Scary or Die (2012)

I said the similarity
between a Mexican and a Cuban.
I don't know.
I thought I knew before,
but now I don't know.
Harder you hit 'em,
the more English you get out of 'em.
You get it?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I get it now.
It's gonna be
a real scorcher in Yuma.
Looking at a high
of about 110.
Okay, let's go back
to the line.
We have Lonnie from El Centro.
Hey, Lonnie,
what can I do you for?
Hey there,
you know I got them
all over my property.
Damn, that's smooth!
What the hell you drinkin'
that nasty shit for?
'Cause it's cheap.
Makes it himself
in his own damn shed.
And it's like
a gazillion proof.
And it tastes like
pb and j sandwich, see?
It stinks like shit.
Well, maybe you should
take a hit off it, Connie.
It'd loosen you up.
How much looser
y'all want me? Huh?
Is that loose?
Knock it off, Keith!
Besides, I don't think Buck feels much like sharin'.
Ain't that right?
That depends.
Depends on what?
What Sharon looks like.
Could you pull over?
I need to use
the little ladies room.
Why? You gotta drop off
the browns at the super bowl?
Somethin' wrong with you.
What's the most
you ever lost on a coin toss?
I said...
What's the most
you ever lost on a coin toss?
Pedro, you ruinin' my shit.
Just forget it.
Ring this shit up.
You understand that?
Hmm, Guacamole?
Don't you ever go to the movies?
Eleven dollar and 50 cents...
Por favor.
Sure got that money lingo
figured out, don't ya?
S, seor.
God damn rabbits.
Oh, get that out of my face!
I'm sorry.
God, you are startin' to reek of that shit!
It's comin' through your pores!
Home, home on the range
Where deer
and the antelope play
You ready to have fun?
Anything to get me out
of this shit can.
Well, this is it.
This is where
it all goes to shit...
Every single night
when the sun goes down.
Damn straight.
You know,
we gonna make a difference.
So now what, we're just gonna
hang out here until nightfall
and then scare the livin' shit
out of 'em as they come over?
Somethin' like that.
You ready to have some fun?
Oh, my god!
Damn, that smells!
Who in the hell
are they, Buck?!
They've been back here
this whole time?!
Get 'em the fuck out my truck.
Oh, my god.
What the fuck, Keith? Shh.
Come on, grandpa. Let's go.
Oh, you smell!
Who are they?
Damn, Buck, this one's
a real El Porko!
Must've eaten him some gorditas
before we snagged him.
Now, you are gonna let them go,
right, Buck?
Please tell me
you're gonna let them go.
to hell.
Get that gag out his mouth.
All right. Come on.
Why are their hands tied up?
Por favor.
Speak American, huh?
Agua, por favor.
Shut up! Shut up!
You shut the fuck up!
Shh. Quiet.
You know why we
brung you back here, don't ya?
'Cause this is the place
where all you beaners come over.
You see? You see your clothes?
You smell your filthy garbage?
You're shitin' up my country.
I own a landscaping business.
I'm a citizen.
My kids are honor students.
I pay taxes.
Shut the fuck up! Stop it!
Stop! Keith, make him stop!
Shit! Get out of the way!
Get your hands off me, Buck!
This is crazy talk!
Get your hands off me!
Get off me!
Whoo! Whoo!
Oh, my god!
See, we clean the human
garbage up off the street.
We bring you turds back here
where you come from.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Come on, get up, old man.
Get up, old man.
Get up, old man!
This is the end, Jose Cuervo.
Please, please don't do this.
Maybe the next time a group of you
system suckers comes through here,
They'll see the grave...
And they'll know it
ain't but a matter of time
before me or somebody like me
catches 'em,
brings 'em right back here.
Word'll spread.
They'll think twice about comin' over my border.
Fuckin' beaners.
Fuckin' beaners
can leave this country.
Or you can leave this earth.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, god.
Let's hurry up, get a position
before the sun goes down.
It's gonna be
real busy around here.
Weird how they
keep buryin' the others.
Yeah, well,
if we keep roundin' 'em up and bringin' 'em back here,
Maybe these dumbasses
will get the picture.
