Schatz im Silbersee, Der (The Treasure of Silver Lake) (1962)

Centuries ago West it was
still unknown area.
It attracted all kinds of people:
Pioneers looking for a house...
and adventurers who
tension and gold were looking for.
But the West also questioned
outcasts to:
Law sought by the crooks,
murderers and tramps.
But there were also people
who fought for justice...
as Charles Vaillant,
aka Old Shafterhand.
This hunter and trapper was
friends with Winnetou:
The chief of the Apache.
We follow them along soon
mountains and valleys...
and we will be desperate struggle
to hold enormous resources.
There he is al Come on.
Hands up.
Come on, guys.
Well done, Colonel.
Give me a whiskey.
- Here is plaab. Go garble.
- Hi, Bill.
Grab your chance with this new,
medical discovery:
Aqua Salamandra.
Sick, weak or old?
This means a cure for everything.
I said no because it's my father
, but because it is true.
My father is the fairest man
in the world.
As we drink. You eat
there another one? Well. Cheers.
- Good luck.
- Good luck.
What's hot.
There is something in the air.
My scalpjeukt.
At least, where he used Saturday.
I am just open the window.
What do I go?
Here comes' n alien to.
A rookie if I am not mistaken.
- Whiskey.
- Not more on the swelling. Get out.
- Why doeje so stupid?
- Get out, I said.
Look at that.
Never without hat
in the bright sun, friend.
- Are you hurt?
- No, you know.
- I got a topmedicijn.
- No thanks, I have nothing.
My horse is only
a few sizes too big.
Look at him.
I would love may be on him.
- Thanks, what kind.
- I got something for you, girl.
I do not believe so.
What then?
- Do you think my rum unwell?
- Yes, sure.
I hoesfte because I 'd like.
Can I ask you what, sir?
OFWAT Who are you looking for here?
I search
the Papilio polymnestor parinda.
I do not know that.
What does he look like?
Medium red with wings.
The blue variant
what is less rare.
A butterfly. I am
butterfly collector.
I was not touching you,
but that bottle there.
My rifle moved a little bit.
That will change the case.
I thought it "was a joke.
You will pop stand.
What happens now
alsje father comes back, Fred?
That would you do
want to know, HC?
Then he becomes rich.
Very rich.
My father.
You bet.
Let 's take drink.
On my father.
Cheers. Look, if doeje that.
There is also 'n secret,
but that I should keep quiet...
to my dad with the coach
back from Salt Lake City.
What do you want from me?
Professor Jemerson-Hartley.
Medical and veterinarian of Appeal.
My horse and I are healthy.
Here you can not lose.
I got here
aqua chimborosa amore.
Three drops and every girl
dolverliefd is on you.
I guarantee that.
Slechb three dollars a bottle.
If I do need your elixir
for the love...
- it is bad to me made.
- In addition to the coach.
Why is there no koebier?
- He is dead.
- Kill.
I will find your killer.
Five horses
without which a rider.
They came from that side and here
they left the horses behind.
The tracks lead to
the main road.
Why they have the horses
left behind?
This voebporen go that way.
The others go down there.
Follow that but you.
- There were whites on the lurk.
- They waited on the coach.
There are also traces.
They have just dragged.
No fight.
Shot in the back.
They made no chance. They are
murdered in cold blood.
The 3rd man was stabbed,
but ontkwam.
Then he was sitting in the koeb. None
it had only horse riders.
One of the dead has Engel.
Maybe he escapes
in the carriage.
What do we do now?
If you drive to Tulsa, I will
trace of the bandits follow.
There was only 50 dollars in that fund.
As postmaster, I know that.
Furthermore, there is only with
people on the passenger list.
Mr. Engel and blessed
Brown is one that is now gone.
Almost every rogue called himself
- This was not about the money.
- No? But wherever it about?
Maybe they were looking
Easter eggs.
- Fred, what is it?
- Where gaje go?
- No movement.
