Schizo (1976)

(eerie music)
(narrator) Schizophrenia--
A mental disorder,
sometimes known as multiple
or split personality,
characterized by loss
of touch with environment
and alternation between violent
and contrasting behaviour patterns.
(rumbling and clanking)
(ship's horn blowing)
(machinery stops)
(whistle blowing)
(cat meowing)
(men conversing indistinctly)
--No, it's always on the back.
I just want to see the one, the 3:50.
(whistle toots)
(bell rings 4:00)
(woman coughing)
(baby crying in the distance)
(music playing in rink)
What are you doing here?
I'm just on my way to work.
Have you seen this?
Ba-da-dum. . .
Oh my God!
What's the matter?
I look about 40.
Read it.
"'Not in these liberated times,'
says Samantha. "
Oh, come on, as if I'd
say a thing like that.
What do you mean?
Well, they've used all
their own stupid words, look.
Oh, I thought you meant
you were going to be giving up work.
How long have you known me, Beth?
Don't ask.
Exactly-- I don't want to sit at home
and knit sweaters, thanks very much.
Have you told Alan?
Yes, frequently, and he never listens.
Oh, you're having lunch with him today.
Me and Leonard.
Well, you just tell him
you saw me training, right?
He needs all the hints he can get.
Well, don't blame me
if he phones up and cancels the wedding.
Nothing's gonna go wrong
with this wedding, Beth.
I've made up my mind.
(man) Could I speak to someone
about Samantha Gray, please?
The ice queen.
Ice skater.
Well, I want--I want her address.
(man on phone) I'm afraid we can't
give that sort of information.
You must give me her address.
Why do they put these nuts through to me?
All you can do is get
in touch with her agent.
Her agent?
I'll put you through to the library.
Who's calling?
Who's calling, please?
(clattering loudly)
Of course, there is
another alternative, sir.
You could go on your honeymoon as arranged
and we could see through
this order in your absence.
No, no.
Nothing personal, Jack,
but if I'm gonna enjoy my holiday
I don't want to lie there
wondering whether this
elaborate machinery's
ripping up 50,000 quid's
worth of carpeting.
I know what you mean.
(woman on loudspeaker)
Mr. Falconer, telephone, please.
Mr. Falconer, telephone, please.
Anyway, what's another couple of weeks?
As long as your wife approves, sir.
Yes, well, that I can't guarantee.
Excuse me, sir,
Brian Davis is on the telephone
and your lunch guests are here.
I'll take the call down here,
I'll be up in a minute.
Well, she deserves to be very happy.
(typewriter clacking)
You say that as if she isn't going to be.
Well, one must take
that into consideration.
Look, I know you don't
like Alan, but that's really--
What on earth makes you say that?
Never mind.
Look, I neither like him nor dislike him.
I hardly know him.
Which puts me roughly in the
same position as Samantha.
Oh, we're in one of our
cynical moods, are we?
You mean she does know him?
No, no, she picked him
off the streets, didn't she?
Yes, practically.
Leonard, if you were anybody
other than a psychiatrist,
I would tell you there is such a thing
as love at first sight.
But no, you think everyone's
got an ulterior motive for everything.
And you know as well as I
know that is perfectly true.
I think you fancy her.
You think I fancy everyone.
No, only women.
There are several women I don't fancy.
My wife, for one.
That's why I'm taking you
out to lunch and not her.
Ahh, the wedding party.
Hello, Beth.
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.
Right, not if I keep
hanging around with this guy.
Yes, the laws against bigamy
are very old-fashioned, aren't they?
Leonard, I think I need your help.
I've just postponed a honeymoon in Barbados
so I can spend another two weeks
working my balls off in this office.
Do you think I'm going out of my mind?
Not if there's money involved somewhere.
Yes, there is.
Perfectly normal.
Right, well, let's go and eat.
You can continue reassuring me.
I'm not gonna reassure you.
You haven't postponed the wedding?
Oh, no.
It isn't as though it's some big deal,
just close friends and family.
Yes, I was just meaning to ask,
is anyone coming from Samantha's side?
No one at all?
After her mother died,
she lost contact with everyone.
Sad, isn't it?
(machinery clattering)
(train clacking)
Excuse me, excuse me.
Excuse me.
(woman's voice echoing)
Get out, get out, get out, get out!
Get out, get out, get out!
Stop, stop!
(train whistle blows)
(man speaking indistinctly on loudspeaker)
(whistle blows)
(announcements continue)
--Platform 6.
