Scomunicate Di San Valentino, Le (The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine) (1974)

The Excommunicates of San Valentino
I'm coming. I'm coming.
Seor Esteban. Good Heavens.
There's nothing here.
Thank you. I must make it.
You've lost too much blood.
- Where's Lucita?
She waited all night, but had to return.
The nuns might find her.
Go and get her.
- Right, I'm going.
How can I go to the convent at night?
If they see me, I'm in trouble.
I know. But only you can do it.
Lucita must know.
She must heal me.
If I die here, there'll be even greater
trouble for you and everyone.
Don't move.
Be very quiet.
Forgive me, Lord.
San Valentino be blessed.
- May he always be blessed.
My love.
- Who did this?
The guards of the Inquisition.
They accused me of heresy...
...and murdering bishop Doloso.
- Who accused you?
It was anonymous.
My parents?
How is that possible?
The Albornos and the Fuentes
have hated each other for generations.
You are a Fuentes
who loves an Albornos.
Another evil deed
to prevent our marriage.
Someone told them
I would carry you off.
If they know all, it's terrible.
Lucita takes her vows soon.
The Inquisition will be after you.
For all the Saints.
Help us. Look after
You're the only friend we have left.
I'll be grateful.
That won't help me when I'm dead. Go.
He cannot be moved.
You said so yourself.
Be reasonable. Look at him.
Look at me, then.
All right, but only tonight.
Tomorrow you must go.
I won't change my mind.
By now, we might have been
far away, free.
But they won't keep me from you.
Go now. We'll find a way, I swear.
You'll find a way tomorrow.
Now let's go.
What are you doing in my bed?
- I was waiting for you. It's cold.
We'll keep each other warm. Come on.
Return to your bed. Don't be stupid.
- I'm not stupid. Where have you been?
I wasn't feeling well.
Who brought the medicine? Joaquin?
I heard him, you know.
You can trust me.
I know why you're here.
Same as me. Your parents don't want
you to marry the man you love.
So they put you in a convent.
Come on. You don't want the abbess
to discover your secrets, do you?
Confide in me. Unburden your heart.
Wouldn't you like to?
I won't say anything.
But I've done nothing wrong.
I just received a message.
And you've never seen him?
Never ever?
But I won't say anything.
Be nice to me...
...and I won't say anything.
Eh, baldy!
Are you talking to me?
We seek a murderer, a heretic,
fleeing from the Inquisition.
San Valentino!
Why look for him in a convent?
We found traces of blood nearby.
- Then you're sure to find him.
Are you sure he's not here?
This is a convent. The pious nuns of
San Valentino don't shelter heretics.
Do you realize that whoever shelters
a heretic, also goes to the stake?
They're after you.
It's getting more dangerous
for you and the seorita...
And for you.
Tonight I'll slip away.
Who is it?
- Lucita.
Here, I've brought you
something to eat.
How can you feel like eating?
I feel ill. I have an urgent need.
I'll be back in a minute.
I'll go tonight.
- With me.
No. I'm not well enough to go very far.
I'll hide nearby.
As soon as we can, we'll flee.
Who will care for you?
- I'll manage.
My stay here brings danger.
Joaquin is right.
I, too, must be careful.
My cell-mate has heard something.
Josefa. She's capable of anything.
I can't wait to flee with you.
I just need to recover.
It won't take long.
There are guards everywhere.
They'll find you.
I've changed my mind.
You can't leave, alas.
Joaquin, you're an angel.
That's for me. They want me.
But you must leave, seorita. Please.
Lucita, be careful. Don't trust anyone.
Watch this Josefa.
Don't arouse her suspicion.
What are you doing?
You'll frighten me to death.
I'll go. It's better for everyone.
No, I've changed my mind.
I promised seorita Lucita.
To go in daylight would be suicide.
What is it? First you were anxious
for me to leave, but now...
I've found a safe hiding place.
I'll take you there tonight.
Then, as soon as you're better,
you can leave. Come on.
Those bastards who wounded me.
Look at the state of sister Rosario.
