Scare Campaign (2016)

I've been on some weird jobs
before, but nothing like this.
Yeah. We're a unique
little operation.
During busy periods, we absorb
the extra numbers down here.
Full moons tend
to be the worst.
Night, Suze.
We're what you might call
a spillover facility,
but most of the time
it's as quiet as the grave.
And this is the bag
and tag area.
So if you do get
a delivery tonight,
you just wheel them on
in here and the...
coroner's assistant will take
care of the rest in the morning.
Is this...
you know, occupied?
You scare easy, do you, George?
You do security,
you deal with scary situations
all the time.
It's what we do.
What about... ghosts?
Because a lot of people
get freaked out by this place.
Some talk about hearing stuff
in the middle of the night.
Seeing things move.
And, I mean,
it's an old place, right?
And old places tend to creak
a little bit.
Just like our guests here.
You mean rigor mortis?
Yeah. Your body does some weird
shit after you snuff it.
I've seen corpses
sit bolt upright.
You'd swear that they were
coming back to life.
Yeah, it was a bit too much
for the last guy
on the graveyard shift.
But the agency said
you're a tough nut,
so I'm guessing that you can
probably handle
a few little bumps
in the night.
This is the nerve centre.
Everything you need is in here.
Tea, coffee.
And I'm sure
this will come in handy.
I prefer to stay on watch.
Well, uh, if the meat wagon
does show up,
just press this one
to buzz them in.
And then give me a call...
if you do have any trouble.
But like I said...
quiet as the grave.
I'll buzz you in.
Are you alright?
Jesus! Fuck!
Come on! Come on!
- Hello?
- Listen.
I think we've got a bit of
a situation down here.
George? What is it?
There was a delivery. A girl.
She opened her fuckin' eyes.
You've got to believe me!
Just... just give me
a second, George.
I'm gonna log into the system.
George, are you there?
Look, maybe your imagination
is getting the better of you.
There's actually nothing
coming up here.
No! I just saw her.
She's coming for me, man!
I'm sure there's
some logical explanation for...
what's going on?
Are you there? George?
George, talk to me.
Great, Emmy.
Good. Keep it up.
Dick, stand by
on the demonic howling.
Standing by.
And cue.
Marcus, what's he doing?
He's got a fuckin' gun.
Ayako, get out of there
right now.
She can't hear you, Em.
She's off comms.
She's on her own.
- Em! Where are you...?
- Em! Em!
Fuck it,
that's my reveal ruined.
OK. Alright.
We're calling time, everyone.
- Tone, Suze.
- Yes, boss.
Yeah, I'll be down
in a minute.
We've still got to bring
this fucker home.
Roger that.
- Give me JD.
- Yep.
JD, sorry, buddy.
You're gonna have to save
that Carrie gag
- for another day.
- Are you serious?!
I made up three gallons
of my special recipe for this.
Well, that's showbiz, buddy.
- Earpiece.
- Ta.
Don't shoot! Stop! Don't!
Huh? What?
It's alright. He's a little
bit confused right now.
- She's not one of those...
- No.
She's just an underpaid actor,
like me.
Now, please, just...
Just give me the gun.
How did you get here so quick?
I've been here all along,
George, watching.
Please, just...
Just give me the gun before
things escalate any further.
It makes me feel safe.
Hey, hey, hey.
Looks like we got you
good there, big fella.
What's going on?
You get the piss stain?
- Oh, my God.
- Em?
It's OK. It's OK.
- You're safe now, OK?
- Em?
Scream for us, George.
You're on Scare Campaign.
- What?
- Yep. Yep, that's it.
- Straight down the barrel.
- I'm on TV?
I'm on TV!
I'm on that show!
I'm a celebrity!
You bet,
Georgie boy!
Now, smile for the cameras.
Give us a wave.
OK. Abigail.
How are you today?
Good, thanks.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Oh, am I looking
at the camera or at you?
Don't worry about that.
Let's just... you and me
can have a bit of a chat first
and then we'll get into it.
So... do you like
horror movies, Abby?
Fuck yeah. Who doesn't?