- What a gruff greeting.
Think for your shoot.
Come and get out.
Hello, old giant.
That is coincidental.
- That is the offender. Hang him.
- Wait a minute.
You do not see
that this is not a crook?
If such a horse and such guns
not 'n hunter bears are...
I eat than on my scalp
's breakfast. Glad to see you.
Day, which every great hero has
with the name Old Shafterhand.
- Is that him?
- If I'm not mistaken, however.
Search the roversbende you?
He Freds-pa murdered.
They are now on their way to Tulsa.
What really for you. We talk it
if we are in Tulsa.
No, I am now going to find the perpetrators.
Winnetou, she is already on the track.
- Is there news, Woodward?
- Where is the colonel?
Me and my men
follow him no longer.
Shut up.
Hilton, Knox, come here.
- What was that?
- Nothing.
Woodward wants money for his
share in the postkoeboverval.
Are you sometimes forget
that you wanted us to speak?
Why do we
postkoeb who actually robbed?
Come inside.
Close the door.
Listen well,
but tell nieb further.
- We are confident.
- We nNijgen as the grave.
Ever heard of the treasure
van 't Silver Lake?
- These are just talk.
- Sun. Talking, HC?
According to Doc Hartley in Tulsa
Engel has a single card.
Hartley says that English map
a treasure map.
Therefore, we
which coach robberies.
So Angel was the man to
board the coach.
- Him we have slain.
- And where is the card now?
This is one half.
- Where is the other half?
- No idea.
Engel had a son. Who knows down
but where the other half.
Where's son than English?
Doc-Hartley follows him.
He know a good medicine.
On-the doctor.
The bottle is empty.
Where bewaarjeje drink?
In the attic.
Engel wanted in Salt Lake City
that piece of land claim.
- What is it?
- There is someone upstairs.
Hilton, this way.
Let me go.
I got him. I got him.
Quick, colonel.
Plug a lamp.
- What is it?
- Come quickly.
- The colonel has been established.
- There is something wrong.
- What is it, Colonel?
- A spy.
Who is that man?
- Burns. That's Burns.
- But where is the spy then?
Fixed jumped out the window.
To arms, men.
Kam 's camp out. Woodward,
versper the road to 'the forest.
- Is it not too late for?
- Forward.
Knox, comb everything.
We must find him.
Come with us.
Listen carefully to Winnetou,
the chief of the Apache.
It showed that face
violating the peace treaty...
will die.
Well done, buddy.
Come on.
It was a good hound,
but now he smells nothing more.
- You have aqua Salamandra needed.
- Good.
Put ten drops on his leg
and he smells again rabbits.
No, thanks.
Well, well, or not.
Vierenintig, vijfenintig.
That miserable fly too.
Hey Aqua Salamandra,
where are you going?
I want my top stuff sell.
The top guys
do not want to be disturbed.
I get it.
I did not, pal.
Then I try it
to the post master.
Only it. His wife is still
as ugly as drops for you.
For the old chief died,
he gave the card to father.
My father would treasure
Searching Pafterson go.
Father to Salt Lake City
went to the ground to claim.
They have nothing to that card.
Father had thought of everything.
He has the map in meen torn.
The other half
he gave to Patterson.
Where is this now?
He is waiting for Butlers Farm
on my father.
Stay with that window came
until he is gone.
I've left getroen of that rat.
That we see no turning back.
Since vergisjeje-in, Sam.
Now know the gang The card is.
We have previously enrolled in Patterson
than they are.
That treasure is yours if we
my dad's killer suits.
No friend, I'm not for sale.
But because of the law...
- ikje will help.
- Thanks.
We must quickly
Butlers to farm.
Why all this fuss?
That still-merkje.
- Get up. The Colonel is coming.
- Nice. Let us sleep.
Get up, everybody.
Get up, I said.
Everybody-up. Come on.
Our friend heard that
what to get at Butlers farm.
We go there so go.