Look at her.
This wretch has lost
all sense of our community.
She doesn't participate
in holy services.
She offends the Church
which has received her.
That's not true. God is with me.
I've done nothing wrong.
You four know it.
I've been ill for a long time. Because of
you four. Because of you, sister.
I've always tried to help you,
poor Rosario.
You and your friends
tied me to the bed.
Be silent, you wretch.
God, have mercy on me.
You know I am innocent.
You see? She is full of pride.
She dares address the Lord.
It is true. Sister Rosario is ill.
But her illness is demoniacal.
The Devil has bewitched her.
Through her,
the Devil mocks, tempts and insults us.
Now, pray for her, all of you.
You will kill her. Have mercy on her.
How dare you.
And you, who will soon take your vows,
take a good look.
See how sin manages
to penetrate everywhere.
The Devil manages to penetrate
even the house of the Lord.
No. Enough.
Enough. Mercy. Have mercy.
I have done nothing evil.
I am not possessed by the Devil.
I'd like to be in the abbess's place.
See how she takes Rosario's body.
In five days
we'll be calling you sister.
Is your soul ready?
- Yes, I'm ready.
Any regrets?
- None.
You have a strong vocation.
But as for you, Josefa,
come and see me after refection.
Here you'll be safe.
No one will ever find you.
I can believe it. You're a magician.
It's like a prison. Who else knows of it?
In a few days you'll be better and
you can leave. I'll bring you food.
And Lucita?
- Not so many questions. Leave it to me.
Stop this kissing. The service will soon
be over, and the nuns will be back.
Till tomorrow.
- Till tomorrow.
A few more hours and we'll be gone.
Are you afraid?
No, I'm only afraid of your wound.
Forget that. Everything is fine.
Josefa. They have killed Josefa.
Help. Help. Sacrilege.
- Murder.
What a lot of blood.
- Someone has killed Josefa.
They've desecrated our house.
A murder. In our house.
It is unprecedented.
Poor Josefa. Who could have hated
you so much, my soul?
Carry her into the church.
- Let's call Joaquin to help us.
No, no one must enter our quarters.
You, you lift her up.
But where's Lucita?
You were so close and didn't wake up?
You are a very heavy sleeper, my dear.
So, speak. For your own good.
Why did you pretend to be asleep?
Why were you dressed?
Did you kill Josefa de Olmeda?
Answer. For your own good.
No. I didn't do it.
Why suffer unnecessarily?
Confess, and all this will stop.
Isidro, write.
The accused, stubbornly...
...refuses to answer the questions.
You have killed your cell-mate.
It's abominable.
But you must confess
why you have committed this crime.
Let her down.
I have another way of making you speak.
You would be well advised to confess.
You don't know Father Onorio.
He's feared throughout Andalusia.
Even the dumb learn to speak
when he interrogates them.
Lucita, my daughter.
How is this possible?
Go away. I don't want to see you.
It's all your fault.
My fault? How can I be responsible
for what you have done?
What do you mean? Do you, too, believe
that I killed that wretch?
My father believes I am a murderess.
How shameful!
It's a trick. I've fallen into a trap.
But I'm innocent, innocent.
If I find myself in this position,
you alone are to blame.
I loved Esteban
and I could have married him.
But no. You have sacrificed me
to your prejudices, without mercy.
Without mercy.
Our family, the very noble Fuentes,
must not marry into the Albornos.
This hate has gone on for centuries.
Rather a nun for a daughter than the
affront of such a union. Right, father?
This Esteban is an excommunicate,
a heretic and, even worse, a murderer.
That's a lie.
You know that better than anyone.
He ran away. So he must be guilty.
But now...
But now he's dead.
So why speak of him?
I'll try to free you from the Inquisition.
I'll use all my influence.
But then you will be confined
in a cloistered convent...
...among those buried alive.
If you do that, I'll kill myself
and remorse will torment you for ever.
I am convinced of her innocence.
I know her, Father Onorio. Believe me.
If you listened, you know my daughter
was in love with Esteban Albornos.