You don't get too scared?
Great. Great.
It's just because, you know,
it gets a bit intense
on-set sometimes.
The actors freak out more
than the stooge does.
It just sounds like
a shit-tonne of fun to me.
A shit-tonne of fun.
That's gr... I like you.
How about this one, hey?
Abby, could you scream for me?
What sort of scream
do you want?
That's a good scream.
That is a good scream, huh?
Yeah. Wasn't ready for that.
Em, this is Abby,
Scare Campaign's next
major scream queen.
You're gonna be a star,
young lady.
Don't take him
too seriously, Abby.
- I won't.
- Em's gonna take
good care of you.
Show you the ropes.
Suze, can we get her signed up
and down to wardrobe?
If you've got a minute, Dick
wants to show you something.
Ah, OK.
Hey, Abs.
Look forward to
creating TV history with you.
- You too.
- Congratulations!
- Marcus, I just...
- Yeah, walk and talk.
Yeah, what's up?
- Hey, boss!
- Yo.
A couple of looks
for the finale.
- Great.
- Bava.
Or... Blair.
Em, what do you reckon?
- You've done Blair to death.
- Yeah, you're right.
Bava, it is. Abby's gonna
look great in that get-up.
- Cool, cool. Abby?
- Our new ghost girl.
Massive horror nut.
You're gonna love her.
Marcus, I need to talk to you.
Vicki. Fuck.
Vicki! Hi. Lovely surprise.
Uh... in 10.
Yeah, why? What's it about?
Fuck, she's called a meeting.
OK, Dicko. What have we got?
Check it out.
I tried to get around the gun
best I could.
I resized some shots.
Threw in some sound effects.
Rumbling, echo.
Looks like
we got you good there.
Yeah, I mean,
it's not the prettiest cut,
but we can live with it.
Alright. Just hold on the tight
of the stooge at the end
and then bang into
the credits.
Marcus, I quit.
Uh, Dick,
Vicki called a meeting.
Why don't you go
let the others know?
Oh, thank God.
You're probably just going
to tear it up again, but here.
Let me guess...
last week was the final straw?
Yes. Yes, it was.
God, you always say
what I mean to say
before I get to say it.
Well, I am responsible
for your best lines.
I'm not in character
right now, Marcus.
Yes, you are.
You're always in character.
And today
you're playing the part
of a sensitive young actress
who's decided
she's too good for the crass,
though, let's face it, pretty
damn entertaining TV show
that's kept her fed
for the last three years.
No. I'm a concerned human being
who is worried
that one day we're gonna prank
the wrong guy.
Oh, come on, Em. You've got
nothing to worry about.
Nothing gets past me, alright?
Look, do you really think
I didn't know
about the stooge's gun?
- His toy gun?
- I don't know, Marcus.
Maybe you did,
maybe you didn't.
Come on.
We all know the best pranks
are the ones that go
a little bit off script.
You didn't need to go to
all this trouble, you know?
What do you mean?
If you want to break up
with me, just say it.
We broke up months ago!
No. Did we? But we...
There's been,
like, one or two lapses.
One or two?
I'm a bit conflicted
right now, Marcus,
but I mean it this time.
So we are done?
I... I am talking
about the show.
- You sure?
- Yes! And us.
God. I knew this would be hard.
Come on, Em.
You know I need you.
You're like Reville
to my Hitchcock.
I mean, slightly easier
on the eye,
but you know what I mean.
Look, we get the finale in
the can and the season's done.
Right? No more stooges,
no more surprises.
Then I give you my blessing
to return to the pulsating
world of community theatre.
Theatre in Education,
OK. So, this is it.
Glendale mental asylum.
Totally abandoned.
Completely secluded.
Production values galore.
You guys are going to love it.
What's the power
situation like?
Well, they shut it down
in the '90s.
Some parts are
still connected, but...
Look, technically,
it's a challenge,
but you're not gonna find
a creepier location, trust me.
Oh, she's coming.
Out of their
fucking minds!
I love this woman.
I fear her, but I love her.
In a sexual way.