Where the hell Connie go?
I don't know.
Wonder if this one's
got any gold in his teeth.
Whoo hoo!
Burial at sea!
What the hell
you doin', Connie?
You never said nothin' to me
about no killin'.
You said we were
just gonna scare 'em.
Buck, give me
the fuckin' truck keys!
Put that gun down before you blow one of your tits off!
Buck, give me the fuckin' keys!
Oh, my god!
What is that?!
Don't just stand there!
Get it off! Get it off me!
Get it off me!
Oh, my god!
I can't see!
Oh, god!
Get off me, you bitch!
Get off me, you bitch!
What the hell you make of that?
Looks like another
god damn zombie.
So should we go get her?
What time is it?
Nah, shift's over.
Let's leave her for the damn animals.
What the fuck you lookin' at?
Can I help you?
No, I-I don't think so.
Mind your own business,
Hey, come on.
This is it.
I don't know how to repay you.
You don't have
to repay me, min-ah.
Just go to the police.
I-I could take you.
No, I can't.
This guy could come back.
They will send me back
to Pyongyang, Taejung.
Oh. I-I didn't know.
I just figured you were--
I'm not.
Although it seems like
I have been here an eternity.
Well, be careful.
I'll see you around.
Please come here, Taejung.
I am having a small party,
And I want to repay you
for everything
you have done for me.
I don't know.
I'm not much of a--
Just come, Taejung.
You won't forget it.
You came, Taejung Shi.
At the end of the rainbow
There's happiness
But my life is a race
Just a wild goose chase
And my dreams
have all been denied
Why have I always
been a failure?
What can the reason be?
I wonder
if the world's to blame
I wonder
if it could be me
Hands on the wheel, please.
Let's see your license
and registration, please.
Yeah, certainly.
Thank you.
You were, uh, swerving
a little bit back there.
Are you having some problems
driving this evening?
Oh, no, no, I was just closing
the glove compartment,
and I thought
I saw something in the road.
No big deal.
And have you had
anything to drink tonight?
No, no, not at all.
What was that?
Why don't you pop
the trunk for me, sir.
You know, officer, I don't
think it's any big deal.
Just pop the trunk, please.
I wonder
if the world's to blame
I wonder
if it could be me
Hands on the wheel, please.
Let's see your license
and registration, please.
Yeah, certainly.
Thank you.
You were, uh, swerving
a little bit back there.
Are you having some problems
driving this evening?
Oh, no, no, I was just closing
the glove compartment,
And I thought
I saw something in the road.
No big deal.
And have you had
anything to drink tonight?
No, no, not at all.
What was that?
Why don't you pop
the trunk for me, sir.
You know, officer, I don't
think it's any big deal.
Just pop the trunk, please.
You're good to go.
Just try to keep your eyes on the road, all right, sir?
Thank you.
Some fellows look
and find the sunshine
I always look
and find the rain
My little brother...
I wouldn't do for him...
Or sacrifice
I wouldn't make.
Hey, em, will you get my back?
Yeah, give me a second.
Go in there and get it, man.
Can't let you base
too long, okay, babe?
Need to get little man back home
before mom calls missing persons.
Here you go.
Hey there.
Hey there.
Hey. Are you okay in there?
Help me.
Please make him go away.
I'm just looking for my ball.
What are you doing under here?
I heard a baby crying.
There's no babies
under here, man.
No. Come on.
Hey, hey, em.
What's crackin'?
Hey, we're on time, right?
No. Shop's closed.
Baby, it's a saturday night.
This is the last time, okay?
I got hours for business, too.
Okay, I promise.
Thank you.
A check?
Are you for real?
What the fuck's wrong with you, bitches?
Come on, Emmett.
It's from my trust account.
It's golden.
Get out the way.
You're blockin' my car.
What a dick.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Emmett, thanks for those clippers tickets, man.
My kids had a blast.
No problem.
Hey, mom.
Can you hand me that tape, Kelly? Sure.
What time's
the party start tomorrow?
Could use your help
wrangling the hooligans.
Bang on my door, find out.
I ain't beggin', Emmett.
But I sure could
use your help.
