Sconosciuta, La (The Unknown Woman) (2006)

Turn around.
Okay, out.
Turn around.
Giorgia stays,
Samantha and her friend can go.
Turn around, slowly.
She'll do fine.
Thank you, dear, you can go.
This is vacant and furnished.
It was remodeled recently...
...but costs double the other,
and two months more advance.
Condominium costs are triple.
Best you know now,
when trucks pass, the place rattles.
You should take the other.
I'll take this.
May I help you?
- Good morning.
- Hi, Matteo.
Hello. Need maid?
- Where are you from?
- Ukraine.
- We don't need anyone.
- Ah.
- If you hear anything...
- Stop now and then and we'll see.
Many thanks.
What can you do?
clean, cook, wash, doing...
- Doing ironing.
- Are you ill? Hungry?
No, just need work.
- If you help me, I'll give 20%.
- Who do you take me for?
Better, 30, alright?
I'll give you 30%.
What people these days!
Come back through again.
- Sorry.
- Here you are.
Really love strawberries!
- A document, please.
- Yes.
- Give me your bag.
- Here.
- Irena Yaru...
- Yaroshenko, Irena Yaroshenko.
- This is okay.
- We're sorry, but we must...
What's this?
My savings.
- It goes off, don't know what to do.
- Must be broken.
Our apologies, Madame,
this can happen.
Nello, where are you going?
Are you thirsty?
I know you need a job,
if you're interested I'm leaving.
- Thanks, but I found one.
- Great!
- I can see for a friend.
- If you want.
- I just got my degree, I'll work
in a lawyer's office. - Congratulations!
You're lucky,
all jewelers here in Velarchi
don't usually take foreigners
into their homes.
Gina, would you do it
for that trifle?
Never! Besides
that stairway's a pigsty.
Okay, I get you!
Excellent job!
- When do I come?
- Tuesdays and Saturdays.
- So I give you 40 a week.
- Alright.
- What deposit to open the account?
- 8,000.
I heard you're looking for work.
My mother needs help.
Are you interested?
I have full week.
- I can see for a friend.
- Thank you.
Did you polish
the fourth floor doors and name plates?
I shouldn't?
It wasn't your job.
But since you work miracles,
you're forgiven.
Thank you and if you need me...
- Gina, Tea's out of vitamins.
- I know, I'll get some.
- Have a good day.
- Bye, Madame.
Stairs, stairs, stairs...
- The elevator works.
- Makes me feel panicky.
I can't breathe,
so stairs, stairs...
I live on staircases!
There's another small job.
An apartment's been painted,
needs cleaning, organizing.
- Where?
- Third floor, apt. 6.
- How much should I ask?
- More you ask, the better for us both.
Alright, so we'll see you on Monday.
- Have a good meal.
- Thanks.
I can't stand her silence!
Only talks to her daughter,
she's a grouch with others.
How can she never talk?
- Must have problems.
- No shortage there.
- What does Mr. Donato do?
- They have a jeweler's lab.
He's director, she designs and engraves.
She's good, but no company.
If you like, we could go out.
I'm free only
Thursday afternoons and Sundays.
Why not?
Although I know nothing about you...
What's all that ruckus?
It's Valeria.
- Why not work in the outside lab?
- She's separated.
Not all who separate
set up labs in their homes!
Before too, what fighting!
There was peace only
when they went to the country.
She did her whole pregnancy there.
Yeah... Me too...
I can't talk right now.
Can I call you back?
Talk to you later.
Stop, thief!
Stop, thief!
Be right back.
May I help you?
- Actually I said 8mm.
- 42!
- 42! Where's 42?
- Me!
- Duplicates of all three
plus the remote. - Alright.
Make a copy of everything.
- Something wrong?
- No.
Meantime, can I pay?
- 60 euros...
- That man's first. - Sorry.
- The short one is out.
I don't have this one. - Are you sure?
It's been ordered.
You'll get me fired.
Wait, maybe there's a way.
- Feeling ill?
- I'm better now.
I don't like
going to the movies alone.
- Why not go with the girl?