Brace yourselves.
For good news. Good news.
- I'll take notes, shall I?
- Yeah.
- Morning, everyone.
- Morning, Vicki.
Just so you know,
flattery will get you
nowhere with us.
But don't let that
stop you from trying.
I'm not here
to stroke your ego.
Quite the contrary.
This should be fun.
I've got something
I want you all to see.
Is this a personal photo album
you want to share?
Get it out before 4chan
posts it.
Smart move.
We are watching.
We are recording.
Expect us.
A bit obvious.
But obvious works, I suppose.
Oh, yeah.
I've heard of these guys.
Some real deep web shit.
You'll all be aware of these
fake human sacrifice videos
that have been trending
the last week or two.
Total clickbait.
Adonai Satanicus.
Adonai Satanicus.
Oh, it's a rip-off. We did this
in season two, yeah?
Adonai Satanicus.
Super 8. I dig it.
It's a plug-in, Tone.
Prince of Darkness...
Jesus. Talk about amateur hour.
I know. But you won't believe
what happens next.
Open to us your domain!
What are you doing?
Get back in the circle.
Jesus. What the fuck was that?
What are you doing?
What the fuck is going on?
- No! Stop!
- Don't do that! No!
It's... It's just playing.
We're just mucking around.
Stop it.
We're not hurting anyone.
What are you doing?
Oh! Oh, Jesus!
I'm sorry,
but I think we've seen enough.
A couple of months ago,
it was just cruel pranks.
Harassing and humiliating the
homeless, that sort of thing.
Then they graduated
to torture, murder
and their numbers spiked.
They listened
to their audience.
And now each new video
is more brutal
and ambitious than the last.
This one was only posted
this morning.
So you're saying the future
of entertainment's snuff?
Well, that puts me
out of a gig, then.
Surely the authorities are
doing something about this.
The Masked Freaks
are a well-drilled,
well-resourced global network
of like-minded sickos.
It's proving very hard
to get a ping on them.
Whoa, wait a second.
You've tried contacting
these freaks?
You want to give them
a fuckin' show?
No, I don't, Marcus.
But the kids
are paying for this stuff.
Actually paying.
15 million subscribers
and growing by the day.
I don't think I like the
direction this is heading in.
Scare Campaign
has lost its edge.
Oh, no. Come on. We're still
killing it after five seasons.
I mean, our numbers are pretty
good last time I checked, yeah?
TV ratings?
Terrestrial's dying
a slow and painful death,
just like the old cunts
who are still watching it.
We need to adapt.
We need to be part
of the conversation
or we will lose serious
eyeballs to these guys.
on our doorstep, people.
It crept up on us while we were
looking the other way.
You've got one more ep
to prove you've still
got the goods.
One more episode?
You're saying you want that?
I'm saying
take it to the next level.
Make it feel real. Darker.
Give me something dangerous.
How you do that,
that's up to you.
We're only five days out
from the shoot.
That's gonna mean
a total rewrite. A new stooge.
You are the creatives,
aren't you?
Be creative.
We... are... fucked.
Guys, our stooge has
just crossed the bridge.
Showtime in 10 minutes.
You right?
Jeez, go easy on her, JD.
It's fine. Really.
I love this shit.
Yeah, see? She loves this shit.
Wow! You look
pretty damn scary.
Hey, team. How are we?
Oh, JD. That is fantastic.
Now, Abs, if I don't
see you before we roll,
just let yourself be great.
Abby, is there anything
we need to go over again?
Your cues?
No, I'm good. It's too easy.
Alright. Great. I'll be back
in a second, alright?
And hand.
Am I a fucking genius or what?
OK, Dick,
can we check the fluoros?
Marcus, we need to talk about
the stooge.
Yeah. Can we roll through
the sound cues, Dick?
- Rohan's going to be great.
- OK, I know.
I just don't want any surprises
this time, Marcus.
Dick, should I be concerned?
Seconds away.
Look, you've got nothing
to worry about, OK?
We're going to get gold
from this guy, trust me.
Now, all you have to do
is just stay in character
and enjoy yourself.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.
