Schutzengel (2012)

Hey, hands off!
It's for the Presidential Suite.
- Come on, let's check it out.
- Okay.
Come on.
- Catch me, old man!
- Old man?
Mac Book Pro.
Doesn't matter.
I'll crack the code later.
I'll loose my job.
Trying to fuck me over?
Who cooked this crap? You?
Hey, we ordered medium rare
and not this bloody piece of cunt!
I ought smash your fucking face in,
you asshole!
Are you trying to fuck me over?
- Yes? - Where's my laptop?
- On the table.
Not anymore.
On the long table in the dining room.
It isn't here anymore.
I'm sitting at the table.
Where the whisky is.
I'm positive. I saw it there.
- It was open.
- Get up here at once.
I'll be right there.
Give me the laptop. I'll put it back.
Wait there!
I almost shot you.
Is he dead?
He's still a kid.
Fuck! Fuck!
What an idiot!
Fuck! Fuck!
Take off your clothes and put 'em
in a laundry bag. I'll take care of 'em.
Underpants, too?
No, you can leave them on.
We are reporting from the crime scene
where just hours ago
the industrialist Thomas Backer
shot the kitchen boy Tony Ranter
in self-defense. At least, that is what.
Backer claimed when he was arrested.
Backer's security chief Nicholas Wulff,
a former major in the Foreign Legion,
was also arrested by the police.
He has commanded the protection team
for the last five years.
Thomas Backer has made his fortune
predominantly as an arms dealer
winning contracts worth billions.
But despite or because of his success,
there have been numerous rumors,
rumors of illegal money laundering,
rumors of bribery worth millions.
Backer has been publicly accused of
being involved in dubious arms trading.
He annually
donates millions
to several charities.
Thomas Backer has always been generous
with the Russian people and government.
Thomas Backer is here. Thomas Backer
is one of Germany's
most influential industrialists.
Do I have to go back
to the orphanage?
Nina, I
I'm afraid there's no other solution
in the long run.
You don't have a legal guardian.
right now we should find
another place for you to stay.
What do you think?
I don't know.
I just don't want
to go back to the orphanage.
It's great you made your statement
Tony was the only person
who was always there for me.
And now he's dead.
I'm really sorry, Nina.
I can imagine
how terrible all this is for you.
Are you hungry?
Okay, I'll see you later.
- What did I miss?
- Nothing. We just got started.
- You entered the bathroom.
- My client refuses to comment.
He doesn't even want to describe it
from his point of view? - Right.
When you were questioned
at the crime scene by police officers,
- you said.
- You think I'm talking gibberish?
And you're aware that
the officers found a witness
in your suite who described the shooting
in a completely different way.
And she said that Tony Santer
- didn't have a gun.
- I'll get that bastard this time.
I demand to see the records
In the meantime. My client
- refuses to make a comment.
- Was it self-defense, Mr. Backer?
My client refuses to comment.
Do we have a case? - As long as
we have our witness, we have a case.
- You really want to take him to court?
- Yes. - And keep your job, too?
Oh yes.
Your witness is a nobody,
a street urchin with a record this long!
- You know why she's a street urchin?
- She's an orphan.
There's no family stupid enough
to adopt her. Two foster families
brought her back.
She didn't only break into several cars.
She also drove them. She is violent.
Here. Two violent assaults
on the warden, insults,
graffiti. She ran away from
the orphanage for three weeks.
Does she go to school? No way.
A never-ending list. Should I go on?
The fact that she has had
run-ins with the law is irrelevant
- for her credibility.
- My client has a witness.
- Who is on Mr. Backer's payroll.
- My client is a highly respected man
- who, contrary to your witness.
- Has more than one skeleton.
Stop making your assumptions!
After all,
this is not the first time you're trying
to make a name for yourself
at Mr. Backer's expense!
Do your job,
and release my client at once!
After all, there's no flight risk.
But there's a cover-up risk.
And I know how to do my job.
I know when people are lying and
when they're bullshitting me. - Oops.
Do you realize what you're saying?
I talked to the girl for three hours,
and she's telling the truth.
She knows details,
and her statements are precise.
Ms. Muller,
just imagine your orphan
in the witness stand.
It will be torture for the poor girl.
Do you really want to do that to her?
We'll tear her apart.
We'll make her even less credible
than she already is.
If that is at all possible.
Just so you know.
I'm going to apply
to have bail refused.
Your client is going to jail today.
Why am I still here?
The judge listened to Sara Muller.
Not her again.
Your phone.
- Falkner.
- Karl.
- The judge refused bail?
- I'm already on it. No problem.
What about that bitch? - It's her case
at the moment but I'll take care of it.
What about the witness?
Can she be bought?
- That's difficult. - What do you mean?
- The witness-protection program.
Why don't I know about that?
Then get her out of it!
I can't.
t's essentially a police matter.
- What now?
- Thomas.
Fuck that Thomas shit!
There's nothing I can do.
Oh, Karl.
We are pleased that my client
has now been released!
The judge made the decision
after new evidence was found.