- She wants just cartoons!
Maybe she's too young.
She'll be 4 on Sunday.
If I give her a savings account?
- Bank accounts earn nothing.
- No, that's not the purpose.
Every month
I'll deposit what I can set aside... when she's 18
she'll have a nest egg.
- Like some?
- Yes.
She'll know best
how to make the most of it.
Sorry, what a mess!
I'm sorry!
Don't worry...
That's a future day.
She'll have a nice sum.
Sounds like a good gift.
She'll like it.
Won't breathe a word, I swear!
You'll end up bad, believe me!
It's 3 years now you've been looking
and looking... What for?
Questions right and left...
You're sick!
Just look at that!
Madame, this is Matteo.
Nothing serious... forgot to set the alarm.
Yes, all's okay.
It gave me a scare!
Yes, I'll set it.
Can a real dream exist
among so many nightmares?
I'm real! Feel me?
It's me, Nello,
flesh, bones, skin, nerves.
Nightmares can be forgotten.
Trust me, I'll take you away
from all that mess.
- Kra-sa-vi-ca!
- Krasavica.
Maybe someday
I can forget my nightmares.
They're mine, it's easier,
but you?
Meaning? Talk plain.
Not enough money.
Now that I finished apt. 6,
you have to help me.
Be patient.
- Hello.
- Hi, Matteo.
How many jewelers
work in their homes here?
Except the third floor, all of them.
Don't they need someone to help
around the house...
...or substitute old housekeepers?
It's not easy
and for a foreigner it's even worse.
They all have trusted help.
- Morning!
- Morning!
Your friend Gina's been there forever,
she'll never be sent away.
Stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs...
Hello, Gina!
How did the party go?
Well, just like
every child's birthday:
...the more kids have fun,
the more adults think of old age.
Did she like the gift?
- Her mother was astonished.
- And the girl?
She didn't understand it.
Taken with her new toys...
But no matter,
one day she'll realize.
- She got another bump on the head.
- What?
She has a rare disease
inhibiting her defense mechanisms.
She's always bruised.
If something falls on her,
she doesn't protect herself.
If she falls,
she doesn't stop herself.
- There must be some cure.
- Doctors say there isn't.
She just has to be careful.
There's worse.
- I have to go now.
- See you later. - Bye.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
Yes, she'll do fine.
You're Irena?
- Sojourner's permit?
- All in order.
- 32... Are you married, children?
- Married, no children.
- Your husband?
- He works in Ukraine.
- Can you cook?
- Yes.
What, for example?
Cutlets, pasta with pesto,
spaghetti Bottarga style...
...fruit pies of all kinds.
- How strange.
- Don't you like pies?
- No, the contrary!
- Do you have experience
with small children? - Yes.
- Have you taken care of them often?
- Very often.
You sound perfect!
Gina and the porter
have spoken very highly of you.
Let's do a trial period,
then we'll see.
- When do you want me to start?
- Is Monday alright?
Perfect, thank you.
- Ah! One very important thing!
- Yes.
- Can you drive?
- Absolutely!
- Is this okay?
- Better.
- Now into second.
- Yes.
- Did we have to come here?
- Not a soul yesterday.
Turn at the roundabout.
Just go away!
Careful! Want an accident?
I like you! You and me
will do great things together.
So I want a stage name for you.
Something special.
like the song.
# Giorgia, Giorgia. #
Like it?
Untie me, even just one hand,
and I'll answer.
You've got great eyes.
Who is it? Hello?
This is the laundry room.
Sorry for the mess...
The washer leaks when it spin-dries.
I have to get it fixed.
There's a small problem
with the hood.
When you turn it on from here,
you have to hit it or it won't start.
- Where do I turn off the gas?
- Oh, yeah, sure...
For the first weeks...
...can you work on Thursdays too?
- Of course.
Do I change the sheets here
every week too?
No, this was Gina's room,
no one sleeps there now.
I work here.
For no reason whatever
you set foot in here...
...or touch anything in my absence.
- Even to wash the floor?
- Nothing at all. - Fine.
