcome to Thailand.
Yeah, right.
My master says...
we must accept death as karma.
But there's a long way
between theory and practice.
I cannot accept Father's death, Michael.
Been hard on all of us. You should
come back, it's been over a year.
No one blames you for what happened.
I never understood. Even if I hadn't...
Even if things hadn't turned out this way,
I still wouldn't have gone back.
Well, he was obsessed with having
an heir to the family business.
- I wish it had been Helena.
- It might be if you don't come back.
Don't get me wrong but there's something
strange about your father's death.
Alex, I didn't come here just to tell you
about your father.
It's Helena.
Something's happened to her.
Yes, I'm certain.
I saw the patch on her neck.
Why would she do that, Mike?
She was never the impulsive type.
She's changed, Alex. Not for the better.
What do you mean?
I can't put my finger on it, but it was as if she
resented the way your father treated her.
It's a long way from Baumann's clinic, huh?
My brother Alex is dead.
As you can imagine, the second blow
has affected me deeply.
However, because both my father
and my brother are now gone,
I have, through these tragic accidents,
been left in the position
of being my father's sole heir.
And after a great deal of soul searching,
I have decided to succeed him
as chairman and CEO
of Monet Pharmaceutical.
Well, we... we all share your grief,
Miss Monet.
And I believe that I can safely say
that we appreciate your desire to continue
your father's work.
However, a decision of this nature
must be brought to a vote.
I presume you have a candidate in mind.
Yes. I would like to nominate...
Miss Helena Monet.
My father was a brilliant scientist.
He was a great humanitarian.
But, as many of you no doubt realize,
he was not an aggressive businessman.
He was content to simply maintain
corporate stature of Monet Pharmaceutical.
I am not.
So here is the game plan.
annihilation of MPI's competitors
in the pharmaceutical field. Second...
strategic diversification and expansion
into new areas. Third...
total domination of all new markets
and territories.
Things have changed around here, guys,
and it's gonna be a bumpy ride,
so if you want to bail out, bail out now.
'I know you are traumatized
'but there is evil in this world
'that not even a stoic can ignore,
'and we must face the conflict
between such evil
'and its opposite, good.
'We must have criteria for deciding
what in any situation is good,
'what is evil.
'You will find the fulcrum in your heart.
'Now go deep inside yourself.
'Use the long breath method.'
'Now that you can control your breath,
'you learn to control your heart.'
Hi. How are you?
Listen, Joyce, uh...
I have a question.
Before Father's heart attack, he was
working on a new formula, EPH-3.
- You know about it?
- Mm-hm, a little.
- Because I want to go into production.
- Helena, that's impossible.
Your father was making progress
but it was still experimental.
That's OK, Joyce. I tried it myself.
Helena, how could you do that?
Anything could have happened to you.
I know, I know, but it works, Joyce.
It works beautifully. No negative side effects,
just a complete release from pain.
The problem is Dad only left a small supply
and I need more to keep going.
Especially if I'm going to run this company.
I can't do that, I don't have the formula.
Here. You have to do top to bottom analysis
and I want you to put it
into full-scale production immediately.
This is what Dad wanted.
It was his dream to make scanners' lives
bearable, to cure their pain.
We cannot let it be destroyed.
It's gonna take some time.
I'm so glad I have at least one friend here.
Thank you, Joyce.
You wanted to see me, Miss Monet?
- Yes. George, isn't it?
- Yes, Miss Monet.
Have a seat.
- I liked your presentation to the board.
- Thank you.
I want you to be my personal assistant.
Any problems?
- No, I'd be...
- Good.
I want all of the company's financial records,
an earnings report,
a list of our assets, particularly liquid
assets. I want it complete, and...
I want it in an hour. Got that?
Yes, Miss Monet.
One more thing.
- Do you have a girlfriend?
- Yes.
Ditch her.
You are going to be a very busy boy.
'You must be just so very excited.
'You've got a new rock video,
a new hairdo, I see.
'And, if my researchers haven't
screwed up again,
'a new man in your life.'
- 'Whoa, the new man in my life...'
- 'Tell us.'
Come on, Georgie boy,
use your imagination.
'Well, the video's coming out next week...'
Oh, yes.
That's much better.
'Oh, yes. That's much better.'
You're making me tingle all over.
'You're making me tingle all over.'
I didn't say that, did I?
'Better watch it, we're on live television!'
I need you so bad. I need you now.
'I need you so bad.
'I need you now.'
Let's make it with the naked nasty.
'Ooh, yeah.
'Let's make it with the naked nasty.'
'Please stand by. We are experiencing
technical difficulties.'
I hope you're not experiencing
any technical difficulties, George.
No, no, no, no. Just watch the TV, OK?
It works.
I've got a feeling
we'll be going network on this.
What's happening to the ASN stock?
You're supposed to be in charge of it.
Well, how the hell did it happen?
Well, tell him to stop selling, jerk-off!
I am the goddamn takeover king.
Nobody does this to me.
Find out who the hell's behind it
and find out now.
Helena. Who the hell let you in here?
Is that the way to greet
your favorite girl Friday?