And you have enjoyed yourself
this week, haven't you?
Admit it. Just a little bit.
- Yeah?
- Yes. Yes. Yes, I have.
It's your swansong, Em.
I reckon we still make a pretty
great team, you and me.
But you don't mean creatively
this time.
No, no, Dick. No.
Remember, we...
I want to mix it across
eight channels down the hall.
I want him
totally immersed, OK?
I'm dancing
as fast as I can, Marcus.
He should throw
the echo filter on it too.
Yeah. That's good. That's good.
Dick, did you hear that?
Over here!
I'm over here now!
And now cue wind.
It's gonna be great!
I'll get my wig on.
How are we feeling, team?
This is going to be epic.
Bet your arse it is, Suzie.
Good, good.
Yeah, that's great.
Hey, who's this little fella?
I don't remember that one
being on the plan, Tone.
Yeah, just thought I'd rig
a few extra for you, boss.
- I know you love your options.
- Good man.
OK. This is it.
Let's break a leg, team!
Let's fuckin' snap it in two.
That's the spirit.
Tony Tone,
you have outdone yourself.
Alright. Looks like
we're all set here, Dicko.
Where's that stooge?
He's about five minutes away.
Roger that. Coming up.
Bring snacks!
What are you watching?
What are you watching?
Oh, you know, just the usual
angry teen bullshit.
Masked Freaks.
Hey, if something
goes wrong today,
I promise
I'll call time, alright?
Look, it's fine.
Marcus said, you know,
the best pranks
are the ones that go
a little off script.
He only says that because
nothing ever goes to script.
Shit! He's here!
OK, time to move, people.
First positions.
- See what I mean?
- Guys, sorry.
He must have
come up a different way.
OK, stay sharp.
We nail this guy
and season 6 is in the bag.
Abby, Abby, Abby. Earpiece.
He's pulling up.
You've got a minute, tops.
Let's go.
Uh, he's heading towards
the garden.
Suze, are you in position?
Standing by.
OK, watch your step, guys.
You ready? OK. Go, go, go.
Yes, we hope to bring it
all back to life eventually,
but... one thing at a time.
Sorry to have you out
so late in the day
- but we've had a number of...
- There used to be a...
a magnificent row
of rhododendron
running all along here.
How... How do you know that?
I planted them.
Oh, really?
Well, I'm Jennifer Agutter.
And you must be Rohan.
Pleased to meet you,
Miss Agutter.
Oh, yes.
Well, as the agency
would have mentioned,
we are a number
of months away
from opening
the children's therapy centre
but we will need
a groundskeeper soon,
as you can tell.
Fancy that, though,
you having worked here before.
What is it?
Damn it!
Where did she...
Where did she go?
There was a girl.
Is she a patient of yours?
There are no children here yet.
Shall we?
Uh, she's still got
her comms in.
Em, earpiece.
Just this way.
- Rohan?
- Hmm?
That's great, Abs.
Second position now.
Suzie, you're clear too.
Just through here.
Take a seat.
Frankly, Miss Agutter...
I've been dreading
coming back.
To be honest with you,
I had no clue that you
were previously employed here.
A little glitch in the system,
but never mind.
This was home... for a good
period of time, yes.
Well, at least you'll
know your way around,
if we were to employ you,
which is a definite advantage.
Oh, yes, I know my way around.
All the nooks and crannies.
All the hiding spots.
All the places
you should never, ever go.
Where the bad children
get locked up.
Is everything alright?
Did you know that girl?
- Why do you have to be so nosy?
- I wasn't...
How does any of this
relate to my application
for the position of
groundskeeper here?
You've seen my qualifications,
my references.
I don't know what you're
insinuating by any of this.
That my past prevents me
from working here again?
No, no, no. I was merely...
Um, Miss... Agutter speaking.
I'm in the middle
of an interview.
OK, so, maybe
he's a little bit... special.
Yes. Yes, that has
become clear to me now.
I do wonder
why I wasn't informed
of this particular development.
The network wants next level,
we're gonna give them
next level.
