Scarlet Letter, The (1995)

My brother Metacomet,
may the noble spirit
ofyourfather, Massasoit,
soar with the eagles.
Chief Metacomet.
Thanks to
the friendship of your father,
we have survived here.
My father should have let you
You are
the only one
who comes to us
with an open heart.
But your people have murdered
my father
with their lies!
My name is Pearl.
This is the story of
my mother, HesterPrynne.
It was the yearofourLord 1666,
when she arrived in the
Massachusetts Bay Colony
filled with the hope that at last,
in this new world
would come the freedom to worship
without fearofpersecution.
My esteemed colleague!
Thy years of toil become thee!
Thy fame preceeds thee, sir.
Governor Bellingham,
may l present
the Reverend Thomas Cheever.
Welcome, sir.
lt's a long voyage.
3 months at sea,
will either take away your faith,
or harden it to iron.
Allow me to introduce a woman
who's been travelling with us,
-Hester Prynne.
l apologize for the coarseness
of my hands, Mistress.
But here in the colonies,
everyone must work.
l look forward to the hard work.
lt says id Psalm 92: ''l will
triumph in the work of thy hands''.
Thou canst quote the Scriptures.
Aye, Reverendo, both Testaments.
My husband taught me.
You must rest.
Then l'll show you
what's been accomplished.
l thank thee.
-Then it's Goodwife Prynne.
-Yes, yes.
But l prefer to be called Hester.
Welcome, Hester.
l wish l could've seen it before,
when it was wild and untouched.
you should use less lace
in your dressmaking.
lndeed, Reverend.
Master of us all,
we give thanks for
another bountiful meal,
and for newly arrived disciples,
that share it with us this night.
So, Governor.
l am impatient to know
how you fared with Metacomet.
Well, Metacomet
isn't Massassoit, Major Dunsmuir.
But if we respect the agreements
we made with his father,
we've nothing to fear.
So we don't
grow complacent,
our wise God sends us a sign.
When we sailed,
your letters said we were
at peace with the savage.
l fear the days of ''peace''
with the Wampanoag is at an end.
we are frightening
our new arrival.
We hear much
of your success
with the praying lndians.
l'm very eager to meet
Reverend Dimmesdale
and his converts.
The runts of the litter.
Dimmesdale's little treasures!
Some of us
have other opinions.
Mistress Prynne,
l hope you'll stay with us
until your husband's arrival.
You're most kind,
but l intend to find
a house of my own
as soon as possible.
On thine own?
Why, yes.
lt's not considered fitting
for a young woman to live alone.
l've come first to prepare
a place for his arrival,
so that is what l intend to do.
Mistress Prynne.
The rules we live by may seem
arbitrary to a newcomer,
but we have learnt
the hard way
that without absolute order,
we cannot hope to survive here.
Rules, Mistress Prynne.
Would you have me
disobey my husband?
-Reverend, you might enjoy
the company of my son, Brewster.
He studied Divinity.
Harvard wasn't good enough
for him,
so he came home to
make his fortune as a...
Minister's sons all moaning
the Lord's Prayer
in their sleep.
Everyone must find his place.
-Morning, Mistress Prynne.
-Good morrow.
So you intend on scandalising
the town!
Get up!
l confess,
l feel alone in a
sea of conformists.
Where should we begin our search?
On the cliffs by the sea.
No, it's out of the question.
No one's lived
by the sea
since the lndians
wiped out Ballinger's Point.
l say we start there.
Well, if you've decided.
ls that it, Brewster?
lt's beautiful.
I tried to imagine
what herlife was like
before she came
to the new world.
Why did herhusband
send heron ahead,
Was it a test ofherloyalty,
Or was it in his nature
to set traps
forpeople in the hope
they would fall into them?
lt's perfect!
With a cart and a musket,
l could have a home here!
A cart, a horse,
a pitchfork, a plow.
l can think of better things
to do with these pretty hands
than grow calluses on them.
l'll need indentured labor,
at least two men.
-The land needs draining.
-You are headstrong.
Perhaps it runs in the blood.
l'm told your father was too.
ls it true
he was in debt to your husband
and you were the payment?
l've said something
to disturb you.
l'm sorry.
l'm truly sorry.
God, thou art wondrous fair!
That hurt!
Good. lt'll remind you
not to do it again.
Did you hear Mistress Prynne
has a bathing tub?
What is she, French?
2 Shillings.
Will you bid 2 shillings?
2 and a half?
Come on, gentlemen,
do l have a bid for 3 shillings?
3 shillings?
3 shillings?
Anyone else?
Anyone else?
Going for 3 shillings.
Any other bids?
Sold to the gentleman
for 3 shillings.
-Next we have this other one,
-Those two.
How much time left
on their indenture?
About 3 years, but,
shouldn't your husband or father
be doing business with me?
ls my money
no good to you, sir?
Your money's as fine as wine
in the sunshine, Mistress.
lf you buy them at a just price,
l'll throw in the girl in red.
She's a slave!
But she don't speak, if that
be a problem. Born that way.
Name your just price.
We'd best accompany you
if your going to the forest.