It's nothing, sweetie.
- You're bad!
- It wasn't on purpose. - I'm sorry.
It's nothing, sweetheart.
I didn't see her...
I never want to see her again,
You got knocked up!
I told you to be careful.
You're all the same!
You said to excite him
even without...
You dirtied my shirt,
you'll pay for it!
The tangler does the untangling.
- Madame, excuse me.
- Come in.
The collar of this blouse
is ruined, what do I do?
What can you do? Throw it out.
Too bad, it looked nice on me.
I can turn it around.
- You can do that too?
- It's not hard.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Wait, let me finish
the link on this bracelet.
Irena, the new maid.
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening. Alright.
Daddy! Daddy!
- Did you bring me the castle?
- Forgive me, I forgot.
- Leave the room, please,
go to the child. - Immediately.
Tea, want a snack?
I want to know why!
That's no way to talk!
It is!
I don't recognize anything here!
Lower your voice!
What, lower my voice? Whore!
- How dare you?
- How dare I?
I know you've got
your own friggin' stuff.
Oh, just stop it, please!
Hi, Tea!
Are you sorry to see me?
Mommy couldn't come.
Let's go.
You're right, I was a dumbbell.
How can I set things right?
- You tricked my mother.
- How?
You can't drive, I'll tell her.
Good, so you'll be rid of me...
...but it's not my fault
you don't know how to fall.
I'll tell her you peek
when she argues with your father...
...then you hide and cry.
- Hi, Mommy!
- Hello, sweetheart!
How are you?
How did it go?
- Fine.
- Good girl!
Now go with Irena...
...I'm doing urgent work.
See you later.
- Go look in your room.
- Why? - Go!
Wow! The princess castle!
- Thank you.
- Your father brought it.
Did you call Daddy?
Sure, I'm not like you
who never calls him.
Irena, the spin-dry!
- So now you can dial Daddy's number!
Good girl! - Yes.
Do you fancy going to the pool
for the swimming lessons?
Yeah, but I'd rather...
One rag's not enough!
- Alright, it's all in order.
- Or there'll be a lake.
Did you get the pail?
- Did much water leak?
- None.
- Is this a miracle?
- I changed the rubber...
You're fantastic,
the end of a nightmare!
If that's all, I'll clean up
the kitchen and leave.
No, wait.
Your relationship
with Tea is better now.
Could you stay with her
until around midnight?
- Please go, I have no schedule.
- Good.
I know it was you.
- What?
- The present.
Why didn't you tell me?
I thought you'd be happier
to think it was from your father.
You changed hair color three times... when you were born,
then red and, at one year, brown.
Your eyes, black, green, brown!
My goodness!
Know any lullabies?
- Lullabies... Yes, one.
- Sing it to me!
- Hiya! Hiya!
- Hello!
- You even organized the store room!
- I emptied it because it was flooded.
- It's all to throw out.
- Not my things!
Remember these?
- It's beautiful!
- It's unrecognizable.
How fantastic!
How did you do it in three days?
It's perfect!
Irena, the towels!
I washed everything,
there was no time.
It's chilly! Thanks.
My compliments, Madame.
May I say,
you have a young girl's body.
That's foolishness!
- Donato, you'll make her fall.
- Yes sir, Colonel!
I'm happy you and your husband...
Even Tea is much more relaxed.
Rub some cream on my back, please.
We're silly, I formalize with you
and you with me...
Why don't we simply stop it?
As you wish, Madame.
That wasn't a compliment earlier,
you do have a nice body.
Doesn't seem you've ever had a baby.
Tea, careful!
- Don't run like that!
- Don't terrorize her.
If she falls, she'll get up!
We're keeping her
from always getting hurt.
Leave her free to move.
Isn't there a cure?
She's not ill,
get it in your heads!
Irena, what's your husband like?
- My husband?
- You never talk about him.
Daddy! Hi!
Drop me at the bus stop.
- We'll take you home.
- Don't bother.
So we can see where you live.
Another time, I'll just walk.
Oh, come on!
Irena, wait!