Mr. Backer will make no comment!
You hyenas!
I will say one thing.
I am completely innocent.
And if this whole thing, this farce,
should ever go to court,
then I will look
their witness in the eyes
and we'll see who blinks first.
- Do you sell weapons to Turkey?
- Yes, on behalf of Germany.
Mr. Backer,
what's true about the Spencer affair?
- Do you feel like a murderer?
- No, I feel like a free man.
No more comments!
Fucking vermin!
Mr. Backer.
Let go of the door!
Everything's okay.
You're doing a great job.
Shut the fuck up!
Nazi bum!
What has become of this country?
Keep going!
Excuse me,
I'm looking for lactose-free milk.
Never heard of it.
It's milk without lactose.
We have soy milk and skimmed milk.
Lactose-free milk.
- Never heard of it?
- Never.
- Yes?
- It's me.
- You're early.
- I missed you.
- Code word?
- Open the fucking door!
- Did you get the milk?
- Open the door.
Did you get the milk?
Very good.
Hey, Nina.
- This is skimmed milk.
- It's all they had. Either that
- or cheese.
- It contains lactose.
You know that lactose bloats me?
I'll be on the toilet all night.
- Then don't drink it.
- What about my latte macchiato?
I'd love one.
And Leo?
Put your jacket on, or stick your gun
under your shirt. She's just a kid.
You're right.
Then do it.
Where's Helena?
Showering for you.
She's washing her hair for you.
I think she's hot for you.
It's true.
Did anything exciting happen today?
Started crying, locked herself
in the bathroom and wouldn't come out.
So I removed the lock.
You could do some peeping if you like.
Oh God, I feel it already.
- You're early.
- It was boring at home.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
- Oops.
- I told you.
- You old fart face!
- My pleasure, Steiger.
- What are we watching?
- TV.
So that's what it's called.
Can I watch it with you?
It's a free country.
The man arrested for shooting
a hotel employee, Thomas Backer,
and his security chief were surprisingly
released from custody
in Berlin today.
Due to a lack of evidence
the District Attorney
saw no need
to keep the two men in custody.
What new evidence, Karl?
Why don't I know about it?
They conjured up two new witnesses,
two female escorts
that Backer
didn't want to mention at first.
- Two female escorts?
- Yes.
Anything else?
It's gonna be lots of fun at home.
By the way, there's
a little surprise for you in the fridge.
Cover your gun.
- What's that?
- What does it look like?
- Leo made it for you.
- Leo can bake a cake?
Nina helped him.
- We had a good talk.
- What did she say?
She mostly talked about Tony.
For the first time
she was falling in love. She said
her mother promised to go to rehab.
But she never did.
That's why she's alone.
The director of the orpanage beat
her and punished her when she resisted.
She has a real cross to bear.
Hi, honey.
Where are you'? - On the way to the car.
I'll be there soon.
Okay, great.
Did you see the doctor?
- Don't keep me waiting.
- I'll tell you when you're here.
No, tell me now.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Tell me. Are we having a baby?
Yes or no?
Yes or no?
Boy or girl?
- You can't tell yet.
- Doesn't matter anyway.
Just as long as it's a boy.
Leo? Is everything okay?
Hello. I just talked to my husband.
I yes.
- Thank you.
- What for?
- For the cake.
- It was Leo's idea.
It's time again, Nina.
- I'll do it later.
- No, now. And then off to bed.
- Nina?
- Later.
If you don't go to bed,
I can't go either, and I'm tired.
I don't want to go to bed.
I can't fall asleep anyway.
I'm bleeding.
Oh no.
Don't look at her, Nina. Don't look.
I'll get you out of here.
Stay behind me, and hold onto my belt.
We'll go together,
step by step, left, right.
Left, right, okay?
From now on, stay on my right.
Between me and the building, okay?
- Yes'?
- Henry, Max here.
We have been compromised.
The safehouse has been attacked.
- Helena is dead.
- No. And the girl?
- With me.
- Take her to Location 2.
Henry, didn't you hear what I said?
- The house was attacked. We have a rat.
- Get her to Location 2.
We'll take it from there. - I won't take
her anywhere your department sends us.
The subway station Deutsche Oper
in an hour? - I'll be there.
One more thing. Nina needs insulin.
Why was that man released?
He killed Tony.
- How can that happen?
- He knows the right people.
- Come on.
- I'm not going anywhere. I can't.
- You've done a great job up until now.
- I can make fun of myself.
I'm not making fun of you.
What great job did I do?
I held onto your fucking belt?
I was there and
saw people dying all around me.
You're supposed to be safe
in a safehouse, right? - I guess so.
If they can find me there,
they'll find me everywhere right?
- Not if you get up and come with me.
- They'll find me
and kill me.
- Nobody is going to kill you.
- They tried.
- But they didn't succeed.
- Helena is dead.
It won't bring her back if you give up.
Then she'd have died for nothing.
- What if they kill you?
- That won't happen.
- Are you bulletproof?
- No, but I was a Boy Scout.