Don't worry Mr Bobbin.
l shan't go far.
Mistress Prynne?
Mistress Prynne?
Mistress Prynne?
Where are you?
Mistress Prynne, where are you?
l found her.
-You did not.
-l did to.
-You did not.
-l did to.
Mistress Prynne,
Have you forgotten
it is the Sabbath?
Of course not.
Forgive me.
We've come by especially
to bring you to church.
Thank you, so much.
Please, go on without me.
l will follow at once.
Make haste.
Yes, sir.
All right, girl,
Come on.
Oh goodnes!
Back up. Back up.
Come on now, back up.
Come on. Come on. Back up.
Good morrow.
May l be of assistance?
Not from up there.
Come on.
Come on.
Steady. Steady.
l can't make this horse
understand me.
Let me try.
Come on, girl.
Come on, back up!
Come on, girl.
Come on. Come on.
l'm afraid you're in too deep.
She'll not make it.
Let me try this.
l do hope you can get it free.
l'm already late for the service,
and everyone's talking about me.
l've been away and l'm quite
behind on local gossip.
l bought the old Newbury place
out on Ballinger's Point.
l owe you an apology.
l've been trespassing.
There's a place at the point
where l like to bath.
Really? Well, l shan't charge
too steep a tariff.
Come on, girl, back up!
-Back up.
Two. Three.
l'm afraid this cart will be
stuck here until Sabbath next
unless l gather hands to help.
Would you care to ride with me?
On your horse, with you?
Aye, unless you can ride.
l can ride.
You take my horse
and l'll take yours.
There's a shortcut
to the meeting house,
but it's a difficult road.
l shall manage, sir.
-Are you certain?
-Just you lead the way.
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
May God be with you.
l'm sure he already is.
But aren't you coming to...
Good Sabbath to ye all.
and fellow voyagers,
in the greatest of all dreams.
We've been singled out,
like lsrael of old,
to serve as a model.
But if we are to succeed
in building our new Jerusalem,
our ''City on a Hill'',
then the power of love,
yea, His Divine Love,
we must bind our hearts as one!
English and lndian,
gentry and indentured,
free man and slaves,
and make of us
an example for all the world,
to marvel at and proclaim:
is the measure of perfection!
lives God's own!''
But we are not succeeding
in that test.
We are failing!
And why?
Because we covet,
we lust after
what is not ours.
Be it for the rich land
of our lndian brothers,
be it for glory,
for profits or for revenge.
Need l read the secret
of every heart?
l will if you want.
Yea, l will if you want.
l will lay open the secrets
before the eyes of God!
What thou lusteth after is my enemy,
sayeth the Lord God.
For only l shall consume thee,
only l shall fill thee up.
lf thou failest to heed
my commandments,
then my fist
shall descend on thee
like a stone!
And thy sword shall cut thee
into bloody parts,
and even thy memories
shall be sacrificed
to the winds
for all time!
May God bless you,
each and every one of you.
Allow me to present a newcomer
to our congregation,
Mistress Roger Prynne.
Mistress Roger?
Aye, her husband, a renowned
physician will join her before...
Reverednd Dimmesdale and l
have already...
l helped when her cart
got stuck in the woods.
l greatly enjoyed your sermon.
lt's rare for a man so young
to speak with such passion.
For some reason,
l felt most inspired today.
We welcome you and your husband
to our congregation.
Mother! Mother!
There you are, Hester.
Meet my friend, Running Moose.
He's our schoolmaster.
And l'm sure you'd like
some refreshment.
Do you teach the English children
as well Mr Running Moose?
They call me John or Johnny here.
We try our best, but the English
are a bit slow-witted.
Johnny's a bit of a jester,
but he was our first praying lndian.
My best friend in the colony.
-this is Mistress...
-We've already met.
Excuse me.
So like home.
Yet beyond those trees
l suspect a savagery,
of savage passions,
dark and untamed.
Reverend Dimmesdale,
have you met our young friend?
Yes, we've met.
Mistress Prynne and l
traveled out on the same ship.
l'm going to marry him one day.
No you're not, l'm going to
aren't l Mistress Prynne?
-Marry whom?
-Reverend Dimmesdale, of course!
''A Short Description of the
Great and Last Judgement''.
Well, ''Platform for
Church Discipline''.
They're all tracts!
''The Goodwife's Manual...''
for Animal Husbandry''
l believe we've already met.
Oh, yes, l...
l'm sorry, l didn't realize.
l should have
announced my presence.
What are you reading?
-''Comus'', it's by John
-John Milton.
l know it. l've read it.
Have you?
l'm not all counterpanes
and coverlets.
Every spare moment, l read.
l'm the same.
l've read every book in this room.
Some of them several times.
Even ''Manual for Animal Husbandry?''
A most exhiliarating read.
So, did you truly
enjoy my sermon?
Yes, it was most skilful.
Clearly your congregation
reverences you.
You liked it not. We don't
come up to London standards.
To the contrary.
l was moved by your passion.
when your fist struck your hand,
and sliced through the air
like a sword,
l found myself wondering
what manner of pain lay
beneath such forceful oratory.