I'll come with you,
so we can talk.
- Something wrong?
- No, nothing.
It was really tough
convincing them to take you...
...many had better requisites.
I see, our deal's no good anymore?
No, I just thought
you might be a little nicer to me.
Let me help you.
Live around here?
Listen, Matteo: of today I'll give you
But stay away from me.
I have something important to ask.
Are you up to staying
a week alone with Tea?
Before Christmas
I need some time alone.
- You owe me no explanations, alright.
- Good.
You'll have special payment,
of course.
I'll leave you an amount
for the food shopping.
For any other needs
call Mr. Donato at the lab.
- Alright.
- Wait a moment. - Yes.
- You can call me at any time.
- It'll be fine.
I'm worried about Tea,
never let her out of your sight.
Maybe it's better if she doesn't go
to school. What do you think?
I don't think so,
too many changes...
Is Friday the last day before vacation,
or Saturday? No, Friday.
Don't tell her anything,
she'll ask too many questions.
- One last thing...
- Yes?
It's been a long time
since I went to Villa Robinia.
I'll do it, you try to be happy.
- What did you do?
- Me? Nothing.
Here you are!
I didn't know where else to look.
- I told you I would come to class
for her. - She ran off.
I understand that,
it's the rest I don't understand!
They pushed me down the stairs.
If this happens again,
you'll be in serious trouble.
- Still hurt?
- Yes.
The next time you have to react,
beat them up.
What about the story
of the cheek?
If someone slaps you,
they can slap the other cheek too.
That's what the ones
who start the fights say.
You must defend yourself,
and protect yourself when you fall.
- If you want to know, you must do
everything I say. - I accept.
Let's shake.
We should celebrate.
- I bet you like strawberries.
- You win!
I knew it.
The pediatrician says I can't eat them.
You won't tell my mother?
I'd betray our pact.
I keep secrets.
- Hurt you?
- No.
- Is this the game of salami?
- Sort of.
Get up.
I'll help you.
Good girl!
Up you go!
Come on.
By yourself!
Now alone.
Come on, up!
Come on, Tea! Get up!
Good girl. Get up.
- Good.
- I did it, now stop!
Get up by yourself!
Up you go!
- You're bad!
- By yourself!
Get up!
Again! Get up!
Come on, get up!
Come on, Tea! Come on!
- I'll tell my mother, I'll get you fired.
- Will you get me fired?
- Who'll you get fired?
- You're horrible!
You're bad!
- Again!
- You're bad!
Again! Again!
- Get up! Get up!
- Stop, please!
- Again!
- Stop it!
Get up, come on!
Again! Get up!
Whore! Whore! Whore!
Good girl!
See, you can do it?
Why didn't you slap me before?
Why didn't you do it before?
You're good, understand?
Come with me.
Tell Mrs. Adacher
she's one payment in arrears.
- I've just paid.
- Oh, sorry.
Here we are.
Here's the nicest guest
at Villa Robinia.
Gina, do you recognize me?
It's useless.
If it's not cold...
...she can go out for some air.
It'll do her good.
I'm sorry.
I know you'll never forgive me...
...but if I didn't go my way
I'd have died myself.
I'll repay you somehow.
That's small for a large branch,
put it higher.
Sure, Madame President.
Put the star on top.
- Mr. Donato, staying for dinner?
- Well, Madame President?
It won't hurt you
to spend an evening with me.
- Want to eat with us?
- I don't think so.
- Daddy, you tell her too.
- Don't be a pest.
If I'm the president,
why do you always decide?
Irena, please...
Who taught you to cook so well?
No one, I've read lots of recipes.
- I'm still hungry!
- He's hungry!
- Now I need 3 kids!
- Me, me!
You, you and you!
- No, Tea!
- Let her go.
Let's help him digest, jump!
What a stink!
Get up.
Get up.
It's useless, leave me alone.
- Slap me, punch me!
- Please, stop!
I'll do everything,
but I want to go out.
I can never do it.
It's ages since he worked.
- Didn't even get his money.
- Where can I look?
Who knows?
