Schmutz (1987)

It's my property. My property.
Tell yourself that over and over.
Take care of that, which has been
entrusted you, as if it were your own.
Then you will be a
reliable caretaker.
One thing must be made clear to you:
you are a proxy for the property owner.
You have his interest at heart.
We are the representatives
of the property.
Responsibility is our occupation.
Keep in mind, whatever the person
in front of you is doing,
whether he's a trespasser or stray,
child or criminal, he is in the wrong.
He should not be where he is
if you are standing opposite him.
What do the peoples of the world call
an invader into their territories?
Enemy. Correct.
Take your colleague as an example.
He has experience, and
knows what it's all about.
Look, he's smiling.
Are you smiling?
Smiling is the only way in which you are
allowed to show your enemy your teeth.
The limit of your smile is only reached
when your courtesy is not reciprocated.
Then the moment of truth is at hand.
Apart from that, just follow the
regulations and you will make few errors.
- Best of luck. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
"Greetings from Venice.
Yours truly..."
Good evening.
Please come into my office.
Go through the door with the
inscription, "Management".
No, you're in the wrong place.
Go down the hall, if you please.
Don't be scared.
Come on in.
I don't know what people expect of us.
When there's a key, we punch
the clock and have proof.
I was there, to the second. But
without a key, no proof.
One can believe him, or not. And then it's
their fault because they can't prove it.
Just imagine he tells you,
"You weren't there".
"You weren't in Avenue A, you weren't
in Avenue B, C, D, or E."
What would you say then?
Well, what do I say?
Get yourself ready. We have
to go in a minute.
It wasn't unoriginal.
From the 10th bottle on, he put a
bucket in front of the chair,
and what he poured into the top came
out the bottom. One really had to watch.
And when the trainer came by on his
rounds and stood in the door,
he didn't say a word. He just stood
there and waited until the box was empty.
And then he said with a grin, "I'm
betting on a second box".
Well, the boy looks at
him with wide eyes...
...and falls off his stool.
It was pretty funny.
Alcohol is prohibited on the job.
Visitors and alcohol and
drugs and women.
Here, as on the police force.
- Yeah, well, I was just telling a story.
- Of course. I'm just saying.
Do you live alone?
Why do you ask?
- Did you bring me coffee?
- The girls will come by in the evening.
- What's that?
- Sorry?
- Is that supposed to be a joke?
- I thought you would be excited.
We had a laugh, didn't we?
I'll be right there. I'm
just getting changed.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Best wishes.
All the best for your birthday.
Liza, Liza...
What's wrong with you?
Today is not my birthday.
Good evening. The senior
controller, please.
One moment. I'll connect you.
This is the office of Mr.
Blauensteiner. Hello?
Are you listening in?
I'm happy that you are
comfortable in your job.
One does what one can.
You'll pardon the interruption.
The women, too.
Get rid of the whores, Schmutz!
- But...
- Get dressed.
Not the uniform.
It stays here.
The shirt, too.
Schmutz, come in here.
Take your stuff and get lost.
Make it snappy, before I
change my mind.
I consider you a cowardly
man, Schmutz.
- I didn't make a report because...
- Yes?
I didn't want to act too hastily.
The man is new.
I don't want others' mistakes...
I like you, Schmutz.
- You hate denunciation.
- Yes.
He wouldn't have wreaked any damage.
I took precautions.
You make my job easier.
I thank you.
Listen, Schmutz. Straight
question, straight answer.
Do you think you can handle
the assignment here by yourself?
I thank you for your trust, sir.
- Well then, I am glad, Schmutz.
- Thank you.
Tomorrow morning, bring the vehicle and
weapon of your colleague to headquarters.
I examined the gun. There's
no bullet missing.
He was peaceable, but sadly
not reliable.
- Lots of luck, Schmutz. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Oh, the boss inspector is honouring
us with his presence. Isn't that nice?
And where's your dear colleague?
Was he bad? Is he
under house arrest?
No, no. He hasn't felt very
well since last night.
I guess it was a little
too much for him. -Oh.
I'm sorry to hear that.
And what can I do for you?
- Soap.
Pardon me?
- Soap! I'd like a bar of soap.
Soap. Gertie!
Can you show the inspector where
soap and bath oils are?
This way, please.
What would you suggest?
I don't know.
I always take that one.
That one?
- Yes. That one.
Then I'll take that one.
And what does the
pleasure cost?
Hello, this is Schmutz.
Security ring 12.
I would like to pass along
the new telephone number.
Yes, we finally got the connection.
Yes, just a moment.
Yes, 27.
- Good day.
Hello. No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean
you. Someone has arrived. Yes.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Do you have a towel?
- Of course.
What kind of weather this is!
I'm not quite finished.
With what? -The development of
a free-standing surveillance system.
I wanted to thank you once again
for your show of confidence in me.
But I think you will
not regret it.
The experiences I have had since then
will possibly result in the beginning
of a totally new surveillance method that
will save on personnel and other costs.