Your tongue knows no rules,
Mistress Prynne.
And if it did, Reverend,
what purpose would it serve?
And here l thought
comprehending God
was to be my greatest challenge.
Yes, Reverend?
This morning in the forest,
why did you not say
you were married?
Why did you not say
you were a minister?
Good day, Mistress Prynne.
Good morrow, Mistress Prynne.
Good morrow.
You care for a cup of cider?
We are your neighbours, it seems.
Did you like the sermon
this morning?
From where l sat it
seemed it did please thee.
l liked it very much.
l thought the
young minister very...
Harriet Hibbons.
How do you do?
Come and meet some of
the others who were not invited
to the Governer's shindig.
Sally Short, Mistress Prynne.
How do you do?
l was on the dock
when you arrived.
Mary Rollins.
Mary don't like to speak much.
She's only been free from
the savages this half year.
And Matona don't trust
the English, do you dear?
Mistress Prynne?
Thank you, no.
l never imbibe.
You've gathered some fine
Balm of Gilead,
Shepherd's Purse, yarrow.
You know your plants?
l do. l recite ''Culpepper''
by heart.
Then what would you use to
heal a bad burn?
l've seen sweet fern work miracles,
but Culpepper suggests blackberry
and red cedar.
Well, you hear that.
My husband has
a very large library
and l was able to school myself.
How do you like our new
Sober enough for you?
sober enough.
What l miss is the dancing.
When first we came,
they'd be dancing round
the maypole.
Feast days we'd sing
bawdy songs.
People weren't afraid
to play the fool.
We'd teach
the bears to dance.
Now days, everybody getting more
and more sourfaced and ponderous.
And a whipping post stands
where the mayppole used to be.
But there's a few of us who
haven't forgotten to laugh.
lt's been a pleasure
meeting you all.
l'm sorry l must take my leave,
but l don't want to be stuck
in the wilds at night.
There are things that sound to me,
the wilds at night are
my natural territory.
Particulary when there's
a full moon.
Do you try to frighten me
with this witch talk?
Not so, Mistress Prynne.
But l can see
what others cannot.
Be a curse, to be sure,
but l know the hearts of men.
And what does my heart tell you?
You're a most comely woman.
Let a man tremble
who wins the hand of a maid,
but possesses not the
full passion of her heart.
My husband has nothing to fear.
Good day Mistress Hibbons.
Good day, Mistress Prynne.
Good day, Goody Gotwick.
l brought these for
Reverend Dimmesdale.
The Reverend be occupied
with his work, Missus.
Leave them books on the table
and l'll be sure he gets them.
Good morrow, Reverend.
Good morrow, Mistress Prynne.
Knowing you hunger for new reading,
l brought you some books.
How courteous of you.
l must apologize for my
forthrightness on Sabbath last.
l've earned a few reprimands
for speaking too bluntly.
l owe an apology, too.
l can't understand why
l took such offence
to such a simple comment.
But l have wondered
how you were able
to see so deeply
into my nature.
Perhaps l'm a witch.
l must be keeping you
from your chores.
Thank you for the books.
Good day.
l'm sorry. My hands
are covered in ink.
l've been
hovered over
my translations all day.
Aye. l'm attempting to
translate the Bible into
the local lndian language,
What an ambitious undertaking.
But l'm told the lndians don't want
to be guided by our Bible.
That war with them is inevitable.
Some think that way,
but they're wrong.
The lndians, born from a
certain liberty,
take not easily
to bridle and bit.
No man should.
You keep putting ink
on your face.
Oh, l do.
There you are.
l do hope you enjoy
the books.
Thank you.
Good day.
Good day.
'Tis only a bathing tub,
not a toy of Satan.
Mistress Prynne?
Reverend Dimmesdale!
-You frightened me.
-l'm sorry. l didn't mean to.
lt's a wonderful surprise.
-lt's beautiful.
-Yes, and frightening.
Just as Eden must have been.
So untouched.
Does it not cry out
with it's promise,
that everything
can begin anew?
l brought back your books.
You couldn't have read them all
in four days.
Oh no, l did.
l read most of them twice.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
l'm not the man l seem.
l've lived here all my life,
my purpose clear.
But now l'd risk everything,
my life, my ministry, my soul
just to spend a few
moments alone with you.
God help me, Hester.
l love thee.
God help me.
l love thee too.
Oh God. Have we lost our way?
l dreamed of thee speaking
thy heart.
l have prayed for it even as
l have dreaded it.
Was l alive before
l laid eyes on thee?
What shall we do?
l know not.
Say something to end it,
for l have not the power.
Nor l.
We could be hanged for this.
l've put you in too much danger,
and l must end it by walking away
and never speaking with you again.
Go then.
Do as you promised.
Throughout the long summer,
Mistress Prynne and the Reverend
avoided each other
at all costs.
Mistress Prynne rarely went to town
and the Reverend escaped to the wilds
with the Indians
and faithful Johnny Sassamon
And the colony organized
it's annual election day
as usual.
No one the wiser that
there existed among them
two hearts struggling
against a love
that grew stronger with
each passing day.