- Why?
- There is money, food and livestock.
- All useful things for us.
- Exactly.
- I think that too.
- That 's not too early.
- Okay, guys. Then we go.
- Wait a minute.
That cost us wounded.
That farm is just 'n fortress.
Hebje sometimes ieb opje liver?
Yes. I'm against it.
Is that clear, colonel?
So Woodward is against it.
We would do it in El Doro
Schuyler gang to join?
- So you refuse to obey?
- You bet.
Make a step forward.
Woodward, I count to three.
- One.
- I have many supporters.
- Two.
- Brent, Dicky, the Johan Sons.
Were there any other complaints?
Saddle your horse.
We go to Butlers farm.
Come on, guys.
We leave.
Brent, Dicky, Johannesson.
Henceforth'm ikjullie boss.
- Faster.
- Why? We are almost there.
The gang wants us the pass
These are Old Shatterhand
Engel and from Tulsa.
Faster, faster.
Put the gate open.
Winnetou is with them.
Put the cattle shed.
- Remove the baskets with ammunition.
- Come on.
Back, back.
Follow me.
You watch.
The rest goes with me.
- Welcome to Butlers Farm.
- Nice to meet you.
At last I can once again 'n set
veelkomen honest men.
You're Mr. Hawkens,
if I am not mistaken.
This peace is established
Gunstick Uncle, the poet.
Like a lady praises me so
I feel it allerblijst.
Fame is not worthy of me...
Alsje-doggerel you save me.
That little scheelde, HC Fred?
Say, where isje father?
- He is dead.
- What?
He was killed on the way back
to Tulsa.
And all because of that card.
Where's Ellen?
They go fishing with her father.
They must turn back.
Oh, my goodness.
Bandits. Get out.
Halt. Where should that go?
Who are you?
My name is Patterson
and this is my daughter.
But preferably two.
That's good.
Alert the colonel.
- What is this about?
- Shut up. We appreciate the questions.
They have captured.
- What will they do with them?
- Ransoms for their requirements.
Well, love him.
What do you want from us? You '
your time. I have no money with me.
- Where is the map?
- What are you talking about?
- This card says something?
- How do you get it?
- I ask the questions.
- What have you done with Angel?
- Bunch of murderers.
- Don 't. Father.
Where is the rest of the card,
- Tell him, Father.
- Still, Ellen.
They geeftje good advice, though.
- And? Want to talk now?
- Father.
Put him on the ground.
The card is on Butlers farm.
- Mrs. Butler, the card should I?
- The card?
The colonel may 'm
in exchange for Ellen and Patterson.
No. They make only one chance
if we keep that card.
That wealth has been enough
misery in this place.
- Without we 're also rescued.
- Wait. There is' n rider to.
Let me 's watch.
A man with a white flag.
It seems that he is alone.
He wants his shirt
sometimes dry?
- What gotta?
- My boss wants what you say.
- What does he want?
- You 'card, horse...
- and 5000 dollars.
- Anything else?
No. Alsje our demands limits
laten we caught the go.
And if not?
Then the farm 's on fire
and we all hang on.
- So what is it?
- I have to consult.
- Why?
- We want to discuss.
How long?
One hour.
What will they do with us?
Well-Be calm.
Mrs. Butler gives the map
The bandits then we are free.
Stay with them from the neighborhood
and do not speak with them.
Understood? If they try
to onbnappen, popping them down.
An hour to produce.
Hebjij nice friends.
There is only one solution:
We must liberate them.
That would be madness.
- That is better than doing nothing.
- Not always.
- Watch helps too.
- There 's nothing else on.
- The gang sees everything we do.
- No, you know.
What do you mean by that?
That will ikje-show.
Here is the water.
Strekje arm.
My husband wanted an emergency exit
for T case.
The entrance is 30 cm
above the water...
depending on the rainfall.
- Where is he from?
- In a few struikjes.
In the near their camp.
Then, we know enough.
