Scarecrows (1988)

Hot and hazy weather,
with temperatures reaching into the 90s,
is expected to continue
throughout the weekend
over most of the Southland.
WORZ news time, 12:00.
Good evening, I'm Don Herbert.
Tonight's lead story is the daring
and deadly paramilitary robbery
at Camp Pendleton.
It left three marines dead and
at least nine others critically wounded.
Earlier this evening,
a heavily armed commando unit
held up the payroll office at the base
and fled with $3.5 million.
The robbers exchanged gunfire
with military police
as they raced to a nearby airfield
and then escaped
in a twin-engine cargo plane.
The pilot and his teenage daughter
are believed to be held hostage
on board the Baja Air...
Turn that bloody radio off.
... was hijacked...
It's okay, Daxie. It's okay.
Here, keep it under radar.
You heard the man.
An intensive manhunt is
underway as marine helicopter units
track down the stolen craft
which was reported heading south,
presumably towards the border.
All right, I'll take care of it.
Hey, Roxanne.
- Where's the fire?
- Back here.
- Hey, somebody...
Bert's taking the money!
Stop shooting, Curry.
He tossed a grenade.
Fuck, it's somewhere in here.
I'll kill him.
- Where is it?
- Pull up! Pull up, we're too low!
Hold on.
- The grenade.
- Watch out, it's rolling back.
Throw it out!
- The money?
- The money is gone.
Get ready to jump,
we're going after him.
- Where's the money?
- It's gone!
What happened to Bert?
He bailed with the money,
dumb ass.
I saw a house back there
where he jumped.
We'll be back, Bert.
We'll be back, Bert.
The plane? Where's the...
Wait, my grenade exploded.
I heard it.
All right, all right,
put it together.
The money. I was right behind it.
Then it dropped by these crosses,
like a graveyard.
Jesus, a scarecrow.
Bloody scarecrow.
I'll be damned, the graveyard.
The money's got to be there.
All right, the house.
There's gotta be a car or a jeep
or something there I can use.
Where the bloody hell...
My lucky night.
Bingo, my lucky night.
What the hell
is down there, Corbin?
Trees and bushes.
Great, let's find that house again.
That's where he'll go,
the simple fuck.
I spotted it.
Closing 11 o'clock.
It's the house all right,
looks pretty dead.
Over there.
Hey, Bert, old buddy.
Reading me?
That's right, you no-good, double-crossing,
scum-sucking son of a bitch.
We are alive.
Damn it, I can't believe it.
- Jack, what's wrong?
- I dropped my harmonica.
You can blow Bert's balls off.
Come on, let's find him.
All right, Bert. Now it's personal.
- Bang.
- I'm dead.
By the way, Bert, buddy,
we owe you a live grenade, pal.
We'll nail you up
like one of these scarecrows.
Then we're gonna burn you, Bert,
just like you burned us, motherfucker.
- Hold it, I saw a light.
- Where?
By the house, a car, maybe.
You're crow shit, Bert.
God to Bert,
your birthday's been canceled.
Hey, Corb,
hope you didn't forget your buffalo gun.
- She's right here.
- That's too cruel, man.
That's the gun
with the exploding shells.
And, Bert, this ammo is blessed.
So, when I blow your
ass away, buddy,
every piece of you is
going straight to hell.
Over there, the lights,
they're moving.
- Come in.
- It's a truck.
Southeast of you. It's gotta be Bert.
The cornfield.
He's going after the money.
Rox, your transmission's breaking up.
Curry, Jack, come in. Where are you?
Damn it. We're out of range.
Hey, Bert, you dumb fuck,
there's only one road and we're on it.
This isn't exactly Route 66, is it?
Here, hold this, will you?
It says keep out.
Will you just hold this?
Come on out here, Bert,
you son of a bitch.
I'm gonna rip your heart out
and feed it to you on a stick.
- Give me that.
- Here.
What's in there?
The Playboy Mansion.
- That's it?
- Scarecrows.
Jack, Curry, come in.
- We're here.
Bert's heading for the gate.
Are you guys on that road?
- Yeah.
- Well, stay on it.
He's gonna have to come
through you guys.
Coming to get you, Bert,
you son of a bitch.
Good job.
Come on, Jack. Heaven can't wait for you.
Graveyard has gotta be on this road.
There. There it is.
Can't you fly this crate
any faster?
I'm in full throttle.
He picked up the money.
He's getting away.
You're pathetic.
Should I splatter your face
around the cockpit or what?
There he is. Swing around and get him.