Johnny Sassamon says they've
attacked the ''lntrepid''.
What's he saying,
The Tarrantines
attacked an English ship,
the lntrepid.
All were massacred.
''Doctor Roger Prynne''.
Mistress Prynne.
l'm here as your minister.
Come in.
There was an attack,
an lndian attack on one of our ships.
They say that,
all aboard were massacred.
l regret to be...
the one to bring you
this sad news.
l'll leave you to your mourning.
Are you certain none survived?
They say that the tide
washed away the bodies.
God forgive me!
l've prayed so long to
be set free.
You did not cause his death, Hester.
took your husband.
But was it an answer
to my prayers?
Does He work like that?
lf in His eyes there was no other way
we could be together.
l must know what the law is.
The mourning, how long must one wait?
1 month? Six months?
Where there is no absolute
proof of death,
7 years must pass before
we're free to be seen in public.
7 years?
Greetings, Metacomet.
We have been
But now Tarrantine
and Wampanoag must unite
to fight
the greedy English.
before theypush us into
the sea.
Were the lndians
cruel to you, Mary?
After my little one died,
they treated me fair and square.
lf truth be told,
cruel is how you folks have
treated me since l come home.
Thank you.
l didn't do nothing
that wasn't forced on me!
The thought of being
taken by a savage
makes me sick to my stomach.
Well, they do it on
the backs of their horses,
ridin' across the land.
Hester, you all right?
Yes, l'm just tired.
Mary's right.
You call them savages.
l could tell you a thing or two
about your husband
before he tied the knot with you.
Stupid slut!
Harold would never had nothing
to do with no whore!
You think not?
l've even seen
one of your windy ministers
pokin' an lnjun girl,
standin' on a bible
so he could roger her better.
They always said the Scriptures
should uplift you!
l refuse to be with those
who would mock the Holy Book!
she'll not be coming back soon.
Good riddance to her!
We Quakers believe that
the Scriptures be not religion,
but only the ceremony
and history of it.
l agree.
For are not the laws of men
but the imagination of mortals,
and the inner spirit
the true voice of Heaven?
l pray you're not sayin'
you talk directly
to the Deity?
Don't you know that
only paid Bible-thumpers
can do that?
Have a care, child,
or they'll talking of you
the way they talk of me!
l know some consider it
blasphemous to say this,
but l do talk to God.
l have since l was a small child.
And He answers me.
Mistress Roger Prynne...
by order of the Governor of
Masachusetts Bay Colony,
you are ordered to appear
before the magistrates
at eight tomorrow morn!
Don't be tardy!
Mistress Prynne,
these gentlemen have laid a
charge ofheresy againstyou.
Tell me how it is the laws ofmen
are the imagination ofmortals?
It is the meetings
thatyou call heresy.
Lascivious talk offornication
with savages.
Fallen women who tell lies
about good citizens.
This is what comes when there is
no qualified man present
to guide these women
in their untutored chatterings.
lf the discourse of women
is untutored chattering,
why does the Bible teach that women
shall be the teachers of women?
Hester, we ask that
you cease these meetings.
No, sirs.
l'll not stop the meetings.
Please join us.
l've been fishing, sir..
You may thank me to remain
where l am.
-Please be seated.
-Call our first witness.
ls it truly of import?
Yes, it is of great consequence.
Very well, call your witness.
Goody Gotwick?
Stand up, Goody.
You revealed to my wife
something very disturbing.
Tell me, what does it mean
when a woman
vomits in the morning hours?
And vomits more than once
in the morning hours?
l only saw her the one time.
Yes. And?
Goody Mortimer
saw her get sick in the market.
Are you with child?
Answer your betters, woman!
Do you carry a bastard child
in yur womb?
Who is the father?
You are innocent next to the one
who would hide behind your skirts.
We would hang that fornicator!
l'll not reveal the name, sir.
l will tell you his name!
His name is Lucifer!
His name is Legion!
His name is lust!
What do you hope to accomplish?
You know there is no law
against pregnancy.
But there is against adultery.
lt would only adultery if
her husband were found to be alive.
The meetings will stop!
if you knew the name of this man,
would you punish Hester Prynne?
Has she confessed the name to you?
l've confessed nothing!
-Tell us the truth, Arthur.
-He knows nothing of my affairs.
He speaks as my pastor
to spare me your harsh hand.
But l fear not your punishments!
l love and honor the man who has
fathered this child!
And say what you will,
he is my true husband for life,
and l shall furnish no information
which might cause him harm.
Very well, you leave me no choice.
You're under arrest.
ls this your new Jerusalem?
Let me have a moment alone
with the woman.
-l can draw the name from her.
-You shall have your chance.
l've considered all the arguments
and decided Arthur is allowed
to speak to Mistress Prynne alone.
Hester Prynne,
place your hand
on the Good Book.
Let us pray.
Let us pray.
Why did you not tell me?
l was afraid.
l thought if l worked hard,
l would miscarry.
l must go to Bellingham
with the truth.
No, you must not!
You are a saint to these people!
They'll hang you for betraying them!
l prefer to hang, than allow you
to suffer for me.
They've no case against me!