What did you do? Slip a Mickey in my drink?
I actually slipped a Mickey...
into your life.
By the way, how am I doing?
You... You're behind this?
Let me tell you something.
You don't have a hope in hell
because I am gonna rip off your balls
and shove 'em down your throat.
- I don't have any balls, Mark.
- Goddamn right.
But by the look of things I do have ASN.
What was it again, 15 stations
in 54 countries or the other way round?
Over my dead body.
I knew you had a knack for business, Mark,
but wow,
that's brilliant.
What are you talking about?
What do you mean?
I mean...
how about a nice, cool dip in the old pool?
What, are you nuts? It's freez...
Now that you mention it... It's not such a bad idea.
Mark, Mark, Mark, this exhibitionist thing.
I start to worry about you.
Mmm, excellent form, Mark,
I must say, you do have balls.
Now hang on to them.
'Now that I think of it,
'it was 54 stations, 15 countries.'
'Exactly what I need for my next takeover.'
- Can I help you?
- Yes, I'm here to see Helena Monet.
- I'm her brother Alex.
- Just a moment.
Miss Monet's brother is here to see her.
- They'll just be a moment.
- Thank you.
You haven't changed.
You heard...
Yeah, I've heard.
- Michael told me.
- Michael?
When did you talk to him?
He's dead.
Oh, my God.
Not Michael.
What happened?
I've been over in Thailand, Helena.
Michael came to tell me about Dad.
He was attacked, no reason.
There was a scanner there
that I think was responsible.
- Something must have set him off.
- It wasn't like that.
It was deliberate, cold-blooded murder.
Why would anyone want to kill Michael?
I was hoping you'd be able to tell me.
I've been in a monastery for two years.
Suddenly Dad's dead, Michael's dead,
and you've taken over here.
And what's with the scan signal
- on the video, Helena?
- Oh, that.
- I was just playing around, Alex.
- Burning cigars?
Michael was concerned,
said you were taking a new drug.
'Miss Monet, your car's downstairs.'
Thank you, George, I'm on my way.
I'm sorry, I have a meeting
with our Japanese affiliates.
Look, er... there is a drug, it's true.
Dad invented it. It's for scanners.
Completely relieving their pain.
But I don't know what Michael was
talking about. It's a miracle drug.
Ask Joyce if you don't believe me.
Joyce is involved?
Yeah, she's up at Baumann. They're doing
wonderful things for scanners.
The place has changed so much.
Go and see for yourself.
I think Joyce would love to see you.
Dr. Baumann is unavailable.
May I take a message?
Uh-huh, yes. Thank you.
I can help you.
I'm looking for Joyce Stone.
Tell her it's Alex Monet.
Of course, sir.
If you'll just follow me.
I think you'll find what you're looking for...
right in here.
Uh... Miss...
- Suzy.
- Suzy.
Suzy, look, I don't think this is a good idea.
See, I, er...
I live in a monastery.
Well, this'll give you
something to think about
when you lay in bed.
Alone in the dark.
whatever it is you do.
- Where's Dr. Stone?
- She's been detained.
But I'm here to take care of your every need.
- Can you keep a secret?
- Yeah.
They're not real.
Well, well, well, well,
well, well, well, well, well.
What do we have here?
Boys, I think we've got us a rapist.
Oh, come on, Mitch, he was willing.
Not you, nimbo-bimbo.
- Him.
- Me?
- Hmm.
- What the hell's going on around here?
- And what?
- Well, let me explain.
This is the breakdown of the analysis
of the EPH-3 prototype.
Paraoxon hydrochloride, cyanocabalamin,
cupric oxide.
- I know that. And so?
- So nothing.
It's inert. You might as well
be taking vitamin pills, Helena.
You must have missed something.
We're running it through again
but I don't think so.
If there's anything I can do to help...
I know. I know.
I'll look through Dad's video tape.
See if I can find something there.
- Wake up now.
- Guard the door.
We're taking a little stroll
down memory lane.
Oh, come on, come on.
A taste of Baumann's laser therapy to
teach a guy to keep his hands off the staff.
Wake up, Romeo.
We wanna show you our new toy.
Quick, get around the back door.
Get in the bus!
Come on, come on,
the creep's getting away.
Faster! Faster!
I think I got him.
Can you swim?
Better safe than sorry. Go check.
What's happened to you?
I'm, uh... not sure you're gonna believe it.
I'm still not sure I do.
What is it?
I, uh...
I had to kill a man today.
I just got back this morning.
I wanted to see you
so I went out to Baumann.
Baumann? Why?
Cos Helena told me that you would be there.
But it was a trap.
She sent me out there deliberately.
A group of scanners attacked me.
- That's impossible.
She's your sister.
She's my best friend.
She's changed.
Can you tell me anything
about this new drug she's taking?
EPH-3? Your dad developed it.
Are you sure there's no side effects
to that drug?
I never saw the test results.
Helena said it herself. I believed her when
she told me there were no side effects.
But maybe there are.
The way she's been acting.
I think it's somehow blocked out
her conscience.
And with scanners, Joyce,
that can be a dangerous thing.