- Esteban has avoided capture.
He may be involved in this. Perhaps
my daughter was in contact with him.
I don't know what to think.
Lucita, led astray by that heretic...
...may have committed
something imprudent, but not a murder.
Don't you see that your defence
accuses her doubly?
A novice who flirts,
and with an excommunicated heretic...
...guilty of the murder of a holy man,
bishop Doloso.
She will at least be an accomplice.
There is no proof of this.
Rebels against a father
rebel against God.
A fine sentence,
but not enough to condemn her.
I have to decide, not you.
Not even the Seville Inquisitor
can address me thus.
I fought the Moors for our Queen.
I'll seek justice from her.
No one on earth can stop Father Onorio.
God guides me.
Call the nuns.
I want to question all of them.
So, this heretic...
...who has been excommunicated
by the Church...
...could be
directly or indirectly responsible...
...for the crime which has
desecrated this holy house.
Lucita Fuentes is not, because of this,
any less guilty.
Her illicit contacts with this infamous
person condemn her just the same.
But I must seek the whole truth...
...and I am here to find it.
If any of you know anything
that could help justice, speak.
Speak freely.
Lucita seemed agitated and nervous.
She did not pray in church,
but was pensive.
She would quickly return to her cell,
the cell of poor Josefa.
And you, Doa Incarnacion,
do you have anything to say?
No, most reverend Father. I think
the poor wretch was nervous because...
...on Sunday she was to take her vows.
- Her nervousness made her hungry.
I saw her take leftovers from the
kitchen: Some bread, cheese, and meat.
When did you notice these thefts?
Two or three days ago.
I don't remember exactly.
You, come forward.
Tell me, who are you?
The verger, most reverend Father.
Also porter, gardener, bell-ringer...
I see. You are able to leave
the convent and go to the village.
You must have heard of the man
who escaped and is hiding in this area.
Yes, I've heard the rumours,
but I am innocent.
We'll search the whole convent
from top to bottom...
...including the cells and vaults.
You are dispensed from services
for the whole day. You may go.
Shall I come with you, Father?
- No, my guards will suffice.
Isidro, let us go.
Why didn't you come this morning?
Has something happened to Lucita?
Nothing's wrong. But I can't go about
in a convent as I like.
I can't stand it. I'm going mad.
I don't know if it's day or night.
Bring Lucita. We must leave quickly.
- Tonight it won't be possible.
Why not? So my guess was right?
It's a terrible story.
Josefa, the cell-mate of Lucita...
...has been murdered.
Murdered? By whom?
They have accused seorita Lucita.
Most reverend Father.
My apologies, but I think it's urgent.
The prisoner wants to speak to you.
Have you been to see her?
Nobody must approach her, not even you.
I have not seen her. She asked
to speak to you. The guard told me.
I am listening.
- I killed Josefa de Olmeda.
Go on. I know that.
She had discovered your affair...
...with the excommunicated heretic
Esteban Albornos.
So you stabbed her to death.
Is that it?
I've had no news of him since being
confined. Why do you mention him?
You really don't know anything?
Don't you know that he's been wounded
and is hiding in this area?
I don't know anything.
So why did you kill
Josefa de Olmeda?
She found me reading a forbidden book.
I didn't know it was forbidden.
She was going to tell the abbess.
I would have been punished.
Where is this book?
- In the cell, with the clothes.
I don't know
if you are telling the truth.
The confession will save you
from torture...
...but not from condemnation and death.
You are guilty of murder,
and now also of heresy.
What did you do with the dagger?
I don't remember.
I threw it away.
You spoke the truth.
It is a godless and sacrilegious work.
I want to make an example of you.
We'll take you to Seville,
to the main square...
...and there, you'll be burned alive,
before the whole town.
The flames of the stake
will revive the flames of our faith.
The only true faith.
- O God, save me.
What? Still on duty? It's a hard life.
You should have been a verger.
When do they relieve you?
- Not until dawn.
It will soon be dawn with this wine.
- Thank you.
Nice. I've always said
that convents have the best.