For example, I had...
- The client has cancelled the contract.
Perhaps I can explain
this one example to you.
The electric alarm fence, for example.
You know, if alarm system 16 existed...
The client has cancelled
the contract.
He isn't interested in our continued
supervision of the object.
Maybe you will permit me to explain
what I mean here, sir.
I have begun in halls B and F to...
- Mr. Schmutz, don't make such a fuss!
I'm telling you, the
matter is settled.
It's pointless. Security Zone 12
doesn't exist anymore.
As of right now!
Is that clear?
I've made everything clear, right?
You want to put me to the test,
right? How seriously I take my job.
You don't have to worry. The
matter is in good hands with me.
Man, pull yourself together! You
don't have to worry about your job.
For now, just take the vacation you
still have banked from last year.
And by the time you're back there
will be at least five new offers,
where you can continue to test
your system. I'm in favour of it.
We'll talk about it when
the time comes, OK?
But now, pack all your stuff together
and bring it by tomorrow.
And therewith the matter
is settled, OK?
You can't be serious.
You're not taking this chance
away from me.
I have devoted my life to this.
You're not God. You don't tell me
to stop and go as you please.
You gave me a contract on
July 16th at 11:46 p.m.
You should take your job as
seriously as I take mine!
You were entrusted with leadership!
You can't just simply elevate
people and destroy them!
Give me your service weapon.
Please, sir. Please understand.
Listen to me for one moment.
You could make the client
a totally new offer.
If you want, I will forgo
part of my salary.
Then you would only have to pay half
a salary for two people.
The result would be a new calculation of
personnel costs, and would surely
be attractive for the client.
- Shut your mouth, you idiot!
You are fired.
Just be happy that I don't have
you put into a mental hospital.
Oh yes, I almost forgot.
Your vacation pay. Pick up
your severance tomorrow.
And then I never want
to see you again.
Speaking. Security Zone 12. Schmutz.
Yes, hello.
I haven't yet, no. No. It's
all still at the old place.
I understand.
It has rectified itself.
That's right.
Alone? Not at all. For God's sake,
that doesn't matter.
That's why I'm here.
Will do. Of course!
No, you don't have to. You
can rely on me.
As usual. Naturally.
Very well. Goodbye for now.
Thank you.
Yes. Goodbye.
Isn't that a nice doll!
What's your name?
- I'm not telling.
What are you doing?
- I'm playing.
What are you playing?
Throwing stones.
But that's not a nice game.
- Oh yes.
But you're breaking the windows.
- So what?
But they don't belong to you.
Do they belong to you?
Well then.
What do you mean?
Are you crazy?!
Are you crazy?!
What do you want here?
You are on our property. There
will be consequences.
- For sure! The question is for whom!
- Schmutz, Josef Schmutz.
Security company. And
who are you?
Qualified engineer Siegenthaler,
magistrate 54, ballistics and geosophy.
And this is Mr. Ruedesheimer, my
assistant and co-worker.
And this is the consent of the owner and
the instructions of the public authority.
Here, if you can read, is the counter-
signature of your security firm.
And now you can take a hike.
The security contract was nullified three
weeks ago, and the area has been released.
It is being dynamited.
Have you been sleeping
the whole time?
Three weeks, Sleeping Beauty.
I'm sorry, you're not in error.
The official security contract
was indeed cancelled,
but at the behest of the insurance company,
I was parked here as personal security.
As you see, the buildings are unsafe.
Kids or homeless people could stray here.
That's why.
As I see it, the counter-signature
is from the day before yesterday.
In the past two days, I have failed
to stay in contact with headquarters.
That's why I wasn't prepared for your
arrival, and I'm sorry. Again, I'm sorry.
You're not the brightest, are you? You
could have been a little more aware.
What have you been
doing the whole time? Huh?
It was a mistake. But we will be checking
the matter. Is there a telephone here?
Unfortunately not. Only off the
property. Can I be of any other help?
You help us? The boss knows his
way around here, eh?
But certainly. -We're only doing test
blasts today to determine the consistency
of the buildings. He can show us
what everything looks like.
Spare us a heap of work.
- Gladly. What shall I show you?
- Mr. Ruedesheimer will tell you.
- Certainly.
You can show him the strongest walls.
The city walls, which support everything.
Then you come back, and we'll go
make a phone call, OK?
Give it to me. I'll do it.
Yes, this is the chief demolition
expert. I have a question.
St. Michael.
Whoever you are.
St. Gabriel, whoever you are.
St. Raphael, whoever you are.
You holy archangels,
plead for me.
St. Michael
St. Gabriel!
St. Raphael!
You holy archangels,
plead for me.
St. Raphael
St. Gabriel
Where are you?
Who knows, whether the spirit of the
person rises, and the breath of the
creature goes underneath the earth?
Because it is all made of dust,
and returns to dust.
Therefore I say that nothing is better
than that a person is happy in his work.
Because that is his part.
After all, who wants to bring him to the
point that he sees what happens after him?