Intercity service for Wolverhampton--
(traffic passing, horns honking)
Got a room?
A room.
A room, uh--
Clear along there-- upstairs.
(man coughing)
Oh, hello, Edith.
When have I ever forgotten, Edith?
When have I ever forgotten?
Get the shopping on a Thursday evening.
I'm not getting snappy
but I have asked you not
to ring me at work before.
All right.
Oh, are you finished for today, miss?
Oh yes, better stop
while I've got the energy to get home.
Any messages for me?
No, it's been pretty quiet since I came.
Oh, there was a phone call,
somebody did ask for you
and then they changed their mind.
Turned out they wanted
somebody else after all,
a Jean somebody, a Jean, uh, Norwood?
Do you know her?
No-- no, no.
Probably just a crank or something.
Had a rather funny, nervous little voice.
I feel quite sorry
for those sort of people, really.
Anyway, thanks a lot, Ron, goodnight.
See you tomorrow then?
No, something else has been planned for me.
(people laughing and talking)
(man) Everybody gather
'round, gather 'round.
Cheese, cheese, cheese--
(people continue laughing and talking)
All right, get in.
See you at the reception.
(all saying goodbye)
(cork pops)
(people talking, music playing)
You look lovely, darling.
Doesn't she look lovely, Richard?
I think you're a great credit.
Aye, about as pretty as you.
It's all right, Alan.
She won't run away.
Oh blimey, if I'd known you
were gonna be so attentive
I'd never have introduced you.
I'd have kept you all to myself.
All right, love, here's your glasses.
I think Sam needs rescuing.
Rubbish, getting on
very well with your mum.
You wait 'til she sees Mother's surprise.
(man) Careful, careful!
You want it on the trolley,
not on the floor.
Are you from the agency?
Well, youre half an hour late.
This is absolutely unforgivable.
We've got three receptions today.
Oh well, take your coat off
and make a start on these dishes.
Mary, I'd like those canaps now,
not in ten minutes, if you don't mind.
Get some more crab sandwiches, Sonya.
Come along, Linda,
the gentleman over there needs attention.
Would you like something, sir?
I wouldn't ask him
that question if I were you.
You've been talking to my beloved.
He doesn't need to, dear, he's got eyes.
Come on, don't start an argument.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Mind you, the family's been in carpets
for three generations.
Oh, thank you.
'Course he went to London
and of course I helped him start.
He wanted to--
Richard, I'm sure Bob and Sally
already know the family history.
Really, I do think we should get--
Oh, just the man I want to see.
(phone ringing)
(man) Hello? Hello?
Who would you like to speak to?
(continues in foreign language)
Who gave you permission to move that?
You didn't seriously imagine
you were going to walk
into a banqueting suite
dressed like that, did you?
I don't know what the agency's coming to--
Mary, would you open the door, please?
(men whispering in foreign language)
Could this be for you?
Come along now, everybody,
gather 'round, gather 'round,
they're going to have the cake.
This is your day.
Oh, no--
Is the photographer there?
Has anybody seen the photographer?
Samantha, come along,
dear, and Alan-- that's right.
Mrs. Falconer,
you shouldn't have done this.
Nonsense, dear.
If I had had my way,
it would have been
church bells and choirboys.
Have you got them both in there?
Thank you, thank you very much.
All right, now where's the knife?
Hold it still.
(camera clicks)
I'm terribly sorry, Madam.
I'll get another one.
I'll get another one.
I'm terribly sorry.
That's disgusting.
Take that to the Falconer party-- now!
(crowd murmuring)
Now, Edna, don't upset yourself.
I tell you, I'll get to the bottom of this.
(murmuring continues)
What's the matter?
It's so hot in here.
I'm just going outside for a minute.
(door creaking)
Well, thank God that's over.
Oh, yes.
Here, I'll put those in water.
Thanks, darling.
Your mother's not gonna come round
with pieces of wedding cake, is she?
I'll go and lock the door.
You look terrible.
How can I look terrible?
I'm a radiant bride.
Well, you look radiantly terrible.
I'll get some coffee.
Oh, lovely.
(clock chiming 8:00)
(clock ticking)
(phone ringing, Samantha gasps)
(man on phone) Jean?
Is that you, Jean?
Who is this?
Did you get my present?
I left it by the wedding cake
for you, Jean.
I've got a lot more presents for you, Jean.
Look, I don't know who you are
but if you phone me again
I'm gonna call the police!
Who was that-- Mother?
No, no, just some nutcase.
He's phoned twice already.
No such luck.