-When they tire, they'll release me.
-l know Stonehall.
You've challenged him,
and he'll not release you
until you are humbled
and have recanted your sins.
Do you believe we've sinned?
l know not.
What happen between us had
a consecration. Have you forgotten?
l've not forgotten!
Arthur, l know you want
to speak out.
Your nature cries out for it.
But you risk your own ruin
and deny me
my right to stand up
to this hypocrisy.
lf l need you to speak,
l'll tie this handkerchief
from the window.
l love thee woman,
but your strength frightens me.
l'll do what you ask.
God be with you.
l'm sure he already is.
Mistress Prynne has been there
more than 5 months
without any legal justification.
Even in Plymouth they regard this
as barbaric!
l'd like to free her.
At home, l have no peace on this.
But the people see us go to her
week after week, caps in hand,
only to be turned away.
The woman is unrepentant!
She's fortunate we haven't
beaten her publicly!
l'm surprised at you Reverend.
You came here a man of reason.
l came here expecting
some semblance of order.
lnstead l find
a den of fractiousness!
Sir, if you do not
stem this dissent,
my wife and l will return
to England.
And take our parishioners!
lf only she would give us
a small sign of contrition.
Ifit had been up to him,
my father,
he would have ended it and
revealed the truth ofmy origins.
But bound by my mother's wish,
he could not.
He went every day to see her
and was refused.
His eye everon that window
forhersign that it was time
to come forward with the truth.
Had there been flashes ofPrynne's
unstable nature before
in England?
No one knows.
But now, free from
Puritan society,
he was increasingly seized
by spirits so powerful
they were terrifying
even to the Indians.
He has a ghost in him.
He'll bring us bad luck.
Send him home.
Forgive me, Lord,
forI have turned from
my Heavenly Father.
Forgive me.
Lord, bring me back to thy bosom.
God's teeth, child!
How could they leave you thus?
l'm so glad you're here!
6 months and not one visitor.
Some of us came, my dear,
but we were turned away.
Your slave came every day.
How quick are the pains?
-They're not stopping.
Take a sip of this.
l wager you won't refuse
my cider this time.
Rvd. Dimmesdale tried always
to get you freed.
All right, breathe deep.
Breathe deep.
Hold on to me!
Good girl!
Easy, easy.
Let me see.
All's well. All's well.
lt's close.
lt's very close.
Come, my dear. lt's time.
Up you sit.
Good girl. There.
Move down a little.
This child is ready to be born.
We've work to do!
How could they
keep me here so long?
Well, l'll say this,
you must have a will of iron.
When you take on the men,
it leads to death.
All right, my dear.
Chin down and bear down hard!
More and harder!
Harder! Good!
Good girl. That's it.
Good. Easy.
Are you sure
God's not punishing me?
To be sure he's punishing you.
He be giving you a child!.
Now. Gently.
Now the head is coming.
The head is through.
Just a little more.
Easy. Easy.
She'd here!
Oh, thank you, God!
Little Pearl.
Harriet, she's here!
She's here.
Sit there, Mistress.
Proceed, Reverend.
l'll have them fetch fresh clothes
for you and the babe.
l bring good news.
l've prevailed upon the Governor.
You are to be freed.
But by law...
you'll be brought to the scaffold
for reprimand.
Whatever is said,
be as contrite as
your conscience permits.
lf not for my sake,
for the babe's.
l beg you,
don't anger them further!
l've come to baptize
the babe.
l've died not seeing you.
l came every day.
l baptize this child,
ln the name of the Father,
and the son,
and the Holy Ghost.
May the Lord bless thee,
and care for thee,
and watch over thee.
Freeing this woman
is an invitation to every wife
to defy her husband.
Every child it's parent!
No, she should be released.
You don't put her in prison,
you put the prison in her.
So each time someone sees her,
her sin will be marked into
her soul afresh.
Cunningly contrived, my dear.
Make way in the King's name.
A blessing on the righteous
Colony of Massachusetts,
where iniquity is dragged
into the sunlight!
Know ye
that Mistress Roger Prynne
has been ordered
to bear punishment for
fornication and adultery.
lf it be determined later
that her husband be still alive,
she may face a most severe penalty,
which is to be hanged by the neck
until dead.
Pray, silence,
for his Excellency,
the Governor.
Hester Prynne,
though you show no
modesty in you apparel,
yet you have a chance, still,
to repent your sins.
Yes, Hester, repent!
Child, don't you believe
you have sinned?
l believe l have sinned
in your eyes,
but who is to know if God
shares your views?
transgress not the limits
of Heaven's mercy!
Reverend Dimmesdale,
you are her pastor.
Speak to her for all our sakes!
Soften her, her hardness
her obstinacy!
Listen to the Reverend!
Speak to the woman, my brother.
Exalt her to confess the truth!
Hester Prynne,
you hear what these
good men say,
and see the accountablity
under which l labor.
For your soul's peace,
l charge thee
speak out the name
of your fellow sinner.
Be not silent
for some mistaken pity
or tenderness for him.
For believe me, if he could
step down and stand beside you
on your pedestal of shame,
it would be better than to
carry a guilty heart
through life.