You can't say Mass with vinegar.
He'll be asleep for 30 minutes. Hurry.
- Ingenious. Who gave you the potion?
Always questions.
Hurry. Don't ruin me.
Esteban, my love.
Why did you confess? It was a mistake.
My father advised it.
Don't worry, he'll save me.
Do you trust him? And that book
which they found, how did you know?
It wasn't mine. It was Josefa's.
You must go. Don't worry about me.
My father will help me.
Then we'll find a way of fleeing.
I can't leave you with fanatics.
- You must.
The Inquisition is after you and
knows you're nearby. You're in danger.
My father will help me. Don't be rash.
I know what I have to do.
In the name of the most reverend
Father Onorio de Mendosa...
...I officially inform the accused,
Lucita de Fuentes...
...novice in the
convent of San Valentino...
...that the Inquisition will try her
on 23 November.
The accused will be moved
to the prisons of Seville... be held there
until the day of her trial.
Put on the habit of penance
and let's go.
Take off that impure dress. Only the
blessed habit must cover your body.
- I must stay. It is my duty to check.
Let's go.
The door.
Wait. One moment.
Farewell, Lucita.
May Heaven protect you.
For I believe in your innocence.
- But I am innocent.
Why did you confess
to someone else's crime?
Who are you protecting?
Go, my child. I'll pray
for you and the salvation of your soul.
Mother, forgive me. We must go.
I know you have a secret.
I will help you.
Joaquin, I have an idea.
Are you surprised to see me
and not Joaquin or Lucita?
I've come myself to bring news of her.
Who are you?
Doa Incarnacin Diez de Montalbo,
the abbess.
Who told you of me? Who betrayed me?
It was you. You betrayed us. Wretch.
Leave him. He's a faithful servant.
It wasn't him.
It was Lucita who told me everything.
She knew she could trust me.
Lucita? Lmpossible.
- I know everything:
Your wounds, your plans to escape,
her visits to you.
Don't worry.
I'll do all I can for you two.
But what can you do?
- A great deal.
Trust me.
First of all, you must get well quickly
and regain your strength. Let me see.
Joaquin, the bandages and ointment.
There you are.
Tomorrow you'll feel better...
...and I'll tell you how to free Lucita.
Why are you doing all this?
Lucita and I have broken all the rules.
I have found refuge in a place where
the presence of a man is a sacrilege.
You should hate me
rather than protect me.
You should denounce me
to the Inquisition.
Your story touched me. It called up
sweet memories from my past.
I may regret it. But now I want
the happiness of two people in love.
At the risk of my life.
Later, you will bring him to my rooms.
At last you'll have a proper meal,
instead of leftovers.
How can I thank you?
We shall be eternally grateful.
That will be my reward.
Would you like some?
I don't understand you. You should be
glad the abbess is helping us.
You were the first to help us
and she has forgiven you.
You were afraid of some punishment.
What's up?
- Does it matter? Toothache.
Has something happened to Lucita?
- No, let her be. Now I must go.
When can I see her?
- How do I know? Ask the lady abbess.
She will know everything, no doubt.
Do you feel better? If we don't feed
our body, our brain lets us down.
You must relax. How is the wound?
- Fine.
I'll obey any order of yours
for her safety. Have you seen her?
Yes. She sends you her greetings.
You are sheltering me in your rooms.
I must be in the way.
I'd better return to where I was.
- Nonsense. Here you are safe.
Nobody dares enter my rooms,
not even the Inquisitor.
You will sleep there. Only nuns
may enter here, when I call them.
And Joaquin?
- He's an old fool.
You've set up your life like a queen.
An abbess is mistress of her convent.
Here, I have powers of life and death.
Go to sleep now. Have a good rest.
Tomorrow will be an important day.
I'm pleased to have you here.
Good night.
- Good night, mother.
In this room,
I'd like you to call me Incarnacion.
No one's called me that...
...for 13 years.
Always surrounded by nuns or monks.
Never a man, someone to talk to
about foolish things... relieve the monotony of my life.