A picture with Santa Claus?
Come on!
Get closer to Mommy.
- But really she's...
- What is it? - Nothing.
- Keep still...
- Smile...
A nice smile... Done!
Hi, sweetie!
How are you?
You're so elegant!
- Merry Christmas, Madame.
- Thanks, Matteo. - Goodbye.
Let me see you.
- What's this here?
- Nothing.
- What did you do to your arm?
- Nothing.
Irena, what happened?
It was the rope on the swings... know me.
- Yes, honey.
- What do I fix?
- I forgot, we're dining out.
Thanks, Irena. If you're done,
you can go, we'll talk tomorrow.
- Alright. Have a good evening.
- Thanks.
- Who'll you eat with tonight?
- With friends.
Why don't you ever let me
meet your friends?
I don't think you'd have any fun.
- See you tomorrow?
- Why shouldn't we?
Everything is back the way it was.
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Who is it?
Holy Christ! What happened to you?
Come inside.
You won't go to the hospital,
or the police...
You've got yourself
into some dirty business.
Let me stay here a few days.
- Want to get me in trouble too?
- Only if you don't help me.
I'm sorry,
before daylight you're gone.
And forever, hear me?
First though, I want to say goodbye
to all the tenants.
Just so you get out.
So I can tell them
the tale of the dust of gold.
What are you...?
They should've beaten you harder!
Come on in.
- Like it?
- Day and night in here?
Honey, it's for your own good.
Lucrezia will see you get fresh air.
Italian cooking.
- Here.
- For me? - Mh.
- How did you know I love red ones?
- I watch you, study you.
Sometimes I have a heavy hand...
...but you're special to me.
You have to do me a favor,
I've got a few friends...
- But I...
- They're a little peculiar.
Then absolute rest,
right to the last week.
Who's first?
I brought you the medicine...
and some chocolate.
Tell Mrs. Adacher...
...that I have the flu
and I can't work for a while.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
- Not even once?
- No, I always aborted.
You mustn't care much for yourself.
Too bad, at your age...
- What do you mean?
- You can no longer have children.
Excuse me.
Does this go to Velarchi?
- Yes, Madame.
- Good.
All I know is you have to be careful,
there are too many rumors.
The men aren't having fun anymore,
they say you always cry.
The winds have changed, Giorgia,
cover your back.
"Mold" is kind and sweet,
but when he doesn't need you...
What more could he do?
Get rid of me?
We each make of our lives
what we choose.
Don't deny the condemned a last wish.
Give me that name.
It's me, it wouldn't open.
She's been looking for you all day.
- Need any help?
- No, thanks. - Do you need any doctor?
- How's Tea? - You won't believe it,
but she has a fever too.
She's here, I'll put her on.
- Hi.
- What an awful voice!
- See, I'm sick like you?
When are you coming back? - Soon.
- Why don't you come now? Bundle up.
- I can't, honey.
Sing me that song
that I can't understand...
...but that makes me sleep so much.
- Alright.
- Are you under the covers?
- Yes.
- You're happy this evening.
- Happens.
Two guys came asking for you today.
- I said you don't work here anymore.
- Good.
There's another thing.
The family is looking for a new maid.
You should cut out.
I've warned you.
I feel I'm in a place
where you walk and walk...
...but you're always in the same spot.
You can't find the exit, if there is one.
Every step you take is a mistake.
I've made lots of mistakes...
...a lifetime isn't long enough
to pay for them all.
But believing that someone like me...
...could still have a future
was my biggest mistake.
That's the reason I should die,
not for that animal.
This is for Nello.
I'd do it again, I have no remorse,
just fear...
...because I thought
I'd settled accounts with my past.
But I guess the past
hasn't settled accounts with me.
I've tired you enough for today.
Thank you, bye.
- I see you're healed.
- I'm better.
This morning's my first time out,
I'd have called this afternoon.
How are you?
What did you do to your face?
Thinking so much about you,
I fell too.
- Have you found a new maid?
- What are your intentions?
- There have been some robberies
in the condominium. - Really?