I do appreciate
what's at stake, Doctor,
but it's my instinct that
we do not proceed as planned
with this particular case.
You've got nothing
to worry about, OK?
It's playing beautifully
up here.
Yes, I will see you soon.
Thank you. Goodbye.
I'm sorry, I'm going to have
to leave you for a moment.
You know how much pain
was inflicted here, don't you?
You'll have to excuse me.
Now cue door.
And door.
- Yeah, with sound please.
- Shit!
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Miss Agutter?
OK, hit him
with the slamming door.
Good, Dicky. Good.
He used to work here?
That's the new paradigm, Em.
If I told you everything,
do you really think
we'd be in the middle
of what promises to be
our fuckin' masterpiece?
OK, standby on lights.
He's confused, Marcus.
He's scared.
I know. It's great, isn't it?
What else are you
not telling me?
I'm just doing
what the network wants,
I'm making it darker
and more real, OK?
- Ready, Dick?
- Yep.
Behind you!
Where have you been?
We missed you.
Who's been a naughty boy?
Nowhere to go.
Have you been a good boy?
Your special hiding spot.
Upstairs. Upstairs.
This is the shit I live for.
OK, Suze, are you in position?
Abs, you ready?
Fuck, yeah, I'm ready.
Alright, let's cue ball.
The fish takes the hook.
No, I don't like this, Marcus.
That's great, Abs. You've got
plenty of lead there.
Did something happen
up in that room?
No, not that I'm aware of.
- OK, get ready to pipe me in.
- Standing by.
Zoom in there, Tone.
Ro... han.
Ro... han.
Good. Abs, you're on.
Ro... han.
Ro... han.
- The letter opener!
- What?
- What are you doing? Em!
- Oh, jeez!
Stop! Stop! Put the knife down.
You're not in any danger.
This has all been a prank.
Please, leave her alone.
Fuck, I have to go up there.
No, no, no. Are you crazy?
- We have to help them!
- No, no, no.
Not when he's like this!
Guys, shhh! It's Tony.
Marcus, are you there?
I want to get out of here, man.
Quiet, Tony. Don't move.
Fuck! Cut to the wide.
Track her!
Em! Em!
Oh, shit.
I've lost him again.
Em, put
your earpiece in.
Tony's dead.
- I know.
- Where's Abby?
No, Em. You don't want to
look down there.
Em, please don't.
I'm so sorry.
We're picking him up on 12.
Shit! Em, you've got
to get out of there.
He's heading back.
Em, you've got to move!
Come on!
No, not down there.
You're gonna have to go
the long way.
You pushed it
too far this time.
We were told to push it.
You knew what was at stake.
You knew that there was
something wrong with him!
I just wanted to make
the experience more...
Who is he?
He was perfectly cast, Emmy.
Who the fuck is he?
OK, yes, he used to work here
but... he was also a patient.
And there were certain crimes.
You bastard.
Yeah, the guy's got
a few skeletons in the closet
but we honestly had no idea
he'd be capable of something
as crazy as this.
He was living
a quiet life in the suburbs
since they shut
this place down.
What can I say?
He just flipped!
- Em, are you there?
- Where are the others?
JD's in the kitchen, Suze is
laying low in the infirmary.
Don't worry. They're safe, OK?
Come on and get
your arse back to us.
We've got you covered
most of the way, alright?
- Which way do I go?
- Uh, I don't know.
No, we don't have
any vision down there.
I'm looking
right into a camera!
You are? We got...
we've got nothing up here.
Oh, shit.
We've lost them both.
You've got to keep
talking to me, Em.
We can't see you, OK?
I see an exit.
Good, good.
Go for it.
What the hell's going on?
Marcus won't tell me anything.
He just told me to stay in here
and keep the door shut.
Is there some
kind of an emergency?
- Did the stooge freak out?
- He killed them.
- Abby and Tony.
- What?
Em! Em!
What's going on?
- Where are you now?
- Shut the fuck up!
Em, we're picking
you up again.
The kitchen's straight ahead.
He got Suze.
Just get in there
and bunker down with JD.
Come on!