Very funny.
Nina, I promise I'll look after you.
You're safe with me.
If anyone tries to get close to you,
I'll kill 'em.
A bit more.
Now all we need is a car.
Did you see that'?
I didn't even say abracadabra.
I need your car.
- Open the door!
- I'm warning you! I have a black belt!
Your phone?
- Please, I have a family.
- I still need your car.
Get out. That way!
How old are you now?
What do you think?
- I look 50?
- Yes.
At least 48.
Before I met you I looked 26.
Go on dreaming!
- I'm sorry, Max.
- Got the insulin?
It's all they had. - I'll give her
the injection - I can do it myself.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Who knew our location?
How many people?
- My team and the DA.
- The DA?
She's their witness.
I'll find the problem and fix it.
No way. You have no idea
who Backer bought.
Forget police protection.
Let me do it. - No way!
- I choose my team and we go off radar.
- That isn't how we do things.
- Henri, we have a rat.
- Exactly, there's been a breach.
And you're part of it.
Two officers are dead, and you're alive.
- It has to be investigated.
- Two officers are dead?
- Helena and Leo.
- Leo? - Sorry, Max.
Did you know
he was going to be a father?
Go home and get some rest.
Tomorrow will be a tough day for you.
You know the procedure. I'm not allowed
to keep you on the job.
You're no longer in charge of the girl.
We'll make a clean start
with a fresh new team.
- Henri, do you know what you're saying?
- Trust me.
The only person I now trust is me.
- Meaning what?
- Meaning: I'm not going home.
Do what I say. I'm taking her
to the police station. - No, you aren't.
- Please.
- I won't leave her alone.
Come along if you like,
but you're off the job tomorrow.
- Come on, Nina, let's go.
- Nina!
Stand behind me.
Please, for your own safety.
- We're going. Thanks for the insulin.
- I can't let you do this, Max.
Stop me.
Don't be a fool! You'll go to prison,
and there's nothing I can do!
Henri, you shouldn't drink on the job.
Stop, Max! This is insane!
Max, you'll be wanted
for kidnapping a key witness!
I'm just the chief of police.
- Yes?
- Boss.
- We found the stolen car.
- Outside "Deutsche Oper".
- Exactly.
- Send the guys down and tell them
- to bring a bolt cutter.
- Digger, bolt cutter! Make it snappy!
What's up, Tarzan?
Too many anabolic steroids?
Get your ass in gear!
You're collecting dust! Move it!
And spit that thing out! Retard!
Seven people were killed
in a dreadful bloodbath in Berlin,
including two police officers,
Helena K. and Leo S.,
Residents described a fierce gunfight
and a tremendous explosion.
Our reporters spoke of
war-like destruction.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
- What?
- I don't know where she is.
I know she's alive.
I know who's with her.
- But I have no fucking idea where she is.
- I thought you met with them.
- He took the girl and left.
- And you let him go?
Should I have shot him?
I tried, but he grabbed my gun.
- Kung Fu's not my thing.
- Who is the man?
Ex-special-forces guy, KSK. Lots
of medals. Thinks he's John Rambo now.
- John Rambo?
- The guy from the movies.
Sylvester Stallone?
Do I get a name?
Max Fischer.
This is so fucked up.
Is something wrong?
Everything's okay.
I want to know everything about Max.
If he got a parking ticket
in Kabul I want to know!
If he ran over a donkey in Kundus
I want to know!
I want pictures of the girl circulated
to every patrol, hotel
and every motel!
I want all clinics,
doctor's offices, pharmacies
and hospitals
to monitor their insulin stocks.
If I find a single manhole cover in town
that you forgot to check,
you're in big trouble! Okay.
We'll start with his apartment.
No lights.
You have a message, Max.
Hi, it's me, Lily.
It's that time of year again,
and I thought of you.
I hope you're fine and safe and
you're still in one piece.
And that you're happy,
the usual stuff.
I'm fine.
Very busy.
Happy Birthday.
Come on.
- It's an empty apartment.
- What?
He's registered but doesn't live there.
- Where does he live?
- Same building, one story up.
- You're kidding me?
- No.
Boss, that'll kill you some day.
When you get to where I am
we'll talk about it, okay?
Sure thing.
Who was the woman?
- An old friend.
- Sure thing.
- Is she your girlfriend?
- Used to be a long time ago.
Got a picture of her?
I don't carry pictures.
Why not?
She isn't your girlfriend anymore.
- But you'd like her to be.
- It won't happen.
She called you.
Maybe she wants you back.
It won't happen, 'cause I'm gay.
Is that a joke?
- It isn't. It's immature.
- Drink your shake.
- I'm not 50.
- You will be soon.
What does your family think?
I don't have a family.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You don't have a family?
My father died when I was a kid,
and my mother never remarried.
And she died when I was 18.
I don't know who my father was.
My mother was so hung up on booze
and drugs that they took me away.
At some point they called
and said she was dead.
Then we're two lonely orphans
in the night.
Do you believe in heaven?