Come on, let's go to bed.
I thought you'd never ask.
Are you coming?
Has Mrs. Wallace been in today?
No, it's Friday.
That's funny, everything
seems to be moved 'round.
(clock chiming 10:00)
You'd tell me if anything
were wrong, wouldn't you?
Yes, of course, like a shot.
What have you done?
Oh, my God.
Is it dead?
It was never alive.
Made in Hong Kong.
Oh. . .
I didn't do it, I promise you.
It must have been Mrs. Wallace,
Christ knows why.
(Samantha gasps)
What is it?
"The old jokes are always the best.
Love, Beth. "
Here, hold that.
(both laugh)
Dear God.
Ooh. . .
I don't think we need that anymore, eh?
(clock chiming)
Mmm. . .
I'll be late tonight.
Oh, okay.
You got anything planned today?
No, not really.
I might do some shopping.
Well, two more weeks, then we'll be away.
The sun will do you good.
(water running)
(man on radio) The former Turkish
Prime Minister, Mr. Ecevit,
escaped an assassination attempt
when a man pointed a loaded pistol at him
in a New York hotel last night.
Security men knocked
the gunman to the ground
before he could fire.
He was later identified
as a 40-year-old Greek.
Education officials at Tameside
in Greater Manchester
today start the process
of selecting candidates
for grammar schools after yesterday's--
There are 240 places available
next term and 800 candidates.
The council's director of education--
Are you there, Alan?
--contact all primary school headmasters
so that a team of senior teachers
can consider the children's school records
over the past three years.
The selection for grammar school places
will be based on these,
Former Japanese prime minister, Mr. Tanaka,
has been arrested--
He's resigned from his party,
the ruling Liberal Democrats,
in which he's still a powerful figure.
In northern Ireland,
a soldier who was hit by a sniper's bullet
in Londonderry last night
is said to be seriously injured.
He was shot in the back
when his patrol was
in the Creggan of the city.
He has been flown to Belfast for treatment.
A fairgrounds proprietor was
stabbed to death last night--
(door creaking)
(clock ticking)
Good morning. (gasps)
How'd the wedding go?
Fine, thank you, fine.
This mop always gets stuck in there,
the handle's too long.
Was it a pleasant reception?
Yes, yes.
You know, I had every intention
of coming, Miss Gray.
Oh, I'm sorry--Mrs. Falconer.
But at 2:00what should happen?
A ring from Mr. Devon from the Brotherhood.
What could I do?
I had to drop everything.
You know, you should dry yourself,
you'll catch cold.
Have you been upstairs yet?
I haven't been upstairs,
I've only just got here.
Someone was upstairs.
Ah-- you've begun to see them at last.
The shapes.
I knew you would eventually.
Believe me, I was amazed
when I first came to work here.
I mean, it's not an old house
and yet it's so full of spirits.
It was no spirit I saw upstairs.
I keep meaning to ask Mr. Falconer
if I can bring my daughter here.
She's so receptive.
My friend has a sense of humour.
(chimes on loudspeaker)
(woman) We'd like to draw your attention
to today's special offers,
which are our own brand
of baked beans at 13P,
instant coffee, 47P and
New Zealand rashers, 19P.
(music playing)
(man) Samantha.
(echoes) Samantha!
(cleaver pounding)
(pounding echoes)
(sound fades)
(distorted chiming)
(echoing) Samantha--
(voices overlapping and echoing)
Excuse me, Miss?
(echoing voices and distorted sounds)
You've got to help me,
you've got to help me!
What's the matter?
There's a man, he's following me,
he's going to, he--
Sorry, love.
You don't need this, do you?
(gasping and whimpering)
Got you at last.
Samantha, what's the matter?
I don't know.
Didn't you hear me calling you
in the supermarket?
I was shouting my head off
and you just ignored me.
Oh, Leonard, I don't feel very well.
Let's go over to the clinic,
it's just around the corner.
You know, I was thinking
only the other day,
I really ought to see one of your shows.
Do you--got any coming up?
Well, it's all a bit in the air, actually.
If I can pacify Alan,
there is one at Wembley
I should be doing in May.
You will let me know
when the dates are fixed, won't you?
Yes, of course.
You still practicing as hard as ever?
I've been slacking a bit lately.
Before the wedding
I was doing eight hours a day,
it's really essential.
That's pretty hard.
Yes. (laughs)
Um, well, with one thing or another,
I think we may have a case
of overwork here.
Well, could be.
It's really something more than that.
I just don't know what it is.