Miss Agutter!
- JD, open the door! Quick!
- Hold on!
I think he's gone.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's alright, Em. It's alright.
You couldn't have done
anything to protect her.
I promised her I would.
I know, I know, I know, I know.
JD's right,
there's nothing you could do.
There's nothing any of us
could do.
Where are the police, Marcus?
Uh, Dick's been
on the phone to Vicki.
Yeah, look, I spoke to Vicki.
She said to hold off
for a minute
just while she talks
to the lawyers.
Are you fucking serious?
Call the police now!
We're going to, Em.
It's a very dynamic
situation at the moment
and we all want the best
possible outcome, OK?
The best possible outcome?
Yeah. Em, you guys...
I'm losing you.
It'll be OK.
Stay where you are.
When we get the go ahead
we're gonna...
What was that?
Oh, fuck. No. Run!
No. No!
Oh, shit!
the police are on their way.
No-one else needs to get hurt,
Rohan, please,
you have to stop this.
Alright, let's get out of here
while we've still got
the chance.
Come on!
Where are we gonna go?
I don't know.
We'll get to the van.
And get the fuck out of here.
I'm not waiting around for him
to find another way back in.
Come on!
Come on! What are you doing?
Come on!
It's just around here.
It should be open.
You haven't...?
Glove box, please.
I could have sworn that I...
No, it's OK. I know where
to get another set.
You stay here. Lock the doors.
No, no, no. JD, no!
Lock the doors.
Oh, come on.
Come on.
Miss Agutter.
Shit! You bitch!
Oh, fuck!
You see that?
You see what she fucking did?
That was fantastic!
I told you, mate, the best ones
always go a little bit
off script.
A little off script?!
She stabbed me
with a fucking orbitoclast!
A what?
A fucking lobotomy needle.
Some actors do their research!
Oh, fucking God almighty!
Jesus Christ!
JD, you there?
Hello! Just got back.
- What's going on?
- Right. Slight change of plans.
Emma's on her way back to you
but we've gotta buy some time.
Keep Abby company
while I get this sorted.
Sure thing. On my way.
Marcus, are you right?
Do you want
to come back here to me?
Abs, JD's on his way
over to you.
We're just gonna pause
for a few minutes, OK?
Yeah, no sweat.
How are you going there, kiddo?
I'll survive.
You're doing great.
Rohan, yes.
My name is Trent, you arsehole.
Trent, look, show's not over
yet. Still need my reveal.
Do you know what?
I'd love to be a part of that.
I really, really would.
But right now I'm crucified
to a fucking car seat!
And all I'm asking
is for you to just
stay in character
a little bit longer
and channel that pain, yeah?
I swear to God,
you call time now
or I'm out of here.
And first I'm going
to find a hospital
and then I'm going
to call my agent
and then I'm calling
the fucking union,
you piece of shit!
No, don't...
Don't do that to me, Trent.
You don't want
to be responsible
for the death of one of
the most successful television
shows of all time.
You don't want
to develop a reputation
for being difficult.
You're not
a difficult man, right?
What's he done?
Get him back online.
He's gone.
Fuck! Fucking actors!
I give the performance
of a lifetime
and look what the fuck happens.
Ah... mah...
Ah, fuck!
Oh, fucking...
What the fuck?
It's alright,
I'm gonna go talk to him.
See if we can
work something out.
No-one's gonna spoil
my fucking reveal.
Have you got a lock
on Emma yet?
Uh, yeah.
She's about two minutes
from the kitchen.
She's not gonna
hang around too long
once she sees JD's not there.
Open up the line for me.
Alright, guys, we're just gonna
hold things up for a minute, OK?
I've gotta go sort out creative
differences with our villain.
JD, are you with Abby yet?
OK, once we're back on,
we proceed as scripted.
I'll give you a
mark and then you
can take Emma down to the
cellar for the climax.
Abby, when you're in place,
wait for my cue.
I want you to come in just
before we switch on the lights.
Your resurrection's gonna be
the showstopper, kiddo.
How are you doing there, Tony?
I'm freezing my balls off
down here.