Good luck, Fred.
- Do you see anything?
- No, it's quiet there.
Everything is ready.
We have blankets needed.
Role-them here.
- Leave him here but lie.
- Good.
Make it as another one of those.
Isn 't powder dry?
- Yes, but we need more.
- Please.
Our colonel is very cunning.
I'm curious what he intends.
Why does Mrs. Butler
Love you still.
You can not talk.
- Why not give them the card?
- That 's all I know.
Zieje them all?
They must now surely are.
Well, they are not.
Take a look.
- Halt. What gotta?
- I wanted to see that beautiful girl.
That should surely?
The colonel can imagine what.
Pakjij the man rechb?
I take the guard.
- Go back or I shoot.
- Well, I go al
You guys are all mad as a hatter.
Do not move.
- Give me 's what.
- What was that?
- Nothing. Again, give some.
- I heard something.
Gotta see him again.
Watch out, not tripping.
Gentlemen, now he is gone.
Go-itself but also quick.
I should science.
And what do you?
Go away, I said.
Threatens me-you sometimes?
- I count to three.
- Good. One, with three.
Still a hole in my hat.
You are very slechtgemanierd.
Well, I already district 's violence.
Herakles come, we go.
The hour is over.
Remove the prisoners.
- Do you see anything, Mrs. Butler?
- No, nothing.
O God, as they are discovered...
This time they won,
if I am not mistaken.
Where are they?
Where? Where?
Put everything ready for the attack.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You gave us T-minute rescued.
I believe they are so.
I can 't smell.
We will have bastards
and set fire...
them to send to hell.
- Quick, fill the buckets with water.
- Well, come on.
The roof is lit.
Quick, get the ladder.
- Bring the water here.
- Bucket Brigade.
- Jimmy, watch out.
- I need more water.
It also burns al
At attack.
Follow me.
This is the port.
Come on, all at once.
Fred, they beech the port.
They are already inside the fence.
Voorwaarb, vooaarb.
Colonel, the Indians come
coming. Look.
The red skins are coming.
Run for your life.
- You are a wonderful woman.
- And you're 'n old oiler.
- My brother.
- The Osage are our friends.
This way. Come on.
But you take this horse.
It is Fred.
Fred is back.
We are 't brave chief
of Osage grateful.
The colonel escaped.
If 't Silver More' tjachtgebied
of the Ute Indians is...
then the map well.
Here is an Indian symbol:
A bumel which a white rock licks.
That means drawing salt water.
Then that is fixed
the great salt lake.
Look, the sun sets the direction
on. Pal west.
This path runs through the gap Spoken
to the waterfalls...
and then to 't Silver Lake.
According to the map 't more
surrounded by steep cliffs.
In places that are
roben flat...
where waterfalls along
flows into the lake.
The waterfall shines as silver.
So it is not
referred to the treasure?
There is only one way to the
Silver Lake: Via 's northwest.
Through a crack in the rocks.
We are on the right track.
- Above the lake is a cave.
- This is the treasure.
The old chief was right.
That wealth brings only misfortune.
They were just like you Dad
can kill.
I feel doin 'it, Fred.
Your father was
such a simple man.
I previously thought
that it was well rewarded...
and the evil was punished.
But it was not.
- The good guys always suffer.
- Bullshit. That is not true.
Oh, yes, if it is just.
But this time
it will be different.
I grab my dad's killer
though 't my death.
- With bare hands, I will...
- Hold on, Fred.
I know that the
terrible for you to...
I can not here me resign.
Understand that anyway.
I'm worried about you.
You are so bifter and resentful.
The hate is no plaab
in your heart for...
There is place for you, Ellen.
Ellen goes with me.
Both Engel and I
wanted to go find the treasure.
And it definitely also found.
I do not want to be happy
amijken of those plans.
I promised Fred
to avenge his father's death.
So we go with you,
Mr. Patterson.
DenM you that the colonel us
will be chased?