Swing around again.
He's headed your way, guys.
Which way is that?
Behind us or in front of us?
Stupid assholes.
Damn, he's turning off the road.
I'm coming down.
Look for a place to land.
This terrain's for shit.
We can't land down here.
We're landing.
- You'll never make it. Never!
- Kellie, stay out of this.
You know, Bert, we were kind of
hoping you were coming down that road
to give us back our money
and straighten things out,
but you let us down again.
Now you've gone too far, dirtball.
Yeah, Bert, I think I'm gonna
have to cut you out of my will.
God damn, now what?
The tank's full.
The fucking thing's flooded.
What the...
No engine? Wait a minute.
This is impossible.
What is this?
Some kind of fucking joke?
Listen up, guys. Bert's stopped
the truck. I can't tell what he's up to.
But he's on foot now,
about a half mile west of the house.
We're almost there.
I can smell him, he's toast.
No, take him alive. The first bullet
through his head is mine.
We're landing this sucker right now.
There's a field at 4 o'clock.
It may be long enough.
So, how's it feel, Bert?
I mean, it must be awful frustrating
to have to die
with all that money in your hands.
Yeah, real frustrating.
That money must be getting
awful heavy.
$3.5 million is a lot of bread
for one guy.
It ain't right to be so greedy.
All right, asshole,
just hold it right there.
- You see him?
Shut up.
Oh, yeah, yeah. There he is.
Hey, Bert, we're gonna hang you up
like one of these scarecrows
and stuff you full of crow shit.
Hey, Corbin,
start bagging some crow turds.
He didn't hear you, man.
He's into his jungles and Rambo bullshit.
With his radio turned off, right?
Whoa, there he is again.
I got him on my scope. Don't move.
Stand still, Bert.
Just one second, it'll all be over.
Turn around, Bert.
I wanna shoot you in the back.
Over here.
Where is he?
He's coming toward us.
Keep coming, Bert.
You're heading right for me.
I don't even have to move.
Over here, Bert, towards your left.
- Pretty lousy shooting.
- Bert's aim always sucked.
Everything he did sucked.
Now we're both right behind you,
We got you covered, Bert,
from behind these scarecrows.
Put the gun down.
You're not going to hurt us.
Curry? Jack?
Look, you want the money? Take it.
Jack! Take the money.
Please, don't kill me.
Who's he talking to, Curry?
Curry? Jack?
Look, take it.
- We don't want your money.
- We want your blood, Bert.
Do you want me to run?
Well, I'm not going to, see?
Running's over, Bert.
It's time to bleed.
Like those MPs with their guts
spilling on the runway.
Time to bleed, Bert.
Look, I'm not even carrying a weapon.
Start praying, Bert.
Look, you want the money?
Well, you can't have it 'cause I've hid it.
So, let's make a deal.
Bert, why don't you say something,
Come on, scumbag, talk.
Words of wisdom from a dying man.
...your seatbelt, move. Come on.
Christ, leave her out of this.
- Daddy, stop them...
- Shut up.
Get the ladder down now.
- Look, I'm asking you...
- Don't be a hero, Daddy.
Get the ladder, now!
keep your ass on that seat.
No radios,
nothing's going to happen to her.
Come on, let's go.
Hey, Curry.
- What?
How am I gonna live in Mexico
if I don't speak Spanish?
I told you a hundred times, Paco,
I'm gonna teach you.
You're a real pal, amigo.
Hey, the lights are on now.
What the hell is that?
Guess we're expected.
This is some creepy shit, man.
Hold it.
Looks like we missed the party.
Yeah. Check out the inside, will you?
Somebody lives here.
Not anymore, they don't.
Come on, check it out inside.
Bullshit, man, you check it out.
You're always
such a fucking pain in the ass.
What am I, your mother?
Hey, Bert.
- Christ, you think about knocking?
- Knock, knock.
It's Rambo.
Is that you, Corbin?
Get down here.
I'm gonna look for Bert.
I'll tell you, whoever lives or
who lived here was very fucking weird.
Into devil worship or some shit.
Hey, guys, I'm coming up
the trail. I can see the house.
Who lives here?
Mailbox says '"Fowler. '"
There's a picture
of three very mangy guys.
Bert could have killed them
but there's no bodies,
just some very ugly vibes.
Slow down,
I'm getting stickers everywhere.
You'll live. Come on.
Let me go. I'm not going anywhere.
Where's Jack?
Jack's still up on the roof.
Hey, Jack, come on
down here, will you?