Can we hurry the fuck up,
Well, just suck it up,
big fella. Suze?
I can't find her.
She's not in position yet.
OK. That's OK.
We'll just keep an eye on that.
Now, guys, can I just say,
you've done an amazing job,
We just need
one more big push.
If we can nail
this final twist,
then I think we've pulled off
the most amazing feat of all -
keeping our fucking jobs.
Keep me updated on Emma.
The last thing we need
is for me to bump into her.
Yeah, will do.
You know what?
I hate to say it
but Vicki was right.
We've been playing it too safe.
This... This is real
fucking horror.
Oh, no. Shit! Shit!
Uh, Marcus?
What is it, buddy?
Uh, we might have
a little bit of a problem.
What, is she close?
Yeah, she...
She what? Dick?
Dick, you there?
Dick, come on, this is no time
to be screwing around, alright?
Just tell me...
Wait a second.
Dick, what? Where do I go?
What the fuck?
Dick? Dick?
Fuck. I leave him
for two minutes.
Put that in here. Good.
Are you alright?
Are you comfortable?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? Good.
You've got to be
fucking kidding.
I'm just thinking one there,
one there,
and just kind of like...
Not like that, obviously.
We're trying too hard!
Put this here?
Maybe bring this one
down. Good.
That's good.
Emma's gonna shit herself.
She sure is.
Trent, mate, you can go
and barrel this camera.
You're gonna have blood
all over you.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Lots of blood.
Emma, blah, blah, don't worry.
We're talking to Vicki.
Everything's being sorted out.
Are you watching, are you,
Huh! Of course you're watching.
Well, I guess this means
that I just fucked up
your big reveal, doesn't it?
You're not going to
say anything?
It kills you, doesn't it.
It fucking kills you
that someone might actually be
one step ahead of you.
Screw this. I'm done.
Come on, mate.
She barely touched you.
Dick, where the hell are you?
Masked Freaks.
Jesus, Em,
thank Christ you're OK.
Argh! Wait, wait, wait!
Don't, don't, don't.
You just don't know
when to stop, do you?
Trent's dead.
Trent's dead. They killed him.
I was the perfect stooge,
wasn't I?
I was the perfect
fucking stooge!
Who's Trent?
Trent. Ro-Ro-Rohan. Rohan.
The actor playing Rohan.
Yeah, I probably hurt him
a little bit!
No, no, no.
The Freaks killed him.
- Oh, yeah.
- No, believe me.
I think they killed Dick too.
Alright, I get it.
You got me, alright?
But you're not getting
your big reveal.
No, no, it's real this time.
Em, someone set us up.
We're all fucking stooges.
Your plot is not making
any sense.
You do realise that, right?
And just so we're clear,
you and me, we're done.
- Em, no.
- Yes! In every way.
- No, Em. Em...
- Creatively, every way.
Em, don't.
Oh, I get it.
Masked Freaks.
That's your big twist.
- Em...
- Who is that?
Is that JD? Tony?
- Em, Em.
- Who's our mystery man?
Or maybe you're just
another wannabe actor
who thinks they're gonna be
the next big thing.
Well, I've got news for you,
Oh! Oh, edgy.
We've got to go.
Masked Freaks.
What just happened?
These are the real bad guys.
We've got to go.
- No! Where's Abby?
- No, no, no.
- We're not going back in there.
- Where is she?
It's gonna be crawling
with those fucking freaks.
Marcus, where is she?
East wing. She's with JD.
We get Abby first,
then the others.
Careful, careful.
Oh, JD, mate.
She's not here.
that's JD's secret recipe.
What's going on?
- Hey.
- Hey! Hey!
- Hey, leave her alone!
- What are you doing?
Leave her the fuck alone!
Oh, f...
She's still alive.
OK, so JD isn't the mole.
What are you talking about?
What, you think this is
a crazy coincidence, Emma?
They can't have done this
without any inside information.
We are watching.
We are recording.
You didn't expect us.
Where's Abby?
If you want to see
the girl again,
come to the control room.
Come on.