Yes, knows Winnetou 'tjachtgebied
of the Utes. He leads the way.
- Sam is also old Hawkens.
- Yes.
He goes everywhere.
A young man is always needed.
I not only remain behind,
because I am willing...
to the treasure to find.
I just wanted to lose.
- Halt. Here we save our camp.
- Dismount.
Colonel, look at the men agree.
I have rarely seen such a mess.
Without the map
we find it never Silver Lake.
Easy. Schuyler is
with 60 men to El Doro.
Hartley already there waiting on us.
But then Patterson
first to the treasure.
- That we should avoid.
- We will also do.
Come baby,
I will do you no harm.
Be 's nice, rotinsect.
Wait a minute.
Monster, I get you later.
Do not laugh.
The Papilio polymnestor parinda
is extremely rare.
I like to believe that.
But I would be careful.
There is a lot of scum in the neighborhood.
I got a good horse
and a good rifle.
I'm Karl-Heinz Ulrich Leopold,
the Duke of Glockenspiel.
- How do you do?
- Nice to meet you.
Sam Hawkens.
Duke of whiskey and soda.
Old Shatterhand and Winnetou,
the chief of the Apache.
Zel in Vienna familiar with them
Winnetou and Old Shafterhand...
with tjachtgeweer
and the silver box.
Duke, we your horse
and look at your gun?
Yes, of course.
And? You can also drive?
Unfortunately, the horse
little too big for me.
Would you say
that you really can shoot?
I did not mean just
a shot in the air...
I meant really ieb boards.
Not-so impatient.
Nice shot.
With a shot was the vulture
We have to rookie
unjustly been cracks.
I think that is nice.
It is safer when you
is traveling with us.
I thank you very much.
I'm very honored.
- What is all this smoke?
- Fixed a campfire.
No, that is the smoke of death.
Blijfjij but here, Ellen.
More than ten men
robberies have this village.
That was the colonel
with his gang.
They have the women
and children slain.
I do not see any dead warriors are.
All men are on buffalo hunting.
Come back, Fred.
We have your village
not destroyed. Watch out.
I haven 't strange feeling
that we all know each other.
Not to shoot the men.
Focus on the horses.
We are friends.
Friends of the Indians.
Where's Ellen?
The shots came from there.
And the tracks run straight.
What is it?
Bring the card to El Doro
or Miss Pafterson vote.
- We must go now.
- No, El Doro is a nest robber.
- Soon we are in the minority.
- We must liberate her.
There is a chance.
You know the map outing head?
You can 't Silver Lake find themselves?
Give mejullie cards. Patterson
and I go to it more.
Winnetou note the colonel
and Fred goes to El Doro.
Listen carefully: This is the plan.
Hello, Colonel.
- We are waiting Saturday.
- Lock her up in the church.
What are you her found?
That comes later.
All of Schuyler heard?
He is in Los Animas. Start
Next week he is not here.
Then we do it without him.
The less people, the better.
Listen men, we leave
today or tomorrow morning.
We can not drive.
Well, if you 't hear destination.
It is a big job
and I hebjullie all needed.
- That will do.
- Where are we going?
You know the treasure
of the Silver Lake?
- Sure.
- What about it?
We are the treasure
van 't Silver Lake search.
- Do you with me?
- We are behind you, colonel.
Long live the colonel.
Alarm, alarm.
That is the man on wachfte who I.
- Well?
- I set for a return.
The estimates for the girl.
That is a bad return
if I already have both.
Frisk him.
I got my card does not.
Pafterson has him.
Indianen attacked us.
I'm just escaped.
This time ontsnapje not.
Say wanneerje want to talk.
Close him.
Let me go, let me go.
You have the card not required.
I know the road.
I point to you the way. But only
alsjullie Miss Pafterson release.
Well, we go on 'n hours.
- Where is Miss Patterson?
- Bring him with her.
Only this again.
If your friends
to appear, then...
I understand that.