- What do you mean?
- Is there anybody who watches over us?
I know a lot of people
that nobody watched over.
What about you?
When I was little
my mother told me
that every child has a guardian angel.
- See?
- Maybe you're my guardian angel.
Can you show me how to use a gun?
- Are you kidding?
- No.
- Well?
- No.
I gotta go to the toilet.
I can do it by myself.
- Can I help you?
- Two coffees.
That's great.
Damn it.
Here you are.
What do I owe you?
What happened?
This drunk slob
elbowed me in the face
- when I helped him into our patrol car.
- On purpose? - No.
No, he was totally out of it.
Damn it, it just won't stop.
Lean your head back and press
your fingers against your nose.
Like this.
Thanks a lot.
Is that vomit?
That's vomit.
Damn it. - Keep your fingers
on your nose, or it won't stop.
I'll do that for you.
I gotta go.
See ya.
See ya.
Don't move!
Mad? Your gum!
Don't hurt her!
- What are you doing, Nina?
- Out of the way, girl!
- Out of the way, Nina!
- Lower your gun!
- Out of the way, Nina!
- No! - Out of the way, girl!
I don't want to shoot you,
but I'll do it if I have to! - No!
I told you to drop your gun!
Drop your gun! Drop it!
Get behind me, girl!
Don't shoot, Max! Please!
Your colleague isn't injured.
He's just unconscious. That's all.
Slowly put your gun on the floor,
and the girl and I will leave.
- No, you won't!
- Please, do what he says! Please!
Or he'll shoot you!
- I'm running out of time.
- Come behind me.
Max, don't hurt her!
Please, Max! Don't shoot!
Max! Max!
- Drop your gun.
- Come here, Nina. - No!
Don't shoot! Max! Please!
Please, do what he says.
He's with me. He's a good guy.
Come on.
He's really a good guy.
Anybody home?
You asked for Rudi's Limo Service?
Here I am, and as you can see
I selected my top model
and reserved the best seats.
Unfortunately in the trunk.
I'm out of champagne!
- You aren't serious, are you?
- They're road-blocking the whole town.
- I am claustrophobic.
- Come on.
- Everything okay?
- No.
We'll breathe together, okay?
Breathe deeply and slowly.
Calm down. Everything will be fine.
Think of something nice.
Everything will be fine.
Damn it.
I have to pull over.
We're going to stop, okay?
But try to be very quiet.
I'll carefully put my hand
over your mouth.
Then we'll breathe together
very slowly, okay?
Breathe deeply and slowly.
I'm going down to the sea,
to the beach. Want to come along?
I've never been to the sea.
You've never been to the sea?
We'll go there together
when we get out of this, okay?
"Kick the cops as flat as pancakes!"
Good evening. Was I speeding?
- Where is your seatbelt?
- Just broke this morning...
- You crossed a solid line.
- Really? - Yes.
Sorry about that. I didn't see it. I.
- Without my glasses I'm almost blind.
- What was that?
Really. Without them
I'm as blind as a bat.
- Driver's license and registration.
- I knew you'd ask.
You won't believe me,
but my license expired last week.
- I already applied for.
- Get out of the car slowly.
Just kidding.
Here you are.
Get out of the car.
Sorry, but I can't.
Get out of the car!
- I can't get out.
- Get out nice and slow!
I really can't. Have a look.
Sorry. I didn't see that.
Not your fault. But I have a problem.
I gotta go to the toilet real bad.
And I don't have my wheelchair with me,
so I can't use a public toilet.
- I just wanted to go to that drive-in.
- It's okay. Have a nice evening.
- Thank you. Thank you very much.
- Hey!
Open the trunk.
Let him be. It's okay.
It isn't properly shut.
Then shut it.
Thank you.
- Have a nice evening.
- Have a nice evening.
"Kick the cops as flat as pancakes!"
No legs! No legs!
Oh man, what a close call!
I love this kind of shit!
I love it! I love it!
- Is your friend crazy?
- A bit.
Go in and make yourselves at home.
I'll park the car.
Mr. Backer,
are you an arms dealer out of passion?
Mr. Plasberg, every country in the world
has the right to defend itself.
Every country will
exercise that right.
And every country
wants to purchase the most reliable,
modern and effective weapons
if it is capable of financing them.
That creates an enormous demand.
We satisfy that demand
and create jobs and security.
Don't you care
what happens to the weapons?
Security is like
water a necessity.
Don't you care what happens
to the weapons? That was my question.
I do care,
but it's not my responsibility.
Look, when you sell a hammer,
someone can be killed with it.
When you sell a car,
a child can be run over.
Do you like cookies?
Rudi always has the best cookies.
- You like cookies?
- No, thanks.
How do you know Rudi?
We fought together in the war.
What war?
- I didn't know you're a soldier.
- Not anymore.
And Rudi?
Rudi isn't either.
A question that our viewers
are curious about:
Why can you be with us tonight?
Why were you
released so quickly after your arrest?
- We agreed not to discuss that.
- Why not?