It would be best
if you give me back the keys.
- It's for your own good.
- Of course!
- I'm always home, I'll open to you.
- Sure.
Want something to drink?
Kids, Tea, are you thirsty?
I got you a new cartoon.
Can't you see we're playing?
Leave us alone!
Why do you treat me so badly?
Teach me hide-and-seek.
...4, 5, 6...
...7, 8, 9, 10!
Where are you hiding?
Where's Tea?
Tea, come out!
What happened? What's wrong?
Calm down!
What's wrong?
What happened?
They've kidnapped the child.
What are you saying?
Where were you?
Answer me!
I won, you couldn't find me!
I'm sorry.
- It's over.
- Can I help you?
Convince your mother
to let me stay here tonight.
- You scared of the newspaper man?
- Just to stay with you.
Okay, but if she says yes,
can we make peace?
We've already made peace, my love.
- Hurry, we're late!
- Don't run!
Now how do we get to school?
You got yourself fired.
I'd have bet.
It's been bad news
since you set foot here.
Let me stay a few more days.
Where do I put you?
It's all flooded downstairs.
And I want no trouble,
you're too dangerous.
- You're ungrateful.
- I always respected our pacts.
The money? I'll give it back.
You never understood,
I love you.
The two of us will go far.
Already decided
how you'll have me killed?
What? You know
I always liked you.
Too bad you've become
a little bizarre.
Who knows where
we might have wound up!
Right where we are now...
the end.
- There's still some time.
- Then let's drink.
If it's the last time,
I want to get drunk with you.
Why do they call you Mold?
Take your hands off me.
Want me to talk to Mrs. Adacher?
She'll have you back.
I'm too old for you.
What are you doing?
Don't be afraid.
- Give a kiss to Daddy.
- Bye-bye.
- How are you?
- I tried, but she's angry, afraid.
- Of what?
- Of you.
- What did you do to my mother?
- Nothing.
Aren't you hiding
something from me too?
I love you,
I'd do anything for you.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I was just saying hello.
- Please...
- I understand.
She wants to come back,
but Mommy said no.
You need patience,
that's how my wife is.
She'll get over it.
It's small,
but brought me so much luck...
I prepared my exams here
and wrote my thesis.
The rent's low, so I kept it.
Be great if you took it!
- Where do those stairs go?
- A service exit.
Shut up!
Think it'd be easy
to kill a guy like me?
A few scissor stabs and bye-bye,
like the movies?
We can't all be good like you.
Since you ran away,
I've had time... think how to get rid of you.
Now, I've got a couple of ideas
how to kill you.
- Pick the one you like best
and get it over with. - In time!
I'm more generous than you, Giorgia.
If you answer me, I give my word
I'll leave you in peace.
- Where's the money?
- What money? I don't know anything.
Go! Go!
Don't come in!
I should have known who you were,
that it was blackmail.
How much do you want?
I don't want anything.
What are you after?
Friendship and comprehension?
Get this in your head...
...I'll never let you steal
my daughter from me.
- Your daughter?
- Yes, she's my daughter.
Resign yourself, it's all legal.
You can't do anything.
I'm her mother by all legal rights.
Say an amount.
I don't want
anything from you, Madame.
Then leave my daughter alone.
Never show your face here again!
Give back the keys to the car.
And these?
The house keys.
You're a terrible thief too.
You gave them to me already.
Who's the newspaper man?
Go away, Madame.
Get lost or you'll be sorry,
you and whoever's behind you!
You're in over your head.
You've no idea the money
we could've made on this.
- Don't you dare, she's not in this.
- But she's dangerous.
Cough up the dough!
One week, or you're done for!
I know you,
you'll get rid of me anyway.
Believe me, sweetheart,
you'd be better off.
I could have done it
lots of times...
...but I never wanted to take her away.
I just wanted to be near her,
that was enough.
Watch her grow,
see how she was like her father.
Maybe I should have done
like so many others...
...who make a scandal...
...and take back what's theirs.
Maybe I still could.
Why do you always make me sign?
Why do you always make me sign?
Hear that?