- Yo, Jack.
- I found it, the parachute.
- Jackpot! Where?
- At least one of them.
Where is it, Jack?
- It's by these three big crosses.
That's weird,
there's no scarecrows on them.
Great, what else?
Come on, get down here, will you?
For Christ's sake.
I saw a scarecrow, out there somewhere.
Jack, where's the parachute?
No, no, the scarecrow thing, it was...
Come on, they're everywhere.
They're all over the place. Give me this.
Jack, the parachute?
Yeah, it was by these crosses.
You can see it from the roof.
Come on, we're wasting time.
The whole damn army's looking for us.
We'll follow Bert's
tire tracks out front.
I'll stay with the girl.
Let's go, Jack.
Get away from there
before a scarecrow grabs you, huh?
Bert ran over this one.
Come on, let's go.
Curry, do you get the feeling
- we're being watched?
- No.
Then how come your finger's
on the trigger?
Shut up, asshole.
I think this place is possessed
by demonic demons.
Your head's gonna be possessed by
the butt of my gun if you don't shut up.
'"Demonic demons. '" Christ.
Get all the stickers out?
Here, try a little rouge.
It'll make you look happier.
Curry, keep moving about 10 degrees
past that little bush on your left,
then turn right.
Hey, Jack,
got any idea where you're going?
We're almost there.
This way?
See those crosses? Just to the left.
I think.
If I were a crow, I'd be someplace else.
Forget it, he's turned off his radio
again so he can go ape shit by himself.
Yo, Corb, you in the bush
pulling your pud?
Damn, I really miss my harmonica.
Delta Whiskey,
requesting status, alpha 1-1, alpha 1-9.
Roger, alpha 1-1, 1-9.
Negatory. Delta Whiskey over.
1- 8, Delta Whiskey,
heading and altitude.
Base, we're heading 2-5-9, 3,000.
Proceed heading 1-8-9.
Intersect ocean side 1-0-0.
Sweep sectors delta 1-0 to delta 1-6.
On our way.
Let's hope we're on the money this time.
Come on.
Son of a bitch, it isn't here. He took it.
All right.
These things give me the creeps.
- Curry.
- What?
I said those things give me the creeps.
Yeah, well, they give me the creeps, too.
Why don't you just stop talking about it?
Can you imagine
hanging on one of those things?
You know, they had to put the nail
through your wrist
because if they put it through your hand,
the little bones...
You can't use nails.
Those things are made out of metal
and you can't use nails on metal.
Oh, then, maybe if you use, like,
a little metal bolt or something.
- But you'd still have to go through the...
- Will you just shut up?
Just some kind of superstitious things
that are used to ward off evil spirits.
Hey, Corbin, wait up.
Dutch, German or something. I forget.
Where are you, Daddy?
Daddy, help me!
Please help me, Daddy!
Roxanne, we found Bert's truck.
Looks like the bastard's in it.
WORZ news time is 3:00.
And these are the top stories.
Cuban refugees are holding
All right, Bert.
Come on out. Let's not make a mess here.
Meanwhile, here in the Southland,
one of the largest manhunts
in California history continues
as federal agents,
aided by marine helicopters,
track down the hijacked plane
and the men involved
in last night's brutal robbery
at Camp Pendleton...
Son of a bitch.
- Curry?
- Bert's playing games.
He put a goddamn scarecrow
in the truck.
- He's fucking with us.
- We're running out of time, boys.
If we don't find that money soon,
the army's gonna have us for breakfast.
And on the subject
of money, two people were lucky enough
to have selected the six winning numbers
on their Lotto 6/49 cards,
so they'll split a jackpot of $12 million
spread over a 20-year period.
WORZ news time, 3:01.
My luck.
I don't like this one bit, Curry.
We're being set up bigger than shit.
I can feel it.
Well, take your hand
out of your pocket and stop feeling it.
Come on, these are his footprints.
Which ones? These or these?
These, the boot prints.
Then who made the other ones?
They're just as fresh.
Fuck, I don't know, Jack.
Your damn scarecrow, all right?
Is that what you want to hear?
Hey, there it is. Right there, look.
- There it is.
- What?
The money, you idiot.
Now, go on up and get it.
- What the hell is that?
- Bert's chute.
It's the money.
Now, for Christ's sake,
go on up and cut it down.
- You cut it down.
- Jack, just go up and cut it down.
You cover me. If anything happens to me...
Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's have it.
Come on, cut it.
For Christ's sake, just cut it, will you?
Come on, pennies from heaven.