I ask the questions I want to ask,
and you answer the questions
you want to answer. Agreed?
You're saying we didn't agree
not to discuss it? - That's right.
- Then you're lying, Mr. Plasberg.
- Or you, Mr. Backer.
Sorry about that.
It took a bit longer.
I hardly fit in this damn thing.
I think I'm getting fatter.
Either I leave out the cookies,
or I start jogging again.
- Is it new?
- Yeah, brand new.
Do I have lipstick on my face?
Looks gruesome, doesn't it?
Want to touch 'em?
Go ahead and touch 'em.
They don't bite.
How did you lose your legs?
Take a guess.
In the war? - Ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding. You won.
A stupid little land mine
exploded right under me. Boom.
Now I got a fucking tinnitus
in my left ear. What a pisser.
But at least I don't get
any blisters on my feet.
You smiled, didn't you?
Suits you! She smiled, Max.
- Did you see it?
- I missed it.
How could you miss it?
The whole room lit up.
Okay, watch this.
What is it?
A guy in a wheelchair
throwing a javelin. - What's this?
Same guy shot putting.
And what's this?
Same guy running hurdles.
- Hello?
- Sara? - Yes?
Henri here. Sorry, but it's necessary.
- What?
- They have a search warrant.
- Open the door before they bust it.
- What do you mean? - Sara!
- There was no other way.
- You think it's me.
- You're kidding. - Just routine.
- I don't believe it.
- You're an asshole, Henri.
- Sorry. - You're sorry?
Are they searching your place, too?
I hope your dick falls off.
Please, read this.
That's fine.
- That is private.
- Quiet!
Special forces.
Medal of Honor for bravery.
"Navy Presidential Unit Citation
for exceptional courage and spirit
against a treacherous enemy,
awarded by George W. Bush."
Just one question. - Yes? - Since when
do special forces protect witnesses?
- No idea.
- You have no idea?
My department doesn't select security
agents. It's the job of the police.
I'll say this just once. I'm not going
anywhere near a courtroom.
I've worked hard
to build up everything I have.
And I won't let you ruin it.
If I fall, I'm taking you with me.
And not only you.
I'm taking everyone who's dear to you.
That trial has to vanish.
That girl has to vanish fast!
If they found the safehouse
they'll find you,
and if they find you, they'll find me.
We'll just stay one night.
I didn't mean it that way.
As long as that guy is alive,
the girl is in danger.
You gotta go after him
and wipe him out.
That's the only solution.
I'm just telling you
I'm with you on this.
- I'm trying to stay alive.
- I'll do it for you.
First to go, last to leave: KSK.
- Rudi! - Hey, man!
Look at me, damn it! They call it
the momentum of the fucking surprise!
- I'm serious.
- I know. That's the problem.
Carry me up to his roof.
And I'll blow his fucking brains out.
I'll manage my own escape.
Rudi, I can't carry you
up to the roof. You're too fat.
- Fat?
- Yeah.
Shit, I'm not fat! Look at me!
I'm in the best shape ever.
It's just that my T-shirts have shrunk.
Are you asleep yet?
Not anymore.
Would you have shot the cops?
No, I wouldn't have shot them.
But sometimes things
don't go the way they should.
Have things ever gone wrong for you?
Have you ever killed someone by mistake?
Someone who was innocent?
- Max?
- Maybe. I don't know.
A child?
You try not to make mistakes.
But terrible things happen in war.
And everything goes so fast.
Decisions have to be made.
And sometimes
you make the wrong decision.
Were you ever injured?
- How often?
- Often.
- How often?
- Can't we talk about something else?
Does it hurt?
What do you think?
- How does it feel to be at war?
- I want to sleep.
Tell me, or I can't fall asleep.
Tell me.
In your first battle you're so afraid
that you'd rather piss your pants
than fire a shot.
And then?
Then you get used to it.
But it's as if time stood still.
You train for it, but that's nothing
compared to the real situation.
You're there and
you just try to stay alive.
And you think about things.
Like what?
About the people you love.
Everything you're about to lose.
Everything you still wanted to do.
Your life races past you
in lots of pictures,
and you've already settled everything.
And suddenly a voice inside says,
I don't want to die yet.
Not today.
Not today."
What does it feel like
to kill somebody?
Please, Nina.
Tell me, please.
The first time is horrific.
But then
you get used to it, too.
But you have nightmares.
When I die, when I'm killed.
Nobody's going to kill you.
But if they did,
would I be given a funeral?
- Nina.
- It wouldn't make sense.
There'd be nobody to mourn me.
If you have to talk all night,
talk about something nice.
- Who would come to your funeral?
- Something nice!
Who would cry for you?
- Rudi?
- Nobody, 'cause I'm not gonna die.
But if you did?
I tell you what.
I'll cry at your funeral,
if you cry at mine, okay?
Sorry that I went nuts in the car.
You don't have to apologize.
You're a brave girl.
You'll stay here tonight, right?
I'll stay here tonight.
But remember I'm next to you.
I don't want your feet in my face.
Wow, very good.