Um, your family--
is it true you're not in touch
with any of them?
There is a reason for my asking.
We were never very close.
We just lost contact.
Beth told me that you're--
How are things between you and Beth?
Why did you interrupt me?
Did I?
You were going to ask me
about my mother, weren't you?
I believe she died
when you were quite young.
I don't really like to talk about it much.
Well, if there is no one you can turn to,
I hope you'll come and see me.
Yes, thanks, thanks, Leonard.
It'll have to be in the middle of the night
so Alan won't know. (laughs)
I enjoy my business and my pleasure,
as I'm sure you're aware of,
but I don't mix them--
whatever Alan might think.
(man) --doesn't know my case!
(man 2) Well, I'm sorry.
Oh, there you are.
Why won't you see me, why won't you?
Eric, I'll see you at 4:00 as usual,
that's the time of your appointment.
No, look, I've got to see you, please.
I've got to talk to you, Leonard, please.
You know perfectly well
that's not possible.
You don't care, do you?!
You don't care if I was to
go through all that again!
Well, maybe if I was to go through you.
Look after Mr. Stevens
while I see this young lady to the door.
You're not going to harm
anybody, Mr. Stevens,
now come along, please.
Oh, what's the point?
It's gone too far now, it's gone too far--
I know what you're thinking,
but don't worry.
I've been treating him for two years.
There's hardly a week goes by
without him making
some sort of attempt
on his own life-- or mine.
But he--
He's quite harmless.
You've got my number.
Yes, thanks.
(clock ticking)
(thumping continues)
(thumping continues)
(door shuts)
(slow footsteps)
He's here!
He's in the house!
What's going on?
This man has been following me,
now he's here!
Who, who is in the house?
I don't know.
Well, where is he?
Well, I don't know, do I?
Is he upstairs?
Oh, I don't know!
Wait here.
Sam, I don't quite understand.
Did you let this man in or what?
No, he got in somehow.
Where did you see him?
In the bathroom this morning.
This morning.
Oh, look, there was this shadow.
I thought it was you,
but you already had gone.
Well, I don't think
there's anyone here now.
Look, he left this.
It looks a bit like you.
It's my mother.
I wonder why he should have had it then.
I know I'm not making
much sense, I know, but--
Right, let's go and have a drink.
Did you get the shopping
while you were out?
(phone ringing)
Hello-- Falconer.
(heavy breathing)
Hello, Beth.
Oh, how did you know?
Well, you're so predictable, you see,
it's like that spider in the basin.
Had you written all over it.
Oh, get knotted-- I bet
it scared the hell out of you.
You wanna bet?
Oh, you're no fun.
Where's Samantha?
She's here, hang on.
(door shuts)
(car starts, leaves)
Well, she was here, she's gone out.
Oh, I was going to invite her
for a drink tonight.
Well, invite me.
Come in.
You remember what you said to me today?
I would like to talk to you, Leonard.
(general conversation)
I can't help you, Alan.
But you've known her
since you were at school, haven't you?
Y-Yes, but I didn't really know
that much about her,
and I don't know what's been upsetting her
the last couple of days.
Well, she's never done
anything like this before,
just driving off without saying a word.
Ah! I think I know
where she might have gone.
Leonard said that he bumped into her today
and told her to go and see him
if she wanted to talk about anything.
I see.
Now, don't get the wrong idea.
Oh, Beth, you know Leonard.
Wrong idea?
I don't think it, Leonard, I know it.
How long has he been following you?
Since the wedding.
Why do you suppose he began then?
Because he--
Look, I know who he is.
His name is William Haskin.
He wants to kill me.
He saw my picture in the paper,
he came to my wedding and--
Well, now he's just playing with me until,
I suppose, he--thinks the time is right.
Who is this William Haskin?
He was my mother's lover.
She died.
But you already knew that, didn't you?
Her name was Maria Longworth.
That's my real name, Longworth.
Jean Longworth.
I was seven--(voice echoes)
(jar breaks)
(Haskin) Bitch!
Your house--you paid for it.
That'll teach you to answer back.
Don't like to be told the truth, do you?
Don't call me a bastard.
I can do it when I want to.
with the right woman.
I hate you, I loathe you,
I despise you, you animal!
Get out of here!
No use to me, least of all in bed.
My husband may have been bloody boring
but at least he could
get it up once in a while.
Oh, you got a big mouth!
Well, I'm one upon you then,
'cause there's nothing big about you!
You saw everything.
Blood and pieces of flesh--
He was ripping her to pieces.