Jesus Christ!
We're on the way back to the house.
Curry's not feeling too good.
Bert's not gonna feel
too good either
- when I find him.
- What?
Bert booby-trapped his chute
with some blood and stuff.
And now it's all over me,
Bert, funny man,
like I'm gonna be all over you
when I find you, you motherfucker.
Chill out, Curry.
- You're a dead man, Bert.
A corpse, you hear me, Bert?
A dead man.
- Curry, we'll find him.
- Dead!
That's too weird.
- Curry.
- What the hell is it?
- He's here.
- What?
Bert's at the house.
There is a God. Coming right up.
Fuck him up, come on.
Stop your bullshit games, man,
you tried to fuck us.
Now, where's the goddamn money?
Bert, we're gonna get it out of you,
one way or another.
Where is it?
Let's just start with his hand, huh?
Let's just start with his goddamn fingers.
Who were you shooting at, huh?
Where's the money?
What's your goddamn name?
Stop it, you're killing him!
- Stop it!
- Change her diaper, will you?
You stay out of it.
Jack, where have you been?
Found some green stalks
down by the stream. Hungry?
you planned this heist,
and you planned to double-cross us
right from day fucking one.
Come on, harder.
Piece of shit.
All that time you were just
jacking us off with sandpaper. Kick his ass.
Hey, there, want an ear?
Best way to eat corn.
Get away from me,
you cold-blooded bastard, just get away!
Look, leave her alone, Jack, okay?
Sack of shit. I'll watch him.
- He's a dead end.
- Man.
We're gonna have to sweep the area.
We'll get it back,
that double-crossing scum.
I've never seen anybody
stand a beating like Bert just did.
He hardly even bled.
Maybe he got a concussion
or something when he landed.
He must have
because he was numb
even before I started smashing his skull in.
I don't think he can even talk.
I don't buy it.
I think the son of a bitch
took some drugs or something,
then walked in here hoping
we'd kick his ass and leave him for dead.
Leaving him with all the money.
He knew we'd find him
dragging that cash around,
so he stashed it
and took his chances coming up here.
So now the fucker is laughing at us
'cause he fried his brain
and we can't get to him.
Well, the joke's on him
'cause I'm gonna be standing on his dick
when he comes out of it.
He's just sitting there mocking us.
Right behind that face
he's laughing so hard
he's going to bust out any moment.
All right, asshole, where is it?
Forget it, Curry.
What's the matter, Curry?
Can't you take it?
Jack, help!
Jack, over here! I'm stuck to this guy!
Curry, move! Get out of the way!
God damn it, move! Move!
Son of a bitch!
Corbin, hurry!
Curry! Corbin!
Help me, guys! He's not real!
Bastard, put him down!
Jack! Jack, get up!
Corbin, we're gonna go...
Watch out!
Shoot him, Roxanne! Shoot him!
Out of the way, Corbin!
He's not real, man.
What the hell was he on?
Holy fuck, he's light as a feather.
Cut him open, Corbin.
God, I'm gonna be sick.
No wonder he's so light.
There's nothing in him except straw and...
The money.
- He ate the goddamn money.
- Hey, Kellie, she's gone, man.
Corbin, go get her! Don't let them take off!
This is bullshit, man.
We should be taking off.
You think Bert ate that money?
You're all fucking crazy.
Somebody out there gutted Bert
like a fish and stuffed him full of cash.
- Your brains are gutted, dick.
- How the hell did he kick our asses?
Help me.
Honey, please help me.
Oh, Kellie!
Please help me.
It's Daddy, Kellie. Help me.
Oh, God!
This isn't all of it, you know.
It isn't nearly all of it.
It's hardly any of it.
What if...
You know, whoever lives here,
what if they did that to Bert,
and they're waiting outside do it to us?
Why don't you just shut up?
And what if those crosses...
"What if? What if? What if?"
Why don't you just shut up?
Look, let's get out of here.
Let's take the money we have and split.
Bert was walking around dead,
for Christ's sake.
We've got to refrigerate this, it stinks.
You know,
somebody is trying to scare us out of here
so they can get the money.
And we are not leaving now.
No way.
We've come this far.
We are not leaving without that money.
You bitch! God damn you!
Al's dead.
Somebody out there killed her father,
just like Bert.
You killed him!
You all killed him.
Is she gonna be able to fly us out of here?
She has to.
Oh, my God. The money.
It must have been in a tree
or something and the wind blew it down.
There's no way the money
spread like that off a tree.
It must have got caught in an air current
or a wind or something.