What can your silence
do for him,
except to tempt him?
And compel him
to add hypocrisy to sin?
She will not speak.
ln the name of the Lord,
name him!
Name him!
-His name!
-What is his name?
Who might he be?
Very well.
Mistress, if you do not speak out
his name, wear upon your bodice
this symbol of your sinful
Heed not this
final warning,
and you will be a pariah,
cut off, shunned
and reviled by every man,
woman and child in this town!
Why do you wait?
Put it on!
lt is not a badge of my shame,
but your own!
What do you want?
Have l changed so much,
my beloved,
that you would slay me as l
resurrect myself from the dead?
Was l ever unkind to you?
Did l not love thee?
Did l not see thee
above all womanhood?
Are you not bound to me
by sacred oath?
Or has this new land turned thee
into a heathen?
Lay our bed will thou, wife.
Pray for thy sins, Hester Prynne.
Beg the Lord to forgive
thy corruption.
Pray and l'll wash thee
as white as snow.
White as snow, my love.
White as snow.
White as snow.
Thank God you're here!
-Why are you taking this risk?
-l had to warn you.
My husband is alive.
Dear God!
Now we'll hang for certain.
Why would he show up at this moment
if he wasn't God's dark messenger,
sent to punish us.
Arthur, you must leave without us.
l cannot bear to see you
trapped here,
under his watchful eye forever.
Hester, l must stay
and watch over you and Pearl.
No. You don't know him.
He'll wait for us to
betray each other
with the slightest glance
or the merest gesture.
Please. You must go!
This God's punishment,
because we tried to run
from His Will.
l will not say farewell, Hester.
Pray God watch over you.
And so will l.
Kiss Pearl for me each night.
'Tis easy to see
the mother's part in her.
ls it beyond research,
l wonder,
to analyze her nature,
and from it's make and mold,
give a shrewd guess
as to the father?
What are your expectations?
l do not expect your heart
to return to you quickly.
But l hope one day
you will draw me again
into your heart.
Love has forced me to open
my heart to another.
Watch your tongue, woman!
'Tis this phantom lover who
puts these words into your mouth1
Where is he?
ls his kiss
still wet on your lips,
on your breast?
-l demand to know!
-lf l spent 6 months in a cold jail,
and did not tell these iron men,
what makes you think
l'll tell you now?
These trials have made me strong!
And l am not the child
you married!
Why not announce yourself openly
and cast me off at once.
No, no.
l seek no vengeance against you.
But the man lives
who wronged us both.
He bears no letter of infamy
wrought into his garment.
But l shall read it on his heart.
Breathe one word to him
of my true identity,
and you will both hang.
lf you try to escape,
you will be easily found.
From the savages
l have learned patience,
Hester Prynne.
Goody Gotwick, thank you.
Reverend, allow me to introduce
our newest boarder,
Doctor Chilling...
Good day, man.
Good day, sir.
What brings you
to our colony, sir?
l'm a physician, sir.
l would cleanse the ills
of the community.
Have l said something strange?
l'm amazed.
We have prayed
for a skilled physician.
l see you are translating
the Bible into Algonquin.
A most difficult tongue
to master.
lf l can be of help, Reverend.
l am fluent in Algonquin.
l was a prisoner of the Tarrantine.
When l spoke improperly,
l was whipped.
l learned quite rapidly.
How were you captured?
l was working my farm in Virginia.
They came,
killed my wife, Eleanor,
God rest her soul,
and our infant son,
and sold me into captivity.
lt's a wonder you're not consumed
with bitterness and despair.
No, no. ln truth,
l am indebted to the lndians.
Some say they are savages,
but true savagery,
l find resides elsewhere.
Mistress Roger Prynne.
Mistress Prynne.
And what is your duty, boy?
Follow you around, Mistress.
Well, at least they'll
make a path for me.
God will punish you, sinner!
You're not welcome here!
Be gone, Hester Prynne!
Soap, please. Three pieces.
Although he wore no outward
symbol ofhis shame,
my father wore his own scarlet
letteron the bosom ofhis soul.
The pain oftheirseparation
must have affected us all.
I was a troublesome child.
My fatherached formy mother,
and filled his loneliness
in the wilds with Johnny.
They struggled
to keep alive theirdream
ofbuilding a bridge
between English and Indian.
why are they so close to town?
They say our people have
fallen asleep.
So they must remain awake
for all of us.
l'm worried.
ls war coming?
The great experiment
is not working, is it?
Yes, he's right.
lf there's war, what is to stop
our praying lndians
from rising up
and slitting our throats
as we sleep?
Faith, Thomas. Faith.
l know what will stop them.
Arthur's friendship
with Johnny Sassamon.
Johnny would never betray Arthur.
He worships him.
As Peter worshipped
lf there's a true war,
God help us all.
for neither we nor
the savaged will survive it.
l see the governor appreciates
the signs less than yee,
his Godly advisors.
lt is not always easy.
Strangely, the same thing
happened in Virginia.
Before the attack,
there were signs
that went unheeded.
What manner of signs?
The bad winter.
The crop failures.