Two nines. You're a real natural!
You draw the gun,
Remember: Both eyes open and...?
- Eyes, muzzle, target.
Right! Reset and standby.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Good, but faster. Again.
Much better. Very good. Terrific!
- What's going on?
- We're playing.
- Airsoft.
- Tell me where to aim.
- What's wrong with you? She's a kid.
- Hey, man.
- I asked him to teach me.
- You're too young for a gun!
- It's Airsoft, man.
- I don't care!
- It's a toy.
- You don't play with guns.
Calm down. We didn't do
anything wrong. Just had some fun.
- That's all.
- Exactly.
Eyes, muzzle, target.
Max is awake, fun's over.
You know,
If I had to apologize, I would.
But there was no harm done.
I don't want her to think
she can handle a gun.
First rule of personal protection?
Detachment from the subject.
Nina is the subject,
and you broke the rule big time!
You care about her, don't you?
You're too close. Don't get me wrong.
I don't mean anything bad.
She's a great girl and all.
But you aren't her father.
Get away from the window, please.
You like mushrooms?
I've only had them on pizza.
I'd rather have cereal
for breakfast with sugar.
I don't have cereal.
Or do you see any rabbits?
I have proteins and fruit. So, eat.
Can we do some more Airsoft?
No, we can't.
- Why? Because he said so?
- Yeah.
- Do you always do what he says?
- Usually.
And he's usually right.
You know,
he saved my life.
I lost my legs, but he saved my life.
He left his post.
We were under fire and
he broke cover to get me.
He dragged me all the way back to camp.
He did it.
And the other soldiers did
what was right.
They didn't leave their posts.
Did you see his bracelet? Like this?
- Did you see it?
- Yeah.
We call it a brother's bracelet.
You have to earn it.
I... I wear one, but he
he could wear a different one
each day of the week.
He's a good guy.
And a real friend.
Even if he can't understand
that Airsoft is just a fucking game.
Here for you.
I'd like you to wear it.
Do me a favor
and look after him. For me.
be nice to him, okay?
He really likes you.
- Why didn't you mention Max Fischer?
- Why should I?
I had no idea he worked for you.
Last time I saw him he was a soldier.
Sara, when you saw his file
you knew it? - Yes.
I knew it then,
and it was a big surprise.
What? - The DA's ex-boyfriend is
on the run with the key witness.
- That is not cool.
- I know.
- Falkner wants you off the case at once.
- He doesn't need to know.
- What?
- Get rid of the pictures,
- and nobody will ever find out.
- Why should I do it?
Because you trust me,
and because I'm asking you.
You know where the shredder is.
Thank you.
- Do you know Lily?
- Yes, very well.
She's cool.
Is that all? Cool?
She's intelligent,
she studied law or whatever,
she's beautiful,
but what's more important,
she's humorous.
She's funny, really funny.
- Was he in love with her?
- Very much.
Why did he leave her?
She left him.
- Why?
- You'll have to ask him.
- She has a nice voice.
- That's right,
but her ass wow!
It's even better.
- Hi, are you a friend of Rudi?
- Yeah, got the stuff?
No go. For some reason they aren't
dispensing medication. - Okay.
- How much?
- It isn't the money.
Rudi is my friend.
I can't get to the cabinet.
- Everything okay?
- When's he coming? I need insulin.
I'd do it if I could. Honest. Sorry.
- Rudi.
- What?
A car's coming.
Say hi from me.
Damn it.
Come on.
Open the grating and hide.
Be quick! Hurry!
- Hi?
- They're here, Max.
I'm on my way. Don't let 'em in.
Mr. Ehrlichmann?
Mr. Ehrlichmann,
we're police officers.
We'd like to talk to you.
Open the door, please.
I'd like to see an ID.
What was that? A train pass?
It's cold out here.
We're looking for a friend of yours.
- Max Fischer.
- Max Fischer.
Oh yeah, Max.
I haven't seen Max for months.
We'd still like to look around
your place. It won't take long.
Okay, but I'd like to see
your search warrant.
Fuck! What kind of cops are you?
Hey! Yeah, come on in
and make yourselves at home. Damn it!
I assume they're here.
Am I right?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Mr. Fischer, come on out!
Otherwise I'll have to shoot
this poor man. - Do whatever you want,
search for whatever you like,
but put that thing away.
It looks so dangerous.
Hey guys!
Do me a favor and don't mess everything
up. The cleaning lady was here today.
Tell them to cut it out.
Stop rolling back and forth.
It's making me nervous, okay? - Okay.
- How did you lose your stilts?
- A sack race.
- Not bad.
- Good, isn't it? - Yeah.
I assume you'll put everything back
in place. Otherwise
I'd feel obligated
to submit a complaint.
But I'd regret it,
because I like you somehow.
- Why are you a dwarf?
- Land mine.
- Bad luck.
- Just what I thought.
Believe it or not,
I wanted to be a dancing instructor.
You're a funny guy. Really.
- Think so?
- No shit.
- I like you.