Can I ask you a question, Esteban?
Has Lucita been your?
- No, I've always respected her.
I have to speak. I'd rather die than
live with this weight on my conscience.
The abbess isn't human.
She's the Devil incarnate...
...and I'm one of her creatures.
It was I who told her of you and Lucita.
She's always known everything,
thanks to me.
She's a viper. She's evil.
She enjoys seeing people suffer.
It was she who killed Josefa,
so that the blame would fall on Lucita.
What has happened to Lucita?
The Inquisitor has taken her to Seville.
She'll be condemned to death.
She is keeping you here
so that you can't save Lucita.
Your life is in danger, too. She's mad.
Save yourself. Flee.
Tomorrow I'll have a horse ready
and the gate open.
It's Satan incarnate who commands
in this convent.
I'll enlist even Satan's help
to save Lucita.
Is the abbess powerful or not?
- Certainly, if she's on your side.
I'll see that she is on my side.
Go, Joaquin.
You have soon forgotten
your great love.
Wasn't this what you wanted?
You and I are similar.
But you risked your life for her.
Now I'm risking it for you,
if they find me in your bed.
You are a surprise, Esteban.
If only you were sincere.
You have betrayed me.
I heard you talking to Esteban
last night.
Do you think you have done
a good thing?
You have been brave.
But what good will it do?
Will it soothe your conscience?
I don't need spies around me.
Cursed woman.
Cursed woman.
Why did you kill him?
Because he betrayed me last night,
as you know full well.
I don't need people like him.
I want slaves.
You, too, must die. You seduced me,
you're a demon. You abused me.
You seduced me last night. You enjoyed
taking me in your arms and kissing me.
My body was yours.
But what did you want from me?
My help for your beautiful Lucita?
You're naive. I'd rather die.
You'll pay for your misdeeds
sooner or later.
I don't know how mad you are,
but I'll still denounce you.
Who will believe the denunciation
of an excommunicated heretic...
...of a fleeing rebel...
...who will be hanged as soon as
he's found, and without trial.
Esteban. At last.
My friend, I'm so pleased to see you.
I thought you were dead,
killed by the cursed Inquisition.
Thank you for your friendship.
Now I need clothes,
a horse and weapons. Listen.
- We are faced with her confession.
The bishop can do nothing. Only
the Grand Inquisitor can save her life.
I only obtained permission to visit her.
Watch out, an Albornos.
Wait. I must talk to Don Alonzo.
- You won't talk to anyone. Take him.
Alonzo Fuentes, where are you?
Intervene. I come as a friend.
I come as a friend. I swear it.
Don Alonzo, listen. Lucita is innocent.
I discovered the truth at the convent
of San Valentino. I need your help.
Throw down your sword.
I have denounced the abbess
anonymously, as is usual now.
I, too, have been a victim of this,
as you well know.
The powerful Inquisition and fanatical
Father Onorio may investigate.
No. They'll suppress the scandal
and only condemn my daughter.
It's your fault if poor Lucita is
in danger of losing her life.
If to love is a fault,
then it is also my fault.
We can discuss this later.
Now we must act.
I'll return to the bishop and implore
the Queen's pardon.
Imploring the bishop or Queen
will achieve nothing.
What do you plan to do?
- Free Lucita from prison.
That's absurd.
- Give me some good men and I'll do it.
To save Lucita,
I'm ready to do anything.
You will have men and money.
If you succeed, I will thank you.
But don't ask me for anything else.
I haven't asked you for anything else.
Esteban, this is Pablo.
I know him. You can trust him.
Thank you.
You'll enter with me and
the other soldiers.
The password is: God and Spain.
I'll indicate the cell and that's all.
Remember: I've never seen you and
I don't know who you are.
I value my life. Let's go.
God and Spain.
Remember: God and Spain.
God and Spain.
Off you go.
Go away. Don't touch me.
If you touch me,
Satan will strike you with lightning.
Pablo, you told us the wrong cell.
Lucita Fuentes was here this morning.
Everything in order?
- Yes.