It's saturday night, ma.
Count me in.
Emmett, wake up.
I need your help now.
Oh, shit.
Look, I'm sorry.
I ended up oversleep-- Forget sorry.
One of Andy's friends, Kade,
is missing from the party.
We think he walked out
of the backyard.
Everybody's searching the
neighborhood and we're going, too.
Okay, let me get dressed.
I'll go, too.
You let me down.
I needed you,
and you let me down.
I'm sorry.
Look, just pay the clown, okay?
He's gathering his stuff up
in the kitchen.
You think you can do that?
Yo. Hey, man. What the fuck
you doin' in my fridge?
Close my fridge, man.
What the fuck?!
I said shut the fridge!
You want the money?
Close the fridge and get out my house.
Yeah, it's a balloon.
Okay, fucko.
That's it, you're out.
Get out my house.
Get out! Out! Out!
Get out!
Emmett, watch out!
Help! Someone!
Leave him alone!
Oh, shit!
That fucker bit me!
Baby, Emmett...
Emmett, are you okay?
Are you okay?
I can't believe
you got bit by a clown.
This is disgusting.
I hope he's not sick.
Sick like how?
Emmett, a clown bit you.
That doesn't happen every day.
Who knows what germs
he's carrying,
Diseases he's got.
It's just plain wrong.
It's okay, em.
I'll take care of you.
Oh, shit.
You don't look so good.
I'm fine.
I'm just kinda hungry.
Animal cracker?
What am I, four?
Yo, Emmett, hey.
What up?
Oh, look at that.
Oh, man.
that was fucking epic!
How's he doing?
He's just a little--
I'm fine, ma.
Andy asleep?
Yes, took forever. That boy's been a
mess ever since Kade up and walked off.
Can't have me worrying
about you, too.
Nah, I'm fine.
Kelly tried to poison me with
some nasty ass cookies is all.
The detectives
wanna talk to you.
I told them you were sleeping,
but they said they need it for their report.
Okay. No problem. I'll be right there.
Let me put some clothes on.
Are you okay?
I wish I wasn't sleeping.
Maybe I would have seen the kid walk off.
Did both of you know
everyone at the party?
Except that clown.
A clown?
What clown?
It was the clown
that bit me.
He was raiding through our fridge,
so I kicked him out.
You got bit by a clown?
Yeah, I know, right?
It's crazy. Right on my leg.
Funny, I never heard
of a clown biting before.
Yeah, there was that one
back in '88 at the marina.
Oh, no, no, no, that wasn't a clown,
that was a mime.
No, it was a clown.
Oh, no, no, Ray,
that was a mime.
That was a mime
as sure as I'm sitting here.
I know a clown
when I see one, Sam.
Yeah, well, you didn't see one at the
Marina because it was a god damn mime.
It was a god damn clown, okay?
Look, let's just agree to disagree. How about that?
Okay, sure, fine,
'cause you're wrong.
I am not wrong! You're wrong!
No, you're wrong!
I know the difference between a
god damn clown and a mime, okay?
Okay, okay, okay! Anyway, it was a clown.
He bit me. He ran off.
He was very suspicious.
You find the clown, you find the kid.
I'm sure of it.
What's the clown's name?
I don't know.
He didn't speak.
Oh, well, then possibly
it was just a mime then.
Okay, the clown's name
was fucko, okay?
Fuck, fucko the clown,
and he bit Emmett.
A clown-- Not a mime,
a clown. Write that down.
Strange name.
Hmm. I've never heard
of a clown named fucko.
Can you tell us anything else
about this clown?
What was his act?
What the hell?
You would never hurt me,
would you, Emmett?
Never, Andy.
I love you.
You're my little brother.
I'll always protect you.
Then why am I so afraid of you?
Emmett my face.
My skin was changing.
The urge to feed was strong.
I wanted him--
I had to get away.
You've gotta get some sleep.
That was a long shift.
I just wanted to stop by and see how
everyone was doing before I crashed.
I'm sorry I blew up last night.
Oh, that's okay.
I'm worried about Emmett.
He'll be fine.
What is going on?
Come on!
Mom's gotta have a long sleeve.