Then he just sat down on the floor
and started talking to himself.
I don't know what happened then.
The man was jailed, I presume.
Yes, but I think he was paroled
two years ago.
And now you assume
that he wants to do the same thing to you
as he did to your mother.
You must know that he could
have no possible reason
for wanting to do that.
But he's mad.
He doesn't need a reason,
and he's here in London.
Have you actually seen him?
I told you, at the wedding.
But you saw a man
from a considerable distance.
You saw a shadow, you heard a voice.
He telephoned me.
He even knew my name.
Somebody telephoned you,
somebody who was reading old
newspaper clippings, perhaps.
No, what I think is most likely
is that the wedding
sparked off certain associations
and at a time when your mind
was most receptive to stimulus,
your imagination started racing.
This doesn't help me very much,
you saying that.
I mean, I can prove what I say.
I can find out the present whereabouts
of this William Haskin.
If you would give me some more details,
I'll make a few inquiries.
Sorry, I thought I heard someone.
Listen, what we've just been saying,
it won't go any further, will it?
You know it won't.
No, I don't want anyone to know.
There are people at the clinic and--
My files are kept locked.
Not even my secretary has a key.
Now, then--
What prison did this Haskin go to?
Take care.
(laughing drunkenly)
Oh, wow.
Hey, you gonna be all right to drive?
Oh, yes.
Are you sure? Yes.
Hey, hey, Beth--
Oh, now, come on, off you go.
Hello, Alan.
Is she hiding here somewhere?
Samantha, you mean?
No, I mean Elizabeth Taylor.
Samantha's just left.
You must find this very useful.
Look, I know you've both
been very busy just recently
but you should find more time to talk
to each other, you know.
I can't talk to her, Leonard,
if she's around here, can I?
You don't know what to say to that, do you?
Well, to be honest, I don't.
And it was rather a stupid remark.
Look, perhaps we ought to meet again
when you're sober, hmm?
Well, perhaps you ought
to leave my wife alone.
I mean it, Leonard,
leave her alone or you'll regret it, clear?
I don't think there's much point
in pursuing this.
We'll play it your way.
(door shuts)
(bell tolling time in the distance)
(starts engine)
(r&b playing on radio)
(music continues)
(gasping and gurgling)
(music continues playing)
(car door opens and closes)
(engines revving, horns honking)
Where have you been?
Had a drink.
Not looking for me?
I shouldn't have walked out
like that, I'm really sorry,
but things just got on top of me.
I just had to get out.
I'm all right now, though.
So am I.
(man snoring)
Just 'round the corner.
This murder.
Yes, I knew him.
Good heavens.
I must have been one of the
last people to see him alive.
Dr. Hawthorne.
Well, of course he's been here, hasn't he?
I must have told him
more than I ever told anyone.
Even Alan.
Have you been to the police?
Oh yes, I just rang them.
He said it doesn't matter.
They've got the man who did it.
Oh, who was it?
It was one of his patients,
Um-- Johnson or Stevens or something.
I was there when he threatened him.
Odd, I just thought
something like this might happen.
What is this?
The Psychic Brotherhood.
My daughter's the president.
I wish you'd come to one of our meetings.
At first I thought that he might leave her.
Well, I used to pretend to myself.
Well, we all know what he was like.
One thing I'll give him,
he didn't bullshit me.
Beth, you don't want to stay
in that flat on your own.
Why don't you come over
to our place for a while?
It'd be good for Sam, too.
I don't want to bother you.
There, there.
(door creaking)
Oh, you finished quickly today.
I have a meeting of the Brotherhood at 12.
That wasn't here yesterday, was it?
No-- don't really know where it came from.
But it's your mother, isn't it?
Yes, yes, it is.
It must have been
at the bottom of the trunk
and I'd forgotten about it.
She would be upset if she knew.
I'll call for you at about 7:00 then.
I'm glad you decided to come.
You won't be disappointed.
Quite looking forward to it, really.
Buh-bye. Bye.
(door shuts)
(indistinct broadcast fading in)
(glass breaking)
(man) --Mr. James Sillers,
the MP for South Ayrshire
and Mr. John Robinson, MP for Paisley.
They formed the breakaway
Scottish Labour Party last year,
but since then they've voted
with the government
in almost all important divisions.
But now they say the government
would be ill-advised
to count automatically on
their support in the future.
(man continues indistinctly )
(locks door)
Hello, police, please.
Quickly, for God's sake.
Hello, yes,10 St. Anne's Lane, NW3.