They must have taken her during the
changing of the guard. But where to?
Now you must go. Quickly.
I know, as I'm a friend of Lucifer.
Satan and Beelzebub will come for me.
I've seen those two.
The Father Inquisitor?
- Inside.
This anonymous denunciation doesn't
cover a tenth of what I've found here.
Vice, obscenity, fornication,
sacrilege, murder.
This house is possessed by the Devil.
And you are the Devil incarnate.
They found the body of the verger
at the bottom of the well.
They were buried in the garden,
all stabbed to death.
No. Let go of me. No.
She tried to flee,
most reverend Father.
This wasn't the work of only one
person. You all helped, all of you.
Why were these men murdered? Why?
She killed them afterwards.
- After what?
After they had been in her bed.
Then she killed them, all of them.
And you helped her. Shame on you.
Shame on you, foul creatures,
who are unworthy to live.
No. Death is only a small thing.
Your sins cannot be punished by death.
Something else is required.
Isidro, see that what I have ordered
is carried out at once.
You soldiers.
Do not utter one word of
what you have seen or heard here.
Swear it on the Bible.
This ignominy must not become
a cause for scandal.
It must not be talked of, ever.
You are all responsible for
what has been uncovered.
If that servant of the Devil
committed so many ignominies... endorsed them...
...either by helping her
because you were under her power...
...or by keeping silent
for fear of punishment.
I shall have no mercy.
There will be no trial,
no public condemnation.
The pure souls of good Christians...
...must not be perturbed
by the knowledge of such enormities.
You will never emerge alive
from this tomb.
No. You can't wall us in alive.
Back. Get back.
Back with you. Stop. Get back.
They are walling us in alive,
the cursed wretches.
The bishop has said I may visit my
daughter, but nothing is known of her.
She's disappeared. You cannot
keep her from seeing her father.
I would have permitted this myself...
...without disturbing the bishop.
But unfortunately...
what is it?
Has something happened?
Your daughter is no longer
in the hands of the Inquisition.
She is now
in the merciful hands of our Lord.
What is it you are saying?
- She is dead.
She died two days ago.
It was a sudden illness.
Divine justice was quicker
than earthly justice.
That's impossible.
Lucita was strong. She wasn't ill.
Perhaps her conscience sickened
because of the horrible crime committed.
Don Eusebio Gonzalo, prison physician.
Alfonso Fuentes, father of the wretched
woman who died the other day.
A pernicious illnes which caused her
to pass away in a few hours.
Delirium. Fever. Then her heart
suddenly stopped beating.
Alas, my science was to no avail.
I don't believe it. A daughter dies
and you don't even inform her father.
Is this Christian charity?
What world do you live in?
I at least want to have her clothes.
Everything was burned,
for fear of contagion.
But you can visit her grave.
She was buried yesterday evening.
This is a grace
which we wished to grant you.
I ask you to forgive me
for everything that has happened.
It is all my fault.
I kept you from loving that man.
I confined you in that cursed convent.
I lost my head, Lucita, when I learned
you loved an Albornos.
How could my pride accept
you marrying one of them?
So it was I who denounced him
to the Inquisition.
To distance him,
and so that you would hate him... wouldn't think of him, you'd
regard him as a murderer, a heretic.
My guess was right. Only you could
have denounced me, ruined our lives.
You may be able to forgive me,
but she will not be able to.
She will forgive you
if we succeed in saving her.
What are you saying? She's here.
I don't think so.
It's just a trick by the Inquisitor.
She was alive yesterday morning.
We know that.
They can kill her, certainly.
But if they have killed her,
I swear I will kill Onorio.
Just as it is true
that I did not kill Doloso.
The witch.
Lucita is alive.
They've hidden her to kill her later,
the cursed wretches. But where?
We must find out. But who from?
There is a person who knows all about
the Inquisition's actions. Let's ask him.
Water is safer than wine.
Remember: I don't have time to waste.
Speak quickly.
Otherwise, I'll torture you without
mercy. You know all about that.
So, where have they taken
Lucita Fuentes?
She's dead.