- Comb the area around it from camp.
- Te horse. Kam 't field.
Old Shatterhand and your father
count it off with that gang.
- But we are hostage.
- I know.
Shatterhand they want
by the lake in the decoy.
- I get it.
- We will stop the colonel.
Shatterhand within driving by
Ute-through area.
- I can not anymore.
- Halt.
- What now?
- Miss Pafterson to rest.
Nonsense. They rest but if we
't Silver Lake are. Forward.
Alsje want to go but forward.
Without me to get there anyway.
We love stop here.
Tonight we store here our camp.
Saddle the horses and make
fire. I look around now.
Alarm. We are surrounded
by Ute-warriors.
- Climbing on the rocks.
- Take your gun them.
Everybody in coverage.
Faces appeared, on geefje
to the Utes.
Why are you with us?
You have our village massacred.
That is not true.
Listen, we have your village
not burned.
Great Wolf, chief
of the Utes, says that you are lying.
I, Old Shatterhand,
diejullie Pokaimu call...
- careful not to lie.
- Pokaimu?
We have you never harm done.
- Who killed Little Dipper then?
- Nobody.
I got him beaten unconscious.
He wanted to kill my friend.
Small Beer is not dead.
He sleeps now.
Why you shelled us?
Your warriors attacked us, but
we are friends of the Utes.
If that is true,
appearing for the tribal council.
- As friends?
- If prisoners.
No. Then we prefer
the battle.
- Dusjullie choose death?
- Maybe.
But there are also many Utes
I have a magic rifle.
Accepteerje the view
Board of the tribe?
Only when we are guests
and our weapons may hold.
All time savings is now gone.
I love my holy word.
I have spoken.
Wait here.
Whatever happens,
we keep the horses with us.
Hopefully those guys have
already had breakfast.
Come forward.
The faces appeared to
the sun is high in the sky.
Then the council will speak.
- The horses...
- Keeping us.
- You want to run?
- No.
We are your guests and not
your prisoners, Great Wolf.
Otherwise, my magic stick
speak. Take a look.
I'm clear, chief?
You would strain the Board
We can not wait,
we must continue.
If the shadow touches the spear,
will have the right to speak.
We are doing hours lost.
Come on, duke.
Drumming them out of anger?
Yes. But who are they angry?
- The consultation is over.
- I should hope not.
Great Wolf
won 't happen verdict.
- What? That klinM creepy.
- Silence.
Look, the medicine man
and 't chieftain.
Mankeer but I nieb.
According to the council did you
our village massacred.
We pull into battle
or ulcers...
that we kill every white
in our hands.
You may for your life fight.
Not all.
Only Old Shatterhand.
Salad my friends Friday
if I win?
Yes, But you will not win.
Because Great Wolf
your opponent.
What weapons?
Ax-and knife.
What unfair.
I may not oppose him billiards?
It was found face
should keep his big mouth.
- Well, when we fight?
- Now.
Wager 'n Papilio parinda
that guy is planning what?
- Probeerjij now but once.
- Good.
But he can not lie.
Soon he lies in the way
if we fight.
Great Wolf is so brave
like a rabbit.
If your scalp on my belt
depends, are you 're dead coward.
I am sick of an old t vrouje
to follow.
If you're so courageous,
then stand still.
Who is the winner?
His scalp is now mine.
But I do not want him.
I am a friend of the Indians.
He is not dead.
I pour you his life.
- Winnetou.
- My brother.
- What's new with Ellen and Fred?
- Good.
The colonel with Fred and Ellen
ondeMreg to 't Silver Lake.
We must hurry.
The Ute-warriors
have abandoned their village.
They are followed you.
Come on, brother.
If the colonel is for us,
Fred and Ellen will die.
Look, there they are.
Thirty of warriors
Rolling Thursday follow us.
Great Wolf has lied.
No, that was still asleep
when the left was chased.
The Utes have been distilled by
Rolling the schemer Thursday.