I'm on my own here,
please try and hur-- (gasps)
No, no, no--
(gasping and moaning)
(knocking at the window)
(banging at door)
(banging continues)
(banging continues)
You all right? Yeah.
Is he still here?
I think, uh--Up there?
Is there a basement? Yeah.
'Round the back.
There's no one up here, love.
In the bathroom?
I looked.
But on the floor, the blood.
Would you like to come up?
It's all right.
Is this what you meant?
No-- no, that's not what I meant.
Nothing outside, Sarge.
I don't think there's anything else
we need to know.
Well, I'm very sorry about all this.
Nothing to be sorry about, sir.
We're glad your wife called us.
This is the sixth or seventh
report we've had
of a Peeping Tomin this area.
Yes, well, there's more to it
than that, isn't there?
Sam was going on about blood
or something, wasn't she?
I didn't understand.
Yes, well, it affects people
in different ways.
I'm sorry?
Under stress, they imagine things.
I shouldn't worry.
We'll see ourselves out.
The minute you see anyone
hanging around the house,
you call me, day or night.
Yes, I will.
What is going on 'round here?
Everything's going crazy.
Alan, whatever happens,
you mustn't cancel
your honeymoon a second time.
I'm not going to.
What made you bring that up?
Sam needs to get away.
Oh, don't we both?
Alan, she's building up a fantasy
about a man who's following her,
someone called Haskin.
Come and tell me.
(Beth) Yes?
How's things?
I'm really glad you're here, Beth.
So am I, thank you.
Look, I found this picture.
It is a bit old but it'll do.
What are you talking about?
Well, this is Haskin.
He's bound to come again and when he does
I want you to be able to recognize him.
Then you'll know I'm telling the truth.
Sam, I believe you, we all do.
There was someone here today,
but it was a Peeping Tom, not Haskin.
Oh, Beth--
Beth, I have seen his face.
(doorbell ringing)
It's all right, it's for me.
I'll only be an hour or so.
I was afraid I'd be late.
Where are you going?
The Psychic Brotherhood--all are welcome.
I don't think so, Mrs. Wallace.
I'm going to a sance, Beth.
Because I was invited.
(thunder rumbling)
I think it's about to rain, Mrs. Falconer.
Just wait there for a moment.
Mrs. Falconer?
This is my daughter Joy.
How do you do?
Would you like a cup of tea?
Oh, thank you.
It's fourpence.
Would you like a biscuit?
How much are they?
Oh, they're free.
I see.
(thunder rumbling)
I know we have a number
of new friends with us tonight
and so for their benefit
I would like to introduce my daughter Joy,
the founder member
of the Psychic Brotherhood.
A young woman who with the
help of her great Indian guide,
Suta Marcus,
has brought happiness
and reassurance to so many of us.
On the death of the physical body,
the human spirit remains alive
and moves on into one or another
of the considerable range of worlds.
Since the spirit has not died,
but exists with full
and even expanded consciousness,
it is possible for it
to make its presence known
to the beings it has temporally
left behind on Earth.
Suta Marcus is here.
He has agreed to act as our guide again.
Suta Marcus, could I speak
to my husband again, please?
You took him away last week
before I'd finished talking to him.
Your husband is with us.
Well, Harry, you know this,
I've lost my wedding ring
and you know how much it means to me
now that you're not here.
Well, I wondered,
could you tell me
where to look for it, please?
Could you, Harry?
There are other symbols
of our marriage in the house.
These will suffice
until you're able to join me.
Yes, that's right.
(thunder rumbling)
(car door opens and closes)
Suta M-Marcus--Suta Marcus--
Suta Marcus--
Suta M-Marcus!
There's somebody else here already.
Somebody with a message
for a woman named Sandra.
It's Samantha.
The woman's name is Samantha.
Is Samantha among us?
There's somebody here
who wishes to speak to you, Samantha.
She's a relative of yours,
a small woman dressed in black
with grey-streaked hair.
Do you know her?
It could be my grandmother,
I really don't know.
She says she's very proud
of you and your new husband.
She says you're not to worry about her.
She's very happy.
She-- ahh, no!
(thunder booms, wind rushes)
Why did I die?
I had so much to do.
The patients needed me.
(thunder crashes)
Samantha wanted my help.
(Leonard's voice)
Give me some more details, Samantha.
I'll make some inquiries about Haskin.
No! My killer's here,
my killer's in this hall!
(thunder booms)
(all shouting)
Joy! Joy, Joy-- Joy!
Oh-- is she all right?
Yes, she's fainted, she's done it before.