We know how this shit works,
Whatever they've got planned
for us, it's gonna be brutal.
We're just gonna casually
stroll out of here?
Abby's alive, Marcus.
Maybe the others are too.
Or maybe they're behind it, Em.
Well, you've been messing with
people's heads for so long.
Maybe this has just
all caught up with us.
No, we're not murderers, Em.
We're fucking storytellers.
This episode was all going
so perfectly to script
till these freaks came along.
You said the best ones always
go a little off script.
Oh, God.
What's going on?
They've hijacked the feed.
You're bleeding.
Marcus! Dick!
Hello? Is anyone there?
Talk to me, for fuck's sake.
What's happening?
Is Trent back on?
Tony, get out of there now.
He can't hear us.
Oh, hang on. Here they come.
Who's this guy? Where's Em?
for God's sake,
he's got a fucking chainsaw!
hang on a second...
Wait, wait...
Watch my arm!
What have you done with Abby?
We'll get to that.
But before we really
fuck with your minds,
we'd like to thank you for
being such compelling victims.
Our analytics tell us audience
retention is so much better
when there's real conflict.
Oh, you need a fucking
algorithm to tell you that?
This is how the new
entertainment works.
The data does not deceive.
Data? Fuck off.
If you wanna scare,
you make 'em care.
Who put you up to this anyway?
Was it the network?
Why would we need them?
We've got all the money
we need
and total creative control.
Oh, well, you're just
living the dream, aren't ya?
One of our biggest fans
suggested the idea.
The new entertainment is not
about the vision of one man...
Shut up and tell us
where she is!
How about I show you?
Let go of me, you fuckers!
Help, Emma! Marcus!
Marcus, help me!
No, no, don't!
Rohan's garden.
Seal the
little bitch up and bury her.
Help me!
Please! No!
Abby. Abby, I'm going to
get you out of there, OK?
You've seen those movies
where people get buried alive
and they survive
for hours and hours?
That thing is airtight,
and once that hole
is filled in,
I give her five minutes.
That's on the other side
of the complex.
Analytics have shown
the audience loves
a ticking time bomb.
Ticking clock, you fucking...
Fuck your analytics
and your sick viewers!
We've gotta go. Come on!
Help me, please!
Jesus Christ, he's just a kid.
Come on, Em. We've gotta go.
We've got to get Abby. Em...
Help me! Please!
Em! Em! Em! Em! Em!
Hang on, honey.
Help me!
Just a little bit longer.
We're nearly there.
No! NO!
Come on! Come on!
Open! Open it!
Get it open! Get it open!
Alright, here we go.
There you go.
OK, honey, we've got you.
You're alright.
How'd you like that, huh?
We beat you.
We fucking beat you.
Show's over.
Come on, let's go.
Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
What are you doing?
We did it. We got the girl.
We get to live now, right?
No-one said anything
about letting you live.
In the new entertainment,
there are no happy endings.
So what now?
Oh... you won't believe
what happens next.
Our mods have asked us
to keep you alive.
The organisation sees you
playing an ongoing role
in the project.
Not if I have anything
to do with it.
What about Abby and Marcus?
You can take one of them
with you.
The decision is yours.
You know what to do, Em.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm sorry.
Emma, please!
Get away from her,
you fucking freaks.
You track
these bastards down, Em.
Track 'em down
and you make...
We are watching.
We are recording.
Expect us.
We'll go into town
and we'll get the police.
There's still time.
What the fuck's going on?
So this is how you're going
to end it, huh? Huh?
Is that the best you've got?
You're going to need more
than blood and cruelty
if you want to be remembered.
You're all attitude
and no fucking imagination.
Where's the craft?
Where's the twist?
Cut it there.
Are you sure they're going to
buy it? Like, I can go again.
No, I thought
you were great.
No, no, no. I can do it
again. I'll do it again.
- OK.
- OK.
- Still rolling.
- Yep. Here goes.
Help me!
That's actually pretty good.
Help me, please!
Emma, please!
Oh, God.
Help me!
Please help me!
We're nearly there,
- It's gonna be OK.
- I know.