- On the card was' t path...
- By the waterfall.
Spoken through Kloof 's more.
The gap can not be far.
But the Utes-follow us.
- We should strike.
- Six men with guns.
- Who will be the bait?
- Winnetou.
Hey, behind me.
This way.
I know those hills yesterday.
We just drive around.
Then it was left.
On the card is only that:
Make a U-turn to the waterfall.
Go left.
Where are we, Fred?
On 'n indianenpad
Spoken by the Gorge.
Tomorrow we reach it anymore.
Fred? Is there another way
's Silver Lake?
Then we had Shatterhands
spores have already seen?
Maybe they are days on us.
And they have
obliterated their tracks.
Be quiet and try to sleep.
The Utes and only
Rolling Thursday 's got a gun.
The colonel was here this morning
yet. We must hurry.
- You know the rest 't already?
- Yes, they close the gap off.
The Utes are weak and follow
the Rolling liar Thursday.
Weapons road, otherwise speaks
my magic stick.
The gap is closed. Geefje
about survival than you.
Why hide your
for your brothers?
Winnetou is our friend.
Here I am.
Great Wolf
the traitor punished.
Great Wolf held his word.
Pokaimu, saving our warriors now.
The battle between us and
Pokaimu's friends is over.
We are here.
There it is Silver Lake.
Dismount, men.
Where should we go?
Well? I am waiting.
The path must to 'n chasm lead.
When we are through,
It 's not far.
Come on.
Halt. I go first.
Leather gets his share
and I determine how many that is.
The prisoners went along
Greg Gonzales and stay here.
- Why?
- Stay. Soon we share the spoils.
Tell me. Where is the treasure?
You would release us
ikje as that would tell.
Speak or she goes out.
I count to three.
One, ee...
On the card was the treasure
with a button nNart
on the bank to the other side.
And next?
Somewhere in the rocks
we need a cave to see.
Since the estimates are.
Cap some trees.
We build a raft.
Hey, there.
Look out, look out.
- But late fall.
- Well, we got him.
Now just watch.
Did you see him?
Yes, we got him.
Everything is fine.
Ellen, please maakje t worry.
I get it in water. I'm fascinated
with leather straps...
leather and stretched as it is wet.
Do alsofje what will drink.
- What are you doing?
- I drink something. You can see that right?
Do not again.
Why should we both
continue? I go to it more.
- Nothing of it.
- Be reasonable, Greg.
We toss it.
Lay down.
Even tightly drawn.
Good. Lay down.
Come on.
No movement.
Wildeje swindle me?
Come out.
Tie them tightly.
Come Colonel, give me that thing.
If Hilton, Knox, Hartley and I
about 3 hours in the cave are...
you can hang him.
For her, but what you make.
Can not you guys a little faster?
Come on.
I am the friend of all Indians.
The chief has kept his word.
I need your help.
Not for myself...
but the whites to beat
your village have been murder.
It is a large group bad men.
But with your help
they get punished.
I have spoken.
Here we go ashore.
Who are you?
That is Tongkawa.
That means the Big Dipper.
He bewaaM the treasure.
Where is the treasure?
Where is the treasure?
Forget it.
We find him without you.
- Gold, gold.
- Gold.
It is gold.
Come back.
But Colonel, there is enough
for all of us.
The three hours are over.
Remove the strap.
Shall we go find them?
Hey, colonel.
Hey, colonel.
Why is the Colonel
not yet recovered?
- Then go look at themselves.
- You know it is not.
Hang him up.
His girl can 't see swing
in the wind.
Come to the battle.
Let him go.
He has done nieb.
Moop him.
Love his arm.
Get the strap.
Fred. No.
Take the boulder away.
These wretched helmet too.
Stop, no movement.
Stay dead still stand.
No. Please.
I have wife and children.
Papilio polymnestor parinda.
Do you believe now
that we are your friends?
The Utes are courageous and Large
Wolf is a good chief.