- That's cool. Very good.
Maybe we could get together.
- What do you think?
- Who knows?
Hey, damn it!
Do you act that way at home?
Careful, those are heirlooms!
Damn it, there's nobody here!
And by no means under the couch!
Jesus Christ.
- Idiot!
- Two plates.
What? - Two plates and two glasses
in the sink One man.
- Rudi?
- Rudi, what?
Two plates?
Listen here, hustler. Pack your things,
clean up your mess
and get the hell outta here. If not,
I'll kick your fucking ass, you bum!
- What's her name?
- Nina.
- Last name?
- Fischer.
You're her father, right?
- When was she born?
- She's 15.
On August 1st.
- She'll recover, won't she?
- She's fine considering.
She's reacting positively
to the treatment.
That's all I can say right now.
- Are you injured?
- No.
- Just a scratch.
- You're losing blood.
- I'm fine.
- Just a moment.
If you go on eating, you'll burst.
Emergency Unit, City Hospital.
We have a young girl in a diabetic coma.
The man claiming to be her father
has a bullet wound in the abdomen
and refuses treatment.
Okay, stay calm,
and keep talking to the man.
We'll send someone over. - Thanks.
They are in the city hospital. Hurry up!
And send a Cleaner Team to Uckermark.
A number of bodies are waiting.
- I don't believe it.
- What happened?
What are you doing?
Hey, we have patients here!
- Asshole!
- Kiss my ass!
Boss, I take it all back.
We are reporting live
from the city hospital,
where, a few minutes ago, some dramatic
events have taken place.
There has been a shooting in which up to
seven people died
some are still fighting for their lives
dozens have been injured
and the rest are in a state of shock
because what has happened here
is almost impossible to express in words
this is as brutal as it gets.
One thing is for sure,
this here is not a hospital anymore...
It is a battlefield.
Clean towels in the bathroom,
the bed has clean sheets.
If you want to watch our film program
I'll have to charge extra.
- We don't want to watch any films.
- Fine.
- 40 euros an hour.
- How much for the night?
The whole night?
I'll give you the room for 400.
Video is for free and
They're on the house.
My dad and I are passing through.
Our luggage got ripped off.
And he has a temperature. So give us
the fucking key and stop drooling!
Pussy on toast!
Why are we in a whorehouse?
Because they are not looking for us here.
Lock the door, and draw the curtains.
Damn it!
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Why did you say "shit"?
Is it that bad?
No, I'm okay.
I don't believe you.
I'm fine. I just need a bandage.
I want you to teach me
how to fire a gun.
What if you black out?
My wound is infected.
My body is reacting a bit.
- That's all.
- You're ill.
And it won't get any better.
I'm not stupid.
- Everything will be fine.
- Call somebody.
What about Lily?
Call her.
She called you.
- Why not?
- No.
What if you die?
What will happen to me?
- You'll go to my funeral.
- Asshole!
- I'm gonna call an ambulance.
- No.
You wanna bleed to death
in your fucking chair? - Stop it.
Is that your plan?
Take care, Max.
See how far I got?
You're injured! You can't run!
You can hardly move!
You can't help me
You can't protect me. Look at yourself!
We can go to a hospital.
Or we find some good policemen.
Please, Max. Or youre going to die.
And I don't want to go to your funeral.
Do you see what I see?
She's 14 at the most.
Double shit!
You can stay in the car.
But show me your license
and your registration, please.
You're a bit young to be driving.
Didn't your parents teach you that?
I should talk to your father.
Or your mother. Who do you prefer?
Who is stricter?
That's who I'm going to talk to.
You should know you can't drive yet.
Stop right where you are.
Are you threatening me
with your toy gun?
Okay, okay, OK8)!
- We'll drive you to your parents.
- I don't have any parents, fucker!
- What did you call me?
- Put your gun on the ground!
No, I won't,
- Now!
Cut it out, Paul, and do what she says.
And you give me your gun?
Do you understand me, Miss? - Paul!
I'm the squad leader and not you.
Lower your gun.
And we'll put an end to all this.
Shut up and put your gun on the ground!
Hurry up!
- Freeze!
- Stop fucking around, Paul!
Are you crazy?
Put your gun on the ground.
Kick it away!
but your colleague is a real pussy.
Yes, I know.
You're such an idiot.
- My God, Nina. What are you doing here?
- Don't move!
- Nina, where's Max?
- Where is Lily?
- Lily? - Where's Lily?
- Nina, I am Lily.
- Max is the only one who calls me Lily.
- You're lying! - No, it's true.
Sara Lily Muller.
Come on in. I'll show you my ID.
- Where's Max?
- In the car.
It's me, Lily.
She found you.
Yes, she found me. Get his backpack.
Ssshhhh. .
It's just a dream.
A bad dream.
I'm here, Max.
I won't leave you.
I promise.
That's good.
Okay, the car is gone.
- How's he doing?
- He's asleep, dreaming.
Sleep will do him good.
- Did you get this from Max?
- No, from Rudi.
From Rudi?