It's a few days now.
So she can walk!
It's important she can communicate.
- Do you have an appointment?
- Well, no...
...but Mr. Adacher knows me,
I worked for his wife.
- Look...
- Just 5 minutes, it's urgent.
Alright, I'll see what I can do.
- Are you Irena Yaroshenko?
- Yes.
I'm sorry,
but Mr. Adacher can't see you.
Has something happened?
Keep going! Again, again!
- Hello, Mr. Adacher.
- Hello.
It's good you came,
I'd have looked for you.
I wanted to come earlier,
but was afraid of disturbing.
Don't worry.
- How's Tea?
- Not very well.
She's jittery,
asks lots of questions..., when Valeria will return
from the trip we invented.
Has she missed a lot of school?
She's at my sisters',
but doesn't like being there.
She also asks about you.
If you like, I could keep her company
a few hours a day...
Actually I wanted to ask you
to return full time.
There's a room for you
in our new house.
It would make Tea happy.
Giorgia, you really like moving.
Those who leave their country
move house a thousand times.
Nice ditty, but cut the bullshit.
Where's the money?
Who says then you'll let me go?
I swore to God
I'd break your neck...
...but if He can turn a blind eye...
- Just you and me.
- You never spoke such love.
Too bad.
Trust me now?
These go in the study,
this needs fixing.
- How are you?
- Fine and you?
Better, now that I see you.
I'll show you your room.
- See how big it is?
- Where's Mommy's room?
We'll go later.
How do I arrange your furniture?
Come on, darling,
we'll invent lots of things.
There's not much to invent,
I want everything like before.
What did you do to your hands?
It's for you.
- Are you Irena Yaroshenko?
- Yes.
Come with us to the station.
- Why?
- A communication. - Alright.
What's the matter?
I'll be right back.
Let me keep this one, please!
What's it to you? I'll work
the whole time, just let me keep it!
Leave me alone!
Forget it, hear me?
Do you have a license?
I must have left it home,
but I know the number. RC 3097...
- Recognize it?
- Yes.
And this?
How was your relationship
with Mrs. Valeria Corsini Adacher?
When did you see her last?
Believe me, I liked her.
But you had violent arguments.
She wasn't happy with my work,
it happens.
What about your fingerprints
on the dashboard?
She drove that car everyday.
Counselor, the shoe, the license...
I dropped them.
How's that figure with the accident?
Mrs. Adacher
ran off the road...
...because the brakes and the engine
were tampered with.
It wasn't an accident,
it's a homicide.
I don't even know
where a car's brakes are!
It's obvious
Irena Yaroshenko is innocent.
The evidence is flimsy.
What's "alright" mean?
We didn't convince them.
What place is this?
Five steps from the watering trough,
towards the dog's grave.
- That's where the money is.
- Dog's grave, the trough...
What the hell's this,
a treasure hunt?
- You're close.
- So, you fucker, start digging!
What can I do with you?
Pick up the shovel!
Your mother's cunt!
He's the guilty one
you're looking for.
Believe me now?
Why should he have wanted
to do all this?
To punish me.
Maybe I don't remember,
maybe it's over there.
What do you mean "over there"?
More this way, more that way...
You gotta come up with the money!
He kept us like slaves.
If we didn't bring
the sum he expected...
...he'd hang us naked upside down
and pee on us.
And the gifts?
The times I got pregnant.
It was his way of treating me nice:
perfume, cellphones, shoes...
And at the end 4 or 500 euros.
At the end?
When the deal was closed.
Did you know the people
these deals were made with?
No, from the fourth month
I was locked in...
...I didn't see anybody,
he did everything.
- Explain that.
- Mold would procure the buyers.
The first time I got pregnant by chance
and he found them at the eighth month.
After that, it was always organized.
- Meaning?
- The buyers chose one of us.
Then, the chosen girl
took no more precautions...
...and got pregnant.
- How many times were you...?
Nine babies in twelve years.
The last one is Tea Adacher.
Try again, push!
- Good!
- Come on! Good, this way!
- Here it comes!