Can't you remember anything?
Well, can't you remember why you fainted?
Oh, no.
When I'm in a trance I'm on another plane.
Quite unawares afterwards.
Do you want any help, Mummy?
No, you go home, Joy.
Haven't you got a coat?
No, it was quite fine when I left.
Here, take mine.
No, no--
It's all right, I've got a car.
Thank you.
Thank you.
(carnival music, people chattering)
(horn honking)
(tires screeching)
(door opens and closes)
Some coffee there for you.
It took me ages to find it,
bloody church hall.
I don't want you getting
involved with Mrs. Wallace.
She does her job okay but she's a nutcase.
Listen, if you'd heard what I just heard
you might take her a little more seriously.
Now, don't start that, Sam.
I don't want you going
to these things anymore, okay?
I warned you about Mrs. Wallace
when you first came here.
No, you didn't.
Didn't I?
Well, all I can say is
that this whole marriage
is based on things that we
haven't told each other.
What is that meant to mean?
You didn't tell me what happened to you
when you were a kid, did you?
Oh, I see, that's what you're getting at.
You mean if I'd told you
my whole life history
you would realize that I
was a complete neurotic
and not to be believed
under any circumstances.
Don't twist things, Sam.
I am not twisting things.
Look, don't worry.
I know you don't believe
that a man could possibly break in here
just to try and scare me--I don't care.
I've just gotta try to sort
this thing out on my own.
Well, there's still no sign
of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
He probably knows you're here.
You can find an excuse
for anything, I suppose.
You're not chickening out now, are you?
Of what?
Well, you said you were gonna
help me test my theory.
Look, I mean it, Beth.
If we can prove that Haskin
is still tucked away safely
in the north of England, then--
You won't believe it.
All right, come on,
let's get this over with.
How are we gonna trace this guy?
Well, Leonard said he knew how to do it,
so maybe if we ring the clinic,
someone can tell us who to contact.
All right, I'll try Peter,
Leonard's assistant.
I can't get the door open.
Oh, and I lost the key.
I think I got a spare somewhere,
don't worry.
What's the matter, Mrs. Wallace?
(tearfully) I've lost Joy, I've lost her.
What do you mean?
She's dead.
She was killed last night.
Thanks, Peter, I'm very grateful.
Well, I'll tell you when I see you.
Yes, that'd be fine.
All right, I'll see you in about an hour.
It's done.
Since it's for me, Peter's going
to ring up a few people
and then I-- you're not listening, are you?
Mrs. Wallace's daughter
was run over last night.
She was killed.
How terrible.
She was wearing my raincoat.
From a distance, it could've been me.
It certainly can't--
Just supposing, supposing
that patient didn't kill Leonard.
He said he was gonna find Haskin for me
and an hour later he was murdered.
Isn't there anything we can do for her?
I don't know, I tried to send her home.
She wants to just do some shopping
to get her mind off things.
Look, I'll take her to the market
and then I'll go
onto the clinic, all right?
(loud crash)
(heavy breathing)
How are you feeling, Beth?
Bearing up, thanks.
Now what seems to be the problem?
Would you believe
I'm doing all this for a friend?
You'd be surprised, I'm very gullible.
Anyway, I think I've got
the information you wanted.
You are good.
William Haskin was paroled
from Wakefield Jail
almost two years ago to the day.
He's been a very good boy,
he's reported to his parole
officer every week.
And last Wednesday he asked for permission
to come to London and see some friends.
Was it granted?
Like I said, he's been a good boy.
You don't happen to know
exactly where he is now, do you?
You are brilliant!
It doesn't look exactly like the Ritz.
What are you gonna do, call on him?
Why not?
(faint rustling)
Mrs. Falconer?
Mrs. Falconer, have you found the key?
I need something out of the cupboard.
(door creaks)
Excuse me.
Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Haskin.
Room 66, second floor.
(Samantha screaming)
(gasping and crying)
(man wolf-whistles)
Just give me the knife.
Just give me the knife.
(doorbell ringing)
You are just not gonna believe
what's been happening.
I just don't know where to begin.
Did you get Haskin's address?
Get his address?
I have seen the man.
Sam, it is all true,
everything that you said.
Oh, Christ, when I think
about it-- he attacked me!
He's got a cupboard full of knives
and butcher's cleavers and things.
Oh God, it was like a bad dream.
Did you call the police?
No, I came straight here.
See, I sort of broke into his room.
I had no right to do that.
We should get Alan--he'll help us out.
Oh, Sam, I think we must call the police.