You've been working too hard.
And you know Emmett can be a handful.
I don't know, Frances.
He's been acting
really strange lately...
Ever since that clown bit him.
If I didn't leave fast...
I'm afraid of what
I would've done.
What did the doctor say?
Good luck with that.
Emmett is not
gonna see a doctor.
It's from Emmett.
"Trouble. Gotta find that clown.
Call you later."
What does that mean?
He's gone. He went
to go look for the clown.
Maybe he didn't
know you were here.
No, you don't understand.
Something is wrong with him.
I had to hide my face...
Hide what I was becoming.
I couldn't let anyone
see me like this.
I would live my life
in the shadows...
Silently walking...
Prowling for the innocence...
To consume.
I never felt a hunger
like this before.
Something deep inside me...
Fighting the inevitable.
My mouth...
Sealed shut as if my own body
hates what it's becoming.
What the hell am I?
Oh, my god.
Emmett, where are you?
Let me come and get you.
Please don't.
Whatever trouble you're in,
I'll help you.
It's my fault.
I have to find the clown.
Forget the clown, Emmett.
Just come home.
I have to tell you something.
Tell Andy...
I'll never hurt him.
Emmett, please come home.
Pull his shoes off!
Come on, get his shoes off!
I can't! They're stuck!
His feet are too big!
Feed me.
Feed my urge.
Once I tasted it,
I wanted more.
I needed more.
Who sent this?
"He's mine now."
Where's Andy?
My baby!
Where are you
taking me, Emmett?
I'm scared, Emmett.
we've got a child abduction
on the corner
of Ringling and Vargas.
We're on our way.
What are we doing here, Emmett?
I just wanna go home now.
You're not Emmett!
Run, Andy! Run home!
Thank you, sir.
May I have another?
I'm sorry, Andy.
I didn't mean
for you to see that.
You'd never hurt me like that,
would you, Emmett?
Oh, no. No, Andy.
I would never let that happen.
Not to you.
I would die first, Andy...
Before I'd...
Before I'd...
Let myself hurt you.
Then why am I so afraid of you?
Run Andy! Run home, Andy!
I'll never let myself hurt you!
I'd die first, Andy.
I'd die first, Andy.
My brother Andy...
Hands up, clowny!
Nothing I wouldn't do for him.
What the hell you do that for?
There she is.
Hey, lady, can we see your baby?
Look at the size
of his feet!
L.A. Is a long way
from the parish.
And I sure as hell never
expected to find true love
In a city like this.
But I did.
And it was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
We were made for each other.
We fit.
He told me that.
We had some days.
We did.
And I loved that man
with every ounce of my being.
The first few months
after we were married
were the happiest days
of my life.
We couldn't get enough
of each other.
I felt the power of his love.
And my heart was full
to bursting.
I dreamed of someone like him.
But never thought he existed.
Just a little girl's dream.
Back in New Orleans,
my Gran Pere
was known around the parish
as a protector.
He watched over folks,
watched over me.
Some may call him
a conjurer,
as he knew the ways
of the old ones.
Some say my Gran Pere
could cast some spells.
He blew what they called the
goofer dust on me back then...
And gave me some in
a little vial that I wear today.
He said it was the dirt
my dead kin were buried in,
said that his mojo
would protect me
when he weren't on this side
of the grass no more,
when the dirt reclaimed him.
I never told anyone
what it was.
My gift from Gran Pere.
I can't cry now
or shed no more tears.
But after a while,
that man started
treating me differently.
A man's not supposed
to lay hands on his woman
Unless they lovin' hands.
I'd wish it was
like it was before.
But I knew there were others.
A woman knows.
Our Gran Pere always said
his granddaughter
deserved to be loved.
And if I ever had
that love in my heart...
It would never die.
I knew he was a player.
I just thought
he was done playin'.
I told him that I couldn't
stand for no more cheatin'.
I told him
I deserved better.
He didn't like that.
He was my man.
And I loved him...
Even if he did
that bad thing to me.
And I have that love
in my heart.
And just like
my Gran Pere promised...
That love...
Would never...
Like it or not...
We would spend eternity...