- Let's get it.
- And get the hell out of here.
The hell with you guys.
I'm gonna bury her dad.
That's the least we can do.
- Don't get too far away, will you?
- Yeah, right.
If you see anything that moves, shoot it.
I wish I had my harmonica.
Take the path to your left there.
Yo, Roxanne, we're splitting up.
The money is concentrated
in two separate areas.
We'll get it faster.
I'll be damned.
What? What's wrong, Jack?
You're kidding.
Where are you?
Okay, slow down. I can't see you.
You hear me, jerk?
Jack, wait up.
Come in, Paco.
I'm coming, Jack. I'm coming.
- Which way?
- Curry?
- Come on, talk to me, Jack!
Which way? - Jack?
Come in, Jack!
Hey, where are you guys?
Hang on, buddy, I'm coming.
Oh, Jesus. I'm coming. Jack!
What's happening?
Jack? Curry?
- Jack!
- Come in.
Damn it, Curry. Where are you guys?
This way, let's move.
Jack, which way, man?
Jack, don't do this to me.
Jack. Jesus.
Jack? Come on, talk to me.
Who's shooting?
- He's coming this way.
- I see him.
Come on, Kellie, let's go.
What are you shooting at?
They cut his arm off, man.
They pulled his fucking guts out!
Where's Jack?
Bullets don't...
I fired at this thing
and he just kept coming.
Bullets don't stop it.
- What are you talking about?
- The scarecrows, man!
Like humans. They got Jack!
One of them was missing a hand
so they cut off Jack's.
There were three of them.
The Fowlers, those guys in the picture?
Well, now they're just fucking scarecrows
and all I shot was straw.
You people don't understand.
These bastards died
and nobody told them.
Now if you're packing exploding shells
in that thing, pal,
they better be fucking sacred or silver
'cause these fuckers ain't real.
They're never gonna
let us out of here alive.
You know that, don't you?
I mean, it ain't the money they want,
it's us.
We're dealing with some kind of zombie,
I mean, man,
they ripped his fucking liver out
with their bare hands.
You know what I mean?
Look, I don't need to hear this again,
all right?
I want to leave right now!
Okay, why don't you do that?
I would like to see you do that.
I mean,
I think you should just take a little stroll
right out there in the moonlight, kid.
They'll rip your tight little asshole out
before you can say, "Que fucking pasa. "
I'm not one of you, they don't want me.
Don't worry, kid.
Nobody's gonna hurt us here.
They're just gonna pick us off
one by one, that's all.
Just like those crows
on that fucking fence, huh?
Well, you do whatever you want to do.
I ain't going out there again,
no fucking way.
All right, Curry, you got a better idea?
- Yes, I have a better idea.
- Let's hear it.
- Let's just wait till daybreak, okay?
- And leave $3.5 million...
Guns don't work!
Don't you understand?
I tried it already, okay?
The motherfucker just kept coming!
I mean, you understand
what's happening here, don't you?
Think about it.
I mean, you think
it's an accident we're here, huh?
Well, you tell me, why is it
that those MPs just kept firing at us
and they kept missing?
And we kept firing at them
and they kept falling.
They kept coming and firing and missing.
We kept firing, they kept falling.
Why is that?
Don't you understand nothing?
We got away too clean,
don't you see that?
Then we land here, see?
And then it's Bert, and then it's Jack,
and then it's all of us,
just one by one, all of us.
Wait a minute, man.
What if...
What if they didn't miss us, man?
What if they hit us? And, like...
we're dead.
And we're not...
I mean, we're not really here.
This isn't real.
I mean, we're here,
but none of this is really...
- What was that?
- What?
Who is that?
Hey, man, he's here.
Hey, Jack! Man, where've you been, huh?
Oh, Jesus, man, I thought you were toast.
Hey, man, where are you?
Curry, who the hell are you talking to?
Jack, he's on the radio.
What, are you deaf?
Hey, man, where're you at?
I don't hear anything.
What are you trying to pull?
Look, Curry, let's get the hell out of here
right away, okay?
We'll get the rest of the money
on the way to the plane.
- Come on.
- No!
Jack's on his way back to the house.
He's got the money.
Jack is dead, man.
He's on his way back to the house
with the money!
- The money is outside.
- You, shut up!
Curry, look, if we don't leave right now,
they'll kill us.
You go.
Those things don't go down, man.
Now Jack is on his way back to the house,
and I'm not leaving here without him.
Curry, Jack's not coming back.
He's dead.