I'll run you to the police station
and then we'll collect
Alan from the factory.
Right, but shouldn't we--
Honestly, Beth,
I think he should be with us.
All right.
Oh, Sam-- if only I'd believed you
in the first place
none of this would have happened.
Please come in with me, Sam.
I'll only be half an hour.
(scratching and banging)
Alan? Alan?
Time for the reckoning, Jean.
(gasping and whimpering)
Here we are again.
Haven't you got a smile
for your Uncle Bill?
It took me a long time to find you.
You know where I've been, don't you, Jean?
Don't call me Jean!
You were Jean when I knew you--
before I went to prison.
Where you should have been.
Can't blame 'em though, can you?
My word against yours.
Who thought that a six-year-old girl
could be such a little liar?
No one would have thought that, would they?
Things are different now,
aren't they, Jean?
You're gonna to tell them
the truth, aren't you?
Aren't you?
You've gotta tell 'em the truth.
I don't know what you mean.
I don't know what you mean!
You can't, Jean-- don't pretend.
You're a good pretender.
But you're not good enough for me.
Because I know you, don't I?
And now you want me to think
that you don't remember.
But you do remember, I know you do.
You remember what happened15 years ago.
Your mother and me were upstairs--No, no!
You were downstairs painting, weren't you?
I don't remember!
You do, you do remember!
You do, Jean, you remember.
You remember.
You remember!
(echoing) You remember! You remember!
(jar breaks)
(slapping sounds)
(Maria) Ooh!
(Haskin) Another one! Yeah!
Drunk again.
Oh, you bastard, stop it.
Stop it, you bastard--(moaning)
Oh, you animal.
So boring, my bloody husband was,
Mmm, mmm--
Oh, you're so crazy.
(panting and whispering)
(Maria moaning loudly)
You lovely whore, you tight-bodied bitch.
(moaning and laughing)
Oh, come on.
Gonna give you something real.
Take me, take me--
(both panting)
Go away!
I'll punish you!
Go away, do you hear me?
I mean it, I'll punish you.
(voice echoing) Punish you, punish you--
Get out, get out, get out--
(voice echoing) Get out, get out--
(sounds distorting)
(distorted voices and music)
(Haskin) Jean, Jean!
(screaming continues)
No, stop!
You're mad!
None of that ever happened!
No, it didn't!
You know it did, Jean.
You do remember.
I knew you would if I reminded
you gradually
with the blood and the picture
and the broken glass.
You think I'd take any notice
of your stupid tricks?
I had to frighten you into confessing.
It was the only way.
You've got to tell them the truth, Jean.
Get away from me, get away.
You're not well, Jean.
You're not well.
You're two different people.
One doesn't know about the other.
I suppose you don't even
realize you've killed again.
Don't say that.
They knew too much, so they had to die.
You killed them.
It was you!
It was you.
What about the woman?
Mrs. Wallace is alive,
I know she is, she's alive!
Did you put her in the cupboard
with all the other weapons?
Jean, we've got to go.
No, no!
(Haskin screaming)
(gasps, falls silent)
(metal scrapes, Samantha gasps)
(sighs deeply)
(door opens)
(man whistling)
(women talking and laughing)
I'll bring you back a coconut, anyway.
There's a card here from Mrs. Wallace.
What does she say?
Uh, "Weather gorgeous, people delightful,
may stay longer than planned,
may stay for good. "
Do you think she means that?
Well, I hope not.
This place is gonna fall apart if she does.
Well, I suppose we can
always get somebody else.
You finished packing?
There's another case--shall I get it?
(Beth) You will send me a card, won't you?
As soon as we get there.
Yeah, I've heard that one before.
No, I will, I promise you.
That's what you said
when you when to Majorca.
Things are different now, aren't they?
You know how lonely I get.
I bet by the time we get back
you will have fixed yourself up.
Well, it's not that easy, you know.
Sam was very lucky.
And you're very lovely.
Can't get randy like that anymore.
I can always try.
Come on, stop your prattling.
Get going, you're gonna be late.
Right, right, right.
All done.
Have we got everything?
Oh, I think so.
I wish we could find the key
to that cupboard.
There's nothing in it.
Yes, all the same, it's annoying, isn't it,
not knowing where the key is?
Come on.
No spiders in that case, are there, Beth?
(Beth laughing)
(jet engines whining)
Bye, Alan!
Bye, Sam!
Bye, Alan!
(echoing) Bye, Alan! Bye, Alan! Bye, Alan!
(voice fades)