Far too many Quakers
and foreigners in the town.
Some minor elements
of witchcraft, etc.
Our first sign was that
of Hester Prynne
and her women's meetings.
Then the severe winter.
The failed crops.
You see, sir,
my colleague has feared
from the start,
that in the matter of
Mistress Prynne,
witchcraft was involved.
Then why in all this time
have you not taken measures
to cleanse your colony?
What measures do you speak of?
Did you examine the women
present at those meetings?
Have you queried the midwife,
or inspected the child
for the witch's marks?
l shall fear no evil.
l prepare us a table
in the presence of thine enemy.
My cup
runneth over.
Surely goodness
and mercy shall follow me.
l will dwell
in the house of the Lord.
The babe's clean,
at present.
we shall leave your child
with you for the present,
but you must assure us
it will be raised a Christian.
Yes, yes.
l've been your friend today.
But it cannot always be so.
For inside me l grow
more wretched by the day.
l yearn so much for thee.
l fear l might destroy
her whole world
to win her back.
Tell old Harriet
what's troubling you.
l never imagined
how cruel and cunning
their punishment could be.
Stonehall y Cheever
stop to preach at me in the street.
The people pointing and shouting.
Even the children.
And that horrible drummer boy
following me everywhere.
Perhaps it was all for naught.
l wonder if to be a woman
is worthwhile at all.
Even for the happiest of women.
Courage, child.
Take heart. At least you've
known what it is to love.
But what if l've repaid it
by destroying him?
What if
everything l believed
so strongly was a lie?
Vain and
Prynne's cruelpunishments
were succeeding.
The seasons ran theircourse.
The distance between them
was impassable.
My mother took the terrible risk
ofwriting to my father,
reminding to keep theirlove
and his silence.
The subtle but constant
presence ofPrynne
was a torment
that threatened
my father's very soul.
As forPrynne,
his lust forrevenge
fed on itself
so that he hungered formore.
Good morrow, Mituba.
What a pleasant day
for a ride.
Poor Mituba.
You're renowned for your loyalty
to your Mistress, and l see why.
Was your dry lunch
a communication from her lover?
l have the power to arrest you
as an accomplice t adultery
and bring you before the magistrates
for questioning.
And since you are a slave,
they might whip you to death.
Easy. Easy.
l only want to help
the one we both love.
To free herself from the grasp
of a fiend.
Dear Lord, this is it!
He made you strip naked
before him!
Totally naked!
Was there a presence
in the room?
Now think! Think!
He might have come
in one of his many disguises.
Did he come as a bird?
Oh, God. l feel
the presence of Lucifer!
Save yourself before
it's too late!
Gentlemen, please!
Go home, Mituba.
You've been a wondrous help.
Commend us to your Mistress.
Go home.
Go home.
So there is a malignancy
to be cut our here.
But what kind of witness
will a slave be in court?
The bird, obviously.
is Harriet Hibbons.
What is it, Pearl?
-Forgive me, Hester.
Yours was the first place
l thought of to hide.
What is it?
They've, they've,
they've ah...
broken into my house.
They're looking for me in the woods.
l've been named
as a witch!
ln the name of God!
Halt there!
Yes, sir!
What's the meaning
of this intrusion?
Stand aside, woman!
We know the witch is in here.
There's no one inside
but me, my child and Mituba.
So unless you have a warrant,
be gone.
Reverend Dimmesdale.
What's happening, major?
We've cornered ourselves a witch.
Here in Hester Prynne's cottage.
lf there's a witch
inside the house, major,
l'll find her.
One man at the door.
Pearl's grown tall.
She's an elf.
Dear God, Hester.
lt's been so long.
You'r thin.
Are you hiding someone, Hester?
Why do you...?
Why are you risking
further anger from the elders?
Because she is no witch!
She's committed no crime
beyond speaking her mind!
lf she is innocent,
l assure you no harm
will befall her.
Arthur. After all that
has happened,
how can you still trust
these iron men?
Don't you see what's happening?
Last month they brought
Sally Short for questioning.
They held her for 2 days.
Last week it was Mary Rollins.
They just questioned them!
What's the crime in that?
The crime is they had nothing!
Don't you see
this is some malevolence?
-What has become of you?
-God, woman!
What are your demands?
l've given up everything
l own sacred!
l'm in Hell!
ln the eye of your husband,
who lurks at my side day and night.
ln the eye of all who come to me
to unburden their soul!
l'm a pollution!
l'm a lie!
They are the pollution!
They are the lie!
But you allow them to destroy
all that is good in you!
What's happened
to the man l love?
Does he not still live inside thee?
Our love, woman,
was a folly.
And the voice we heard,
we have been punished
for listening to!
What have l become?
To betray the onlyperson on earth
who had shown herkindness.
What could feel worse than that?
Poor, mute Mituba.
When Prynne summoned her,
she wanted only to undo the harm
sh'd caused her Mistress.
Peace in this House!
Peace, l say. Peace!
You find these proceedings
humorous, Mistress?
Do you expect me
to take them seriously?
You're a bunch of grown men
poking around my private parts
looking for witch's marks!