- Here!
Come on, honey!
Good, you did well!
Show me the baby.
Show me the baby.
I'll take it.
Show me the baby.
Look at it...
...and forget it.
How can you be so sure
Tea Adacher is your daughter?
Her birth date is
three days after my delivery.
Usually it takes longer
to register them.
That's not sufficient proof.
No one ever saw Mrs. Adacher
during the pregnancy...
...there's not one picture of her
with a belly.
Every mother has one!
Nor the analyses you do
when you're expecting.
Absurd, isn't it? Tea doesn't look like
either of her parents.
- In fact she's their adopted daughter.
- What makes you sure?
I saw the adoption certificate,
they kept it in the safe.
Tell the judge what your feelings were
towards the Adachers.
I loved them, they'd given my daughter
the future that I never could have.
How did you find the Adachers?
In Velarchi there are
...but they were the only ones
with a child of that age.
How did you discover that
the name of the presumed buyers...
...was Adacher?
- The obstetrician told me.
Genna Lucrezia,
do you know Yaroshenko Irena?
They called her Giorgia, right?
Did you tell the judge?
- Yes, I know her.
- Mh.
There's a contradiction
in the statements of you both.
You saw those who chose
and took the children.
I didn't see anyone!
I don't know about any babies.
- You're sick!
- We were at your house... were cooking eggplant,
you said: "Adacher, in Velarchi".
- I can't cook eggplant.
- In your statement you say Adacher.
How did you come to know this name?
She badgered, wanting to know
things I didn't know.
She was unbearable, she wanted me
to convince Mold to talk.
I went one day...
Give that bitch the name!
I don't know the name.
What's the name...
I need an original name.
Say Adacher in Velarchi.
So that's what I told you.
Can't be,
she just wants revenge.
Oh, gosh!
Your decision to collaborate
was useful...
...but I'm afraid
lots of things can't be overlooked.
I reached my goal,
the rest doesn't matter.
You all were great.
I'd like to ask a question...
By now you know all about me.
Go ahead.
Didn't you ever think
about finding your children...
...the others too?
- No, just the last one.
- How come?
- I don't know.
Maybe because I knew
who the father was.
Lately however
I've been thinking of the others too.
All I know's their age,
I make up the rest.
If I hadn't found Tea,
maybe I'd have looked for them too.
I have something to tell you also.
Go ahead.
The DNA shows
that Tea is not your daughter.
That document was only
a request for fosterage.
You should have noticed
the child's name was missing.
It's a fully legal adoption...
...the natural mother
disappeared after delivery.
The judge has asked me to make you
a very particular proposal.
You've no obligation to say yes.
Don't you know me?
Are you mad at me?
Forgive me.
I had to go to my country, far away.
You take trips too.
You're not a good nanny...
...before you'd have asked
my mother's permission.
I'm getting old, I forget things.
- Next time ask me.
- Sure, Madame President.
What's wrong?
I went down, this time
I don't know who to beat up.
Is that why you don't want to eat?
When you fall
and you don't know who pushed you...
...take it out on the first you meet,
but never on yourself.
This time
you didn't bring me a present.
That's true, but I worked
to get you one that's very big.
It's a secret for now, but in a while
you'll be really surprised.
- How long?
- You'll be a grown, beautiful girl.
Is it possible to wait so long?
Sure, important things
take lots of patience.
So, you have to eat to grow up.
You won't need a nanny
to help you eat... pick your clothes out in the morning.
You'll do everything by yourself.
Are you saying
you won't stay with me?
A maid is never forever,
sooner or later she leaves...
...or gets fired.
I haven't fired you.
I know,
but I had to take another job.
Give it up
or find a way to get fired.
That's hard,
it isn't a job like the others.
If you hurry and learn to write,
we'll exchange lots of letters.
And you'll tell me
how it feels to become a woman.
You should know.
I was too distracted in my life...
...I didn't even realize.
So the things you taught me
are things you made up?
- Sometimes.
- You grown-ups can't be trusted.
- Are you ill?
- No.
I'll do it myself.
Good luck!