She's been dead for two days.
A spirit has told me
Lucita is not dead...
...and that her grave is occupied
by the corpse of a witch.
I know nothing.
Father Onorio never tells me anything.
I told you to speak, cursed wretch.
After confession, the Inquisition kills.
I will let you go.
I'm granting you favourable conditions.
So speak.
Come on. Speak.
She has been taken back to the convent.
The convent has been walled up.
They'll all die, if not already dead.
All? But only the abbess is guilty.
The other wretches aren't involved.
In Father Onorio's eyes,
they're all guilty.
You'll stay nicely here
until our return.
Don't bother to call out,
because no one passes by here.
Help. Help.
Me, too. I want some. Too.
Satan, my Lord.
Come away with me.
- No, no.
You mustn't abandon us.
We are your slaves, your worshippers.
We have done so much for you.
You mustn't abandon us now.
And you, who said you were powerful,
why don't you perform a miracle now?
Why don't you get us food and drink?
We have to die thanking you.
No, we are faithful. We love you.
Only you enjoyed the men we procured.
Now save us.
I'm always powerful.
I'm the one who gives the orders.
Cursed wretches. Bitches.
Water, water.
She's found water.
Her death is a sign from God.
I know what we have to do.
Away with you.
Yes. Let's go.
It's Lucita's fault. She's to blame.
She is responsible, not me.
If we kill her, we will be saved.
I will be saved,
because I will have destroyed evil.
Yes, she is the one responsible.
She killed Josefa, Joaquin, the others.
She's possessed by the Devil.
We must kill her.
Then we will be free again.
Forgive them.
They have lost their minds.
She is to blame. We are innocent.
We are innocent. You are the murderess.
Give these poor wretches
food and drink.
Help. Let me go.
Lucita, you were desired by men,
by Esteban, by me.
You'll never see Esteban's face again.
Lucita. My love.
My God. Have mercy on them.
To you, Rosario Asuncin de Molinas,
new abbess of San Valentino...
...God entrusts the heavy burden
of restoring sanctity and devotion... the convent reconsecrated by us.
Concerning the sisters among you
whose only fault was...
...not to resist evil, submitting to
the sufferance of the sins of others...
...l, Grand Inquisitor of Spain...
...with the special power conferred
on me by our sovereign Ferdinand II...
...and by the Supreme Roman Pontiff...
...command that you be freed, to return
to the Church of the Holy Mother.
We, too, are innocent.
It was the abbess.
Your faults will be judged by God
and by his court.
No, we are innocent.
You, Father Onorio de Mendoza...
...former Inquisitor of Seville...
...wished to present to us
your defence in writing. Read it out.
The accusation which has been made
against me today...
...of having been excessively zealous
and of having abused my power...
...I refute.
My words reflect my conscience,
here, in front of your holy cross.
What do you know of
Father Onorio de Mendoza?
I call as a witness bishop Doloso.
You refer to a dead man.
- More alive than many of the living.
He doesn't hide from me. He appears
before me always and approves of me.
At the assault on Granada,
a servant of Allah...
...killed dozens of Christians
with his sword.
In the end, he was wounded
and left for dead.
Look. Look.
I loved bishop Doloso,
because he saved me that day...
...and flung open the doors of truth.
From that day on, I have lived solely
to exalt the true faith of Christ.
May the blood of the pure like him
fall upon the wicked who killed him.
No one is innocent. We are all guilty.
We all have to pay
for the ignominy and sin.
They have invaded the earth.
They have invaded the earth.
Fanaticism is often nothing more
than the other face of madness.
There is no justice
without mercy and without forgiveness.
In the name of God, we decree:
That Esteban de Albornos be declared
innocent of bishop Doloso's murder.
The denunciation against him is false,
as confessed by the denunciator.
I shall expiate my guilt far from here,
in a monastery... decided by the Queen
in her mercy.
But I need your forgiveness, Esteban.
Now that I have Lucita,
you can ask of me anything you wish.
Go, forget me and be happy.
How can I forget you?
Together we shall succeed.