Rudi is dead.
- No.
- We were hiding at his place.
But they found us.
The last time I saw Rudi
before he lost his legs
he said that he wanted to stop,
that he'd had enough,
and Max told him
he couldn't desert his team.
And when it happened.
Rudi never blamed him.
He never complained.
Instead he kept joking
that he could ride the train for free.
Did you love Max?
Yes, I loved him.
Very much.
But it was very difficult
to live together with him.
is a soldier, a warrior.
And being a soldier
always comes first.
I thought I could live with him.
I loved him, and I was so proud of him.
But then he'd suddenly disappear.
He'd go off on a mission,
and I didn't know where he was.
He'd be gone for weeks,
months, and I didn't
even know if he was still alive.
He couldn't call me and say,
"Hi, Lily. How are you? I'm fine."
That was the worst part
the uncertainty.
And suddenly he'd show up again.
Usually with several injuries,
and I always put him together again.
But I couldn't ask him any questions.
He might have witnessed
something terrible or lost a friend.
He never talked to me about it.
He could never talk about the things
he had seen or how he felt.
At one point it was
too difficult
or too much or
I don't know.
Max is no longer a soldier.
Think so?
He was always a soldier.
He'll always be one.
It's the only life he knows,
and in the end.
In the end, it's all that he'll have.
Why did you wish him "Happy Birthday"?
Because I still think of him.
And because I'm an idiot.
Max is an idiot, too.
He still thinks about you.
He listened to your whole message,
although the cops were after us.
He listened to the whole message.
And I saw the way he looked.
How did he look?
if you haven't seen Max for three years
have you had other boyfriends?
Nothing serious.
Maybe you're still in love with Max?
Maybe you should eat your breakfast.
When were you happiest?
With Max?
Yes, with Max.
A few months after we met.
I'd finished my law exams,
it was summer, and we were in England.
- England?
- Yes.
First London, then Brighton.
It's an old seaside resort with a pier,
a nice beach and an amusement park.
We fell in love with the place.
And for a whole month
we stayed in a bed and breakfast.
I'd inherited some money and
we promised each other
we'd go back to Brighton one day
and open our own bed and breakfast.
But not for guests.
Just for friends and family.
That is, my family.
And I fell in love with Max.
That's romantic.
Why didn't you ever do it?
I guess they were just day dreams.
Max was a soldier,
not a hotel manager, and.
was lost in my fight
for justice.
Do you believe in justice?
In court? Not anymore.
And in life?
I believe when you do something good
you will be rewarded.
And you? When were you happiest?
I'm happy now.
Sleep a bit longer.
I'll do it.
I'll see you on the other side.
I imagined it differently
seeing each other again.
I did, too.
I often wondered
what would have happened
if I hadn't been a soldier.
Yes, then
we probably wouldn't have met.
You looked so good in your uniform.
I don't want to fight anymore.
I don't either.
- What's up?
- Outside.
What's wrong, Max?
Come on, Nina!
Ok. Run towards the elevated hunting blind
on the hillside.
Then into the woods and keep right.
After two kilometers there's
an open field and another blind.
Behind it is the highway.
When you get there call Kurt or Henri.
Here are their numbers.
- Why don't you come with us?
- Because I won't get far.
And because I'm more useful here.
Get going!
I love you, Max!
I love you too.
Meet you at the pier.
how does it feel to be at war?
You're there,
and all you want is to stay alive.
- And you think about things.
- Like what?
About the people you love.
Everything you're about to lose.
Everything you still wanted to do.
Your life races past you
in lots of pictures,
and you've already settled everything.
And suddenly a voice inside says, "No.
No. I don't want to die yet.
Not today."
- Damn it!
- What?
Get outta here!
The well-known industrialist Thomas Backer
has died
together with his security director.
Nicholas Wulff. Police confirmed.
- Simply blown up.
- Who would do something like that?
- It's an evil world out there.
- But it's a bit better now.
Are you happy
about the nice things I bought you?
Give me a piece. Come on!
You're sister is so stingy.
What did you do, sweetheart?
You little piggy. Give me the napkin.
What are you doing?
What's wrong, Dad?
Huh? Nothing, my dear.
Nothing at all. Everything's fine.
Did you hear the news?
Who are you? - Someone who knows
how easily you're bribed.
You did it, right?
No, I have nothing to do with it.
I'll tell you what happened.
Armed conflicts in Africa
or the Middle East. Take your pick.
Backer delivered to both sides.
One side wasn't pleased.
They came to Germany
and punished him.
Are you still there?
- How should I arrange it?
- I don't care how you do it.
Just tell another lie.
You're really good at that.
You forget us, and I'll forget you.
Did you understand me?
- Dad!
- Come on!
- Yes.
- Dad!
Come on.
In memory of Lance Corporal
Martin Kadir Augustyniak (d. 2010)
who gave his life
to save his wounded comrade.
This film is dedicated to all soldiers
who were killed, injured
or traumatized in Afghanistan
and their relatives.
For all our soldiers
who are on duty at the moment.