The slave, Mituba...
Peace, l say. Peace!
The witness, the slave Mituba,
has been found dead.
l told you she was a witch!
-Mistress Hibbons is a witch!
-She's a witch!
Have you lost all reason?
There's no witchcraft here!
This is murder!
restrain this woman!
Satan is not at work
here among the women!
But if he's here, perhaps is
at work among you men!
Here Satan speaks!
l have evidence to render.
As you know,
Mistress Hibbons midwifed
Mistress Prynne's
baby Pearl.
Sweet Pearl.
l wish you were my girl.
Poor fatherless child.
Would you like to learn a game?
Yes. Now do what l do.
lf l pinch my nose.
You too.
Very good, very good.
pull up my shirt and
show my tummy tum-tum.
Now show me your tummy tum-tum.
Pull up your shirt.
Behold the witch's mark!
Behold the devil's own child!
The devil's own child!
The devil's own child!
This woman is innocent!
lnnocent? Since you first spoke
of this woman,
all we've dreames and toiled for
in God's name has been threatened!
l've heard enough!
Have you listened?
Factions! Arguments!
That is the work of Satan!
The town was in an uproar.
My fatherrisked one last
meeting with my mother,
convinced that ifthey were to hang
Harriet, it would not be long
before my motherand I
would be seized...and hung.
l had to speak out.
l couldn't stop myself.
Damn your husband!
You and Pearl must go in hiding.
l cannot.
l cannot run.
What are you saying?
Forgive me.
Whatever happens,
promise me
you'll look after Pearl.l.
God, woman, how much further
must you take this?
As far as my strength
will take me.
lf Harriet is to hang,
l must hang with her.
l'll ask the other women
to stand with us.
They can't hang us all.
Hester, are we ever
to know a life together?
l love thee.
l love thee and always will.
l will always love thee.
Lord God, we stood before thee
naked once,
and now we stand before thee
naked again, as a family.
God! Thou has given me this
as a gift,
and l will not give it up!
Not while l have the strength.
Evening Mistress Prynne.
Expecting someone else?
Ah, no.
Didn't you call out for Arthur?
The only Arthur l know is...
You misunderstood me,
l didn't say...
l should have guessed
long ago.
You naughty girl.
So you fucked our minister.
God, l'm about to savour
a priceless morsel!
Up we go!
Did he suck your breasts?
Did he lick you?
Where did he lick you?
Show me!
How l wanted to put it in you!
This is to make you pay
for my fantasies.
While you were torturing me,
you were giving it to another.
Damned witch!
Get out!
Do up your britches
and get out!
Bastard! Get out of here!
How l will enjoy watching
you and the pastor hang!
Open up, doctor!
There are matters between us
we must discus immediately.
So, Arthur Dimmesdale.
At last justice is done!
Ha sido asesinado!
Call out the militia!
Call out the guards!
lt's a sign!
The Lord has sent us a sign!
We have strayed!
See how he punishes us!
lt's Brewster.
Those savages
have killed him!
My son! My son!
Damned heathens!
Lock up the praying lndians,
before they murder us
in our beds!
Get the praying lndians!
Praying lndians into the compound!
We are loyal to you!
We are loyal to you!
By order of the Governor of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony,
you are under arrest
for the crime of heresy.
Stop this. lt was one of us
who killed Brewster.
l have proof.
Johnny, run to Metacomet's
place by the river.
Tell him to come and
save his people. Run, man!
Here come the witches!
Open the cell.
-Never mind the child.
-Get in, woman!
Worry not, Mistress.
l'll see she's raised up
to fear the Lord.
Open up, murderer!
There is no witchcraft here!
lf we hang these women,
then what have we become?
Who are we
to condemn
on God's behalf?
l love this woman.
l am
the father of her child.
And in God's eyes,
l am her husband.
lf you must hang someone,
to appease
your anger and fear,
then hang me.
Hang him!
Hang him!
Hang him!
Hang him!
Where's my daughter, Pearl?
She's in the meeting house!
You are free, my people.
Go back to Metacomet!
Go back to the forest!
Bellingham will do anything
to conceal this madness from England.
He has sworn to me that
he will remove the letter.
And make thee a public apology.
How close they are,
love and hate.
We're no less bound by one
than the other.
Rest in peace, Roger Prynne.
This letter has served a purpose.
Though not the one
they had intended.
So why would l stay here?
To be accepted by them?
To be tamed by them?
-There is no perfect world.
-No, not perfect.
But we came here
to make a new one.
And for Pearl's sake,
l must do just that.
Look at me.
lf l look at you,
l won't be able to leave
Then leave.
Brave the wilds!
But Hester,
l'm not letting you
go without me.
They're watching us.
In the faraway Carolinas,
they were at last to find
a measure ofthe happiness
that hade been denied them
forso long.
My fatherdied before
I reached my teens.
Some say that was
a punishment.
My motherneverremarried
norloved another.
Some say that was a punishment.
As forme,
I do not see it that way.
Myparents shared
a love like no other.
I know the spirit ofthat love
lives within me.
And will live within
my children forever.
Who is to say what is a sin
in God's eyes?