What are you doing with Jack's gun, huh?
How are we supposed to get out of here
if Jack doesn't have his gun?
All right, Curry. All right, I'll give it
to you. You give it to Jack, all right?
All right.
Now you just get out of here.
We'll be fine.
Me and Jack, we don't need anybody else.
Now you just get the hell out of here.
- You serious?
- God damn right, I'm serious.
- Let's get out of here, Kellie.
- Get out!
- Curry, come with us.
- Just get the hell out!
- No trouble, man, no trouble.
- Get out.
Get out.
Get out!
Come on, move it!
Let's go, let's go!
Come on, we can make it! Come on!
It's Dax! They're hurting him!
- Dax?
- Kellie, don't listen! It's not your dog!
Don't listen! It's the scarecrows!
Dax, I'm coming!
- Kellie, come back, it's not Dax!
- No!
- Come on, she's going after Dax!
- Kellie!
- Don't hurt him!
- It can't!
Stop! Kellie!
Daxie, I'm coming!
Daxie, where are you?
- This way.
- I'm coming, Daxie!
Look, I found more money.
Forget the money. Come on, let's go.
Come on, Roxanne. Forget the money.
We're getting out of here. Come on!
Kellie, we have to get to the plane!
Come back, Kellie. Where are you?
Roxanne, we gotta make a run
for the plane now.
- I'll meet you there.
- Go there now. I gotta get Kellie.
You hear me? Do it. Roxanne!
Dax, come here.
Come here.
Come on, your dog's at the plane.
Come in, Roxanne.
We're getting out of here right now.
Meet us at the plane.
Just forget the damn money
and get to the plane.
It's not worth it.
Do you hear me, Roxanne?
Forget the goddamn money.
It's not worth it.
Roxanne! Roxanne, come in! Roxanne!
Hey, Jack.
Cmo ests?
Hey, Jack, man.
You never grow up, huh?
Hey, Paco!
There's the plane.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on, let's go! Hurry up!
Watch the wire. I got it. Go under!
Go on!
Fly the hell out of here, Kellie!
Hurry, get away!
Run! Don't stop, Kellie! Run, run!
Get out of here! Keep running!
You fuck, you fall on me, you're dead.
- Hello?
- Hello, Curry.
- Hello?
- Over here, in the fridge.
Reach out and touch someone.
Well, who is it?
Hey, Jack. Is that you, huh?
Motherfucker, don't play games with me!
Hey, Paco.
It's me.
I'm okay, let's go.
Let's get the hell out of here!
Roxanne? Curry?
Can you hear me? We're at the plane.
- Hey, Curry.
- You can still make it if you come now.
- How come you locked me out, man?
- This is your last chance.
Let me in there, amigo.
There are scarecrows out here.
Hurry up, Paco. They're getting closer.
I'm not fooling around. Let me in, Curry.
Gee, these fucking things,
they're definitely demonic.
Curry, you're not one of them,
are you, man?
Tell me you're not.
Curry, open the fucking door.
It's me, man. It's Jack.
Open the goddamn fucking door!
Hey, Curry,
how are we gonna live in Mexico
if we're dead?
It's okay, Daxie. We're gonna be okay.
Kellie! Kellie!
I'm coming, Kellie! I'm coming!
Please, Daddy, no!
Daddy, stop, no!
Daddy, no!
Corbin, help me!
Please, God, help me!
WORZ news time is 7:00.
It's 81 degrees under clear skies
in San Diego.
Good morning, I'm Don Herbert.
The hijacked Baja Air cargo plane,
that was involved in last night's robbery
at Camp Pendleton
and was the object of
a massive all-night search,
has reportedly landed back
at its home base outside San Diego.
Upon entering the plane,
members of the San Diego SWA Tteam
were met by savage attacks
from the pilot's dog.
They were forced
to tranquilize the animal,
and then discovered
that the family pet
had been feeding
on the charred remains of his master
and a yet to be identified robber.
Officials theorize that the two men
were involved in a struggle
and were killed when the robber's grenade
accidentally exploded.
Afterwards, the SWA Tteam
was able to move into the cockpit
where they found the pilot's daughter
strapped into her father's seat.
Apparently, the girl had piloted the plane
all night in a state of extreme shock.
Police and federal agents
found no trace of the stolen money
or of the other robbers.
Currently, investigators are baffled
saying only that
their search will be intensified.
In other stories, an airline co-pilot
brings his jetliner to a safe landing
after the pilot suffered
a fatal heart attack.
WORZ news time, 7:02.