It's hard to explain but when a...
when a scanner loses control,
there are these forces,
strange feelings inside,
it's... it's almost like a rage.
It just builds and builds and builds
and builds inside you.
Is there, Alex?
Is that what you were afraid of?
Is that why you ran away?
'Exterior application
is necessitated.
'Now I have with me a rough prototype
skin patch which...
'Oh, shit.
' Pardon me for using
such highly technical language!'
'... which... Oh, shit.
' Pardon me for using
such highly technical language!'
'Uh, this is continuation of lab report
October... 17th 1990...'
Daddy... what have I done?
'In order to, uh... isolate...'
'... most important EPH-3,
'or as we call it "eff"-3,
'remains inactive
'until the electronic sensor is triggered
'by trace molecular elements found only
in scanner subjects.'
'Now I'm going to turn this off.'
- Alex?
- Mm-hm?
I've been thinking about
what you said about Helena.
- Mmm...
- Is that what you've been thinking about?
I'm gonna go down to the office
and see what I can find out.
Are you listening to me?
- No.
- No, I didn't think so.
Hi there.
Go! He's going around the other side!
I hate this bloody city.
I really hate this city.
Interesting reading?
It's nice to see my employees in
bright and early snooping through my office.
Speaking of eager beavers,
I hear you and Alex had
a very tender evening in.
- Helena, what have you done?
- You're such an innocent, such a prude.
I'll tell you what I've done,
I've come into my own.
I've finally gotten the power
I've always deserved.
By the way, while you were
making whoopee,
I was making history.
Yep. I cracked the code, Joyce.
Seems like poor old Dad
just forgot to mention
that the missing element
is only to be found
in bodily secretions...
of the scanners' metabolic type.
please, listen to me.
You've got to stop taking the drug.
The psychological side effects
could be devastating.
- You think so?
- Yes.
This isn't you, Helena, you're not normal.
You can say that again.
You're n-not normal.
That's better.
I wanted to get you between the sheets...
but this is ridiculous!
Oh, well.
Easy come, easy go.
Good night, sweet prince.
- Who are you?
- I'm, er...
Huh. Not too temporary...
I hope.
Uh, say...
after I've finished with my rounds...
I can't wait.
Neither can I.
'Now that you can
control your breath...'
'... you learn to control your heart.'
Jesus! We've got a code blue! Move it!
Don't just stand there. Prep him!
- Nothing.
- Let's try and jump-start the poor bastard.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Clear.
Ah, there's nothing, Doctor.
Mark the time and take him down
for an autopsy.
Mind if I use your phone?
Is it... is it a-a-a... a local call?
I've got total control over
Worldwide Satellite Network
and EPH-3 in full production.
Now let's go on the air
and take over the world.
Scanners are in control,
thanks to you, Joyce.
- My job was simple.
- By the way, how are you feeling?
I have never felt better, Helena.
That's good, because it's show time.
Come on, Joyce, answer the phone.
'He's fading back long,
and there's the pass.
'Oh, look at that!
He's cut down on the 45 yard line.'
Joyce Stone, I need to see her.
- I don't know where she is.
- Where did she take her?
- I don't know.
- 'Enjoy the game, Miss Monet.'
'The Unstoppable Force, this year's
highest points per game average,
'go head to head with Immovable Objects.
'And ASN is bringing all of the excitement
and action to an additional 25 countries.
'And now back to you, Jim.'
'Right, Miss Monet.
It's two and ten on the 45
'and there's the snap back... Ohhh!'
'And, Jim, I think I can guarantee
that our estimated 75 million viewers
'have a big thrill in store, right?'
'Right, Miss Monet.
Back to the playing field.'
'Third down with ten to go,
'and there's the snap.
'He's fading back for the pass.
'Oh, and he's going for it!
'Up to the 30! He could go all the way!'
'Like I said, Jim.
'A violent game.'
- Hey, man, what's going on?
- I don't know.
'There goes a doctor.'
'First, let's take another look
with ASN's iso-cam.
'Wow! Talk about special effects!'
'You will obey without hesitation
'my every command.'
'And you will serve,
united by a glorious common goal -
'beyond which there is no higher authority.
'Yes. Because, from this moment on,
'you are mine,
'body and soul,
'til death do us part!'
'Nothing can stop us now.
'Resistance is impossible.
'It is a new world order
'and we are in control.
Come on, Joyce, I gotta get you out of here.
That wouldn't be a very good idea, Alex.
Wouldn't want you to ruin everything
we've been working so hard for.
Get him!
Look, Joyce, I gotta go back.
Excuse me but nobody leaves
until after intermission!
So get your popcorn, back to your seats,
and get ready for act two.
You ready for the second act?
I'll give you the second act.
You meddlesome little twerp.
'Sweet, sweet revenge.
'A dish best served cold.'
But some like it hot.
And it's gonna get a hell of a lot hotter
before I'm through.
Give it a rest, Helena.
You always wanted to hog my glory,
didn't you?
I never wanted your glory, Helena.
I never did.
You pathetic weakling.
I didn't have any choice.
I had no choice, Joyce!
I had no choice, Joyce!
No, Helena!